View Full Version : "Apple Ale" and "Hard Cider"

05-16-2015, 03:45 PM
What the fucc is this shit? They have kids drinking alcoholic apple juice? What the fucc happened, kids can't even drink beer no more or what? This shit is ridiculous, anyone drinking a hard cider is a total bitch. Lamest shit ever.

05-16-2015, 05:01 PM
I have to admit the super masculine cider commercials are hilarious to me.

It's a sweet, fruity alternative to beer. It's a much more fruity drink than the average generic "sweet white wine" that 70 of girls order at the bar. That doesn't matter, but if you try to portray it as some kind of typical masculine drink it starts to matter.

05-16-2015, 06:38 PM
I have to admit the super masculine cider commercials are hilarious to me.

It's a sweet, fruity alternative to beer. It's a much more fruity drink than the average generic "sweet white wine" that 70 of girls order at the bar. That doesn't matter, but if you try to portray it as some kind of typical masculine drink it starts to matter.

:oldlol: They are like "it's ok you wont be a puzzy if you drink this shit" :facepalm

05-16-2015, 07:02 PM
What the fucc is this shit? They have kids drinking alcoholic apple juice? What the fucc happened, kids can't even drink beer no more or what? This shit is ridiculous, anyone drinking a hard cider is a total bitch. Lamest shit ever.

Hard cider has existed in England for over a thousand years. In this country Hard Cider came over with the Mayflower.
People used to mix cider and water to kill bacteria.

Hard cider is popular in the North East and lots of Irish bards serve it. It's more alcoholic than the giant popular beers in America.

You can also make a powerful Liquor from Apples. And the oldest distillery in the US makes applejack.


George Washington used to drink this stuff. So in conclusion. People who drink hard cider like George Washington, not bitches. Original post is bad and Original Poster should feel bad.

05-16-2015, 07:10 PM
Don't mind a cider in between my beers. Tastes better and it does have a higher alcohol percentage normally.

05-16-2015, 07:17 PM
Hard cider has existed in England for over a thousand years. In this country Hard Cider came over with the Mayflower.
People used to drink a gallon a day of cider.....they would mix it with water and have the alcohol kill bacteria in well water.

Hard cider is popular in the North East and lots of Irish bards serve it. It's more alcoholic than the giant popular beers in America.

You can also make a powerful Liquor from Apples. And the oldest distillery in the US makes applejack.


George Washington used to drink this stuff. So in conclusion. People who drink hard cider like George Washington, not bitches. Original post is bad and Original Poster should feel bad.

That was then this is now. George Washington also used to wear a wig so now men who wear wigs are not bitches? Fail logic. "Hard Cider" is for bitches who can't drink beer.

Take Your Lumps
05-16-2015, 07:20 PM
A good, clean, cider tastes way better than 90% of mass-produced "beers" on the market anyway if it's made right and not watered down.

Beer (grains), wine (grapes), and cider (apples) just a differ in their fermentation agents.

Trader Joes has a big ****ing bottle of cider about as big as a wine bottle for $2.49. I don't drink cider regularly and prefer dark brews but I tried that one the other day and that shit was good.

05-16-2015, 07:20 PM
You've heard of Johnny Appleseed I presume?
While apple trees had little trouble taking to the New England soil, it was trickier to cultivate the barley and other grains required for the production of beer. So cider became the beverage of choice on the early American dinner table. Even the children drank Ciderkin, a weaker alcoholic drink made from soaking apple pomace in water.

By the turn of the eighteenth century, New England was producing over 300,000 gallons of cider a year, and by midcentury, the average Massachusetts resident was consuming 35 gallons of cider a year. John Adams supposedly drank a tankard of cider every morning to settle his stomach.

As the settlers began moving west, they brought along their love for cider. You've probably heard of John Chapman (better known as orchard-starter Johnny Appleseed). Chapman was actually a missionary for the Swedenborgian Church, who traveled just ahead of westbound settlers and grafted small, fenced-in nurseries of cider apple trees in the Great Lakes and Ohio River regions. Chapman visited the nurseries once or twice a year, but he left neighbors in charge to sell the saplings to the arriving settlers. By the end of the nineteenth century, it was not uncommon for to find a small cider orchard on the grounds of most homesteads.

05-16-2015, 07:21 PM
That was then this is now. George Washington also used to wear a wig so now men who wear wigs are not bitches? Fail logic. "Hard Cider" is for bitches who can't drink beer.

Just admit you didn't know what hard cider was and this fail post resulted from that ignorance.

05-16-2015, 07:31 PM
Just admit you didn't know what hard cider was and this fail post resulted from that ignorance.

Pardon me for not knowing the vast history of a drink for puzzy bitches.

White people :facepalm

05-16-2015, 07:35 PM
Anyone worried about what others see them drink is a bit soft to me. Since when was insecurity a masculine trait? I dont give 2 shits what anyone thinks about what I have to drink. Im gonna look over my shoulder and hide some cider from someone I fear judging me? Im a grown ass man....I work for my money and ill buy whatever the hell I like with it.

Hard cider and the like has been around for all time. My grandfather used to make something similar with the tiny ass tart apples in his yard.

I didnt like it as a kid. It actually wasnt sweet....the sugar in it turns to alcohol and it hits harder than beer.

A good hard cider is fine. I dont much care for the "malt beverages" with flavor. Have an odd aftertaste. Shit like 4 loko? Just tastes bad.
Hard cider ranges from shitty to great just like beer.

A local liquor store had a sampling of a bunch of good ciders a while back. I missed it...but id have gone if I knew in advance.

I'll also drink mead(honey wine...also not particularly sweet). I enjoy nice tequila and whiskeys. Love rum. Not much on vodka....

Im as likely to be drinking 102 proof gin as drinking cider. Both just depend on the situation.


Did you know...some women DONT like beer? And that they often want a man to share in what they have going on?

Just so happens one told me she doesnt like beer a while back...and I suggested a brand of cider I think she will enjoy. These are things adults are willing to do. Suggest something to a friend...enjoy it with them.

Maybe.....enjoy a night and not care what people they dont know think of them because whats in their cup.

You know...grown up things.

Grown men have been drinking cider since the dawn of civilization. It didnt become a bitchly thing to do all of a sudden. A number of people with little else to do just decided to bitch over some nonsense.

All that said...let me contradict all the above and say....if you buy apple crown...you better be buying it for a female.

05-16-2015, 07:45 PM
My grandfather used to make something similar with the tiny ass tart apples in his yard.

Yeah cider apples are not the same as eating apples. They don't taste good to eat. Prohibition killed cider in this country, because the orchards that grew cider apples were all cut down. It was still easy to find wheat and grain for other alcohols. They are running into a shortage of cider apples again with the new popularity.

05-16-2015, 07:48 PM
That was then this is now. George Washington also used to wear a wig so now men who wear wigs are not bitches? Fail logic. "Hard Cider" is for bitches who can't drink beer.

05-16-2015, 07:48 PM
Yea...his apples were like a whole other breed. You could eat it...it wasnt just...unpleasant...but you wouldnt eat one over a normal apple. They were harder and way more tart.

His "cider" would kick your ass. My grandma made strawberry wine...it was sweet. The cider? It smelled like a super tart apple...but it tasted like liquor.

He would pour some on bitter greens and shit.

05-16-2015, 08:14 PM
That was then this is now. George Washington also used to wear a wig so now men who wear wigs are not bitches? Fail logic. "Hard Cider" is for bitches who can't drink beer.

Actually I never understood why the wig went out of fashion. If you don't like how you look bald, why not throw a wig on it?

It's not as if men today aren't desperately trying comb-overs and hair plugs or keeping hats, or towels (:lol ) on their dome to improve their appearance. If all dudes just easily embraced going bald then ok, but guys are still fretting over that shit, understandably. Wearing a wig is no different than doing anything else cosmetically, whether it's shaving a unibrow or buying nice clothes or whitening your teeth etc.

Luckily nowadays I could get a quality hair transplant (i think) if I get to the point where I feel it'd be useful. But if for some reason I couldn't? I'd have no prob throwing a wig on it.


^ Dats some glorious chit right there.

05-16-2015, 09:34 PM
I have to admit the super masculine cider commercials are hilarious to me.

It's a sweet, fruity alternative to beer. It's a much more fruity drink than the average generic "sweet white wine" that 70 of girls order at the bar. That doesn't matter, but if you try to portray it as some kind of typical masculine drink it starts to matter.

Spoken like an insecure female, and someone who knows jack shit about alcohol in general. :oldlol:

Nick Young
05-16-2015, 09:36 PM
cider is good. It's lame that in US they market it as "hard cider" or "apple ale". In UK there is no stigma against cider, its on the same level as beer. I love that shit. Tastes like apple juice. I get why theres a stigma against it in US though, especially if they're marketing it the same way they do "mike's hard lemonade' alcopops. Cider isn't alcopops.

Nick Young
05-16-2015, 09:41 PM
Just admit you didn't know what hard cider was and this fail post resulted from that ignorance.
stop calling it 'hard' cider bra, it makes it sound gay.

05-16-2015, 09:53 PM
So what do you call regular cider? Just don't differentiate between the two?

People drink cider before it's alcoholic.

Nick Young
05-16-2015, 10:09 PM
cider is always alcoholic. If it isn't it's just apple juice.

05-16-2015, 10:20 PM
You can get regular cider at the grocery store. I've had it. Not often....but it exists.

You can buy it dehydrated in winter fit peyote who don't drink coffee. I provide it and tea and coffee for people at work who have to work outside.

Nick Young
05-16-2015, 10:28 PM
You can get regular cider at the grocery store. I've had it. Not often....but it exists.

It exists. It's called apple juice. When it's heated up, it's called warm apple juice. Cider is only cider if it's alcoholic.

05-16-2015, 10:33 PM
Have you honestly never seen spiced cider for sale in winter or are you saying it's that way in Europe?

Non alcoholic cider is called exactly that in both fresh and dried versions in every supermarket in America.

Nick Young
05-16-2015, 10:35 PM
Apple Cider is a thing. You know it's a thing. You're from America. Quit being a ****.
how is it different from apple juice?:confusedshrug:

05-16-2015, 10:44 PM
It's all Apple juice. Hard cider just ferments longer. Fresh cider gets fizzy even sitting in the fridge. Farmers used to be the only source because it can turn in a day or two.

05-16-2015, 10:48 PM
Cider > beer. Especially pear cider. Mmmmm

05-16-2015, 11:07 PM
cider homos man up and grab a coors :cheers:

05-16-2015, 11:21 PM
I'll man up and not have my decisions come from peer pressure or trying to impress the childish.

Eric Cartman
05-16-2015, 11:26 PM
I'll man up and not have my decisions come from peer pressure or trying to impress the childish.

You just gave me the courage to order a margarita next time I go clubbing :dancin

05-16-2015, 11:31 PM
Whats not to like you get a sugar rush and a buzz... I don't drink em but I would.

05-17-2015, 01:01 AM

Yeah, beers that middle schoolers drink are the definition of 'hard'.


Nick Young
05-17-2015, 03:05 AM
Regular apple cider is either unpasteurized, unfiltered, or raw; sometimes spiced.

Apple juice is very filtered and looks like yellowish water, cider is cloudy/opaque.

The specific apples used also has something to do with it depending on where you are.
What you're describing is called cloudy apple juice.

05-17-2015, 03:09 AM
What the fucc is this shit? They have kids drinking alcoholic apple juice? What the fucc happened, kids can't even drink beer no more or what? This shit is ridiculous, anyone drinking a hard cider is a total bitch. Lamest shit ever.

as soon as they take away the reputation option, all the retards come out to play.

05-17-2015, 11:11 AM
What you're describing is called cloudy apple juice.

No...what hes describing is called:




05-17-2015, 12:03 PM
Someone piss in OP's apple juice when he was a kid?

Cider is delicious, regardless of alcohol content.

Le Shaqtus
05-17-2015, 12:18 PM
cider homos man up and grab a coors :cheers:

Drink real beer, not piss water :lol

Real Men Wear Green
05-17-2015, 01:31 PM
Drink real beer, not piss water :lol
Drinking Coors isn't particularly manly it's just frugal. That's that "dollar draft" shit they hand out to get the bar full. I guess it's drinkable but not particularly honorable.


The bitch drinks, if you must judge another man based on his tastes, are:

Mikes Hard Lemonade.

Wine coolers in general.

And maybe those premixed Smirnoff things...not sure.

You could also find yourself a victim of Ray Liotta if you order a cosmo.

That said, if you find a drink that you really like you should go ahead and stick to it. Unless it's a Mikes, in which case I just can't respect you as a man. Enjoy it though.

Not sure where this anti-cider sentiment is coming from. It's not super-manly but it's not wimpy either. Certainly doesn't make you less manly than the shlub chugging down cheap-ass Coors.

05-17-2015, 01:39 PM
I think beer tastes like shit but I enjoy cider. Don't have it too often but it can be a nice break from red wine, bourbon, or vodka.

I also don't give a shit if some jackass drinking 5% craft beer thinks I'm a *****.

05-17-2015, 01:43 PM
I read that Mikes Hard Lemonade used to actually be carbonated lemonade...and vodka. But when they brought it to America the laws forced them to change to it being pretty much shitty beer with flavoring.

Ive always wondered why those companies dont just mix rum or whatever into juices and such and sell it. You see that at liquor stores....sometimes mixed down to a proof no more than some beers.

But I suppose a gas station or supermarket cant sell it.

Should just be a proof issue...not the source of alcohol.

Real Men Wear Green
05-17-2015, 02:26 PM
I read that Mikes Hard Lemonade used to actually be carbonated lemonade...and vodka. But when they brought it to America the laws forced them to change to it being pretty much shitty beer with flavoring.

Ive always wondered why those companies dont just mix rum or whatever into juices and such and sell it. You see that at liquor stores....sometimes mixed down to a proof no more than some beers.

But I suppose a gas station or supermarket cant sell it.

Should just be a proof issue...not the source of alcohol.
The laws regulating alcohol are crazy. I think it all has origins in prohibition or Puritanism...that's not even an educated guess but there's a lot of crap I just don't get. Of course I live in Massachusetts where we have some of the dumbest alcohol laws in the country. My two favorites:

1. You can only legally by alcohol if you have either a Mass driver's license or a liquor ID. Most places don't enforce this dumb law but there have been a few times where I went to a bar with a friend from out of state and we had to leave because their license wasn't issued here. I have never met anyone with a liquor ID. I think they cost $75.

2. It is illegal to sell alcohol until after noon on a Sunday. Why? Because someone decided that was a holier way for things to be. I guess. Hence my theory on Puritanism.

05-17-2015, 05:21 PM
You guys don't like Coors? What is your go to domestic beer then?

05-17-2015, 05:29 PM
coors - dur banquert burr

05-17-2015, 05:30 PM
Miller is shit, Bud is alright but I think Coors tastes better

05-17-2015, 05:38 PM
Miller is shit, Bud is alright but I think Coors tastes better

I remember my first beer too.

Real Men Wear Green
05-17-2015, 05:40 PM
You guys don't like Coors? What is your go to domestic beer then?
If you really want to enter the world of beer snobbery? Start easy with some shock top. Try Sam Adams summer. Sam Adams isn't really snob beer thinking about it and I'm not a true snob but i could look like one to someone drinking Coors. Coors is not terrible given it's price. But there is a lot of better beer out there. I would advocate exploring the Sam Adams line-up in general as you can learn a bit about what kind of beer you like and then when you determine your favorite style you can go in ddeeper on
on what specific brand you like that produces that style. Sam produces a quality beer in almost every style.

My personal favorite is Sam's Oktoberfest. Only produce it in the fall unfortunately.

05-17-2015, 05:50 PM
I've had Sam Adams before it was good. Sierra Nevada is a good beer that is on draft in most places. Here in California it's all about the IPAs. i forget the names but I've had a few good ones from Bear Republic and Lagunitas. They are good and better than the "normal" beers but I still don't mind drinking some Coors or Bud if I'm just watching a game or something.

I wasn't feeling the Shocktop though, that is like the orangey beer right?

Real Men Wear Green
05-17-2015, 06:00 PM
I like shock top and yes it is orangey. If you don't you don't. Part of why there is so much variety is that people have different tastes.

05-17-2015, 06:09 PM
For sure. Do they do a lot of IPA's back east?

Real Men Wear Green
05-17-2015, 06:13 PM
For sure. Do they do a lot of IPA's back east?
Yes but i don't know much about them. I don't like the bitterness of pale ale

05-17-2015, 06:14 PM
Ive not bought a coors, bud anything, or miller in six pack form in probably 15 years. Im not what id call a beer snob...if im out and thats what they have...say its the 2 dollar option at a concert in a cooler...ill buy one. If im handed one...ill drink it. I dont care enough to avoid them or be a dick and talk about peoples beer as I refuse it. However...im not gonna go to the store...have options...and leave with a coors, bud, icehouse or anything like that.

There arent many beers ive bought 3 times. I try to get something ive never had every time.

And im well aware that the same shell company buys and now produces some of the beers I do buy. Thats how it works. Shit like blue moon and shock top are still made by Miller and Bud...they come along and buy a popular smaller beer out then use it to get the people who wont buy coors and bud.

I dont care really...its not about avoiding the companies...or not giving them money. I just want something I enjoy. And most of the more standard beers just arent enjoyable.

If its hot out...and the beer is cold...anything is ok.

But id never buy it to sit at home with my friends and watch the game.

Some of them will.....but they will drink the good beer(their words not mine) before settling for the natty, bud ice, and so on they buy by the case and stash in my fridge for game days.

Real Men Wear Green
05-17-2015, 06:28 PM
I absolutely would not drink Natty Ice. I don't care if it's free or a 4 year-old girl offered it to me saying she hoped i like it. I would tell her to feel badly.

05-17-2015, 06:32 PM
Bud Ice and Natty Ice are pretty rough but like what Kblaze said, it's hard to turn down a cold beer on a hot day.

Le Shaqtus
05-17-2015, 06:33 PM
For sure. Do they do a lot of IPA's back east?

We have IPA's at the bar I work at, mainly Jai Lai, Hopsecutioner and 60 minute are the popular ones.

05-18-2015, 01:12 AM
If you really want to enter the world of beer snobbery? Start easy with some shock top. Try Sam Adams summer. Sam Adams isn't really snob beer thinking about it and I'm not a true snob but i could look like one to someone drinking Coors. Coors is not terrible given it's price. But there is a lot of better beer out there. I would advocate exploring the Sam Adams line-up in general as you can learn a bit about what kind of beer you like and then when you determine your favorite style you can go in ddeeper on
on what specific brand you like that produces that style. Sam produces a quality beer in almost every style.

My personal favorite is Sam's Oktoberfest. Only produce it in the fall unfortunately.
This. I don't particularly mind any of the BMC beers as a buffer beer for the weekdays (for the evenings after work when I want to come home and have a few lighter, lower ABV beers). I prefer Coors or Miller, but Bud Light is bearable.

I had a pretty natural progression in my beer drinking. I started off like any college freshman indulging in the insanely cheap Natty Ice, which never stopped tasting like shit. Eventually progressed to PBR then Miller and Coors Light -- that eventually came full circle because now I actually prefer PBR to any of the BMC beers and actually don't mind it for my buffer/weekday beer.

Then I made my first foray into the craft beer world and picked up a six pack of Sam Adams Oktoberfest the fall after I turned 21. I really like it and still really enjoy it today, although I don't drink it as often. Then I started getting into the pretty typical college-aged "snob beers" like Blue Moon and Fat Tire.

Now I just homebrew, which is the way to go once you absorb the initial shock of the money you have to spend on the equipment. Once you do that, though, you can make some really high quality beer and get a lot more bang for your buck. Now I've got a keezer with three taps (going to add a fourth soon) and have beer on tap in my kitchen at my disposal 24/7. I'm sticking to extract kits for now since I just started, but I can by a $30-$50 extract kit and get 45-50 beers of pretty high quality beer out of it. I've done the math. I really developed a liking for IPAs. Buying two cases of my favorite, 7%-10% IPAs, would cost me about $80. Instead, I can buy a high quality $50 dollar IPA extract kit and get 2+ cases worth of a good quality IPA. Same thing with imperial stouts which is my second favorite style of beer.

05-18-2015, 01:15 AM
I've had Sam Adams before it was good. Sierra Nevada is a good beer that is on draft in most places. Here in California it's all about the IPAs. i forget the names but I've had a few good ones from Bear Republic and Lagunitas. They are good and better than the "normal" beers but I still don't mind drinking some Coors or Bud if I'm just watching a game or something.

I wasn't feeling the Shocktop though, that is like the orangey beer right?
Sierra Nevada's standard Pale Ale is a damn good beer and easy to get just about anywhere. I got pretty hooked on their Torpedo Extra IPA a few years ago, and now I'm really, really hooked on their Hop Hunter IPA. It's my favorite beer right now. Their Celebration IPA is a close second, though, but unfortunately it's a seasonal brew.

05-18-2015, 01:50 AM
Cider is boss, fk OP.

Take Your Lumps
05-18-2015, 08:31 PM
That was then this is now. George Washington also used to wear a wig so now men who wear wigs are not bitches?

Bitch. American men in wigs made this country with their brains and braun, all while whooping British ass on the side.

What does that make England?


05-18-2015, 09:07 PM
beer is way better then this sweet cider shit just deal with it

05-18-2015, 09:55 PM
beer is way better then this sweet cider shit just deal with it

**** you and **** your opinions.

05-18-2015, 10:09 PM
There is nothing to deal with. There are thousands of ciders and tens of thousands of beers. The idea that one is just...better...is flat out ****ing stupid. And a bit childish. Like drinking beer makes you or anyone impressive.

Im amazed there are actually people who think drinking a damn coors is some kind of statement. Like it makes you a serious drinker.

Way more high school kids and lame college students are drinking shitty coors and bud ice than there are people who care about beer for real.

Im sure thousands of brewers and bigtime beer fans are tasting ciders...wines...meads..whatever. Just enjoying life and expanding their knowledge.

They arent sitting online acting an ass because people enjoy drinks they dont...or acting like being a man is drinking some cheap shitty beer that you dont like instead of a great...whatever...that you do.

Nobody ever proved anything about themselves by drinking gas station 12 packs of bullshit beer.