View Full Version : Who's the better player, Stephen Curry or Russell Westbrook?

04-08-2015, 01:52 AM

It's hilarious because I was arguing with this online guy and he was on the "Westbrook" camp and was saying he was saying how Westbrook is the best player in the NBA (This was when Westbrook had his string of triple doubles).

I then brought up objectively that Westbrook was doing this against bad teams and wasn't effective against good teams and Durant alone carried the team better last season. I said I would choose Curry or CP3 over Westbrook as a pg. But I also said, as an individual player Westbrook is a beast and would win both but basketball is a game of 5 on 5.

He then claims that Curry is "just but a ball-handler with some shooting" and Westbrook is 100x times better. Well, we argued and argued and it was sad really. Because over the period of our argument, Westbrook really played BADLY the last few games. Dropping 4 straight, getting kick out of 8th seed and shooting about (I'm to lazy to check but I guess well below 40%) the last few games and I don't see any logical argument to put Westbrook over Curry right now unless you are the most hardcore of fans.

Well, he still claims Westbrook is WAY BETTER than Curry after all this, and claims that im biased and im a Curry fanboy (When really im more of a CP3 guy)


I guess you really can't change a person's mindset when he is already in a certain camp. I mean, his parents could be head of ISIS and he would still claim that his parent is like mother theresa to all.

04-08-2015, 01:53 AM

It's hilarious because I was arguing with this online guy and he was on the "Westbrook" camp and was saying he was saying how Westbrook is the best player in the NBA (This was when Westbrook had his string of triple doubles).

I then brought up objectively that Westbrook was doing this against bad teams and wasn't effective against good teams and Durant alone carried the team better last season. I said I would choose Curry or CP3 over Westbrook as a pg. But I also said, as an individual player Westbrook is a beast and would win both but basketball is a game of 5 on 5.

He then claims that Curry is "just but a ball-handler with some shooting" and Westbrook is a 100x times better. Well, we argued and argued and it was sad really. Because over the period of our arguement, Westbrook really played BADLY the last few games. Dropping 4 straight, getting kick out of 8th seed and shooting about (I'm to lazy to check but I guess well below 40%) the last few games and I don't see any logical argument to put Westbrook over Curry right now unless you are the most hardcore of fans.

Well, he still claims Westbrook is WAY BETTER than Curry after all this, and claims that im biased and im a Curry fanboy (When really im more of a CP3 guy)


I guess you really can't change a person's mindset when he is already in a certain camp. I mean, his parents could be head of ISIS and he will still claim that his parent is like mother theresa to all.

Curry...and by a mile.

04-08-2015, 01:55 AM
Westbrook. Curry has the better team and a coach with a brain. I have no doubt that if Westbrook were coached by someone like Pop, he would be like a much better version of prime Tony Parker. Curry is really good himself though, but they are different players. Curry shoots a million times better and has better handles, but that's about it.

I hope they get to match up in the playoffs. The Warriors will destroy OKC due to stacked, but I think Westbrook would do his thing.

04-08-2015, 01:57 AM
Hmm...Well now that Westbrook has slowed down and gone full brick mode as the Thunder lose games people are gonna live in the moment and say Curry. Just as they were living in the moment when Westbrook was getting those triple doubles proclaiming him the best player in the league and an mvp candidate.

They are similar level players. Im not sure you can say who is clearly better than the other. I highly doubt Westbrook would lose many games if he played with Golden States defense for example as to why OKC's recent losing streak isnt that big of an indictment on Chuckbrook.

04-08-2015, 01:59 AM
Westbrook. Curry has the better team and a coach with a brain. I have no doubt that if Westbrook were coached by someone like Pop, he would be like a much better version of prime Tony Parker. Curry is really good himself though, but they are different players. Curry shoots a million times better and has better handles, but that's about it.

I hope they get to match up in the playoffs. The Warriors will destroy OKC due to stacked, but I think Westbrook would do his thing.

Well, yes I do believe if Westbrook is coached well he has the "best potential" of all pgs, as he's incredibly athletic and also talented. But that is all hypothetical. We can't treat it like reality until it happens.

04-08-2015, 02:02 AM
Westbrook's BBIQ is really what's holding him back. And that's why I give Curry the slight edge.

04-08-2015, 02:03 AM
Hmm...Well now that Westbrook has slowed down and gone full brick mode as the Thunder lose games people are gonna live in the moment and say Curry. Just as they were living in the moment when Westbrook was getting those triple doubles proclaiming him the best player in the league and an mvp candidate.

They are similar level players. Im not sure you can say who is clearly better than the other. I highly doubt Westbrook would lose many games if he played with Golden States defense for example as to why OKC's recent losing streak isnt that big of an indictment on Chuckbrook.

Even before he had his triple doubles. I always thought CP3 or Curry was the better player (Or PG at least), their game is more controlled and more conducive for other teammates.

04-08-2015, 02:04 AM
Well, yes I do believe if Westbrook is coached well he has the "best potential" of all pgs, as he's incredibly athletic and also talented. But that is all hypothetical. We can't treat it like reality until it happens.
Very true. I might also give Westbrook the edge because he is a prime time playoff performer. It's been a long time since he's been outplayed in a playoff series by the opposing PG and he's played some pretty good ones.

04-08-2015, 02:07 AM
If I'm building a team from scratch, give me Westbrook. Put a defensive/rebounding big in the paint, surround him with smart/tough 3 & D players, and hire a coach who employs an actual structured offense and isn't a glorified motivational speaker. Westbrook on a team like the 2011 Bulls minus Rose...is winning 60-65 games and competing for the chip.

If I have a dominant player like Durant and need a #2, give me Curry. More stable presence as a sidekick.
He then claims that Curry is "just but a ball-handler with some shooting"

04-08-2015, 02:08 AM
Even before he had his triple doubles. I always thought CP3 or Curry was the better player (Or PG at least), their game is more controlled and more conducive for other teammates.

It's all relative. The thing about teammates that point guards usually find out is that you can make them better all you want, at the end of the day those mother****ers probably arent reliable and you have to do it yourself.

It's what I think will be the downfall of CP3 and Curry in the postseason if either of them fail.

04-08-2015, 02:14 AM
It's all relative. The thing about teammates that point guards usually find out is that you can make them better all you want, at the end of the day those mother****ers probably arent reliable and you have to do it yourself.

It's what I think will be the downfall of CP3 and Curry in the postseason if either of them fail.

Except Curry and Paul each have stars on their respective teams that are top 2 in the league at their positions (Blake and Klay). Thus, it would be foolish for either of them to try to "do it themselves".

04-08-2015, 02:17 AM
Except Curry and Paul each have stars on their respective teams that are top 2 in the league at their positions (Blake and Klay). Thus, it would be foolish for either of them to try to "do it themselves".

Didnt mean it literally. Warriors are stacked as fvck. Just a general thing when point guards flame out in the postseason.

04-08-2015, 02:50 AM
Westbrook is really good at driving to the basket and begging for foul calls, but Curry is better at everything else including intangibles/leadership.

04-08-2015, 02:54 AM
Imagine Curry and KD together. :biggums:

LawD, you can't even double any of them or else ur fukked.

04-08-2015, 03:04 AM
Imagine Curry and KD together. :biggums:

LawD, you can't even double any of them or else ur fukked.

No excuses, little boy. Championship or bust.

04-08-2015, 04:35 AM
PG's that can get you at least 20 points and 8-10 assists a night are special players. Curry, Westbrook, and CP3 are THE THREE PG's that can get u that production. However, all three do it differently from each other. I think Russ is the best player, Curry is the most skilled offensive player (shooting, handles and passing as a package), and CP3 is the ultimate floor general technician.

Russ is a walking triple double and freakish athlete that can dominate guys physically. He plays like a player who is 6'7. And that makes him more unique than all the other PG's. But if I was an elite scorer in the league, CP3 would be THE PG I would want to play with. He would make me better than the other PG's AND have enough scoring brilliance to take pressure off me.

04-08-2015, 04:38 AM
russ westbrook

:yaohappy: :yaohappy: :yaohappy:

04-08-2015, 04:45 AM
Basketball impact wise both are as good as each other in my opinion. But the main difference is, Curry reads the defence better and picks better moments to go full offensive to balance the game out for his team mates. Where as Russell is 150% full speed all the time, and that is to the detriment of his team mates, there are stretches of the game where he dominates play for a good 5-6 minutes and his team mates doesn't get involved at all.

For me, I believe Curry is the better player. If and when Russell improve his bball IQ, thats when Russell will be better, as his intensity is awesome!!

04-08-2015, 05:01 AM
Like I said many times before, I think all 3 of them are on the same level of impact. What makes you chose one or the others is what you team needs the most.
Last year Westbrook had the best playoffs, I must remember you.
I actually don't have a problem with his decision making and high TO (though 5 should be the limit) cause he dominates the ball 100% of the time and if it's working is a thing of beauty. I just think that he should learn to close games better.

04-08-2015, 06:21 AM
PGs are the brain so whoever has the better brain is better.