View Full Version : Jack Haley, member of 96' Bulls, dead at 51

03-17-2015, 08:47 PM
:( Phil Jackson broke the news.

It was as a Spur reserve for two seasons that Haley would develop a friendship with forward Dennis Rodman, an outcast that did not have many friends on the team he was routinely suspended by. Haley and Rodman hung out together constantly, with Haley following Rodman to all manner of Las Vegas haunts, as documented in a 1995 cover story on Rodman from Sports Illustrated:

When the Chicago Bulls decided to take a chance on Rodman after Boner and “the hard-line Popovich” had seen enough of his antics, Haley was brought to Chicago to act as a translator of sorts. Because Haley had worked with former teammates Jordan and Pippen before, and because he had spent over a year on the same bench as Phil Jackson, Haley wasn’t in Chicago to act as Rodman’s babysitter (quite the contrary, as Haley was out just as late as Rodman was at most nights at their favorite haunt, Crobar), but as a go-between and settling force.

The NBA veteran will forever be known as the player that acted as Dennis Rodman’s caddie for one special year, but Haley wanted no part of being seen that way. Haley, who missed the entire 1992-93 season due to knee injuries, always contended that the team-listed “knee tendinitis” that stopped him from playing all but one of Chicago’s 100 games in 1995-96, bristled at the suggestion that he was merely there to mind Dennis.


03-17-2015, 08:52 PM
Sounds like a hollywood black/white buddy comedy

03-17-2015, 08:55 PM
And thus Jordan's last gambling debt has been settled...

03-17-2015, 08:55 PM
I remember him being a pretty good teammate and always playing hard when he got in the game..Never caused any chemistry issues as far as I know....Sad that he's gone at only 51....

And him spending time with Rodman just goes to show that you that there's more to a team than just the guys on the court...For all we know, if Rodman didn't have somebody there who he would kick it with/watch over him kinda, he may have gone out of the control, affecting team chemistry and who knows how that could have possibly affected those Bulls title teams...

This a TEAM sport and team means more than just the guys on the court. Its the coaching staff, the trainers, veteran teammates who provide leadership even though they don't play much, benchwarmers, gm's, owners...Its a team....

So R.I.P.

03-17-2015, 08:59 PM

03-17-2015, 09:02 PM
I remember him being a pretty good teammate and always playing hard when he got in the game..Never caused any chemistry issues as far as I know....Sad that he's gone at only 51....

And him spending time with Rodman just goes to show that you that there's more to a team than just the guys on the court...For all we know, if Rodman didn't have somebody there who he would kick it with/watch over him kinda, he may have gone out of the control, affecting team chemistry and who knows how that could have possibly affected those Bulls title teams...

This a TEAM sport and team means more than just the guys on the court. Its the coaching staff, the trainers, veteran teammates who provide leadership even though they don't play much, benchwarmers, gm's, owners...Its a team....

So R.I.P.

Well said. I also remember Haley for his Laker postgame analysis and interviews during the early 2000's. He and Kobe were pretty tight.

RIP to a great teammate and tv personality.

03-17-2015, 09:07 PM
When the Chicago Bulls decided to take a chance on Rodman after[SIZE="5"] Boner and

03-18-2015, 12:51 AM
Bummer news, but strangely interesting to learn that Dennis Rodman referred to former Spurs coach Bob Hill as "Boner" while playing for him.

03-18-2015, 12:53 AM

What the **** is wrong with you?

03-18-2015, 01:01 AM
Man, sorry to hear this. :(

Jack did a couple of tours with the Bulls (he was on the team in the late 80s and was on the 1996 team).

Cool dude, laid back, free spirit type guy.

51 is too damn young. :cry:

03-18-2015, 01:02 AM
And thus Jordan's last gambling debt has been settled...

Man, **** you. This ain't the time for this kind of bullshit.

03-18-2015, 01:03 AM
Used to watch him on Fox Sports West after Laker games back in the day. Thank you for the memories man. RIP.

03-18-2015, 01:04 AM
And thus Jordan's last gambling debt has been settled...


03-18-2015, 02:04 AM
Mnay big men have heart issues.
J.Haley was a great hussle guy , and I was always surprised of his dagger three's he would hit in a game , or defend down in the post.
One of those unsung hero's playing the ball as a team mate needs him too..

As for him and Rodman.. it was more less a guy that would listen to Rodman , but keep Rodman's head in the game during the game when both were riding the pine.

RIP (just to dam young)

03-18-2015, 02:28 AM

03-18-2015, 05:07 AM
And thus Jordan's last gambling debt has been settled...

I know you can't help being an ass hat, but learn some freaking manners. A real person died, not a cartoon character.

03-18-2015, 05:09 AM
Rip :(

03-18-2015, 05:41 AM
Shit I remember him as a Laker and as a local broadcaster. He was the one that leaked the Carlos Boozer trade and killed it. At the time people were pissed, only now do they understand that he did us a HUUUUGE favor. Haley even became a verb on Laker boards for a few years. As in "Shit, if that trade gets leaked it might get Haleyed." Wow, so young to be dead. RIP

03-18-2015, 01:49 PM

I remember one announcer calling him the ignition....because if Haley was in the game it meant it was time to start the Bus....

RIP .....CALI baller