View Full Version : How would 52 yr old Michael Jordan do in college ball?

03-29-2015, 04:09 PM
He's obviously too old for the NBA, and we've had that discussion thousands of times over the years but the real question is how would Michael Jordan do right now playing for North Carolina?

I remember the recent SportsNation tweet asking if the current Kentucky Wildcats are better than the 72-10 Bulls and I was like wow, but then I thought about it and thought how would CURRENT Michael Jordan do against the Wildcats?
How would he do against the rest of the college competition?

Uncle Drew
03-29-2015, 04:23 PM
He'd look like the peak MJ of old, come on man. Remember him taking OJ Mayo to school when he was the top HS recruit? Never been the same since.

03-29-2015, 04:25 PM
He'd look like the peak MJ of old, come on man. Remember him taking OJ Mayo to school when he was the top HS recruit? Never been the same since.
For 5 minutes in a half court game...

For 40 minutes in full court basketball running end to end? MJ is kinda fat these days I don't know if you've noticed.

03-29-2015, 04:32 PM

Real Men Wear Green
03-29-2015, 04:34 PM
For 5 minutes in a half court game...

For 40 minutes in full court basketball running end to end? MJ is kinda fat these days I don't know if you've noticed.
His conditioning would be better if he was playing. I bet he could score on anyone but gets hurt after a few games.

03-29-2015, 04:41 PM
His conditioning would be better if he was playing. I bet he could score on anyone but gets hurt after a few games.


03-29-2015, 04:43 PM
very bad, he'd make some shots if he gets to play only on one end of the floor tho

03-29-2015, 04:46 PM
His conditioning would be better if he was playing. I bet he could score on anyone but gets hurt after a few games.
It would take him at least a year of intense conditioning to lose some of that gut and get into playing shape though would it not? He's in his 50's, he might get injured before he even plays just trying to get into some sort of game shape. I have no doubt about his skills they'd all be there. The elevation and quickness would be gone but that's not really that big a deal his IQ is so high and his arms are still long and his hands are still gigantic.. but his conditioning and recovery time being that he's in his 50's is a big drawback to playing full-court competitive basketball game against teenagers and 20 somethings. Guys that are at maximum explosiveness, and can really take physical punishment and still recover quickly and not feel any hint of being old and tired.

Half court one on one for a few minutes, yeah he'll beat a great deal of guys still. Full court 5 on 5 I'm not so sure he could handle that so well.

03-29-2015, 04:46 PM
very bad, he'd make some shots if he gets to play only on one end of the floor tho

03-29-2015, 04:53 PM
Interested in 3balls' response.

03-29-2015, 04:55 PM
He'd do fine in the half court setting of both college and NBA ball. The problem is keeping up running back and forth up the court without injuries.

03-29-2015, 04:58 PM
wouldn't last physically.

03-29-2015, 05:03 PM
If he put in an entire year of intense physical training to get in shape, dropped to around his old playing weight...he could be fine. He would have to be on incredibly careful minutes management, need very good coaching to put him in the right spots. But he could be decently effective in small minutes if he doesn't get hurt right away. Wouldn't dominate but he'd be a solid offensive player purely on BBIQ, skills, feel. Would get torched defensively though.

03-29-2015, 05:04 PM
wheres 3 ball

He'll prob argue some bs about how MJ would still have his navigational and isolation efficiency :roll:

03-29-2015, 05:07 PM
If he put in an entire year of intense physical training to get in shape, dropped to around his old playing weight...he could be fine. He would have to be on incredibly careful minutes management, need very good coaching to put him in the right spots. But he could be decently effective in small minutes if he doesn't get hurt right away. Wouldn't dominate but he'd be a solid offensive player purely on BBIQ, skills, feel. Would get torched defensively though.
Recovery time though.

A 20 something can play a game, and do a 2 a day practice the next day.

MJ, might play a game and be bed ridden for 2 days and still be sore as hell the 3rd, 4th, and 5th day no exaggerating. That's part of getting old, he's nearing senior citizenship for crying out loud.

Though he may not need "practice" so to speak, for his own individual skillsets, he'd need to be able to practice with a team, travel with a team, etc to become a part of a team. He could not handle the rigors of a basketball program of 20 year olds I'm just not sure it would be feasible.

Plus, that recovery time applies to injuries. One torn ligament, one rolled ankle, it all heals probably 2 to 3 times more slowly when your 50 as opposed to 20. He could really mess himself up physically, playing competitive basketball against 20 somethings with any sort of seriousness, regularity, and commitment to actually trying to win games and be a part of a team.

03-29-2015, 05:18 PM
Recovery time though.

A 20 something can play a game, and do a 2 a day practice the next day.

MJ, might play a game and be bed ridden for 2 days and still be sore as hell the 3rd, 4th, and 5th day no exaggerating. That's part of getting old, he's nearing senior citizenship for crying out loud.

Though he may not need "practice" so to speak, for his own individual skillsets, he'd need to be able to practice with a team, travel with a team, etc to become a part of a team. He could not handle the rigors of a basketball program of 20 year olds I'm just not sure it would be feasible.

Plus, that recovery time applies to injuries. One torn ligament, one rolled ankle, it all heals probably 2 to 3 times more slowly when your 50 as opposed to 20. He could really mess himself up physically, playing competitive basketball against 20 sometimes with any sort of seriousness and commitment to actually trying to win games and be a part of a team.
It's all dependent on him not sustaining injuries, playing small minutes, not full-on practicing, etc. If he gets hurt, yeah, he's fvcked.

Idk I just think MJ could help out a team, like my Badgers for a solid 10-14 minutes a game. If he can stay healthy, I don't think that would overwhelm him even w/ recovery time issues. Especially with Bo's coaching..he wouldn't have to do anything crazy athletically. Don't play him in back to backs, give him games off in tougher schedules, etc. For most of our season we've had 3-5+ days of rest between games. At ~10-12 mpg I don't think the soreness would be that killer to the point where he couldn't play a game 4-5 days later.

03-29-2015, 05:32 PM
He hasn't played in 13 years and is a fat 52 year old. He wouldn't even make a team.

Im Still Ballin
03-29-2015, 05:40 PM
He'd no doubt be flowing with HGH and steroids

It's only fair

03-29-2015, 08:17 PM
He's obviously too old for the NBA, and we've had that discussion thousands of times over the years but the real question is how would Michael Jordan do right now playing for North Carolina?

I remember the recent SportsNation tweet asking if the current Kentucky Wildcats are better than the 72-10 Bulls and I was like wow, but then I thought about it and thought how would CURRENT Michael Jordan do against the Wildcats?
How would he do against the rest of the college competition?

He could get in better shape then he is now, defientley not what he once was, but he could build up his cardio a little more. He has bad knees and limited lift, but he still has a solid post game. It's 20 min per half in college, I say he comes in off the bench and could give you 7-10 points a game and 4-5 rebounds. He'll still be physical stronger then alot of those college kids.

He'd be more althetic and a little quicker then Przemek Karnowski from Gonzaga

03-29-2015, 08:31 PM
I know he's Michael Jordan but... he's 52.

03-29-2015, 08:43 PM
he'd be best used in the clutch for a basket or something

03-29-2015, 10:33 PM
I know he's Michael Jordan but... he's 52.

I still think he will do okay, he won't be dominating but he will contribute in some ways. I have played with guys maybe 55 or 56yo? They can still play as they can shoot, Jordan has a deadly midrange so he will still get his..

Paul George 24
03-29-2015, 10:44 PM
very bad, he'd make some shots if he gets to play only on one end of the floor


deja vu
03-29-2015, 11:08 PM
If Wilt could still play in the NBA at 50, then MJ could still do it at least in college.

03-29-2015, 11:09 PM
He couldn't run a 5.2 40 today.

Cali Syndicate
03-29-2015, 11:16 PM
He has no knees. To play basketball, you need knees.

03-29-2015, 11:18 PM
If Wilt could still play in the NBA at 50, then MJ could still do it at least in college.
Wilt looked like a bigger/faster/stronger version of a Greek God at 50 and was still playing volleyball, weightlifting, running Marathons, and still living that athletic life:

MJ gambles, smokes, plays golf with old people, and looks like this:

03-29-2015, 11:19 PM
About as well as Kentucky would do in the NBA.

03-29-2015, 11:31 PM
wont even be recruited out of high school.

03-30-2015, 02:17 AM
jordan has become a fat ass.

don't think he's played any type of competitive basketball in a while.

03-30-2015, 02:26 AM
If he lost 30 pounds and assuming he's healthy I'd say he could play the 4. Strong, long arms, big ass and GOAT moves in the post. He could also step out and shoot. He'd get 16/4/2 easy. Sure his defence would be lacking but in half court he should be okay. No need to jump out of the gym when you're the GOAT :pimp:

03-30-2015, 02:27 AM
If he gets in shape he will do fine with limited minutes. As he is right now, he will probably hurt himself. :confusedshrug:

03-30-2015, 02:31 AM
If he got time to condition hed probably do well. I mean, think of how bad some college "stars" are and how they cant even make the NBA. That being said hed probably get injured constantly.

03-30-2015, 04:10 AM
He'd do alright.

The thing with basketball is it's not like you forget how to play or can't even do many of the same things as you did before. Minus the dunking stuff of course.

You just can't maintain it because primarily knee and back pain will start to creep up on you. The human body just isn't designed to be running and jumping up and down a hardwood floor like that at age 45+ every other night.

03-30-2015, 09:18 PM
Still waiting on 3ball.

03-30-2015, 11:54 PM
He could probably still put up a 10 point game...which would be good enough to lead both teams in scoring....in a typical 45-42 college game.

03-31-2015, 02:20 AM
I'm sure he could do ok on offense.

The problem at his age would be playing defense.

03-31-2015, 03:00 AM
He would be befuddled by advanced college zone defenses. Not the isolation era any more like when he played for UNC in the no defense 80s. Players are bigger, stronger, and faster now. Patrick Ewing wouldn't be fit to carry Karl-Anthony Towns' powerade.

03-31-2015, 03:14 AM
He would be befuddled by advanced college zone defenses. Not the isolation era any more like when he played for UNC in the no defense 80s. Players are bigger, stronger, and faster now. Patrick Ewing wouldn't be fit to carry Karl-Anthony Towns' powerade.


Being Pippenesque is now the rule, not the exception.

Insecurities would drive MJ crazy.