View Full Version : Dallas = Most boring city in US

04-13-2007, 05:10 PM
I spent a few days in Dallas this week, and what a boring town! By the time I got done with my bidness each day (5pm), everything was closed. All the museums, the aquarium, the zoo, anything I could think of all closed at 5. Even most of the restaurants (wtf!). There were no Mavs games in town, and no performances by the Symphony. I've been in a lot of cities around the country, and Dallas easily has the least interesting downtown I've ever seen.

04-13-2007, 05:54 PM
do you have a night life?

id so lower greenville and deep elum are anything but boring...Dallas has some of the best looking women in the country

to me, musiems, aquariums, symphonies, ect. are boring no matter what city you are in....

by the way, have you ever been to Oklahoma City?....Kansas, Nebraska, Mississippi, the Carolinas, or any city other than LA, New York, or Las Vegas?

04-13-2007, 08:17 PM
to me, musiems, aquariums, symphonies, ect. are boring no matter what city you are in....I'm putting the over/under on your age at 16.

by the way, have you ever been to Oklahoma City?....Kansas, Nebraska, Mississippi, the Carolinas, or any city other than LA, New York, or Las Vegas?Never been to the boring cities you listed, but I bet some of them have restaurants open past 5pm.

04-13-2007, 09:14 PM
I spent a few days in Dallas this week, and what a boring town! By the time I got done with my bidness each day (5pm), everything was closed. All the museums, the aquarium, the zoo, anything I could think of all closed at 5. Even most of the restaurants (wtf!). There were no Mavs games in town, and no performances by the Symphony. I've been in a lot of cities around the country, and Dallas easily has the least interesting downtown I've ever seen.

Mark Cuban is trying to change that. Did you go to the town square deal outside of American Airlines center? That place is VERY VERY nice.

Dallas has been a victim or "white flight" and lose a lot of money from taxes and such but they are trying to change that.

Silent Mav
04-13-2007, 10:59 PM
Adam, I can possibly see the museums, aquarium and zoo shutting down at 5. The aquarium is usually held open for private parties and dinners after 5. They symphony would be in your time frame, but it seems to be spotty with their concerts. But there are many quality restaurants open well past that no matter what area of town you are in. I wish you would've said you were coming. I would've been glad to recommend some places. And meet you for a beer or two and some basketball talk.

04-14-2007, 09:07 AM
I didn't have a laptop on me for internet access - if I did, I would have asked you guys what to do. Usually when I go to a city, I don't need to plan ahead. Just look up what's going on when you get there and go do it.

But there are many quality restaurants open well past that no matter what area of town you are in.I really couldn't find them downtown. I was staying near the museum. I guess I should have checked out the area by the AA Center, but since there were no Mavs games, I didn't think anything would be going on there.

04-14-2007, 10:47 PM
you don't go downtown for nightlife in Dallas. its changing but right now you have to go to different areas where the clubs and bars are.

What hotel did you stay at? The concierge must have really sucked ass if he/she couldn't tell you any places to go. Places I go stay open till 1 and 2 am in Dallas.

LiL Stevie
04-15-2007, 12:23 AM
Yeah downtown Dallas isn't all that great if you're looking for entertainment. West-End used to be cool but they closed most of that stuff down.

04-15-2007, 03:57 AM
What I want to know is, what restaurant did you go to that was closed at 5?

I can agree that downtown can be boring if you don't know where to go, but have you ever been to Baltimore, Houston, Cleveland, or Cincinnati? Talk about blah.

04-15-2007, 01:25 PM
I tell you dallas has restaurants galore. What happened to that guy? I know most of the downtown restaurants stay open well into the night, but many of them require reservations. Many of them are in hotels as well. So downtown may not be the best place to look for walk-in style places. Like one other said if you leave the downtown area, there are an abundance of restaurants around the entire metroplex. I like the dallas downtown area...it is a jewell to look at, but it can't compared to NY or chicago...ect. I tell you what though......this downtown phoenix is pretty boring. For a top 10 city...the skyline and downtown area is pretty horrid. At least downtown dallas has my favorite restaurant.

04-15-2007, 02:27 PM
If you just kept yourself around the downtown area then you probably didn't have fun. You should of had someone that knows the city and hot spots to show you around.

And where are you from?

04-15-2007, 02:50 PM
I'm from Boston and NY.

I do understand that not every restaurant in a 20 mile radius shuts down early; just found it weird that any of them do.

Are the museums meant just for people who don't have jobs? I don't understand how a museum can shut down at the same time everyone gets off of work. The museums in Boston and NY are intended for everyone; even people who have jobs.

Silent Mav
04-15-2007, 03:09 PM
Did a little checking and the there are two Museums of Art that are open till 8 and 9 on Thursdays. And a museum of science that is open till 9 every day. Granted that is only one day, but it does offer a time for the working man to go. And I think Dallas has a long way to go before it can be compared to museums in NY and Boston. Just about most cities can't compare to them for that matter.

04-15-2007, 04:19 PM
Dallas isn't NY and will never be. I don't want Dallas to become an NY. That city is overcrowded, expensive, and dirty. I like the balance we have.

But the Museum of Art is open till Midnight http://dallasmuseumofart.org/Dallas_Museum_of_Art/index.htm

The Museum of Nature and Science is open till 9

Dunn & Brown Art (open till 8)

Dallas Symphony shows start at 8

And there are plenty of restaurants that are open well after 6, you just have to look for them.

Try researching for stuff to do in an unfamiliar city before coming.

04-15-2007, 06:31 PM
Dallas = Most boring city in US
You've obviously never been to Chicago on a weekend.

04-15-2007, 09:28 PM
But the Museum of Art is open till Midnight http://dallasmuseumofart.org/Dallas_Museum_of_Art/index.htmThat's simply not true. I went there, and it was closed. Wish I would have known about the science museum... not exactly my thing, but it would have been something to do.

Dallas Symphony shows start at 8I was there last Tuesday and Wednesday - there was nothing going on at the symphony. I called and checked.

Try researching for stuff to do in an unfamiliar city before coming.Yeah, if I would have done a little research in advance, I would have known to bring my xbox.

04-15-2007, 09:31 PM
You've obviously never been to Chicago on a weekend.I grew up a couple hours away from Chicago, and went there at least a few times on the weekend. They've got all the professional sports, one of america's best orchestras, and a world-class art museum. I've always thought it was a cool city. Wrigley field is one of the more interesting ballparks I've been to, right in the middle of the city.

04-15-2007, 11:25 PM
I grew up a couple hours away from Chicago, and went there at least a few times on the weekend. They've got all the professional sports, one of america's best orchestras, and a world-class art museum. I've always thought it was a cool city. Wrigley field is one of the more interesting ballparks I've been to, right in the middle of the city.
wow! lucky you. you grew up near chicago and from boston and NY. Sorry dallas doesn't compare to those two as far as downtown goes. I've been to both.....and as far as downtown areas go, no other cities in america can compare to NY and chicago IMO. Downtown dallas seems very corporate as you have to go to deep ellum.....which lies just east of the farther downtown freeway. If you are into the hotel/traditional restaurant environment....downtown has some nice restaurants. I miss the big D.

04-16-2007, 01:05 AM
I'm putting the over/under on your age at 16.
Never been to the boring cities you listed, but I bet some of them have restaurants open past 5pm.

you have never been to any of those cities but you are calling Dallas the most boring city in the US????

I'm putting the over/under on your age at "gay"

now go watch a symphony with your boyfriend and leave our city the fu-ck alone.....ok?

04-16-2007, 08:20 AM
Primtime, keeping alive the negative stereotypes about Texans one post at a time.

Silent Mav
04-16-2007, 09:22 AM
Adam, whereas I agree that the museum and symphony situation here do not compare to the other cities mentioned. Coming in and calling Dallas the most boring city in the US keeps alive the negative stereotype of Yankees bashing the south and how wonderful the north is.

04-16-2007, 09:22 AM
I'm from Boston and NY.

Are the museums meant just for people who don't have jobs? I don't understand how a museum can shut down at the same time everyone gets off of work. The museums in Boston and NY are intended for everyone; even people who have jobs.

Moma in New York closes at 5:30 every day (except Friday-8pm) and is completely closed on Tuesdays?

04-16-2007, 10:48 AM
Coming in and calling Dallas the most boring city in the US keeps alive the negative stereotype of Yankees bashing the south and how wonderful the north is.How is that negative? Northern cities have more things to do because they have a more educated population. You don't need to get mad about it; you can just move to a city that embraces culture and stays alive after dark.

And next time I come to Texas, I won't whine about it. I'll just know to bring my xbox with.

Silent Mav
04-16-2007, 10:56 AM
Excuse me if I think the level of education and culture down here is fine. And this city has more than enough after dark activities. It can't be that bad with the number of northerners that move down here. I'm sorry that it wasn't easy for you to find with minimal effort. Which is what you seem to have put out. Why don't you ask for some help or do some research next time. You'll find this city has much to offer. It will never be a New York but then how many cities are? Or you can just bring your X-box and whine. Or if you are feeling generous you can enlighten the masses with your culture.

04-16-2007, 11:47 AM
Man, I want to go into Dallas numerous times this summer since its my last before college and I havent been down there that often but adamcz there are a lot of places that are cool to go to.

Especially around the West End market. There is the spaghetti warehouse, TGI Friday's, and lots of other cool places. Like I said, you shouldve checked out the square outside of American Airlines. That place is tight.

Think about checking out the galleria? That place is damn near awesome. The science museum is awesome and I can understand if thats not your thing and doesnt really support your "northerners are more educated" argument.

And yes you are right, Texas does suck at education. Blame the ****ty Texas Government but Austin is one of the most intelligent cities in the nation.

Dont come in here trashing Dallas if you dont do any research to begin with.

Poor planning=poor time. Blame yourself not Dallas.

I guess the stereotypes of northerners are true. Stuck-up people who think they are better than everyone else.

If you were intelligent, you wouldve known JFK got shot in Dallas and there is a museum for that as well. It's called the sixth floor museum.

I am pretty sure Dallas has a conspircay museum about JFK as well. That would be hella interesting.

04-16-2007, 12:00 PM
There is the TGI Friday's, and lots of other cool places.:oldlol:

Silent Mav
04-16-2007, 12:34 PM

Even I can only laugh at that. Not helping my case that we have culture down here!

04-16-2007, 12:45 PM
Masterplan, where are you from in Texas?

04-16-2007, 01:51 PM
since when did Texas have poor education?

Rice is almost considered ivey league...
ever heard of SMU????
Texas Tech...
North Texas

and here is a link that ranks every state in the US


Texas falls at #25...right in the middle, but that includes grammar through high schools...

I am sure as far as college goes Texas would rank in the top 10

04-16-2007, 01:57 PM
Primtime, keeping alive the negative stereotypes about Texans one post at a time.

and you coming in here and telling us our city is the most boring in the US because of its lack of a decent symophony doesn't stereotype you as a snooty little New York prick?

why did you bother starting this thread?...did you really have the need to make yourself feel that much better by telling us our city is boring?...what was it really?

I know something that Dallas has that New York doesn't.....women that don't look like they just crawled out of a gutter and sound like they just smoked a carton of cigarettes...

but then again...women are probably something that doesn't interest you

04-16-2007, 02:53 PM
but then again...women are probably something that doesn't interest youYou keep coming back to your stance that anybody who is into art/culture must be gay. You're doing nothing but reinforcing the stereotype that lots of Texans are the KKK-type.

"Snooty northerners and their quality educations! Well we've got educations too! We're #25 out of 50 states, we've got a college that's almost ivy-league, and we've got TGI Fridays!"

04-16-2007, 03:30 PM
You keep coming back to your stance that anybody who is into art/culture must be gay. You're doing nothing but reinforcing the stereotype that lots of Texans are the KKK-type.

"Snooty northerners and their quality educations! Well we've got educations too! We're #25 out of 50 states, we've got a college that's almost ivy-league, and we've got TGI Fridays!"

first off...I make a living as an artist, and a very good living at that

art and culture isn't gay at all....calling a city boring because of it's lack of a decent symphony is beyond gay though...sorry

"oh, my god, where is a decent symphony in this god forsaken city???, what will I ever do??!!?!?"

second, how did the KKK get brought into this and when did Texas become Mississippi...????....you make no sense at all

third...I was calling you snooty not because of any education you might have but because of the fact you had the nerve to post a thread in the Dallas section saying we have the "most boring city in the entire United States"....if that isn't snooty then I don't know what is...

04-16-2007, 03:36 PM
art and culture isn't gay at all....calling a city boring because of it's lack of a decent symphony is beyond gay though...sorry

"oh, my god, where is a decent symphony in this god forsaken city???, what will I ever do??!!?!?"
I never once said that Dallas didn't have a decent symphony. You invented that. Even if somebody had said that or thought that though, I'm not sure what that has to do with gay.

But let me get this straight: you're a professional artist who thinks museums are boring no matter what city you're in, and people who are into art are gay?

04-16-2007, 03:51 PM
I never once said that Dallas didn't have a decent symphony. You invented that. Even if somebody had said that or thought that though, I'm not sure what that has to do with gay.

But let me get this straight: you're a professional artist who thinks museums are boring no matter what city you're in, and people who are into art are gay?

no people that complain about a poor symphony are...look guy, me calling you gay is more of a rebudle for you calling my city the most boring city in the US when you have not been to a city that is truely boring...

I enjoy going to the art museum...I have been quite a few times and I appriciate what it has to offer...but if I am trying to do something exciting then a museum or symphony is the LAST place I look...when I want to have a good time then I look to the club scene and Dallas has plenty of that.

New York, LA, Chicago, and Vegas may have more to offer than Dallas does but outside of those Dallas has plenty....there are FAR more cities in this country with less to offer

and the fact that you come in here and talk down to us might not make you gay....but it does make you a stuck up prick

04-16-2007, 04:04 PM
no people that complain about a poor symphony areI guess reading comprehension is one of the factors that brings Texas down to #25 on the list of educated states. For the second time, I never commented on the quality of Dallas's symphony. I've never even heard them - apparently they don't play very often.

04-16-2007, 04:20 PM
I guess reading comprehension is one of the factors that brings Texas down to #25 on the list of educated states. For the second time, I never commented on the quality of Dallas's symphony. I've never even heard them - apparently they don't play very often.

you commented on the lack of one...and that is all I have said....it is you that needs better reading comprehension

and you continue to disrespect Texas's education...

we are #25 over all...probably top 10 in college education...maybe top 5

New York is ranked #16....WHOA what a huge leap that is from #25...

04-16-2007, 05:47 PM
LOL what the hell? ive lived in dallas for a lot of my life and i have never had a problem finding entertainment. we have world class accomodations (gaylord on grapevine lake) that has venues almost everynight and like 5 restraunts in there, awesome shopping, willowbend, grapvine mills, stonebriar, galleria, and you have to go to GOOD restraunts like lawrys, fogo de ciao, bobs chop and steak house, and you could have gone to a rangers game if u were in town this past week.

dallas kicks ass (not a mavs fan)

04-16-2007, 10:36 PM
adamcz, you are a music teacher. Man, you are so freaking smart.

I am going to Texas A&M and I am doing petroleum engineering. IT is #1 in the nation. Suck on that.

No offense but Texas is filled with immigrants from Mexico who cant speak english and black kids in the city who dont really try hard.

Also, Texas is country and hicks arent that smart either.

I know its not saying anything but the president of the United States is from Texas.

Adam, there's no reason for you to be a huge dick. You pick out the only NEGATIVE in my whole post about TGI Friday's but you ignore everything else in my post because you know I am right.

I dont know all the restaurants near the West End Market but that is just ONE of them.

Once again, dont ****ing complain if you didnt plan or anything.

04-17-2007, 12:11 AM
adamcz, you are a music teacher. Man, you are so freaking smart.

I am going to Texas A&M and I am doing petroleum engineering. IT is #1 in the nation. Suck on that.

No offense but Texas is filled with immigrants from Mexico who cant speak english and black kids in the city who dont really try hard.

Also, Texas is country and hicks arent that smart either.

I know its not saying anything but the president of the United States is from Texas.

Adam, there's no reason for you to be a huge dick. You pick out the only NEGATIVE in my whole post about TGI Friday's but you ignore everything else in my post because you know I am right.

I dont know all the restaurants near the West End Market but that is just ONE of them.

Once again, dont ****ing complain if you didnt plan or anything.
you gotta be kiddin me. The person who started this thread is somewhat hypocritical if he is trying to say he's educated. To call dallas the most boring city in the US isn't a very educated statement either way you spin it. Having said that your post is terrible. Do you not think that there are people who don't speak english in NY....how about impoverished locations. I'm willing to bet there are more trailer trash parkies in texas when compared to any other state........not blacks or mexicans either. What point are you trying to make? don't listen to an aggy adam.

04-17-2007, 12:17 AM
You keep coming back to your stance that anybody who is into art/culture must be gay. You're doing nothing but reinforcing the stereotype that lots of Texans are the KKK-type.

"Snooty northerners and their quality educations! Well we've got educations too! We're #25 out of 50 states, we've got a college that's almost ivy-league, and we've got TGI Fridays!"
you two are beating a dead horse. you are both wrong. You sound like two kids that argue about which father is stronger than the other......as they obviously know little about each other.

04-17-2007, 12:21 AM
LOL what the hell? ive lived in dallas for a lot of my life and i have never had a problem finding entertainment. we have world class accomodations (gaylord on grapevine lake) that has venues almost everynight and like 5 restraunts in there, awesome shopping, willowbend, grapvine mills, stonebriar, galleria, and you have to go to GOOD restraunts like lawrys, fogo de ciao, bobs chop and steak house, and you could have gone to a rangers game if u were in town this past week.

dallas kicks ass (not a mavs fan)
I was reading on my flight the other day that bob's is considered to be a national top 10 steak restaurant. I need to try it out. I always enjoy eating at the palm in downtown. Oh last time i ate there it was open for dinner LOL. I think every texan should try eating at the reunion tower restaurant at least once. It has a nice view, however the food wasn't all that when i ate there(not bad....but not great). Another great restaurant that people don't always hear about is the NaNa bar and grill. It is located in the Anatole Hotel(across I35 from the AAC). It has a great view of downtown on the top floor, but unlike the reunion hyatt..... the food and drinks are awesome! I highly recommend it to those who are looking for a pleasant evening.

04-17-2007, 12:24 AM
w/e lorenzo...the fact that Texas is getting a huge influx of non-english speaking immigrants is a big issue and to say it doesnt hurt Texas' education is just wrong.

The point I am trying to make is that education is bad for reasons and not because we are "dumb" or "uneducated."

You live in arizona so honestly you dont know what you are talking about.

04-17-2007, 12:35 AM
w/e lorenzo...the fact that Texas is getting a huge influx of non-english speaking immigrants is a big issue and to say it doesnt hurt Texas' education is just wrong.

The point I am trying to make is that education is bad for reasons and not because we are "dumb" or "uneducated."

You live in arizona so honestly you dont know what you are talking about.
I live in arizona so i don't know what i'm talking about? Have you been outside of texas before? Do you not know that most other major populated areas around the country attract immigrants from various countries? I grew up in North Texas. So i think i know a thing or two. Arizona and the rest of the southwest are struggling with the same immigration issues.....if you are getting into stats. Of corse if you know your american history, NY is a great city because of the diverse ethnic groups that make the city what it is. Obviously, Texas is a great state because of the same reasons. If only everyone spoke english(sarcastic).....and wern't aggys(not sarcastic).

04-17-2007, 01:51 AM
Excuse me if I think the level of education and culture down here is fine. And this city has more than enough after dark activities. It can't be that bad with the number of northerners that move down here. I'm sorry that it wasn't easy for you to find with minimal effort. Which is what you seem to have put out. Why don't you ask for some help or do some research next time. You'll find this city has much to offer. It will never be a New York but then how many cities are? Or you can just bring your X-box and whine. Or if you are feeling generous you can enlighten the masses with your culture.
northerners are just better americans. They are smarter. The ones that migrated to the south and west are just your token boring uneducated people. Forget about Texas Instruments, Boeing, lockheed, Microsoft, American Airlines, Silicon Valley, qualcomm, NASA, ect. those are just rejects that couldn't make it in the north. Dallas is a great american city. DFW has more non-native texans than any other area in Texas.....while at the same time it still maintains it's old cowtown culture especially in Ft. Worth. Oh i almost forgot......braums! I miss braums so much!

Silent Mav
04-17-2007, 09:27 AM
Very nice use of sarcasm lorenzo. Or at least I hope so!

04-17-2007, 12:15 PM
:wtf: at trying to claim Microsoft and Silicon valley as acheivements of the South.

04-17-2007, 04:13 PM

The best thing I can say is don't come back if you aren't happy with the city. You being there or not, is not affecting anyone of anything. Or do something about all the things you are complaining about. Write the representatives about the education or start your own late museum in Dallas. Complaining is just making yourself more frustrated.

But using this as a platform to down someone's culture and city, is not fixing what you feel is an issue.

You probably should bring your xbox next time.

Out of curiousity...are you a Mavs fan?

*On Fridays, the museum is opened till Midnight.

04-17-2007, 06:53 PM
The best thing I can say is don't come back if you aren't happy with the city.Right, I'll tell my boss right away.

Write the representatives about the education or start your own late museum in Dallas. Complaining is just making yourself more frustrated.The only people getting frusterated are you guys. This is all in jest for me. But just in case, I'll start a "Fix Dallas" website and letter writing campaign.

Out of curiousity...are you a Mavs fan?
Yes. Diehard Mavs fan.

04-17-2007, 07:43 PM
Yes. Diehard Mavs fan.

is that a joke?

if not then why in the hell would you be a fan of a city you find to be the most boring city in america?

04-17-2007, 08:00 PM
I became a Mavs fan before I knew how boring the city was. Now I'm confused. I planned a trip to the Mecca of Mavs basketball so that I could learn more about the homeland of my favorite players, only to find out that they lead boring empty lives.


04-17-2007, 08:13 PM
I became a Mavs fan before I knew how boring the city was. Now I'm confused. I planned a trip to the Mecca of Mavs basketball so that I could learn more about the homeland of my favorite players, only to find out that they lead boring empty lives.


Are you serious? You come here for a little amount of time and call us boring.

Yet what you do for "a night out" is go to the art museum and the symphony.

You are one intense, fun guy.

Now there isnt anything wrong with going to the art museum but you cant call us boring if thats your type of fun.

04-17-2007, 08:17 PM
I became a Mavs fan before I knew how boring the city was. Now I'm confused. I planned a trip to the Mecca of Mavs basketball so that I could learn more about the homeland of my favorite players, only to find out that they lead boring empty lives.


just as I suspected...you are a complete clown

Silent Mav
04-17-2007, 08:58 PM
Ok guys, let's not let this get ugly. Adam gave his opinion from a visit. Others offered theirs of what to do. Let's leave it at that. No personal attacks.

04-17-2007, 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by MFFL
The best thing I can say is don't come back if you aren't happy with the city.

Right, I'll tell my boss right away.

Either that or just make the best of it. Coming on here complaining isn't going to do anything. I'm sitting here thinking, "oook, what do you want us to do about that?" You obviously have to come here for your job, so either accept Dallas for what it is or make it your own. Life goes on and to each his own.

I tried offering suggestions but it's obvious you just came here to make insults, for whatever purpose for yourself.

You don't have to answer but I was just curious to know how old you where.

04-17-2007, 09:31 PM
Ok guys, let's not let this get ugly. Adam gave his opinion from a visit. Others offered theirs of what to do. Let's leave it at that. No personal attacks.

Exactly. Even though I do feel like his purpose was to insult just for gratification of some sort. I don't think he even wanted solutions or suggestions for his "problem".

04-18-2007, 11:24 AM
I'm amused by this thead and the responses it's generated. I didn't expect people to be offended - it indicates that the city you live in is an important part of your identity - which itself indicates limited life experiences or a small worldview.

There's no problem to solve, because I was never bothered in the first place. I was bored for one afternoon, so I came in here to joke about it, and was rewarded with an amusing onslaught of angry responses.

04-18-2007, 11:34 AM
I'm amused by this thead and the responses it's generated. I didn't expect people to be offended - it indicates that the city you live in is an important part of your identity - which itself indicates limited life experiences or a small worldview.

There's no problem to solve, because I was never bothered in the first place. I was bored for one afternoon, so I came in here to joke about it, and was rewarded with an amusing onslaught of angry responses.

I can guarantee you I have been out of the country more times than you have.

Silent Mav
04-18-2007, 12:21 PM
I'm amused by this thead and the responses it's generated. I didn't expect people to be offended - it indicates that the city you live in is an important part of your identity - which itself indicates limited life experiences or a small worldview.

You couldn't be more wrong with this statement. During my time in the military I have seen many places around the world. And I'd be willing to bet that I have had many more life experiences due to my age. But I have lived in this city since 1980, and it is a part of my identity. But it neither formed it, or consumes it.

In fact I could draw the same conclusion about you from your posts in this thread. Since you have lived in two major cities it has formed your identity. It also makes it appear that you have had limited life experience since you compare everything to your culture in those cities. It really doesn't show that you are open to much, just expect what you are used to doing to be available wherever you go. And how much of a worldview is it to want every place to be convenient for you. Instead of moping about trying to find something you like. If it's not available try something local and new. You just might broaden your horizons.

04-18-2007, 12:39 PM
Since you have lived in two major cities it has formed your identity.Wrong. I lived my first 18 years in Madison WI, and my identity was formed there if anywhere. But if somebody travels to Madison and tells jokes about it being boring, I'm not going to take it to heart. I'll just say, you're obviously not into outdoorsy stuff (bike riding, etc); no big deal. Doesn't reflect poorly on me for sure.

I went on a business trip to a big city, and assumed that I could enjoy my free time at all the museums etc that were in the neighborhood I was staying in. Thought it was funny that the whole city shuts down so early because I've never experienced that before, so I came in here to joke around about it.

Besides, I am open to trying new and exciting things; my conceirge just didn't tell me about TGI Fridays.

04-18-2007, 02:02 PM
Besides, I am open to trying new and exciting things; my conceirge just didn't tell me about TGI Fridays.

Wisconsin...omg :rolleyes:

But anyways, like I said before research and ask around before or during your trip.

And also, you're doing a lot of generalizing and assuming. Which is very ignorant and immature. You disrespected a person's culture and expect people not get offended? Please. I just hope you got whatever you were trying to accomplish with this post.

I doubt you were even trying to get suggestions but I was nice enough to find you another site:


04-18-2007, 04:07 PM
I became a Mavs fan before I knew how boring the city was. Now I'm confused. I planned a trip to the Mecca of Mavs basketball so that I could learn more about the homeland of my favorite players, only to find out that they lead boring empty lives.


Obviously a person can make a blanket statement about an entire city's personality based on their weekend business trip. Yet that same person boasts of their parent state's consensus intelligence. Newsflash, because a state ranks a certain position in a national education scale, doesn't mean all of their inhabitants are smart or dumb for that matter.

You enter a forum that is devoted to a certain city and you expect people just to blow it off when you knock their city based on your small limited sample of time.

Furthermore, museums in most major cities have the same hours. I gave the example of MOMA in New York (one of the most popular museums in the world) and how the hours were not very "working man" friendly.

You make ridiculous comments about how Texans are perceived by the outside world as being associated with the KKK (which inherently marrs our ability to be educated), when the fact is, that the KKK is most predominant in Mississippi and Alabama. This tells me that you don't do any research before blasting out hot opinions. Maybe this is because you assume people in this forum are not intelligent. The irony is that by doing that you express your own lack of intelligence.

Unfortunately for you, every time your company sends you to Dallas you will be miserable because you are so close minded that you use assumptions as facts.

Troll on brotha.

04-18-2007, 07:37 PM
Unfortunately for you, every time your company sends you to Dallas you will be miserable because you are so close minded that you use assumptions as facts.
No I won't. Next time I'm hitting up TGI Friday's.


04-18-2007, 07:59 PM
No I won't. Next time I'm hitting up TGI Friday's.


yeah...grab a drink while you are there...let loose a little bit...talk to some chicks....you may find it more exciting than a museum...

04-18-2007, 11:14 PM
:wtf: at trying to claim Microsoft and Silicon valley as acheivements of the South.
did you read the post? I thought i said people who migrated south and west. I guess that wasn't clear enough.

04-18-2007, 11:20 PM
You couldn't be more wrong with this statement. During my time in the military I have seen many places around the world. And I'd be willing to bet that I have had many more life experiences due to my age. But I have lived in this city since 1980, and it is a part of my identity. But it neither formed it, or consumes it.

In fact I could draw the same conclusion about you from your posts in this thread. Since you have lived in two major cities it has formed your identity. It also makes it appear that you have had limited life experience since you compare everything to your culture in those cities. It really doesn't show that you are open to much, just expect what you are used to doing to be available wherever you go. And how much of a worldview is it to want every place to be convenient for you. Instead of moping about trying to find something you like. If it's not available try something local and new. You just might broaden your horizons.
I agree. I'm in the military now. I've also been to several major U.S. cities. The two that stand out above all others that i've been to are NY and chicago(at least as far as downtown areas go). Dallas isn't the most exciting city in the US, but it isn't the most boring one either. I can assure you the whole city doesn't shutdown that early.

04-18-2007, 11:33 PM
No I won't. Next time I'm hitting up TGI Friday's.


This coming from the guy who's native football team puts blocks of cheese on their head to root for their team.

Whats funny is that he talks down about Dallas' culture and society. Then he goes on to say that his identity was formed with his 18 years in Madison, WI. So your saying the city of Madison is what formed your personality. I feel sorry for the citizens of Madison with you as their representative.

04-19-2007, 09:42 AM
talk to some chicks....you may find it more exciting than a museum...I'm married. Lose the high school mentality (unless you're actually in high school; then I guess it's fine).

04-19-2007, 11:36 AM
I'm married. Lose the high school mentality (unless you're actually in high school; then I guess it's fine).

Again, a paradox. Telling people to lose the high school mentality while at the same time making blanket statements about an entire city and insulting their intelligence.

Your right. Primetime is the guy with the high school mentality.

04-19-2007, 04:17 PM
Very entertaining thread. :applause:

04-19-2007, 08:24 PM
I'm married. Lose the high school mentality (unless you're actually in high school; then I guess it's fine).

so having some drinks at a bar and talking to girls is a high school mentality?

last time I checked you had to be an adult to do that...

LiL Stevie
04-19-2007, 10:36 PM
Very entertaining thread. :applause:
Co-sign. Adamcz vs. the city of Dallas :oldlol:

04-20-2007, 02:33 PM
Co-sign. Adamcz vs. the city of Dallas :oldlol:


lllllllllets get ready to rumblllllllllle!

04-22-2007, 04:51 PM
so having some drinks at a bar and talking to girls is a high school mentality?

last time I checked you had to be an adult to do that...
good point. adamcz is the one who started the thread with all of the high school educated type statements.

04-24-2007, 04:04 AM
Very entertaining thread. :applause:
Lol I was just getting ready to post the same thing. This thread got outta hand.

Oh and Ive been to Dallas and I didnt find it too boring but thats becuase their was a big food festival going on and I got to visit where Kennedy got shot. :)

04-25-2007, 01:25 AM
LOL. Remember man city exists first, so both are as important

05-03-2007, 03:37 AM
what a great read lol

05-06-2007, 08:54 PM
I hated Texas period. Went to Fort Sam Houston (by San Antonio) back in the early 1990s.

Give me California and the Bay Area anyday.

Go Warriors and Lakers.


05-06-2007, 10:17 PM
ya it sux not gonna lie. Conservatives blow and people are so freaking stupid but they are lots of fun things to do if you just look.

But fort sam houston isnt much to base your "I hate texas" attitude.

03-02-2008, 03:40 PM
I made a lot of dumb statements in this thread as The_masterplan but none as dumb as adamcz.

Ya, it's just TGI Fridays but it's in a great location and that's why its pretty badass.

03-04-2008, 03:58 AM
It's boring as hell......the people are nice but it's slow and boring.......all of Texas is slow and boring. I have relatives all over there and I refuse to visit ever again!!