View Full Version : Lebron's isolations in Game 3 - only faces 1 defender on strongside

05-25-2015, 10:18 AM
In the current era, players face fewer defenders on the strongside because weakside floor-spreaders draw them away, as part of today's 3-point shooting and spacing strategy.. 1-defender strongsides are common, as seen in Game 3:





Same as Game 2 - only 1 defender on strongside:



Same as Game 1.. Only 1 defender on strongside:



It's clear as day - today's player never faces strongsides with more than 1 or 2 defenders, due to weakside floor-spreaders that lure defenders away.. Otoh, these floor-spreaders didn't exist in previous eras, so defenders weren't lured away - defenders just remained on the strongside, which meant players faced strongsides that were already flooded with all 5 defenders (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=11128077&postcount=21).. The difference is night and day - just a completely different game altogether.

In addition to the porous strongside defense caused by weakside floor-spreaders, today's spacing provides wider lanes and more time/room for players to operate.. Spacing also combines with the bans on paint-camping and hand-checking to "open up the game" for perimeter players, as the league intended (http://www.nba.com/2009/news/features/04/09/stujackson/index.html).

05-25-2015, 10:20 AM
It just means that Jordan scored more efficiently on harder defenses and that Bron would struggle to even come close to those numbers because he only faces 1 defender on strongside.

05-25-2015, 10:24 AM

K Xerxes
05-25-2015, 10:26 AM
Are you going to post the same shit here for the rest of LeBron's career? Compile new gifs of him posting up and c+p the rest in?

05-25-2015, 10:27 AM
mods why is he not banned?

he literally spams the forum 5 times a day with the same topic

05-25-2015, 10:32 AM
mods why is he not banned?

he literally spams the forum 5 times a day with the same topic

Maybe if ISH logic would actually understand that Bron is inferior to Jordan, he wouldn't have to keep posting the same shit and pound it into your heads.

05-25-2015, 10:44 AM
Maybe if ISH logic would actually understand that Bron is inferior to Jordan, he wouldn't have to keep posting the same shit and pound it into your heads.

nobody that is to be taken seriously argues that bron > jordan at this point

05-25-2015, 10:51 AM
Might was well post every possession he's had.

Gifs are useless at this point.

05-25-2015, 11:00 AM
Might was well post every possession he's had.

Gifs are useless at this point.

True... Rather than posting GIFs, I should just say:

"watch this entire game - LeBron faces only 1 or 2 defenders on the strongside for substantially every possession because weakside floor-spreaders draw defenders away from strongside - he virtually NEVER faces a strongside with all 5 defenders - that's unheard of for any possession in any game today...

now watch this game - MJ faces 3+ defenders on the strongside on substantially every possession, and he faces all 5 defenders on strongside for over half of the possessions... MJ faced strongsides that were already flooded (usually with all 5 defenders)"

The GIFs merely show the EFFECT of spacing - this is impotant because people always SAY that spacing helps, but it's just lip service - in the very next breath they say how easy it was to score in previous eras... but we can be realistic and give spacing it's proper due by articulating exactly HOW spacing helps (i.e. pointing out that weakside floor-spreaders take defenders away from the strongside and then showing this in GIFs).. By articulating the effect of spacing, it becomes real - it's like, wow, spacing had a HUGE effect.

05-25-2015, 11:04 AM
Maybe if ISH logic would actually understand that Bron is inferior to Jordan, he wouldn't have to keep posting the same shit and pound it into your heads.

This shit is really hilarious. 8 out of 10 times...LeBron haters are the ones who say it

05-25-2015, 11:08 AM
Lebron > Jordan

05-25-2015, 05:05 PM
mods why is he not banned?

Because this thread is perfectly reasonable - this thread is about Game 3 isolations of Lebron vs. 1-defender strongsides, with examples from Games 1 & 2 as well.

Why is '1-defender strongsides' a relevant topic?... Because even though people know 3-point shooting/spacing makes offense easier, they can only give these things lip service, because no one knows exactly HOW OR WHY it makes offense easier.. This thread explains how and why spacing is so great for offensive players, with visual examples and specific explanation from the current games:

Spacing enables less defenders on strongside due to weakside floor-spreaders that lure them away - the porous strongside traffic caused by spacing necessitates flooding of defenders BACK TO the strongside, after initially being lured away by weakside floor-spreaders... THAT'S the effect of spacing.

However, without weakside floor-spreaders, defenders have no reason to leave the strongside, like in previous eras, when strongsides remained perpetually flooded with all 5 defenders (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=11128077&postcount=21).. But in today's game it's the opposite - all the defenders are on the WEAKSIDE, after being lured away by weakside floor-spreaders.

05-25-2015, 05:14 PM
Maybe if ISH logic would actually understand that Bron is inferior to Jordan, he wouldn't have to keep posting the same shit and pound it into your heads.

Everyone on ISH knows Jordan > Bron you mentally retarded goat****er, eliminate yourself from the gene pool

05-25-2015, 05:18 PM
Because this thread is perfectly reasonable - this thread is about Game 3 isolations of Lebron vs. 1-defender strongsides, with examples from Games 1 & 2 as well.

Why is '1-defender strongsides' a relevant topic?... Because even though people know 3-point shooting/spacing makes offense easier, they can only give these things lip service, because no one knows exactly HOW OR WHY it makes offense easier.. This thread explains how and why spacing is so great for offensive players, with visual examples and specific explanation from the current games:

Spacing enables less defenders on strongside due to weakside floor-spreaders that lure them away - the porous strongside traffic caused by spacing necessitates flooding of defenders BACK TO the strongside, after initially being lured away by weakside floor-spreaders... THAT'S the effect of spacing.

However, without weakside floor-spreaders, defenders have no reason to leave the strongside, like in previous eras, when strongsides remained perpetually flooded with all 5 defenders (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=11128077&postcount=21).. But in today's game it's the opposite - all the defenders are on the WEAKSIDE, after being lured away by weakside floor-spreaders.
Everyone check out the time of this post I quoted and the one I screenshotted:

This clown ass bumps his own threads by deleting his posts and reposting them. He's a ****ing joke and not one word he says should be taken seriously.

05-25-2015, 05:44 PM
LeBron's ISO game has been suspect

05-25-2015, 07:57 PM
LeBron's ISO game has been suspect

Agreed, his isolation game is suspect even though today's game allows 100%, pure isolations, which entails being all alone against a single defender on the strongside of the floor, as shown repeatedly in the OP.

The pure isolations of today's game are made possible by 3-point shooting and spacing, specifically weakside floor-spreaders that draw defenders away from the strongside.. Players frequently isolate their man while all other defenders have been lured to the weakside... Otoh, it was opposite in previous eras - all defenders stayed on the strongside, since there were no weakside floor-spreaders to lure them away.

05-25-2015, 08:05 PM
This clown ass bumps his own threads by deleting his posts and reposting them. He's a ****ing joke and not one word he says should be taken seriously.

Oh look, Jameer is upset that 3ball keep posting about Jordan while making LBJ look bad.

How cute