View Full Version : How often/when does the league test for PED's and how thorough are they?

03-18-2015, 04:45 PM
I've been watching a lot of documentaries about PED scandals lately... and it's alarmingly easy to get around PED testing, like I had no idea. Most PED's will clear your system within 30 days, and the really top tier ones aren't even detectable when being used.

In all PED scandal's, when the athletes "know" when the testing is, the way to avoid testing positive is as easy as having a calendar. They'll train hard as hell on PED's and build their bodies up to the max, then simply go off them 30 days before testing with a body that was built for the past several months or years entirely on PED's. PED use isn't about being on PED's the day of an event, or the NBA's situation, the season, but rather the training and preparation for a particular event or season.

So how does the NBA test for them? What do they test for exactly? Is it random? How often do they test? This is information that should be public in my opinion. Every once in a while we hear about random players getting busted for a banned substance but the details to me are unclear how/why that player got caught.

Im Still Ballin
03-18-2015, 04:46 PM

03-18-2015, 04:57 PM
Nike will probably confiscate this thread.

03-18-2015, 07:31 PM
I've been watching a lot of documentaries about PED scandals lately... and it's alarmingly easy to get around PED testing, like I had no idea. Most PED's will clear your system within 30 days, and the really top tier ones aren't even detectable when being used.

In all PED scandal's, when the athletes "know" when the testing is, the way to avoid testing positive is as easy as having a calendar. They'll train hard as hell on PED's and build their bodies up to the max, then simply go off them 30 days before testing with a body that was built for the past several months or years entirely on PED's. PED use isn't about being on PED's the day of an event, or the NBA's situation, the season, but rather the training and preparation for a particular event or season.

So how does the NBA test for them? What do they test for exactly? Is it random? How often do they test? This is information that should be public in my opinion. Every once in a while we hear about random players getting busted for a banned substance but the details to me are unclear how/why that player got caught.

From what I read in the book "Game of Shadows" is that the dopers have a huge leg up on the testers. The makers of PED's are always switching their compounds to make sure that they are not being tested for because they are so new. In the book Victor Conte describes about how his drug "the clear" was completely undetectable by even Olympic committees. How his clients ended up getting busted was one of his competitors got a hold of the compound and sent it to the Olympic Committee, so they knew exactly what to test for. If you don't know what you are testing for and like CavsFTW said, if these guys get such early warnings of the testing, it's almost impossible to catch the non morons.

03-18-2015, 07:45 PM
They didn't in the 60's

John Tesh
03-18-2015, 08:03 PM
Well certainly not thoroughly. They only test for certain enhancing substances, which leaves the others fair game. There was even speculation that LeBron may have been using one of the non-tested ones last Finals following his cramps, given that is a side-effect of one of the substances.

03-18-2015, 08:14 PM
Well certainly not thoroughly. They only test for certain enhancing substances, which leaves the others fair game. There was even speculation that LeBron may have been using one of the non-tested ones last Finals following his cramps, given that is a side-effect of one of the substances.

You should make sure you mention this is complete speculation and bullshit, without any evidence whatsoever.

If you're going to make a statement like this, please have evidence.

03-18-2015, 08:16 PM
PEDS make the NBA great