View Full Version : proof that its bad to lose more finals than you win

05-10-2015, 08:58 AM
theres some people on this forum who scream to everyone that theres an excuse to lose more often than not depending on how far you go in the playoffs

for instance "making the finals is enough of an accomplishment"

but in reality. losing more often than not at any level is unacceptable.

if you make 10 first rounds. you should win atleast 6

of the 6 times you make the 2nd round. you should win atleast 4

of the 4 times you make the 3rd round. you should win atleast 3

of the 3 times you make the finals. you should win atleast 2

( round )

1st ( 13-3 )
2nd ( 8-5 )
3rd ( 7-1 )
4th ( 5-2 )

1st ( 10-3 )
2nd ( 8-2 )
3rd ( 6-2 )
4th ( 6-0 )

there is no excuse for losing more often than you win AT ANY LEVEL

the natural evolution of a great players career is

a) suck
b) become good
c) become great
d) good again
e) suck again

so theres a curve in a natural progression and regression.

if a player spends his entire career winning the 1st round. but losing most of his 2nd round appearances... then his career didnt take a natural curve. it stalled and never peaked

no evolution = spending more time at one level and leaving it open to a losing record in the next level up

in lebrons case he never evolved to "become great" he was forever stuck in the "become good" stage. so his records look great from 1,2,3 rounds then flop in the 4th

hes consistently good. but not great. thats what a losing finals record means

05-10-2015, 09:03 AM

05-10-2015, 09:05 AM
Both Kobe and Jordan lost 3 times in the 1st round?? :oldlol:

05-10-2015, 09:08 AM
I can say for sure losing in the finals are worse than winning in the finals.

05-10-2015, 09:12 AM
Jesus, why an earth are you allowed to post?

05-10-2015, 09:16 AM
I can say for sure losing in the finals are worse than winning in the finals.

Bullshit, where are your sources?

05-10-2015, 09:18 AM
Both Kobe and Jordan lost 3 times in the 1st round?? :oldlol:

yes.. and both won way more 1st rounds than they lost

you have to look at each round as a league/level

the point is to be a winner at every stage you reach more often than not

its impossible to reach a ton of finals without winning a ton of 1st/2nd/3rd rounds.. its almost impossible to be a 3rd round loser and have 5-6 titles

if there was a 5th round on the world stage and not just nba.. jordan and kobe would be winners there aswell... lebron... not so much

05-10-2015, 09:20 AM
OP is a loser who has never achieved anything

05-10-2015, 09:25 AM
OP is a loser who has never achieved anything


05-10-2015, 09:26 AM
Nobody on earth claims its better to lose a finals than win. Everyone on earth who has common sense knows its more impressive/difficult to make the finals and lose than to not make it in the first place. These topics are done to death and you have added nothing to the argument...an argument that shouldnt exist in the first place if people could be the least bit honest on the matter.

Stop spamming bullshit repeat topics. Like 3 of these "Is it better or worse to lose early?" topics are made a week. Granted...you only talk about two players so I suppose its difficult for you to post anything that isnt done to death....but you dont even try.

05-10-2015, 09:28 AM
Nobody on earth claims its better to lose a finals than win. Everyone on earth who has common sense knows its more impressive/difficult to make the finals and lose than to not make it in the first place. These topics are done to death and you have added nothing to the argument...an argument that shouldnt exist in the first place if people could be the least bit honest on the matter.

Stop spamming bullshit repeat topics. Like 3 of these "Is it better or worse to lose early?" topics are made a week. Granted...you only talk about two players so I suppose its difficult for you to post anything that isnt done to death....but you dont even try.

yes it is much much much more impressive to make the finals and lose than lose in the 1st round

but that doesnt change the fact that you should have a winning record at every level

especially if youre getting to that level a bunch of times

05-10-2015, 09:29 AM

05-10-2015, 09:30 AM
Honestly...here are 3 of these topics from this week:




Which doesnt even count several that get deleted.

You are in those topics having this argument already.

What the ****?

05-10-2015, 09:31 AM
lebrons 3 finals losses would be looked at as somewhat of an accomplishment had he won 4 finals in 7 overall appearances

and we need topics like these because some people are still clueless that there are 2 sides to the equation and its never an absolute

05-10-2015, 09:35 AM
The way I look at it: if you're good enough to make it to the Finals, you're good enough to win it all.

Unless of course you play in a much weaker conference, ala LeBron.

05-10-2015, 09:36 AM
Honestly...here are 3 of these topics from this week:




Which doesnt even count several that get deleted.

You are in those topics having this argument already.

What the ****?

and yet the boards most respected moderator is still unable to grasp the point we're trying to make

you act as if anything has been resolved as of yet and there is no need for these discussions. but even you yourself need a bit more tutoring on this topic

i'm trying to help but youre too much of a lebron stan

just admit that losing in the finals is only acceptable if you win more often than not..

if i can convince just one lebron fan. then i'd be satisfied

05-10-2015, 09:38 AM
The way I look at it: if you're good enough to make it to the Finals, you're good enough to win it all.

Unless of course you play in a much weaker conference, ala LeBron.

i made a point about this the other day

i said "if lebron fans wanna say his losses in the finals dont count because the east sucks and he doesnt belong there in the first place"

then what does that say about his finals victories?

they also shouldnt count because theyre obviously flukes... anyone can get hot for a week or have a team mate hit a lucky shot

cant have your cake and eat it too

05-10-2015, 09:40 AM
Even if we did need topics like these(we dont) we dont need 10 of anything. There are 300 posts a week on this issue. You are many of them. You have made this topic before(worded differently). Its in probably 10 topics a week counting those deleted for being over the top awful.

There comes a point where its just....too much.

I suspect I could post links to 50 topics on the 2/5 issue since spring started. Its 5000 posts of the same replies by the same people who wont stop making the same topic.

People keep reporting these things asking why such and such isnt banned(you being one of them)...asking why we allow it. generally I allow most things because...why not? Who is it hurting? Especially during the playoffs...emotions get involved. Fine.

Its why we are here. Have fun...talk ball.

But there comes a point these topics just need to be deleted on sight. How many is enough?

How many times do you need to repeat yourself before its spam?

How interested in Lebron james can one person be?

I doubt ive made 15 topics on every Bulls player combined in the last 15 years. You make more Lebron hating topics than ive made...anything topics....

How do you stay entertained by repeating yourself again and again and again?

Jesus, why an earth are you allowed to post?

Is becoming a very good question.

I just wont ban you(though you seem to think I always do)....because its not that...disruptive. But its something.

05-10-2015, 09:43 AM
Even if we did need topics like these(we dont) we dont need 10 of anything. There are 300 posts a week on this issue. You are many of them. You have made this topic before(worded differently). Its in probably 10 topics a week counting those deleted for being over the top awful.

There comes a point where its just....too much.

I suspect I could post links to 50 topics on the 2/5 issue since spring started. Its 5000 posts of the same replies by the same people who wont stop making the same topic.

People keep reporting these things asking why such and such isnt banned(you being one of them)...asking why we allow it. generally I allow most things because...why not? Who is it hurting? Especially during the playoffs...emotions get involved. Fine.

Its why we are here. Have fun...talk ball.

But there comes a point these topics just need to be deleted on sight. How many is enough?

How many times do you need to repeat yourself before its spam?

Can I just copy this post and post it every time we see this topic?

05-10-2015, 09:43 AM
Even if we did need topics like these(we dont) we dont need 10 of anything. There are 300 posts a week on this issue. You are many of them. You have made this topic before(worded differently). Its in probably 10 topics a week counting those deleted for being over the top awful.

There comes a point where its just....too much.

I suspect I could post links to 50 topics on the 2/5 issue since spring started. Its 5000 posts of the same replies by the same people who wont stop making the same topic.

People keep reporting these things asking why such and such isnt banned(you being one of them)...asking why we allow it. generally I allow most things because...why not? Who is it hurting? Especially during the playoffs...emotions get involved. Fine.

Its why we are here. Have fun...talk ball.

But there comes a point these topics just need to be deleted on sight. How many is enough?

How many times do you need to repeat yourself before its spam?

Can you just ban OP again so he can become just as irate as he was last time he got banned?

05-10-2015, 09:45 AM
Even if we did need topics like these(we dont) we dont need 10 of anything. There are 300 posts a week on this issue. You are many of them. You have made this topic before(worded differently). Its in probably 10 topics a week counting those deleted for being over the top awful.

There comes a point where its just....too much.

I suspect I could post links to 50 topics on the 2/5 issue since spring started. Its 5000 posts of the same replies by the same people who wont stop making the same topic.

People keep reporting these things asking why such and such isnt banned(you being one of them)...asking why we allow it. generally I allow most things because...why not? Who is it hurting? Especially during the playoffs...emotions get involved. Fine.

Its why we are here. Have fun...talk ball.

But there comes a point these topics just need to be deleted on sight. How many is enough?

How many times do you need to repeat yourself before its spam?

why do you wait till its one of my threads to get all p*ssy about it lol

its obvious people love talking about this subject.

why spoil it?

its obvious that you're only annoyed by it because you favor the side that doesnt look pretty

i know youre a lebron fan. you know youre a lebron fan

we gotta be able to laugh at ourselves sometimes

i see a ton of kobe bashing all the time and it doesnt bother me. cause i'm comfortable in my own skin as a kobe fan

i'm positive youre not angry because of the safety of our boards topic diversity

its obviously more personal

but if its too much then just lock this thread. i promise i wont talk about it anymore.

atleast until someone else brings it up

05-10-2015, 09:50 AM
There are tens of thousands of ISH posters. Hundreds of posters/guests a day. Most dont care about this anymore. People dont love talking about it....about 15 people do...and those 15 can drive endless topics and keep replying in them. Those not in the topics....those reporting them...asking you and others to be banned....they far outnumber the people still having that eternal fight. Not that I expect you to be able to step back from an issue and see the big picture.

Most basketball fans...are not trying to have the same conversation every 2 days for 18 months.

05-10-2015, 09:55 AM
There are tens of thousands of ISH posters. Hundreds of posters/guests a day. Most dont care about this anymore. People dont love talking about it....about 15 people do...and those 15 can drive endless topics and keep replying in them. Those not in the topics....those reporting them...asking you and others to be banned....they far outnumber the people still having that eternal fight. Not that I expect you to be able to step back from an issue and see the big picture.

Most basketball fans...are not trying to have the same conversation every 2 days for 18 months.

thats a bold faced lie and you know it

05-10-2015, 10:08 AM
Im gonna copy/paste part of a reported post(leaving out who sent it of course). This is the kind of thing emailed to me during the course of my day. Im sitting with my family and my phone beeps...I open the email to see this:

This is the reason that the user gave:
dude should be banned for stuff like this. It contributes nothing to the discussion, ruins possibly good discussions, and encourages other trolls to do the same thing. we all know this forum would be a better place without idiots like him and kenneth posting, so why don't we do something about it?

I click the link...which opens to some bullshit argument you and someone else is having about Lebron James.

This happens....many times a day. Half my emails are work...about 40 percent are reported posts....and you are too many of them.

I am tired of seeing your name pop up after I click a reported post. And if it doesnt go right to you...its a topic you started or are involved in where you and someone else are trolling back and forth

Your awful posting is seeping through the cracks and into my everyday life. It gets old homie.

And yet here you are...unbanned....I dont stop you from posting. I let you annoy hundreds of people because...they dont have to look I guess. But you think im out to get you...

I dont really care...I just get too many complaints from normal fans about people like you.

Am I supposed to ignore them forever?

I dont come here to mod anything. Just...talk ball. You and your type generate the kinds of discussions that get people upset...and contacting us about it.

If you and like...12 other people were gone....ISH wouldnt even have mods.

Only like 20 people make up 95% of all complaints. And it comes from both sides. Pro lebron...anti. Normal people dont care which side its from. They just want it to go away.

And here I am....not making it go away when I could. And you still believe I have it out for you.

If I went by popular vote you would be long gone.

But I dont. Youre a passionate basketball fan who is a bit much...but generally talking basketball. So I leave you be...until it gets annoying. Not always to me...but to the people who then contact me.

If you get reported 5 times a week...thats more than 5 thousand others get reported...ever.

At some point its you and not everyone else....and I suppose im here to alert you to it.

Not that I think you care....

Hey Yo
05-10-2015, 10:19 AM
The way I look at it: if you're good enough to make it to the Finals, you're good enough to win it all.

Unless of course you play in a much weaker conference, ala LeBron.
But if the West champion can't beat the much weaker team from the much weaker conference, then does that mean that West champ didn't deserve to represent?

05-10-2015, 10:20 AM
Im gonna copy/paste part of a reported post(leaving out who sent it of course). This is the kind of thing emailed to me during the course of my day. Im sitting with my family and my phone beeps...I open the email to see this:

I click the link...which opens to some bullshit argument you and someone else is having about Lebron James.

This happens....many times a day. Half my emails are work...about 40 percent are reported posts....and you are too many of them.

I am tired of seeing your name pop up after I click a reported post. And if it doesnt go right to you...its a topic you started or are involved in where you and someone else are trolling back and forth

Your awful posting is seeping through the cracks and into my everyday life. It gets old homie.

And yet here you are...unbanned....I dont stop you from posting. I let you annoy hundreds of people because...they dont have to look I guess. But you think im out to get you...

I dont really care...I just get too many complaints from normal fans about people like you.

Am I supposed to ignore them forever?

I dont come here to mod anything. Just...talk ball. You and your type generate the kinds of discussions that get people upset...and contacting us about it.

If you and like...12 other people were gone....ISH wouldnt even have mods.

Only like 20 people make up 95% of all complaints. And it comes from both sides. Pro lebron...anti. Normal people dont care which side its from. They just want it to go away.

And here I am....not making it go away when I could. And you still believe I have it out for you.

If I went by popular vote you would be long gone.

But I dont. Youre a passionate basketball fan who is a bit much...but generally talking basketball. So I leave you be...until it gets annoying. Not always to me...but to the people who then contact me.

If you get reported 5 times a week...thats more than 5 thousand others get reported...ever.

At some point its you and not everyone else....and I suppose im here to alert you to it.

Not that I think you care....

now imagine if that anonymous poster wasnt a lebron stan

i dont think in all the years i've ever posted here that i've ever reported anyone

if someones opinion isnt worth anything it wont get any attention and whatever he or she posts will fade into oblivion

and the rare ones that post things negative about kobe arent harmful enough to get under my skin to warent a negative reaction out of me

at best i'l contribute a well thought out rebuttal

because i'm not butthurt

some posters and mods on here are however very sensitive.

and i completely understand that i rub some of them the wrong way cause

a) i have no filter

b) i favor the side that isnt amidst constant failure and an easy target


c) i obviously make good points... because if i didnt then i wouldnt get so much attention

i could be like some people on here and just go around bering overtly biased like dubeta.

you seem to overlook him because he's not a threat or you agree with his subjects/opinions

i think its both

but like i said. i dont even care for this topic anymore. you've already ruined the thread. so might aswell lock it

05-10-2015, 10:26 AM
thats a bold faced lie and you know it

No, it's not

You don't make good points. You're extremely stubborn, ignoring any points made against you. You cherry pick stats and make arguments tailored to make Kobe look good, and that's the ONLY thing you ever do. It's constant

05-10-2015, 10:34 AM
:oldlol: Dude, do you have the slightest clue what is meant by the word "proof"? This isn't proof, this is just your perspective.

05-10-2015, 10:37 AM
Dubeta gets banned more than you do. He recently came off a ban that was for 2 months. The other guy(Lebronxrings or something like that) was banned for 3 months and still isnt back. Dubeta will end up banned for 6 months shortly.

They get worse bans than you ever do though you pretend otherwise when you want to make a factually inaccurate point. You never did let reality stand in the way of a feeling.

That you dont believe you are overtly biased is one of those things so clearly ridiculous you have to be delusional or trolling. I used to lean trolling...but you say such things in such a way im starting to think you arent. Which also contributes to you not being banned that often. As I explained once...if you believe something crazy...you arent trolling. Youre just wrong.

And being wrong isnt bannable in my eyes.

Dubeta says shit he cant believe is true. Which makes him a "troll". Which is why he gets banned when you dont.

You....I think you are sincere. Which is often head scratching....but it isnt trolling. But when you do enough of it...its still spamming. I generally need someone to do both before they get even a brief ban.

You can troll...you can spam...a bit. You combine the two thats when I care.

05-10-2015, 10:52 AM
lebrons career path is more to blame for "trolling" than the actual trolls themselves

i for one am just relaying a baton of knowledge. rarely do i ever post simply on ideas or what ifs. its always on factual events

i've never once been out to "troll" anyone. i believe in everything i post.

and i'm not nearly active enough of a poster to be considered a spammer

so at worst i can be considered biased and somewhat agenda driven. but isnt everyone? others just hide it better under political correctness or back handed compliments

i have no time for flattery or sugar coating anything

05-10-2015, 11:03 AM
Rest assured I believe you believe most of what you say. Thats most of why almost all your bans are someone else.

You dont really fit my guidelines most of the time....you just arent right. We dont have to agree. You do delve into some trolling though. Tell me you actually believe Lebron is a worse midrange shooter than Ben Wallace and Eric snow...ill know youre trolling. You arent that delusional. Nobody is. You say hes the worst midrange shooter under 7 feet....ever. Thats not something anyone believes. Nobody...anywhere. Which is why that topic was closed.

But you dont do it all that often. You are usually just wrong...not laughably wrong to the extent you cant be serious.

05-10-2015, 11:05 AM
lebrons career path is more to blame for "trolling" than the actual trolls themselves

i for one am just relaying a baton of knowledge. rarely do i ever post simply on ideas or what ifs. its always on factual events

i've never once been out to "troll" anyone. i believe in everything i post.

and i'm not nearly active enough of a poster to be considered a spammer

so at worst i can be considered biased and somewhat agenda driven. but isnt everyone? others just hide it better under political correctness or back handed compliments

i have no time for flattery or sugar coating anything

You can't honestly believe this................ my god.

Just 2 days ago you made a thread on Kobe going to Jail and the Lakers getting Kevin Durant and LaMarcus Aldridge and then Kobe returns and they 6-peat


05-10-2015, 11:09 AM
I think all agree this has run its course.

Lebron screws up today...feel free to make a dumb topic. That would be the appropriate time for hyperbole and jokes. We are here for that.

We all just want to enjoy talking ball. You will only hear from me when you hinder other peoples enjoyment. And when people are asking me why you arent banned(as happened in this topic)...I suspect you are doing that.

I'll occasionally explain to them and to you...why things are what they are.

So things like this:

Jesus, why an earth are you allowed to post?

Are a bit more clear to people who wonder.

05-10-2015, 11:16 AM
Rest assured I believe you believe most of what you say. Thats most of why almost all your bans are someone else.

You dont really fit my guidelines most of the time....you just arent right. We dont have to agree. You do delve into some trolling though. Tell me you actually believe Lebron is a worse midrange shooter than Ben Wallace and Eric snow...ill know youre trolling. You arent that delusional. Nobody is. You say hes the worst midrange shooter under 7 feet....ever. Thats not something anyone believes. Nobody...anywhere. Which is why that topic was closed.

But you dont do it all that often. You are usually just wrong...not laughably wrong to the extent you cant be serious.

when i said lebron was the worst mid range shooter under 7 feet. i was speaking of volume scorers who take allot of mid range shots

someone posted a thread not too long ago and had like 20 big name players and lebron was dead last with like 35% from 15-17 feet or something

05-10-2015, 11:19 AM
kennethgriffin getting flat out embarrassed

05-10-2015, 11:21 AM
kennethgriffin getting flat out embarrassed

not really. a mod hijacked my thread and turned a negative about lebron into a negative about people who point out negatives about lebron

its not my fault lebrons 2 for 5.

i shouldnt be persecuted for other peoples mistakes

i feel like jesus. but i'd never agree to die for other peoples sins.. i'm too selfish

05-10-2015, 11:24 AM
not really. a mod hijacked my thread and turned a negative about lebron into a negative about people who point out negatives about lebron

its not my fault lebrons 2 for 5.

i shouldnt be persecuted for other peoples mistakes

i feel like jesus. but i'd never agree to die for other peoples sins.. i'm too selfish

so shook

05-10-2015, 11:24 AM
I think you comparing yourself to Jesus is a good spot to end any discussion.