View Full Version : hawks are STILL in the bottom third in attendance with 60 wins

04-16-2015, 04:21 PM
well, almost bottom third. 1 spot shy.
no wonder they are always on NBATV during playoffs.

04-16-2015, 04:22 PM
Cool. Still the #1 seed.

04-16-2015, 04:24 PM
Cool. Still the #1 seed.

Why would this be an insult to true fans? I've gone to 6-7 games.

Atlanta just isn't really a sports town.

04-16-2015, 04:33 PM
Move them to Seattle, move Memphis to the Eastern Conference.

04-16-2015, 04:42 PM
Move them to Seattle, move Memphis to the Eastern Conference.
Looking back on nba website attendance ranking the supersonics were bottom 3rd in attendance nearly every year.. But you'll have some dumb excuse.

04-16-2015, 04:55 PM
Why would you sort by % and not actual average attendance? We're 4 spots higher than that.

Like, oh god the Rockets average 800 more fans a game than us, who gives a shit?

Chicago's metro is 5x bigger than Atlanta's, of course they can pack a few thousand more fans into their basketball stadium. At the end of the day we're still a better team with a brighter future, so you can jack off over your attendance stats while you're watching us in the ECF and you're at home.

04-16-2015, 04:58 PM
In b4 black ppl

04-16-2015, 05:00 PM
1st seed.


04-16-2015, 05:00 PM
Why would you sort by % and not actual average attendance? We're 4 spots higher than that.

Like, oh god the Rockets average 800 more fans a game than us, who gives a shit?

Chicago's metro is 5x bigger than Atlanta's, of course they can pack a few thousand more fans into their basketball stadium. At the end of the day we're still a better team with a brighter future, so you can jack off over your attendance stats while you're watching us in the ECF and you're at home.
you would still be 17th in the league going by actual attendance. lol. i can understand not wasting money on tickets when team is bad but when the team is the best in conference and second best in the league, it is a damn shame that they are not in top 5.

04-16-2015, 05:27 PM
Why would you sort by % and not actual average attendance? We're 4 spots higher than that.

Like, oh god the Rockets average 800 more fans a game than us, who gives a shit?

Chicago's metro is 5x bigger than Atlanta's, of course they can pack a few thousand more fans into their basketball stadium. At the end of the day we're still a better team with a brighter future, so you can jack off over your attendance stats while you're watching us in the ECF and you're at home.

Considering Hawks fans have literally waited 45 years for the chance to say that and have it be a somewhat reasonable prediction ill let it go...

But I will say...you dont seem to be shooting for the stars there homie. Perhaps 60 years of drought has tempered your expectations? Dont wanna "jinx" anything and talk finals?

I wouldnt even be excited over an ECF run. You know what beating the Hawks would do for me?


I mean...id be happy we advanced. But you wouldnt see me acting a fool and calling anyone out.

You know why?

Standards. What does being in the ECF matter to a team that takes itself serious?

We went a few years ago and nobody cares. Why would they? This is the difference between fanbases and teams that dont really expect much.

I hope for your sake the Hawk players arent talking up potential ECF trips like its the promised land. The Bulls have been to like 11 ECF in my lifetime.

Guess how many of those years were not a tremendous letdown?

Really. Guess.

You guess 6?

Yea...you guessed 6.

Good guess.

04-16-2015, 05:30 PM
Kinda disappointed to see Toronto 11th. Should have been in the top 10.

04-16-2015, 05:31 PM
Kinda disappointed to see Toronto 11th. Should have been in the top 10.
they are 5th if going by numbers and not percentage.

Dr. Ice
04-16-2015, 05:33 PM
Considering we sold out 25 of our last 28 games, this just speaks more to just how badly the attendance was at the start of the year

04-16-2015, 05:52 PM
I'm surprised to see Portland so low. I thought they were known for their ravid fanbase.

04-16-2015, 06:06 PM
Considering Hawks fans have literally waited 45 years for the chance to say that and have it be a somewhat reasonable prediction ill let it go...

But I will say...you dont seem to be shooting for the stars there homie. Perhaps 60 years of drought has tempered your expectations? Dont wanna "jinx" anything and talk finals?

I wouldnt even be excited over an ECF run. You know what beating the Hawks would do for me?


I mean...id be happy we advanced. But you wouldnt see me acting a fool and calling anyone out.

You know why?

Standards. What does being in the ECF matter to a team that takes itself serious?

We went a few years ago and nobody cares. Why would they? This is the difference between fanbases and teams that dont really expect much.

I hope for your sake the Hawk players arent talking up potential ECF trips like its the promised land. The Bulls have been to like 11 ECF in my lifetime.

Guess how many of those years were not a tremendous letdown?

Really. Guess.

You guess 6?

Yea...you guessed 6.

Good guess.

I don't give a crap about your self righteous bullshit KBlaze. I'm in a thread started by a Bulls troll talking shit about the Hawks and their fans, (read: me) I don't have to just shrug and take it.

I am proud of the Hawks and I'll be proud when we make the ECF. You can act like it's always 'championship or bust' but we've literally never even made it that far. Of course different organizations have different expectations, I can't do a damned thing about my team's performance past or present, all I can do and will continue to do is support them.

04-16-2015, 06:08 PM
you would still be 17th in the league going by actual attendance. lol. i can understand not wasting money on tickets when team is bad but when the team is the best in conference and second best in the league, it is a damn shame that they are not in top 5.

I 100% guarantee I've been to more Hawks games this year than you have Bulls games.

Actually your name is Rose'sACL, you may not be a Bulls fan actually lol, but my point still stands.

04-16-2015, 06:12 PM
I'm surprised to see Portland so low. I thought they were known for their ravid fanbase.

that chart cannot be correct. no way in hell do the blazers have worse attendance than the sacramento kings :oldlol:

04-16-2015, 06:26 PM
I don't give a crap about your self righteous bullshit KBlaze. I'm in a thread started by a Bulls troll talking shit about the Hawks and their fans, (read: me) I don't have to just shrug and take it.

He isnt anything like a Bulls fan. Nothing hes ever said suggests he is. Being named after a Derrick Rose injury makes him seem like a pro Chicago guy to you?

I am proud of the Hawks and I'll be proud when we make the ECF. You can act like it's always 'championship or bust' but we've literally never even made it that far. Of course different organizations have different expectations, I can't do a damned thing about my team's performance past or present, all I can do and will continue to do is support them.

Support away. But you come out talking shit about possibly making the ECF as a 60 something win team and involving the team ive rooted for all my life expect to hear from me.

Nobody said anything about the Bulls till you did. Talking about making the conference finals like that would be significant for a great team in a weak and injury depleted conference...I just find it funny. Im guessing if you actually made it...and lost...you would understand a bit better.

Its just nothing much to aspire to. Not for a 60 win team.

04-16-2015, 06:34 PM
that chart cannot be correct. no way in hell do the blazers have worse attendance than the sacramento kings :oldlol:

They dont, look at the "average attendance" column.

The chart OP posted is sorted by percentage of... something. Seating capacity perhaps? Im not even sure.

04-16-2015, 06:57 PM
I don't give a crap about your self righteous bullshit KBlaze. I'm in a thread started by a Bulls troll talking shit about the Hawks and their fans, (read: me) I don't have to just shrug and take it.

I am proud of the Hawks and I'll be proud when we make the ECF. You can act like it's always 'championship or bust' but we've literally never even made it that far. Of course different organizations have different expectations, I can't do a damned thing about my team's performance past or present, all I can do and will continue to do is support them.

+ 1. The idiotic mentality that a team is a failure if they make the CF or finals and than lose after a great season is one of the worse things about sports. The black and white worldview really is stupid. Atlanta has accomplished a lot and should be proud of their season. They have a very good future ahead of them.

04-16-2015, 07:00 PM
They dont, look at the "average attendance" column.

The chart OP posted is sorted by percentage of... something. Seating capacity perhaps? Im not even sure.

if that is supposed to be percentage seating capacity, espn had a math fail.

the rose garden has a capacity of 19980, so if 19554 is the average attendance they should be 98% of capacity, not 94%.

04-16-2015, 07:17 PM
Failure as with everything else...is relative. If the Celtics lose...it was an accomplishment just to make it this far. 60 win team comes up short.....would you really feel ok about that team going home feeling ok over the loss? You dont want a great team to take losing in stride because...they had a good year.

Listen to old players talk. These people are hurt...for LIFE. Frank Selvy will tell you he still hurts thinking about the 1962 finals when he missed the shot to win the title. You think telling him "Well...you got close!" makes him feel better?

If close was enough to satisfy the great player...the great teams...sports wouldnt be half as exciting as it is.

You can love it or hate it...the "Win or we failed" mentality is a huge part of what motivates people to achieve greatness.

John Havlicek still wont talk about the season they won 68 games and injuries ruined their playoff run.

"You had a good year" is the mentality of a loser. I dont mean you personally...I mean the athletes in question. These dudes dont think like that. Jeff Teague wont go into the offseason cool with losing in the ECf if they do. And he shouldnt be.

They have been as good as anyone all year.

Why would playing below that now....not hurt? Not feel like failing?

Have you ever played sports?

It doesnt matter how good your season was. When you lose...you are destroyed. And im talking high school football.

These dudes devoted their life to this.

They dont lose in the ECF and think "We have a great year guys!".

They are mad for the rest of their lives. Even if they later win.

With all the winning Magic Johnson did he will tell you losing in 84 hurt more than any of the wins can help erase.

Great players...great teams? higher standard than that.

And its those higher standards that often push them to greatness to begin with.

Call it idiotic all you like.

"Almost doesnt count...." motivated damn near everybody worth remembering.

04-16-2015, 07:51 PM
Move them to Seattle, move Memphis to the Eastern Conference.

When are people going to give up on this retarded Seattle idea? It's not going to happen.

04-16-2015, 07:52 PM
Considering we sold out 25 of our last 28 games, this just speaks more to just how badly the attendance was at the start of the year

That's pretty much it.

The attendance has been poor for years and so it's not going to just jump to the top of the league right away.

04-16-2015, 07:56 PM
Considering Hawks fans have literally waited 45 years for the chance to say that and have it be a somewhat reasonable prediction ill let it go...

But I will say...you dont seem to be shooting for the stars there homie. Perhaps 60 years of drought has tempered your expectations? Dont wanna "jinx" anything and talk finals?

I wouldnt even be excited over an ECF run. You know what beating the Hawks would do for me?


I mean...id be happy we advanced. But you wouldnt see me acting a fool and calling anyone out.

You know why?

Standards. What does being in the ECF matter to a team that takes itself serious?

We went a few years ago and nobody cares. Why would they? This is the difference between fanbases and teams that dont really expect much.

I hope for your sake the Hawk players arent talking up potential ECF trips like its the promised land. The Bulls have been to like 11 ECF in my lifetime.

Guess how many of those years were not a tremendous letdown?

Really. Guess.

You guess 6?

Yea...you guessed 6.

Good guess.

Well, fans have been reluctant to go to games for years. There are signs that show that has changed some this year. It didn't happen right away... Next years attendance will probably tell a big story than this years attendance.

04-16-2015, 08:03 PM
I assume so. Maybe it has to last years to really kick in. They were fine in Niques day and ok i nthe 90s...though every time I hear that they set the attendance record of over 60 thousand...im required to point out it was to see Michael Jordans final games. Jordan set the attendance record...he just happened to be in the Georgia Dome when he did it.

Much as the Hawks get hated on the Cavs...when they dont have an amazing team? Awful support. From an old discussion:

The Cavs were 23rd in the league in home attendance by percentage this year.

Im not sure what would happen in an extended starless stretch. In 03 they had among the worst attendance rates in modern history. 55%. Well over a thousand behind the Hawks for worst per game average at home.

The Cavs fanbase historically doesnt support the team unless its given good reason. They have dipped into the 3000s a game in multiple seasons. Meanwhile the Bulls pull in 22 thousand a game in a 15 win season. The Mavs do 15 in an 11 win season. Big cities sure...but the Jazz never dipped below 8 no matter how bad it got. The damn Kansas city Kings....worst season?


The Bucks expansion year(their worst) was better than 7 seasons of Cavs attendance.

And that was 1968 led by "Electric Eye" Flynn Robinson after which they have shown up no matter how the team was doing.

Im not saying Cleveland sports fans arent loyal.

They clearly love the Browns.

Im saying...Cleveland fans dont seem to support the Cavs much when they dont have a good or exciting team.

Not the kind of market you can afford to go quiet for 10 years.

They need to hang on to any star power they can.


Im not sure any team has hit the levels the Cavs hit attendance wise. Im not saying no team has...im saying...I dont know about it.

Every awful team in a poor situation I think to check on still beats them out.

The cavs have years down there with the ****ing 1973 ABA Memphis Tams.

The Memphis tams!

I say again....im not saying Cleveland wont support its teams.

Im saying I dont know that Cleveland would support a bad basketball team.

They had 3900 fans a night in a 22 thousand seat arena at one point....

04-16-2015, 09:01 PM
He isnt anything like a Bulls fan. Nothing hes ever said suggests he is. Being named after a Derrick Rose injury makes him seem like a pro Chicago guy to you?

Support away. But you come out talking shit about possibly making the ECF as a 60 something win team and involving the team ive rooted for all my life expect to hear from me.

Nobody said anything about the Bulls till you did. Talking about making the conference finals like that would be significant for a great team in a weak and injury depleted conference...I just find it funny. Im guessing if you actually made it...and lost...you would understand a bit better.

Its just nothing much to aspire to. Not for a 60 win team.


04-16-2015, 09:21 PM
He isnt anything like a Bulls fan. Nothing hes ever said suggests he is. Being named after a Derrick Rose injury makes him seem like a pro Chicago guy to you?

Support away. But you come out talking shit about possibly making the ECF as a 60 something win team and involving the team ive rooted for all my life expect to hear from me.

Nobody said anything about the Bulls till you did. Talking about making the conference finals like that would be significant for a great team in a weak and injury depleted conference...I just find it funny. Im guessing if you actually made it...and lost...you would understand a bit better.

Its just nothing much to aspire to. Not for a 60 win team.

Yeah realized after the fact that he's probably not a Bulls fan lol, just what my mind jumped to from a glance at his username.

Of course I'm going to be mad if we lose in the ECF, but you have to realize that it would still have been the best season in the history of our franchise. We weren't all blessed with Michael Jordan or Larry Bird or Kobe Bryant.

The idea that a fan would be happy with the best season in franchise history is apparently such an offensive idea that you feel the need to write a damned essay on it, classic KBlaze.

04-16-2015, 09:56 PM
Nah. Im nearly impossible to offend. But very easy to annoy. And when annoyed ill get vindictive. On that note let me add the following...

No..you were not blessed with Michael Jordan.

But you were blessed with Bill Russell and Bob Cousy. Lost them both before they ever played a game. Cousy the Hawks refused to pay 10,000 a year as he demanded...they offered 6,000. He signed to the Celtics for 9,000. And a few years later...the Hawks went ahead and made sure the Celtics had their dynasty by drafting Russell...who was perfectly willing to go to the Hawks...and trading him for Easy Ed and a couple other scorers because they didnt see the value in someone who couldnt shoot.

And to make matters worse...guess who their coach was the very year Cousy was drafted?

Red Auerbach! The Hawks had Red and went behind his back and traded his favorite player so he quit....signed with the Celtics months later...lucked into Cousy who the Hawks wouldnt pay...and Russell who the Hawks didnt want. Next thing you know they win 11 rings...and Red builds the core that wins 2 more in the 70s and 3 more in the 80s....and he retires with 16 rings as coach, GM, or president.

Doesnt always come down to blessings. Sometimes its competence.

The Hawks might have the Celtics spot in history if not for a heaping helping of good old fashioned incompetence.


04-16-2015, 09:58 PM
Nah. Im nearly impossible to offend. But very easy to annoy. And when annoyed ill get vindictive. On that note let me add the following...

No..you were not blessed with Michael Jordan.

But you were blessed with Bill Russell and Bob Cousy. Lost them both before they ever played a game. Cousy the Hawks refused to pay 10,000 a year as he demanded...they offered 6,000. He signed to the Celtics for 9,000. And a few years later...the Hawks went ahead and made sure the Celtics had their dynasty by drafting Russell...who was perfectly willing to go to the Hawks...and trading him for Easy Ed and a couple other scorers because they didnt see the value in someone who couldnt shoot.

And to make matters worse...guess who their coach was the very year Cousy was drafted?

Red Auerbach! The Hawks had Red and went behind his back and traded his favorite player so he quit....signed with the Celtics months later...lucked into Cousy who the Hawks wouldnt pay...and Russell who the Hawks didnt want. Next thing you know they win 11 rings...and Red builds the core that wins 2 more in the 70s and 3 more in the 80s....and he retires with 16 rings as coach, GM, or president.

Doesnt always come down to blessings. Sometimes its competence.

The Hawks might have the Celtics spot in history if not for a heaping helping of good old fashioned incompetence.

Easy to say all that in hindsight.

04-16-2015, 10:01 PM
Of course it is. I just find it funny.

dont take it too personal. You could do one of those for most teams...but rarely would it be so perfect for the situation.

04-16-2015, 10:28 PM
Nah. Im nearly impossible to offend. But very easy to annoy. And when annoyed ill get vindictive. On that note let me add the following...

No..you were not blessed with Michael Jordan.

But you were blessed with Bill Russell and Bob Cousy. Lost them both before they ever played a game. Cousy the Hawks refused to pay 10,000 a year as he demanded...they offered 6,000. He signed to the Celtics for 9,000. And a few years later...the Hawks went ahead and made sure the Celtics had their dynasty by drafting Russell...who was perfectly willing to go to the Hawks...and trading him for Easy Ed and a couple other scorers because they didnt see the value in someone who couldnt shoot.

And to make matters worse...guess who their coach was the very year Cousy was drafted?

Red Auerbach! The Hawks had Red and went behind his back and traded his favorite player so he quit....signed with the Celtics months later...lucked into Cousy who the Hawks wouldnt pay...and Russell who the Hawks didnt want. Next thing you know they win 11 rings...and Red builds the core that wins 2 more in the 70s and 3 more in the 80s....and he retires with 16 rings as coach, GM, or president.

Doesnt always come down to blessings. Sometimes its competence.

The Hawks might have the Celtics spot in history if not for a heaping helping of good old fashioned incompetence.


That's interesting, not that I would've been alive for it. A winning tradition may have changed things around here though.

04-16-2015, 10:41 PM
I suspect so. The Hawks in a 6 year stretch drafted arguably...the 3 best basketball players ever to that point. Cousy, Pettit, and Russell. And they had arguably the best coach ever right in position. They ****ed over two of them and traded another. Bob stood tall...but they could have been the greatest dynasty in American sports history.

And of course there was this whole deal:


When you had Doctor J and Pistol Pete at the same time.

But I suspect they knew even then that they couldnt keep him. Only played 2 games before a judge made him go back to the ABA.

Won both though. Supposedly...the most entertaining games anyone who watched them ever saw.

04-16-2015, 10:46 PM
How old are you?

Always good for some basketball knowledge that very few on here know.

04-16-2015, 10:52 PM
Id file that more under trivia. It wasnt doing me any good to know...I just know because the history of the game interests me. I assure you I do not remember the 1950 NBA draft.

I just entertain myself with all manner of basketball related bullshit.

I spent a few days reading up on Bob Cousys time leading the early players union against the owners tying to get 7 bucks a day per player for food....

Its just nice to know...if ever it comes up.