View Full Version : What is your opinion of stoners?

04-05-2015, 12:43 AM
People who cope with life by self-medicating with marijuana. What are your thoughts ISH? Is it alpha to be a stoner?

Im so nba'd out
04-05-2015, 12:47 AM
its your life live it however you wanna - em

04-05-2015, 12:48 AM
Somebody needs to hold the couch down

04-05-2015, 01:07 AM
You appreciate things more when you're high. I'm sober and I hate everything.

I was laughing at jokes from My Wife and Kids while high that I wouldn't have sober.

So u were sitting around watching a sitcom and snacking on shit after right? My question is--what is your opinion of ppl who do that everyday?

04-05-2015, 01:10 AM
"cope with life"

04-05-2015, 01:14 AM
"cope with life"

Stoners would lose their mind if they stopped smoking for a few days in a row

04-05-2015, 01:15 AM
I was watching the show and playing 2K, by the time I was done I was too tired to eat because I woke up at 4am to smoke.

I smoked again at like noon and still wasn't really hungry, I just smoked to finish the leftovers.

People who do it daily just like the feeling, you enjoy life and things around you more. It's better to be happy than mad, that's kindergarten.

It's not like they are out killing themselves or other people doing it.

its very rare to find a stoner outside of a celebrity who has their shit straight

04-05-2015, 01:23 AM
People who use marijuana shoyld not be immediately labeled as lazy couch-potatoes with no ambition who don't have their "sh1t together"

That's a pretty huge stereotype.

I personally know countless marijuana users who own their own successful businesses, have a family and kids who graduated from college and are what society would call "model citizens" (I also know some of the lazy, no ambition, live with parents at age 26 type marijuana users too)

Marijuana is undoubtedly less harmful and less addictive that cigs or alcohol.

04-05-2015, 01:28 AM
People who use marijuana shoyld not be immediately labeled as lazy couch-potatoes with no ambition who don't have their "sh1t together"

That's a pretty huge stereotype.

I personally know countless marijuana users who own their own successful businesses, have a family and kids who graduated from college and are what society would call "model citizens" (I also know some of the lazy, no ambition, live with parents at age 26 type marijuana users too)

Marijuana is undoubtedly less harmful and less addictive that cigs or alcohol.

Would you would encourage your child to smoke weed?

04-05-2015, 01:32 AM
I would. I wouldn't tell them to intentionally break the law, but smoke a bit if you the chance. Stay positive.

I like your style, but I disagree but to each their own.

04-05-2015, 01:44 AM
There's nothing wrong with smoking weed. Even every day, every hour. People do what they have to do. Old people pop pills just to function half normally... spending a few bucks to get a tangible reward and enhanced experience is just as valid.

If there's any problem, then it's the people who basically revolve their entire identity and purpose in life around it. The people who have tattoos and t-shirts and hats and wristbands and pens and cell phone cases that seek to desperately advertise it for the whole world to take notice. Smoking weed isn't any more of a grand lifestyle choice than swimming in your backyard pool or going out fishing by the sea.

Which makes it all the more ****ing ridiculous that the great debate of our generation is about legalising something which really shouldn't have been criminalised in the first place...something which is de-facto legal anyway if you're not a dumbass. The national politicians are laughing it up as they see people crusade for what amounts to scraps while they turn a blind eye everything else.

04-05-2015, 01:48 AM
if you still get stoned on a daily basis after like age 25, chances are, you're a loser who isn't going anywhere.

04-05-2015, 01:58 AM
When you try marijuana you'll understand how harmless it is. The affects are too good to not try. I've tried blacks (have to be 18 to buy, costs $1) and they are 10x worst.

I smoked weed a lot when i partied in college, but i stopped because i noticed the people around me were doing it everyday and they weren't doing shit with their lives. I haven't smoked in 2 years though.

04-05-2015, 02:05 AM
There's nothing wrong with smoking weed. Even every day, every hour. People do what they have to do. Old people pop pills just to function half normally... spending a few bucks to get a tangible reward and enhanced experience is just as valid.

If there's any problem, then it's the people who basically revolve their entire identity and purpose in life around it. The people who have tattoos and t-shirts and hats and wristbands and pens and cell phone cases that seek to desperately advertise it for the whole world to take notice. Smoking weed isn't any more of a grand lifestyle choice than swimming in your backyard pool or going out fishing by the sea.

Which makes it all the more ****ing ridiculous that the great debate of our generation is about legalising something which really shouldn't have been criminalised in the first place...something which is de-facto legal anyway if you're not a dumbass. The national politicians are laughing it up as they see people crusade for what amounts to scraps while they turn a blind eye everything else.

I am against all mind-altering substances. A very small % are disciplined enough to use it in moderation to supplement and enhance their lifestyle. The rest turn into your typical stereotypical stoner and go off experimenting with harder drugs, If you legalize it kids will get their hands on it. Weed will get legalized it. Whats next to stay progressive and tax? Why do the 1% abstain from weed besides a rapper? What have they figured out that the other 99 haven't?

04-05-2015, 02:08 AM
It's not like your life will spiral into the gutter for smoking a joint. It does cost to smoke though, people need to look into being their own plant rather than spending $10 for .5

I get 10 times more shit done when i'm not drinking/smoking and it's been a year and a half since my last drink/party. I'm more stressed BUT I am in my 20s and I need to push to launch my career. I don't know why so many kids are on vacation when they should be grinding. I blame weed, PS4, smartphones, etc because this generation is beta as phuck.

04-05-2015, 02:09 AM
I am against all mind-altering substances. A very small % are disciplined enough to use it in moderation to supplement and enhance their lifestyle. The rest turn into your typical stereotypical stoner and go off experimenting with harder drugs, If you legalize it kids will get their hands on it. Weed will get legalized it. Whats next to stay progressive and tax? Why do the 1% abstain from weed besides a rapper? What have they figured out that the other 99 haven't?
And why is that a bad thing? Everything is a "harder drug" than weed, including alcohol.

04-05-2015, 02:14 AM
And why is that a bad thing? Everything is a "harder drug" than weed, including alcohol.

For real though, I doubt anyone who smokes for the first time is thinking "Wow, some crystal meth would simply be marvelous right about now!"

If anything, the realisation that weed is not this deadly soul-destroying agent of satan like how many campaigns would have you believe, might perhaps inspire complete skepticism...If they were so keen to mislead and lie about 1 thing, who is to say that they wouldn't do the same for everything else?

04-05-2015, 02:16 AM
And why is that a bad thing? Everything is a "harder drug" than weed, including alcohol.

Addiction/substance abuse.

04-05-2015, 02:17 AM

For real though, I doubt anyone who smokes for the first time is thinking "Wow, some crystal meth would simply be marvelous right about now!"

No, but the seed is planted and your psychology changes from a definite no to being a bit more open minded. 9 times out of 10 nothing serious will come from it, but 1 will end up becoming a full blown addict and YES it all started from that 1 spliff.

04-05-2015, 02:24 AM
You don't understand all of the hoops it takes to decriminalize, legislate, regulate, and scientifically test something that was illegal. You don't just flip a switch.
Don't think that was his point

J Shuttlesworth
04-05-2015, 03:33 AM
Nothing wrong with weed. I used to smoke, but not anymore. I know a lot of people who can smoke and still be productive as ****

04-05-2015, 04:16 AM
Weed/Alcohol are the same as religion.

Both numb pain because we're scared of reality. Anyone who does it is intrinsically inferior to me.

04-05-2015, 05:20 AM
People who use marijuana shoyld not be immediately labeled as lazy couch-potatoes with no ambition who don't have their "sh1t together"

That's a pretty huge stereotype.

I personally know countless marijuana users who own their own successful businesses, have a family and kids who graduated from college and are what society would call "model citizens" (I also know some of the lazy, no ambition, live with parents at age 26 type marijuana users too)

Marijuana is undoubtedly less harmful and less addictive that cigs or alcohol.

this. there's an entire gamut of stoners. i used to be one. i smoked for years and eventually got tired of that 'crowd' and lifestyle. i quit cold turkey and i ran through an 1/8th a week easily. that's just my use. probably smoked around 6 days a week. i don't regret any of it really. never lost a job, got in a fight, got in an accident or anything like that. in fact, i feel i learned a ton about myself and others.

it's far less harmful/detrimental to society than alcohol/cigs, especially if you vape these days. DUIs, lung cancer, cirrhosis, violence, etc.

alcohol is socially acceptable and let's face it, one of the major reasons weed is illegal is because pharmaceutical and alcohol companies are against it. pharm companies want to continue to develop pills for every myriad of symptoms while raking in revenue money to throw ads out to make you feel you need those pills. a good portion of these pills have really damaging/irritating side effects in the process. some do more harm than good, but fvck it, legalizing weed is only more competition for those companies, despite cannabis showing hundreds of medicinal value.

why would legalizing it make it more accessible to kids? make sure you're of age and keep it away from schools. get dispensaries proper security. that whole idea is overblown. amsterdam legalized it. their crime rate actually decreased and their economy was boosted. are americans just too immature and irresponsible about it? get a sobriety test that isn't the bs urine test where it shows you partook in the last month or so.

i haven't even gotten into the fact of how much the government would make off taxing it. it's in the billions instead of spending billions on a war on drugs fairy tale that will never really work.

anyway, my opinion of stoners is open. i've known lazy, unmotivated stoners at dead end jobs for years. i've known highly motivated, fit stoners that use it to destress while making progress. guys you would not even think smoked unless you were close to them. moderation is key. labels are dumb.

04-05-2015, 11:39 AM
I used to smoke every day in my late teens and early 20s and yet I still had my shit together. It all depends on the person. Alcohol ****s me up far worse.

Weed/Alcohol are the same as religion.

Both numb pain because we're scared of reality. Anyone who does it is intrinsically inferior to me.

Some of the most of the most obnoxious people I have ever met were proud bleating atheists. Unmerited ego combined with a complete lack of introspection

04-05-2015, 11:49 AM
Incredible how much hate weed gets in comparison to cigs and alcohol, is it because the other two are legal? Do pothead dads beat their children? Is it alpha to be an alcoholic dad?

04-05-2015, 12:11 PM
As I live in the Netherlands I have to say my opinion of stoners are not that good.

They grow incredibly lazy.But not necessarily lazy when their career is concerned. Just socially lazy. It all starts well the first month or so, you still go out with them on Friday nights and Saturday nights.

But then it comes, they start skipping events, they would rather smoke a blunt than go out, you cant really have a great time with them when going out because they are stoned as well. They always disappear from a party for big periods of time to go smoke their blunt.

They become also really socially unreliable. We had a friend who we used to have a lot of fun with until he got into weed. He started cancelling last hour on every event, whether we went to a club, to the movies, to the beach or to eat something. This friend got so ridiculously lazy, that sometimes he used to get all dressed up and showered and then be like : ohhh...**** it man, Il just smoke a blunt and chill man"

I noticed that weed is really bad for you when the friend quit for about a month. You could really tell the difference, that month he always had initiative, started living life again much more, always out, always had something planned.Then he got back into it and did the same shit all over again.

Alcohol is bad as well, but that does not mean weed is any better.

04-05-2015, 12:51 PM
Would you would encourage your child to smoke weed?

I dont have any kids.

But if I had a kid, who was 18, and wanted my blessing to smoke marijuana I would allow him to without hesitation.

Marijuana is not intended for children, much like cigs and alcohol.

04-06-2015, 03:04 PM
if it takes weed to make people not be assholes then I'm all for it. IMO it's better than taking prescription pills..

04-06-2015, 03:06 PM
Pills are too easy to OD on. Weed is sustainable and less hazardous.

oh the horror
04-06-2015, 03:12 PM
if you still get stoned on a daily basis after like age 25, chances are, you're a loser who isn't going anywhere.

But a bunch of you will drink most weekends right?

04-06-2015, 03:24 PM
I don't mind it. It's hard to judge others when you haven't been in their complete situation before (childhood, family life, schooling, etc).

I know for myself though, I like to limit it to once a week because if I do it more than the tolerance will get high and I'll need a lot more to get the same affects...and then I'll need more...and more...and with that large amount I believe it has effects on people's minds and dopamine levels and stuff.

04-06-2015, 03:34 PM
There is nothing wrong with weed, but when it comes to people it all depends.

There's a time and a place for everything. I remember one time I took the ferry to England with my buddies, that consists of sitting on a boring ferry for 6 hours with nothing to do (don't ever do this instead of flying by the way, one of my friends is afraid of flying but this way of travel sucks). We all shared some brownies before boarding and we had a great time on that boat. I rarely use weed though, few times a year at best. Some of my friends do smoke regularly but they know when it's a good time to light one up and when it isn't.

Then you have guys who smoke every day. Who get high when they are around sober people. Who smoke in the afternoon just to pass the time. Who smoke when they still have to be somewhere. Who make it "their thing". And it's just not something like that. It's not like drinking a cup of coffee in the morning, weed makes you slow and annoying to people who aren't high and it messes with what you are doing.

04-06-2015, 03:35 PM
But a bunch of you will drink most weekends right?

People who get drunk every day at any age are losers too.

04-06-2015, 03:39 PM
if a persons a lazy, unmotivated piece of shit while high, chances are theyre a lazy, unmotivated piece of shit when sober.

04-06-2015, 03:46 PM
if a persons a lazy, unmotivated piece of shit while high, chances are theyre a lazy, unmotivated piece of shit when sober.
I'm going by the thought that you've never smoked weed. (Which is ironic because of your avy, which would make you a poser)

When you smoke you feel relaxed, majority of smokers do so at home and just chill in the process. Smoking and working runs the risk of getting caught and getting in trouble.

04-06-2015, 03:50 PM
if you still get stoned on a daily basis after like age 25, chances are, you're a loser who isn't going anywhere.

Chances are high.

Bosnian Sajo
04-06-2015, 04:10 PM
its very rare to find a stoner outside of a celebrity who has their shit straight

I'm guessing you didn't attend college?

Bosnian Sajo
04-06-2015, 04:19 PM
It's not like your life will spiral into the gutter for smoking a joint. It does cost to smoke though, people need to look into being their own plant rather than spending $10 for .5

Damn homie, your dealer is ripping you off, $20/gram? Where do you live? I get my stuff for $10/g (best stuff around), or $10/1.2g from my classmate....really good stuff, but the other guy's bud is just so much prettier. When he says he got purp, shits purple.

04-06-2015, 04:28 PM
I'm going by the thought that you've never smoked weed. (Which is ironic because of your avy, which would make you a poser)

When you smoke you feel relaxed, majority of smokers do so at home and just chill in the process. Smoking and working runs the risk of getting caught and getting in trouble.

well thats your problem, youre going by your own ignorant thoughts.
being relaxed and being an unmotivated piece of shit are two entirely different things. but non stoners, or wannabe stoners like yourself have little to no understanding of that

04-06-2015, 04:31 PM
What do you expect a high person to do? Go to their 9 to 5 job with their heads in the skies and smelling like bud or relax at home without the threat of being confronted.

You'd be dumb to work while high, that's a waste.

04-06-2015, 04:37 PM
I often work with people with substance abuse problems.

The substances that create the most issues by far and away are #1 alcohol and #2 opiates. Alcohol is number one because it effects way more people than you would think.

Weed is nothing. So stoners sit on the couch and get C's and keep untidy homes. They underachieve. Big whoop. Same issues as somebody with a video game addiction or someone that's just generally lazy.

Alcoholism and opiate addiction destroy families and lives. By comparison stoners aren't bad at all. I'd rather deal with a stoner than a drunk or a junkie any day of the week.

04-06-2015, 04:38 PM
I don't have a problem with an adult making a conscious choice to destroy his/her brain cells, whether weed is the mechanism or not.

04-06-2015, 05:06 PM
As I live in the Netherlands I have to say my opinion of stoners are not that good.

They grow incredibly lazy.But not necessarily lazy when their career is concerned. Just socially lazy. It all starts well the first month or so, you still go out with them on Friday nights and Saturday nights.

But then it comes, they start skipping events, they would rather smoke a blunt than go out, you cant really have a great time with them when going out because they are stoned as well. They always disappear from a party for big periods of time to go smoke their blunt.

They become also really socially unreliable. We had a friend who we used to have a lot of fun with until he got into weed. He started cancelling last hour on every event, whether we went to a club, to the movies, to the beach or to eat something. This friend got so ridiculously lazy, that sometimes he used to get all dressed up and showered and then be like : ohhh...**** it man, Il just smoke a blunt and chill man"

I noticed that weed is really bad for you when the friend quit for about a month. You could really tell the difference, that month he always had initiative, started living life again much more, always out, always had something planned.Then he got back into it and did the same shit all over again.

Alcohol is bad as well, but that does not mean weed is any better.

Did it ever occur to you that maybe your friend enjoyed spending time alone in his house, not going out to some club or party because it was the supposed cool thing to do? Maybe, sitting alone in his house, high... was far more entertaining than hanging out with you and a bunch of people acting fake and making small talk at a social event.

04-06-2015, 05:14 PM
Also, what is this crap about stoners not being ''productive?'' Wtf are you people, economic analysts? Who gives a shit how productive a person is who is not yourself or someone who is dependent on you?

And who defines productive? Working a lower paying job and getting high and relaxing... is that a lesser existence than climbing the corporate ladder, making a bunch of ''friends'' who are living the same shitty life as you, etc? It isn't. You are just socially conditioned to believe it is.

Btw, I don't smoke weed, haven't in years and weed gives me terrible anxiety and panic attacks. So I am not even a fan of weed and I still think you people are making dumb arguments.

04-06-2015, 07:05 PM
I don't understand why people are in such denial about it.

No one associates productivity with getting lit. It is used as an outlet for the times when you don't need to be productive (e.g.., watch the NCAA games, or play a video game).

If you are using it to spice up life then that is sad (and many people fall into this). If are using it to supplement life - that's great.

On a somewhat side note - does it help/hurt hair loss in any of your experiences?

04-06-2015, 09:33 PM
As I live in the Netherlands I have to say my opinion of stoners are not that good.

They grow incredibly lazy.But not necessarily lazy when their career is concerned. Just socially lazy. It all starts well the first month or so, you still go out with them on Friday nights and Saturday nights.

But then it comes, they start skipping events, they would rather smoke a blunt than go out, you cant really have a great time with them when going out because they are stoned as well. They always disappear from a party for big periods of time to go smoke their blunt.

They become also really socially unreliable. We had a friend who we used to have a lot of fun with until he got into weed. He started cancelling last hour on every event, whether we went to a club, to the movies, to the beach or to eat something. This friend got so ridiculously lazy, that sometimes he used to get all dressed up and showered and then be like : ohhh...**** it man, Il just smoke a blunt and chill man"

I noticed that weed is really bad for you when the friend quit for about a month. You could really tell the difference, that month he always had initiative, started living life again much more, always out, always had something planned.Then he got back into it and did the same shit all over again.

Alcohol is bad as well, but that does not mean weed is any better.
As someone who's been smoking for almost a decade now, I can def relate to this...weed does make you lazy socially if you're toking up everyday (ofc you dont give a shit when you're doing it) but bud also makes you more aware of your surroundings, friends, etc...so maybe your friend just doesn't like you and your group anymore you shouldnt only blame weed for this...

Also the whole weed makes you unproductive and lazy in your worklife stereotype is nothing but bullshit dont feed into it.

04-06-2015, 09:48 PM
I'm guessing you didn't attend college?

Unlike 99% of this board I don't smoke weed or drink alcohol, and i have graduated from college :oldlol:

04-06-2015, 09:53 PM
Trying to become a firefighter, so I'm not going to comment on my past habits, and where Ive come since then :lol

But they're cool by me, as long as they do other shit with themselves

04-06-2015, 10:33 PM
You're probably one of those weird loner kids. The kind that run through the halls like Naurto.

yeah thats me. your broke, uneducated,and your clothes smell like weed. girls love your type

04-06-2015, 11:43 PM
Girls actually like my type, I'm not sure what kind of girls you know but females like people who can supply them weed. I'm not broke, nor uneducated.

Don't be made you're a loser, it's a shame you try to be one of those Straight Edge people when in reality you are scared to take drugs (or probably don't have friends that know people who have it (or you just don't have friends)).

04-06-2015, 11:47 PM
Girls actually like my type, I'm not sure what kind of girls you know but females like people who can supply them weed. I'm not broke, nor uneducated.

Don't be made you're a loser, it's a shame you try to be one of those Straight Edge people when in reality you are scared to take drugs (or probably don't have friends that know people who have it (or you just don't have friends)).

I like grown independent women with careers who will be good mothers one day.

I don't consider myself straight edge. I can see myself drinking again in the future. I can see myself smoking weed once in a blue moon again i.e. a vacation moving forward. I choose not to right now because I need to make a push with my career right now. I'm in my mid 20's, it's time to make real money so I can start a family in my 30's and buy a house. Grown up stuff you wouldn't understand.

04-06-2015, 11:55 PM
I like grown independent women with careers who will be good mothers one day.

I don't consider myself straight edge. I can see myself drinking again in the future. I can see myself smoking weed once in a blue moon again i..e on vacation. I choose not to right now because I need to make a push with my career right now. I'm in my mid 20's, it's time to make money so I can start a family in my 30's and buy a house. Grown up stuff you wouldn't understand.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

04-06-2015, 11:57 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll:

Irony. I'm done with ISH. You're all a bunch of losers lol.