View Full Version : FOX News' Geraldo Rivera "Black Lives Matter Only When They're Killed By Cops

05-22-2015, 03:49 PM
fair statement or not? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmqbwetdP24)

isn't that guy on the left from those arby commercials? :oldlol:

personally i think they raise valid points. look at the new 'unjust shooting' in olympia recently. seriously man, we need to decide: is it illegal to commit a crime or not? do we want police protection against criminals or not? should the police be required to allow a criminal to walk away without consequence or not?

i for one feel that there is way too much crime in this country and the police are needed more than ever. color shouldn’t make any difference.

Patrick Chewing
05-22-2015, 03:55 PM
I was arguing with a dumb broad yesterday about Freddie Gray's death. She said even Freddie deserved to live. Well, if Freddie was selling drugs and in turn someone OD's or gets shot due to the drugs he sold, then he does not deserve to live.

But people, mostly the ignorant ones want to lump Freddie Gray into that Dindu Nuffin group ignoring the simple fact that the one thing all these guys have in common is that they are criminals plain and simple.

In Brazil, thieves are executed on the spot by cops. Where would the Freddie Gray's of the world prefer to live?? Answer me that.

05-22-2015, 04:04 PM
I was arguing with a dumb broad yesterday about Freddie Gray's death. She said even Freddie deserved to live. Well, if Freddie was selling drugs and in turn someone OD's or gets shot due to the drugs he sold, then he does not deserve to live.

But people, mostly the ignorant ones want to lump Freddie Gray into that Dindu Nuffin group ignoring the simple fact that the one thing all these guys have in common is that they are criminals plain and simple.

In Brazil, thieves are executed on the spot by cops. Where would the Freddie Gray's of the world prefer to live?? Answer me that.
i wouldn't go that far, but i can see your point.

have you read about the 'unjust shootings' in washington? two men were caught stealing, were confronted by employees, threw alcohol at those employees and fled. minutes later when confronted by an officer at gunpoint, rather than surrendering and assuming the position, they became aggressive and resisted arrest, assaulting the officer with a skateboard in an effort to escape.

and now a subsequent protest for anti cops? WTF? :oldlol:

05-22-2015, 05:37 PM
I was arguing with a dumb broad yesterday about Freddie Gray's death. She said even Freddie deserved to live. Well, if Freddie was selling drugs and in turn someone OD's or gets shot due to the drugs he sold, then he does not deserve to live.

But people, mostly the ignorant ones want to lump Freddie Gray into that Dindu Nuffin group ignoring the simple fact that the one thing all these guys have in common is that they are criminals plain and simple.

In Brazil, thieves are executed on the spot by cops. Where would the Freddie Gray's of the world prefer to live?? Answer me that.

That is their own fault, not Freddie Gray's. And the second is the responsibility of the shooter.

What if somebody asks you for a ride and you turn them down. Then they drive themselves and die in a car accident. Do you no longer deserve to live because you indirectly set a course of actions that led to their death?

05-22-2015, 05:44 PM
In Brazil, thieves are executed on the spot by cops. Where would the Freddie Gray's of the world prefer to live?? Answer me that.

However, that chance was taken away from him wasn't it?

05-22-2015, 05:50 PM
black lives dont matter as much as other lives. Black people are probably the least contributing race to our country. as a matter of fact, they might be in the red.

HitandRun Reggie
05-22-2015, 06:21 PM
Actually they only seem to think black scumbag's lives matter. I posted a thread a few days ago about a decorated black soldier who was killed by white jail cops and no one cared. The national media seems unconcerned as well.


Here you have a guy serving a weekend sentence for a DWI, his only brush with the law in his life. He falls terribly ill, and calls out for help. He offers no resistance AT ALL, verbally or physically, yet he is dogpiled on by a bunch of cops in riot gear, he's then pepper sprayed, he's dying of thirst because his kidneys are shutting down and refused water at first, then very little later on. He's bound the entire time while struggling to breath. He's then lifted and dumped, head first, into a faucet, still bound, to get the pepper spray out of his eyes. He's only unbound after he collapses. And even then no call for medical attention is made until after his body has shut down and he's in his last throes of life.

But no, they rally behind pieces of sh!t with long rap sheets, who at least partially brought down a sh!tstorm onto themselves by running, fighting and resisting arrest from cops like Freddie Gray, Eric Garner, Rodney King, Michael Brown,etc. It's absolutely puzzling....

97 bulls
05-22-2015, 06:46 PM
That is their own fault, not Freddie Gray's. And the second is the responsibility of the shooter.

What if somebody asks you for a ride and you turn them down. Then they drive themselves and die in a car accident. Do you no longer deserve to live because you indirectly set a course of actions that led to their death?
I got a better analogy. Have you ever got a speeding ticket? Ran a red light? Should the police be able to shoot a person that commits these crimes? People can and do die from these offense everyday.

05-22-2015, 08:27 PM
Actually they only seem to think black scumbag's lives matter. I posted a thread a few days ago about a decorated black soldier who was killed by white jail cops and no one cared. The national media seems unconcerned as well.


Here you have a guy serving a weekend sentence for a DWI, his only brush with the law in his life. He falls terribly ill, and calls out for help. He offers no resistance AT ALL, verbally or physically, yet he is dogpiled on by a bunch of cops in riot gear, he's then pepper sprayed, he's dying of thirst because his kidneys are shutting down and refused water at first, then very little later on. He's bound the entire time while struggling to breath. He's then lifted and dumped, head first, into a faucet, still bound, to get the pepper spray out of his eyes. He's only unbound after he collapses. And even then no call for medical attention is made until after his body has shut down and he's in his last throes of life.

But no, they rally behind pieces of sh!t with long rap sheets, who at least partially brought down a sh!tstorm onto themselves by running, fighting and resisting arrest from cops like Freddie Gray, Eric Garner, Rodney King, Michael Brown,etc. It's absolutely puzzling....

agreed. although there are far fewer cases, black men who have been usually trouble free have been killed from time to time by the police. how come i never see any mass protests for them? those are the causes i could get behind. it absolutely astounds me that the masses usually rally around guys who have a long history of trouble with the law, or were killed while committing a crime or resisting arrest.

05-22-2015, 08:31 PM
I got a better analogy. Have you ever got a speeding ticket? Ran a red light? Should the police be able to shoot a person that commits these crimes? People can and do die from these offense everyday.

of course not but if you are a minority and get pulled over for speeding, put your hands on the steering wheel, turn on the dome light if it's dark, and cooperate with the officer. make the officer feel safe. take your ticket and be on your way, it's really not that hard.

if you cop an attitude, mouth off, resist arrest then you are just putting yourself at risk.

97 bulls
05-22-2015, 08:35 PM
of course not but if you are a minority and get pulled over for speeding, put your hands on the steering wheel, turn on the dome light if it's dark, and cooperate with the officer. make the officer feel safe. take your ticket and be on your way, it's really not that hard.

if you cop an attitude, mouth off, resist arrest then you are just putting yourself at risk.
Thats not the point. My argument is that you can't justify killing someone because they committed a crime. It should be circumstantial.

I do agree that you should cooperate with the police. But both sides need to feel safe. Theres been plenty videos of officers jumping the gun when not needed. Police have a quick trigger when it comes to black men.

05-22-2015, 08:50 PM
Thats not the point. My argument is that you can't justify killing someone because they committed a crime. It should be circumstantial.

I do agree that you should cooperate with the police. But both sides need to feel safe. Theres been plenty videos of officers jumping the gun when not needed. Police have a quick trigger when it comes to black men.
yea but im saying its not the crime thats causing the deaths, its the reactions after they are caught or confronted. when i was a kid yea, i committed petty crimes and have been caught. i never tried to fight or run. that's just a fight i'm never going to win, and if i ever did win it'll just be worse for me eventually. just took my arrest. i dealt with it in court.

i agree that cops have a quick trigger when it come to black men and it is absolutely not fair, but it's a white man's world and we as minorities have to do what we can to get through it and succeed. sometimes it means swallowing some pride and just go about your day. we are already starting off behind the average white male but the best way to win is not to complain and be a hard ass to the cops, it's to work harder and succeed and living well.

Patrick Chewing
05-22-2015, 09:40 PM
That is their own fault, not Freddie Gray's. And the second is the responsibility of the shooter.

What if somebody asks you for a ride and you turn them down. Then they drive themselves and die in a car accident. Do you no longer deserve to live because you indirectly set a course of actions that led to their death?

That's a ridiculous analogy. In the one instance, Gray is directly responsible for giving them the poison. He should not be in control of such poison to begin with. Plus, he's benefiting from their death. A car accident is just happenstance. Driving a car is merely a transportation tool with generally a positive desired outcome, to get from one point to the other. No good can come from heroin or whatever the hell he was selling.

05-22-2015, 10:28 PM
Actually they only seem to think black scumbag's lives matter. I posted a thread a few days ago about a decorated black soldier who was killed by white jail cops and no one cared. The national media seems unconcerned as well.


Here you have a guy serving a weekend sentence for a DWI, his only brush with the law in his life. He falls terribly ill, and calls out for help. He offers no resistance AT ALL, verbally or physically, yet he is dogpiled on by a bunch of cops in riot gear, he's then pepper sprayed, he's dying of thirst because his kidneys are shutting down and refused water at first, then very little later on. He's bound the entire time while struggling to breath. He's then lifted and dumped, head first, into a faucet, still bound, to get the pepper spray out of his eyes. He's only unbound after he collapses. And even then no call for medical attention is made until after his body has shut down and he's in his last throes of life.

But no, they rally behind pieces of sh!t with long rap sheets, who at least partially brought down a sh!tstorm onto themselves by running, fighting and resisting arrest from cops like Freddie Gray, Eric Garner, Rodney King, Michael Brown,etc. It's absolutely puzzling....

It's because it happened in a prison which in the mind of people is its own world. Most people cannot relate to what happens in prisons as they have never been and never will be there. Instead you've only see this world depicted on a TV with most often a lot negativity to it as the people in jail are criminals.
Basically it's the same reason you feel strong for this guy while not caring too much if it happened to a former Chinese soldier on the outskirts of Guanzhou.
Then there's also the other side of the argument, the guy went to prison drinking and driving? When people do that other people get killed at a much higher rate than when people drive sober. What if he had hit a young child while driving drunk? Then he wouldn't have been a guy who just made a mistake.

I do competely agree with you, what happened to that guy was absolutely terrible. A bunch of guys ganged up and killed the guy, they didn't give proper help and kept him restrained absurdely long compared to his condition. But because of "procedures" put in place, situations like this become "negligence" instead of what it really is.

05-22-2015, 10:38 PM
yea but im saying its not the crime thats causing the deaths, its the reactions after they are caught or confronted.


people look at the original crime and say that's not worth getting killed for but totally ignore the fact that disobeying an order from a cop is a crime too, that assaulting a cop is a crime...

97 bulls
05-22-2015, 11:16 PM

people look at the original crime and say that's not worth getting killed for but totally ignore the fact that disobeying an order from a cop is a crime too, that assaulting a cop is a crime...
But heres the problem. Cops aren't as quick to pull the trigger when its a white guy committing the assaulting or running. Not that it makes it any bettee if they did but thats where the phrase "black lives matter" come from. Give us the same leash everyone else gets.

05-22-2015, 11:56 PM
But heres the problem. Cops aren't as quick to pull the trigger when its a white guy committing the assaulting or running. Not that it makes it any bettee if they did but thats where the phrase "black lives matter" come from. Give us the same leash everyone else gets.
no they don't and it's unfortunate. the cops for whatever reasons are more fearful around blacks and likely think less of them, because of the ones they deal with on a daily basis has driven them to paint all with the same brush. all you can do, as a minority to protect yourself is to be respectable and compliant, even if you are 100% you did nothing wrong and the cop thinks you did. there's no point arguing it, you will just get roughed up or worse. just let yourself get arrested and prove them wrong later, when tensions arent high and the cop doesnt have an excuse to shoot you.

look, i know it sucks and its emasculating but its better than getting shot for no reason.

05-23-2015, 12:20 AM
But heres the problem. Cops aren't as quick to pull the trigger when its a white guy committing the assaulting or running. Not that it makes it any bettee if they did but thats where the phrase "black lives matter" come from. Give us the same leash everyone else gets.
Neither of us have any idea if that's true or not.

I've seen videos where cops were quick to shoot a black guy and videos where they were hesitant and were giving a black guy every chance they could until they had absolutely not choice. I've seen videos where cops were quick to shoot a white guy and videos where cops were very hesitant.

You're cherry picking the quick to shoot a black guy vs the hesitant to shoot a white guy instances. Instead of considering if each individual cop is a quick to shoot or hesitant type regardless of who they are dealing with, you just decide that cops are quicker to shoot blacks than whites and you disregard any cases of the reverse being true.

Anybody can do this. I could find 5 videos of blacks being violent towards cops and 5 videos of whites cooperating with cops and say "blacks are more violent towards cops than whites". That doesn't make it true.

The Iron Sheik
05-23-2015, 01:03 AM
honestly, it's pointless to argue race with people who aren't minorities (and asians, since they chose the white side). racism is like the boogeyman, everyone says it exists, but somehow no one is racist nor is racism ever seen in action. there's always some other excuse.

Patrick Chewing
05-23-2015, 01:19 AM
honestly, it's pointless to argue race with people who aren't minorities (and asians, since they chose the white side). racism is like the boogeyman, everyone says it exists, but somehow no one is racist nor is racism ever seen in action. there's always some other excuse.

Racism exists. But what the people crying racism every second and at every street corner out there need to ask themselves is, are we at the same level of racism than we were in the 50's and 60's??

And the argument that whites cannot discuss race issues is preposterous. First off, whites are a race, and a powerful ingenious one at that.

05-23-2015, 04:45 AM
A thread of fail. These two dumbasses... How come you got the way you are? Jesus.