View Full Version : Halo CE is the greatest game of all time

Im Still Ballin
05-07-2015, 09:07 AM
14 years old and it's still as good as an experience as it was in 2001

Nick Young
05-07-2015, 09:11 AM

Im Still Ballin
05-07-2015, 09:13 AM
Halo 1 revolutionized console FPS
Halo 2 revolutionized console online matchmaking

Patrick Chewing
05-07-2015, 09:29 AM
Love Halo, but Microsoft has ruined the franchise.

05-07-2015, 10:26 AM
whats so great about halo? seemed like just another shooter to me :confusedshrug:

not talking about multiplayer tho.

i used to fall for the shooter hype and buy them since they get hyped up more than anything, and i'm always regretting shelling out full price for them after playing since they all feel the same. Evenn Crysis felt similar despite having that suit power shit. borderlands 2 was alright i guess. but i swear every shooter feels so similar to me.

i don't game much anymore ever since i quit weed tho.

05-07-2015, 10:33 AM
Shout out to all those xboxes soft modded using the splinter cell exploit :rockon:

05-07-2015, 11:01 AM
Always hated halo

05-07-2015, 11:34 AM
Never played Halo, but played some Counter Strike and Half-Life during Irish class in the computer room today.

Half-Life was just riding some stupid train cart thing. Counter Strike was pretty good. Liked the simplicity of it all.

Im Still Ballin
05-07-2015, 11:38 AM
Halo is Michael Jordan

First three peat was epic.

Halo 1. Halo 2. Halo 3.

2 years playing Baseball = Reach and Wars

2nd 3peat

Halo 4 (Won championship, but a little rusty; Gary Payton played good defense)
Halo 5 and Halo 6 to come soon.

05-07-2015, 11:40 AM
Halo was definitely my favorite shooter ever. I still play Halo 3 on my 360 because Bungie keeps servers running for matchmaking. The pacing and power weapons always set Halo above other popular games for me. I hated the COD class set up stuff.

05-07-2015, 12:13 PM
Maybe I should of given reach a chance

05-07-2015, 12:27 PM
whats so great about halo?

It was the next step for console FPS like Goldeneye was a few years before it.

05-07-2015, 12:40 PM
Halo 1 revolutionized console FPS
Halo 2 revolutionized console online matchmaking


Halo 2 is the GOAT multiplayer FPS.

05-07-2015, 03:09 PM
Halo was a great game to play all night with your friends back in middle school/early high school. The multiplayer mode where you can have another friend or two play on your account as guests. Man... some of those summer nights bring back good memories of staying up all night playing.

It is one of my favorite series of video games during the mid 2000s. I liked Halo 3 more than Halo 2 but I remember having that debate pretty often with friends of mine.

Halo was also way more team based/fun based than let's say Call of Duty. Also COD had way more OP weapons, ie. MP5 in cod4 and to me, famas in Black Ops (before the patches that eventually fixed it, it was by far the best close/mid range assault weapon) also ak47 if you knew how to use it correctly was a killing machine from mid range/far range (had a few 20+ killstreaks with it).

Im Still Ballin
05-07-2015, 03:58 PM
Halo has about as good a case for GOAT as any game

Legendary campaigns,

Legendary multiplayer... Revolutionized online matchmaking FPS

Singlehandidly kept Xbox in the game against Playstation

The consoles flagship game,

Can you blame microsoft for wanting to keep it alive?

How many games in their retrospective eras have had as much an impact as Halo?

I'm currently replaying Halo 1 campaign again for like the 2 time in 2015 already... Still fun as ever.

05-07-2015, 04:07 PM
Let's be the GOAT video game is probably World of Warcraft. Vanilla WoW to create such an intricate game in 2004 is quite impressive. At least, I was blown away during the one month trial I had. I'm a big MMPORG fan and I still am but everyone whose played a good share of MMPORGs know they are only worth it if you have a ton of free time (aka being a teenager).

05-07-2015, 04:29 PM
For once I actually agree with OP. Halo CE, Halo 2, and Halo 3 are IMO the best shooters of all time. Halo matchmaking >>>>

It's too bad Micro$oft and 343 Industries fvcked up Halo: Master Chief Collection. That game would be #1 of all time if it worked as promised. Six months later and it's still broken. :rant

05-08-2015, 02:37 PM
Halo 2 is probably a little better overall,

Halo 2 is the GOAT shooter by a big distance

Multiplayer? GOAT

Campaign? Excellent

Theme/sound/music? GOAT


Halo 2 took everything that Halo 1 did and turned the intensity and scope up a million notches. The perfect sequel. The only negative was the cliff-hanger the campaign ended on, and that it was a bit short, although the campaign was jam-packed with quality, diversity and uniqueness

05-08-2015, 02:48 PM
And I am hype as **** for Halo 5.

Sure, Halo 4 was probably the worst in the series but it was still a great game.

It has been clear that 343 are using Halo 2 as a mold/example/benchmark for Halo 5. They have stressed the 2 character campaign (MC and Locke), which adds scope, depth, variety and most likely good pacing to the story/game. Also the scope of the game will blow wide open like they did in Halo 2. If you've kept updated with the knowledge of what is happening in the story, you'll see some similarities to Halo 2. You have the UNSC and these new covenants under Jul mdema'.... It's looking like a rebirth of the covenant... Not to mention they have Halsey and she has a grudge against the UNSC... AND they have both pieces of the Janus Key (Forerunner artifact that will show were ALL the forerunner artifacts/technologies are in the galaxy)... And this goes even without mentioning the Master Chief, and how he will deal with the loss of Cortana... And his own journey as this now supermachine, accelerated genetics from the Librarian...

I've got alot of hope for this game. I wish they'd just get rid of the stupid scope thing they got going on. No need to change the formula. Spartan abilities could be a hit or a miss. Focus is that they do not take away too much from the tactics and arena style of traditional halo.

Fingers are crossed

05-08-2015, 03:01 PM
I've bought every single Halo game over the years, but I highly doubt I will buy Halo 5. Both Halo games 343i have made have been absolute trash. Halo 4 died faster than any other video game I've seen and MCC has been plagued with bugs, glitches, and crashes for six months now.

Why would anybody give this company more of your money? There are far better games releasing around the same time as H5. Battlefront anyone?

05-08-2015, 03:08 PM
I thought MCC was fixed? Anyways it was a ridiculous concept really to fit 3 games into one... Not to mention they hired multiple different companies to do all the porting and what not. Halo 1 was a port of the anniversary 360 game, and I'm sure there was a PC port somewhere in there. It was a convoluted mess, with multiple different companies working on it. The smart thing would have been to smarten up on the networking and have one household company to do all of the porting. The management of the making of the MCC was 343's fault but some of the individual companies didn't do the best job either... I heard they're giving ODST for free now too... Adding it the the MCC

05-08-2015, 03:09 PM
none of them are above Starcraft. then probably would be DOTA and League of Legends now.

prior to them you could probably say CounterStrike.

Halo is kind of like the console fan shooter end all be all for some reason but i do wish you all could be more specific with whats so great about it. like what guns differentiate it so much from other fps's that had a variety of guns? what gameplay separates it? i just keep reading its goat but i played it and didn't see much that set itself apart from other fps's :confusedshrug:

i think early on in its inception it made vehicles and headset multiplayer a thing but otherwise i don't see much that sets it apart.

05-08-2015, 03:14 PM
none of them are above Starcraft. then probably would be DOTA and League of Legends now.

prior to them you could probably say CounterStrike.

Halo is kind of like the console fan shooter end all be all for some reason but i do wish you all could be more specific with whats so great about it. like what guns differentiate it so much from other fps's that had a variety of guns? what gameplay separates it? i just keep reading its goat but i played it and didn't see much that set itself apart from other fps's :confusedshrug:

i think early on in its inception it made vehicles and headset multiplayer a thing but otherwise i don't see much that sets it apart.
That's because you most likely played it like 4-5 years after it came out and the whole Console FPS market copied and modeled what Halo did.

Anyways; this is console gaming. Nobody except "serious gamers" care about PC master race. Console gaming is the bridge between serious gamers and your average gamer/human. PC gaming is good for the serious; I loved Diablo 2 and used to hit up that Runescape back in the day, but Console gaming hits a whole different population.

05-08-2015, 03:21 PM
Wish I had alts so I could neg you like ten times.

why not make a reasonable argument, then make 10 alts, and neg me? :confusedshrug:

05-08-2015, 03:22 PM
That's because you most likely played it like 4-5 years after it came out and the whole Console FPS market copied and modeled what Halo did.

Anyways; this is console gaming. Nobody except "serious gamers" care about PC master race. Console gaming is the bridge between serious gamers and your average gamer/human. PC gaming is good for the serious; I loved Diablo 2 and used to hit up that Runescape back in the day, but Console gaming hits a whole different population.

fair enough

console did give gaming mass appeal so yeah.

05-08-2015, 07:42 PM

Oh my god. Just listen to that. Beautiful.

05-08-2015, 08:02 PM
not even the best game of it's generation


05-08-2015, 08:08 PM
Unreal Tournament, Counter Strike and Team Fortress are better multiplayer shooters. Half-Life 1&2, System Shock 2, and Deus Ex were more interesting solo games. Doom was far more important/influential to the video game industry. Halo was good though.

05-08-2015, 08:27 PM
Not even the best FPS of all time, that would be Half Life 2. If you're talking competitively/long lasting, that would be Counter Strike 1.6. Although the greatest accomplishment in video gaming history would be world of warcraft.