View Full Version : Top 5 Reasons MJ > Lebron for when Lebron wins 2015 NBA Finals

06-02-2015, 03:25 PM
1) MJ played in "No-Spacing" Era:

Superior paint defense: Players didn't shoot 3-pointers in the 80's, so defenses got away with just guarding the paint

Help defenders were closer: By definition, when the floor is not spaced, help defenders are closer to each other - they don't have to "come over" to help because they're already there.

More defenders on strongside: No-spacing also meant MJ faced more defenders on the strongside of the court because there were no weakside floor-spreaders to draw them away (no spacing).

No spacing or weakside floor-spreaders allowed defenders to stay on the strongside, which routinely created 5-defender strongsides (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=11128077&postcount=21) that were already flooded with all 5 defenders.. Otoh, today's spacing and weakside floor-spreaders draw defenders away from the strongside, which routinely enables players to face 1-defender strongsides (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=377570) - a totally different game altogether.. Today's game has fewer strongside defenders and is therefore easier.

2) MJ played superior competition - Stats and Roster Comparisons prove it

Stats Comparison: MJ defeated many more 50-win teams in the playoffs: 20 to Lebron's 7... That's almost 3 times as many.. MJ also faced more 60-win teams: 9 to 5..

Roster Comparisons: :

1) Isiah/Dumars/Dantley/Laimbeer/Rodman/Salley/Mahorn/Vinnie/Edwards > anything Lebron ever faced.. The Spurs don't begin to compare to that depth, defense or combination of elite perimeter and post play.

2) In the 1998 Finals, the Utah Jazz had a 100.3 playoff defensive rating (DRtg) - that's far better than anything Lebron ever faced in the Finals.. That Jazz team destroyed a 56-win, Popovich/Duncan/Robinson Spurs team in 5 games, and then swept Shaq's 4 all-star Lakers in WCF.

3) The 1992 Blazers had 4 guys who were all-stars around that time: Drexler, Porter (91' and 93'), Duckworth (89' and 91'), Cliff Robinson (94').. Also, Buck Williams had been a 3-time all-star as well (82', 83', 86') - Williams got 11/9 in 1992 and was named All-NBA defense in 1992 (for 3rd year in a row and 6th time in his career).. So that's 5 all-star caliber players, plus Jerome Kersey was another athletic wing two-way player for them.

4) Riley's 90's Knicks might have been the toughest defense ever behind the Bad Boys - the Knicks snap-made the Finals each time MJ retired, validating their championship caliber (only losing to Spurs because Ewing and his 18/10/2.6 blks was hurt and missed entire series).

5) 1993 Suns - Barkley/KJ/Majerle/Dumas/Chambers - Barkley/KJ cancel out Duncan/Parker, and the rest of the Suns role players DESTROY the Spurs Matt Bonner, Patty Mills, etc.

6) The 1996 Sonics had prime DPOY Payton, Kemp and Schrempf (a 6'10, 3-point shooting, point-forward and 3-time All-Star in 93', 95', 97') - Lebron has never defeated a Big 3 this good - the 2012 Celtics don't count because that was post-Garnett injury, when everyone was injured and past their prime.. Whereas, the 1996 Sonics were in their uber-prime.

7) 1998 Indiana - 10-players deep, very experienced team.. Cut their teeth on the Bulls and took them 7, then went on and made Finals in 2000.

8) Shaq/Penny > Hibbert/George

9) MJ led a massive upset versus the 2-seeded, 57-win Cavs and their 2nd ranked defense.. The Cavs had 3 All-stars (Nance, Price, Daughterty), and prime 20 PPG super-athlete Ron Harper, Hot Rod, and Ehlo.

3) MJ carried the heavier load, had less talented teammates

For his career, MJ averaged 25.1 shot attempts per game in the playoffs, compared to only 18.9 for Lebron.. Not only was MJ's scoring burden much higher, but thru the same age Lebron is now (30), MJ averaged more assists per game too in playoffs and Finals:


JORDAN: 35 PPG / 7 APG / 50% FG
LEBRON: 28 PPG / 6 APG / 48% FG


JORDAN: 36 PPG / 8 APG / 53% FG
LEBRON: 24 PPG / 6 APG / 46% FG

The MINUTE Jordan got a teammate remotely close to all-star caliber, he went 6/6... That's all it took for GOAT 6/6 - just one all-star teammate.. No other player has done so much with so little.. i.e. Lebron gets prime Wade and Bosh yet loses to Dallas.

Lebron needs 1.5 Finals games to match 1 from MJ (24 PPG to 36 PPG)..

As a sidenote, both pace and defensive ratings (DRtg) during Lebron's career (2005-2015) are exactly the same as the NBA in the 90's.

4) Rule Changes designed to lessen physicality & increase penetration:

Rule Changes: The creator and implementer of the new rules - the NBA - officially stated that the rule changes had succeeded in achieving their objective of making penetration easier.. This is not subjective opinion because it came from the source, just like Bill Gates vision for Microsoft would never have been considered subjective opinion:


HAND-CHECKING/PHYSICALITY: Today's game bans hand-checking and various physicality, so defense is hands-off... But all these things were all legal in previous eras so defense was hands-ON.. Players today don't have to face the physicality of the Bad Boys or the Knicks.. Those were the toughest, most physically draining defenses of all time.

LEGAL PAINT-CAMPING: Unlike today's game, players in previous eras couldn't just get in the paint anytime they wanted - the legal paint camping often prevented players from entering the paint, and forced players to settle for mid-range jumpshots instead (as seen in GIF below):


But today's defensive 3 seconds bans paint-camping.. The rule doesn't allow defenders to wait in the 16 x 19 foot painted area if no one is within armslength (http://www.nba.com/nba101/misunderstood_0708.html) (about 3 feet).

Otoh, in previous eras, Rule 2b (http://nbahoopsonline.com/History/Leagues/NBA/Rules/Fouls.html) of the Illegal Defense Guidelines allowed defenders to remain in the paint "with no time restriction" if their man was anywhere inside the paint, or within 3 feet of either side.

5) Eye-Test: Lebron employs less SKILL and a less effective STYLE

Skill: Lebron's basic, drive-and-kick style is less adjustable and effective against good teams.. Whereas, MJ was elite at ALL aspects of scoring and used whatever scoring method would exploit the defense, including:

low post scoring (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10861649&postcount=3), off-ball play (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10862372&postcount=18), mid-range shooting (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=11181251&postcount=44), mid-range repertoire (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10861764&postcount=7), drop-step ability (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10422917&postcount=172), rim attack (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=353826), point guard ability (http://www.complex.com/sports/2014/01/michael-jordan-point-guard-in-1989-posted-triple-double-10-of-11-games), beating perimeter double teams (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10699081&postcount=10), destroying screen roll shading (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=358589&page=8), threading needles with tougher passes as required by no-spacing (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=355658&page=44), the MJ hop-step (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=10906020&postcount=41)

Other collection (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=11021030&postcount=6) of footage

Style: The eye-test shows that MJ's standard was to make quick decisions and act with very little wait time, which fits into any team.. Also, MJ's off-ball, highly-assisted style meant teammates were assisting HIM more, which increased their assists/playmaking opportunities - essentially, MJ's style made him a gold mine of assists for teammates.. His off-ball style not only allowed teammates to RETAIN their playmaking respnsibilities, but it opened up and expanded their playmaking game.

Otoh, Lebron's ball-dominant, highly unassisted style reduces teammates assists and playmaking opportunities, since they aren't assisting the team's #1 option as often.. Instead, Lebron's ball-dominant scoring style monopolizes the playmaking, which reduces Bosh, Love, and Wade's stats by turning them into bird-fed lames.. Otoh, the stats of MJ's teammates' (Pippen, Kukocs, Grant) barely changed when he left the lineup in 1994, because MJ's off-ball style allowed them to retain their playmaking duties and realize their maximum playmaking capacity ALONGSIDE HIM.

MJ's off-ball style simply realized more synergies with teammates, which resulted in a much higher ceiling for his team (6/6).

06-02-2015, 03:26 PM
lebron > MJ

06-02-2015, 03:26 PM
6/6 > 3/6

06-02-2015, 03:27 PM
OP made this post for a 5% chance of something happening


LBJ 23
06-02-2015, 03:27 PM
So fcking insecure :roll:

06-02-2015, 03:28 PM

06-02-2015, 03:31 PM
3ball how old are you? jw

06-02-2015, 03:41 PM
Is OP trying to bring down Jordan from the inside?

06-02-2015, 05:01 PM

06-02-2015, 05:13 PM
3ball is like what SikktheShocker is for LeBron but 3ball actually makes legitimate arguments :applause:

06-02-2015, 05:16 PM
dude is embarrassing himself

06-02-2015, 05:18 PM


06-02-2015, 05:36 PM
Only the Letards argue that Lebron > MJ.

Mj is the GOAT period. No one in Nba history has influenced basketball as much as MJ did

06-02-2015, 06:29 PM
OP, no one but LeStans say James > Jordan and even they don't really believe that. They just like trolling. You're beating a dead horse, drop it already, we already know MJ is the GOAT :bowdown:

Living Being
06-02-2015, 06:34 PM
It doesn't matter what LeBron accomplishes in his career. He is the Bruce Jenner of the NBA.

06-02-2015, 06:35 PM
Only the Letards argue that Lebron > MJ.

Mj is the GOAT period. No one in Nba history has influenced basketball as much as MJ did


The fact that 3Ball ONLY posts about Lebron and MJ shows how insecure he is about Lebron's greatness-> He has to compare Lebron to the GOAT

06-03-2015, 10:04 AM
MJ put up better stats during his 2nd three-peat (1996-1998) than Kobe did in his championship years without Shaq (2008-2010), even though MJ faced lower league-wide DRtg in both the regular season and playoffs than Kobe did:

League-Wide DRtg in Regular Season:

1996: 107.6
1997: 106.7
1998: 105.0

2008: 107.5
2009: 108.3
2010: 107.6

Source: http://www.basketball-reference.com/leagues/NBA_stats.html

League-Wide DRtg in Playoffs (each year is link to source):

1996 (http://www.basketball-reference.com/playoffs/NBA_1996.html#all_misc_stats): 107.4
1997 (http://www.basketball-reference.com/playoffs/NBA_1997.html#all_misc_stats): 106.8
1998 (http://www.basketball-reference.com/playoffs/NBA_1998.html#all_misc_stats): 105.6

2008 (http://www.basketball-reference.com/playoffs/NBA_2008.html#all_misc_stats): 107.4
2009 (http://www.basketball-reference.com/playoffs/NBA_2009.html#all_misc_stats): 107.7
2010 (http://www.basketball-reference.com/playoffs/NBA_2010.html#all_misc_stats): 108.6

But despite facing lower DRtg defenses, MJ still put up better stats:

REGULAR SEASON - 1996-1998 vs. 2008-2010

MJ:... 29.6 ppg... 48.2% fg... 2 MVP
Kobe: 27.4 ppg... 46.1% fg... 1 MVP


MJ:... 31.4 ppg... 45.9% fg
Kobe: 29.8 PPG... 46.4% fg


MJ:... 31.1 ppg... 43.4% fg... 3 FMVP
Kobe: 29.2 ppg... 41.3% fg... 2 FMVP

Source: basketball-reference.com

At 33-35 years old, MJ had better stats against better defenses than 29-31 year-old Kobe..

Also, 1998 Utah had a lower DRtg in the playoffs (100.3) than any team Kobe ever faced as the #1 option (post-Shaq).. So as the #1 option, it was JORDAN who faced the toughest defense from an individual team, not Kobe.. Of course, this is no surprise, since the stats above show MJ faced the lower league-wide DRtg in both the regular season and playoffs.

Imagine if we DIDN'T give Kobe a head start and actually peak at MJ's prime instead of his old man stats??.. Better not.. :facepalm .. It's amazing how much better MJ was than Kobe.. :bowdown:

06-03-2015, 10:50 AM
OP is straight up retarded.

MJ > Lebron, even if the Cavs win.

But for completely different reasons than those stated in the opening post. As a matter of fact, we are all dumber now for having read the opening post.

06-03-2015, 10:53 AM
Only the Letards argue that Lebron > MJ.

Mj is the GOAT period. No one in Nba history has influenced basketball as much as MJ did

But it's so entertaining seeing the "1-9" posts which only confirm their insecurity! :lol

06-03-2015, 10:59 AM
Not at all.. I just know that if Lebron wins it all this year, ESPN will once again say he's as good as MJ, just like they did in 2014, when they swore he would 3-peat:


The entire media looked bad after the 2014 Finals, but they will quickly forget that debacle if Lebron wins these Finals.. They'll go back to the same erroneous narrative that Lebron is like MJ, which will set them up for disappointment down the road when Lebron comes up short again.. :confusedshrug:

If the media had half a clue about basketball, the eye test would tell them never to compare Lebron and MJ.. But they can't tell the difference - they can't discern the obvious difference - because they're dumb about basketball.

They picked the Heat to win. Nowhere does it say anything about him being as good as or better than Jordan if the Heat did win 3 in a row.

06-03-2015, 11:26 AM
Not at all.. I just know that if Lebron wins it all this year, ESPN will once again say he's as good as MJ, just like they did in 2014, when they swore he would 3-peat:


The entire media looked bad after the 2014 Finals, but they will quickly forget that debacle if Lebron wins these Finals.. They'll go back to the same erroneous narrative that Lebron is like MJ, which will set them up for disappointment down the road when Lebron comes up short again.. :confusedshrug:

If the media had half a clue about basketball, the eye test would tell them never to compare Lebron and MJ.. But they can't tell the difference - they can't discern the obvious difference - because they're dumb about basketball.

uh...no. Anyone that was actually old enough to watch Jordan would tell you Lebron, in terms of level of play, is just as good as Jordan, or essentially a tossup

Its the accolades that set them apart, just as how it sets say, Jordan from Shaq or wilt :facepalm

If you think differently you are probably like 15

06-03-2015, 11:31 AM
3) MJ carried the heavier load, had less talented teammates


2014 Heat with LeBron: 54 wins, 2nd in the East, NBA Finals.
2015 Heat without LeBron: 37 wins, 10th in the East (23 GB), missed playoffs.

1993 Bulls with Jordan: 57 wins, 2nd in the East, NBA champs.
1994 Bulls without Jordan: 55 wins, 3rd in the East (2 GB), ECSF.

06-03-2015, 04:32 PM
:applause: This is a killer analysis. Good work 3ball.

06-03-2015, 04:41 PM
MJ/KB fan boys on suicide watch...

cant even wait for LJ to win or lose :roll:

so insecure, so embarassing

06-03-2015, 04:51 PM

2014 Heat with LeBron: 54 wins, 2nd in the East, NBA Finals.
2015 Heat without LeBron: 37 wins, 10th in the East (23 GB), missed playoffs.

1993 Bulls with Jordan: 57 wins, 2nd in the East, NBA champs.
1994 Bulls without Jordan: 55 wins, 3rd in the East (2 GB), ECSF.



06-03-2015, 05:10 PM
Dude... 3Ball... My man. Why are you so insecure as to post novel after novel about MJ being better than Lebron. MJ is the most untouchable sports GOAT figure that I can personally think of.

He doesn't need you defending him to the point of ad-nauseam on a troll message board.

Jordan's legacy is safe brosef. Sleep easy tonight. Lay off on the thread count a bit. eh?

06-03-2015, 05:12 PM
does 3ball have a life outside of ISH?

Eric Cartman
06-03-2015, 05:19 PM
does 3ball have a life outside of ISH?
Does a bear crap in the woods?

06-03-2015, 05:21 PM
1992 Blazers (5 all-star players + Jerome Kersey)

The 1992 Blazers had 4 guys who were all-stars around that time: Drexler, Porter (91' and 93'), Duckworth (89' and 91'), Cliff Robinson (94')..

Also, Buck Williams had been a 3-time all-star as well (82', 83', 86') - Williams got 11/9 in 1992 and was named All-NBA defense in 1992 (for 3rd year in a row and 6th time in his career)..

So that's 5 all-star players, plus Jerome Kersey was another athletic wing two-way player for them.

06-03-2015, 05:24 PM
TOO LONG. DIDN'T READ. (in caps for a reason)

06-03-2015, 05:35 PM
2014 Heat with LeBron: 54 wins, 2nd in the East, NBA Finals.
2015 Heat without LeBron: 37 wins, 10th in the East (23 GB), missed playoffs.

1993 Bulls with Jordan: 57 wins, 2nd in the East, NBA champs.
1994 Bulls without Jordan: 55 wins, 3rd in the East (2 GB), ECSF.

Lebron + Bosh were added to 47-win Heat = 58 wins (+11)

38-year old MJ was added to 18-win Wizards = 37 wins (+19)

Also, you're underrating how rare 3-peating is and the amount of superior strategy, team cohesion and hardened mental strength it takes.. Only 3 teams have ever done it.. Any team that achieves the level of strategy, optimal play and mental fortitude necessary to 3-peat, will be capable of winning 55 games in the anomalous situation the Bulls found themselves in 1994 when MJ abruptly retired (assuming everyone is in their PRIME).

Now if MJ retired in 1990, 1991, 1992?... Those teams don't win 55 games.. The supporting cast wouldn't have been as good at playing basketball together as they were by the END of the 1993 season..

But new fans won't understand the extent to which a 3-peat supporting cast has improved while being led to 3 consecutive rings, because they've only ever seen guys come up SHORT when trying to 3-peat..

1994 Bulls without Jordan: 55 wins, 3rd in the East (2 GB), ECSF.

If MJ led this year's 55-win Memphis Grizzlies to a 3-peat dynasty while getting 2 MVP's, 3 FMVP's and leading the league in scoring every year, he'd be the undisputed GOAT..

Of course, MJ wouldn't need to average 33 PPG on the Grizzlies, because they have far more talent than the 1994 Bulls - this speaks to the little help MJ had on those Bulls teams, considering they required him to average 30+ PPG as a standard.

why couldn't MJ win a ring in seasons in which he averaged 37, 35 and 34 ppg?

I answered this already - he had no all-stars on his team...

But the minute he got just 1 all-star, he went 6/6.. One all-star (Pippen) is all MJ needed to go 6/6.. Whereas Lebron had a Wade and Bosh but went 2/4 in Miami.. There will never be better evidence than that.

Bulls won 55 games in 1994 without MJ

The 1994 Bulls roster had less talent than any other 55-win team.

Instead, they won based on strategy, teamwork and mental strength developed from 3-peating with MJ.

Now if MJ retired in 1989, or 1990?... Those teams don't win 55 games.. In those years, the supporting cast had barely BEGUN to develop the strategy, team cohesion and mental strength it took to 3-peat..

when MJ had great supporting casts, he generally won it all.. Not every year, however. Those that claim "6/6" are ignoring '90, and '95.

Your bias is amazing - you make excuse after excuse for Wilt... But MJ takes a two-year hiatus and you're going to knock him for not winning a championship that year?... Scottie admits he choked (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=367910) in Game 7 of 1990 ECF, and you blame MJ?.. Take those blinders off bro..

MJ won with no all-stars in 1991 - he's one of only 3 players to ever do that..

Also, 2 + 2 = 4... The Bulls needed MJ to lead the league in scoring for all their championships.. This means MJ had less scoring help than anyone in the entire league.. there's no way around that.

06-03-2015, 05:38 PM
Does a bear crap in the woods?

So by your reasoning... he does have a life outside of ish?

06-03-2015, 05:42 PM
Testing, testing... This thing on?

3ball, yo. Serious question. I'm trying to understand your psyche. Why do you really feel the need to spam the board and prop up Jordan? He is the most unanimous GOAT of probably any sport. What gives?

06-03-2015, 05:58 PM
Testing, testing... This thing on?

3ball, yo. Serious question. I'm trying to understand your psyche. Why do you really feel the need to spam the board and prop up Jordan? He is the most unanimous GOAT of probably any sport. What gives?
I just know that if Lebron wins it all this year, ESPN will once again say he's as good as MJ, just like they did in 2014, when they swore he would 3-peat:


The entire media looked bad after the 2014 Finals, but they will quickly forget that debacle if Lebron wins these Finals.. They'll go back to the same erroneous narrative that Lebron is like MJ, which will set them up for disappointment down the road when Lebron comes up short again.. :confusedshrug:

If the media had half a clue about basketball, the EYE TEST would tell them never to compare Lebron and MJ.. But they can't tell the difference - they can't discern the obvious difference - because they're dumb about basketball.

06-03-2015, 06:11 PM
I just know that if Lebron wins it all this year, ESPN will once again say he's as good as MJ, just like they did in 2014, when they swore he would 3-peat:


The entire media looked bad after the 2014 Finals, but they will quickly forget that debacle if Lebron wins these Finals.. They'll go back to the same erroneous narrative that Lebron is like MJ, which will set them up for disappointment down the road when Lebron comes up short again.. :confusedshrug:

If the media had half a clue about basketball, the EYE TEST would tell them never to compare Lebron and MJ.. But they can't tell the difference - they can't discern the obvious difference - because they're dumb about basketball.

His legacy is safe bro. Regardless of what prisoners of the moment say, 5-10 years down the road, he is still going to be the unanimous GOAT.

The constant Kobe vs. Lebron staning... It's stupid as hell, but I get it. With Jordan, there is no need to stoop to that level.

06-03-2015, 06:13 PM
mj > bron > curry > kobe

but mj is no god.