View Full Version : Dwayne Wade apparently wants 3yrs $60 mil

06-03-2015, 10:32 AM
Source (http://miamiherald.typepad.com/sports-buzz/2015/06/asking-and-answering-questions-on-wade-heat-scenarios-dolphins-canes-marlins.html)

What does ISH think? Is he asking for too much?

06-03-2015, 10:33 AM

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Taller than CP3
06-03-2015, 10:39 AM
It's going to be weird seeing D Wade in a Cavs jersey next year. I hope not because then Lebron might go 3/7.

06-03-2015, 10:41 AM

06-03-2015, 10:42 AM
I like Wade but if it's true that he asks for that much then he's nuts!

06-03-2015, 10:42 AM
It's going to be weird seeing D Wade in a Cavs jersey next year. I hope not because then Lebron might go 3/7.
No way the Cavs have enough cap space to add Wade, given the multitude of players they'll need to bring back already.

06-03-2015, 10:45 AM
It's not like the Heat are signing other free-agents this year other than resigning Dragic. Can they offer Wade in excess of $20 mill this year at a 1 year deal? Like 23.5 mill?

06-03-2015, 10:46 AM
He deserves it

06-03-2015, 10:53 AM
It's not like the Heat are signing other free-agents this year other than resigning Dragic. Can they offer Wade in excess of $20 mill this year at a 1 year deal? Like 23.5 mill?

they have the ability to...but will they, is another story. Wade, Dragic and Deng all have player options to pick up, which all likely will...and Riley does not want to do any form of restructuring to ensure the books are clear to run at KD or even AD next summer.

more so than just the money, Wade is looking to guarantee a long-term deal that also pays him...you'd think the $23 mil this year and sub-10mil contract over the next 2-3 yrs would be like gold to him now, but he's being a bit stubborn on it...can't blame him, he sees the risign salary cap but that's dedicated to the A-rated players...B-rated players don't (more so shouldnt) benefit from this, as it is to prevent the superstars from having to take paycuts relative to their worth. 30-40mil for those like Lebron/KD.

06-03-2015, 10:58 AM
He deserves it

No he doesn't. You don't massively overpay guys for 3 years based upon what they did 3-5 years ago.

Taller than CP3
06-03-2015, 11:02 AM
D Wade is just trying to keep his wife happy. He knows Gabby Union wouldn't stay married to someone making less than 10 million a year.

Eric Cartman
06-03-2015, 11:38 AM
Why do the Heat even want Wade? (Srs)

not srs

06-03-2015, 11:40 AM
I might be the biggest Wade fan on this board, but $60M is a LOT. $45M is more like it. He's asking too much.

06-03-2015, 11:43 AM
He should take a paycut, like some loyal veterans did, to help his team

06-03-2015, 11:44 AM

06-03-2015, 11:50 AM
I might be the biggest Wade fan on this board, but $60M is a LOT. $45M is more like it. He's asking too much.

my how your tune has changed...in less than a yr too. :rolleyes: he's all-star and all-nba level tho :hammerhead: :hammerhead: :hammerhead:

When players like Iso Joe and Amar'e are making north of $20M, Wade deserves that much as well. Heck, Pau made $40M th last two seasons.

leave the contract negotiations to guys like Riley and myself...who both believe he is worth under $10mil a season :D and are right on the assessment of him and his value

06-03-2015, 12:13 PM
Dragic's going to expect just as much then.

06-03-2015, 01:08 PM
Wade still thinks he's elite. Its been that way for a few seasons now he's getting a reality check


06-03-2015, 01:16 PM
When the cap goes up next year 20 million will be considered the same as a 12-15 million dollar contract is today

06-03-2015, 01:20 PM
When the cap goes up next year 20 million will be considered the same as a 12-15 million dollar contract is today

that's the worst way to interpret the rise of the cap...this mindset indicates all salaries should rise, when in fact, the rising of the cap was to award superstars like KD and Lebron from having to take paycuts when signing to a team and still fielding a squad.

all other players, outside of superstars...will stay relative to their current earnings. only way they gain heavier is going to a non-competitive team looking to just overpay for lesser talent

06-03-2015, 01:29 PM
Wade isn't quite on Kobe or Jordan's level, they can do that when they are washed up, Wade can't

Patrick Chewing
06-03-2015, 01:44 PM

06-03-2015, 02:23 PM
I might be the biggest Wade fan on this board, but $60M is a LOT. $45M is more like it. He's asking too much.

Meh anywhere between $45-52M is fine by me, we overpaid Bosh so now we have to under pay everyone else.

06-03-2015, 02:24 PM
my how your tune has changed...in less than a yr too. :rolleyes: he's all-star and all-nba level tho :hammerhead: :hammerhead: :hammerhead:

leave the contract negotiations to guys like Riley and myself...who both believe he is worth under $10mil a season :D and are right on the assessment of him and his value

God, I always defended you but you're such a jackass and clearly not a heat fan.

06-03-2015, 02:26 PM
my how your tune has changed...in less than a yr too. :rolleyes: he's all-star and all-nba level tho :hammerhead: :hammerhead: :hammerhead:
Dumb****. I always said that Wade deserves $12M-$15M. Not more than that.

Meh anywhere between $45-52M is fine by me, we overpaid Bosh so now we have to under pay everyone else.
That's basically what I've been saying since forever. 4 years $50M-$60M. That is the contract that Wade deserves. r15mohd is a loser LeBron stan who pretends to be a Heat fan.

06-03-2015, 02:27 PM
that's the worst way to interpret the rise of the cap...this mindset indicates all salaries should rise, when in fact, the rising of the cap was to award superstars like KD and Lebron from having to take paycuts when signing to a team and still fielding a squad.

all other players, outside of superstars...will stay relative to their current earnings. only way they gain heavier is going to a non-competitive team looking to just overpay for lesser talent

So much wrong in this post, you really need to learn how the CBA works

first off all salaries WILL RISE, not at once but in the next few years even the lowest of the low will be making a lot more than they make now The MLE will rise, the vets min will rise, everything is adjusted to basketball income....get that through your head to start

The cap is set by the money that comes into the league, it's not going up because stars should get paid it's going up because the league is about to make a bucket load of money because of the new TV contracts and as per the agreement between the owners and the players via the CBA a certain percentage is guaranteed to be split with the players

these kids are about to get a whole bunch richer

06-03-2015, 02:30 PM
Worse contract than Tony Parker

06-03-2015, 02:30 PM
So much wrong in this post, you really need to learn how the CBA works

first off all salaries WILL RISE, not at once but in the next few years even the lowest of the low will be making a lot more than they make now The MLE will rise, the vets min will rise, everything is adjusted to basketball income....get that through your head to start

The cap is set by the money that comes into the league, it's not going up because stars should get paid it's going up because the league is about to make a bucket load of money because of the new TV contracts and as per the agreement between the owners and the players via the CBA a certain percentage is guaranteed to be split with the players

these kids are about to get a whole bunch richer
No point tying to explain stuff to that retard. He still can't seem to grasp the fact that the only thing I've been saying about Wade, is that he deserves $12M-$15M/yr. He still thinks that I want Wade to get a max contract.

06-03-2015, 02:32 PM
God, I always defended you but you're such a jackass and clearly not a heat fan.

:lol :lol :lol i guess, thanks?!? :confusedshrug:

just because I dont believe in the sentiments that a stan does in overpaying for Wade, I'm not a Heat fan :rolleyes: that logic

just ask yourself, outside of the tenure/loyalty to the team over the years...would the Heat even consider paying someone like Wade, with all the known ailments, to such a contract? highly doubt it. the leading factor behind the high contract talks are solely due to his tenure with the Heat...he knows he has a bit more leverage with the Heat from all they have done for him, and what he's done for them.

now tell me, what competing team is willing to pay him 15-20 million a season...answer in none! they either don't have the cap, or rather put their funds to more reliable players than a liability in Wade.

reality sucks but that's what it is...and for Wade, reality is, he isn't worth anything close to the 15-20mil per year he's seeking. and especially from the Heat org who is currently planning to chase another ring with a superteam type squad. if he's firm on his camps statement, he's not going to be a Heat going forward...however, he'll be opting in and grabbing as much as he can this year and sign a 2-3yr deal worth 10mil max/yr going forward

06-03-2015, 02:54 PM
Dumb****. I always said that Wade deserves $12M-$15M. Not more than that.

That's basically what I've been saying since forever. 4 years $50M-$60M. That is the contract that Wade deserves. r15mohd is a loser LeBron stan who pretends to be a Heat fan.

so blatantly lying is your thing now...you just indicated above that if Joe Johnson and Pau are making so much, Wade is deserves the same if not more than they are. however, now, you're saying 12-15m and not a penny more, and find that $60mil deal is too much now. which is it flip flopper? :confusedshrug:

lebron stan...this is the same rhetoric you throw over and over, bring something else worth discussing to the table. this is your best rebuttal when put in a corner on your mindset in giving into Wade's contract terms. the only one here that's a stan is you, as you've indicated you rather Wade be paid a max than the Heat be relevant going forward with your spiteful emotions paving that path.

Lebron's came and gone...however, if the Heat were not to come to terms with Wade, you'd be chasing his AARP a$$ to the next town, or would you be pushing his wheelchair :lol :lol :lol . lucky for you he's opting in, or so most folks in the media around SouthFL are indicating.

these 60mil talks and $10mil seasons are wants from both ends on early discussions...Miami isn't giving in, and Wade doesn't want to leave. he'll opt-in unless some mediocre team swings him with a 20mil/yr confirmed deal, then he can gladly go IMO...we're not matching anything close to that to give you a last hoorah while the Heat remain early round exits at best.

06-03-2015, 03:00 PM
so blatantly lying is your thing now...you just indicated above that if Joe Johnson and Pau are making so much, Wade is deserves the same if not more than they are. however, now, you're saying 12-15m and not a penny more, and find that $60mil deal is too much now. which is it flip flopper? :confusedshrug:
I'm out of words, dude. I can't even call you a retard, because you make retards look like Albert frickin Einstein.

From an earlier post:

"When did I say he deserves a max? Are you retarded or just can't read? I said $12M-$15M is what he deservers. Nothing more than that. IF he agrees to anything less, that's would be awesome. Looking at his value as a player, I'd pay that amount. "


Just stop posting, dude. Seek help.

06-03-2015, 03:10 PM
It's going to be weird seeing D Wade in a Cavs jersey next year. I hope not because then Lebron might go 2/7.


06-03-2015, 03:30 PM
Dragic gonna want a MAX deal too.

06-03-2015, 03:32 PM
If Wade is dead set on a 20 million dollar per year deal then he should prepare to retire. He's not good anymore and can't even stay healthy. I rather give Kobe 20 mill a year tbh, at least Kobe is a world wide brand

06-03-2015, 03:44 PM
I'm out of words, dude. I can't even call you a retard, because you make retards look like Albert frickin Einstein.

From an earlier post:

"When did I say he deserves a max? Are you retarded or just can't read? I said $12M-$15M is what he deservers. Nothing more than that. IF he agrees to anything less, that's would be awesome. Looking at his value as a player, I'd pay that amount. "


Just stop posting, dude. Seek help.

you say that now because his value has dropped over the year...you were in fits because you felt he should be paid as much as Joe Johnson and Pau, if not more, when he opted out last year. mind you, both those players make well around $20mil. so this is your stance then to now...he was $20mil last year to you, now less, and next year less and so it goes for Wade.

just look at it this way...he opted out last year, dropped his 2yrs of $42 mil coming in and ended up with $31mil to assist the Heat in having a competitive squad for these couple years...but during that time he opted out, how many teams came with an offer to him? ZERO...not one, no team was willing to pay him knowing his play and injury-proned game. it's the same, if not worse case this year...and any team that does go after him, is not going to offer him up $20mil unless they are just looking to fill some seats. the competitors don't have the cap space to allow for a player in his position.

06-03-2015, 03:56 PM
you say that now because his value has dropped over the year...you were in fits because you felt he should be paid as much as Joe Johnson and Pau, if not more, when he opted out last year. mind you, both those players make well around $20mil. so this is your stance then to now...he was $20mil last year to you, now less, and next year less and so it goes for Wade.

just look at it this way...he opted out last year, dropped his 2yrs of $42 mil coming in and ended up with $31mil to assist the Heat in having a competitive squad for these couple years...but during that time he opted out, how many teams came with an offer to him? ZERO...not one, no team was willing to pay him knowing his play and injury-proned game. it's the same, if not worse case this year...and any team that does go after him, is not going to offer him up $20mil unless they are just looking to fill some seats. the competitors don't have the cap space to allow for a player in his position.
This is my post from 2013.

"I'm not saying he deserves $20M, but he definitely is worth more than $6M-$8M. I can see him signing a 4 year 45-50 deal."


4 years $50M. Does that sound familiar?

Now **** off, LeBron stan.

06-03-2015, 03:58 PM
If that's true, I'm actually pretty disappointed that Wade wants a Kobe deal after seeing what it did to the lakers.

06-03-2015, 04:01 PM
If that's true, I'm actually pretty disappointed that Wade wants a Kobe deal after seeing what it did to the lakers.it's not a Kobe deal... that 20 million per in a league with cap space exceeding 80 million and going up by a huge amount the following year is nothing compared to a 22 million dollar deal with a cap of 65 million....

06-03-2015, 04:03 PM
it's not a Kobe deal... that 20 million per in a league with cap space exceeding 80 million and going up by a huge amount the following year is nothing compared to a 22 million dollar deal with a cap of 65 million....
You make a good point. The cap is going to go up, so adjusted for inflation it's not as bad.

06-03-2015, 04:04 PM
This is my post from 2013.

"I'm not saying he deserves $20M, but he definitely is worth more than $6M-$8M. I can see him signing a 4 year 45-50 deal."


4 years $50M. Does that sound familiar?

Now **** off, LeBron stan.

funny how you bring up that post...and exactly what I said in 2013, happened for the summer of 2014

contract was at $20mil + per season...restructured to lesser

Wade wanting $20mil again this season, if he has a change of mindset from opting-in, he'll no longer be a Heat.

don't doubt me...stanning sh!t don't work

as for the sentiments to your quote...you said he isn't worth $20mil then, then say he's deserving of $20mil because Pau and JJohnson gets that much, now back to $12-15mil being OK.

question, and this will be the tell-all...do you want the Heat to have title aspirations going forward or for Wade to get paid (even at 12-15mil a season)? what's more important to you?

06-03-2015, 04:10 PM
You make a good point. The cap is going to go up, so adjusted for inflation it's not as bad.

it is bad when the funding is allocated to non-deserving players...it cuts out any chance for a superstar to be picked, and this is within the adjusted cap measures. if Wade is paid over the $10mil/yr, the team will be:


instead, if Wade is paid accordingly by opting-in and then getting a $10mil/yr deal, it can be:


it's VERY BAD when you see what can be had and what can be lost by overpaying for Wade at this point in his career. basically a title contending team to a early round exit.

06-03-2015, 04:22 PM
Worse contract than Tony Parker


06-03-2015, 04:41 PM
as for the sentiments to your quote...you said he isn't worth $20mil then, then say he's deserving of $20mil because Pau and JJohnson gets that much, now back to $12-15mil being OK.
Point me to a post where I said Wade deserves $20M because JJ and Pau are making that much. I must've used them as EXAMPLES, but I never said that the Heat should give him over $15M a year. In fact, I remember saying that Wade should just get $10M-$12M a season after his miserable performance in the Finals last season.

I'm done insulting you, dude. You're not even worth it and you probably wouldn't even understand it.

1. Wade DESERVES (IS WORTH) $12M-$15M
2. I never said Wade should get anything over that (other than when I said it expecting you'd kill yourself).
3. Wade IS an All-Star, he'll be one next season as well, as he IS a borderline All-NBA player.
4. Wade IS the Heat's best player and leading scorer.
5. I always said I hope Wade signs for LESS, but maintained his WORTH.

I can't make any of this shit clearer for you. I can keep bringing up post because I remember and I KNOW what I said. You can try to make shit and try to act like I said stuff which I CLEARLY didn't.

question, and this will be the tell-all...do you want the Heat to have title aspirations going forward or for Wade to get paid (even at 12-15mil a season)? what's more important to you?
Why does a LeBron stan like yourself care?

Again, **** off. You're not a Heat fan.

06-03-2015, 04:47 PM
Point me to a post where I said Wade deserves $20M because JJ and Pau are making that much. I must've used them as EXAMPLES, but I never said that the Heat should give him over $15M a year. In fact, I remember saying that Wade should just get $10M-$12M a season after his miserable performance in the Finals last season.

I'm done insulting you, dude. You're not even worth it and you probably wouldn't even understand it.

1. Wade DESERVES (IS WORTH) $12M-$15M
2. I never said Wade should get anything over that (other than when I said it expecting you'd kill yourself).
3. Wade IS an All-Star, he'll be one next season as well, as he IS a borderline All-NBA player.
4. Wade IS the Heat's best player and leading scorer.
5. I always said I hope Wade signs for LESS, but maintained his WORTH.

I can't make any of this shit clearer for you. I can keep bringing up post because I remember and I KNOW what I said. You can try to make shit and try to act like I said stuff which I CLEARLY didn't.

you're going to remember what you want to...that's fine. and really, you;'re going to stop insulting me...wow, thank you so much AJ! :rolleyes:

Why does a LeBron stan like yourself care?

Again, **** off. You're not a Heat fan.

so just going to avoid the question? :lol :lol :lol it's a simple answer...what do you want to see happen, I mean you're touting yourself as the almighty Heat fan here...the Heat make the future prosperous or Wade gets his money? what's your stance?

answer the question and stop being a f@g

Mass Debator
06-03-2015, 04:54 PM
If they don't pay Wade accordingly and he leaves, the fan base will go into an emotional outcry and no star is gonna want to go there. I say give him his ~$20 million for 1 year and do without one of Deng/Dragic via trade or hope they don't take the option which Dragic won't. Then offer Wade ~$40/mil over 3 years if he produces like a second/third option and be done with it. That's ~$60 over 4 years which I see it as meeting in the middle. Then go after Brewer or Danny/Gerald Green.

06-03-2015, 05:05 PM
If they don't pay Wade accordingly and he leaves, the fan base will go into an emotional outcry and no star is gonna want to go there. I say give him his ~$20 million for 1 year and do without one of Deng/Dragic via trade or hope they don't take the option which Dragic won't. Then offer Wade ~$40/mil over 3 years if he produces like a second/third option and be done with it. That's ~$60 over 4 years which I see it as meeting in the middle. Then go after Brewer or Danny/Gerald Green.

fanbase or stans? based on history, Zo and Timmy have been shown the door when trying to gain huge deals to solidfy their careers as Heat til retirement, and the Heat fans had no huge outcry. was a downer, but the direction of the team was moving elsewhere that couldn't afford to keep them around...and those two were the pinnacle of the Heat for many trial and tribulation years in the late 90s to early 2000s. we moved on, and still landed Shaq, Bosh, Lebron, etc and made good ties with Zo and Timmy on the back end as Heat org staff members

also, those suggestion: none of this gives a title chance though...and that's Riley's mindset. he preps himself for complete title runs with his plans. he knew this season and next year merely was hopes for being contenders, and why there's a multitude of contracts ending next season when the huge FA summer comes again. that's when he wants to shine one last time as Pres of the Heat in giving the city the best chance to win it all.

they're not losing Dragic...it's basically confirmed in that he's getting a 5/100 contract, or we wouldn't have gifted so much to get him. Deng is surely gone as we cant offer him a lengthy contract in what he's looking for to finish off his career.

Brewer or any of the Green's isnt adding to the winning formula IMO...still set at early round exits.

title aspirations is the goal here...and Wade is likely on board with the opt-in, or has a change of heart and says fck it and gets paid while in a non-contending city.

06-03-2015, 05:06 PM
He deserves it
Please explain how he still deserves 20 mil per year...

06-03-2015, 05:10 PM
Please explain how he still deserves 20 mil per year... loyalty and past pay cuts. That and I don't want the heat to be good anytime soon

06-03-2015, 05:14 PM
:roll: @ Giving Dragic $100M/5yrs. That would be worse than Bosh's contract and giving Wade $60M/3yrs.

06-03-2015, 05:15 PM
loyalty and past pay cuts. That and I don't want the heat to be good anytime soon

his pay cuts has become 4 finals and 2 rings worthy...and it's not as if he didn't get paid, he got very good contracts, just not max level.

all this and the huge $100mil Li-Ning deal, plus all the other endorsements he's had...he's made money, lets not be naive to this. he's just looking for immediate retribution for sacrificing, which is understandable, but is not going to happen with the Heat until he retires and is apart of the Heat's front office like Zo.

opt-in, grab as much as u can now...ride out to retirement with a 2-3yr deal next summer with a title competing team, and have Arison/Riley create the front office position, and once you get inducted in the HoF, we'll put your statue in front the AAA.

06-03-2015, 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by r15mohd
question, and this will be the tell-all...do you want the Heat to have title aspirations going forward or for Wade to get paid (even at 12-15mil a season)? what's more important to you?

why don't you answer question and stop avoiding it like the plague...nothing but a Wade-stan, you could care less what the Heat did to win going forward.

answer the question b!tch

:roll: @ Giving Dragic $100M/5yrs. That would be worse than Bosh's contract and giving Wade $60M/3yrs.

relative to the new deals in place, it's not worse, as he's being paid as the B-rated player he is. nice try though. :no:

and nothing is worse than the desperation/loyalty gift aka, Bosh's contract.

Smook A.
06-03-2015, 05:20 PM
Way too much. IMO, he should get 3 yrs/$35-40 mill

Mass Debator
06-03-2015, 05:26 PM
none of this gives a title chance though...and that's Riley's mindset. he preps himself for complete title runs with his plans. he knew this season and next year was hopes of being contenders, and why there's a multitude of contracts ending next season when the huge FA summer comes again. that's when he wants to shine one last time as Pres of the Heat in giving the city the best chance to win it all.

they're not losing Dragic...it's basically confirmed in that he's getting a 5/100 contract, or we wouldn't have gifted so much to get him. Deng is surely gone as we cant offer him a lengthy contract in what he's looking for to finish off his career.

Brewer or any of the Green's isnt adding to the winning formula IMO...still set at early round exits.

title aspirations is the goal here...and Wade is likely on board with the opt-in, or has a change of heart and says fck it and gets paid while in a non-contending city.
Are you talking about title aspirations for next year (2016)? Unless they grab a top free agent this year, they're far from a lock no matter how much money they pay Wade...So just give Wade a boatload upfront (1 year) and do without Deng and maybe even Chalmers. See what Dragic, Wade, Bosh, and Whiteside takes them with a couple of key additions in free agency. There could possibly be four 15+ pt/game scorers next year for the Heat. That's offensive versatility.

Wade gets his 1 year/$20-23 mil for loyalty and a big fat thanks for his championship runs. He will then have to live up to that huge price tag next year and gives the Heat organization a great look moving forward. Wade is definitely the key on grabbing star free agents. Keep him happy in the meantime.

In 2017, offer him a long term contract at a discount and pursue the star pool.

06-03-2015, 05:32 PM
Worse contract than Tony Parker

Wade isn't worth $15m much less $20m. As much as Parker's contract is terrible, usually he's a great work horse during the regular season (even if he's not particularly a great playoff player). That allows everyone's minutes to stay low and saves TD and Manu for the playoffs.

Wade (being broken down) is one of the main reasons why Lebron left for greener (younger help) pastures. He should be grateful to Riley for being so loyal to him.

06-03-2015, 05:34 PM
Are you talking about title aspirations for next year (2016)? Unless they grab a top free agent this year, they're far from a lock no matter how much money they pay Wade...So just give Wade a boatload upfront (1 year) and do without Deng and maybe even Chalmers. See what Dragic, Wade, Bosh, and Whiteside takes them with a couple of key additions in free agency. There could possibly be four 15+ pt/game scorers next year for the Heat. That's offensive versatility.

Wade gets his 1 year/$20-23 mil for loyalty and a big fat thanks for his championship runs. He will then have to live up to that huge price tag next year and gives the Heat organization a great look moving forward. Wade is definitely the key on grabbing star free agents. Keep him happy in the meantime.

In 2017, offer him a long term contract at a discount and pursue the star pool.

this is towards the 2016-2017 year after landing a big FA next summer (2016 summer)

i'm all for letting the team we have ride out and take us as far as we can next year, who knows, maybe they surprise everyone and give the Cavs a run...I have doubts on it based on Wade's decline and injury at times, and basically relying more on Bosh/Dragic to get you over if Wade's a no-go

as for paying Wade more than the 16mil opt-in, say the max at 23.5mil i beleive, that's not going to go by Arsion well due to the tax penalties if that's made an option...it'll be a double-tax repeater or something along those lines and cost the Heat immensely. it is a possibility if Arison is will to take the hit...but seeing how he ousted Miller to avoid penalties last year, doubt he's up for it

Wade is certainly a key to grabbing the next superstar to the Heat, but not at anything over $10mil as the funding becomes very unappealing to the same superstar and trying to keep Dragic, Bosh and Whiteside too.

06-03-2015, 05:48 PM
Wade isn't worth $15m much less $20m. As much as Parker's contract is terrible, usually he's a great work horse during the regular season (even if he's not particularly a great playoff player). That allows everyone's minutes to stay low and saves TD and Manu for the playoffs.

Wade (being broken down) is one of the main reasons why Lebron left for greener (younger help) pastures. He should be grateful to Riley for being so loyal to him.
He has played like 7 fewer games per season than TP since 2012. This includes last year as well, when he missed a ton of games dude to his "maintenance program". 71 fewer minutes per SEASON than TP.

Mass Debator
06-03-2015, 05:53 PM
this is towards the 2016-2017 year after landing a big FA next summer (2016 summer)

i'm all for letting the team we have ride out and take us as far as we can next year, who knows, maybe they surprise everyone and give the Cavs a run...I have doubts on it based on Wade's decline and injury at times, and basically relying more on Bosh/Dragic to get you over if Wade's a no-go

as for paying Wade more than the 16mil opt-in, say the max at 23.5mil i beleive, that's not going to go by Arsion well due to the tax penalties if that's made an option...it'll be a double-tax repeater or something along those lines and cost the Heat immensely. it is a possibility if Arison is will to take the hit...but seeing how he ousted Miller to avoid penalties last year, doubt he's up for it

Wade is certainly a key to grabbing the next superstar to the Heat, but not at anything over $10mil as the funding becomes very unappealing to the same superstar and trying to keep Dragic, Bosh and Whiteside too.
Well, the absolute goal right now is to get Wade to stay while still offering flexibility in the near future for another max. 3/60 is unrealistic. 3/45 is sort of fitting for actual value but Wade won't be happy, and it's not flexible enough for 2017. I also don't see anything more than 4 years. Maybe 4/50 is manageable, but then again, I don't see Wade being happy. Last realistic option is Wade just opting in, but I don't see that happening either.

So after all this process of thinking, I ended up with just giving Wade $20+ mil and go on from there. If the luxury tax is at $81.6 this upcoming year, they can squeeze it in by getting rid of Deng somehow.

06-03-2015, 06:01 PM
Well, the absolute goal right now is to get Wade to stay while still offering flexibility in the near future for another max. 3/60 is unrealistic. 3/45 is sort of fitting for actual value but Wade won't be happy, and it's not flexible enough for 2017. I also don't see anything more than 4 years. Maybe 4/50 is manageable, but then again, I don't see Wade being happy. Last realistic option is Wade just opting in, but I don't see that happening either.

So after all this process of thinking, I ended up with just giving Wade $20+ mil and go on from there. If the luxury tax is at $81.6 this upcoming year, they can squeeze it in by getting rid of Deng somehow.

Knowing how Riley operates...the goal is to make the future title worthy. We've seen him do this with Wade in his prime from 07-10, so to snuff Wade completely now if he's not on board won't be overly hard for Riley...and it won't be his first or second time either.

And to pay Wade heavy for 1yr would be ideal but he's likely not even Considting that unless it's long term based...which is another stipulation if he doesn't opt in.

A median between the two would be great but it's not feasible seeing the title direction Riley wants this team to head into...that's just the realms of business. Nothing last forever

Mass Debator
06-03-2015, 06:20 PM
Knowing how Riley operates...the goal is to make the future title worthy. We've seen him do this with Wade in his prime from 07-10, so to snuff Wade completely now if he's not on board won't be overly hard for Riley...and it won't be his first or second time either.

And to pay Wade heavy for 1yr would be ideal but he's likely not even Considting that unless it's long term based...which is another stipulation if he doesn't opt in.

A median between the two would be great but it's not feasible seeing the title direction Riley wants this team to head into...that's just the realms of business. Nothing last forever
I believe Riley/Micky will come to his senses because with this going public, it's definitely going to ruin the organization's image on loyalty and how they run business. I don't see how Durant would see this as a good thing at all. It'll set the tone as if sacrificing for this team isn't appreciative. Wade isn't a person to do things to make things more complicated. He's unhappy for a reason and I feel like any promises are being swept under the rug.

06-03-2015, 06:57 PM
I believe Riley/Micky will come to his senses because with this going public, it's definitely going to ruin the organization's image on loyalty and how they run business. I don't see how Durant would see this as a good thing at all. It'll set the tone as if sacrificing for this team isn't appreciative. Wade isn't a person to do things to make things more complicated. He's unhappy for a reason and I feel like any promises are being swept under the rug.

It will be somewhat a bad smear, but will it be detrimental...highly doubt that, and that's due to the history of Riley doing this to tenured Heat stars in Zo and Hardaway in the past. It did not hinder Shaq agreeing to come to Miami, or Lebron/Bosh signing under Riley either.

And the appreciative notion is set in stone...back to the same Zo/Harrdawy reference as they're being taken care of as Heat organization figures. All they do is basically show up to games, give a bit of insight and a heft check follows suit. How many other teams can this be said of?

I think a lot of his unhappiness is being limited to a deal when the salary cap is rising...and again, I get his gripe, but he's just not worth paying that much money anymore and especially with the direction the organization is going. He's wanting his sacrificed years paid now, but it just doesn't work that way if he is apart of wanting to win again. If he's not, Riley well tell him he'll have to look elsewhere for that type of money.

06-03-2015, 07:08 PM
Are you sure they didn't mess the numbers up? 3 years at 6 mill a year would seem about right imo. 3 years 18mil all up.

06-03-2015, 07:43 PM
Are you sure they didn't mess the numbers up? 3 years at 6 mill a year would seem about right imo. 3 years 18mil all up.

AJ would commit suicide if this were the scenario :roll: :roll: :roll:

06-03-2015, 08:02 PM
He has played like 7 fewer games per season than TP since 2012. This includes last year as well, when he missed a ton of games dude to his "maintenance program". 71 fewer minutes per SEASON than TP.

1008 RS games 32,638 minutes
203 playoff games 7216 minutes
1211 total NBA games 39,854 total minutes

781 RS games 28302 minutes
152 playoff games 5907 minutes
933 total NBA games 34,209 total minutes

Seeing as they are the same age and Parker's played a lot more games and minutes, who should need the maintenance program. 7 games is more than 8.5% of the season. Admittedly, the whole Spurs team is on a maintenance program in recent years and Parker did not have the kind of responsibility that Wade had in earlier/championship years but still, it's ridiculous to want $15m (much less $20m) for the type of minutes Wade is playing. $20m type money should be for franchise players playing 38-39 minutes all season long.

06-03-2015, 08:04 PM
give da gawd what he wants

06-03-2015, 08:22 PM
You make a good point. The cap is going to go up, so adjusted for inflation it's not as bad.
Plus Wade never hand-cuffed the Heat franchise like Kobe did earlier in his career threatening to leave. Wade has had very little discussion with teams, I think Chicago was the only team he ever talked to.

He'd easily be worth it if he could play 80% of games healthy during the regular season.

06-03-2015, 11:11 PM
He's already 33 and with all the injuries he's suffered/carrying he'll probably only play about 150-180 regular season games over the next 3 years. No way he's worth 60 mil over 3 years, I'd say 25 max

06-03-2015, 11:27 PM
too many injuries. Injury prone, 3/60mil is too risky to invest in him. He aint Kobe, his jerseys sale don't go top 5 every year...

06-03-2015, 11:34 PM
too many injuries. Injury prone, 3/60mil is too risky to invest in him. He aint Kobe, his jerseys sale don't go top 5 every year...If Miami Heat players were paid on a scale of fan support the Heat would have 40 million in cap space every year

Horrible fan base

06-04-2015, 12:08 AM
He deserves it

06-04-2015, 02:20 AM
1008 RS games 32,638 minutes
203 playoff games 7216 minutes
1211 total NBA games 39,854 total minutes

781 RS games 28302 minutes
152 playoff games 5907 minutes
933 total NBA games 34,209 total minutes

Seeing as they are the same age and Parker's played a lot more games and minutes, who should need the maintenance program. 7 games is more than 8.5% of the season. Admittedly, the whole Spurs team is on a maintenance program in recent years and Parker did not have the kind of responsibility that Wade had in earlier/championship years but still, it's ridiculous to want $15m (much less $20m) for the type of minutes Wade is playing. $20m type money should be for franchise players playing 38-39 minutes all season long.
You're comparing their entire careers, and you fail to take into account that TP started his NBA career at 19 and Wade at 22? If you remove TP's first two seasons, over their entire careers, TP has played ~6 games more per season than Wade.

I agree with you that $20M is absolutely ridiculous. Never said Wade deserved that much or is worth that much.

Wade's maintenance program was kinda retarded. They should've done a minutes restriction instead of sitting him almost every other game. That ****ed with his stamina and endurance and it clearly showed in the PO's when he was gassed before the 4th even began.

too many injuries. Injury prone, 3/60mil is too risky to invest in him. He aint Kobe, his jerseys sale don't go top 5 every year...
2015 - #9
2014 - #7
2013 - #7
2012 - #7
2011 - #6
2010 - #6
2009 - #6
2008 - #7
2007 - #2
2006 - #1

Considering the fact that Miami isn't exactly a sports town, it's pretty impressive that Wade's still at #9 even with all the injuries non-superstar production.

06-04-2015, 02:48 AM
Wade wants that Kobe money.

OG LeeTSkeeT
06-04-2015, 05:29 AM
Inb4 leaving miami to collude with james in Cleveland

06-04-2015, 05:31 AM
pay the man

06-04-2015, 09:41 AM

Toenail polish.

06-04-2015, 12:57 PM
My opinion, D Wade 3yrs $60 mil is a good deal for the Heat. He deserve every dollar. If the Heat organization & Wade don't come to terms soon, the eastern conference can change overnight. The Knicks can give Wade a max contract.

06-04-2015, 01:17 PM
My opinion, D Wade 3yrs $60 mil is a good deal for the Heat. He deserve every dollar. If the Heat organization & Wade don't come to terms soon, the eastern conference can change overnight. The Knicks can give Wade a max contract.

Ofcourse it'd be the knicks. No one else is stupid enough to do that.

06-04-2015, 02:32 PM
Ofcourse it'd be the knicks. No one else is stupid enough to do that.

what's the Knicks payroll look like...imagine they land DWade alongside Melo, and Lebron leaves the Cavs to finally get the Big3 he's been after in Lebron Wade and Melo. that would be some eerie sh!t :lol :lol :lol

Originally Posted by r15mohd
question, and this will be the tell-all...do you want the Heat to have title aspirations going forward or for Wade to get paid (even at 12-15mil a season)? what's more important to you?

by the way AJ...stop avoiding the question! :lol

06-04-2015, 03:51 PM
Toenail polish.


06-04-2015, 04:05 PM

06-04-2015, 04:09 PM
One of the greatest SG's ever, but yea, definitely not worth that kinda money.

I think AJ's 13$ mill proposition was on point. Realistic too all things considered.

Papaya Petee
06-04-2015, 04:13 PM
1008 RS games 32,638 minutes
203 playoff games 7216 minutes
1211 total NBA games 39,854 total minutes

781 RS games 28302 minutes
152 playoff games 5907 minutes
933 total NBA games 34,209 total minutes

Seeing as they are the same age and Parker's played a lot more games and minutes, who should need the maintenance program. 7 games is more than 8.5% of the season. Admittedly, the whole Spurs team is on a maintenance program in recent years and Parker did not have the kind of responsibility that Wade had in earlier/championship years but still, it's ridiculous to want $15m (much less $20m) for the type of minutes Wade is playing. $20m type money should be for franchise players playing 38-39 minutes all season long.
Please enlighten me on how many seasons has Parker played in his NBA career vs Wade.

Also, complete joke comparing the two :roll:
Parkers season by season production is comparable to Wades rookie (by far the worst year) in his career.

Even last year, a broken down Wade playing 32 MPG averaged 22\5\4\1, which are numbers that Prime Parker couldn't even sniff.

06-04-2015, 04:19 PM
What year is it again? :wtf:

Mass Debator
06-04-2015, 04:49 PM

06-04-2015, 05:47 PM
by the way AJ...stop avoiding the question! :lol
I don't need to justify myself to the likes of you, LeBron stan.

Spurs m8
06-04-2015, 06:02 PM
Honestly, all i can say is

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

06-04-2015, 06:25 PM
Too much but somebody will pay him if the Heat won't

06-04-2015, 06:28 PM

Between Kobe & Wade, who's coming off the bench? The Lakers don't have room nor $ in getting Wade.

06-04-2015, 06:33 PM
I'm not a Knicks fan. However, they're in the best possible position in picking up Wade. They have the money and the cap space. They can build a very good starting five this upcoming season. If they can get Wade, Rajon Rondo and Josh Smith, the Knicks will be contenders.

Mass Debator
06-04-2015, 06:41 PM
Between Kobe & Wade, who's coming off the bench? The Lakers don't have room nor $ in getting Wade.
Lakers definitely has the $$$.

They can be PG/SG or SG/SF.


Jk but it would be cool to see how Kobe and Wade get along and push each other for 1 year.

Eric Cartman
06-04-2015, 06:45 PM
I'm not a Knicks fan. However, they're in the best possible position in picking up Wade. They have the money and the cap space. They can build a very good starting five this upcoming season. If they can get Wade, Rajon Rondo and Josh Smith, the Knicks will be contenders.
:lol :lol 2 cancers and a cripple

06-04-2015, 06:46 PM
give him the ****ing money

06-04-2015, 06:47 PM
people gotta feed their kids and shit