View Full Version : Kareem: "Why I converted to Islam"

03-30-2015, 06:07 AM
[QUOTE]I was born Lew Alcindor. Now I

03-30-2015, 06:11 AM
Life was too complicated / simple / hard / easy / whatever... blah blah,
Pour some medieval-esque indoctrination and brainwashing,
BANG! religion plague claims another sane man.

03-30-2015, 06:25 AM
So many more Christians converting to Islam than opposite. I wonder why? :rolleyes:

Eric Cartman
03-30-2015, 06:33 AM
Whatever helps him sleep at night.

Existential crises can be a real bitch.

Im Still Ballin
03-30-2015, 06:36 AM
Finding oneself is an ongoing battle from the minute you exit your mothers womb, to when they bury you 6 deep in the casket

Life's a theory. Hypothesize.

03-30-2015, 06:39 AM
Because islam treats/ed blacks so well:lol

03-30-2015, 07:07 AM
Good read, thanks.

03-30-2015, 07:16 AM
Interesting read, thx.

03-30-2015, 07:17 AM
Because islam treats/ed blacks so well:lol

The thing is up to 30-40% of the african-americans today have muslim roots considering studies say up to 30-40% of the slaves/africans that came in back in the days were muslims (http://www.islamreligion.com/articles/10455) who all eventually converted to christianity including converting their African names to something like "Michael Jordan"...

So i mean there is up to a 30-40% chance he might have just converted back to his original religion.... changing his name to "Kareem Abdul Jabbar" was not necessary though, thats not a "muslim name" (there is no such thing), thats an Arabic name, Arabic Christians walk around with such names aswell, but i guess some converts like to highlight their conversion that way and/or simply feel that is the more closer manifestation like Kareem said.... but then again "Lew Alcindor" was definitely not his original family name back in the days either, thats for sure no matter what religion his roots hailed, this part goes for any African-American...

03-30-2015, 07:43 AM
How's Boko doing in Africa?

03-30-2015, 08:06 AM
Otherwise, the white public’s consensus seemed to be that blacks weren’t much good. They were either needy downtrodden folks who required white people’s help to get the rights they were due or radical troublemakers wanting to take away white homes and jobs and daughters.

This is the key point. Paternalistic and patronising pieces of shit create many negative stereotypes, and are just as unhelpful, as outright racists. How many white people do you see talking about black people as if they were all children who need to be led by the hand? Does anyone really think this isn't believing yourself to be superior? Anyone with a bit of self-respect (like Kareem) will say, thanks, but no thanks.

the mesiah
03-30-2015, 09:35 AM
His mama named him Lew , I'ma call him Lew!

03-30-2015, 09:53 AM
*insert harsh insult here*

03-30-2015, 10:01 AM
Does anyone know of famous people who converted to Christianity.

03-30-2015, 10:11 AM
Probably better to become an athiest

03-30-2015, 10:51 AM
Finding oneself is an ongoing battle from the minute you exit your mothers womb, to when they bury you 6 deep in the casket

Life's a theory. Hypothesize.


03-30-2015, 11:14 AM
Does anyone know of famous people who converted to Christianity.
Yeah tons.

Finding God is the reset button on being an asshole to people for many years.

03-30-2015, 11:43 AM
Does anyone know of famous people who converted to Christianity.

Most people who aren't Christian upon their death bed.

03-30-2015, 11:55 AM
Yeah tons.

Finding God is the reset button on being an asshole to people for many years.

Names please.


03-30-2015, 11:59 AM
There should only be one reason someone converts to a different religion, because they believe the teachings. I didn't see Jabbar say this here.

He basically said he did it because it got him back to his black routes and away from white teachings. Jabbar had a big chip on his shoulder back then and was obsessed with race and saw slight everywhere from whites and so many blacks do. One big reason him and Wilt didn't get along.

Anyone want to start a list of players Jabbar got in fights with.

I respect current day Jabbar a lot but back then race and feeling slighted consumed him.

03-30-2015, 12:23 PM
I don't understand what's African about Islam? Yeah, there's a lot of Muslims in Northern Africa, but it didn't originate there, and the majority of them aren't black.

03-30-2015, 12:31 PM
You don't see alot of Whites, Orientals and Jews convert to Islam.

hint = its a dumb religion and those races can see through it.

03-30-2015, 12:36 PM
You don't see alot of Whites, Orientals and Jews convert to Islam.

hint = its a dumb religion and those races can see through it.
What's a smart religion?

03-30-2015, 12:50 PM
I am a Christian living in India & I have been exposed to most historically significant religions in the world, all except Judaism.

What I have observed is that Christianity & Jesus set u free from a lot of restrictilons that other religions force down on their followers.

I am free to eat what I want, when I want, wear what I want, I can shave/ get a haircut any day of the week, any time of the day. I can pray when I want, I can clip my nails inside or outside during the day or night....I can read religious texts of other religions & partake in their ritual without fear of repurcursions from fellow Christians.

Other relegions do not allow this freedom. Infact people can be killed for converting.

Christianity & probably Judaism are the only religions that are compatible with the ever changing modern world.

03-30-2015, 12:53 PM
There should only be one reason someone converts to a different religion, because they believe the teachings. I didn't see Jabbar say this here.

He basically said he did it because it got him back to his black routes and away from white teachings. Jabbar had a big chip on his shoulder back then and was obsessed with race and saw slight everywhere from whites and so many blacks do. One big reason him and Wilt didn't get along.

Anyone want to start a list of players Jabbar got in fights with.

I respect current day Jabbar a lot but back then race and feeling slighted consumed him.

Ditto. And the ironic thing is that he didn't have the background or live the life of a "typical" black man - Catholic school, money, etc. But that's what an introspective personality gets you - too much thinking/feelings of slights not had.

03-30-2015, 01:38 PM
Probably better to become an athiest

03-30-2015, 02:13 PM
So many more Christians converting to Islam than opposite. I wonder why? :rolleyes:

coz they get stoned.........?.....http://www.humoron.com/smileys/wink.gif

03-30-2015, 02:23 PM
Allahu Akbar

03-30-2015, 02:42 PM
You don't see alot of Whites, Orientals and Jews convert to Islam.

hint = its a dumb religion and those races can see through it.

Jews, you are right about that, they are very devout.

Orientals, you are less right about that, many converts and many countries with many oriental converts like in & around Indonesia or Mongolia etc.... but you are right if you are talking about Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, they are very devout to their ways/culture.

Whites, you are the least right about that, dont know about America but in Europe its not rare at all, my aunt married a Swedish guy who converted Islam... and look at me, i am Bosnian... the son of Slavic Whites who mass converted to Islam 100s years ago from christianity or agnosticism/atheism... many Slavic White Muslims in Balkans (South Europe), heck i am one of them.... kindof secular, but whatever...

But who cares really, its an Abrahamic Religion just like Christianity or Judaism, monotheistic, believe in same one God.... same shit, different composition... as long as you aint a d-bag who cares :P

03-30-2015, 02:53 PM
good read, thanks.

I'm not muslim, but the ones I know, are very kind, peaceful, and generous people.

Not the way the news portrays them

03-30-2015, 02:56 PM
There should only be one reason someone converts to a different religion, because they believe the teachings. I didn't see Jabbar say this here.

He basically said he did it because it got him back to his black routes and away from white teachings. Jabbar had a big chip on his shoulder back then and was obsessed with race and saw slight everywhere from whites and so many blacks do. One big reason him and Wilt didn't get along.

Anyone want to start a list of players Jabbar got in fights with.

I respect current day Jabbar a lot but back then race and feeling slighted consumed him.

Did you read the full article? http://america.aljazeera.com/opinions/2015/3/why-i-converted-to-islam.html

He is a great guy.

03-30-2015, 03:09 PM
I don't understand what's African about Islam? Yeah, there's a lot of Muslims in Northern Africa, but it didn't originate there, and the majority of them aren't black.
Who do you think was doing quite well in the Subsaharan slavery business centuries before the arrival of the white devil?

03-30-2015, 04:10 PM
You don't see alot of Whites, Orientals and Jews convert to Islam.

hint = its a dumb religion and those races can see through it.
Going by that logic, Hispanics are the smartest. There's like 5 Hispanic Muslims in the entire world. We are overwhelmingly Christian, Roman Catholic to be exact.

03-30-2015, 04:33 PM
Religion is literally the worst thing on earth.

I dont give a shit if you're muslim, christian, hindu, buddhist, whatever. It's an easy fix to a question science cant answer. Yet.

Youtube Dawkins or Hitchens and listen. Should be mandatory in school.

03-30-2015, 04:35 PM
I am a Christian living in India & I have been exposed to most historically significant religions in the world, all except Judaism.

What I have observed is that Christianity & Jesus set u free from a lot of restrictilons that other religions force down on their followers.

I am free to eat what I want, when I want, wear what I want, I can shave/ get a haircut any day of the week, any time of the day. I can pray when I want, I can clip my nails inside or outside during the day or night....I can read religious texts of other religions & partake in their ritual without fear of repurcursions from fellow Christians.

Other relegions do not allow this freedom. Infact people can be killed for converting.

Christianity & probably Judaism are the only religions that are compatible with the ever changing modern world.

Including (for Christianity) - backsliding - once saved, always saved - by faith, not works. You have free will although some believe in pre-destination.

For the orthodox Jews, there are lots of restrictions - kosher food, no mixing dairy with meat, no WORK (as in not even turning on the light switch) on the sabbath, gotta clean at certain time of the year.

03-30-2015, 04:50 PM
Religion is literally the worst thing on earth.

I dont give a shit if you're muslim, christian, hindu, buddhist, whatever. It's an easy fix to a question science cant answer. Yet.

Youtube Dawkins or Hitchens and listen. Should be mandatory in school.

Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of TESTABLE explanations and predictions about the universe. TESTABLE - meaning not THEORY. And if science can't answer, why should you care what people believe in to get them through life?

I guess you believe that there was a big bang and everything just magically came together to form this pretty much perfect world. And that the awesome specimen that is Lebron James just evolved by RANDOM.

When one is in need, then religion is something to turn to. When one is happy, healthy - not so much. Maybe we should remember that that health and happiness can be taken away at a moment's notice.

Mr Feeny
03-30-2015, 06:02 PM
Probably better to become an athiest

Why? I'd much rather convert to Islam than remain a Catholic for example, tbf. Most people would, in my opinion.

Cry me a river.

03-30-2015, 06:06 PM
Not the way the news portrays them
How exactly does the news project them?

03-30-2015, 06:06 PM

03-30-2015, 06:15 PM
How exactly does the news project them?Jihadists trying to destroy America and Western Civilization usually.

03-30-2015, 08:11 PM
Religion is literally the worst thing on earth.

I dont give a shit if you're muslim, christian, hindu, buddhist, whatever. It's an easy fix to a question science cant answer. Yet.

Youtube Dawkins or Hitchens and listen. Should be mandatory in school.

Extremism is the problem not religion. I have listened to Dawkins and Hitchens and its clear that while they understand Science they don't understand non extremist religion. Thinking science proves all religion wrong is ignorant and that's what they both do.

03-30-2015, 09:50 PM
What I have observed is that Christianity & Jesus set u free from a lot of restrictilons that other religions force down on their followers.

Except the part about believing the right way or burning in hell forever. And you forget how restrictive the middle ages were in Europe when Christianity held full sway.

03-30-2015, 09:51 PM
I guess you believe that there was a big bang and everything just magically came together to form this pretty much perfect world. And that the awesome specimen that is Lebron James just evolved by RANDOM.

It came together by natural processes, and Wilt Chamberlain is the one in a billion athletes that comes along once every century or so.

03-30-2015, 09:58 PM
I feel for peaceful Muslims who may have to defend themselves verbally or physically. I've befriended a number of Muslims at my university, despite us having diametrically opposed views on the Israel-Palestine conflict. having said that, I wonder what Kareem's thoughts are not on ISIS (which is real easy to denounce, takes no significant effort to denounce their heinous crimes), but rather his thoughts on the repressive governments of the Islamic Republic of Iran or Saudi Arabia (which beheads 'criminals' regularly) or other Islamic states with repressive regimes and laws. Also wonder what his thoughts are on the anti-semitism in the muslim/Arabic world, which has been rife past couple hundred years.


03-30-2015, 10:02 PM
So he has an issue with racism (race discrimination), but has no problem with sexism (gender discrimination).

03-31-2015, 12:45 AM
I am free to eat what I want, when I want, wear what I want

Have you even read the bible :biggums:

03-31-2015, 01:50 AM
Except the part about believing the right way or burning in hell forever. And you forget how restrictive the middle ages were in Europe when Christianity held full sway.

difference is: islam is still in the middle ages, Christianity has moved on to present day

03-31-2015, 01:56 AM
Lmao Hes A Mussie?????

Hahaaha, In This Day And Age Being Religious Means Ur A Deluded Dumb **** In Utter Denial, Lmao All Respect Lost To This Stupid Geezer

03-31-2015, 03:56 AM
Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of TESTABLE explanations and predictions about the universe. TESTABLE - meaning not THEORY. And if science can't answer, why should you care what people believe in to get them through life?

I guess you believe that there was a big bang and everything just magically came together to form this pretty much perfect world. And that the awesome specimen that is Lebron James just evolved by RANDOM.

When one is in need, then religion is something to turn to. When one is happy, healthy - not so much. Maybe we should remember that that health and happiness can be taken away at a moment's notice.

Hahahaha!! I'm sorry, I don't usually do that but what makes you think theories are not testable? Do you know what type of weight a theory holds in the scientific community? It means something different than how the regular peasants uses it.

Anyway, literally what you just said is an paradox in the world of science. A theory IS testable. It's a explanation of a phenomenon that is testable and falsifiable.

03-31-2015, 04:18 AM
So many more Christians converting to Islam than opposite. I wonder why? :rolleyes:
Insert OBVIOUS joke.

Eric Cartman
03-31-2015, 04:21 AM
Have you even read the bible :biggums:

Has any christian?

Mr Feeny
03-31-2015, 05:55 AM
Has any christian?

Unlikely. I grew up in a Christian household. My father was a reverend but it never clicked with me for some reason. The deeper I got into it, or attended church, the more flawed it seemed. More worrying, as you said, most Christians don't seem to have actually read the bible or know anything about it but feel free to preach about Jesus 'saving us'.

And yes, my father and I's relationship has suffered throughout the years as I've had trouble believing one far-fetched story after another in the bible.

03-31-2015, 06:00 AM
Religion is very medieval.

03-31-2015, 06:39 AM
Have you even read the bible :biggums:

yes I have & Jesus gave me the freedom to chose.

03-31-2015, 06:55 AM
yes I have & Jesus gave me the freedom to chose.

Pilate is the only respectable character in the entirety of the New Testament.

03-31-2015, 07:11 AM
Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of TESTABLE explanations and predictions about the universe. TESTABLE - meaning not THEORY. And if science can't answer, why should you care what people believe in to get them through life?

I guess you believe that there was a big bang and everything just magically came together to form this pretty much perfect world. And that the awesome specimen that is Lebron James just evolved by RANDOM.

When one is in need, then religion is something to turn to. When one is happy, healthy - not so much. Maybe we should remember that that health and happiness can be taken away at a moment's notice.

Oh my god. I was actually going to bother and write a proper answer, but when you use the term "random" it just shows that you have no understanding of evolution what so ever.

I actually do not have a problem with people having faith, keeping them happy, whatever. My problem lies with the fact that the faith that they rely on demands certain things of our society and has done so for centuries.

Have a listen will you? There are so many videos, books, podcasts that explains it perfectly.


03-31-2015, 07:13 AM
Extremism is the problem not religion. I have listened to Dawkins and Hitchens and its clear that while they understand Science they don't understand non extremist religion. Thinking science proves all religion wrong is ignorant and that's what they both do.

The problem still remains - religion gives godly permission to do hideous things. Religion, as a whole, should be held accountable. With that said Im not implying that every muslim/christian etc should be held accountable for extremists, but RELIGION should be.

03-31-2015, 08:27 AM
Pilate is the only respectable character in the entirety of the New Testament.

u can say what u like about The Bible or Jesus or the church...u can rest assured that Christians will not start bombing malls or beheading people.

Christianity os the only religion, & perhaps Judaism too, the people can openly make fun of. So knock urselves out people.

Eric Cartman
03-31-2015, 08:36 AM
u can say what u like about The Bible or Jesus or the church...u can rest assured that Christians will not start bombing malls or beheading people.

Christianity os the only religion, & perhaps Judaism too, the people can openly make fun of. So knock urselves out people.

Christians have always been tolerant of people making fun/criticizing their religion and of other people having other religions :rolleyes:

03-31-2015, 08:46 AM
u can say what u like about The Bible or Jesus or the church...u can rest assured that Christians will not start bombing malls or beheading people.

Christianity os the only religion, & perhaps Judaism too, the people can openly make fun of. So knock urselves out people.

You were born yesterday or something? Considering Christianity belongs to the most populated humans on earth there is & and has been even more psychos who just so happened to be Christian throughout history & to this day...... speaking of beheading & all that gruesome videos highlights they like to put up on the net, not even today does something like ISIS have anything on the Cartels of Mexico... seen that video where a Cartel member with a giant cross tattood on his back recently chainsawed 5 alive people standing next to eachother? Dont.

Those are not muslims or christians, it goes against every single foundation of those religions.... those are psychos and should be treated as such no matter how much of the religion they love to indoctrinate to feel good about the inhumanity they are doing....

There is nothing wrong with any religion, there is wrong with people / their actions..... when you have a screw loose, you have a screw loose.....

03-31-2015, 08:50 AM
Christians have always been tolerant of people making fun/criticizing their religion and of other people having other religions :rolleyes:

Is there anything wrong with telling non believers about a more tolerant & accepting God? Doesn't everybody want other people to believe in their God?

Wouldn't Kobe worshippers want Lebron & Jordan worshippers to convert to their side & vice versa?

Not that there is anything wrong with that.

03-31-2015, 08:53 AM
You were born yesterday or something? Considering Christianity belongs to the most populated humans on earth there is & and has been even more psychos who just so happened to be Christian throughout history & to this day...... speaking of beheading & all that gruesome videos highlights they like to put up on the net, not even today does something like ISIS have anything on the Cartels of Mexico... seen that video where a Cartel member with a giant cross tattood on his back recently chainsawed:coleman: 5 alive people standing next to eachother? Dont.

Those are not muslims or christians, it goes against every single foundation of those religions.... those are psychos and should be treated as such no matter how much of the religion they love to indoctrinate to feel good about the inhumanity they are doing....

There is nothing wrong with any religion, there is wrong with people / their actions..... when you have a screw loose, you have a screw loose.....

Look man, there is a difference between kinng for miney, greed, power, women...& killing in the name of God. That's all I am saying.

Eric Cartman
03-31-2015, 09:00 AM
Is there anything wrong with telling non believers about a more tolerant & accepting God? Doesn't everybody want other people to believe in their God?

Wouldn't Kobe worshippers want Lebron & Jordan worshippers to convert to their side & vice versa?

Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Do you not know what the Spanish Inquisition was, or maybe the Crusades, or the Christian anti-semitism towards Jews (which makes the holocaust look like a tropical vacation by comparison)?

Listen kid, I don't have the time to give you a history lesson on religious conflicts, pick up a history book of modern civilization. Godspeed.

03-31-2015, 09:01 AM
Is there anything wrong with telling non believers about a more tolerant & accepting God? Doesn't everybody want other people to believe in their God?

Wouldn't Kobe worshippers want Lebron & Jordan worshippers to convert to their side & vice versa?

Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Christians, Jews & Muslims believe in the same one God.... those are the 3 only Abrahamic Religions we have, monotheistic, all created foundations of Abraham and the following prophets..... Muslims believe in Jesus just as much as Christians do, Jesus, Moses etc. are just as important to Islam as Mohamed is.... and "Allah" is just an arabic word, for God... Arabic Christians call God "Allah"... entire & all Arabic Christian Bibles translates "God" to "Allah"...

Same shit, different format....

03-31-2015, 09:02 AM
Look man, there is a difference between kinng for miney, greed, power, women...& killing in the name of God. That's all I am saying.

No, there is no difference at all..... psycho is a psycho...... those religions do NOT condone shit like that no matter in what name or reason you are doing it.... are you kidding me!? Where in those religions does it say its ok to:

explode yourself and take completely innocent humans with you (even those of your own religion)
behead people and post on internet (even those of your own religion)
enforce your ideology or you get killed (even those of your own religion)
indoctrinate the religion to suit your evil/barbaric/inhumane/psychotic needs...
and so on....

thats in Islam especially immediate TAKFIR (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takfir) and KAFIR (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kafir), all of it is.........

Its inhumane, its psychotic, its evil.... its NOT RELIGIOUS, nowhere do those religions condone that crap.... a psycho is a psycho is a psycho....

03-31-2015, 09:08 AM
So many more Christians converting to Islam than opposite. I wonder why? :rolleyes:

Islam is a very forceful and brainwashing religion which corrupts the most vulnerable of people, often in heavily populated, poor areas.

Time will come, Islam will face a resistance and they won't know what hit it.

03-31-2015, 09:10 AM
Islam is a very forceful and brainwashing religion which corrupts the most vulnerable of people, often in heavily populated, poor areas.

Time will come, Islam will face a resistance and they won't know what hit it.


03-31-2015, 09:12 AM
No, there is no difference at all..... psycho is a psycho...... those religions do NOT condone shit like that no matter in what name or reason you are doing it.... are you kidding me!? Where in those religions does it say its ok to:

explode yourself and take completely innocent humans with you (even those of your own religion)
behead people and post on internet (even those of your own religion)
enforce your ideology or you get killed (even those of your own religion)
indoctrinate the religion to suit your evil/barbaric/inhumane/psychotic needs...
and so on....

thats KAFIR (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kafir), all of it is.........

Its inhumane, its psychotic, its evil.... its NOT RELIGIOUS, nowhere do those religions condone that crap.... a psycho is a psycho is a psycho....

You don't know it yet, but thanks to the aggressive, radicalistic movement of your religion, you too will eventually be forced into a situation of conforming to the cultist-like leaders or die.

Islam is forcing it's hand worldwide. Taqiyaa in full effect when faced with criticism or backlash. Muslims cry Islamophobia and persecution to deflect any blame for wrongdoing, which gives them enough protection to slowly spread through western countries like a cancer...

Eric Cartman
03-31-2015, 09:16 AM

All religions brainwash people, there's no way around it.

03-31-2015, 09:17 AM
You don't know it yet, but thanks to the aggressive, radicalistic movement of your religion, you too will eventually be forced into a situation of conforming to the cultist-like leaders or die.

Islam is forcing it's hand worldwide. Taqiyaa in full effect when faced with criticism or backlash. Muslims cry Islamophobia and persecution to deflect any blame for wrongdoing, which gives them enough protection to slowly spread through western countries like a cancer...

No, sorry, we dont have psychos like that in Bosnia....

also please define "my religion", i am half "christian/muslim".... notice the apostrophe... im not so devout.... hell, devouring some beer as we speak....

03-31-2015, 09:26 AM
No, sorry, we dont have psychos like that in Bosnia....

also please define "my religion", i am half "christian/muslim".... notice the apostrophe... im not so devout.... hell, devouring some beer as we speak....

Does anything in the Quran concern you at all when you read it?

I mean, surely you don't like the fact that prophet Mohammed was a paedophile and many Muslims follow that and have no qualms with it.

Have you noticed how many Muslims support Sharia Law in Western countries? Sharia Law has some of the sickest shit that should never be enforced on anyone. Especially the treatment of women.

Tell me, why are the "good muslims" ignoring parts of the Quran that other "bad Muslims" are following?

03-31-2015, 09:27 AM
No, sorry, we dont have psychos like that in Bosnia....

also please define "my religion", i am half "christian/muslim".... notice the apostrophe... im not so devout.... hell, devouring some beer as we speak....

How does that work?

Christian/Muslim? Drinking beer?

03-31-2015, 09:31 AM
Sorry this is about Kareeem.

Sorry Pauk, ill have to end it here. :cheers:

Patrick Chewing
03-31-2015, 10:19 AM
How's Boko doing in Africa?

Killing Christians left and right.

03-31-2015, 10:32 AM
Damn, pauk spreading taqiyya again.

'No religion is bad' - I guess Hitler should've written Mein Kampf few centuries earlier and in verses

'Same God' - yeah, apart from that thingy with Holy Trinity... Yahveh Elohim bears almost no similarity to the once pagan idol Allah

'We dont have psychos in Bosnia' - :lol

You are not some nondevout half muslim/christian. Such person wouldnt spend so much time lying about this crap. You are a rotten piece of a preaching islamist shit

03-31-2015, 10:37 AM
Kareem is as bad as ISIS. :lol

03-31-2015, 11:23 AM
Islam is a very forceful and brainwashing religion which corrupts the most vulnerable of people, often in heavily populated, poor areas.

Time will come, Islam will face a resistance and they won't know what hit it.

Don't know about that - they really take to heart being fruitful and MULTIPLY while most of the rest of the world is cutting down on the number of kids they have.

03-31-2015, 11:59 AM
Does anything in the Quran concern you at all when you read it?

I mean, surely you don't like the fact that prophet Mohammed was a paedophile and many Muslims follow that and have no qualms with it.

Have you noticed how many Muslims support Sharia Law in Western countries? Sharia Law has some of the sickest shit that should never be enforced on anyone. Especially the treatment of women.

Tell me, why are the "good muslims" ignoring parts of the Quran that other "bad Muslims" are following?
where exactly does it say in the Quran that prophet Muhammed was a pedophile?

what a bunch of bullshit :facepalm

The Iron Fist
03-31-2015, 12:13 PM
Religion is literally the worst thing on earth.

I dont give a shit if you're muslim, christian, hindu, buddhist, whatever. It's an easy fix to a question science cant answer. Yet.

Youtube Dawkins or Hitchens and listen. Should be mandatory in school.
science itself is a religion.

03-31-2015, 12:14 PM
Do you not know what the Spanish Inquisition was, or maybe the Crusades, or the Christian anti-semitism towards Jews (which makes the holocaust look like a tropical vacation by comparison)?

Listen kid, I don't have the time to give you a history lesson on religious conflicts, pick up a history book of modern civilization. Godspeed.

Eric, let's not compare eras.

Chritianity has evolved, Christians have evolved, adapted to science & modern society unlike other religions. I know because I live in a country full of non believers.

I am done with this thread now.

03-31-2015, 12:21 PM
Life's a theory. Hypothesize.


Mr Feeny
03-31-2015, 02:02 PM
Damn, pauk spreading taqiyya again.

'No religion is bad' - I guess Hitler should've written Mein Kampf few centuries earlier and in verses

'Same God' - yeah, apart from that thingy with Holy Trinity... Yahveh Elohim bears almost no similarity to the once pagan idol Allah

'We dont have psychos in Bosnia' - :lol

You are not some nondevout half muslim/christian. Such person wouldnt spend so much time lying about this crap. You are a rotten piece of a preaching islamist shit

Oh boy.

03-31-2015, 02:17 PM
science itself is a religion.

Science is a philosophy not a religion.

03-31-2015, 02:19 PM
So this is how Kareem likes his women ? :


it is cool as hell........got that star wars, stormtrooper vibe.....:rockon:

03-31-2015, 02:26 PM
So this is how Kareem likes his women ? :


it is cool as hell........got that star wars, stormtrooper vibe.....:rockon:

Like Billy would say, it's like marrying a post box.

If they end up being a man you're ****ed. No point even choosing which one you want to marry. All the same.

But seriously; Kareem is a douche.

Lew Alcindor was cool though.

03-31-2015, 05:29 PM
Kareem Abdul Jabbar is a better sounding than Lew Alcindor.