View Full Version : Rant: Fans who occupy their time trying to belittle/slam other great players

04-02-2015, 09:01 PM
Bill Simmons is one of them.

Many fans of many players/teams do this. In passing, yeah okay I get it. But I'm more talking about the people who've thought long and hard about this and believe their negativity with sincerity. There are entire YouTube channels dedicated to slamming and "exposing" other HOF legends, strictly to prop up their one legend that they are featuring (a few MJ/Kobe stan channels come to mind).

Why the **** do people do this? Like, literally no player that has ever played has what could be treated as a spotless resume. Not MJ, not Kobe, not Bill Russell, not Wilt/Jabbar/ or whomever. Why go through great lengths to hunt for negative things to talk about in other players resume's/games and make a big fuss about it, while not doing so in an equal manner for your own favorite player? Why not seek out the whole truth so as to be honest with yourself? And better yet, why not drop the whole negativity thing in the first place and maybe just hunt for what makes everyone so great, why even focus on the negatives what does that say about those people who do that? That they are gossipy and easy victims of jealousy by nature?

It's so irritating when talking basketball, as an optimistic fan of the sport and it's history, when people just want to bring up negative shit all the time. Let's talk about Kobe "innefficient chucker", let's talk about MJ "first round exits for 9 seasons couldn't do it without Pippen", Russell "poor offensive player/weak era", I mean on down the line. And nobody who attempts to slam other legends is even being honest about it either. NONE of them want to address context in any of their legacy slamming tirades. And none of them want to hear the same narrow minded negativity flipped onto their own favorite player.

Are you not FANS of basketball!? Are some of you honestly only fans of a singular individual or team that played, and deluded to the point that you think they could do no wrong but all the other legends could/did!?

I'm not calling out anyone specificly here on ISH... It's just a general observation I made. The negativity just blows my mind sometimes, coming from so called basketball fans. It doesn't seem like basketball brings these people any joy, if all they can do is find ways to hate the majority (or even just a few) of the great players that ever played.


Im so nba'd out
04-02-2015, 09:03 PM
I don't know. Why do you it for the best player on your favorite team?

04-02-2015, 09:05 PM
I don't know. Why do you it for the best player on your favorite team?

04-02-2015, 09:06 PM
I don't know. Why do you it for the best player on your favorite team?

04-02-2015, 09:07 PM
Holy shit.

I agree 100%

04-02-2015, 09:07 PM
I don't know. Why do you it for the best player on your favorite team?
I don't hate lebron with any sort of sincerity. I don't even dislike him. And I most certainly respect his game, he's definitely one of the greatest to have ever played the game.

His stans, I often can't stand - for the reasons posted in the OP.

04-02-2015, 09:10 PM
I don't know. Why do you it for the best player on your favorite team?

Im Still Ballin
04-02-2015, 09:13 PM
This is so hypocritical

****ing LMAO

04-02-2015, 09:13 PM


04-02-2015, 09:15 PM
This is so hypocritical

****ing LMAO
Do I Invest a great deal of my time as a fan trying to expose players?

Im so nba'd out
04-02-2015, 09:15 PM


04-02-2015, 09:15 PM


04-02-2015, 09:16 PM
It's trolling. Forums aren't exactly 100% representation of a person and others on what they really think (most part). Either that or they just aren't that interested in history.

But I think I'll go with my trolling theory, since it's right in most cases on here. . Figure the OP trolls anyways when he isn't serious.

04-02-2015, 09:17 PM

Im Still Ballin
04-02-2015, 09:18 PM


04-02-2015, 09:18 PM

04-02-2015, 09:18 PM

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Im Still Ballin
04-02-2015, 09:19 PM
Hating is hating, brother

Don't matter if you put 1 line of ketchup or two

04-02-2015, 09:19 PM

Trolling, being insincere, saying some snyde remark in passing is not what I'm talking about. as I pointed out in the OP.

Bill Simmons is one of them.

Many fans of many players/teams do this. In passing, yeah okay I get it. But I'm more talking about the people who've thought long and hard about this and believe their negativity with sincerity. There are entire YouTube channels dedicated to slamming and "exposing" other HOF legends, strictly to prop up their one legend that they are featuring (a few MJ/Kobe stan channels come to mind).

Why the **** do people do this? Like, literally no player that has ever played has what could be treated as a spotless resume. Not MJ, not Kobe, not Bill Russell, not Wilt/Jabbar/ or whomever. Why go through great lengths to hunt for negative things to talk about in other players resume's/games and make a big fuss about it, while not doing so in an equal manner for your own favorite player? Why not seek out the whole truth so as to be honest with yourself? And better yet, why not drop the whole negativity thing in the first place and maybe just hunt for what makes everyone so great, why even focus on the negatives what does that say about those people who do that? That they are gossipy and easy victims of jealousy by nature?

It's so irritating when talking basketball, as an optimistic fan of the sport and it's history, when people just want to bring up negative shit all the time. Let's talk about Kobe "innefficient chucker", let's talk about MJ "first round exits for 9 seasons couldn't do it without Pippen", Russell "poor offensive player/weak era", I mean on down the line. And nobody who attempts to slam other legends is even being honest about it either. NONE of them want to address context in any of their legacy slamming tirades. And none of them want to hear the same narrow minded negativity flipped onto their own favorite player.

Are you not FANS of basketball!? Are some of you honestly only fans of a singular individual or team that played, and deluded to the point that you think they could do no wrong but all the other legends could/did!?

I'm not calling out anyone specificly here on ISH... It's just a general observation I made. The negativity just blows my mind sometimes, coming from so called basketball fans. It doesn't seem like basketball brings these people any joy, if all they can do is find ways to hate the majority (or even just a few) of the great players that ever played.

I'm talking about people who dedicate making videos and shit, and investing a lot of time and research into hunting for reasons NOT to like certain players.

04-02-2015, 09:21 PM
legit busted out laughing :applause:

04-02-2015, 09:22 PM
It's trolling. Forums aren't exactly 100% representation of a person and others on what they really think (most part). Either that or they just aren't that interested in history.

But I think I'll go with my trolling theory, since it's right in most cases on here. . Figure the OP trolls anyways when he isn't serious.
I'm not talking about trolling, I'm talking about people who make long posts, YouTube channels, etc that attempt to expose other NBA legends and what not.

Long-winded posts, write-ups or projects that had a lot of thought put into them on why you SHOULDN'T appreciate someone that played in the NBA.

Fatal9 did this.

Bill Simmons wrote a book and dedicated a chapter to this.

There's that "Kobe zone defense" creator on YouTube.

There's videos on YouTube now about players getting "shut down".

It's not all trolling. Trolling actually does't bother me. It's when you can detect sincerity and effort investing time into belittling legends of the sport that makes me go... what the ****.

04-02-2015, 09:25 PM
How is this so hard to understand? He says shit about Lebron to rile you people up because you're annoying.

MANY people on here legitimately hate Lebron, or at least invest enough time posting about it that it seems that way and would be a huge waste of time if it was all trolling/tongue-in-cheek.

Same thing with Lebron stans. They seem to actually HATE kobe.

And some Kobe stans seem to actually hate Duncan. Like what?! How can a real fan of basketball not love Tim Duncan?

And again, trolling is one thing. But when it becomes a large amount of time invested in it....then its either hatred...or just sad. Both of which aren't a good look.

04-02-2015, 09:26 PM
Fans are irrational by nature, regardless of the topic. I don't think I need to explain irrationality. It's part of what makes people human and sometimes you just have to let it go. Especially when it's online and everyone is anonymous to one another.

Besides, making trolling topics in the past doesn't make your current topic anymore meaningful to take that seriously, when the premise isn't that serious.

04-02-2015, 09:27 PM
How is this so hard to understand? He says shit about Lebron to rile you people up because you're annoying.

MANY people on here legitimately hate Lebron, or at least invest enough time posting about it that it seems that way and would be a huge waste of time if it was all trolling/tongue-in-cheek.

Same thing with Lebron stans. They seem to actually HATE kobe.

And some Kobe stans seem to actually hate Duncan. Like what?! How can a real fan of basketball not love Tim Duncan?

And again, trolling is one thing. But when it becomes a large amount of time invested in it....then its either hatred...or just sad. Both of which aren't a good look.
Does he not see that people say shit about Wilt to rile HIM up?

04-02-2015, 09:28 PM
OP, I'll answer this premise later on. Got to reach somewhere first.

I'm out.

04-02-2015, 09:29 PM
How is this so hard to understand? He says shit about Lebron to rile you people up because you're annoying.

MANY people on here legitimately hate Lebron, or at least invest enough time posting about it that it seems that way and would be a huge waste of time if it was all trolling/tongue-in-cheek.

Same thing with Lebron stans. They seem to actually HATE kobe.

And some Kobe stans seem to actually hate Duncan. Like what?! How can a real fan of basketball not love Tim Duncan?

And again, trolling is one thing. But when it becomes a large amount of time invested in it....then its either hatred...or just sad. Both of which aren't a good look.
Yeah, trolling is basically sarcasm. Completely different. It's people who believe with sincerity, that you should hate a bunch of NBA legends and they go out and spend a lot of time finding and presenting reasons why. That shit doesn't make sense to me.

04-02-2015, 09:30 PM
Does he not see that people say shit about Wilt to rile HIM up?
Of course I see that, why do you think I can dish it back out :oldlol:

Trolling = / = what I'm taking about in the OP

04-02-2015, 09:31 PM
Of course I see that, why do you think I can dish it back out :oldlol:

Trolling = / = what I'm taking about in the OP
Oh well, then to answer to the OP: I imagine because they genuinely hate the player

04-02-2015, 09:39 PM
Does he not see that people say shit about Wilt to rile HIM up?
Yea but the OP wasn't about Wilt, or about what some stupid kids say about him.

It's the generally tendency of a lot of people.

I personally love watching Lebron. I loved watching Kobe. On this board and in general I'm on the Lebron side. Which is fvcked up that there needs to be a side. They're both amazing players.

I love watching Kevin Durant play. I love watching Duncan play. I loved watching TMac, Iverson, Shaq, Ray Ray and Peja (I was always a shooter), Dirk,etc.

I've been labeled as a Bran stan before because I like his game. And I hate the Kobetards on here more. The bran stans are easier to dismiss, IMO. A lot more just blatant and stupid trolling.

I'll tell my kids I got to watch both players, and I'll show them videos of both.

04-02-2015, 10:00 PM
I don't know. Why do you it for the best player on your favorite team?


04-02-2015, 10:05 PM
I don't know. Why do you it for the best player on your favorite team?


04-02-2015, 10:08 PM
I don't know. Why do you it for the best player on your favorite team?


04-02-2015, 10:09 PM
OP AKA Captain Cuck got owned in the 1st post

04-02-2015, 10:11 PM
I don't know. Why do you it for the best player on your favorite team?

04-02-2015, 10:12 PM
I don't know. Why do you it for the best player on your favorite team?


04-03-2015, 12:45 AM
I'm not talking about trolling, I'm talking about people who make long posts, YouTube channels, etc that attempt to expose other NBA legends and what not.

Long-winded posts, write-ups or projects that had a lot of thought put into them on why you SHOULDN'T appreciate someone that played in the NBA.

Fatal9 did this.

Bill Simmons wrote a book and dedicated a chapter to this.

There's that "Kobe zone defense" creator on YouTube.

There's videos on YouTube now made by one guy that uploads players getting "shut down" by Jordan (but never Jordan himself getting "shut down") and shows other legends getting "shut down". His objective is to show people everyone gets shut down, but Jordan. The reality is though, everyone has bad games, including Jordan but it's not the reality that creator wants to present.

It's not all trolling. Trolling actually does't bother me. It's when you can detect sincerity and effort investing time into belittling legends of the sport that makes me go... what the ****.

The combination of caring a lot for certain players and Insecurity I guess is the main reason fans try to bring down legacies or styles of play. Fatal/Simmons aren't fond of Wilt, but they're fully aware his legacy is great enough to be a threat to Kareem (Fatal) or Russell (Simmons). The new guy you're talking about (I'm pretty sure his name is something like "nobody touches Jordan") looks really insecure and feels the need to protect Jordan's legacy against anyone's who comes close. Some other Jordan stans have been equally insecure even when it comes to Kobe, despite the fact that he's pretty clearly inferior, because they know he's hyped enough to be considered a "threat" regardless. Kobe fans as well vs LeBron, of course.

Reminder: Fan is short for "Fanatic". It's really not any kind of praise.

04-03-2015, 01:04 AM
The combination of caring a lot for certain players and Insecurity I guess is the main reason fans try to bring down legacies or styles of play. Fatal/Simmons aren't fond of Wilt, but they're fully aware his legacy is great enough to be a threat to Kareem (Fatal) or Russell (Simmons). The new guy you're talking about (I'm pretty sure his name is something like "nobody touches Jordan") looks really insecure and feels the need to protect Jordan's legacy against anyone's who comes close. Some other Jordan stans have been equally insecure even when it comes to Kobe, despite the fact that he's pretty clearly inferior, because they know he's hyped enough to be considered a "threat" regardless. Kobe fans as well vs LeBron, of course.

Reminder: Fan is short for "Fanatic". It's really not any kind of praise.

So for you Lebron is pretty clearly inferior to Kobe??
I absolutely agree with the rest of your post

04-03-2015, 08:43 AM
While I agree with what you say you aren't the one to making the case all things considered.

You of all people should understand somewhat insincere incessant attempts to bring down all time great players.

A lot of these people do it for the exact same reasons you claim. Hating the fan of the players they hate on.

04-03-2015, 08:55 AM
I don't know. Why do you it for the best player on your favorite team?

04-03-2015, 09:18 AM
You're confusing "Fans" with "Trolls who like antagonizing people on the internet"

04-03-2015, 09:23 AM
let's talk about MJ "first round exits for 9 seasons couldn't do it without Pippen",

the 1- 9 Refers to his Play Off record first 5 seasons (I believe his Rookie year they didn't make it)

04-03-2015, 09:26 AM
The main ones that are laughing are the LeBron stans:oldlol: Go figure :lol

04-03-2015, 09:28 AM
I don't know. Why do you it for the best player on your favorite team?


04-03-2015, 09:33 AM
I don't know. Why do you it for the best player on your favorite team?




04-03-2015, 09:40 AM
I don't know. Why do you it for the best player on your favorite team?


04-03-2015, 10:19 AM

04-03-2015, 11:41 AM
Until I joined ISH, I honestly didn't know there were determined, fanatical trolls who fit the description of the OP.

Really, I have always been a big Julius Erving fan since my days as a teen in the early 80s, but as I got older, I overcame this idolatry to become a loyal team fan. To this day, I am a huge 76er fan, Phillies fan, and a die hard Eagle fan. I would cut off my right arm for the iggles to win a Super Bowl.

I am a realistic loyalist though. I have always been objective, and I usually see both sides of an argument. Because of this, I have never been blinded to be an Erving fan without seeing his flaws and why others may not rate him a top 10 player of all time.

And yes, the number of blinded loyalists and fanatical "stans" on ISH has surprised me and has turned me off. I see people who are intelligent enough, but try to tear down whole eras to destroy a goat player who threatens their idol who played in a different era. Some of these people don't even seem to care about any team, and just fantasize daily about one player who currently plays or who played 20 or 50 years ago. Are these people actually basketball fans? I can't imagine watching basketball without a rooting interest or relating it to the fate of my team.

Some posters here don't even seem to be fans of modern basketball. You can tell by how much they try to tear it down. Again, are you a hoops fan or even a sports fan if you don't like watching basketball and caring for the suspense of winning and losing in the here and now? I mean, if all you do is watch clips from 30 years ago, is that sports? Or just fanaticism?

I don't want to name names because that would judge posters here. I may be wrong about others since I don't actually know why they do what they do. All I can say is that ISH has it's own world, and in the real world most people I know are team fans. They may really like a superstar player on their team, but wouldn't trade the team for the player.

When I recall the great days of the 76ers and Erving, I sometimes get teary eyed, and remember my youth. I remember watching so many games in the old Spectrum in Philly as Doc battled Bird and those hated Celtics, and of course magic and the Lakers. Those days are long gone, and it's a new era with new faces and lots of promise in the 76ers future.

I look forward to the prospects of the future and I welcome it. My mind is open to new possibilities, and there is no bitterness or insecurity in my heart about Doc. He will forever be my greatest hero, but life moves on.

04-03-2015, 11:44 AM



Are you really calling somebody out for spelling? You? YOU?


This thread is ****ing gold.

04-03-2015, 12:32 PM
Rent free.

04-03-2015, 12:48 PM
Are you really calling somebody out for spelling? You? YOU?


This thread is ****ing gold.
Yes, I can spell my dude:coleman: He phucked up and somebody had to own his dumb ass especially since most people that were laughing were bron stans:facepalm

04-03-2015, 01:54 PM
OP got destroyed worse than Wilt in the Finals :oldlol:

04-03-2015, 01:59 PM
Lmao RIP in peace.

04-03-2015, 02:10 PM
As far as I'm concerned this thread has ruined any chance Wilt had at being GOAT.

04-03-2015, 03:26 PM
Same can be said about the complete opposite fans.