View Full Version : James Harden

04-28-2015, 10:45 PM

04-28-2015, 10:47 PM
Deserving. Nothing short of sensational what he has done so far this season.

04-28-2015, 10:47 PM

04-28-2015, 10:49 PM

04-28-2015, 10:54 PM

04-28-2015, 11:17 PM
i thought we all settled with this? mvp award goes to Curry, real MVP anthony Davis, the best player is Lebron, Harden lurking in between all these achievements.

04-28-2015, 11:18 PM
More like:


04-28-2015, 11:19 PM
i thought we all settled with this? mvp award goes to Curry, real MVP anthony Davis, the best player is Lebron, Harden lurking in between all these achievements.


It it what it is.

04-28-2015, 11:26 PM
i thought we all settled with this? mvp award goes to Curry, real MVP anthony Davis, the best player is Lebron, Harden lurking in between all these achievements.
I actually agree with all of that.

04-28-2015, 11:30 PM
Curry is still gonna win the MVP...

04-28-2015, 11:32 PM
Curry is still gonna win the MVP...

04-28-2015, 11:33 PM
i thought we all settled with this? mvp award goes to Curry, real MVP anthony Davis, the best player is Lebron, Harden lurking in between all these achievements.

how can you watch the entire regular season, and especially the playoffs up to this point and still think Lebron is the best player in the game

Curry, Davis and Harden each played way stronger competition and each played better than Lebron did against the pathetic Celtics

04-28-2015, 11:34 PM
More like:



04-28-2015, 11:37 PM
how can you watch the entire regular season, and especially the playoffs up to this point and still think Lebron is the best player in the game?

Curry, Davis and Harden each played way stronger competition and each played better than Lebron did against the pathetic Celtics

brah, i dislike lebron just as bad. but there's no one can compete with lebron individually except AD this season.

04-28-2015, 11:41 PM
brah, i dislike lebron just as bad. but there's no one can compete with lebron individually except AD this season.

im simply asking what has Lebron done this year to say that he is better than Harden, Curry or Davis at the moment? He's still great, top 4-5 player in the game but THIS SEASON and especially the playoffs SO FAR Curry, Harden and Davis have all been better

there are 3 players who have consistently out performed Lebron this year, including the playoffs up to this point. You might trust Lebron more in the playoffs than these guys as I myself do, but that doesn't mean he's been the best player this year

because for the first 86 games of the season.. he hasn't been

04-28-2015, 11:45 PM


I won't care if Harden wins, just saying that it's not likely.

im simply asking what has Lebron done this year to say that he is better than Harden, Curry or Davis at the moment? He's still great, top 4-5 player in the game but THIS SEASON and especially the playoffs SO FAR Curry, Harden and Davis have all been better

Top 4-5? Durant/LeBron > Davis > Curry/Harden. You can dislike Bron as much as you want to, he's still in an extremely exclusive tier among current players and was the best player this season.

04-28-2015, 11:48 PM

I won't care if Harden wins, just saying that it's not likely.

Top 4-5? Durant/LeBron > Davis > Curry/Harden. You can dislike Bron as much as you want to, he's still in an extremely exclusive tier among current players and was the best player this season.

you just listed 5 players, I said Lebron was one of the top 5 players

and what did Lebron do this season better than Curry and Harden?

there is nothing that Lebron has done up to this point in this season to objectively say he is currently better than Curry or Harden

unless you're just going off his past greatness, but we are talking strictly this season..

04-28-2015, 11:49 PM
Harden supporters in a nutshell:

04-28-2015, 11:53 PM
Now that the little pusscake known as Milbuck lost his avy bet, he will barely post the next two months. (after the bulls send the bucks away)

04-28-2015, 11:57 PM
you just listed 5 players, I said Lebron was one of the top 5 players

and what did Lebron do this season better than Curry and Harden?

there is nothing that Lebron has done up to this point in this season to objectively say he is currently better than Curry or Harden

unless you're just going off his past greatness, but we are talking strictly this season..


You know as well as I do that there's a difference between top-2 and top 4-5.


You're wrong? I don't really know how else to respond to that...

You have zero credibility when it comes to any topic related to LeBron. You've made it explicitly clear that you're a hardcore Kobe stan/LeBron hater, your posts on either player aren't to be taken without at least a grain of salt.

04-29-2015, 12:05 AM
Harden supporters in a nutshell:
You could say the same about most Curry supporters too tbh.

To me Harden has been the most valuable player in the league.His individual performance, combined with the fact he carried this Rocket's team to the 2nd seed in a really though western conference, while Dwight has been fighting with injuries, is outstanding.Don't get me wrong, I'd be happy with Curry winning the MVP too, and it definitely wouldn't be underserved, but Harden had to step up way more than Steph and he did just that this season.

04-29-2015, 12:10 AM

You know as well as I do that there's a difference between top-2 and top 4-5.


You're wrong? I don't really know how else to respond to that...

You have zero credibility when it comes to any topic related to LeBron. You've made it explicitly clear that you're a hardcore Kobe stan/LeBron hater, your posts on either player aren't to be taken without at least a grain of salt.

that's a cop out that literally nobody else on here ever is pathetic enough to use

please tell me how Lebron has been better than Curry or Harden this season or just run away little boy

Regular season

Curry: 24/4/8 on 64% TS with 3 TO's.. PER: 28

Harden: 27/6/7on 61% TS.. with 4 TO's.. PER: 27

Lebron: 25/6/7/ on 58% TS.. with 4 TO's.. PER: 26


Curry: 34/5/7/ on 61% TS.. with 4 TO's..PER: 28

Harden: 29/4/8 on 65% TS.. with 3 TO's..PER: 28

Lebron: 27/9/7 on 53% TS.. with 5 TO's..PER: 22

all Lebron has done better than Curry & Harden this season & playoffs so far is turn the ball over more while scoring less points on less efficiency..

on top of that, both these players led their teams to better records in a better more strong conference while being more durable and playing more games

so here hold this L with a grain of salt


04-29-2015, 12:11 AM
You could say the same about most Curry supporters too tbh.

To me Harden has been the most valuable player in the league.His individual performance, combined with the fact he carried this Rocket's team to the 2nd seed in a really though western conference, while Dwight has been fighting with injuries, is outstanding.Don't get me wrong, I'd be happy with Curry winning the MVP too, and it definitely wouldn't be underserved, but Harden had to step up way more than Steph and he did just that this season.
YOU'RE the real MVP after this post.


04-29-2015, 12:12 AM
Harden plays no defense, :wrong
Harden sucks in the playoffs: wrong

04-29-2015, 12:15 AM
Start watching basketball and maybe it'll be as apparent to you as it is to literally everyone that does watch the game. :confusedshrug:

04-29-2015, 12:19 AM
Start watching basketball and maybe it'll be as apparent to you as it is to literally everyone that does watch the game. :confusedshrug:

except "literally everyone" doesn't believe that Lebron is having a better season than Curry and or Harden you moron

but keep putting your hands over your ears and telling yourself that.

way to just avoid every single bit of evidence laid in front of you, great argument, great data and observation to back up your claims..

Do you have a shred of evidence to counter argue why Lebron has been better than Curry and Harden up to this point in the season?

if not then..

go troll somewhere else

04-29-2015, 12:19 AM
I actually like James Harden, but come on now...

James Harden even said it himself

they ain't even that good but went 0-4

if they ain't even that good how does Steph lead them to 67 wins? Because Steph is the real mvp:pimp:


04-29-2015, 12:20 AM
except "literally everyone" doesn't believe that Lebron is having a better season than Curry and or Harden you moron

but keep putting your hands over your ears and telling yourself that.

You're wrong. :confusedshrug:

No one seriously disputes that LeBron is the best player in the game (a healthy Durant would take that title next season, Davis is close too). Curry/Harden may have been more valuable to their teams but LeBron is still the best in the league.

04-29-2015, 12:24 AM
You're wrong. :confusedshrug:

No one seriously disputes that LeBron is the best player in the game (a healthy Durant would take that title next season, Davis is close too). Curry/Harden may have been more valuable to their teams but LeBron is still the best in the league.

you have presented nothing to back this up

everything from the eye test to stats shows that Harden and Curry had a better season than Lebron so far

i've laid out facts, stats and completely objective observations (tougher conference, more durable) and you've provided nothing to back up your claim

Curry and Harden have been better than Lebron up to this point in the season, you litterally have no other counter argument than just to say "you're wrong"

you're a waste of time

04-29-2015, 12:25 AM
You're still wrong. :confusedshrug:

04-29-2015, 12:26 AM
More like:



04-29-2015, 12:35 AM


04-29-2015, 12:36 AM


04-29-2015, 12:38 AM
You could say the same about most Curry supporters too tbh.

To me Harden has been the most valuable player in the league.His individual performance, combined with the fact he carried this Rocket's team to the 2nd seed in a really though western conference, while Dwight has been fighting with injuries, is outstanding.Don't get me wrong, I'd be happy with Curry winning the MVP too, and it definitely wouldn't be underserved, but Harden had to step up way more than Steph and he did just that this season.
It's not even a matter of deserving or not anymore at this point it's just delusional to think the MVP is going to anyone other than Curry.

04-29-2015, 03:07 AM
There are 5 players that are head and shoulders above the rest.

in no particular order right now. James is playing as well as any of them