View Full Version : Things missing from the game today.

04-08-2015, 01:23 PM
First off, I love the game. I always will until I'm dead. So don't label me some old timer (I'm 38). But today's game is missing some basic aspects of basketball. Like physicality. When I grew up watching basketball (late 1980's on), committing hard fouls to send a message in the paint was part of the game. You test people to see if they will fold under the hard contact or not. That part is gone.

No hand checking or bodying people up in the perimeter. Again, this is a part of the game that the league has simply taken away. It's part of basketball. You have to be able to deal with pressure from the defender in the perimeter. That's why today is such a guard driven league because they get a free pass to the basket. Not to mention the emphasis on 3s, which further opens up the driving lanes.

Boxing out. When I used to play in high school, I remember my coach telling me, "I want you to box your man out to the 3 point line." That part is such a basic aspect of basketball and although people still box out today, they don't do it nearly as much as they used too. I see guys trying to outreach for boards and use their athleticism instead of the fundamentals.

Lack of emotion. The rules are such that no emotion is allowed. And that's sad because showing emotion means you care. And like physicality, you want to see how your opponent responds if you get up in their face or talk a little trash. Does your opponent get rattled or does he continue to bring it.


04-08-2015, 01:25 PM
if you don't take that away how is Lebron going to score?:confusedshrug:

04-08-2015, 01:27 PM
Totally agree, and those things have lead to:

NO MORE RIVALRIES!!! Without that is likely watching 10 stiffs with pituitary gland problems run up and down a wooden 94 feet rectangle for 48 minutes!

04-08-2015, 01:31 PM
Basketball players fundamentals have diminished over the years..we see a bunch of lazy passes, poor defensive stances , bad fast breaks ..etc. In almost every game

04-08-2015, 01:32 PM
Totally agree, and those things have lead to:

NO MORE RIVALRIES!!! Without that is likely watching 10 stiffs with pituitary gland problems run up and down a wooden 94 feet rectangle for 48 minutes!

Yeah, the rules not allowing emotion and physicality is pretty sad. Because having played the game all my life, I realize how much both are basic aspects of the game. When you love something, you care. And when you care, you get emotional when things go good or bad. I love it when guys talk trash. It motivates me. I love it when some guys try to get physical. It motivates me and I want to come back with something harder. All that is gone. And what we are watching is a neutered game. Not the pure game of basketball where human beings are playing.

04-08-2015, 01:37 PM
No hand checking or bodying people up in the perimeter. Again, this is a part of the game that the league has simply taken away. It's part of basketball. You have to be able to deal with pressure from the defender in the perimeter. That's why today is such a guard driven league because they get a free pass to the basket. Not to mention the emphasis on 3s, which further opens up the driving lanes.
Hand-checking coped with no zones led to one-on-one play, how is that any better than today's league? At least in today's league a team can plan on how to stop an opposing player using more than one defender. That makes offenses have to think more and gives defenses more options to shut down an opposing player.

Boxing out. When I used to play in high school, I remember my coach telling me, "I want you to box your man out to the 3 point line." That part is such a basic aspect of basketball and although people still box out today, they don't do it nearly as much as they used too. I see guys trying to outreach for boards and use their athleticism instead of the fundamentals.
Dennis Rodman and Charles Barkley used their hustle and athleticism to get rebounds rather than box out. You think Wilt ever boxed out?

Lack of emotion. The rules are such that no emotion is allowed. And that's sad because showing emotion means you care. And like physicality, you want to see how your opponent responds if you get up in their face or talk a little trash. Does your opponent get rattled or does he continue to bring it.
I don't know what league your watching, but I see offensive players taunting defenders after made shots, I see defenders getting hyped after stopping their opponent, I see benches more active than ever celebrating their team and downgrading their opponents, I see guys in this league complain to officials, I see guys no minding that they've got T'd up.

04-08-2015, 01:37 PM
First off, I love the game. I always will until I'm dead. So don't label me some old timer (I'm 38). But today's game is missing some basic aspects of basketball. Like physicality. When I grew up watching basketball (late 1980's on), committing hard fouls to send a message in the paint was part of the game. You test people to see if they will fold under the hard contact or not. That part is gone.

No hand checking or bodying people up in the perimeter. Again, this is a part of the game that the league has simply taken away. It's part of basketball. You have to be able to deal with pressure from the defender in the perimeter. That's why today is such a guard driven league because they get a free pass to the basket. Not to mention the emphasis on 3s, which further opens up the driving lanes.

Boxing out. When I used to play in high school, I remember my coach telling me, "I want you to box your man out to the 3 point line." That part is such a basic aspect of basketball and although people still box out today, they don't do it nearly as much as they used too. I see guys trying to outreach for boards and use their athleticism instead of the fundamentals.

Lack of emotion. The rules are such that no emotion is allowed. And that's sad because showing emotion means you care. And like physicality, you want to see how your opponent responds if you get up in their face or talk a little trash. Does your opponent get rattled or does he continue to bring it.



The game has no personality now. Guys aren't allowed to show any emotion whatsoever. They're all the same, generic, interchangeable State Farm salesman. I was watching a highlight of the Bulls-Knicks rivalry the other day, like an hour long. If players/coaches did now what those guys were doing then, teams would be fined and t'ed into non existence. :lol


You don't see intense rivalries like that any more because the league was neutered. :facepalm

Dr Hawk
04-08-2015, 01:43 PM
I 100% agree with the first two and last paragraphs. Not sure about the third.

04-08-2015, 01:49 PM
Totally agree, and those things have lead to:

NO MORE RIVALRIES!!! Without that is likely watching 10 stiffs with pituitary gland problems run up and down a wooden 94 feet rectangle for 48 minutes!
Lebron vs. Chicago
Clippers vs. Warriors
Houston vs. Los Angeles (both)
Houston vs. Golden State
Lebron vs. San Antonio
Clippers vs. Memphis
Those are just the most prominent rivalries between winning teams

Then you have the position vs. position rivalries.
Steph vs. CP3
Steph vs. Westbrook
CP3 vs. Westbrook
Steph vs. Lillard
Westbrook vs. Lillard
CP3 vs. Lillard
Elite PGs vs. Lillard
Harden vs. Klay
Harden vs. Wade
Lebron vs. Leonard
Blake vs. Randolph
Blake vs. Green
Randolph vs. Green
Davis vs. Green
Duncan vs. Dirk
Cousins vs. Dwight
Cousins vs. Gasol

04-08-2015, 01:51 PM
Great highlights! Check this one out:


Bodies hitting the floor, great defense, hard fouls, animosity, hatred, bad blood you name it! Those games FELT DIFFERENT!

That is long GONE!

04-08-2015, 01:52 PM
Hand-checking coped with no zones led to one-on-one play, how is that any better than today's league? At least in today's league a team can plan on how to stop an opposing player using more than one defender. That makes offenses have to think more and gives defenses more options to shut down an opposing player.

Dennis Rodman and Charles Barkley used their hustle and athleticism to get rebounds rather than box out. You think Wilt ever boxed out?

I don't know what league your watching, but I see offensive players taunting defenders after made shots, I see defenders getting hyped after stopping their opponent, I see benches more active than ever celebrating their team and downgrading their opponents, I see guys in this league complain to officials, I see guys no minding that they've got T'd up.

:facepalm Gees. I knew it was only a matter of time before one of you got offended and felt the need to defend today's era. I am not bashing today's era. I am simply stating facts on how the game has changed. So let's not turn this into a, "What are you saying, today's era is the best ever and so are the rules."

04-08-2015, 01:53 PM
Hand-checking coped with no zones led to one-on-one play, how is that any better than today's league? At least in today's league a team can plan on how to stop an opposing player using more than one defender. That makes offenses have to think more and gives defenses more options to shut down an opposing player.

Dennis Rodman and Charles Barkley used their hustle and athleticism to get rebounds rather than box out. You think Wilt ever boxed out?

I don't know what league your watching, but I see offensive players taunting defenders after made shots, I see defenders getting hyped after stopping their opponent, I see benches more active than ever celebrating their team and downgrading their opponents, I see guys in this league complain to officials, I see guys no minding that they've got T'd up.

They could use two defenders back then.

04-08-2015, 01:56 PM
Please!!! The NBA is a team game, I can post 20 one on one "rivalries" from the 80's that were more interesting than those, hell the Lakers-Celtics had like 5 or 6 one on one matchups by themselves!

Lebron vs Spurs!?! Really! The only team rivalry you posted worth a crap and call me when they are at least meeting in the conference finals! LOL

04-08-2015, 01:58 PM
I was talking about Clippers-Warriors by the way

The Iron Sheik
04-08-2015, 02:00 PM
No hand checking or bodying people up in the perimeter. Again, this is a part of the game that the league has simply taken away. It's part of basketball. You have to be able to deal with pressure from the defender in the perimeter. That's why today is such a guard driven league because they get a free pass to the basket. Not to mention the emphasis on 3s, which further opens up the driving lanes.

there were a bunch of perimeter players scoring a lot in previous eras as well. i don't know why people act like the nba was like nba 2k15 before 1998...like you could just blatantly foul guys like crazy and nothing would happen. the guys who get to the rim at will today would get to the rim at will in previous eras, just like guys who could break down defenses in previous eras would do well today

i agree with the other points though

04-08-2015, 02:17 PM

The game has no personality now. Guys aren't allowed to show any emotion whatsoever. They're all the same, generic, interchangeable State Farm salesman. I was watching a highlight of the Bulls-Knicks rivalry the other day, like an hour long. If players/coaches did now what those guys were doing then, teams would be fined and t'ed into non existence. :lol


You don't see intense rivalries like that any more because the league was neutered. :facepalm