View Full Version : Better overall defender: Wall or Westbrook?

05-13-2015, 11:40 PM

Passing lanes: Tie
Defense without the ball: Wall
On ball: Probably Wall by a small margin? I really can't choose between the two.

How about you guys?

05-13-2015, 11:53 PM
Westbrook was a net negative on defense this year so the answer is Wall.

Defensive Effort: Wall ( Gives him the overall edge)
Passing Lanes: Westbrook (Steals at the expense of good defense)
Blocking: Wall (probably the best guard since Wade and Jordan)
Man to Man: Westbrook (When he tries, I think Wall fights over screens better so you can go either way)

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
05-14-2015, 12:02 AM
Wall not even close. Westbrook plays dumb defense and makes too many mistakes goin for highlight plays

Fallen Angel
05-14-2015, 12:08 AM
Guess who Westbrook's man was:


Fire Colangelo
05-14-2015, 12:09 AM
CP3 is better than both IMO, but the answer is Wall.

05-14-2015, 12:10 AM
All you guys with the stats... WB was playing with the worst defensive Center in basketball and without Ibaka for the last quarter of the season. Westbrook embarrassed Wall so bad they didn't even put Wall on him while Westrook hit the game winner against them. Come playoffs, he has routinely shut down Parker and Conley, 2 very good PGs and primetime playoff performers. I will take that over anything Wall has done in the playoffs.

05-14-2015, 12:11 AM
Guess who Westbrook's man was:

Yeah, if OP asked about 2012. Good gif, very relevant.

05-14-2015, 12:12 AM
Probably Wall, though when Westbrook is focused his man to man defense is amazing. He gambles too much in the regular season.

But this play was hilarious, Wall playing that James Harden defense on a game winning play. :lol


Fire Colangelo
05-14-2015, 12:14 AM
All you guys with the stats... WB was playing with the worst defensive Center in basketball and without Ibaka for the last quarter of the season. Westbrook embarrassed Wall so bad they didn't even put Wall on him while Westrook hit the game winner against them. Come playoffs, he has routinely shut down Parker and Conley, 2 very good PGs and primetime playoff performers. I will take that over anything Wall has done in the playoffs.

Yeah, if OP asked about 2012. Good gif, very relevant.

:roll: :roll:

Way to contradict yourself, Westbrook is not even in the playoffs this year.

05-14-2015, 12:17 AM
:roll: :roll:

Way to contradict yourself, Westbrook is not even in the playoffs this year.
You don't make any sense. Post a gif from 2015 like graviton did. Fallen posted one from 3 years ago. If you're thinking, would I rather have Wall not playing in the playoffs and his team losing, or Westbrook not being in the playoffs? I would not want either.

In any regard, the answer is Westbrook because he has proven it on the big stage. Wall has been a 2nd round dud both times he's been there.

Fire Colangelo
05-14-2015, 12:23 AM
You don't make any sense. Post a gif from 2015 like graviton did. Fallen posted one from 3 years ago. If you're thinking, would I rather have Wall not playing in the playoffs and his team losing, or Westbrook not being in the playoffs? I would not want either.

In any regard, the answer is Westbrook because he has proven it on the big stage. Wall has been a 2nd round dud both times he's been there.

Fallen posts a gif from 2012, and you call him out saying OP didn't ask about 2012... when your previous post basically talks about 2012-2014 playoffs?

See the contradiction?

You implied that OP is talking about the 2015 season, therefore Fallen's gif is irrelevant because it's from 2012 (which I agree). Then you proceed to say that Westbrook is the better defender from what he's done in 2012-2014...?

See the contradiction yet?

Wall is a better defender than Westbrook this year. Not comparing 2015 Wall to 2012-2014 Westbrook, but comparing 2015 Wall to 2015 Westbrook.

It's not a knock on Westbrook at all, he shoulders a much larger offensive load than Wall does so it's only natural he sacrifices some energy on the defensive end.

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
05-14-2015, 12:28 AM
CP3 is better than both IMO
no sht sherlock whos debatin that:biggums: :biggums:

05-14-2015, 02:05 AM
Probably Wall, though when Westbrook is focused his man to man defense is amazing. He gambles too much in the regular season.

But this play was hilarious, Wall playing that James Harden defense on a game winning play. :lol


Yeah, Wall is going to foul WESTBROOK there when he's flying through the air? That's a recipe for an and-1. He was guarding the guy in the corner, if anything his bigs should've had his back at the rim.

05-14-2015, 02:07 AM
You don't make any sense. Post a gif from 2015 like graviton did. Fallen posted one from 3 years ago. If you're thinking, would I rather have Wall not playing in the playoffs and his team losing, or Westbrook not being in the playoffs? I would not want either.

In any regard, the answer is Westbrook because he has proven it on the big stage. Wall has been a 2nd round dud both times he's been there.

The guy didn't even play in the games where his team could've put the series away. But yes, he's been a "dud" this 2nd round. :rolleyes:

05-14-2015, 05:48 AM

02-09-2022, 09:30 PM

02-09-2022, 10:37 PM
Wall is a smarter defender and more willing.

I see where people are going. Wall in LA is is still a bad 3 point shooter but will have smarter pg play and cans witch 1 to 3 above average.

02-09-2022, 10:51 PM
Wall is a smarter defender and more willing.

I see where people are going. Wall in LA is is still a bad 3 point shooter but will have smarter pg play and cans witch 1 to 3 above average.

02-09-2022, 11:11 PM
If Wall was still in his prime, NO DOUBT I would pull the trigger on a Wall vs. Westbrook trade. And even now, I ACTUALLY think it would be a sleeper type of move. Because Wall has been so hobbled by injury. AT HIS BEST, only CP3 combined scoring, passing, and defense BETTER among PG's at that time. People also forget that Wall is a pass first PG by nature. He was such a freak athlete it overshadowed that fact. His efficiency shooting the rock has always been an issue. Even last year he went for 20 PPG and 6.9 dimes. Damn good coming off those injuries. BUT he only shot 40% from the field. But in his prime his floor generalship and defense SUPERCEDED his FG%. Wall on the Lakers could SETTLE into a the fourth scoring option behind Bron and AD. While providing better defense and floor generalship than Russ. 15 PPG and 6-7 dimes from Wall

02-10-2022, 12:02 AM
If Wall was still in his prime, NO DOUBT I would pull the trigger on a Wall vs. Westbrook trade. And even now, I ACTUALLY think it would be a sleeper type of move. Because Wall has been so hobbled by injury. AT HIS BEST, only CP3 combined scoring, passing, and defense BETTER among PG's at that time. People also forget that Wall is a pass first PG by nature. He was such a freak athlete it overshadowed that fact. His efficiency shooting the rock has always been an issue. Even last year he went for 20 PPG and 6.9 dimes. Damn good coming off those injuries. BUT he only shot 40% from the field. But in his prime his floor generalship and defense SUPERCEDED his FG%. Wall on the Lakers could SETTLE into a the fourth scoring option behind Bron and AD. While providing better defense and floor generalship than Russ. 15 PPG and 6-7 dimes from Wall

The injuries are the only reason why Wall lost so much value. He was an elite pg before the injuries struck. Wizards got sucked in by what they were consistently seeing, and then we know the rest.

Unfortunately, even hoping he returns to pre-injury Wall is a tall order. I would hate to bet everything on it so I would be resistant to it. It is too much of a gamble.