View Full Version : is lebron as good as he was last year??

04-18-2015, 05:54 AM
alot of people said at the start of the year that lebron was on the decline. so now that the season is over whats your opinions??

Now i know hes highly seeded but come on hes still got a stacked team and its still a weak conference so dont use the standing to weight it up.

Just use his individual play. And eye test please. I know what his stats are bran stans.....

04-18-2015, 05:57 AM
I feel his mid range has been better, but I duno

04-18-2015, 06:05 AM
I feel like he plays a little more conservatively. Being more of a veteran now and understanding the length of the season and aging. Hes not as physically explosive or chooses not to be for durability purposes.

Hes more of the older dog on his team now. So hes doing more leading and guiding as opposed to trying to take over and destroying (not that he was any good at that anyway).

But yeah as a kobe fan my honest opnion i think hes declined physically slightly but improved mentally.

04-18-2015, 06:06 AM
I get the feeling that he's been coasting. Which is fine because he needs some rest after 4 straight finals. Looking forward to a dominant lebron this playoffs.

04-18-2015, 06:10 AM
He's conserving his energy ala Tim Duncan since 2005 and beyond.

04-18-2015, 06:11 AM
His play on this playoffs will tell. I feel like he didn't care a lot about the RS after he realized Hawks took the first seed for good and he had no chances of MVP. I think he declined physically but I think we will only know how much this affects his game when the playoffs ends.

J Shuttlesworth
04-18-2015, 10:55 AM
I've seen glimpses where he has looked as good or better than last year. Really want to see how he handles the postseason

04-18-2015, 11:07 AM
See no difference, his usual coasting self in regular season.... except for the trial for in-game chemistry that naturally happens when playing with completely new teammates, coach, system and lots of changes in that... what does that have to do with Lebron? Alot, it affected his productions & impact, it takes alot of time to figure out how you need to play and figure your teammates out for you to be as successful as possible as a team, to be as complementary as possible....

Im still not sure if they have "clicked" there yet... next season/playoffs they will be great (championship great), this one i dont know... especially not when you consider its Kyrie's & Love's 1st playoff appearance.... Lebron will do his thing im sure in playoffs, but its a team game and the better team will always win.... i can see Atlanta winning the ECF over them...

04-18-2015, 11:14 AM
Lmao at this "coasting" excuse.

Lebron is on the decline. This has been his worst overall season since 2006-07 statistically and visually. He is still a top 3-5 player, but the days of him been clearcut best player in the league are over.

04-18-2015, 11:19 AM
Lmao at this "coasting" excuse.

Lebron is on the decline. This has been his worst overall season since 2006-07 statistically and visually. He is still a top 3-5 player, but the days of him been clearcut best player in the league are over.

Not sure if trolling...

As far as stats go, there is a reason for that, as i explained above.... he was injured aswell...

It has been like this every season since 2010.... "Lebron is on decline" "Lebron coasting? Hahahaha".... then the playoffs come and you see the difference.... not only between reg. season Lebron & playoffs Lebron.... but also the difference between him and everybody else who he "isnt clearcut better" than....

04-18-2015, 11:21 AM

his jumpshot was shot all year long, his ballhandling was sloppy, his shot selection got worse and his finishing around the rim certainly wasn't at that GOAT level we got used to over the course of his career (even after his 2 weeks of rest)

you can blame it on athletic decline, growing pains of a new team or coasting, but the fact is that he had the worst RS since his rookie year

04-18-2015, 11:28 AM
Not sure if trolling...

As far as stats go, there is a reason for that, as i explained above.... he was injured aswell...

It has been like this every season since 2010.... "Lebron is on decline" "Lebron coasting? Hahahaha".... then the playoffs come and you see the difference.... not only between reg. season Lebron & playoffs Lebron.... but also the difference between him and everybody else who he "isnt clearcut better" than....

His numbers have been in decline since 2013 and visually you can tell he isn't the same player he was during his peak, especially on defense.

This is no knock on him and it is expected for guys who come out of high school and have played as much as Lebron has in 12 season. Same thing happened to Kobe and KG at similar points in their career.

04-18-2015, 11:33 AM
I honestly think it's safe to say he's on the decline. A very slow decline, but a decline nonetheless. His defense has been nonexistent at times and it feels like he's less able to get to the rim and finish on demand. I do, however, still believe he's the best player in basketball.

04-18-2015, 11:44 AM
Lmao at this "coasting" excuse.

Lebron is on the decline. This has been his worst overall season since 2006-07 statistically and visually. He is still a top 3-5 player, but the days of him been clearcut best player in the league are over.
I'd give it one more year before saying that definitively. He declined a bit his first year in Miami as well but came back stronger.

04-18-2015, 11:46 AM
He didn't take a 2 year hiatus like MJ so of course his body is more worn out.

04-18-2015, 11:49 AM
then the playoffs come and you see the difference.... not only between reg. season Lebron & playoffs Lebron.... but also the difference between him and everybody else who he "isnt clearcut better" than....
For sure.. it was incredible clear last year when LEbron was on the court in garbage time while the Spurs five was on the bench.

Kawhi Leonard took the FMVP trophy home, Lebron took his check my stats t-shirt home.

04-18-2015, 11:55 AM
I'd give it one more year before saying that definitively. He declined a bit his first year in Miami as well but came back stronger.

That was more about adjusting to Bosh and Wade and once he got that down his numbers were virtually the same as his last two seasons in Cleveland in the second half of the year(28/7/6 62% TS for the final 24 games).

04-18-2015, 12:27 PM
no, he's better

04-18-2015, 12:31 PM
No he's clearly took a step back. His athleticism declined more and his efficiency is way down.