View Full Version : SBN's Mike Prada: Mirotic is Bulls' Best Big

03-26-2015, 05:03 PM
What say you, ISH? Getcha oven mits ready when you read this:

The Chicago Bulls have a problem 29 other NBA teams will take. They have a frontcourt that's the envy of the league, stocked with the ideal combination of low-post scoring, rebounding, unselfishness, athleticism, toughness and rim protection. Opposing coaches would cut their right arm off to have Pau Gasol, Joakim Noah and Taj Gibson on their teams, let alone all three.

Here's the issue: None of them are as good as Nikola Mirotic.

That may sound rash at first glance. Gasol was an All-Star starter, Noah finished in the top five in MVP voting last year and Gibson is better than half of the league's starting power forwards. Mirotic is just a rookie, albeit one that became the best player in Europe before coming over to the Bulls.

But the only time the Bulls have actually looked like title contenders is when Mirotic plays. When he's on the court, they're full of life. When he's not, they look weighted down by years of depressing injuries, constant in-fighting and Tom Thibodeau's raspy voice. Mirotic has become the weekend getaway that spices up a stale marriage. Without him, they're toast.

The numbers bear this out. When Mirotic is out of the game, the Bulls are outscoring teams by less than a point per 100 possessions, which corresponds closest to the 35-36 Milwaukee Bucks. When he's in, that point differential jumps to over six points better than their opponents, which is better than the East-leading Hawks. The Bulls' two best big man combinations among their four power players are Mirotic/Noah (+8.3) and Mirotic/Gibson (+7.3). No other duo comes close.

One only needs to watch Wednesday's 116-103 victory over the Toronto Raptors to understand how those numbers come to life. The Gasol/Noah duo spent the first quarter doing what they always do. They occasionally thrived individually, but never enough to help the team as a whole.

Toronto had a 10-point lead when Mirotic entered. He played the rest of the first half and helped cut the lead to four by halftime. He then sat for most of the third as Toronto built the lead to double-digits again, then stopped the bleeding as the small forward in a supersized lineup. With eight minutes left, Thibodeau took out Gibson for Aaron Brooks and put Mirotic back at power forward. The Bulls outscored Toronto by 18 points from that point.

Calling Mirotic a "power forward" is like saying a cheetah is a feline. It's technically accurate, but Mirotic has as much in common with players at his position as the world's fastest mammal has with a house cat. He freaks opponents out because they don't understand how to process the man in the grizzly beard taking them to school...

...The Bulls don't really understand Mirotic either, but they're learning. His playing time is up since the All-Star Break and so is his production. They realize Mirotic is too good not to play.

But this is a problem because Gasol, Noah and Gibson are also way too good not to play. Gasol did not accept less money to play for the Bulls to sit for a rookie. Gibson hasn't sacrificed years of additional playing time and earning power to sit for a rookie. All the cliches about Noah being the heart and soul of the Bulls are moot if he's sitting for a rookie. And yet, all of the above evidence shows the Bulls will only thrive if they sit for a rookie.

That's an awkward situation for any coach and particularly for Thibodeau because he's fighting his own battles with his superiors. The answer has often been in the form of a truce; a lineup featuring Mirotic at small forward with two of the other three big men. Those lineups haven't failed, but they haven't exactly succeeded either. Three-big combinations have outscored opponents by a whopping five points in 237 minutes, or the equivalent of about a point per game.

An out-of-position Mirotic may be better than no Mirotic at all. He's trying his best and learning, even though Toronto's Terrence Ross roasted him in the first quarter on Wednesday. But he's not Mirotic unless he's playing power forward, where he can spread teams out, drive into gaps and enrage defenders with his special brand of chaos. Playing him at small forward will appease everyone ... until the Bulls lose in the playoffs.

There's a reason Winston Churchill once said, "An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat them last." It'll be difficult for Gasol, Noah and Gibson to sacrifice minutes, but they'll all be thrilled if it leads the Bulls to more glory. The flip side is they get their minutes and the team falls short of expectations. That's when they'll all act like the crocodile and eat everyone responsible in sight.

Every coach would love to have a first-world problem like Nikola Mirotic, but it's still a dilemma that'll decide the Bulls' season. Fortunately for Bulls fans, the solution is becoming more obvious every day.

Sauce: http://www.sbnation.com/2015/3/26/8284937/nikola-mirotic-chicago-bulls-highlights-awkward-tom-thibodeau

03-26-2015, 05:12 PM
I 100% agree. You can tell just watching the games. Bulls should be starting Mirotic / Noah, and bringing Gasol and Gibson off the bench.

03-26-2015, 05:16 PM
And honestly, I don't see how it's some big issue to bench Gasol and/or Gibson. They're getting paid (Millions) to help the team win. If that means coming off the bench, then you come off the bench.

03-26-2015, 05:21 PM
It's true. Niko's a beast.

03-26-2015, 05:27 PM
Hes fine off the bench but he needs to be first off the bench. With these 4...when healthy...all 4 can play 24 minutes with one creeping towards 30 in a good night. The problem is nights when Niko doesnt pla yat all for long periods of time.

Hes a rookie. He can wait his turn.

Depth isnt a problem and a sparkplug crazy potential bigman being off the bench isnt an insult. If Mchale, Worthy, and Hondo can come off the bench on a contender its no insult to ask him to.

I dont think he would much care. Not yet. Why rock the boat and create strife with people who may? Just to get him 29 minutes instead of 24?

First off the bench and closing out games is fine for now.

Better players than him have come off the bench....and many did it as established HOF level vets. Not 60 games into their rookie season.

The energy he plays with? Im not sure he could even maintain that for 30-40 minutes. Have you all seen this dude?

Hes 6'11'' running the floor like hes 6'3'', diving on the floor, poking balls loose, dunking on dudes, pump faking and drawing contact as he baarely gets a shot off to go to the line every 3 minutes.

If hes got the energy to play that hard 35 minutes hed be the first bigman id seen do so in a while who had a burden on them to score and not just play defense.

Defensive role players can play that hard. Guys who have to score? It takes a special player to go that hard...at that size...and keep making jumpers late in the game.

He plays like a sparkplug should.

Hes like a 7 foot Bobby Jackson but hungry for the paint....

03-26-2015, 06:08 PM
It's not about pride or minutes. It's about offensive court spacing and how much better the offense operates with Mirotic + Noah, or Mirotic + Gibson. I don't remember if the article stated, but I wouldn't doubt if the 3rd most effective lineup was Mirotic + Gasol.

I also don't agree with having Mirotic "wait his turn". This Bulls squad is 100% capable of coming out of the East and playing for a title, this season. You have to strike while you can... who knows how many guys LeBron will recruit for next season. :oldlol:

03-26-2015, 06:45 PM
I think the point is that Niko is doing some really special things for a first year guy, at specifically PF. He can play SF and he's improving defensively in that regard, but the other day I looked up lineup stats and post ASB (min 3 games played, 150 minutes- really arbitrary, I know...), the Bulls 5 best five man groupings all have Mirotic at PF. The 6th best group is a jumbo lineup with Niko-Pau-Jo.

His defensive numbers are better than Pau's post ASB and when you factor his spacing abilities, the offensive gap is ever-narrowing, or close to even. I love watching Mirotic and I don't think he needs 35-40 minutes yet. He needs 28-30, of which the majority need to be at PF.

The Pau-Noah pair should be minimized going forward- sub Niko in early and allow Gasol to then come later to stabilize a bench heavy unit. This lets Mirotic play alongside Noah, which is an optimal offense/defense arragement imo. Gasol would benefit from Taj's defense and would murk an inferior bench guy, most likely. Carlisle has done similar things for Dirk in terms of substitutions and it works out great.

I also don't agree with having Mirotic "wait his turn". This Bulls squad is 100% capable of coming out of the East and playing for a title, this season. You have to strike while you can... who knows how many guys LeBron will recruit for next season.Haha very true regarding LBJ. I also agree with this notion though- you play the guys that give you the greatest chance to win. If it means reducing Pau's minutes/substitution patterns, so be it. He can nominally start and sub out after a few minutes.

I think Gasol may benefit from some extra rest down the stretch here as playoffs approach. Cutting him back a few minutes per game could help keep him fresher, assuming Noah & Gibson are soon regularly available. I didn't expect him to play this many MPG at his age anyway, but he's on the #ThibsSystem now lol

Better players than him have come off the bench....and many did it as established HOF level vets. Not 60 games into their rookie season.Valid point, but not one with which I fully agree. Pau's a HOF caliber vet and if others before him could come off the bench, he can too. Not saying he should, but just looking at the flipside...

03-26-2015, 06:58 PM
He's definately stamping his claim as the go-to clutch big in 4th quarters. The guy has ice in his veins.

We played horrendous in the first half against Toronto. Our second half was pretty good and we looked like a completely different team.

I'm going to say it, Hinrich played pretty well too. :(

03-26-2015, 07:49 PM
Not an issue of if Pau is too great to come off the bench. Its an issue of...why rock a boat that is stable? Lets say they bring Niko off the bench for 24-26 minutes...steady burn. No nights off. Hes getting his PT.

What are the odds hes happy about that for a while?

Id say great. He seems fairly hard working...willing to earn his spot. Keep him hungry.

Now..say you start him and bring Pau off the bench....Pau...established great...HOF bound. What are the odds his play gets shaky with potential sulking over being benched? Pau has taken the kid under his wing....mentor role.

You knock him off his spot and bench him for a rookie when hes an all star starter...who doesnt feel slighted?

Its generating a potential issue with little upside.

Niko has been putting up 21/8 off the bench in March(14 games) and leading the NBA in 4th quarter scoring and taking the 5th most FTs. Is that really something we have a problem with?

He isnt gonna do better than that as a rookie right now.....Pau...has more room to fall with a move that makes him uncomfortable...than Niko has toom to rise by getting major minutes.

Hes playing 30 minutes off the bench this month. 26-28 a game...15-17 points off the bench. Id be happy with that.

Rose and Butler get their shots both he and Pau should be able to settle into 14-16ppg next year.

Im not seeing the problem.

And even putting all that aside....isnt the 6th man role usually supposed to be a sparkplug energy guy who changes the game?

Who strikes you as more siuted for that role?

Hes in the spot young guys belong.

Come in...play hard...learn to be an NBA player from the vets...one day...the world is yours. Early? Play your part.

I think hes cool with it.

03-26-2015, 09:45 PM
Noah / Mirotic should start. Gasol / Gibson off the bench. Nice offensive and defensive pairings. More balance that way. For some reason the Noah / Gasol dynamic hasn't worked great. Same way he didn't mesh well with Bynum at the same time either when both occupied the low block.

03-26-2015, 10:01 PM
Not an issue of if Pau is too great to come off the bench. Its an issue of...why rock a boat that is stable? Lets say they bring Niko off the bench for 24-26 minutes...steady burn. No nights off. Hes getting his PT.

What are the odds hes happy about that for a while?

Id say great. He seems fairly hard working...willing to earn his spot. Keep him hungry.

Now..say you start him and bring Pau off the bench....Pau...established great...HOF bound. What are the odds his play gets shaky with potential sulking over being benched? Pau has taken the kid under his wing....mentor role.

You knock him off his spot and bench him for a rookie when hes an all star starter...who doesnt feel slighted?

Its generating a potential issue with little upside.

Niko has been putting up 21/8 off the bench in March(14 games) and leading the NBA in 4th quarter scoring and taking the 5th most FTs. Is that really something we have a problem with?

He isnt gonna do better than that as a rookie right now.....Pau...has more room to fall with a move that makes him uncomfortable...than Niko has toom to rise by getting major minutes.

Hes playing 30 minutes off the bench this month. 26-28 a game...15-17 points off the bench. Id be happy with that.

Rose and Butler get their shots both he and Pau should be able to settle into 14-16ppg next year.

Im not seeing the problem.

And even putting all that aside....isnt the 6th man role usually supposed to be a sparkplug energy guy who changes the game?

Who strikes you as more siuted for that role?

Hes in the spot young guys belong.

Come in...play hard...learn to be an NBA player from the vets...one day...the world is yours. Early? Play your part.

I think hes cool with it.

Then the main issue is, Niko needs to be the first guy off the bench playing alongside Noah and then eventually Gibson and Gasol.

I don't care how that plays out, just as long as Niko gets his 25-30 minutes.

If Chicago are to reach that next level, Niko needs to be confident and a big part of our offense.

03-26-2015, 11:29 PM
Not an issue of if Pau is too great to come off the bench. Its an issue of...why rock a boat that is stable? Lets say they bring Niko off the bench for 24-26 minutes...steady burn. No nights off. Hes getting his PT.

What are the odds hes happy about that for a while?

Id say great. He seems fairly hard working...willing to earn his spot. Keep him hungry.

Now..say you start him and bring Pau off the bench....Pau...established great...HOF bound. What are the odds his play gets shaky with potential sulking over being benched? Pau has taken the kid under his wing....mentor role.

You knock him off his spot and bench him for a rookie when hes an all star starter...who doesnt feel slighted?

Its generating a potential issue with little upside.

Niko has been putting up 21/8 off the bench in March(14 games) and leading the NBA in 4th quarter scoring and taking the 5th most FTs. Is that really something we have a problem with?

He isnt gonna do better than that as a rookie right now.....Pau...has more room to fall with a move that makes him uncomfortable...than Niko has toom to rise by getting major minutes.

Hes playing 30 minutes off the bench this month. 26-28 a game...15-17 points off the bench. Id be happy with that.

Rose and Butler get their shots both he and Pau should be able to settle into 14-16ppg next year.

Im not seeing the problem.

And even putting all that aside....isnt the 6th man role usually supposed to be a sparkplug energy guy who changes the game?

Who strikes you as more siuted for that role?

Hes in the spot young guys belong.

Come in...play hard...learn to be an NBA player from the vets...one day...the world is yours. Early? Play your part.

I think hes cool with it.The article has said he needs to maximize minutes at PF. The lineups with him at SF have worked well, too, but the offense truly opens up when he plays as a stretch-4. Their top lineups post ASB all have Niko @ PF. They need to find him more mins at that position, but the others need to accept he impacts game in totally different way and that's he deserves run.

Like I've said since the season started, Pau/Noah doesn't quite work because Noah's mobility isn't what it was last season. If he recovers more and gains back his friskiness on consistent basis, that pairing may work better on both ends. It's clunky on offense now if there's not enough perimeter shooting due to cramped spacing.

The point of starting Mirotic vs. Pau- you said HOF level bigs have come off the bench and did well in that role. You said Mirotic can afford to wait his turn, especially since he's a rookie, and he should accept a spark plug position if great vets could. My devil's advocate point was, well, if other HOF bigs have come off the bench as 6th men, then Pau should be no exception. I didn't say he should, but by your logic, he shouldn't complain. I obviously think he'd throw a fit, so Pau has to start from an ego standpoint.

I'm not debating who should start because in reality, Pau will pout if he isn't starting. But since the season started, I said Pau-Noah combo should get minimal playing time and they need to rotate Gibson & Mirotic in to split up the twin towers for majority of matchups. Mirotic's play just shows that at most one of their traditional Cs should be on floor for most of the game.

03-27-2015, 01:51 AM
When Rose gets back, run a big lineup.

Not complicated:

4 big rotation: Gasol, Mirotic, Gibson, Noah 30 minutes a piece

3 guard: Butler 36 min., Rose 32, Brooks 27

Bring Snell and Dunleavy in every now and then. Snell 10 min. Dunleavy 15.

Hinrich should never see a minute on a basketball floor ever again. He at this age and with injuries is a rec league player. And the stats bear that out. Pathetic.

You wanna win a title? That 8-9 man rotation could have at least a chance...

I was on the Thibs wagon for years, but am now firmly off and can't wait til he's gone, as he's the perfect A-B coach, and not B-C.

His rotations and head games are so maddeningly inconsistent and he has no idea how to create offensive chemistry.

All that said, I still could live with him.

BUT his playing of Kirk Hinrich 28 minutes a game is flat out moronic. Like should not be coaching in the NBA moronic. And as long as he continues to do that, I want him gone, because he is an absolute fool.

This team has talent and he has no idea how to utilize it. Stop the head games crap, play a consistent rotation, and sit Hinrich and his 37% shooting a** the F*** down. :coleman: