View Full Version : brehs im ****ed

King Jane
03-22-2015, 12:16 AM
so i been servin detention at school an they make us do activitys on detention days an friday they gave me flag duty

well i dropped the flag tryna take it down an my friend told me its the law to burn it

so i stuffed it in my pack an took it home in a panic since i aint about to burn it at school an get a detention again

now im home an i didnt burn it yet but my friend told me im gonna go to jail if i dont cause what i did was a federal offense

so i get it out my pack an turns out i had some unfinish protein shake in my pack an now it spilled all over the flag an it smells like shit cause it had milk in it an it spoiled

the teahers are gonna find out there aint no flag in the flag case monday an they wont have no flag to fly

im fvkked wat do i do


03-22-2015, 12:17 AM
Join ISIS.

03-22-2015, 03:02 AM
buy a random flag and put in flag case
3 good options



either one will be a hit, and you will be a hero at school

03-22-2015, 09:38 AM
close but not quite, thomas.
