View Full Version : Is Dwight Howard the biggest ***** in the NBA or just among the top 5 biggest?

05-21-2015, 08:33 PM
Dwight this morning announced that he didn't think he would play because he wasn't "90 pct" and playing in pain didn't make sense, as he'd just hurt his team if he tried. He also declined to go through pre-game to the point McHale is basically just saying "who knows if he'll play". Right now if you watch he's trying to walk on it grimacing and acting like the world is ending.

A max contract guy with a few years left in the Western Conference Finals is saving himself for what exactly?

If he doesn't try to play it's ridiculous. If he gives it the ten second try and stumbles off, unable to continue, it;s also ridiculous.

05-21-2015, 08:43 PM
He's going to play (that's what my phone says).

He is a bitch for leaving it up in the air though, if you can walk you can play. It's the conference finals, your team is down 1-0, give it 100%.

05-21-2015, 08:46 PM
He's going to play (that's what my phone says).

He is a bitch for leaving it up in the air though, if you can walk you can play. It's the conference finals, your team is down 1-0, give it 100%.
I didn't like his message this morning. He's one of the leaders, the only message is "if i can walk i'll play". If you can't, you can't. But this I need to be a certain pct crap, what is that?

Spurs m8
05-21-2015, 08:46 PM
Dwight is a little bitch

05-21-2015, 08:50 PM
Is it still fashionable to hate on him?

This guy would squash all of you and beat you to a pulp if you said something like this in front of him, yet most of you sit on here, hating on him for his injuries.

Do any of you know what it is like being tall? Dealing with back, knee, shoulder injuries? It is hard enough for some players at 6'4, let alone nearly 7 foot and with all that weight on the joints.

At the end of the day, it is a game, and they are multi million dollar investments. You have to be smart, as the owner, and as the injured person. Are you going to risk your future health for your company? I guess people expect differently of sports stars.

05-21-2015, 08:52 PM
I didn't like his message this morning. He's one of the leaders, the only message is "if i can walk i'll play". If you can't, you can't. But this I need to be a certain pct crap, what is that?

Dwight is mentally soft, I don't really know how else to say it. That kind of behavior just doesn't cut it. He doesn't seem to have any heart, heart is what keeps you playing through injury (Mike Conley played through a facial fracture and two sprained wrists ffs) because your team needs you. He's trying to make excuses before the game even starts.

05-21-2015, 09:48 PM
Is it still fashionable to hate on him?

This guy would squash all of you and beat you to a pulp if you said something like this in front of him, yet most of you sit on here, hating on him for his injuries.

Do any of you know what it is like being tall? Dealing with back, knee, shoulder injuries? It is hard enough for some players at 6'4, let alone nearly 7 foot and with all that weight on the joints.

At the end of the day, it is a game, and they are multi million dollar investments. You have to be smart, as the owner, and as the injured person. Are you going to risk your future health for your company? I guess people expect differently of sports stars.

I do know that if i'm needed at work, sick, ****ed up whatever, if we have a huge moment that the company is relying on, I will be there. Because that is what is needed.

Dwight is in the middle of an enormous ****ing contract that pays him $20M a year and it's the NBA finals and he's not quite sure he wants to play. Maybe you don't see that as an issue. I do. Do you think he's the only guy out there hurt? Carroll, who has no contract said today "if i can play i'll play".

At what point does getting a title outweigh worrying about future earnings? $200M? $300M? For all Melo's faults (and we can have 5 beers and not be done discussing them) he played with his shoulder out of socket and needing surgery against Pacers.

05-21-2015, 09:55 PM
didn't read the thread but Melo sucks and so do the Knicks

05-21-2015, 09:56 PM
He's definitely top 5 for damn sure. Bron will always be tha biggest bitch in tha NBA.

05-21-2015, 09:57 PM
didn't read the thread but Melo sucks and so do the Knicks

And tha magic?:biggums:

oh the horror
05-21-2015, 09:59 PM
McHale deep down has to think this dude is a huge b*tch id imagine.

Say what you want about him as a coach but he fought battles as a Celtic

even pregame the god damn announcers were trying to skate around it and be polite but you could tell they were like "is this dude serious?"

This is today's player folks. Eat it up.

05-21-2015, 10:07 PM
McHale deep down has to think this dude is a huge b*tch id imagine.

Say what you want about him as a coach but he fought battles as a Celtic

even pregame the god damn announcers were trying to skate around it and be polite but you could tell they were like "is this dude serious?"

This is today's player folks. Eat it up.

Early in the game they talked about how McHale played through the playoffs with a broken foot that he injured at the end of the regular season...must be painful watching Dwight whine about a mild knee sprain during the conference finals and Harden flopping his way to points every night.

oh the horror
05-21-2015, 10:18 PM
Early in the game they talked about how McHale played through the playoffs with a broken foot that he injured at the end of the regular season...must be painful watching Dwight whine about a mild knee sprain during the conference finals and Harden flopping his way to points every night.

Meanwhile fans excuse that behavior and these athletes are getting paid the highest they've ever been in the leagues history.

Good times.

05-21-2015, 11:46 PM
Dwight played all season for a crappy Lakers team coming off of a major back surgery..

oh the horror
05-21-2015, 11:48 PM
Dwight played all season for a crappy Lakers team coming off of a major back surgery..

And he played nicely tonight. We were just discussing the beginning prior to the game tonight. Stay on track buddy.

Stringer Bell
05-21-2015, 11:51 PM
He's just a drama queen/attention whore.

I had no doubt he would play.

05-22-2015, 12:02 AM
And he played nicely tonight. We were just discussing the beginning prior to the game tonight. Stay on track buddy.

I don't get it, one game he said he was questionable, which he ended playing in anyways, should override the fact he played a whole season coming off of back surgery? Or that he was one of the most durable players in the league while taking some of the most punishment up until the time of his back injury?

ISH is full of overreactions this was just one of the first threads I saw post-game, decided to share my two cents.

Sorry buddy, can't seem to stay on track here.

05-22-2015, 12:24 AM
Dwight played a fine defensive game. The problem is guys like Brewer, Smith, Terry and co need to contribute.