View Full Version : how much money on average does the nba make out of a game?

04-25-2015, 08:00 PM
I was just thinking about how last year how every one on this forum was saying that the nba was rigged and it was the cause for al those long series last year. But this season it seems we are seeing alot of sweepIng. So how much do the nba make out of a game.

04-25-2015, 08:03 PM
There is absolutely no way to calculate that. The NBA is owned by the 30 owners and they have a commissioner in Adam Silver. So apart from the ticket sales and sales at the game most money is lost on tv broadcasting where every team has their individual and also there is the nationally televised games.

04-25-2015, 08:26 PM
probably not as much as you might think

The NBA makes a vast majority it's money from the TV deal... the Broadcasters have already paid for the rights to broadcast the games... it's a base contract, it doesn't go up or down with the number of games they broadcast so you can take that out of the equation

They do get a % of the gate receipts from the games but that money is paltry when you think about it... depending on the arena deal the teams have the NBA gets it's share from the teams cut of the deal... lets go nuts and say tickets are 4k apiece and every arena holds 20k people.. that's 80k, that's split 50% between the arena and team then the NBA takes it's 50% (if i remember right it's actually 43%) so that's 20k a game for the NBA... Basically Adam Silver's expense account for a week :lol

then you add in the NBA is actually paying the teams from a playoff pool that's get's distributed out to the 16 teams.. I read this year it was upwards of 18 million

The people that want the series to extend longer are the broadcasters who make their money from advertisers.. for them more games is definitely more $$$

04-25-2015, 08:48 PM
probably not as much as you might think

The NBA makes a vast majority it's money from the TV deal... the Broadcasters have already paid for the rights to broadcast the games... it's a base contract, it doesn't go up or down with the number of games they broadcast so you can take that out of the equation

They do get a % of the gate receipts from the games but that money is paltry when you think about it... depending on the arena deal the teams have the NBA gets it's share from the teams cut of the deal... lets go nuts and say tickets are 4k apiece and every arena holds 20k people.. that's 80k, that's split 50% between the arena and team then the NBA takes it's 50% (if i remember right it's actually 43%) so that's 20k a game for the NBA... Basically Adam Silver's expense account for a week :lol

then you add in the NBA is actually paying the teams from a playoff pool that's get's distributed out to the 16 teams.. I read this year it was upwards of 18 million

The people that want the series to extend longer are the broadcasters who make their money from advertisers.. for them more games is definitely more $$$

Dude, 4 000* 20 000 is 80 000 000, not 80 fudging k.

And you aren't even accounting for costs.