View Full Version : Queen James.

05-26-2015, 01:16 PM
LeBron's a diva. Nice read over at yahoosports. Excerpt with link:

LeBron James is the most powerful player in the NBA — here's how he always gets his way

Here's what Windhorst said when asked if Blatt would be fired:

"I don't feel that there's an issue with the organization [with Blatt]. But I do know this: nobody plays a better passive-aggressive game than LeBron James. LeBron will be a free agent. He's going to not pick up his player option. And there's this perception out there that LeBron got Mike Brown fired when he left the Cavs [in 2010], that's is just absolutely not true. What happened is LeBron went silent. The season ended and LeBron would not return the Cavs' calls, texts, or emails, and they sat around and because LeBron wouldn't say anything they panicked and fired Mike Brown. And this is the way LeBron plays.


"It's never been in LeBron's M.O. to demand, like, 'Trade this guy, trade that guy, fire this guy, fire that guy.' That's not who he is. But if he plays his passive-aggressive game with his free agency, which is just his way of exerting power, I can't predict what will happen."

When LeBron is in a position of power, he sits quietly and waits for the team to appease him. He's technically not making organizational decisions — and thus shoulders none of the blame — but he is, in a way, coercing his team into making decisions to make him happy.



Passive aggressive people are BETA as hell. The type who plays mind games because they are cowards to speak to you directly in your face. I'm losing count of the number people who don't like LeBron in this league.

King? More like the Queen.

2 for 6


05-26-2015, 01:26 PM
what you see as beta, i see as an incredibly genius PR/political/manipulation move

he knows that if he makes bold demands, hes going to get crucified like kobe did when he asked to be traded. would be a terrible move to throw teammates under the bus, under any circumstances. "bynum?! ship his ass out"

ask any executive, project manager, politician, any educated person. ask them, do you want to be in a position where you shoulder zero blame but get all the credit?

lebron is an employee making his boss his bitch, without having to even be accountable for anything :roll:. he did it to gilbert in 2010, and the second time around, gilbert knows what lebron is capable of, and that is why lebron gets to be the coach and GM.

beta or alpha? who gives a shit. lebron is getting everything his way, and that is pretty badass.

05-26-2015, 02:00 PM
Your boss is trying to get a hold of you because he wants to know what you want, and you just sit back and chill. You let him figure out his own shit, and he wants to appease you so bad that he goes to great lengths to try and make your job situation better.

And you're telling me that makes you beta?!

05-26-2015, 02:06 PM
this is the definition of thread backfire

05-26-2015, 02:09 PM


05-26-2015, 02:22 PM
1. Stop being so obsessed with Lebron

2. If the Cavs, or any organization, is making all their decisions based on the feelings of a particular player, then that's on them. The Cavs should make whatever decision they think is best for the Cavs, and it is up to Lebron, or whoever, to decide whether or not said decision works for them.

Players play
Coaches coach
General Managers makes basketball decision
Fans root

If a player doesn't like that decision then he is entitled to leave when his contractual obligations are over. Until then, the GM gets paid pretty well to make those types of decisions.

And beyond that, Lebron is under no obligations when he was a free agent in 2010 to the Cavs. If they fired Brown, that was their decision, and their decision alone.

05-26-2015, 02:23 PM
sounds alpha as fvck tbh

05-26-2015, 02:27 PM

05-26-2015, 02:29 PM
Stfu Windy