View Full Version : Would you be for or against legal PED use in the league?

06-01-2015, 10:34 AM
For or against?

In all sports really. I am all for it.

Yay or nay, and why or why not?

06-01-2015, 10:36 AM

06-01-2015, 10:44 AM
Against. The sport would be a joke, just like cycling. The league needs to get its finger out of its ass and start cracking down on these drug abusing cheats.

If you allow it, then where do you draw the line? High jumpers with fake mechanical legs, basketballers with springs inserted into their feet, people like Javale McGee with a brain chip inserted to make him smarter than a brick. It would be a game of who has the better tech and drugs, not the most skill.

06-01-2015, 10:46 AM
I'm against it.

Legalizing PEDs would have a horrific snowball effect. What youd end up with is enormous amounts of athletes at all levels juicing their asses off, going for that paycheck which only a small percent will ultimately obtain. Even if PEDs were only legal at the professional level, you'd have kids everywhere thinking that the only way they can be like their athlete idol is to use PEDs.

If PEDs werent so harmful, why do you think they are so universally banned?? There are reasons that certain drugs/substances are banned, and its not because the organizations don't want players getting better/stronger/faster. There are long term health implications, and for that reason alone, the rules should stay as they are.

06-01-2015, 10:49 AM
Against. I'm not a fan of cheating or finding shortcuts. I think ALL drugs should be banned. Also correct young people look at these things and think it's alright.

06-01-2015, 10:50 AM
I'm against it.

Legalizing PEDs would have a horrific snowball effect. What youd end up with is enormous amounts of athletes at all levels juicing their asses off, going for that paycheck which only a small percent will ultimately obtain. Even if PEDs were only legal at the professional level, you'd have kids everywhere thinking that the only way they can be like their athlete idol is to use PEDs.

If PEDs werent so harmful, why do you think they are so universally banned?? There are reasons that certain drugs/substances are banned, and its not because the organizations don't want players getting better/stronger/faster. There are long term health implications, and for that reason alone, the rules should stay as they are.

That is a choice. No different than a student taking adderall to stay up and study for a test all night, retaining that information they wouldn't have otherwise been able to retain.

I mean, just from where I am sitting, if you legalize PED use, it is a choice. Nobody is forcing you to use them. It would be possible to play in the NBA without using PED's. You think because Bismack Biyombo (sp?) takes PED's hes going to be better than Lebron all of a sudden?

I think, if they are given the choice, there is nothing wrong with it. As long as a team doesn't require a player to take them (barring an injury, which they have already been proven to heal much, much faster) then whats the problem?

Grown ass men cant make a decision on their own?

06-01-2015, 10:50 AM
There are life lasting side effects from PEDs as well. I wouldn't wanna go near any of them for the sake of winning a championship, it'd be better just to collude with 2 other superstars.

06-01-2015, 10:52 AM
Against. The sport would be a joke, just like cycling. The league needs to get its finger out of its ass and start cracking down on these drug abusing cheats.

If you allow it, then where do you draw the line? High jumpers with fake mechanical legs, basketballers with springs inserted into their feet, people like Javale McGee with a brain chip inserted to make him smarter than a brick. It would be a game of who has the better tech and drugs, not the most skill.

I don't see Lance's achievements as anything less than before. He used PED's? He still won. Over, and over, and over again. Even when all the other cyclists were using PED's.

06-01-2015, 10:53 AM
I don't see Lance's achievements as anything less than before. He used PED's? He still won. Over, and over, and over again. Even when all the other cyclists were using PED's.
So those who don't want to face the negative effects of drugs have to compete those who are willing to risk their health for a sport and some money? :facepalm

Magic 32
06-01-2015, 10:54 AM
I mean, just from where I am sitting, if you legalize PED use, it is a choice. Nobody is forcing you to use them.

Yes, it would be a choice.

Do you want to be pushed out of the NBA by lesser players or do you want be harm yourself.

06-01-2015, 10:54 AM
There are life lasting side effects from PEDs as well. I wouldn't wanna go near any of them for the sake of winning a championship, it'd be better just to collude with 2 other superstars.
Lebron: Why not both?

06-01-2015, 10:56 AM
Lebron: Why not both?


06-01-2015, 10:59 AM
That is a choice. No different than a student taking adderall to stay up and study for a test all night, retaining that information they wouldn't have otherwise been able to retain.

Adderall and similar drugs are prescription drugs that are more regulated than other drugs your physician subscribes because similar to PEDs, abusing them leads to long term health issues. Legalizing PEDs would be like your high school school handing out adderall to students before exams. Sure they perform better, but at what cost?

I mean, just from where I am sitting, if you legalize PED use, it is a choice. Nobody is forcing you to use them. It would be possible to play in the NBA without using PED's. You think because Bismack Biyombo (sp?) takes PED's hes going to be better than Lebron all of a sudden?

If you legalize PEDs, it would become like protein supplements and creatine. Surely every competitive athlete would be on them. Biyombo wouldnt be better than lebron, but biyombo would be better than biyombo without HGH.

I think, if they are given the choice, there is nothing wrong with it. As long as a team doesn't require a player to take them (barring an injury, which they have already been proven to heal much, much faster) then whats the problem?

The problem is legalizing PEDs is basically like reopening gladiator games. You get to see some exciting shit, but at the cost of the lives of the performers.

Grown ass men cant make a decision on their own?

Grown ass men will often choose, short-sightedly I might add, $$ over long term health. We should not endorse reducing their lifespans for our entertainment.

06-01-2015, 11:01 AM
So those who don't want to face the negative effects of drugs have to compete those who are willing to risk their health for a sport and some money? :facepalm

So those who dont want to participate in OTA's and dont want to train as hard dont get reap the benefits during the season? Yes.

Nobody forces you to practice on your own time. You can NOT practice if you want. You won't get the benefits of practicing, but thats entirely your choice. You dont have to eat healthy if you dont want. You dont have to exercise if you dont want.

All choices. Players do those things because they want to be better.

If the money isn't worth it to you, and you are good enough without PED's you'll be just fine. If you aren't... make room for someone who is.

06-01-2015, 11:05 AM
Grown ass men will often choose, short-sightedly I might add, $$ over long term health. We should not endorse reducing their lifespans for our entertainment.

I think most would. The competitive edge in professional athletes would probably drive them to take PED's.

But I'm just against people telling grown adults what they can and cant do with their own bodies (marijuana immediately comes to mind, but assisted suicide comes up as well).

I like to think adults can make choices on their own. I know many who can't and need someone to tell them the right choice (which is sad anyway), but these are professionals with the best medical staffs on the planet advising them.

06-01-2015, 11:06 AM


06-01-2015, 11:38 AM
So those who dont want to participate in OTA's and dont want to train as hard dont get reap the benefits during the season? Yes.

Nobody forces you to practice on your own time. You can NOT practice if you want. You won't get the benefits of practicing, but thats entirely your choice. You dont have to eat healthy if you dont want. You dont have to exercise if you dont want.

All choices. Players do those things because they want to be better.

If the money isn't worth it to you, and you are good enough without PED's you'll be just fine. If you aren't... make room for someone who is.

The difference is they aren't having to make a choice about using HARMFUL substances to stay competitive. You're an idiot if you can't see the difference.

06-01-2015, 06:09 PM
Totally against. It sets a very bad standard for children. It's hard enough to keep the kid's junk food consumption down. My son is 5'5" at 11 years of age and loves hoop. If Amare endorses PED's, it makes my argument weaker.

It should be EARNED.

06-01-2015, 06:14 PM
It's already too lax in the NBA. Needs to be stamped out. It's not a choice thing either, once it becomes standard it becomes a must have like in cycling. There's numerous stories of people being forced or feeling forced in to taking it or there's no chance of competing. If it's accepted the age just becomes younger and younger too, you think boosters and recruiters would be telling their 14 year old players to avoid it because of the health risks? They'd be force feeding them that shit if it were legal. The wider the pool of people taking it, the wider the chance of people having issues as well.

06-01-2015, 06:23 PM

06-01-2015, 06:40 PM
It would be a game of who has the better tech and drugs, not the most skill.

so why do you watch sports then? cause that's what it already is..

lol if you don't think LeBron, Kobe and MJ were on the juice.

06-01-2015, 06:44 PM
so why do you watch sports then? cause that's what it already is..

lol if you don't think LeBron, Kobe and MJ were on the juice.

this. The top level athletes in all sports are using.

06-01-2015, 07:21 PM
Depends on the PED to be honest

06-01-2015, 07:23 PM

06-01-2015, 07:27 PM
Part of me is for it because of how entertaining the sport would be with PED's legalized and fully utilized. Imagine seeing Steph Curry with the athleticism of Westbrook.

But mostly, I'm against it because it's not right. If there were absolutely no side effects, I'd be all for it.

What I would be for is allowing PED's to speed up recovery of players, but monitored by the league so that it isn't abused. Only for recovery.

06-02-2015, 01:19 AM
Against. Can't do it naturally, GTFO.

06-02-2015, 02:36 AM
No, It would be sad to hear the death at 40 or 50 of all time greats like in cycling

06-02-2015, 02:54 AM
Against. But sometimes I think about how Barry Bonds was hitting all those home runs at the latter part of his career. I always wonder how it would be if older super stars were allowed to legally use PED.

06-02-2015, 03:48 AM
Allow PED's, in MMA the most exciting era ever was during the Pride FC days where no drug testing was carried out and dudes were on them. People recover quicker from injuries on them and it makes for more exciting basketball. The reality is atm there is probably lots of them on it in some form and unlike fighting no one is dying from basketball injuries for the most part.

Roid have and will forever be a part of sport there plenty of people right now that don't do them they are at a complete disadvantage.

As long as you make people aware of the risks before you allow it I'm all for it.

06-02-2015, 05:25 AM
it would be catastrophic

making PEDS legal in professional sports would exponentially make the PED industry grow.

players would be forced to juice themselves to the max, and it might get to the point were it's not about talent anymore, it's about how juiceable your body is without exploding or losing any kind of flexibility

06-02-2015, 07:01 AM
Against. People shouldn't HAVE to ruin their long term health to compete with drug users.

06-02-2015, 07:19 AM
Rockets fans=dumbest mfers on planet mfing earth

06-02-2015, 07:28 AM
For or against?

In all sports really. I am all for it.

Yay or nay, and why or why not?

Not. The only reason would be cuz they fail at stopping it. If I could press a button and make sports clean, I'd do it.


06-02-2015, 07:32 AM
it would be catastrophic

making PEDS legal in professional sports would exponentially make the PED industry grow.

players would be forced to juice themselves to the max, and it might get to the point were it's not about talent anymore, it's about how juiceable your body is without exploding or losing any kind of flexibility

Also double post.

You're right in that dudes would start juicing early. As much as possible.

People think it's all positive, but I think it has downsides even ignoring side effects.


06-02-2015, 07:37 AM

06-02-2015, 07:40 AM
I support it, but there should be a review board for it.

They would also have to wear a special jersey.

If a player really wanted to juice,
they would put in an application and wait at least 1 season.

If Dwyane Wade or Luke Walton want to sacrifice their body
for sports, that's none of my business...

06-02-2015, 07:55 AM
If Dwyane Wade or Luke Walton want to sacrifice their body
for sports, that's none of my business...

and yet it is, hence drugs being illegal

Charlie Sheen
06-02-2015, 09:41 AM
NBA would need to remove weed from banned substance list before ever having this discussion. How can NBA tell a person they're responsible enough to make a decision on PED's but marijuana is beyond that scope of personal judgement.?

08-24-2015, 06:27 PM
any time you design a urine / blood test for X drug, the doping-chemists always find a way to work around it sooner rather than later.

so like dude, instead of doing this whole bullshit self-righteousness / ever more clever-cheating dance that sports has been doing for ages, maybe transparency is ultimately more practical...?



08-24-2015, 07:52 PM
For HGH. Against steroids.

08-24-2015, 08:33 PM
That is a choice. No different than a student taking adderall to stay up and study for a test all night, retaining that information they wouldn't have otherwise been able to retain.

I mean, just from where I am sitting, if you legalize PED use, it is a choice. Nobody is forcing you to use them. It would be possible to play in the NBA without using PED's. You think because Bismack Biyombo (sp?) takes PED's hes going to be better than Lebron all of a sudden?

I think, if they are given the choice, there is nothing wrong with it. As long as a team doesn't require a player to take them (barring an injury, which they have already been proven to heal much, much faster) then whats the problem?

Grown ass men cant make a decision on their own?
It is a choice in a sense that if the US legalize rape, murder, bazookas, and everyone has to pay 99% tax...it is a choice for its citizens to still live in the US.

It is technically a choice but it's no choice at all.

08-24-2015, 08:39 PM
I think the on-court product would be amazing, something I'd like to see. However the bad effects on the players' bodies and the bad drug-acceptable image to kids wouldn't be good either.
It's a bad overall decision and should not be allowed; but we're it, I'd enjoy it.

08-24-2015, 09:58 PM
Against. Bad example. No cheating allowed.

08-24-2015, 10:43 PM
Reality of the NBA:

Most are on stimulants and HGH

Few are on IGF-1, or other anabolic steroids.

08-24-2015, 11:40 PM
Americans seem slow to learn that anyone doing 'unbelievable' feats in sport is tarnished with drugs.
I've been alive more than 30 years, and there is just countless examples.

I'm against the drug use but I am mostly against corrupt organisations turning a blind eye to cheats.
Look at the current worship of Serena Williams, who once hid in her panic room when drug testers turned up. They must have turned up in the incorrect cycle. She has the physique of a man and hardly loses. Please.

It's just so obvious, yet the West is so brain washed.