View Full Version : If Cleveland wins it all and starts to riot and destroy public property....

05-19-2015, 02:55 PM
....should they be shot with bean bags on site? Maybe have CLE PD in full force and issue a city wide warning that you will be shot if you riot? The officers there are pretty good at making short work of people that do stupid shit (see video below). Maybe send a strong message that it is NOT OK to riot and destroy public property at ANY cost even if Cleveland has never won an NBA championship? Set a positive example for other cities? We simply can't let this happen and allow innocent lives to be in danger due to a victory by a sports team of all things.


05-19-2015, 03:19 PM
....should they be shot with bean bags on site? Maybe have CLE PD in full force and issue a city wide warning that you will be shot if you riot? The officers there are pretty good at making short work of people that do stupid shit (see video below). Maybe send a strong message that it is NOT OK to riot and destroy public property at ANY cost even if Cleveland has never won an NBA championship? Set a positive example for other cities? We simply can't let this happen and allow innocent lives to be in danger due to a victory by a sports team of all things.


I don't think there will be any rioting here.

05-19-2015, 03:35 PM
....should they be shot with bean bags on site? Maybe have CLE PD in full force and issue a city wide warning that you will be shot if you riot? The officers there are pretty good at making short work of people that do stupid shit (see video below). Maybe send a strong message that it is NOT OK to riot and destroy public property at ANY cost even if Cleveland has never won an NBA championship? Set a positive example for other cities? We simply can't let this happen and allow innocent lives to be in danger due to a victory by a sports team of all things.


More people were arrested in Lexington Kentucky after they lost to Wisconsin (out of a crowd of 1500) than the entire city of Baltimore during the weekend of riots immediately following that black dude who died.

So if they behave like the rioters in Baltimore (who set 260+ businesses on fire) instead of the mob of 1500 in Lexington (who set 3 couches on fire), they'll be fine.

05-19-2015, 03:37 PM
LeBron wins a title and a race war erupts because of that?

Can't think of a better sequence of events

05-19-2015, 03:38 PM
....should they be shot with bean bags on site?

Came in here expecting to read:

...would anybody notice the difference?

05-19-2015, 03:41 PM
More people were arrested in Lexington Kentucky after they lost to Wisconsin (out of a crowd of 1500) than the entire city of Baltimore during the weekend of riots immediately following that black dude who died.

So if they behave like the rioters in Baltimore (who set 260+ businesses on fire) instead of the mob of 1500 in Lexington (who set 3 couches on fire), they'll be fine.


I hope OP gets beat by cops

05-19-2015, 04:29 PM
If you burn a bunch of huts in the Middle East, has anything really been damaged for the worse, or do you just start looking for a new cardboard box?

05-19-2015, 06:57 PM
More people were arrested in Lexington Kentucky after they lost to Wisconsin (out of a crowd of 1500) than the entire city of Baltimore during the weekend of riots immediately following that black dude who died.

So if they behave like the rioters in Baltimore (who set 260+ businesses on fire) instead of the mob of 1500 in Lexington (who set 3 couches on fire), they'll be fine.

And do you know why that is? It's because the mayor is incompetent and they had to bring in the gov of MD to attempt to do her job, but it was too late. If Ralph follows your logic which is only half of the story, he's bound to get rekt and beaten by the cops for sure....

05-19-2015, 07:03 PM
If they could just murder every member of the Cleveland Pig Department then I'd be fine with mass riots.

05-19-2015, 07:11 PM
If they could just murder every member of the Cleveland Pig Department then I'd be fine with mass riots.

Nope. That's not the way it works lol.:lol

theballerFKA Ace
05-19-2015, 08:53 PM
If they could just murder every member of the Cleveland Pig Department then I'd be fine with mass riots.

The cops are the only reason places like Cleveland, Detroit and westside Chicago don't look like Iraq, but instead ISIS, you'd have street gangs controlling everything. Without the pigs even for one day, you'd be crying like a baby for them to come back. :oldlol: