View Full Version : Fact of Fiction: People supporting rule changes to "Hack-A-Shaq" never played ball...

05-05-2015, 07:13 PM
Fact of Fiction - the people whining about there needing to be rule changes to hack-a-shaq and saying it's unfair are mostly overweight slobs who've never touched a ball in their life and just watch the game sitting on their fat arses drinking beer and stuffing themselves with cheetos?

I'm gonna say fact. Cus for anyone who's played ball at a remotely competitive level, it blows my mind that people think it's unfair that a player can be given 2 free, uncontested, unguarded shots with like a 10 second time limit to shoot them.

I love the Clippers but unless you're retarded you better believe it's DeAndre Jordan's fault and his fault alone that he blows chunks from the free throw line. Learn better fundamentals and skills instead of blaming the rules.


05-05-2015, 07:14 PM
doesn't really matter if you know how to play ball or not, i'm opposed to changing the rule but I get why the "hack-a-player" rule would diminish the NBA game

Cowboy Thunder
05-05-2015, 07:19 PM
Mostly overweight slobs who've never touched a ball in their life and just watch the game sitting on their fat arses drinking beer and stuffing themselves with cheetos

05-05-2015, 07:20 PM
Fact of Fiction - the people whining about there needing to be rule changes to hack-a-shaq and saying it's unfair are mostly overweight slobs who've never touched a ball in their life and just watch the game sitting on their fat arses drinking beer and stuffing themselves with cheetos?

I'm gonna say fact. Cus for anyone who's played ball at a remotely competitive level, it blows my mind that people think it's unfair that a player can be given 2 free, uncontested, unguarded shots with like a 10 second time limit to shoot them.

I love the Clippers but unless you're retarded you better believe it's DeAndre Jordan's fault and his fault alone that he blows chunks from the free throw line. Learn better fundamentals and skills instead of blaming the rules.


I'm wet at FTs.

I think it's more due to empathy. I don't think it's 'fair' to force a player to shoot when in no way can you force a player to shoot. You can't even force a player to shoot a lay up. You can encourage them to, but nah... forcing a player to shoot FTs doesn't make sense in the context of basketball.

But they've been doing it. I thought Wilt was cool back in the day... and I was a big Shaq fan, so you might say that I am biased.

I don't think it's bad for the product. Good D is, technically, bad for the product, but fouling a player off the ball... now fouling someone inside is different. If they are shooting then yeah make them go to the line, but just as the ball is inbounded? Nah.

I can't imagine anyone thinks that is how bball was intended to be played.

Edit: Again, remember, some players CAN'T SHOOT. Just like they can't dribble, but nobody forces them to dribble.


05-05-2015, 07:33 PM
Fiction: The desire to change the rule is from a spectator position, but that doesn't mean those spectators haven't also played ball.

05-05-2015, 07:35 PM
How does it make sense basketball wise to foul someone who is not the play? That's just silly. They dont even foul the guy they hug him when he's 10 feet away from the ball. Do what Europe does and call it a technical foul.

Real Men Wear Green
05-05-2015, 07:38 PM
Or maybe some of us just don't want to see the game take an extra half-hour while the game stalls with some guy taking 20 free throws and missing half of them? I don't know about you but I watch the game for entertainment. I guess you're serving a higher purpose. :rolleyes:

05-05-2015, 07:40 PM
The main argument is not ''it's unfair''.
The main argument is that the hack-a-shaq is bad TV.
Some Clippers-spurs games were 30 minutes longer. Nobody got time for that.
It's bad for ratings.

05-05-2015, 07:49 PM
sports gloden rule:

''you can't gain an advantage of a foul that you committed''

NBA rules should be changed

TheReal Kendall
05-05-2015, 08:01 PM
How does it make sense basketball wise to foul someone who is not the play? That's just silly. They dont even foul the guy they hug him when he's 10 feet away from the ball. Do what Europe does and call it a technical foul.

This would be the best solution.

I feel like if basketball is your full time job then you should be able to hit free throws or at least go 50% from the line.

So it's really on the player to make his shots but I agree it does slow the game down.

05-05-2015, 08:17 PM
sports gloden rule:

''you can't gain an advantage of a foul that you committed''

NBA rules should be changed

This. You're supposed to get punished when you commit a foul. The bonus of getting rid of it is that is's horrible TV.

The argument is definitely not that it's unfair. If basketball was just all the players taking turns shooting free throws then it would be unfair, but these guys who are horrible free throw shooters usually have plenty of opportunity to affect the game in different ways than hitting the majority of their free throws.


05-05-2015, 08:32 PM
in the sense that everyone knows this rule when they started play ball, its the players responsiblity to be able to shoot well, all the same seimilar to what navy said, its odd how you can just randomly foul someone and stop the ball. Ive always wondered whether it would be possible to randomly foul someone during a fastbreak to stop the fastbreak?

05-05-2015, 08:41 PM
I think the next step is to lower the rim for short player who can't dunk, I can't tell you how many times I've found my level of entertainment going down after seeing some fast break lay ups

next they honestly need to move in the 3pt line, I DON"T KNOW ABOUT YOU GUYS but i'm tired of seeing the defense sag off of bad shooters while taking away the drive.

If a player is a feared slasher but can't shoot such as younger Lebron & Rondo the defense shouldn't be allowed to sag off, because it takes away what those type of guys are good at and highlights their faults


Hopefully after that they will get rid of the shot clock, how many times do we need to watch a team not able to get a good shot up in 24 seconds and be forced to heave some desperation shot at the buzzer before a rule is changed!!

Give them as much time as they want to create their shots, IT"S MORE ENTERTAINING YO!!

or you know, make your god damn free throws and don't have a glaring weakness in your game if you want to play heavy minutes in the NBA playoffs

05-05-2015, 08:52 PM
The main argument is not ''it's unfair''.
The main argument is that the hack-a-shaq is bad TV.
Some Clippers-spurs games were 30 minutes longer. Nobody got time for that.
It's bad for ratings.

Yeah, That was a terrible series. I bet the TV ratings went to shit because of the hack-a-shaq.

05-05-2015, 09:00 PM
I've changed my view on this.

Originally I was in the camp of, "just make the free throws then, learn how to shoot."

Now, I think it should be a free throw and the ball back. Just like a tech or unsportsmanlike. It isn't a basketball play, no attempt on the ball, etc. Literally all the things that outline a unsportsmanlike foul.

05-05-2015, 09:16 PM
Fact of Fiction - the people whining about there needing to be rule changes to hack-a-shaq and saying it's unfair are mostly overweight slobs who've never touched a ball in their life and just watch the game sitting on their fat arses drinking beer and stuffing themselves with cheetos?

I'm gonna say fact. Cus for anyone who's played ball at a remotely competitive level, it blows my mind that people think it's unfair that a player can be given 2 free, uncontested, unguarded shots with like a 10 second time limit to shoot them.

I love the Clippers but unless you're retarded you better believe it's DeAndre Jordan's fault and his fault alone that he blows chunks from the free throw line. Learn better fundamentals and skills instead of blaming the rules.


Fiction: Sports are entertainment. The rulebook in all leagues are tilted to make the product more enjoyable to fans. Most people, including those who played the game, do not want to watch Hack-a-Shaq for twenties. It is dull and the rulebook should be changed to prevent it from being utilized.

05-05-2015, 09:35 PM
I've changed my view on this.

Originally I was in the camp of, "just make the free throws then, learn how to shoot."

Now, I think it should be a free throw and the ball back. Just like a tech or unsportsmanlike. It isn't a basketball play, no attempt on the ball, etc. Literally all the things that outline a unsportsmanlike foul.

J Shuttlesworth
05-05-2015, 09:49 PM
I've never played in a pick-up game where people starting intentionally fouling, so I don't really see OP's point

Nuff Said
05-05-2015, 09:52 PM
I've never played in a pick-up game where people starting intentionally fouling, so I don't really see OP's point
Then you've never played in a pick up game. It's done a lot to prevent easy baskets.

05-05-2015, 09:55 PM
Then you've never played in a pick up game. It's done a lot to prevent easy baskets.
He meant a player without the ball.

Nuff Said
05-05-2015, 10:11 PM
He meant a player without the ball.
Yeah true that is a lame move.

J Shuttlesworth
05-05-2015, 10:12 PM
He meant a player without the ball.
Yup. Never seen anyone "hug" a player like hack-a-shaq, but then again, most pick up i've played doesn't even have free throws anyway.

05-05-2015, 10:19 PM
Then you've never played in a pick up game. It's done a lot to prevent easy baskets.
Where are you playing pickup? Seriously, that's a bitch move. If you get beat, hold the L.

05-05-2015, 10:59 PM
I agree with both sentiments.

The rule is how it is right now. So if you want to play in the big league, learn how to shoot free throws.

Meanwhile, I am in 100% support of the rule being changed. It's bad for TV and it's just downright bad for the game.

05-06-2015, 12:03 AM
Go hit the weights for a couple hours and see if you can shoot even 20 percent from a high school free throw line. Its completely understandable if DJ cant shoot because of his hands and if he goes hard at the gym. His job is to be big strong and athletic

05-06-2015, 01:18 PM
I'm one of the biggest and most vocal supporters of enforcing the current rules in place, which would all but eliminate the hack-a-player, that does not have the ball, strategy.

Reasons are two-fold:
1) Intentionally fouling a player that does not have the ball is the epitome of a flagrant foul. Look up the definition. NBA should enforce its rules, or not have them.

2) Not everyone can shoot. I took Physics in college for fun, and got an A. But I couldn't get an A in High School bio. Everyone has some level of natural ability, or inability. Hard work counts for something, but not everyone will be able to make 70+% of their FTs. Just not how humans work.

05-06-2015, 04:48 PM
I'm one of the biggest and most vocal supporters of enforcing the current rules in place, which would all but eliminate the hack-a-player, that does not have the ball, strategy.

Reasons are two-fold:
1) Intentionally fouling a player that does not have the ball is the epitome of a flagrant foul. Look up the definition. NBA should enforce its rules, or not have them.

2) Not everyone can shoot. I took Physics in college for fun, and got an A. But I couldn't get an A in High School bio. Everyone has some level of natural ability, or inability. Hard work counts for something, but not everyone will be able to make 70+% of their FTs. Just not how humans work.

plus fouling a player that does not have the ball leads to /red card/suspension in every sport

football: yellow card then red card

handball: 2 minute suspension then red card

volluball: yellow card, a point tehn ejection

Eric Cartman
05-06-2015, 04:54 PM

plus fouling a player that does not have the ball leads to /red card/suspension in every sport

football: yellow card then red card

handball: 2 minute suspension then red card

volluball: yellow card, a point tehn ejection

NFL has that unnecessary roughness thing,but it isn't that big of a problem in the NBA that it needs a rule change.

How many hackable players are there? 1% at most? :confusedshrug: Most teams also take the player out immediately except for a handful of guys.

05-06-2015, 04:56 PM
Where are you playing pickup? Seriously, that's a bitch move. If you get beat, hold the L.
Word. That's a bitch move in pickup. In a game, sure get every advantage you can but singular possessions aren't really important in pickup unless it's game point or something.

And to OP, like others have said, it isn't about being fair, it's about the fact that no person (basketball fan/player or not) wants to watch 30+ minutes of bricked free throws.

Fallen Angel
05-06-2015, 04:56 PM
How many people on ISH can make 6/10 NBA Free Throws in an NBA Arena?

05-06-2015, 05:14 PM
Here are three devil advocate defenses for keeping the current rules:

1. There are strategic implications that give the game an interesting wrinkle. Does the coach leave the big dude in who can protect the rim and get boards or do you take him out?

2. Because of point 2, removing the consequences of bad FT shooting means players like DJ will get paid much more because now they're all upside. Why reward them for sucking at something a child can do?

3. It's funny watching adult professional basketball players brick free throws.

Personally I have DVR, so go ahead, have a 30 minute FT contest between Dwight and DJ. I'll get the popcorn. I feel bad for the people in the arena though, or watching it in a bar.

When talking heads say stuff like "just make your free throws" I roll my eyes. That's a non-sequitur that doesn't address the argument.

05-06-2015, 09:15 PM
Fouling a player who doesn't have the ball is bullshit. He's not a threat to score if he's just standing in the corner, or 30 feet from the basket. It's a bitch move. Make it an intentional foul, 2 shots and the ball back.