View Full Version : Jordan made Pippen, so it doesn't matter

05-19-2015, 11:53 AM
Jordan made Pippen practice on his "breakfast squad" every morning at his house and train at his personal gym everyday, and then he would cover Pippen during every practice. This whole "well Jordan never won without Pippen" is laughable in the context that Jordan was so alpha, he took another player and molded him into the best version of himself that he possibly could. The same can't be said for other hall of famers who won together where each man carved his own. Sure Pippen had talent (what NBA player doesn't) but it was MJ that molded him into greatness after working with him diligently after all those losses to the Pistons. Any objection to this is simply wrong. Not only did MJ go perfect 6/6, he did it in an alpha fashion.

Now I have the uttermost respect for Pippen, as no other hall of famer TO DATE has been able to allow himself to be mentored by a lunatic like Jordan to the level that Pippen allowed himself. Let's face it, Jordan's obsession with winning and basketball were at all time psychotic unhealthy obsessive levels and Pippen went along with it because he wanted to win just as badly. THAT in combination with Jordan's willingness to work that hard and spend that much of his own personal time with a teammate just speaks volumes about Jordan's greatness.

Now go name me a hall of famer that took another hall of famer to his personal gym everyday to do a double workout like Jordan did for Pippen.

You can't, so kindly deal with it and hold the L.


05-19-2015, 11:56 AM

05-19-2015, 11:57 AM
So, because Pippen trained with Jordan, his abilities as an individual player should not be held to the same standards as the rest of the players?

I'm just saying, Pippen could drop 20-25 points on any given night, crash the boards, run the offense and play some of the best defense ever. Practicing against Jordan obviously gave him an edge, but that's how great he was.

Pippen is a top 30 player all-time in terms of overall impact. One of the best two-way players in NBA history. Jordan retired at his peak and the Bulls still won 55 games the next year with Pip averaging 22/9/6/3/1.

Jordan made Pippen, but Pippen was a great player nevertheless and Jordan doesn't win 6 if he's a bust.

05-19-2015, 12:01 PM
So, because Pippen trained with Jordan, his abilities as an individual player should not be held to the same standards as the rest of the players?

I'm just saying, Pippen could drop 20-25 points on any given night, crash the boards, run the offense and play some of the best defense ever. Practicing against Jordan obviously gave him an edge, but that's how great he was.

Pippen is a top 30 player all-time in terms of overall impact. One of the best two-way players in NBA history. Jordan retired at his peak and the Bulls still won 55 games the next year with Pip averaging 22/9/6/3/1.

Jordan made Pippen, but Pippen was a great player nevertheless and Jordan doesn't win 6 if he's a bust.

pippen was an okay player but ur really overrating him with this post. Bulls 6/6 was all Jordan. Pippen is ultimately replaceable.

05-19-2015, 12:09 PM
pippen was an okay player but ur really overrating him with this post. Bulls 6/6 was all Jordan. Pippen is ultimately replaceable.

So Bulls could have easily found another player to replace 1st 3-peat Pippen, who averaged 20/8/6/2/1 on 48% shooting in the Playoffs for the 3 runs?

Or how about when Bulls dropped Game 1 at home vs LA, then Pippen switched onto Magic, resulting in locking down the Lakers' offense 4 straight games while he also averaged 21/10/7/3 on 48% shooting...or how about putting up 32/13/7/5 in the elimination game that series, outplaying Jordan himself

Scottie wasn't close to Jordan as a player, but only a handful of players in league history are. He's still a top 30-50 player all-time.

05-19-2015, 12:21 PM
So Bulls could have easily found another player to replace 1st 3-peat Pippen, who averaged 20/8/6/2/1 on 48% shooting in the Playoffs for the 3 runs?

Or how about when Bulls dropped Game 1 at home vs LA, then Pippen switched onto Magic, resulting in locking down the Lakers' offense 4 straight games while he also averaged 21/10/7/3 on 48% shooting...or how about putting up 32/13/7/5 in the elimination game that series, outplaying Jordan himself

Scottie wasn't close to Jordan as a player, but only a handful of players in league history are. He's still a top 30-50 player all-time.

Okay lets pretend for a second that the clippers went all the way this year. By your logic, you would claim that Austin Rivers is some amazing player because he went off and was even a vital component for the clippers success in a game or two, because he clearly would have been. That doesn't detract from the fact hes hot garbage.

Whilst Pippen was not hot garbage, he was a very solid system player much like Kawaii Leonard, he is vastly overrated by some people.

05-19-2015, 12:24 PM
pippen was an okay player but ur really overrating him with this post. Bulls 6/6 was all Jordan. Pippen is ultimately replaceable.

Not one Bulls player or coach would agree with you.

05-19-2015, 12:25 PM
Still doesn't take away from the fact that jet fuel can't melt steel beams :confusedshrug:

05-19-2015, 12:27 PM
Okay lets pretend for a second that the clippers went all the way this year. By your logic, you would claim that Austin Rivers is some amazing player because he went off and was even a vital component for the clippers success in a game or two, because he clearly would have been. That doesn't detract from the fact hes hot garbage.

Whilst Pippen was not hot garbage, he was a very solid system player much like Kawaii Leonard, he is vastly overrated by some people.


Pippen is an all-time great player. What the f*ck does Austin Rivers have to do with anything? Seriously... what are you talking about?

Are you okay?

05-19-2015, 12:27 PM
Not one Bulls player or coach would agree with you.

MJ is da gawd

05-19-2015, 12:28 PM

Pippen is an all-time great player. What the f*ck does Austin Rivers have to do with anything? Seriously... what are you talking about?

Are you okay?

u realize jet fuel can't melt steel beams right?

05-19-2015, 12:28 PM
Has Jordan ever had a winning season in Washington or Charlotte? :lol Why not "make" a Pippen there? MJ is the ultimate competitor--even in Pac Man or ping pong. Why is he content with losing year after year in the 21st century when he alone possesses the god-like ability to mint HOF'ers? Why have has teams not even had legitimate all-stars let alone a top 20-25 player?

The fact is Pip was the #5 pick and projected to be a star by Krause, the Pistons GM and Chuck Daly, Bill Russell and others. Long before Mike.

The OP is another example of how MJ actually is overrated due to his stans. MJ was a guy who excelled at putting an orange ball through a hoop. He was not a god.

05-19-2015, 12:29 PM
Has Jordan ever had a winning season in Washington or Charlotte? :lol Why not "make" a Pippen there? MJ is the ultimate competitor--even in Pac Man or ping pong. Why is he content with losing year after year in the 21st century when he alone possesses the god-like ability to mint HOF'ers? Why have has teams not even had legitimate all-stars let alone a top 20-25 player?

The fact is Pip was the #5 pick and projected to be a star by Krause, the Pistons GM and Chuck Daly, Bill Russell and others. Long before Mike.

The OP is another example of how MJ actually is overrated due to his stans. MJ was a guy who excelled at putting an orange ball through a hoop. He was not a god.

typical revisionist history, MJ is the only god, u seriously need to take some lessons from 3ball, he will give you faith in the one true god

05-19-2015, 12:30 PM
I wish the thread that had my post which spoke of how Pippen was viewed before the draft hadn't been deleted. Pippen was a lottery pick, and GMs were raving over his defense and all around game before he ever met MJ.

05-19-2015, 12:31 PM
u realize jet fuel can't melt steel beams right?

Not to mention WTC 7 was not even hit by an aircraft...

05-19-2015, 12:32 PM
I wish the thread that had my post which spoke of how Pippen was viewed before the draft hadn't been deleted. Pippen was a lottery pick, and GMs were raving over his defense and all around game before he ever met MJ.

Honestly the truth is, in about June 1996 one of Pippens high school buddies invented a time machine, and Pippen went back in time and relayed all the teachings and lessons from father Jordan to his younger self and in turn changed history. Before the timeline change, Pippen was projected number 32 pick srs. There is no denying he became a pretty good player, but the reality was it was all because of master Jordan, he was never destined to be this way but Jordan moulded him because hes is god.

05-19-2015, 12:33 PM
ITT: unfounded myths



05-19-2015, 12:35 PM
Not to mention WTC 7 was not even hit by an aircraft...

exactly, and that the official story actually says they found a passport of a terrorist that was onboard the plane the VERY same day the buildings came down. How anyone can actually believe that tidbit to me just blows my mind. Absolute proof that humans are sheep that not only succumb to any kind of authority, but need it. Weak minded humbots.

05-19-2015, 12:37 PM
exactly, and that the official story actually says they found a passport of a terrorist that was onboard the plain the VERY same day the buildings came down. How anyone can actually believe that tidbit to me just blows my mind. Absolute proof that humans are sheep that not only succumb to any kind of authority, but need it. Weak minded humbots.

Don't even get me started on JFK either.

Back and to the left...

Paul George 24
05-19-2015, 01:04 PM
So, because Pippen trained with Jordan, his abilities as an individual player should not be held to the same standards as the rest of the players?

I'm just saying, Pippen could drop 20-25 points on any given night, crash the boards, run the offense and play some of the best defense ever. Practicing against Jordan obviously gave him an edge, but that's how great he was.

Pippen is a top 30 player all-time in terms of overall impact. One of the best two-way players in NBA history. Jordan retired at his peak and the Bulls still won 55 games the next year with Pip averaging 22/9/6/3/1.

Jordan made Pippen, but Pippen was a great player nevertheless and Jordan doesn't win 6 if he's a bust.

u seems forgot pippen is very soft if not jordan callenge him,made him toughness :confusedshrug:


05-19-2015, 01:09 PM
Has Jordan ever had a winning season in Washington or Charlotte? :lol Why not "make" a Pippen there? MJ is the ultimate competitor--even in Pac Man or ping pong. Why is he content with losing year after year in the 21st century when he alone possesses the god-like ability to mint HOF'ers? Why have has teams not even had legitimate all-stars let alone a top 20-25 player?

The fact is Pip was the #5 pick and projected to be a star by Krause, the Pistons GM and Chuck Daly, Bill Russell and others. Long before Mike.

The OP is another example of how MJ actually is overrated due to his stans. MJ was a guy who excelled at putting an orange ball through a hoop. He was not a god.

Great post. Let's see what OP responds to this.

05-19-2015, 01:35 PM
Has Jordan ever had a winning season in Washington or Charlotte? :lol Why not "make" a Pippen there? MJ is the ultimate competitor--even in Pac Man or ping pong. Why is he content with losing year after year in the 21st century when he alone possesses the god-like ability to mint HOF'ers? Why have has teams not even had legitimate all-stars let alone a top 20-25 player?

The fact is Pip was the #5 pick and projected to be a star by Krause, the Pistons GM and Chuck Daly, Bill Russell and others. Long before Mike.

The OP is another example of how MJ actually is overrated due to his stans. MJ was a guy who excelled at putting an orange ball through a hoop. He was not a god.

Predicted to be a star? Is that all? :lol The continual trying to make Jordan seem less than he truly was is quite comical. I would have thought by now that 3ball had educated you on the matter, but apparently you still haven't learned.

Many players have been predicted to be a star that never won a chip. The bottom line is that no other all hall of famer EVER worked as diligently with another hall of famer to the extent that Jordan worked with Pippen, and that is why Jordan's ultimate sacrifice of molding Pippen, his unhealthy obsessive nature coupled with Pippen's willingness to STFU and learn from the GOAT enabled them to be 6/6 champions. Again, what other hall of famer did what Jordan did?

He tried to do it with Kwame Brown on the wizards but we all know how that turned out. It sure as hell wasn't on Jordan, but continue to fault him for trying to mold another player instead of being a colluding beta. Did you see Jordan trying to collude with players like KG, Kemp, Hardaway or Grant hill in 98? Why didn't he? Why was he so mentally superior to Bron and more alpha like for not colluding? Why didn't Kobe possess the necessary intellect like Jordan did to keep Scottie with him unlike Kobe who upset Shaq and f'd up a dynasty? Watch Rodman's documentary and how Jordan was able to turn his life around. The 6/6 with 6 FMVP's is just the tip of the iceberg.

05-19-2015, 02:01 PM
The bottom line is that no other all hall of famer EVER worked as diligently with another hall of famer to the extent that Jordan worked with Pippen, and that is why Jordan's ultimate sacrifice of molding Pippen, his unhealthy obsessive nature coupled with Pippen's willingness to STFU and learn from the GOAT enabled them to be 6/6 champions. Again, what other hall of famer did what Jordan did?


There is not one shred of evidence to support that statement whatsoever. How do you know how diligently every hall of famer in the history of the NBA has worked with other players?

05-19-2015, 02:10 PM

There is not one shred of evidence to support that statement whatsoever. How do you know how diligently every hall of famer in the history of the NBA has worked with other players?

Wrong. Show me one document, one comment from a coach or player, or one reference that trumps the DOCUMENTED evidence of how Jordan worked with Pippen at his own personal gym everyday before practice. You won't find anything even close to what is described in Jordan's book. The burden of disproof is on you.

05-19-2015, 02:19 PM
u seems forgot pippen is very soft if not jordan callenge him,made him toughness :confusedshrug:



Fact is that he was a great player on the Bulls in his prime and only a handful of SFs in NBA history could have filled his role and had the same amount of wins in the Playoffs with Jordan. Pippen was a very athletically gifted, defensive-minded forward that could guard 1-4, whether on the perimeter or in the post. He could also run the floor like a point guard, grab rebounds like a big, play in the post and score 30 points if he had to. Dude was like a Jordan clone but without the same kind of aggression on O.

He had no problem letting Jordan do his thing every night. Prime MJ is one of the most ball-dominant players ever and Pip could still average 21 points a game while also creating a lot of the offense. Ain't too many wings in NBA history that have that kind of a package Pippen did.

05-19-2015, 02:23 PM
Wrong. Show me one document, one comment from a coach or player, or one reference that trumps the DOCUMENTED evidence of how Jordan worked with Pippen at his own personal gym everyday before practice. You won't find anything even close to what is described in Jordan's book. The burden of disproof is on you.

So what you are telling me is you read one book that mentioned two players working together and came to a conclusion about the other 300 players in the Hall of Fame from that without reading any additional information about those other 300? Okaaaay... You made the claim. I didn't. You back it up with evidence about how other players worked with each other and compare it to what MJ and Pippen did.

Paul George 24
05-19-2015, 02:24 PM
ITT: unfounded myths






Paul George 24
05-19-2015, 02:25 PM

Fact is that he was a great player on the Bulls in his prime and only a handful of SFs in NBA history could have filled his role and had the same amount of wins in the Playoffs with Jordan. Pippen was a very athletically gifted, defensive-minded forward that could guard 1-4, whether on the perimeter or in the post. He could also run the floor like a point guard, grab rebounds like a big, play in the post and score 30 points if he had to. Dude was like a Jordan clone but without the same kind of aggression on O.

He had no problem letting Jordan do his thing every night. Prime MJ is one of the most ball-dominant players ever and Pip could still average 21 points a game while also creating a lot of the offense. Ain't too many wings in NBA history that have that kind of a package Pippen did.



05-19-2015, 02:28 PM
Jordan made Pippen practice on his "breakfast squad" every morning at his house and train at his personal gym everyday, and then he would cover Pippen during every practice. This whole "well Jordan never won without Pippen" is laughable in the context that Jordan was so alpha, he took another player and molded him into the best version of himself that he possibly could. The same can't be said for other hall of famers who won together where each man carved his own. Sure Pippen had talent (what NBA player doesn't) but it was MJ that molded him into greatness after working with him diligently after all those losses to the Pistons. Any objection to this is simply wrong. Not only did MJ go perfect 6/6, he did it in an alpha fashion.

Now I have the uttermost respect for Pippen, as no other hall of famer TO DATE has been able to allow himself to be mentored by a lunatic like Jordan to the level that Pippen allowed himself. Let's face it, Jordan's obsession with winning and basketball were at all time psychotic unhealthy obsessive levels and Pippen went along with it because he wanted to win just as badly. THAT in combination with Jordan's willingness to work that hard and spend that much of his own personal time with a teammate just speaks volumes about Jordan's greatness.

Now go name me a hall of famer that took another hall of famer to his personal gym everyday to do a double workout like Jordan did for Pippen.

You can't, so kindly deal with it and hold the L.


GOAT mentality :bowdown:
He'd turn Perkins into Timmy D had he gotten the chance :rockon:

Paul George 24
05-19-2015, 02:43 PM


05-19-2015, 03:00 PM
So what you are telling me is you read one book that mentioned two players working together and came to a conclusion about the other 300 players in the Hall of Fame from that without reading any additional information about those other 300? Okaaaay... You made the claim. I didn't. You back it up with evidence about how other players worked with each other and compare it to what MJ and Pippen did.

It's not just the reading of one book :lol The working relationship that Jordan and Pippen had is mentioned and documented in various commentary by H. Grant, Steve Kerr, PJ, etc. I don't need to read any additional information about the other hall of famers. I've been watching basketball long enough to know that if there was anything remotely CLOSE to how Jordan and Pippen trained together, that it would have been discussed by now. I made the claim, you refuted it with no evidence to support your claim that the other hall of famers did what Jordan and Pippen did.

05-19-2015, 03:19 PM
Has Jordan ever had a winning season in Washington or Charlotte? :lol Why not "make" a Pippen there? MJ is the ultimate competitor--even in Pac Man or ping pong. Why is he content with losing year after year in the 21st century when he alone possesses the god-like ability to mint HOF'ers? Why have has teams not even had legitimate all-stars let alone a top 20-25 player?

The fact is Pip was the #5 pick and projected to be a star by Krause, the Pistons GM and Chuck Daly, Bill Russell and others. Long before Mike.

The OP is another example of how MJ actually is overrated due to his stans. MJ was a guy who excelled at putting an orange ball through a hoop. He was not a god.

While I understand and agree with your overall point - that Jordan was just a supremely talented basketball player, not a demi-god - the bolded statement above needs to be put in context.

When Jordan went to Washington, he was 38 years old coming off of three seasons of relative inactivity. He was rusty, overweight, and most importantly OLD. He was playing with a brand new team, and a Wizards culture of losing, with a pre-prime young Rip Hamilton as probably the second best player. Despite those disadvantages, he averaged 22 points for the 2001-02 season. Even more pertinently, before he suffered knee injuries that eventually forced him to sit out of the remaining 20 or so games, he was averaging 25 ppg, on a more respectable shooting percentage than he ended up with. Moreover, at the time of his knee injuries, the Wizard were either 5th or 4th in the Eastern Conference and were playing surprisingly well. I don't think it's a pure coincidence that as soon as Jordan's knees gave out, and he began to play much worse and miss more games, the Wizards took a dive in the standings.

As to the 2002-03 season, Jordan was 39 to begin the season and ended up at 40. His knee injuries continued to plague him but he was determined to play all 82 games, which he did. He was certainly further diminished even from the previous year, but still averaged 20 ppg, the highest ever for a player of 40 years old. His shooting percentages and efficiencies were certainly very subpar for him, but he still could demonstrate explosive scoring on any given night. The Wizards were never really in the playoff hunt, unlike the previous year and certainly Jordan's relatively subpar play could be fairly blamed for that.

However ... when you look at how much better Jordan played at that age than Kobe is playing now, it makes you realize that all in all he wasn't a failure for those two years with the Wizards. I believe if he had remained healthy the Wizards would have made the playoffs in 2002, and they would have been a very dangerous opponent for anyone, given Jordan's competitiveness and desire to win. However, no one beats Father time. But put a prime Jordan on the Wizards and that team finishes probably second behind New Jersey, with a legitimate chance of making the championship.

Lastly, to address your question as to why Jordan didn't "make a Pippen" in Washington, it's because there was no one who could come close to being Pippen there, no matter what Jordan did. Moreover, it's harder for someone like Jordan to "make" All-stars at the advanced age of 38-40, when his own abilities are significantly diminished. Pippen is an all time great, and no one should overlook his awesome skill as an individual and his facilitating of team chemistry. Let's not underrate him, but let's not underrate Jordan either.

05-19-2015, 03:33 PM
As to the 2002-03 season, Jordan was 39 to begin the season and ended up at 40. His knee injuries continued to plague him but he was determined to play all 82 games, which he did.

As opposed to Lebron who has yet to play a full 82 game season.

The comparisons of Bron to Jordan need to just stop. There is only one man worthy of being uttered in the same breath as Jordan and his name is Ferdinand Lewis Alcindor, Jr.

05-19-2015, 03:46 PM
The fact is Pip was the #5 pick and projected to be a star by Krause, the Pistons GM and Chuck Daly, Bill Russell and others. Long before Mike.

The Sonics drafted Pippen with the fifth pick in the 1987 draft, and they immediately traded him for Polynice. Polynice was an average big man who averaged 7.8 points per game and 6.7 rebounds. Pippen, on the other hand, became one of the greatest all-around offensive players and one of the very best perimeter defenders of all time.
Dude was projected to be a star, but was traded down for Olden Polynice.

05-19-2015, 06:23 PM
While I understand and agree with your overall point - that Jordan was just a supremely talented basketball player, not a demi-god - the bolded statement above needs to be put in context.

When Jordan went to Washington, he was 38 years old coming off of three seasons of relative inactivity. He was rusty, overweight, and most importantly OLD. He was playing with a brand new team, and a Wizards culture of losing, with a pre-prime young Rip Hamilton as probably the second best player. Despite those disadvantages, he averaged 22 points for the 2001-02 season. Even more pertinently, before he suffered knee injuries that eventually forced him to sit out of the remaining 20 or so games, he was averaging 25 ppg, on a more respectable shooting percentage than he ended up with. Moreover, at the time of his knee injuries, the Wizard were either 5th or 4th in the Eastern Conference and were playing surprisingly well. I don't think it's a pure coincidence that as soon as Jordan's knees gave out, and he began to play much worse and miss more games, the Wizards took a dive in the standings.

As to the 2002-03 season, Jordan was 39 to begin the season and ended up at 40. His knee injuries continued to plague him but he was determined to play all 82 games, which he did. He was certainly further diminished even from the previous year, but still averaged 20 ppg, the highest ever for a player of 40 years old. His shooting percentages and efficiencies were certainly very subpar for him, but he still could demonstrate explosive scoring on any given night. The Wizards were never really in the playoff hunt, unlike the previous year and certainly Jordan's relatively subpar play could be fairly blamed for that.

However ... when you look at how much better Jordan played at that age than Kobe is playing now, it makes you realize that all in all he wasn't a failure for those two years with the Wizards. I believe if he had remained healthy the Wizards would have made the playoffs in 2002, and they would have been a very dangerous opponent for anyone, given Jordan's competitiveness and desire to win. However, no one beats Father time. But put a prime Jordan on the Wizards and that team finishes probably second behind New Jersey, with a legitimate chance of making the championship.

Lastly, to address your question as to why Jordan didn't "make a Pippen" in Washington, it's because there was no one who could come close to being Pippen there, no matter what Jordan did. Moreover, it's harder for someone like Jordan to "make" All-stars at the advanced age of 38-40, when his own abilities are significantly diminished. Pippen is an all time great, and no one should overlook his awesome skill as an individual and his facilitating of team chemistry. Let's not underrate him, but let's not underrate Jordan either.

What the hell is this....a logical, objective post on ISH?

05-19-2015, 07:06 PM
Roundball got rekt.

05-19-2015, 07:12 PM
Bush did 9/11

05-09-2020, 10:35 AM

05-09-2020, 08:37 PM
Everyone else had a 25 ppg sidekick except MJ

McHale, Kobe, Wade, Kyrie, Kareem are all 25 ppg sidekicks

05-09-2020, 08:47 PM
Everyone else had a 25 ppg sidekick except MJ

McHale, Kobe, Wade, Kyrie, Kareem are all 25 ppg sidekicks
Not Duncan or Hakeem

05-09-2020, 08:54 PM
Not Duncan or Hakeem

Here are the facts:

"Sidekicks” Statistically

Oscar (71’-74') 16/5/8
Pippen (91’-98’) 20/7/6
Wade (11’-14’) 22/5/5
Irving (15’-17’) 22/3/5
Gasol* (08’-10’) 19/10/3
McHale (84’-88’) 22/9/2
Klay (15’-16’) 22/4/3
Kobe (00’-02’) 25/6/5
Magic (80’-82’) 19/9/9
Pierce (08’-10’) 20/5/4
Dumars (88'-90') 16/3/5
Worthy (87'-91') 20/6/3

“Sidekicks” by All-NBA 1st/2nd Team Selections

Oscar (71’-74) 1
Pippen (91’-98’) 5
Wade (11’-14’) 1
Irving (15’-17’) 0
Gasol (08’-10’) 0
McHale (84’-88’) 1
Klay (15’-16’) 0
Kobe (00’-02’) 3
Magic (80’-82’) 1
Pierce (08’-10’) 1
Dumars (88'-90') 0
Worthy (87'-91') 0

How about 90's sidekicks?

Statistical Comparison

Pippen (91’-98’): 20/7/6
Porter (90’-94’): 17/3/7
Daughtery (90’-94’): 20/10/4
Starks (92’-96’): 16/3/5
Johnson (93’-96’): 18/3/9
Kemp (93’-97’): 19/11/2
Penny (94’-96’): 20/5/7
Stockton (90’-98’): 15/3/12
Smits (94’-99’): 17/7/2
Drexler (95’-98’): 19/6/5

All-NBA selections (first team in parentheses)

Pippen (91’-98’): 7 (3)
Porter (90’-94’): 0
Daughtery (90’-94’): 1 (0)
Starks (92’-96’): 0
Johnson (93’-96’): 1 (0)
Kemp (93’-97’): 3 (0)
Penny (94’-96’): 2 (2)
Stockton (90’-98’): 9 (2)
Smits (94’-99’): 0
Drexler (95’-98’): 1* (0)

*Made 3rd team in a season he mostly played in Portland.

05-09-2020, 08:54 PM
Not Duncan or Hakeem

But they had much higher-scoring casts overall

05-09-2020, 08:55 PM
Here are the facts:

"Sidekicks” Statistically

Oscar (71’-74') 16/5/8
Pippen (91’-98’) 20/7/6
Wade (11’-14’) 22/5/5
Irving (15’-17’) 22/3/5
Gasol* (08’-10’) 19/10/3
McHale (84’-88’) 22/9/2
Klay (15’-16’) 22/4/3
Kobe (00’-02’) 25/6/5
Magic (80’-82’) 19/9/9
Pierce (08’-10’) 20/5/4
Dumars (88'-90') 16/3/5
Worthy (87'-91') 20/6/3

“Sidekicks” by All-NBA 1st/2nd Team Selections

Oscar (71’-74) 1
Pippen (91’-98’) 5
Wade (11’-14’) 1
Irving (15’-17’) 0
Gasol (08’-10’) 0
McHale (84’-88’) 1
Klay (15’-16’) 0
Kobe (00’-02’) 3
Magic (80’-82’) 1
Pierce (08’-10’) 1
Dumars (88'-90') 0
Worthy (87'-91') 0

Accolades only matter for the top dogs

The teammates simply benefit from winning

That's why Pippen's weak stats are elevated above better producing players like Grant Hill, Penny, Kemp, Coleman and more

05-09-2020, 08:55 PM
Jordan made Pippen practice on his "breakfast squad" every morning at his house and train at his personal gym everyday, and then he would cover Pippen during every practice. This whole "well Jordan never won without Pippen" is laughable in the context that Jordan was so alpha, he took another player and molded him into the best version of himself that he possibly could. The same can't be said for other hall of famers who won together where each man carved his own. Sure Pippen had talent (what NBA player doesn't) but it was MJ that molded him into greatness after working with him diligently after all those losses to the Pistons. Any objection to this is simply wrong. Not only did MJ go perfect 6/6, he did it in an alpha fashion.

Now I have the uttermost respect for Pippen, as no other hall of famer TO DATE has been able to allow himself to be mentored by a lunatic like Jordan to the level that Pippen allowed himself. Let's face it, Jordan's obsession with winning and basketball were at all time psychotic unhealthy obsessive levels and Pippen went along with it because he wanted to win just as badly. THAT in combination with Jordan's willingness to work that hard and spend that much of his own personal time with a teammate just speaks volumes about Jordan's greatness.

Now go name me a hall of famer that took another hall of famer to his personal gym everyday to do a double workout like Jordan did for Pippen.

You can't, so kindly deal with it and hold the L.


Randy Brown was there too with Jason Caffey - how did they do?

05-09-2020, 09:05 PM
Randy Brown was there too with Jason Caffey - how did they do?

Ron Harper too.

This is one of my favorite MJ myths. Jordan has been in the NBA since 1985. How many players who have came and went in Chicago, Charlotte, and Washington have been "made" HOF players by MJ? His organization is as bad as the Knicks. The excuse is "he is retired!" And? Being retired doesn't mean you can't use your magical powers to teach and "make" HOF players.

05-09-2020, 09:10 PM
The 2nd 3peat I actually think Pippen has a case for being the best player on the team. Pippen was the best playmaker, defender. The playoff series bulls 1996-1998 title wins were typically grind out low scoring defense games with Pippen being the defensive anchor.

The 1st 3peat I think Jordan is by far the best player on the team and in the league.

97 bulls
05-09-2020, 09:12 PM
Jordan made Pippen great, Pippen made Jordan the greatest

05-09-2020, 09:15 PM
"Jordan always felt Pippen was something special. Michael realized how easy it was to play with him and how he helped make his teammates better. It's often said Jordan needed Pippen and Pippen needed Jordan. I'm not sure Jordan didn't need Pippen more than Pippen needed Jordan."--Tex Winter

Round Mound
05-10-2020, 02:41 AM
"Jordan always felt Pippen was something special. Michael realized how easy it was to play with him and how he helped make his teammates better. It's often said Jordan needed Pippen and Pippen needed Jordan. I'm not sure Jordan didn't need Pippen more than Pippen needed Jordan."--Tex Winter

We should also ask Jordan and Jordan Fanboys WHY is it that Jordan always said he would "COME BACK..ONLY IF PIPPEN STAYS" to play alongside him?

Was Pippen That Important?
Why Not Another Player?
Why did Jordan Select His All Time Team and PUT PIPPEN in there instead of Another Player?

None have answered these questions yet.

05-10-2020, 04:48 AM
We should also ask Jordan and Jordan Fanboys WHY is it that Jordan always said he would "COME BACK..ONLY IF PIPPEN STAYS" to play alongside him?

Was Pippen That Important?
Why Not Another Player?
Why did Jordan Select His All Time Team and PUT PIPPEN in there instead of Another Player?

None have answered these questions yet.

Him and Pippen were really close and won 6 titles together, why wouldn't Jordan want to play with him when they were such a great fit on both sides of the court? Pippen was the ultimate beta, which made him the best fit for MJ.

05-10-2020, 04:53 AM
Him and Pippen were really close and won 6 titles together, why wouldn't Jordan want to play with him when they were such a great fit on both sides of the court? Pippen was the ultimate beta, which made him the best fit for MJ.
His mudslingers are just gonna laugh at this.

05-10-2020, 12:30 PM
We should also ask Jordan and Jordan Fanboys WHY is it that Jordan always said he would "COME BACK..ONLY IF PIPPEN STAYS" to play alongside him?

Was Pippen That Important?
Why Not Another Player?
Why did Jordan Select His All Time Team and PUT PIPPEN in there instead of Another Player?

None have answered these questions yet.

Great point. If it is true MJ could win with any star why not trade Pippen for a younger star? Pippen was a random star so there would be no short term downgrade and in the long run having a younger player could extend the contention window. MJ stans can't explain this.

The reality is MJ knew a Kemp or Baker would be a large downgrade (and T Mac from high school would be giving up since MJ knew they wouldn't win in 98' without Pip) from Pippen and he wanted to win chips now, not worry about 2000.

05-10-2020, 12:30 PM
Jordan made Pippen but Jackson made Jordan

Krause made Jackson

Reinsdorf made Krause

Stern made Reinsdorf

Who made Stern?

05-10-2020, 12:35 PM
We should also ask Jordan and Jordan Fanboys WHY is it that Jordan always said he would "COME BACK..ONLY IF PIPPEN STAYS" to play alongside him?

Was Pippen That Important?
Why Not Another Player?
Why did Jordan Select His All Time Team and PUT PIPPEN in there instead of Another Player?

None have answered these questions yet.

Charles Barkley couldn’t even win with Dr J

05-10-2020, 12:35 PM
Who made Jordan? According to MJ, his rookie year coach. We never hear about that guy. :lol

Round Mound
05-10-2020, 05:50 PM
Charles Barkley couldn’t even win with Dr J

Charles was an oveweight rookie in 84-85. He hardly played
He was a starter his 2nd season when Dr J was passed his prime age 36 and Moses left for the 85-86 play-offs to another team
He also lost Andrew Toney to Injury after that 85-86 season
Dr J Retired in 86-87
From 87 to 92 he had scrubs and lead the league in 2-Point FG% 5 years in a row while being the focal scorer. Scoring over 25 PPG while leading the league in rebounding in 86-87 at 14.6 RPG.
He was the superstar with the worst team from 88 to 92
Was consdired the 2nd best in the game after MJ from 90 to 93
Was also the 3rd best player from 93 to 95

Take a look at Barkley's games from 1989-90 to 1992-93 and you'll see what i am talking about,

05-10-2020, 08:48 PM
34 year old Dr. J and rookie Barkley. Put them together in their primes, though...

05-10-2020, 10:56 PM
Pippen was about to be traded for Shawn Kemp. Easily replaceable.

He also could have been replaced by Kevin Johnson, Reggie Miller, or Mark Jackson in the 1987 draft.

05-10-2020, 10:59 PM
Pippen was about to be traded for Shawn Kemp. Easily replaceable.

He also could have been replaced by Kevin Johnson, Reggie Miller, or Mark Jackson in the 1987 draft.

Nope. MJ needed a defense enforcer

Miller? :lol clown

05-10-2020, 11:00 PM
Nope. MJ needed a defense enforcer

Miller? :lol clown

Nah easy 3-peat with either of those players reaching their full potential

05-10-2020, 11:02 PM
hmm, he only made 1 player, and went 6/8. sounds like Stephen Curry shooting a 3.

05-10-2020, 11:03 PM
Nope. MJ needed a defense enforcer

Miller? :lol clown

What he didn't tell you is the near Kemp trade was when MJ was retired. The point was to rebuild. If Kemp was so awesome why would they need him for a rebuild? The idea was to take a short term hit but set up for the future with a much younger player, but a clearly inferior player.

05-10-2020, 11:30 PM
Nah easy 3-peat with either of those players reaching their full potential

O yea? Then which Finals series do you swap Pippen for other team's #2?

05-11-2020, 12:42 AM
O yea? Then which Finals series do you swap Pippen for other team's #2?

Literally all of them.

MJ + Worthy = Win

MJ + Terry Porter = Win

MJ + Kevin Johnson = Win

MJ + Kemp = Win

MJ + Stockon/Malone (whichever you consider the first option) = Win

Too easy for the GOAT

Stanley Kobrick
05-11-2020, 12:46 AM
Literally all of them.

MJ + Worthy = Win

MJ + Terry Porter = Win

MJ + Kevin Johnson = Win

MJ + Kemp = Win

MJ + Stockon/Malone (whichever you consider the first option) = Win

Too easy for the GOAT
don't forget to let everyone know you're not a Jordan fan and hated him growing up. it's important you mention that or otherwise users may think you're a stan

05-11-2020, 12:56 AM
Literally all of them.

MJ + Worthy = Win

MJ + Terry Porter = Win

MJ + Kevin Johnson = Win

MJ + Kemp = Win

MJ + Stockon/Malone (whichever you consider the first option) = Win

Too easy for the GOAT

91 maybe
96 is Payton

Please resubmit ballot

05-11-2020, 01:01 AM
91 maybe
96 is Payton

Please resubmit ballot

It's funny because all those guys were already good without MJ and MJ would've taken them to another level

Only Pippen had to be raised, and it cost the Bulls 3 rings in the process

The documentary makes it clear that Pippen benefitted the most from mj and MJ raised him

05-11-2020, 01:35 AM
It's funny because all those guys were already good without MJ and MJ would've taken them to another level

Only Pippen had to be raised, and it cost the Bulls 3 rings in the process

The documentary makes it clear that Pippen benefitted the most from mj and MJ raised him

This. MJ with any other supremely talented player (and all of those players were more talented than Pippen) = Rings. Easy. Not to mention Horace Grant would already be there and he was another player that was pushed by MJ.

05-11-2020, 02:37 AM
Scottie deserves his own credit for the player he became, sure being with another great player helps but it doesn't mean you don't get props.

It doesn't matter in the way this board tries so hard to push it as because every other great player got to play with equal or better help

Kareem - Oscar, Magic, Worthy
Bird - McHale, Parish, Walton
Shaq - Kobe, Wade, Penny
LeBron - Wade, Bosh, Kyrie, AD
Durant - Curry, Westbrook, Klay, Harden
Duncan - Parker, Kawhi, DRob, Ginobli
Magic - Kareem, Worthy, Scott
Kobe - Shaq, Gasol, Odom, Artest
Wilt - West, Baylor, Greer
Jordan - Pippen, Rodman, Grant

There's no big advantage there for Jordan versus these other guys.

The guy who had the least help is probably Hakeem, but he still had Sampson, Drexler, Thorpe.

05-11-2020, 02:49 AM
Scottie deserves his own credit for the player he became, sure being with another great player helps but it doesn't mean you don't get props.

It doesn't matter in the way this board tries so hard to push it as because every other great player got to play with equal or better help

Kareem - Oscar, Magic, Worthy
Bird - McHale, Parish, Walton
Shaq - Kobe, Wade, Penny
LeBron - Wade, Bosh, Kyrie, AD
Durant - Curry, Westbrook, Klay, Harden
Duncan - Parker, Kawhi, DRob, Ginobli
Magic - Kareem, Worthy, Scott
Kobe - Shaq, Gasol, Odom, Artest
Wilt - West, Baylor, Greer
Jordan - Pippen, Rodman, Grant

There's no big advantage there for Jordan versus these other guys.

The guy who had the least help is probably Hakeem, but he still had Sampson, Drexler, Thorpe.

Big advantage?

You listed 3 guys for Jordan - pip, rodman and Grant - except Rodman/Grant didn't play together, while most of the other trios you listed did, or had a 3rd star that no one would ever compare to the lowly grant (by comparison)

Ultimately, Kareem needed 9 all-star teammates (25 appearances) to win 6 rings... Magic, Duncan, Shaq, Lebron, and Bird all needed 5+ all-star teammates (15+ appearances).. MJ needed 1 all-star (6 appearances) to win 6 rings (twice as many "best player" rings as anyone in the modern era)

05-11-2020, 02:53 AM
Big advantage?

You listed 3 guys for Jordan - pip, rodman and Grant - except Rodman/Grant didn't play together, while most of the other trios you listed did, or had a 3rd star that no one would ever compare to the lowly grant (by comparison)

Ultimately, Kareem needed 9 all-star teammates (25 appearances) to win 6 rings... Magic, Duncan, Shaq, Lebron, and Bird all needed 5+ all-star teammates (15+ appearances).. MJ needed 1 all-star (6 appearances) to win 6 rings (twice as many "best player" rings as anyone in the modern era)

Which of those players above win a Finals with 4 and 2 like Jordan did?

05-11-2020, 03:01 AM
Which of those players above win a Finals with 4 and 2 like Jordan did?

Only MJ scored that much in such a low paced and DRtg series (82 pace and 105 drtg).. no one is anywhere near 34 ppg at these levels... Let alone the clutch and timely shot making - the best control of game and momentum ever

you don't seem to get that

05-11-2020, 03:06 AM
Only MJ scored that much in such a low paced and DRtg series (82 pace and 105 drtg).. no one is anywhere near 34 ppg at these levels... Let alone the clutch and timely shot making - the best control of game and momentum ever

you don't seem to get that

So you're saying MJ was the only one who could win with 4 and 2, no one else wins with that little production?

05-11-2020, 03:10 AM
So you're saying MJ was the only one who could win with 4 and 2, no one else wins with that little production?

Yes, because his lower stats in those categories (negligible impact) is more than offset by his goat scoring (the goat impact stat category)

Again, jordan's teammates played at capacity alongside MJ, or close to it - so MJ's ridiculous volume was needed, and only MJ has ever shot well at that volume.. he's the only high volume, high efficiency player ever... And this volume occurred while playing the best brand, aka goat team

05-11-2020, 03:14 AM
Big advantage?

You listed 3 guys for Jordan - pip, rodman and Grant - except Rodman/Grant didn't play together, while most of the other trios you listed did, or had a 3rd star that no one would ever compare to the lowly grant (by comparison)

Ultimately, Kareem needed 9 all-star teammates (25 appearances) to win 6 rings... Magic, Duncan, Shaq, Lebron, and Bird all needed 5+ all-star teammates (15+ appearances).. MJ needed 1 all-star (6 appearances) to win 6 rings (twice as many "best player" rings as anyone in the modern era)

I don't disagree, actually the talent level Jordan played with is lower than what Magic, Bird, LeBron, Kareem, Shaq, Durant, Kobe got over the course of their careers, but people make such a stink about that here that whatever. Call it even then.

05-11-2020, 03:17 AM
I don't disagree, actually the talent level Jordan played with is lower than what Magic, Bird, LeBron, Kareem, Shaq, Durant, Kobe got over the course of their careers, but people make such a stink about that here that whatever. Call it even then.

Haha fair enough.. call it even and he still wins

05-11-2020, 03:18 AM
Big advantage?

You listed 3 guys for Jordan - pip, rodman and Grant - except Rodman/Grant didn't play together, while most of the other trios you listed did, or had a 3rd star that no one would ever compare to the lowly grant (by comparison)

Ultimately, Kareem needed 9 all-star teammates (25 appearances) to win 6 rings... Magic, Duncan, Shaq, Lebron, and Bird all needed 5+ all-star teammates (15+ appearances).. MJ needed 1 all-star (6 appearances) to win 6 rings (twice as many "best player" rings as anyone in the modern era)

90-91 Jordan 37min per game 26th
91-92 Jordan 38.8 min per game 6th
92-93 Jordan 39.3 min per game 6th

95-96 Jordan 37.7 min per game 19th
96-97 Jordan 37.9 min per game 28th
97-98 Jordan 38.8 min per game 17th

you're not trying to tell us, his other all star is worth 6 other rotational players plus himself, is it

05-11-2020, 10:42 AM
They always compare Jordan's team without era context. That is because they know that would expose MJ's big advantage relative to the era. Look at the "casts" other superstars of the era had. The Bull's biggest competitors were these East teams, for example:

Knicks: Starks, Oakley, Smith
Pacers: Smits, Davis, Jackson
Cavs: Daughtery, Nance, Williams

Pippen was clearly better than Miller, Price (who were not superstars) and is ahead of Ewing on every all-time list.

How about their toughest finals opponent?

Utah: Stockton, Hornacek, ?
Chicago: Pippen, Rodman, Kukoc

Meanwhile some of the names listed from past eras had to face equal or greater talent on the opposing side. Let's use LeBron since he is recent.

LeBron I: Gooden, Gibson, Hughes :roll:
Duncan: Parker, Ginobili, Bowen
LeBron II: Wade, Bosh, ?
Durant I: Westbrook, Harden, Ibaka
LeBron II: Irving, Love, Smith?
Durant II: Curry, Thompson, Green
LeBron II: Davis, Kuzma, ?
Kawhi: George, Williams, Harrell

It looks different in context, doesn't it? Compare the context to:'

LeBron - Wade, Bosh, Kyrie, AD

05-11-2020, 10:51 AM
They always compare Jordan's team without era context. That is because they know that would expose MJ's big advantage relative to the era. Look at the "casts" other superstars of the era had. The Bull's biggest competitors were these East teams, for example:

Knicks: Starks, Oakley, Smith
Pacers: Smits, Davis, Jackson
Cavs: Daughtery, Nance, Williams

Pippen was clearly better than Miller, Price (who were not superstars) and is ahead of Ewing on every all-time list.

How about their toughest finals opponent?

Utah: Stockton, Hornacek, ?
Chicago: Pippen, Rodman, Kukoc

Meanwhile some of the names listed from past eras had to face equal or greater talent on the opposing side. Let's use LeBron since he is recent.

LeBron I: Gooden, Gibson, Hughes :roll:
Duncan: Parker, Ginobili, Bowen
LeBron II: Wade, Bosh, ?
Durant I: Westbrook, Harden, Ibaka
LeBron II: Irving, Love, Smith?
Durant II: Curry, Thompson, Green
LeBron II: Davis, Kuzma, ?
Kawhi: George, Williams, Harrell

It looks different in context, doesn't it? Compare the context to:'

Literal rat poison.

05-11-2020, 03:51 PM
Pippen was clearly better than Miller, Price (who were not superstars) and is ahead of Ewing on every all-time list.


From reading your posts I get the sense you were around in the 90's, and if you were you KNOW no one regarded Pippen ahead of Ewing. In fact, there's no way New York would have traded Ewing for Pippen straight up. I get the revisionist history from the young people, the older people have agendas.

05-11-2020, 04:03 PM
That's why I put Ewing in a different category than Price and Miller.

Both Pippen and Ewing were considered top 5 players at their best. Ewing had the biggest spotlight as the #1 player in the #1 city while Pippen was the #2 player in the #3 city. Both have not done anything of note in 20+ years and it is clear the historical verdict is in and Pippen is ahead of Ewing. Is there that big a difference from #26 and #36 all-time? Not really but I have not seen any reputable list with Ewing ahead of Pippen.

One thing that hurts Ewing in retrospect versus in real time is Ewing never really came through when it counted. It is a bit unfair since he probably had the least help of any superstar but that poor 94' finals is really held against him (even though he was huge in the wins over Chicago and Indiana). Another factor likely is Ewing never was the best player at his position. He was always 3rd-4th at his position. Pippen was the consensus best SF for his era and at his peak the best perimeter player during the time MJ was retired.

As far as agendas go, I think MJ fans hype Ewing up (like they do everyone who played against MJ) because he was the centerpiece of the Bulls' top rival.

It is weird. I don't see LeBron fans going around hyping Durant or Curry or the other guys he played against like Kawhi or George.

05-11-2020, 06:34 PM
Literal rat poison.

They seemed to have run and hidden now. :oldlol:

05-11-2020, 06:45 PM
From reading your posts I get the sense you were around in the 90's, and if you were you KNOW no one regarded Pippen ahead of Ewing.

No one I knew gave a shit to make such a completely pointless comparison tbh

05-11-2020, 07:52 PM
They always compare Jordan's team without era context. That is because they know that would expose MJ's big advantage relative to the era. Look at the "casts" other superstars of the era had.

Yeah, that made me chuckle. Expansion really thinned out the ranks in the 90s. Acting like the Bulls were beating just as strong as teams as teams in the 80s were is rubbish. If were being objective, whether you're a fan or not, the bulls never beat any teams in that tier of level as the 80s Sixers, Celtics, or Lakers. That's not their fault of course, it's just the way the league had become, but acting like Jordan didn't have as much help as those previously mentioned teams is kind of hilarious considering the Bulls also weren't going up against any teams close to the level of those teams anyway. They were regularly battling a Ewing and Starks duo or a Headcase Mourning and busted knee Hardaway duo. And clearly know team they ever faced in the finals came close to the 80s Lakers. 83 Sixers and various Celtic 80s teams would have swept most of the Bulls played in the finals in the 90s.

05-11-2020, 08:09 PM
Yeah it is so obvious but MJ stans (both online and the ones in the media) are obsessed with trying to deny the reality, even though they know the truth because that is why they need to play games like Soundwave did earlier in this thread.

The doc is playing right into it. Jordan is getting basically all the credit.

05-11-2020, 08:11 PM
Yeah it is so obvious but MJ stans (both online and the ones in the media) are obsessed with trying to deny the reality, even though they know the truth because that is why they need to play games like Soundwave did earlier in this thread.

The doc is playing right into it. Jordan is getting basically all the credit.

Look at MJ's volume/efficiency each year in the playoffs

Who else carried anywhere near the load?

Only MJ could've scored that much efficiently

Heck, only MJ could've shot that much and it was okay

05-11-2020, 08:19 PM
Who took the most shots per game in NBA history?

05-11-2020, 08:24 PM
Who took the most shots per game in NBA history?

He's the only one that needed to

And don't be disappointed by the doc - what did you expect?.. a bunch of Pippen praise like you see from the youngsters in this forum?.. sorry. But Pippen sucked,like I've always said

05-11-2020, 08:25 PM
He's the only one that needed to

And don't be disappointed by the doc - what did you expect?.. a bunch of Pippen praise like you see from the

4 and 2

05-11-2020, 08:31 PM
4 and 2
29 to 15 (2nd option performance)..

How did the Bulls win with 14 less from their 2nd option and a lower scoring cast? How did they make up their lesser scoring/losing??

05-11-2020, 08:40 PM
Odom and Artest? Might aswell add Toni Kukoc and Bill Cartwright.

05-11-2020, 08:45 PM
He's the only one that needed to

And don't be disappointed by the doc - what did you expect?.. a bunch of Pippen praise like you see from the youngsters in this forum?.. sorry. But Pippen sucked,like I've always said

It's like you've given up being taken seriously and it's just hilarious. Pippen is regularly put in the top 30 on greatest of all time list...but he sucked? lol. Why do they even keep unbanning you? You haven't said anything new in about 5 years.

05-11-2020, 08:50 PM
It's like you've given up being taken seriously and it's just hilarious. Pippen is regularly put in the top 30 on greatest of all team list...but he sucked? lol. Why do they even keep unbanning you? You haven't said anything new in about 5 years.

How can he be top 30 when it was controversial to make him top 50 thirty years ago.... That was before lebron, Durant, curry, Kobe and many other guys that are better came along

That alone proves that the media is just revising history.. everyone said the Bulls were a 1-man team during the 1st three-peat - EVERYONE said this and it's on YouTube.. but now you're going to tell me he's top 30 and his many horrific series, horrible stats, chokes and woat clutch stats mean nothing? Gtfo... The facts are on my side

05-11-2020, 09:00 PM
I wish the thread that had my post which spoke of how Pippen was viewed before the draft hadn't been deleted. Pippen was a lottery pick, and GMs were raving over his defense and all around game before he ever met MJ.

I got you. :cheers:

The Bulls have been trying desperately to move up from their No. 8 spot to draft Pippen. They are concerned that Sacramento at No. 6 or Cleveland at No. 7 would beat them to Pippen.

Teams tried positioning themselves to get a crack at Pippen.
''We tried desperately to move up to get him,'' said Detroit General Manager Jack McCloskey, whose Pistons don`t have a first-round pick. ''He is the most interesting and exciting player in the draft. If he doesn`t go in the top 10, something`s wrong. I think he is going to be a superstar.''


It's like you've given up being taken seriously and it's just hilarious. Pippen is regularly put in the top 30 on greatest of all time list...but he sucked?

The sad thing is he is just an extreme version of what 90% of the other MJ stans say. Same agenda, he just cuts out the pretense. Instead of diminishing Pippen by saying he=Kemp he will outright say Kemp>Pippen.

everyone said the Bulls were a 1-man team during the 1st three-peat - EVERYONE said this and it's on YouTube


05-11-2020, 09:06 PM
everyone said the Bulls were a 1-man team during the 1st three-peat - EVERYONE said this and it's on YouTube..

Absolute horse shit. The only people who said this were the hardcore MJ stans who were brainwashed by all his advertising and highlight videos. It's not like you would never see anyone wearing a Scottie or Toni jersey back in the day.