View Full Version : Why are white people the only people...

03-16-2015, 08:33 AM
Who are afforded the luxury of being judged as an individual, yet no one else whether you talkin about blacks, asians, latinos, arabs, or whoever else are afforded the same luxury?

Why is when some terrorist do some shit, or some black criminal do some shit or some Mexican do some shit, suddenley all blacks/muslims/latinos are responsible for not stopping this random person they have never ever even seen before in their lives?

I mean what kinda bs is this? :biggums:

And its always white people talkin that shit too.

"Why does the black community always do this", like all black people responsible for a black hoe punching some girl. Acting like she used the collective power of all black people in her fists who gave her their energy like some DBZ spirit bomb shit.

I mean come on....:facepalm

Weare all human. Each and every person is as responsible for others as anyone else. No one is more responsible for someone just because they have the same amount of chemical in their skin which makes their skin shades similar. Gtfo with that shit.

03-16-2015, 08:37 AM
stop wasting oxygen already

03-16-2015, 09:25 AM
They aren't you moron. The only sensible way to judge any person is as an individual, as something unique.

And whites are constantly generalised also:

'white people are privileged' - despite there being lots of homeless white guys, despite Slavs being some of the most oppressed people in human history.

'white people get away with crime' - despite many whites being in prison

'why are there so many white males in politics, in boardrooms' et cetera - who cares?

'white people can't jump'

i could go on and on. Basically, your thread is a paragon of imbecility.

03-16-2015, 09:35 AM
It's not the color of skin, it's the perceived black culture that rubs people the wrong way, the thug life. I have several black friends who act no different than anyone else and lead good lives. It's the ones that yell world star while attacking innocent people or steal because they feel entitled. There are bad white, yellow, brown, red people that do these things to, but the black thug culture seems to revel in it and be proud of it while flaunting it. That is the problem.

03-16-2015, 10:33 AM
Dat white privilege.

03-16-2015, 01:23 PM
Sweggeh, fix up your consciousness. The world is a mirror of your reality, and saying why are "whites" and not "yellows".. is like saying I'M NOT ANGRY WITH steam out of ears.

Your hindbrain is currently still participating in collective judgment vs individual judgment. That's okay. Most people cluster.

Sharpen your ethical skillset, disregard opinions of the mainstream populace, compel citizens of other "races" to partake in more individual philosophies and proceed.

03-16-2015, 01:50 PM
white people are only people that dont give fk ** what peoples say and dont blame everone else for there problem .. people say i cant play basketbalsl becuse im white and i cant speaking english becuse im from icleand .. i dnt give a fk** i well still dunk over your ass and speak english 1000% better then your ass i am so happy im white becuse i would rather kill myself than be feminist woman who bitch about everone becuse there girl and blame all there problems becuse there woman

03-16-2015, 01:57 PM
I've come up to the conclusion that... black people > white people.

03-16-2015, 01:58 PM
Who are afforded the luxury of being judged as an individual, yet no one else whether you talkin about blacks, asians, latinos, arabs, or whoever else are afforded the same luxury?

Why is when some terrorist do some shit, or some black criminal do some shit or some Mexican do some shit, suddenley all blacks/muslims/latinos are responsible for not stopping this random person they have never ever even seen before in their lives?

I mean what kinda bs is this? :biggums:

And its always white people talkin that shit too.

"Why does the black community always do this", like all black people responsible for a black hoe punching some girl. Acting like she used the collective power of all black people in her fists who gave her their energy like some DBZ spirit bomb shit.

I mean come on....:facepalm

Weare all human. Each and every person is as responsible for others as anyone else. No one is more responsible for someone just because they have the same amount of chemical in their skin which makes their skin shades similar. Gtfo with that shit.

:cry: :cry: :cry:

03-16-2015, 02:10 PM
I've come up to the conclusion that... black people > white people.
your probably right . i see black peoples and i think , wow, so big ***** and so many good black peoples play basketballs , but i cry becuse some black peoples act like feminist , wow i well not wish that to my worst enemy , why are the blame everone else and cry becuse the world are so unfair . even white man know to not act like woman feminist .so many black and woman and jew and muslam they all take inspirition from peroid crying feminist woman and that make my sad go to the basketballs court and proof your better dont crying

03-16-2015, 03:45 PM
I've come up to the conclusion that... black people > white people.

take a trip to africa.......then tell us about it


03-16-2015, 04:35 PM
take a trip to africa.......then tell us about it


Take a millenial trip down the continent of mankind's origin and witness the grand Egyptian and Nubian empire you fukking lemming.

03-16-2015, 04:38 PM
Tell this to a white person that grew up in a hillbilly backwoods trailerpark that has poor grammar/dental hygiene do to their upbringing. See how they're judged when they go in for a job interview at a fortune 500 company despite having all of the qualifications.

03-16-2015, 05:06 PM
Tell this to a white person that grew up in a hillbilly backwoods trailerpark that has poor grammar/dental hygiene do to their upbringing. See how they're judged when they go in for a job interview at a fortune 500 company despite having all of the qualifications.

Speaking of that.

Matt Kroc and Gary Cooper and Charlton Heston come from similar backgrounds in Michigan and they are truly worthy of respect.

03-17-2015, 03:21 AM
Take a millenial trip down the continent of mankind's origin and witness the grand Egyptian and Nubian empire you fukking lemming.

how can i travel back in time ? :confusedshrug:

Im so nba'd out
03-17-2015, 03:27 AM
your probably right . i see black peoples and i think , wow, so big ***** and so many good black peoples play basketballs , but i cry becuse some black peoples act like feminist , wow i well not wish that to my worst enemy , why are the blame everone else and cry becuse the world are so unfair . even white man know to not act like woman feminist .so many black and woman and jew and muslam they all take inspirition from peroid crying feminist woman and that make my sad go to the basketballs court and proof your better dont crying
Theoo putting everything into perspective :oldlol:

03-17-2015, 03:52 AM
Why is when some terrorist do some shit, or some black criminal do some shit or some Mexican do some shit, suddenley all blacks/muslims/latinos are responsible for not stopping this random person they have never ever even seen before in their lives?

Nobody hold them responsible for stopping anything what are you talking about. :lol

03-17-2015, 04:42 AM
Who are afforded the luxury of being judged as an individual, yet no one else whether you talkin about blacks, asians, latinos, arabs, or whoever else are afforded the same luxury?

Why is when some terrorist do some shit, or some black criminal do some shit or some Mexican do some shit, suddenley all blacks/muslims/latinos are responsible for not stopping this random person they have never ever even seen before in their lives?

I mean what kinda bs is this? :biggums:

And its always white people talkin that shit too.

"Why does the black community always do this", like all black people responsible for a black hoe punching some girl. Acting like she used the collective power of all black people in her fists who gave her their energy like some DBZ spirit bomb shit.

I mean come on....:facepalm

Weare all human. Each and every person is as responsible for others as anyone else. No one is more responsible for someone just because they have the same amount of chemical in their skin which makes their skin shades similar. Gtfo with that shit.

Because White people are the majority IN THE COUNTRY YOU LIVE IN. Go to India or China and see if they don't lump european looking people into group identities. They do. the irony of your question is you lumping all white people into 1 category and making a group judgment about the way they are identified. Which White people? Germans? the British? the French? the Spanish? Russians? All of these enthic groups are judged collectively by the other groups. Try being an Italian in Austria and tell me they don't think of you in based on what they think they know about Italians.

Ultimately you are in control of your own feelings. If you get judged as part of a group and not as an individual... so what. Stop having hurt feelings over something that doesn't matter.