View Full Version : Tristan Thompson is a machine. Favorite player in the league right now.

05-22-2015, 11:03 PM
6-8 but bullies whole front courts out of the paint. Did you see Atlanta not even WANT to get inside and rebound with him in the game? Nothing but grit and determination when it comes to rebounding and he has his moments defensively too like tonight's dunk rejection.

Gotta get me a Tristan Thompson jersey the guy is one of those role players who you'd probably just hate to play against and a player every coach would like as he doesn't require touches on offense to do his thing :applause:

05-22-2015, 11:06 PM
Ya, he's pretty cool. He really does have a knack at getting great positioning when you watch him play.

05-22-2015, 11:06 PM
6-8 but bullies whole front courts out of the paint. Did you see Atlanta not even WANT to get inside and rebound with him in the game? Nothing but grit and determination when it comes to rebounding and he has his moments defensively too like tonight's dunk rejection.

Gotta get me a Tristan Thompson jersey the guy is one of those role players who you'd probably just hate to play against and a player every coach would like as he doesn't require touches on offense to do his thing :applause:

Yeah. He positions himself so well for those rebounds. I noticed it first game of the season vs the Knicks (didn't watch the Cavs much last season) when he was the only guy who came out ready to play hard.

05-22-2015, 11:06 PM
He is clearly the second best player in this series so far. His rebounding is insane. He's basically Rodman.

Tmuston Beltics
05-22-2015, 11:07 PM
Hadn't heard of him before this season started. Man is he good or what.

05-22-2015, 11:10 PM
it's cuz of his big butt

05-22-2015, 11:10 PM
it's cuz of his big butt

Strong glutes.

05-22-2015, 11:14 PM
Yeah. He positions himself so well for those rebounds. I noticed it first game of the season vs the Knicks (didn't watch the Cavs much last season) when he was the only guy who came out ready to play hard.
When I watch him it makes me want to play basketball and try to get rebounds like he does. Just like when you watch Curry shoot it makes you want to shoot like him, that's when you know a player is really good at something you watch them and it makes you want to do what they're doing. His energy level is always the same too like you said even off the bench.

This is his first playoffs but t's like he doesn't seem phased at all he's just out there crashing boards like any other game. Any time there's national televised games and it isn't just the usual Cleveland guys on the mic you'll notice the vets of the league always comment on Tristan's rebounding.

05-22-2015, 11:18 PM
Hes gonna shit on the Warriors hard

05-22-2015, 11:23 PM
Nobody can keep this dude off the glass. Straight monster.

05-22-2015, 11:25 PM
Hes gonna shit on the Warriors hard


He will wreck them in the paint.

05-22-2015, 11:29 PM
TT is the best under-sized rebounder since Ben Wallace.

05-22-2015, 11:37 PM
TT is the best under-sized rebounder since Ben Wallace.
This could be true but it's hard to tell since Thompson hasn't had an opportunity to anchor any team yet with solid starter minutes. Kevin Love and him are the same height and Kevin Love has actually lead the league in rebounds so I'll give him the nod. But Thompson is a rising star at least specifically in terms of his rebounding impact.

05-23-2015, 12:43 AM
So much hustle :applause:

05-23-2015, 12:45 AM

He will wreck them in the paint.

Bogut and Draymond disagree :roll:

05-23-2015, 12:49 AM
6-8 but bullies whole front courts out of the paint. Did you see Atlanta not even WANT to get inside and rebound with him in the game? Nothing but grit and determination when it comes to rebounding and he has his moments defensively too like tonight's dunk rejection.

Gotta get me a Tristan Thompson jersey the guy is one of those role players who you'd probably just hate to play against and a player every coach would like as he doesn't require touches on offense to do his thing :applause:
good to see that non-cavs fans like you also like thompson. it just shows how good he is.

05-23-2015, 12:51 AM

but i agree TT was supposed to be the starting player for the cavs after 2 seasons.. He showed that he was so much better than JJ hickson. and he can actually play defense i don't believe he is undersized he is actually 6-10 he is taller than millsap so i don't get that he is undersized. What's the most impressive thing about him was what he did, he can shoot left and right that's not easy to do ... and he has great size.

J Shuttlesworth
05-23-2015, 12:52 AM
He's a badass. Plays the 2 man game with Delly really well :applause:

It's so valuable to have a guy who can save possessions like that. It demoralizes the opponent.

Averaging 14 rebounds with 5 of them offensive over the last 3 games :applause:

05-23-2015, 12:53 AM

Eric Cartman
05-23-2015, 12:55 AM

05-23-2015, 12:57 AM
but i agree TT was supposed to be the starting player for the cavs after 2 seasons.. He showed that he was so much better than JJ hickson. and he can actually play defense i don't believe he is undersized he is actually 6-10 he is taller than millsap so i don't get that he is undersized. What's the most impressive thing about him was what he did, he can shoot left and right that's not easy to do ... and he has great size.
He's 6-7 and 3/4

Same height as Kevin Love

Generally I refer to players by their actual height not billed heights that's why I called him 6-8 in the OP since he's about 6-8 in real life.

Arguably you're right, that's not really that undersized as lots of power forwards in the NBA are also about that height. But he's undersized (or rather, not very tall) compared to say the Bulls front court of Pau Gasol (almost 7 foot in real life) or Joakim Noah (6-10 and 1/2 in real life) and he did a heck of a job rebounding even against them where one would think he should be at a bit of a disadvantage.

05-23-2015, 01:00 AM
while he is starting to get a bit overhyped (happens every year), he is a solid young player who can really play a complimentary role on a good team.

05-23-2015, 03:08 AM
i didn't know thompson had an offensive game, or rather some moves:


05-23-2015, 03:16 AM
i didn't know thompson had an offensive game, or rather some moves:

He's got a rudimentary game as far as "creating" his own shots. He's definitely capable he just hasn't been needed too or asked to play like that with the current team. Why have him attempt to create when we've got 3 or 4 others at any given moment on the floor that can create scoring opportunities better than he can you know?

He used to be fed the ball in the post more in prior seasons and asked to do something. He could hook shot with either hand off of a crab dribble, drop step, or spin if asked to do so. His one problem was he used to get blocked a lot.

On the team as it is built right now, he's best used as a lob catcher, P&R roll man, and offensive rebounder. This team doesn't need points out of him as far as tossing him the ball and expecting him to score against a matchup off his own one on one moves.

05-23-2015, 03:21 AM
lol@ lebron being carried by a canadian

05-25-2015, 08:34 PM
I want this guy on the Spurs

05-25-2015, 08:44 PM
but i agree TT was supposed to be the starting player for the cavs after 2 seasons.. He showed that he was so much better than JJ hickson. and he can actually play defense i don't believe he is undersized he is actually 6-10 he is taller than millsap so i don't get that he is undersized. What's the most impressive thing about him was what he did, he can shoot left and right that's not easy to do ... and he has great size.
He is only undersized because he plays a ton of center, usually at the end of games when the Cavs go small. But, when you factor in his wingspan, reach and athleticism, and the fact that today's NBA is devoid of many truly skilled offensive centers, he isn't even undersized in that sense.

I've been touting TT for years. So happy for him that everyone else is starting to see it. The great thing about Tristan is that he is completely content in whatever role the Cavs will utilize him. When Love comes back, he'll go back to the bench and wreck teams from there... without a single complaint and always going at 110%.

05-25-2015, 08:45 PM
Is he really only 6'8?? Lebron messes up the eye test.

05-25-2015, 08:45 PM
Is "undersized" even a thing anymore?

05-25-2015, 08:47 PM
Doesn't really seem undersized at all to me?? Closer to 6'9 and prolly long arms.


05-25-2015, 10:03 PM
Reminds me of a shorter, slightly more athletic Wilt Chamberlain :applause:

05-25-2015, 11:11 PM
He's one of my favourite players. Unbelievable tenacity on the glass

Take Your Lumps
05-25-2015, 11:37 PM
Cavs fan names favorite NBA player.

Isn't Lebron.

Sounds legit.

05-26-2015, 10:08 PM
god damn :bowdown:

05-26-2015, 10:14 PM
TT the GAWD !

05-26-2015, 10:16 PM
I don't remember him being this athletic in previous years or in college...By the way I don't really think he's undersized. He's about average. Also looks like he has long arms.

Im Still Ballin
05-26-2015, 10:16 PM
He's such an underrated defender

Last two defensive plays

Get switched onto a PG and he forces him into a shot that hits the top of the backboard

Next possession he blocks the shit out of a guy and it leads to an easy Lebron lay up on the other end

05-26-2015, 10:17 PM
He's such an underrated defender

Last two defensive plays

Get switched onto a PG and he forces him into a shot that hits the top of the backboard

Next possession he blocks the shit out of a guy and it leads to an easy Lebron lay up on the other end
Yup. Much improved Defensive IQ from when he was a rookie. I remember when people said the Cavs were idiots for not taking Jonas over him. He's proving them wrong big time.

05-26-2015, 10:17 PM
He's such an underrated defender

Last two defensive plays

Get switched onto a PG and he forces him into a shot that hits the top of the backboard

Next possession he blocks the shit out of a guy and it leads to an easy Lebron lay up on the other end
True and I just love how he plays 110% even with no offensive plays written for him. He'll rebound and defend with maximum intensity without ever distorting the offense demanding touches that's a coaches dream player to have in the rotation right there :rockon:

05-27-2015, 01:24 PM
This guy has stepped up big time in place of Love.

Come to the Spurs please.

These two belong together


05-27-2015, 02:36 PM
This guy has stepped up big time in place of Love.

Come to the Spurs please.

These two belong together

Whatever team they're on in the NBA, watchout for a Joseph/Wiggins/TT defensive beast lineup for Canada's national team for a long time :pimp:

05-27-2015, 02:37 PM
He said he watches tape after tape of Rodman games

That's all he had to say

I love Rodman, one of the most underrated superstars this league has ever seen and often disregarded bc of his off the court antics.

05-27-2015, 02:39 PM
Been following his IG n postgame stuff... cool dude.

05-27-2015, 02:42 PM
Liked him since Texas, but thought he was too undisciplined on offense. Looks like LeBron focused him to just be a defensive and rebound machine.

Mass Debator
05-27-2015, 02:45 PM
Elite center of gravity. That gravity field just sucks up rebounds from all directions. Top 10 fav player here

05-27-2015, 02:46 PM
Liked him since Texas, but thought he was too undisciplined on offense. Looks like LeBron focused him to just be a defensive and rebound machine.

David Griffin had a big part of that. Before lebron came back griff was saying TT was too focused on trying to become a player that he isn't, and that he needed to get back to his bread and butter.

05-27-2015, 02:48 PM
Is he good? Can the Cavs get him?

05-27-2015, 02:50 PM
Bogut and Draymond disagree :roll:

Cavs handed Green his fat ass last time they played