View Full Version : Man this is the end for Durant

03-21-2015, 07:27 AM
Tall people with foot problems? Where have I heard this one before? Oh right grant hill, Tracy mcgrady, Yao Ming etc etc. all great great players who became role players or left the league...Durant is taller than both Mac and hill so this injury would effect him even worse. I knew rose after that ACL tear would never be the same player again now I can tell u with full honesty neither will Durant. He will have flashes of that old Durant now and again (occasionally scoring 30plus points) like rose but he won't be able to do it often eg only attack the ring hard 5 times a game unlike before when they can do it 20 times a game. Durant is also soft mentally like rose so that makes it even worse. Take it from a health professional in physical therapy that this is the end of Durant much like it was for rose in 12. I don't like reporting these things but truth has to be said and u read it here first.

03-21-2015, 07:33 AM
Why does height matter more than weight?

03-21-2015, 09:22 AM
Why does height matter more than weight?
2 reasons

1. Lanky players don't have as much 'padding' or 'cushioning' to support falls or bumps/bruises so the impact goes straight to the bone more often

2. Gravity. Higher your up, higher you will fall.

Big players do also get injured of course and fall hard but often the amount of cushioning will absorb a lot of impact as well.

elementally morale
03-21-2015, 09:25 AM
2. Gravity. Higher your up, higher you will fall.

Center of gravity is higher when standing or running, but not really higher when jumping. (Tall people tend not to jump as high.) So this point of yours doesn't really make sense.

03-21-2015, 09:30 AM
Center of gravity is higher when standing or running, but not really higher when jumping. (Tall people tend not to jump as high.) So this point of yours doesn't really make sense.
Durant jumps very high and believe it or not he attacks the rim and falls hard from high places

03-21-2015, 09:35 AM
He's a bit like James Harden where he isn't a high flyer but is surprisingly athletic.

03-21-2015, 09:37 AM
He's a bit like James Harden where he isn't a high flyer but is surprisingly athletic.
I agree same as dwayne wade. Durant although tall enough to play post, his game is completely guard orientated which means trouble on a bad foot.

elementally morale
03-21-2015, 09:39 AM
Durant jumps very high and believe it or not he attacks the rim and falls hard from high places

How high you are when jumping is irrelevant. Change in center of gravity is the thing that counts.

03-21-2015, 09:42 AM
How high you are when jumping is irrelevant. Change in center of gravity is the thing that counts.
So Durants guard style of start-stop-start-stop fade aways and attacking the rim does not force him to change his centre of gravity regularly when attacking the rim especially when he has a 35+ inch vertical?

elementally morale
03-21-2015, 10:05 AM
So Durants guard style of start-stop-start-stop fade aways and attacking the rim does not force him to change his centre of gravity regularly when attacking the rim especially when he has a 35+ inch vertical?

His style of play does. His vertical does. His height does not. (But his weight does.) I have no agenda when saying this. Are you sure you don't have one either?

03-21-2015, 10:18 AM
He's a great shooter so he could still have the same kind of career Ray Allen had. Nothing to feel sorry about.

03-21-2015, 10:24 AM
Tall people in NBA? No way!!! :wtf:

03-21-2015, 10:34 AM
People need to google Roddy Beaubois. That is why this injury is concerning.

03-21-2015, 10:54 AM
He's probably the lightest guy in the NBA at that height. If anything the stress on his joints is less than all the other tall guys.

03-21-2015, 10:57 AM
2 reasons

1. Lanky players don't have as much 'padding' or 'cushioning' to support falls or bumps/bruises so the impact goes straight to the bone more often

2. Gravity. Higher your up, higher you will fall.

Big players do also get injured of course and fall hard but often the amount of cushioning will absorb a lot of impact as well.

But he isn't falling on his feet, is he? Sure, he's jumping and landing and running a lot, but could that not be mitigated by sneakers somehow? I'd agree with those points if he was constantly breaking his arms or collarbones but it's his feet... I might just be missing something?

03-21-2015, 11:04 AM
But he isn't falling on his feet, is he? Sure, he's jumping and landing and running a lot, but could that not be mitigated by sneakers somehow? I'd agree with those points if he was constantly breaking his arms or collarbones but it's his feet... I might just be missing something?

It's mitigated by sneakers to a degree but a foot injury can be a real bitch, as far as how long it can stick around (potentially for life) and how much it can affect play. If they were playing barefoot it'd be much worse, but even with the padding that sneakers can offer the injury could still persist/worsen if it doesn't heal to 100% (and even then it could turn out to be chronic).

03-21-2015, 11:07 AM
It's mitigated by sneakers to a degree but a foot injury can be a real bitch, as far as how long it can stick around (potentially for life) and how much it can affect play. If they were playing barefoot it'd be much worse, but even with the padding that sneakers can offer the injury could still persist/worsen if it doesn't heal to 100% (and even then it could turn out to be chronic).

Oh yeah, but that's the case for everyone with the injury, not necessarily tall people right? Beaubois being the obvious comparison

03-21-2015, 11:07 AM
People like Yao and Brook Lopez might literally be twice his weight though. But I agree, it is concerning. I think he will make a full recovery, I'm hoping for it but it won't be this year or in the playoffs. He has to be shut down and gear up for next year because it ain't worth it for him to risk coming back. At his best, he is the best player in the game so he should want to have a long career ahead of him.

03-21-2015, 11:09 AM
People like Yao and Brook Lopez might literally be twice his weight though. But I agree, it is concerning. I think he will make a full recovery, I'm hoping for it but it won't be this year or in the playoffs. He has to be shut down and gear up for next year because it ain't worth it for him to risk coming back. At his best, he is the best player in the game so he should want to have a long career ahead of him.

...why I haven't been too "Verbal" on NY going after him via FA. For as talented as he is, he seems brittle. Wish the man a quick recovery - he's one of the few worth watching.

03-21-2015, 11:17 AM
Oh yeah, but that's the case for everyone with the injury, not necessarily tall people right? Beaubois being the obvious comparison

I'm not sure exactly how height would affect it but there does seem to be precedent for foot injuries hitting taller players harder (Yao Ming, Bill Walton, I think Brook Lopez had the same kind of break). I think that Yao/Lopez were hit so hard because they weighed more and iirc there were several complications with Walton.

Until we find out one way or the other how it affects him down the road this worrying is a little premature. He probably should be shut down for the season to guarantee that he comes back fully healthy but there's a much better chance that he goes on to lead a full career than there is that he's done. Michael Jordan broke his foot, missed 60+ games, but came back at 100% and went on to play 13 more seasons. It definitely seems to hit taller/heavier players harder but it's not like Durant's height means that it's an automatic death sentence for his career.

03-21-2015, 11:57 AM
...why I haven't been too "Verbal" on NY going after him via FA. For as talented as he is, he seems brittle. Wish the man a quick recovery - he's one of the few worth watching.
Very true. Would you do a Durant for the Knicks draft pick? I'm not saying any of the front offices are considering it, but what he did last year was amazing, when he is on he makes the game look so effortless. Dude was hitting game winners like it was nothing. But if he could get back to 100%, I would definitely do that trade in case OKC would consider it.

03-21-2015, 12:02 PM
Dude weighs as much as i do but has 6 inches on me, perfect example of frailty.

03-21-2015, 12:19 PM

03-21-2015, 12:46 PM
Durant and Rose need to become mentally strong like Westbrook..

5 surgeries since April 2013....and playing like he doesn't give a f###

Personification of Alpha!

03-21-2015, 01:13 PM
Jordan had a broken foot his 2nd season. The deal with metatarsalia is that they need a lot of time to heal well enough to put weight on them again especially if it's a stress fracture like a Jones. They should shut him down until he is cleared by leading orthopedists. I don't think it was a good idea letting him play earlier in the season. Same thing happened with Grant Hill, he was totally rushed back. Had he had 1 year for recovery he might have never reaggravated the injury.

03-21-2015, 01:21 PM
I'm not a sport orthopedist, but Durant didn't re-injure his foot, they left a screw in a bad position after his surgery so he had it replaced. After a few days of intense training he felt sore so they decided to let him heal up till he feels 100%. Now we have a legion of trolls either thanking god or trying to compare Durant to the most injury prone players of all-time.

03-21-2015, 01:24 PM
Jordan had a broken foot his 2nd season. The deal with metatarsalia is that they need a lot of time to heal well enough to put weight on them again especially if it's a stress fracture like a Jones. They should shut him down until he is cleared by leading orthopedists. I don't think it was a good idea letting him play earlier in the season. Same thing happened with Grant Hill, he was totally rushed back. Had he had 1 year for recovery he might have never reaggravated the injury.
I thought MJ's wasn't all that bad in the overall scheme of things? It healed well and he lost no athleticism at all. And Grant Hill's career health problems came with his ankle injury ...

Bosnian Sajo
03-21-2015, 01:27 PM
I'm not a sport orthopedist, but Durant didn't re-injure his foot, they left a screw in a bad position after his surgery so he had it replaced. After a few days of intense training he felt sore so they decided to let him heal up till he feels 100%. Now we have a legion of trolls either thanking god or trying to compare Durant to the most injury prone players of all-time.

Hopefully that is all it is. Not really a Durant fan, but I would hate to lose another superstar early in his career due to injury. Yao Ming, Brandon Roy, Derrick Rose (yea he's still in the league...but 2 of his teammates made the ASG and he didn't), etc.

03-21-2015, 01:32 PM
I thought MJ's wasn't all that bad in the overall scheme of things? It healed well and he lost no athleticism at all. And Grant Hill's career health problems came with his ankle injury ...

Yes, but ankles are as problematic as feet bones, since along with knees the absorb the most shock from jumps. Hill's problem was the rushing back.

Bosnian Sajo
03-21-2015, 01:35 PM
Yes, but ankles are as problematic as feet bones, since along with knees the absorb the most shock from jumps. Hill's problem was the rushing back.

Orlando was trying to get their moneys worth, ended up burying a star player into the ground :facepalm

I still wonder what could of been in Orlando...Grant/TMac/Duncan :pimp:

03-21-2015, 01:37 PM
Orlando was trying to get their moneys worth, ended up burying a star player into the ground :facepalm

I still wonder what could of been in Orlando...Grant/TMac/Duncan :pimp:

Yeah, they might've gotton Ewing and Kemp their rings.

There were also rumours Hill was going to SAS, around the time Duncan was connected to Orlando. I guess they wouldn't have rushed him back. Hill +Duncan would've been awesome.

03-21-2015, 01:40 PM
Jordan had a broken foot his 2nd season. The deal with metatarsalia is that they need a lot of time to heal well enough to put weight on them again especially if it's a stress fracture like a Jones. They should shut him down until he is cleared by leading orthopedists. I don't think it was a good idea letting him play earlier in the season. Same thing happened with Grant Hill, he was totally rushed back. Had he had 1 year for recovery he might have never reaggravated the injury.


I never understood why they rushed him back. KD has potential to go down as a top 10 player of all-time, don't blow that potential on one year.

03-21-2015, 02:01 PM
Why does height matter more than weight?

Unfortunately scientifically significant height (like being a giant, say 6'8" and waaay over) or weight difference from what is normal is worse for every part of your body in every way....

When you are as giantly tall as Durant (he is almost 7'0 in shoes imo) the LAST thing you want to do is be that skinny when doing these explosive Point-Guard'esque manuevers 24-7 for years and years....

What am i talking about?

Seemingly what many people dont know is that most of the time (or maybe 99% of the time) the ligaments/joints, heart, brain, head, eyes, etc everything stays "normal sized" (meant for guys around 5'11") no matter how short or tall you are.......

The only difference between a "normal sized" guy like you and Manute Bol or a Midget is the bone length/structure... all your stuff either gets stretched or squashed depending on height.... thats why the disproportional look a Midget fashions or a Manute Bol fashions....

In such tall people for example the muscles stretch out and the body/movement becomes less coordinated/slower first of all, the ligaments/joints etc. suffer more wear & tear... and the heart takes a bigger beating.... those guys dont live so long and suffer more health issues for a reason...

There is being tall and there is being GIANT, huge difference... many or most NBA players are Giants... and its not good for the body...

03-21-2015, 02:57 PM
He's probably the lightest guy in the NBA at that height. If anything the stress on his joints is less than all the other tall guys.
His bones/muscles might be weaker as well. We just dont know enough to play internet doctors.

Hopefully he gets healthy.

03-21-2015, 03:04 PM
This can't be it for him, the league needs him. Hopefully it's just preventive and not the start of another sad story.

03-21-2015, 03:08 PM
Unfortunately scientifically significant height (like being a giant, say 6'8" and waaay over) or weight difference from what is normal is worse for every part of your body in every way....

When you are as giantly tall as Durant (he is almost 7'0 in shoes imo) the LAST thing you want to do is be that skinny when doing these explosive Point-Guard'esque manuevers 24-7 for years and years....

What am i talking about?

Seemingly what many people dont know is that most of the time (or maybe 99% of the time) the ligaments/joints, heart, brain, head, eyes, etc everything stays "normal sized" (meant for guys around 5'11") no matter how short or tall you are.......

The only difference between a "normal sized" guy like you and Manute Bol or a Midget is the bone length/structure... all your stuff either gets stretched or squashed depending on height.... thats why the disproportional look a Midget fashions or a Manute Bol fashions....

In such tall people for example the muscles stretch out and the body/movement becomes less coordinated/slower first of all, the ligaments/joints etc. suffer more wear & tear... and the heart takes a bigger beating.... those guys dont live so long and suffer more health issues for a reason...

There is being tall and there is being GIANT, huge difference... many or most NBA players are Giants... and its not good for the body...

You know how an old and dying Lion gathers up all his last strength he has left to do his last desperate attack against the prime Lion that constantly beats him & took over his pride, just to at least annoy him and then go "ha ha ha" and run away to his death with at least one happy thought........? That was Kobe tonight......

That was just sad to watch from Kobe and very surprising, totally uncalled for...... He wasnt even having a good game, but he sure wanted to take that time of the West leading the East even though its a completely useless game to poke & annoy the bear and show his evident feelings towards Lebron humiliating him where it matters (what else could it be?) by trashtalking (not fun or friendly trashtalking) and putting up all his energy (which he would not put up on the court all season) on trying to defend a nonchalant Lebron as hard as he ever could in a nonchalant all-star game......

I mean, he was DEAD serious, Game 7 Finals 1 minute left game tied type of serious.......... with all his might played full-court press while trashtalking, then got a block on him where Lebron did a nonchalant all-star-game type of play/jumper..... then Kobe trashtalked "HE CANT SCORE ON ME!!!".... Lebron still didnt want to get in to this old desperate mans last desperate endeavour....... Lebron then did some drives on Kobe where Kobe got away with what would be called a foul in a normal game (hooking his shooting arm on the drive & pushing)... taking advantage of great all-star game officiating afterall....... and then continued to trashtalk while the game ended.....

If Lebron was any kind of serious of winning this useless game and if Lebron knew what this pathetic old man had in mind in this useless game then he would come out from the start of the game and proceed to obliterate Kobe like he always does.........

Go ahead old man, way to go....... the bad thing about this Kobe is that any type of compassion Lebron had when he would face you is gone.... you are lucky you will never meet Lebron in the playoffs and you better pray that never happens...........

But you are VERY unlucky you will meet a very serious & pissed of Lebron in a regular season game until you retire.......... very unlucky................. cant wait to see their next matchup....
Lets see here.... this bothered me? No, this is more like comedy, a chuckle at a pathetic player endeavour which occurred during his downfall in a futile moment against a player that would steadily depress him during moments which are not as incompetent as all-star games....... considering this how could your cerebrum possibly develope your braincells to come up with such a stupid conclusion?

Time out of my life? It took 5-10 minutes, ISH is a hobby (unfortunately, with posters like in this thread/forum its becoming less and less of that)... what are you doing here reading this? What are you doing here taking time of YOUR life to write that ignorant assumption and still get decimated?

But nice try, the only reason you deserved a response from me here is because your cerebral cortex has compared to these other trolls at least slightly better function and decency to more articulately create a post which is within context.....

Look mr Graviton... I am either in humorous, lackadaisical type of mood or in very serious mood (hence also may be "eloquent") in this forum and that reflects to what & how i may type here...

I am perfectly aware of the typos which can occur through a rushed internet forum post using a keyboard, thank you for taking notice... but since you also are aware of this (and im sure you have done the same mistake) and might have understood the context of my post anyways then that unfortunately makes your post unnecessary, its not only thread derailing but also derails what i said...

One more thing... If English was one of your five fluently spoken languages and probably the one you would use the least in your everyday life and you still speak it so good i believe you would also be overall more "intelligent" in that department than any random American that can speak only English...... and dont you worry about backfire, i am the only one who is doing the backfiring... as you can see... it infact may be the culprit behind the attitude/behaviour i may recieve by many of these kids here.... especially if you are not only eloquent but also factual.... because that makes me a pessimist in their eyes as i spoil their delusional opinions....

..and the point still stands no matter how much derailing you did and will continue to do, what Kobe did was just low considering the circumstances... if Kobe would be able to do that against Lebron in any regular season or playoff game and have the same outcome then it would have recieved my full compliments ........... because then Lebron would have not been nonchalant from the start of the game and the officiating would be more improved, which means its very much unlikely Kobe would be able to pull this attempt anyways because Lebron would instead as he has done that to Kobe for many years.... which kindof also explains why Kobe was able to & wanted to take advantage of this moment...

Its not about being bothered (classic excuse), its about presenting the envious feelings Kobe tonight proved he has towards Lebron by doing what he did because Lebron did to him what HE did (where it matters).... its as simple as that.... i have nothing against Kobes game, have all the respect in the world for his game, but his mindset, thats a different story... i usually just ignore it, but tonight it was just to much even by his standards....... I dont give **** if it happened to Lebron or anybody else, please dont try that excuse, what Kobe did was simply low....... and i know you deep down inside know this.

I like Lebrons gamestyle & mindset much more than Kobes (i guess thats my way of telling you i am a "Lebron fan"), but if Kobe did this where it mattered.... then it would be only a compliment....

I love great basketball from anyone and what Kobe did was great, but completely unnecessary & unimpressive considering the circimstances of the type of game, type of officiating in such a game and how Lebron approached that specific type of futile game.... and that he had to trashtalk like a moron while doing it makes it even worse (if he did that during a regular season game or playoffs then its more tolerable and understandable)...

Reggie Miller did it in the regular season games & playoffs and did it only when he was able to back it up specifically there where it mattered, Reggie trashtalked maybe more than anybody i ever seen but he would have never done that in a god damn all-star game (and never did), especially against Jordan in that moment where everybody had their guard down and even say "You cant score on me!!!" (exactly how Kobe completely animated screamed that into Lebrons face)........ like i said if Kobe would do this (especially to Lebron) where it mattered then it would be a compliment!

Its two very different scenarios.... in a regular season & playoff game a player doesnt have his guard down at any time, he is focused to perform his best and win the game immediately from the get go, also the officiating is intact...

An all-star game is kindof like a pickup game, for the fans... have fun.... work out...

Its like the difference between a boxing match and sparring....

Its kindof like if you sparred with Mike Tyson and you deliberately all of the sudden throw your hardest punch on his chin and KO him..... or punch Mike Tyson in his sleep and say "I KO'ed Mike Tyson!!!!".....

Thats exactly what Kobe did tonight....

There is also a difference between friendly trashtalking (very fun & happens alot in all-star games) and hostile trashtalking (thats what kobe did, that is what should NEVER happen in a all-star game, but should/could happen understandably anywhere else)

I just want to know something, considering the non-friendly trashtalking Kobe did what exactly was Kobe (and his fans) wetting himself over??

What does him blocking LeBron twice (one where he hooked/grab his shooting arm, no call) for another block in a useless game prove to him (or his fans), exactly?

LeBron is still the best player in the game. Do you honestly think Kobe "holding him in check" in the ASG changes that at all, or that you can draw meaningful conclusions from that?
Holy Jesus pauk!

03-21-2015, 05:23 PM
Being 6'11 and 240 pounds and playing like a guard puts a lot of pressure on your feet, joints, ankles, knees, especially when you don't have the strongest ligaments or bone structure.

Like Dirk stand outside as well, but he doesnt aggressively drive the basket, make quick movements, or other guard-like movements which would put strain on his body.

Just my 2 cents

Grey Dawn
03-21-2015, 05:28 PM
Yeah, just like Tim Duncan....oh wait :lol

03-28-2015, 09:41 AM
Man hate being right about these things. Durant is the next Grant Hill. Will be averaging a nice 16-5-4 for the rest of his career with the next 3 years peaking at 20-6-5 and ending with 12-3-1. Durant = Rose

03-28-2015, 09:57 AM
Where is that Budaii and his alt Fudge btw? did he...finally...do it?

LOL this is what happened a few hours after i posted jeesus christ


05-23-2016, 05:35 AM
OP was wrong and he admitted it!