View Full Version : No moral victories.

05-26-2015, 10:51 PM
All that matter is the championship. If you don't win you fail. Maybe next year.

05-26-2015, 10:53 PM
Any chance you learn something from all this and next year dont act like an ass when people point out that teams like this dont tend to win no matter what their record is in January?

05-26-2015, 10:54 PM
Didn't watch the Hawks much this season, but I saw all their playoff games. How did this team win 60 games?

05-26-2015, 10:54 PM
Agreed. We'll be more modest next season. :cheers:

05-26-2015, 10:54 PM
Any chance you learn something from all this and next year dont act like an ass when people point out that teams like this dont tend to win no matter what their record is in January?
I always believe the Hawks will win. No fun in it otherwise.

05-26-2015, 10:57 PM
Believing and calling people out for valid and ultimately true explanations of why you are likely jumping the gun arent the same thing.

05-26-2015, 10:58 PM
Better luck next year.

05-26-2015, 11:00 PM
Trade Teague. If they could go back in time and get the Jason Kidd from 10-11, that'd be literally perfect. Too many times Teague tried to play like a superstar and not get guys at least one touch. Fully healthy(Thabo, Carroll, Korver) with a defending, shooting, pass-first PG, they'd have a shot against anyone. Maybe current Kyle Lowry or something. Idk, I would have loved to see Kidd at that point in his career with this team, those dry spells would have lessened.

05-26-2015, 11:03 PM
Didn't watch the Hawks much this season, but I saw all their playoff games. How did this team win 60 games?

They were a great team... A poor man's Spurs (yeah I said it!). They just weren't that mature as a team to advance further... and LeBron played really really well. I don't think they had a clue how to defend him.

05-26-2015, 11:04 PM
So you're taking a moral victory in the fact that the Hawks would've gotten stomped by GS anyways?

05-26-2015, 11:06 PM
So you're taking a moral victory in the fact that the Hawks would've gotten stomped by GS anyways?
No. The Hawks lost to the Cavs in the 3rd round meaning they didn't win a championship. Therefore they failed. Easy stuff to comprehend.

05-26-2015, 11:27 PM
Never bought the hype

05-26-2015, 11:39 PM
Considering that you have predicted the Hawks to win the last 3 titles I assume 2 weeks into next season you will be back to making wild predictions and dumb topics about irrelevant wins proving you right. Bet you wont make it to the end of the preseason.

Nothing to do now but wait for you to call me an idiot for telling truths you dont like again.

05-26-2015, 11:40 PM
Definitely not next year.

05-26-2015, 11:40 PM
Any chance you learn something from all this and next year dont act like an ass when people point out that teams like this dont tend to win no matter what their record is in January?


05-26-2015, 11:45 PM
Didn't watch the Hawks much this season, but I saw all their playoff games. How did this team win 60 games?

Korver and coach Bud.

05-26-2015, 11:48 PM
Considering that you have predicted the Hawks to win the last 3 titles I assume 2 weeks into next season you will be back to making wild predictions and dumb topics about irrelevant wins proving you right. Bet you wont make it to the end of the preseason.

Nothing to do now but wait for you to call me an idiot for telling truths you dont like again.

05-26-2015, 11:52 PM
All that matter is the championship. If you don't win you fail. Maybe next year.

So humble after all that smack talk this year. :cheers:

05-27-2015, 12:11 AM
That isnt humility. Humility is not being a jackass in the first place.

This guy spent a year as among the worst posters in ISH history straight up trolling for months at a time with among the most rational posts being:

Just start getting your excuses set up and be ready to back peddle AGAIN like all you Hawks haters have all year when they prove every wrong once again.

Thats the peak of this dudes rational thought.

Im reading reported post after post about why this dude isnt banned. And you just know....hes gonna start right back up the moment he gets the chance.

Im gonna deal with a year of "Why arent these Hawk idiots banned?" as some of the worst fans on here wild out all over again over wins that dont mean anything.

Be nice if things like this were a learning experience. But I just dont see it.

05-27-2015, 12:19 AM
That isnt humility. Humility is not being a jackass in the first place.

This guy spent a year as among the worst posters in ISH history straight up trolling for months at a time with among the most rational posts being:

Thats the peak of this dudes rational thought.

Im reading reported post after post about why this dude isnt banned. And you just know....hes gonna start right back up the moment he gets the chance.

Im gonna deal with a year of "Why arent these Hawk idiots banned?" as some of the worst fans on here wild out all over again over wins that dont mean anything.

Be nice if things like this were a learning experience. But I just dont see it.
he wasn't even that bad. he was a fan of a shitty team who got a little out of hand with their expectations of the team. big deal :rolleyes:

05-27-2015, 09:32 AM
That isnt humility. Humility is not being a jackass in the first place.

This guy spent a year as among the worst posters in ISH history straight up trolling for months at a time with among the most rational posts being:

Thats the peak of this dudes rational thought.

Im reading reported post after post about why this dude isnt banned. And you just know....hes gonna start right back up the moment he gets the chance.

Im gonna deal with a year of "Why arent these Hawk idiots banned?" as some of the worst fans on here wild out all over again over wins that dont mean anything.

Be nice if things like this were a learning experience. But I just dont see it.
Honestly you really do have some sort of personal issue with Hawks fans as well as myself. You follow me around constantly with your passive aggressive, holier than thou bs when people are blatantly trolling and you just let it slide. I also think you thought early on the Hawks wouldn't go near as far as you thought they would and it hurts your massive ego that you were wrong so you try to validate yourself by going on these completely pointless rants like you did. There's literally no point to what you're doing if you look at the bigger picture. I know you'll deny all this and say it's not true or whatever but there's a reason you're keying in so hard on someone having confidence that their team can win after their best season ever. Go ahead and deny it though, your ego can't take the hit

05-27-2015, 09:52 AM
atljonesbro was a ****ing retard.. and he will be again... I dont know why he makes this thread.

05-27-2015, 10:29 AM
My goodness, blaze destroyed OP while sipping on a soda.

05-27-2015, 11:11 AM
Honestly you really do have some sort of personal issue with Hawks fans as well as myself. You follow me around constantly with your passive aggressive, holier than thou bs when people are blatantly trolling and you just let it slide. I also think you thought early on the Hawks wouldn't go near as far as you thought they would and it hurts your massive ego that you were wrong so you try to validate yourself by going on these completely pointless rants like you did. There's literally no point to what you're doing if you look at the bigger picture. I know you'll deny all this and say it's not true or whatever but there's a reason you're keying in so hard on someone having confidence that their team can win after their best season ever. Go ahead and deny it though, your ego can't take the hit

I let a lot of things slide. There are trolls and idiots all over ISH. Did you notice me banning you at any point? Clearly...I let you slide. Me thinking you are an idiot doesnt mean im gonna stop you from posting any more than I stop the rest. But most of them are clearly playing a part...having a laugh.


You arent a fan with confidence...you are an abrasive delusional idiot. Which is made fairly obvious by you predicting the Hawks win the title...last year. And the year before that.

You have been doing the "People are mad they were wrong" bs so long you keep it up after you predict they win....they get swept by a injured team you said couldnt beat them at full strength....and still claim its other people who are wrong.

Anyone doubting the Hawks has been right for damn near 60 years.

My ego would be bruised by EXACTLY what I told you generally happens with these teams happening?

Im not sure ive ever been more correct in my life...than I was to compare the Hawks to a gang of good but not great teams that went on runs midseason and proved they didnt need to be taken serious because some star on a team with a worse record takes them apart when it counts.

Every word I spoke about the Hawks this season turned out true.

I gave them the benefit of the doubt and said they had a chance...everyone is a couple injuries from winning. They got lucky with 3 banged up or totally absent stars in their path and still fell apart.

You think my ego...is bruised..by it all coming down exactly the way I told you I expected it to? Not only do you not know shit about basketball...and not only are you among the most delusional fans ive ever seen...you dont seem to have common sense if you think the Hawks being swept by a banged up Cavs team bruises the ego of the doubters.

At this point...after the decades and decades...after the laughable mistakes....the comedy of errors and bad breaks that are the Hawks....anyones ego that is tied up in the failure of the Hawks would be walking around with a head the size of the moon.

05-27-2015, 01:59 PM
I let a lot of things slide. There are trolls and idiots all over ISH. Did you notice me banning you at any point? Clearly...I let you slide. Me thinking you are an idiot doesnt mean im gonna stop you from posting any more than I stop the rest. But most of them are clearly playing a part...having a laugh.


You arent a fan with confidence...you are an abrasive delusional idiot. Which is made fairly obvious by you predicting the Hawks win the title...last year. And the year before that.

You have been doing the "People are mad they were wrong" bs so long you keep it up after you predict they win....they get swept by a injured team you said couldnt beat them at full strength....and still claim its other people who are wrong.

Anyone doubting the Hawks has been right for damn near 60 years.

My ego would be bruised by EXACTLY what I told you generally happens with these teams happening?

Im not sure ive ever been more correct in my life...than I was to compare the Hawks to a gang of good but not great teams that went on runs midseason and proved they didnt need to be taken serious because some star on a team with a worse record takes them apart when it counts.

Every word I spoke about the Hawks this season turned out true.

I gave them the benefit of the doubt and said they had a chance...everyone is a couple injuries from winning. They got lucky with 3 banged up or totally absent stars in their path and still fell apart.

You think my ego...is bruised..by it all coming down exactly the way I told you I expected it to? Not only do you not know shit about basketball...and not only are you among the most delusional fans ive ever seen...you dont seem to have common sense if you think the Hawks being swept by a banged up Cavs team bruises the ego of the doubters.

At this point...after the decades and decades...after the laughable mistakes....the comedy of errors and bad breaks that are the Hawks....anyones ego that is tied up in the failure of the Hawks would be walking around with a head the size of the moon.
Yeah, so delusional they won 60 games and made the conference finals. I can't think of any other reason you'd be so hell bent on following me around every time I mentioned the Hawks might win the championship besides some personal issue. And LOL at insinuating you even had a reason to ban me. For what, having an opinion other than your own? Your word isn't the end all like you think it is judging by how offend you are with you following me around a writing essays. I was right about basically everything other than the Hawks making and winning the finals. I don't know why you're so angry at me believing the Hawks can wins. Championship after the year they had. It's CONFIDENCE not delusion. 60 win teams have championship aspirations whether you like it or not. It's funny because I've been apart of the forum for almost 4 years and I have zero clue what team you even support. I guess you just can't relate when it comes to being a fan of a team because I don't think you are one

05-27-2015, 05:32 PM
You...in 12/13...

As a Hawks Fan I Fear No Team
I believe we can beat any team in the league in a 7 game series. I feel like this team will shock a lot of people come playoff time.

Said of a team that won 44 games and was then swept in the first round.

You in 13/14

The Atlanta Hawks Will Be the 2014 NBA Champions Count on it.

Said of a 38 win team.

You this year:

The Hawks would pretty clearly be the favorites but ESPN has already polluted the minds of ISH. The Hawks are the worst matchup in the league for the Cavs.

Yet the Cavs are supposed to beat the Hawks in a 7 game series :lol ESPN kids really buying into their bullshit these days

Added to all that...you make a topic asking if anyone else feels the Hawks can come back and win after being down 0-3.

This is the difference between confidence...and being delusional.

When you predict 38 and 40 whatever wins teams win the title....you dont then get to act like you predicted they would win this year because of the great record.

You predict things about the Hawks because you are utterly out of your mind where they are concerned.

I hate to reuse an analogy from past years but its apt...

You are the Hawks version of the cookie monster.

We have a small race of them. There are Kobe cookie monsters. Lebron ones. A few Durant...Jordan. You...are a Hawks cookie monster. by which I mean....you ask the cookie monster a question that gives room for him to favor cookies...hes going for it. You dont ask him the best snack....you dont ask him the best use for chocolate chis.

You dont ask him what he wants with his milk.

his answer....is ****ing cookies. He is irrational....and his answers do not get filtered through the mind of a normal muppet.

The answer is cookie. To even open discussion on the matter is a failing on your part....because you know his nature.

A normal sports fan talking to a deluded clown like you about the Hawks is tantamount to asking the cookie monster if brownies are better than cookies.

You have done nothing but open a door to a place you dont want to be.

You know his answer. You know he will respond with contempt as if you are a fool for even raising the issue.

He is the ****ing cookie monster and you dont broach the subject of cookies if you dont intend to praise them.

He doesnt case how valid your concerns might be. He doesnt care about anything.

And when it turns out you were right....his opinion doesnt change. Hes gonna come right back and flip out for cookies next time. And you...will return next year...and make the same ****ing dumb predictions all year and call out anyone giving you rational reasons to pump your brakes.

You did it 3 years running...what....you gonna stop now? you gonna evaluate your comments and try to be realistic all of a sudden? Course not. We all know what you are gonna do.

3 dozen well meaning ISHers will try to sit you down and rationally explain the reality of the situation...you know what? Let me offer a visual aid:

Someone will explain a premise....


They will offer you an example....


Maybe after you dismiss the failures of similar teams they have to go to this seasons Hawks to show you what could happen...I mean...you dont care about those others teams. You need a better example:


They will dangle the object of your affections right there in the hopes that it will make the point clear...but you will...at the sight of it...lose all focus on the lesson and go for the Hawks.

http://33.media.tumblr.com/21908caa91bd2e8a6f201bee9d0c25d5/ tumblr_nh05orzAc91qb6v6ro5_500.gif

At that point....its just a fight waiting to happen.

And the fault lies really not with you...but those who delude themselves into thinking you can have a rational conversation with the cookie monster to begin with.

So really...everyone is deluded. You for holding your absurd opinions and the rest of ISH for trying to explain why you might need to rethink them. There comes a point nothing can be done....


And youre right about there....

So really....its not just your fault.

Its my fault for thinking the cookie monster can learn a lesson and apply it to the future.

You just are what you are. And its not for me to change it.

Do you homie. Eat all the ****ing cookies you like and ill leave you be.

05-27-2015, 05:40 PM
You...in 12/13...

Said of a team that won 44 games and was then swept in the first round.

You in 13/14

Said of a 38 win team.

You this year:

Added to all that...you make a topic asking if anyone else feels the Hawks can come back and win after being down 0-3.

This is the difference between confidence...and being delusional.

When you predict 38 and 40 whatever wins teams win the title....you dont then get to act like you predicted they would win this year because of the great record.

You predict things about the Hawks because you are utterly out of your mind where they are concerned.

I hate to reuse an analogy from past years but its apt...

You are the Hawks version of the cookie monster.

We have a small race of them. There are Kobe cookie monsters. Lebron ones. A few Durant...Jordan. You...are a Hawks cookie monster. by which I mean....you ask the cookie monster a question that gives room for him to favor cookies...hes going for it. You dont ask him the best snack....you dont ask him the best use for chocolate chis.

You dont ask him what he wants with his milk.

his answer....is ****ing cookies. He is irrational....and his answers do not get filtered through the mind of a normal muppet.

The answer is cookie. To even open discussion on the matter is a failing on your part....because you know his nature.

A normal sports fan talking to a deluded clown like you about the Hawks is tantamount to asking the cookie monster if brownies are better than cookies.

You have done nothing but open a door to a place you dont want to be.

You know his answer. You know he will respond with contempt as if you are a fool for even raising the issue.

He is the ****ing cookie monster and you dont broach the subject of cookies if you dont intend to praise them.

He doesnt case how valid your concerns might be. He doesnt care about anything.

And when it turns out you were right....his opinion doesnt change. Hes gonna come right back and flip out for cookies next time. And you...will return next year...and make the same ****ing dumb predictions all year and call out anyone giving you rational reasons to pump your brakes.

You did it 3 years running...what....you gonna stop now? you gonna evaluate your comments and try to be realistic all of a sudden? Course not. We all know what you are gonna do.

3 dozen well meaning ISHers will try to sit you down and rationally explain the reality of the situation...you know what? Let me offer a visual aid:

Someone will explain a premise....


They will offer you an example....


Maybe after you dismiss the failures of similar teams they have to go to this seasons Hawks to show you what could happen...I mean...you dont care about those others teams. You need a better example:

You're such a drama queen. All this over a few bad predictions. Essays on essays of fluff when yo could have made your point in 3 sentences

They will dangle the object of your affections right there in the hopes that it will make the point clear...but you will...at the sight of it...lose all focus on the lesson and go for the Hawks.


At that point....its just a fight waiting to happen.

And the fault lies really not with you...but those who delude themselves into thinking you can have a rational conversation with the cookie monster to begin with.

So really...everyone is deluded. You for holding your absurd opinions and the rest of ISH for trying to explain why you might need to rethink them. There comes a point nothing can be done....


And youre right about there....

So really....its not just your fault.

Its my fault for thinking the cookie monster can learn a lesson and apply it to the future.

You just are what you are. And its not for me to change it.

Do you homie. Eat all the ****ing cookies you like and ill leave you be.
You're such a drama queen. All this over a few bad predictions. Essays on essays of fluff when yo could have made your point in 3 sentences. If you really think believing your team will win a championship is that much of a heinous crime you really need to reevaluate your rationale. It's called being a FAN for a reason which you lost in your quest to be Mr. objective no favorites. If my team make the playoffs I'll always think they can go all the way, plain and simple

05-27-2015, 05:50 PM

This is the difference between confidence...and being delusional.

05-27-2015, 05:55 PM
Ok bro. Keep fighting the good fight. No more fans, just objective, rationale minds like you. Fandom = bad.

05-27-2015, 05:56 PM
When Blaze gets a fire lit under him, back away or get trampled on. Historically one of the nicest dudes on the site, but don't get on his bad side.

Orlando Magic
05-27-2015, 05:59 PM
Its my fault for thinking the cookie monster can learn a lesson and apply it to the future.

You just are what you are. And its not for me to change it.

Do you homie. Eat all the ****ing cookies you like and ill leave you be.


and... :roll: @ the cookie monster

05-27-2015, 06:00 PM
Didn't watch the Hawks much this season, but I saw all their playoff games. How did this team win 60 games?

They were tied in having the 2nd easiest strength of schedule in the league and were just a well rounded team that stayed pretty healthy.

Don't see what the hype was about, they were just a good team in a shit conference. Not a contender though.

05-27-2015, 06:03 PM
In person I might be able to deal with you. I like passionate fans of teams that historically dont do that well.

I was speaking to a woman from Cleveland today...and she wants the cavs to LOSE because all her Cleveland friends want to talk about them and not the Indians...who she is out of her mind for. She loves the Indians so much....she wants her hometown Cavs to lose so they can get some talk.

I was amused.

I can tolerate it in person.

Online....it rubs me wrong.

I can only read so much before I have to know if the person is an idiot or just trolling.

In person you can kinda get a feel. We just have words here. Makes it harder.

I should meet ATL next time in in the A. Come to Blue flame...parking and cover on me. I'll get you a dance and we can let the past be the past.

You cant be any worse than my friend Yayo. If he were online and I didnt know who he was id ban him tomorrow. Worst player only fan ive ever known.

He sends me texts asking how I feel about Lebron winning.....after EVERY win.

Hes the main reason everyone offline thinks I hate Lebron.

And people online think im a fan of his.

The internet is funny like that.

Orlando Magic
05-27-2015, 06:04 PM
Ok bro. Keep fighting the good fight. No more fans, just objective, rationale minds like you. Fandom = bad.

That's not how it works brah.

It's one thing to be a fan and WANT your team to win and even potentially let it skew your perspective and judgment SOMEWHAT but it's a whole different story to think that your shit team is going to win the title or should win almost every game.

Do you think that a Knicks fan arguing that his team is going to win the title in 2016 is called being a fan or being delusional?

If you can't recognize the difference, I suspect that your IQ is floating around 100 or less.

05-27-2015, 06:06 PM
That isnt humility. Humility is not being a jackass in the first place.

This guy spent a year as among the worst posters in ISH history straight up trolling for months at a time with among the most rational posts being:

Thats the peak of this dudes rational thought.

Im reading reported post after post about why this dude isnt banned. And you just know....hes gonna start right back up the moment he gets the chance.

Im gonna deal with a year of "Why arent these Hawk idiots banned?" as some of the worst fans on here wild out all over again over wins that dont mean anything.

Be nice if things like this were a learning experience. But I just dont see it.
I can't disagree. I tried all year to get him to be honest about the Hawks shortcomings, I wasn't ragging on them, I was trying to get HIM to point out their flaws and apparently I was the a-hole because the Hawks were perfect.:confusedshrug:

05-27-2015, 06:06 PM
Didn't watch the Hawks much this season, but I saw all their playoff games. How did this team win 60 games?

Teams didn't really have the time to game plan and adjust against them properly in the regular season + Korver shot the 3 like prime Ray Allen.

05-27-2015, 06:06 PM
Funny how this thread turns from my just owning up to wrong predictions trying to be humble after being cocky about my team all year and as per usual with kblaze he has to come in and make the thread about him and whatever irrelevant beef he has with me. The guy literally stalks me about my opinion on the Hawks and will claim to say he doesn't care and I can think what I want. If that were the case he wouldn't always bring it up of no where. Of course because of his join date, mod status, and that he makes long posts (90% of which are just fluff) he's perceived as a good poster and people will quickly come running to his defense

05-27-2015, 06:08 PM
Reminds me of the Pacers getting hyped to retarded levels 2 years ago whenever they went on some giant win streak early on playing almost exclusively East teams and then by the time the ECF rolled around they were no match for the Heat

05-27-2015, 06:15 PM
That's not how it works brah.

It's one thing to be a fan and WANT your team to win and even potentially let it skew your perspective and judgment SOMEWHAT but it's a whole different story to think that your shit team is going to win the title or should win almost every game.

Do you think that a Knicks fan arguing that his team is going to win the title in 2016 is called being a fan or being delusional?

If you can't recognize the difference, I suspect that your IQ is floating around 100 or less.
There's absolutely nothing delusional about me thinking a 60 win team can win a championship. If this were the exact same team yet you changed their name to the lakers no one would have had an issue with my prediction.

05-27-2015, 06:17 PM
Ok bro. Keep fighting the good fight. No more Idiots, just objective, rationale minds like you. Delusion = bad.


Orlando Magic
05-27-2015, 06:17 PM
There's absolutely nothing delusional about me thinking a 60 win team can win a championship. If this were the exact same team yet you changed they name to the lakers no one would have had an issue with my prediction.

There absolutely is... because they don't have a true go to star.

Their style of play is to be admired, no doubt. Absolutely no doubt. Often times, they played brilliantly in the regular season.

But at the end of the day how many exceptions throughout NBA history have won the title without a go to star? Maybe like 5 or less? Come on, man... And how many of THOSE teams would the Hawks beat in a 7 game series? 0?

Random note... I got to see Tobias Harris drop a game winner at the buzzer on their asses to add one to the L column... good shit.

05-27-2015, 06:20 PM
There's absolutely nothing delusional about me thinking a 60 win team can win a championship. If this were the exact same team yet you changed their name to the lakers no one would have had an issue with my prediction.
You said the same about a 38 and 44 win team. Let's not act like this is the first year.

And you didn't just say they could win you pretty much called anybody picking the Cavs to beat them brainwashed by ESPN.

05-27-2015, 06:21 PM
I wouldnt call it delusional to think the Hawks this year could win a title.

That isnt an irrational thing to say...just unlikely and a bit biased.

Once I saw that he thought it last year...and the year before...thats when it became fairly clear.

A reasonable fan who loves his team can think any #1 seed can win and not be an idiot.

A lot of Hawk fans who arent delusional got carried away this year and arent just.....idiots.

They just cant behave like they have been there before....because they never have.

05-27-2015, 06:22 PM
I'm done with this thread. Kblaze got exactly what he wanted out of this thread. Big circle jerk hating on me for making bad predictions when I literally owned up to them in the OP. Guy is a a blatant troll and has mod status

Orlando Magic
05-27-2015, 06:25 PM
I'm done with this thread. Kblaze got exactly what he wanted out of this thread. Big circle jerk hating on me for making bad predictions when I literally owned up to them in the OP. Guy is a a blatant troll and has mod status

kblaze isn't a troll.

Kenneth, 9er, Fudge, Mr. Jab, Budad, etc... are trolls.

BTW a lot of those guys are the same person lol.

05-27-2015, 06:25 PM
You...in 12/13...

Said of a team that won 44 games and was then swept in the first round.

You in 13/14

Said of a 38 win team.

You this year:

Added to all that...you make a topic asking if anyone else feels the Hawks can come back and win after being down 0-3.

This is the difference between confidence...and being delusional.

When you predict 38 and 40 whatever wins teams win the title....you dont then get to act like you predicted they would win this year because of the great record.

You predict things about the Hawks because you are utterly out of your mind where they are concerned.

I hate to reuse an analogy from past years but its apt...

You are the Hawks version of the cookie monster.

We have a small race of them. There are Kobe cookie monsters. Lebron ones. A few Durant...Jordan. You...are a Hawks cookie monster. by which I mean....you ask the cookie monster a question that gives room for him to favor cookies...hes going for it. You dont ask him the best snack....you dont ask him the best use for chocolate chis.

You dont ask him what he wants with his milk.

his answer....is ****ing cookies. He is irrational....and his answers do not get filtered through the mind of a normal muppet.

The answer is cookie. To even open discussion on the matter is a failing on your part....because you know his nature.

A normal sports fan talking to a deluded clown like you about the Hawks is tantamount to asking the cookie monster if brownies are better than cookies.

You have done nothing but open a door to a place you dont want to be.

You know his answer. You know he will respond with contempt as if you are a fool for even raising the issue.

He is the ****ing cookie monster and you dont broach the subject of cookies if you dont intend to praise them.

He doesnt case how valid your concerns might be. He doesnt care about anything.

And when it turns out you were right....his opinion doesnt change. Hes gonna come right back and flip out for cookies next time. And you...will return next year...and make the same ****ing dumb predictions all year and call out anyone giving you rational reasons to pump your brakes.

You did it 3 years running...what....you gonna stop now? you gonna evaluate your comments and try to be realistic all of a sudden? Course not. We all know what you are gonna do.

3 dozen well meaning ISHers will try to sit you down and rationally explain the reality of the situation...you know what? Let me offer a visual aid:

Someone will explain a premise....


They will offer you an example....


Maybe after you dismiss the failures of similar teams they have to go to this seasons Hawks to show you what could happen...I mean...you dont care about those others teams. You need a better example:


They will dangle the object of your affections right there in the hopes that it will make the point clear...but you will...at the sight of it...lose all focus on the lesson and go for the Hawks.

http://33.media.tumblr.com/21908caa91bd2e8a6f201bee9d0c25d5/ tumblr_nh05orzAc91qb6v6ro5_500.gif

At that point....its just a fight waiting to happen.

And the fault lies really not with you...but those who delude themselves into thinking you can have a rational conversation with the cookie monster to begin with.

So really...everyone is deluded. You for holding your absurd opinions and the rest of ISH for trying to explain why you might need to rethink them. There comes a point nothing can be done....


And youre right about there....

So really....its not just your fault.

Its my fault for thinking the cookie monster can learn a lesson and apply it to the future.

You just are what you are. And its not for me to change it.

Do you homie. Eat all the ****ing cookies you like and ill leave you be.
:lol Holy sh*t. Basically summed it all up. Even I tried to rationally talk to this dude, hell I just saw my Pacers do it last year..But all he did was give me a bunch of reasons why the Hawks were much better than last year's Pacers...All he kept saying was "more cookies".

05-27-2015, 06:29 PM
Reminds me of the Pacers getting hyped to retarded levels 2 years ago whenever they went on some giant win streak early on playing almost exclusively East teams and then by the time the ECF rolled around they were no match for the Heat
And thats the difference..The PACERS were acting like that. There's not a Pacer fan on this site that was on here acting like Hawks fans, including myself. Hell, I think I said we would lose to Miami in 6 games either last year or the year before, hell probably both years...

Edit - and no match is definitely a stretch. You had plenty of people that thought the Pacers would win because of familiarity and usually you lose to a team a few times before finally beating them. We just weren't ready. But a couple of those games came right down to the last second, Lebron's layup comes to mind while Hibbert was out of the game, same thing Lebron did to the Spurs when Duncan wasn't in on the last play. Its not like we walked in there and got swept and blown out every game. It was probably 50/50 on both sides, split between the Pacers and Heat...I know you had tons of people picking the Pacers though just because they wanted them to win, not actually because they thought they could win. Plus, we were a better matchup, had big men, had rim protection against Lebron, and again familiarity and obviously weren't scared of them and wanted to show that, probably to a fault that it took them out of their game, (I'm looking at you Lance). And we have PG who has shown he can take over stretches of games with his scoring. He's much closer to that "star" than anybody on the Hawks so actually, we had really good reason to believe we could beat them.

05-27-2015, 06:31 PM
You said the same about a 38 and 44 win team. Let's not act like this is the first year.

Its not gonna take. Really....

Let us go down this shitty bricked road a bit:


His argument with RMWG:

Here's hoping my fellow Celtic fans don't make stupid threads like this after the L in a few minutes.

I think Atlanta will win a championship regardless every year. I guess Boston folks don't quite support your team like die hard Hawks fan do.

So somehow being a good fan means you have to be stupid? I know what a contender looks like and I know when my favorite team doesn't have the necessary talent. Dumb predictions just make you a homer, has nothing to do with being a good fan.

Well for one I'm a Hawks fan and you're a Celtics fan. It's a hell of a lot harder to be a Hawks fan since we neve get sh*t than a Celtics fan because they are handed sh*t on a silver platter just because they are the Celtics. So that alone makes me a good fan, and 2 realists are boring and lame I'd rather roll with that homer life and actually have hope in my team every year than watch every game being a negative nancy like yourself and enjoy it much less.

Which is just...hilarious...considering that the Hawks literally gave the Celtics their status as the NBAs greatest winners...

As I pointed out to a Hawk fan who told me we were blessed with Jordan and didnt know what it was like to support a team like the Hawks....

No..you were not blessed with Michael Jordan.

But you were blessed with Bill Russell and Bob Cousy. Lost them both before they ever played a game. Cousy the Hawks refused to pay 10,000 a year as he demanded...they offered 6,000. He signed to the Celtics for 9,000. And a few years later...the Hawks went ahead and made sure the Celtics had their dynasty by drafting Russell...who was perfectly willing to go to the Hawks...and trading him for Easy Ed and a couple other scorers because they didnt see the value in someone who couldnt shoot.

And to make matters worse...guess who their coach was the very year Cousy was drafted?

Red Auerbach! The Hawks had Red and went behind his back and traded his favorite player so he quit....signed with the Celtics months later...lucked into Cousy who the Hawks wouldnt pay...and Russell who the Hawks didnt want. Next thing you know they win 11 rings...and Red builds the core that wins 2 more in the 70s and 3 more in the 80s....and he retires with 16 rings as coach, GM, or president.

Doesnt always come down to blessings. Sometimes its competence.

The Hawks might have the Celtics spot in history if not for a heaping helping of good old fashioned incompetence.

The Hawks have been the Hawks for 60 years because they make Hawk ass decisions.

Nobody gave the great franchises a thing.

Great franchises make great decisions.

05-27-2015, 06:39 PM
Its not gonna take. Really....

Let us go down this shitty bricked road a bit:


His argument with RMWG:

Which is just...hilarious...considering that the Hawks literally gave the Celtics their status as the NBAs greatest winners...

As I pointed out to a Hawk fan who told me we were blessed with Jordan and didnt know what it was like to support a team like the Hawks....

The Hawks have been the Hawks for 60 years because they make Hawk ass decisions.

Nobody gave the great franchises a thing.

Great franchises make great decisions.
Here you go again making EVERYTHINGG about you. Your stupid beef have nothing to do wi H a thread owning up to my bad predictions.

What do you want me to do, say you're right so you stop stalking me and high jacking my threads? This thread was ME OWNING IP TO ME BAD PREDICTIONS yet you still wanna come in and he thread and be an attention whoring dick head for no reason. I mean shit dude you bring up quotes commonly from up to TWO YEARS AGO. You just gotta let it go man.

05-27-2015, 06:49 PM
Owning up to dumb shit you do every year no matter what? Might as well confess to cheating on your wife and go do it again that night. If I felt there was a chance in hell you were sincere and took something from all this id be impressed and consider it fairly mature. But you know whats gonna happen? The moment the Hawks start winning games next year you are gonna start all over.

If mildly annoying you now saves dozens of people from being annoyed in the futre ill consider it time well spent.

But of course it wont. It could possibly.....reduce it. Which is about all one can expect.

I keep an eye on the greater good.

I actually feel bad for decent Hawk fans.

You never want a great season to end like that.

CJ Mustard
05-27-2015, 06:49 PM
You could take the word "moral" out of the title when it pertains to the Hawks. Joke franchise, joke fanbase.

05-27-2015, 06:52 PM
Joke franchise for much of history...today? They have the right building blocks.

If they could somehow get their hands on even a second tier scorer...

Lamarcus Aldridge maybe?

The Hawks with someone like that might win 70 games even if he had to replace Paul and not just be added on top.

The Hawks with a "Im taking this shit over...." scorer would be a problem.

05-27-2015, 06:56 PM
Owning up to dumb shit you do every year no matter what? Might as well confess to cheating on your wife and go do it again that night. If I felt there was a chance in hell you were sincere and took something from all this id be impressed and consider it fairly mature. But you know whats gonna happen? The moment the Hawks start winning games next year you are gonna start all over.

If mildly annoying you now saves dozens of people from being annoyed in the futre ill consider it time well spent.

But of course it wont. It could possibly.....reduce it. Which is about all one can expect.

I keep an eye on the greater good.

I actually feel bad for decent Hawk fans.

You never want a great season to end like that.
It's crazy people don't realize how much of an attention whoring dick head you actually are. There was absolutely zero reason for a you to come into this thread and be an asshole for no reason but you did. I guess that's the perks of being a mod though. You can go into a thread with the sole intention to troll like you did and no one will bat an eye. In fact, people will support it. I owned up to my bad predictions, you were a dick head, yet people still white knight you like you're some sort of hero. This thread wasn't about you, never was, but you went out of your way to make sure it was. Wish people didn't judge you as a good poster just off mod status and join date

05-27-2015, 07:12 PM
Ive been considered exactly what I am now since before 9/11. A long winded, mostly reasonable, bit of a douchebag, occasionally hilarious, occasionally try hard poster who is fairly consistent. You know what to expect when you see the spiderman dancing.

Ive been enjoyed by some and hated by the worst of the worst for 14 years.

I dont want you to like me. I dont want you to agree with me. I want you to consider me an idiot.

Who wants someone they dont respect to share their opinions?

I care about the opinions of those I find rational. I may agree with them or not....but their opinions hold weight to me. And those dudes dont give a shit im a mod. I dont really. I didnt really even get involved in the topic when they had the vote. And I strongly suspect nobody cares when I signed up when deciding if what I said had merit.

People dont think im right about you being a clown because of who is saying it.

They think im right about you being a clown because of the facepaint, outfit, and giant shoes.

When you can see it for yourself the credibility of the reporter is immaterial.

05-27-2015, 10:37 PM
You could take the word "moral" out of the title when it pertains to the Hawks. Joke franchise, joke fanbase.

Milwaukee isn't any better.

05-27-2015, 10:40 PM
On Atlanta, disappointing ending. Should have at least made the finals.

They do have a great coach, so they just have to reload on better bench pieces and resign the core or perhaps trade Teague and start Schroeder.

Real Men Wear Green
05-28-2015, 06:41 AM
http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/890/710/55f.gifNot that anything you said was wrong but I would like you to admit that the reason you made this post and used the Cookie Monster example was so that you could have an excuse to post this picture.