View Full Version : Boston police gun down terror suspect who wanted to kill the Draw Mohammed organizer

HitandRun Reggie
06-04-2015, 07:57 AM
The Boston terror suspect shot dead by a cop was planning to behead controversial anti-Muslim blogger Pamela Geller, a report suggests.

Usaamah Abdullah Rahim, 26, who was gunned down by law enforcement while wielding a knife on Tuesday, wanted to decapitate the president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative, according to CNN.


This woman is definitely anti-Muslim and a bit of a loon, but crazy Muslims who want to kill her are just giving her more credibility and exposure. I mean what's the point? Even if they do kill her, it will just make Islam look worse and her cause almost validated. :confusedshrug:

Nick Young
06-04-2015, 08:01 AM
XD christ

Insane zealous blood rage because of a drawing.
What a positive religion for the world!


06-04-2015, 08:04 AM

Nick Young
06-04-2015, 08:07 AM
Remember people. During his own lifetime, Mohammad was responsible for several hundred decapitations. He urged his own zealot followers to behead his enemies in order to spread fear and spread Islam. He literally conquered cities with armies and executed everyone who would not convert to his religion.

Anyone who tries to tell you anything else is ignoring recorded historic fact, and lying to you.

These are words recorded in history and even recorded in the Koran, a book written/dictated by the prophet of Islam Mohammad himself.

Religion of peace doe, amirite?


06-04-2015, 08:22 AM
Another thread for bored Nick Young who has nothing better to do, to write paragraphs and paragraphs of brainwashed bullshit that no one will read. Re-evaluate your life bro :lol

We gonna act like the Draw Muhammad organizer was doing this for freedom of expression? :oldlol: Hope no one believes that :hammerhead: OP acknowledges he knows the intentions though :cheers:

For the record, no I don't want anyone harming her. It's obviously bait and done for reaction.

Real Men Wear Green
06-04-2015, 08:26 AM
She's poking the bear. The "kill them" response is insane but if/when she or someone like her gets hurt I'm not going to feel as bad for them as I normally would because they're doing these things to provoke that very reaction. It's like waving the red cape in front of the crazed bull. Do you deserve to be gored? No...but you know damn well how that bull is going to react.

06-04-2015, 08:51 AM
She's poking the bear. The "kill them" response is insane but if/when she or someone like her gets hurt I'm not going to feel as bad for them as I normally would because they're doing these things to provoke that very reaction. It's like waving the red cape in front of the crazed bull. Do you deserve to be gored? No...but you know damn well how that bull is going to react.Well then you should be grateful for her for her willingness to make herself a target, which saves someone else from being this guy's target in the future (fanatics willing to kill and die over prophet drawing, won't stop being a threat if people stop drawing pictures of the prophet; if this woman didn't exist, then that would just mean someone else would be the target, perhaps someone you would 'feel bad' for, like the boy blown to pieces at the Boston Marathon).

Nick Young
06-04-2015, 08:54 AM
Another thread for bored Nick Young who has nothing better to do, to write paragraphs and paragraphs of brainwashed bullshit that no one will read. Re-evaluate your life bro :lol

We gonna act like the Draw Muhammad organizer was doing this for freedom of expression? :oldlol: Hope no one believes that :hammerhead: OP acknowledges he knows the intentions though :cheers:

For the record, no I don't want anyone harming her. It's obviously bait and done for reaction.
Is anything I said untrue?

Did Mohammad urge his followers to behead people during his own lifetime?

Did Mohammad conquer cities?

Did Mohammad encourage violence in order to spread Islam?

Did Mohammad kill people if they refused to convert to Islam?

Don't lie.

06-04-2015, 09:01 AM
Nick Young must be the most bored, anti-social parasite living on UK welfare ISH has ever seen :lol

Nick Young
06-04-2015, 09:03 AM
Funny how everytime this is posted, no one is able to answer the simple and basic questions.:lol

06-04-2015, 09:04 AM
I don't know, I wasn't there. However, I can tell you that you and I didn't read the same history books. Just keep on your act, since you have made this your e-holy war or a better term, e-jihad. Do yo thing.

06-04-2015, 09:06 AM
I have a hard time seeing Pam Geller as anything more than a capitalist and the next evolution of the internet troll, wherein provoking people into insane bouts of rage by way of spouting intentional idiocy at them on message boards and blogs is no longer sufficient...now they've got to take it to the streets. The American freedom and anti-sharia crap she spits is really just about selling her books; baiting these idiot Muslims into attacking her cartoon drawing parties is really a very extreme form of promotion. Its a shame people have to die for this broad to sell shit, but that's America for you.

Nick Young
06-04-2015, 09:07 AM
I don't know, I wasn't there. However, I can tell you that you and I didn't read the same history books. Just keep on your act, since you have made this your e-holy war or a better term, e-jihad. Do yo thing.

Stop lying. Stop pretending that you don't know about all of the bloodshed and violence Mohammad is responsible for. No one buys your act.

everything I said is written in the Koran

Educate yourself about the man you claim to love so much

Then they surrendered, and the apostle confined them in Medina in the quarter of d. al-Harith, a woman of B. al-Najjar. Then the apostle went out to the market of Medina (which is still its market today) and dug trenches in it. Then he sent for them and struck off their heads in those trenches as they were brought out to him in batches. Among them was the enemy of Allah Huyayy b. Akhtab and Ka`b b. Asad their chief. There were 600 or 700 in all, though some put the figure as high as 800 or 900. As they were being taken out in batches to the apostle they asked Ka`b what he thought would be done with them. He replied, 'Will you never understand? Don't you see that the summoner never stops and those who are taken away do not return? By Allah it is death!' This went on until the apostle made an end of them. Huyayy was brought out wearing a flowered robe in which he had made holes about the size of the finger-tips in every part so that it should not be taken from him as spoil, with his hands bound to his neck by a rope. When he saw the apostle he said, 'By God, I do not blame myself for opposing you, but he who forsakes God will be forsaken.' Then he went to the men and said, 'God's command is right. A book and a decree, and massacre have been written against the Sons of Israel.' Then he sat down and his head was struck off.[48][49][62]

It's funny how you always disappear from threads and refuse to answer when I bring up these basic historic facts that are known by everyone educated in history and Islam, including followers of Islam. Mohammad's military exploits are still celebrated in mosques around the world. Stop pretending that you aren't aware of the things Mohammad did.

06-04-2015, 09:17 AM
Mission accomplished, you only need to draw Mohammad to bring out the crazy people, then just leave the rest to the police :cheers:

Nick Young
06-04-2015, 09:19 AM
I have a hard time seeing Pam Geller as anything more than a capitalist and the next evolution of the internet troll, wherein provoking people into insane bouts of rage by way of spouting intentional idiocy at them on message boards and blogs is no longer sufficient...now they've got to take it to the streets. The American freedom and anti-sharia crap she spits is really just about selling her books; baiting these idiot Muslims into attacking her cartoon drawing parties is really a very extreme form of promotion. Its a shame people have to die for this broad to sell shit, but that's America for you.
Yes, freedom of speech and artistic expression is disgusting.

06-04-2015, 09:30 AM
I have a hard time seeing Pam Geller as anything more than a capitalist and the next evolution of the internet troll, wherein provoking people into insane bouts of rage by way of spouting intentional idiocy at them on message boards and blogs is no longer sufficient...now they've got to take it to the streets. The American freedom and anti-sharia crap she spits is really just about selling her books; baiting these idiot Muslims into attacking her cartoon drawing parties is really a very extreme form of promotion. Its a shame people have to die for this broad to sell shit, but that's America for you.
Again, thinning the herd of murderous fanatics can only be a good thing. In the past two incidents the only people who have been killed are the attackers - if Pam Geller wasn't making herself a target (and she deserves book sales far more than most people for taking such a risk - something most people would be too afraid to do), then people who're less prepared, are likely to bear the brunt of the misery spread by this kind of fanatic.

All this to and fro about Pam Geller (I don't know or care about her) is irrelevant: let's just celebrate the death of a murderous fanatic, and move on.

06-04-2015, 09:35 AM
Is anything I said untrue?

Did Mohammad urge his followers to behead people during his own lifetime?

Did Mohammad conquer cities?

Did Mohammad encourage violence in order to spread Islam?

Did Mohammad kill people if they refused to convert to Islam?

Don't lie.
Do you know how many people were killed in the conquest of Mecca?


Nick Young
06-04-2015, 09:44 AM
Do you know how many people were killed in the conquest of Mecca?

Please answer the questions. Stop avoiding the simple and basic questions that you know the answers to.

Real Men Wear Green
06-04-2015, 09:48 AM
Well then you should be grateful for her for her willingness to make herself a target, which saves someone else from being this guy's target in the future (fanatics willing to kill and die over prophet drawing, won't stop being a threat if people stop drawing pictures of the prophet; if this woman didn't exist, then that would just mean someone else would be the target, perhaps someone you would 'feel bad' for, like the boy blown to pieces at the Boston Marathon).
Completely wrong. In fact, if some lunatic goes at one of her events with a machine gun or an IED (like at the Boston Marathon) there is a high likelihood that innocent people that I would feel fully sorry for get hurt. She's an idiot and what's she's doing is of no value whatsoever with a solid chance of inspiring something tragic.

Patrick Chewing
06-04-2015, 09:52 AM
I don't know, I wasn't there. However, I can tell you that you and I didn't read the same history books. Just keep on your act, since you have made this your e-holy war or a better term, e-jihad. Do yo thing.

So you're denying that Mohammed was a murderous zealot??

The dead Jews of Banu Qurayza would like to have a word with you.

If Jesus killed one single solitary soul and the Christian Church tried to justify it, I'd send them all to hell. But Mohammed sanctions the death of thousands, and he is worshiped as a God.

Nick Young
06-04-2015, 09:54 AM
It is 100% historical recorded fact that during his own lifetime Mohammad encouraged death and violence from his followers in the name of spreading Islam. It is 100% historical recorded fact that on several occasions Mohammad ordered people who refused to convert to his religion be executed. It is 100% historical recorded fact that Mohammad was directly responsible for the death of thousands, during his own lifetime.

Imdaman and Brownmamba are both lying when they pretend they don't know about it. When I was in Egypt the Imam's would always be shouting from their minarets about the glorious victories of Mohammad every Friday. The violent aspect of Mohammad is still celebrated by many of his followers today. The man is celebrated as a prophet who could do no wrong-even his executions of innocent civilians are celebrated.

06-04-2015, 09:59 AM
Geller is a very brave woman:applause:

06-04-2015, 10:01 AM
She's poking the bear. The "kill them" response is insane but if/when she or someone like her gets hurt I'm not going to feel as bad for them as I normally would because they're doing these things to provoke that very reaction. It's like waving the red cape in front of the crazed bull. Do you deserve to be gored? No...but you know damn well how that bull is going to react.


06-04-2015, 10:03 AM
Please answer the questions. Stop avoiding the simple and basic questions that you know the answers to.
I answered all of em basically

can you answer this what's going on in Israel, why is there so many violence and agression against african immigrants coming from the local jewish citizens?

thx in advance

Nick Young
06-04-2015, 10:03 AM
Stop justifying terrorism.

No one deserves to be killed for drawing a picture.

It's called freedom of expression.

Deal with it.

Nick Young
06-04-2015, 10:05 AM
I answered all of em basically

can you answer this what's going on in Israel, why is there so many violence and agression against african immigrants coming from the local jewish citizens?

thx in advance
Nope. You ignored and deflected. You didn't answer shit.

In Israel, I don't know anything about Israeli politics or how everyone there thinks, but I assume it has to do with racism, as well as the basic trope of people crying about immigrants taking jobs and scrounging on state welfare, whether it's true or not.

Now answer the basic and simple questions I asked you about the history of the prophet Mohammad.

Why are you afraid to answer?

06-04-2015, 10:08 AM
In Israel, I don't know anything about Israeli politics or how everyone there thinks, but I assume it has to do with racism...

OK thanks g

carry on

06-04-2015, 10:08 AM
Nick Young must be the most bored, anti-social parasite living on UK welfare ISH has ever seen :lol
It's nothing personal, Nick Young is all about biz (http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/08/14/israel-students-social-media/2651715/).

Nick Young
06-04-2015, 10:10 AM
Do you know how many people were killed in the conquest of Mecca?

This is not an answer to any of the questions you were asked. Stop avoiding the questions. Why are you afraid to answer honestly?

It is also a lie that no one died in the conquest of Mecca. Why do you keep making shit up?

Pressed by their enemies, the tribesmen of Khuza'ah sought the Holy Sanctuary, but here too, their lives were not spared, and, contrary to all accepted traditions, Nawfal, the chief of Banu Bakr, chased them in the sanctified area — where no blood should be shed — and massacred his adversaries. Khuza'ah at once sent a delegation to Medina to inform the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, of this breach of truce and to seek help from Muslims of Medina being their allies.

Muhammad emphasized on refraining from fighting unless Quresh attacked. The Muslim army entered Mecca on Monday, 11 December 629 (18 Ramadan 8 hijrah).[4] The entry was peaceful and bloodless entry on three sectors except for that of Khalid's column. The hardened anti-Muslims like Ikrimah and Sufwan gathered a band of Quresh fighters and faced Khalid's column. The Quresh attacked the Muslims with swords and bows, and the Muslims charged the Quresh's positions. After a short skirmish the Quresh gave ground after losing twelve men. Muslim losses were two warriors.[5]

Thereupon Muhammad declared:

"I speak to you in the same words as Yūsuf spoke to his brothers. This day there is no reproof against you; Go your way, for you are free."[9] Muhammad's prestige grew after the surrender of the Meccans. Emissaries from all over Arabia came to Medina to accept him.[10]

Ten people were ordered to be killed:[11] Ikrimah ibn Abi-Jahl, Abdullah ibn Saad ibn Abi Sarh, Habbar bin Aswad, Miqyas Subabah Laythi, Huwairath bin Nuqayd, Abdullah Hilal and four women who had been guilty of murder or other offences or had sparked off the war and disrupted the peace.[11]

However, they were not all killed; Ikrimah lived to adopt Islam and fight in future battles among Muslim ranks. Of the two singing girls who were outlawed by Mohammad, one was slain but the other spared because she converted to Islam.[12] Ibn Abi Sarh had been granted protection under Uthman ibn Affan and when he initially refused to take the mandatory oath of allegiance to Muhammad, the bystanders still did not kill him, due to misunderstanding the edict of the Prophet.[10]

Stop making up lies.

06-04-2015, 11:05 AM
First of all, yes in Islam according to one Hadith (but not Koran) its not recommended to visually depict something you/nobody knows how he/she/it looks like exactly, you may depict orally or in writings though..... HOWEVER.... If/When you visually depict a prophet or God himself there is/will be no problem as it is by muslims done always for artistic purposes or within the context of the benovelent purposes that fit, depictions of Prophets exist and are done by muslims still to this day.... for example there are early portraits of Prophets (Mohamed, Jesus, Abraham and so on) and written physical descriptions whose authenticity is often accepted, even today.... In Iran for example most notably depictions of Prophets appear in the private medium of Persian and other miniature book illustrations....

In the western world / by non-muslims, like In the Renaissance and Early Modern period, Muhammad was sometimes depicted, typically in a more neutral or heroic light....

Although, none of it recommended, it has been done, no problem....

However.... mocking Islam, which is the clear intention today, is a whole different ballpark.... painting a prophet with a bomb t-bagging 5-9 year old girls surrounded by 69-72 naked "virgin" women and so on 24-7.... is not found very fancy by any Muslim, but that is as far as it GOES.... what it can do is only eventually provoke a crazy muslim into crazy stuff....

According to Islam/Koran, you are not allowed to retaliate like THAT.... so that crazy guy doing his crazy thing immediately becomes Kafir & goes to hell, its against Islam.... even though many muslims & even non-muslims will fully understand WHY he did this by simple logic....

So all in all.... it doesnt make Islam look bad, it makes the person/persons who provoke them look bad because that is their full intention...... the Instigator is the Instigator....

Freedom of speech? Sure... i am allowed aswell to go to some random stranger on the street and start talking crap at him the entire day.... eventually that he had enough and may react in whatever way i dont know, will happen.... and its only ME who provoked/instigated it......

PS: You can depict Jesus, Abraham and so on and so on, any prophet like they did with Mohamed the same way (which hints at it mocking Islam).... and it will be the same exact result / reactions.... just so you know.... So its not about Mohamed, its about the mocking of Islam.... In Islam for example JESUS is 100% as important as Mohamed, ALL the prophets are 100% equal & impartial..... But as a Christian (probably former Christian really, probably Atheist/Anti-Religious man, no good Christian would act this way, sorry) why would you target everything/everybody else you have incommon with.... its only Mohamed who is not in the Bible, thats why its only him being used, may not want to target Christians/Your own former religion/Your families religion aswell afterall, only Islam........

06-04-2015, 11:19 AM
...and oh, im pretty sure no practicing Christian or Jew etc. will find depictions that mock their religions very acceptable especially if its done by a Muslim...

However, no muslim has ever depicted like say Jesus to mock Christianity or something.... NEVER HAPPENED....... not even the crazy ones did it....

Why? Its against Islam to mock another Religion, to instigate, to provoke, etc... and any attempt to depict a Christian/Jew prophet is mocking Islam anyways BECAUSE they all share the same god damn prophets, they are all Abrahamic Religions.......... everything is the same, except for one guy, Mohamed....

06-04-2015, 11:27 AM
Again, thinning the herd of murderous fanatics can only be a good thing. In the past two incidents the only people who have been killed are the attackers - if Pam Geller wasn't making herself a target (and she deserves book sales far more than most people for taking such a risk - something most people would be too afraid to do), then people who're less prepared, are likely to bear the brunt of the misery spread by this kind of fanatic.

All this to and fro about Pam Geller (I don't know or care about her) is irrelevant: let's just celebrate the death of a murderous fanatic, and move on.

I'm not quite so ready to move on. She's not just making herself the target; she's making her entire event a target. She's making the people who attend these things targets, which maybe they're okay with...but she's also making people in the general area a target, which I'm guessing a lot of them aren't okay with. One of these times, the murderous religious lunatic in question is going to strap a bomb to his chest and blow himself up at one of these things and there's a good chance that people who aren't professional crazy-baiters are going to be harmed by it.

Pam Geller, at least from my vantage point, is acting the part of a free speech crusader to sell stuff. If she was just blogging and promoting her stuff from her own home, I would be like you...I wouldn't give a flip. But when you bring your crap out into public and put the rest of us at risk? No thanks.

06-04-2015, 11:28 AM
I'm not quite so ready to move on. She's not just making herself the target; she's making her entire event a target. She's making the people who attend these things targets, which maybe they're okay with...but she's also making people in the general area a target, which I'm guessing a lot of them aren't okay with. One of these times, the murderous religious lunatic in question is going to strap a bomb to his chest and blow himself up at one of these things and there's a good chance that people who aren't professional crazy-baiters are going to be harmed by it.

Pam Geller, at least from my vantage point, is acting the part of a free speech crusader to sell stuff. If she was just blogging and promoting her stuff from her own home, I would be like you...I wouldn't give a flip. But when you bring your crap out into public and put the rest of us at risk? No thanks.

Thats the problem, well said.

Nick Young
06-04-2015, 11:30 AM
PS: You can depict Jesus, Abraham and so on and so on, any prophet like they did with Mohamed the same way (which hints at it mocking Islam)
Not really. Tons of cartoonists have mocked Jesus, Abraham and Moses in cartoons. Gary Larson has done it thousands of times for example. None of them have violent gunmen show up wanting to kill them.

Nick Young
06-04-2015, 11:31 AM
...and oh, im pretty sure no practicing Christian or Jew etc. will find depictions that mock their religions very acceptable especially if its done by a Muslim...

However, no muslim has ever depicted like say Jesus to mock Christianity or something.... NEVER HAPPENED....... not even the crazy ones did it....

Why? Its against Islam to mock another Religion, to instigate, to provoke, etc... and any attempt to depict a Christian/Jew prophet is mocking Islam anyways BECAUSE they all share the same god damn prophets, they are all Abrahamic Religions.......... everything is the same, except for one guy, Mohamed....
Wow, so much justification:facepalm

Bottom line-they are wishing to murder people because they don't like a cartoon they drew.

That shit is called censorship. USA believes in freedom of speech and artistic expression. if you don't like it, GTFO.

06-04-2015, 11:40 AM
I'm not quite so ready to move on. She's not just making herself the target; she's making her entire event a target. She's making the people who attend these things targets, which maybe they're okay with...but she's also making people in the general area a target, which I'm guessing a lot of them aren't okay with. One of these times, the murderous religious lunatic in question is going to strap a bomb to his chest and blow himself up at one of these things and there's a good chance that people who aren't professional crazy-baiters are going to be harmed by it.

Pam Geller, at least from my vantage point, is acting the part of a free speech crusader to sell stuff. If she was just blogging and promoting her stuff from her own home, I would be like you...I wouldn't give a flip. But when you bring your crap out into public and put the rest of us at risk? No thanks.
Does anyone actually believe FOS is in doubt in the US? America looks like it doesn't have any problem keeping terrorists in check on their soil, no systematic offensive on the country's freedom of speech as far as I know. Geller looks like an ideal type of bait to attract the worst predators :oldlol:

06-04-2015, 11:40 AM
Wow, so much justification:facepalm

Bottom line-they are wishing to murder people because they don't like a cartoon they drew.

That shit is called censorship. USA believes in freedom of speech and artistic expression. if you don't like it, GTFO.

youre stupid. i can guarantee that you are a nobody.

Nick Young
06-04-2015, 11:42 AM
youre stupid. i can guarantee that you are a nobody.
Sheeple resort to ad-hominem attacks when they have nothing intelligent to say.:cheers:

06-04-2015, 11:43 AM

However, no muslim has ever depicted like say Jesus to mock Christianity or something.... NEVER HAPPENED....... not even the crazy ones did it....

Why? Its against Islam to mock another Religion, to instigate, to provoke, etc... and any attempt to depict a Christian/Jew prophet is mocking Islam anyways BECAUSE they all share the same god damn prophets.

But it seems okay to destroy christian churches, mesopotamian historic temples and kill people of other religions, but NO MOCKING.

06-04-2015, 11:45 AM
Not really. Tons of cartoonists have mocked Jesus, Abraham and Moses in cartoons. Gary Larson has done it thousands of times for example. None of them have violent gunmen show up wanting to kill them.

Its only with Mohammad you can 100% ALWAYS hint at it mocking Islam.... for example:

You place the text "JESUS" here for example and then its kindof questionable if it directly mocks Islam (even though it does it may not be the intention of the artist, maybe the intention is more towards mocking christianity, who knows):


However, if you place the text "JESUS" down here instead then it does the same exact job of equally clearly mocking Islam, due to that Koran verse on his head:


06-04-2015, 11:46 AM
Can't believe there people in this thread blaming the artist. :biggums:
It's what cowards do. Instead of facing the actual threat head on they want to take away the freedoms of others who aren't afraid so they don't have to face their own cowardice

06-04-2015, 11:46 AM
Which do you think pauk stans hardest? LeBron or Islam?

06-04-2015, 11:48 AM
Which do you think pauk stans hardest? LeBron or Islam?Does it matter? He's equally inept at both :lol

06-04-2015, 11:48 AM
The Muslims on this board get so offended when criticized but go out of their way to condone and justify terrorist acts.

06-04-2015, 11:51 AM
Which do you think pauk stans hardest? LeBron or Islam?

I would say objectivity, ration, logic and facts.... however you as a probable Islamophob and/or Lebron hater will disagree im sure....

Shit, imagine if Lebron was muslim aswell.... :oldlol:

06-04-2015, 11:54 AM
Does it matter? He's equally inept at both :lol
His favorite players are Reggie Miller, Drazen Petrovic, Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Kevin Durant and LBJ.

I would say objectivity, ration, logic and facts.... however you as a probable Islamophob and/or Lebron hater will disagree im sure....

Shit, imagine if Lebron was muslim aswell.... :oldlol:
No let's not :biggums:

06-04-2015, 11:59 AM
His favorite players are Reggie Miller, Drazen Petrovic, Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Kevin Durant and LBJ.

No let's not :biggums:

I wonder though where these famous ISH islamophobs like 9erempire, Nick Young (Laker fans) etc. would have been doing if Kareem would be playing today...... best player in the game, a Laker.... and a muslim.... ouch.... better watchout so he doesnt behead & explode there... :eek:

Real Men Wear Green
06-04-2015, 12:00 PM
The Muslims on this board get so offended when criticized but go out of their way to condone and justify terrorist acts.
I'm not a Muslim nor do I condone terrorism. But is it not stupid to intentionally piss off someone you know is crazy solely for the sake of pissing them off? I don't like, for example, the way so many places in the south post the Confederate flag. But I understand that for a lot of them it's about their heritage. They aren't waving it to celebrate slavery and just offend black people. This Geller woman is doing this only to be offensive. And that's why I don't support her actions at all. I don't want to see her shot but if/when it happens it's basically what she's been asking for.

If you see some guy in the street with tears tattooed on his face a gun sticking out of his waistband clothed in all red do you walk up to him and say, "hey ****** **** you" just to see how he'll react?

06-04-2015, 12:06 PM
Muhammad also married a 6 year old girl and had sex with her when she turned 9. Sick, pedophile motherf-cker

Also, when his son died, he came up with some BS revelation that gave him the right to marry his son's wife. How do people take this dude seriously? :lol

06-04-2015, 12:09 PM
I'm not a Muslim nor do I condone terrorism. But is it not stupid to intentionally piss off someone you know is crazy solely for the sake of pissing them off? I don't like, for example, the way so many places in the south post the Confederate flag. But I understand that for a lot of them it's about their heritage. They aren't waving it to celebrate slavery and just offend black people. This Geller woman is doing this only to be offensive. And that's why I don't support her actions at all. I don't want to see her shot but if/when it happens it's basically what she's been asking for.

If you see some guy in the street with tears tattooed on his face a gun sticking out of his waistband clothed in all red do you walk up to him and say, "hey ****** **** you" just to see how he'll react?

We are just wasting time trying to talk sense into these guys, i think they HAVE humanitarian, objective, rational, logical intuitions deep down inside.... but the idiotic/ignorant intuitions they learned before hand combats that....

06-04-2015, 12:10 PM
they need to do a Draw Mohammed event near this dude's brothers mosque. i think they can weed out a few more crazy muslims in that area :cheers:

06-04-2015, 12:13 PM
I'm not a Muslim nor do I condone terrorism. But is it not stupid to intentionally piss off someone you know is crazy solely for the sake of pissing them off? I don't like, for example, the way so many places in the south post the Confederate flag. But I understand that for a lot of them it's about their heritage. They aren't waving it to celebrate slavery and just offend black people. This Geller woman is doing this only to be offensive. And that's why I don't support her actions at all. I don't want to see her shot but if/when it happens it's basically what she's been asking for.

If you see some guy in the street with tears tattooed on his face a gun sticking out of his waistband clothed in all red do you walk up to him and say, "hey ****** **** you" just to see how he'll react?

you're so short sighted and sadly way too PC like most of mainstream.

she's doing u a favor by weeding out the extremists. if they're willing to attack the event for offending mohammed, they're obviously terrorists. how that is wrong i have no idea.

everyone else is a poohsee afraid to offend muslims in fear of getting their head cut off or blown up.

this is where i have to respect the right wing who actual stand up for the country, while left wing pansies are tip toe'ing around scared.

06-04-2015, 12:14 PM
Muhammad also married a 6 year old girl and had sex with her when she turned 9. Sick, pedophile motherf-cker

Also, when his son died, he came up with some BS revelation that gave him the right to marry his son's wife. How do people take this dude seriously? :lol
Probably the same way they believe in their magic underwear: they were indoctrinated at a young age.

Real Men Wear Green
06-04-2015, 12:15 PM
Muhammad also married a 6 year old girl and had sex with her when she turned 9. Sick, pedophile motherf-cker

Also, when his son died, he came up with some BS revelation that gave him the right to marry his son's wife. How do people take this dude seriously? :lol
Abraham married his sister and from their union is supposedly descended the Israelites. The Bible is full of stories about holy men that would be viewed as disgusting by modern moral standards. Unless you're an atheist (and maybe you are) I wouldn't advise throwing stones at another religion's prophets.

06-04-2015, 12:16 PM
That's childish. No religion, no race, no ethnicity, no group of human beings on earth is immune from mockery and/or hate. There are haters out there. Haters gonna hate.

I could easily see somebody's view if their retaliation was because their land was stolen, their country was invaded, people were murdered. Yeah, I can see the outrage and wanting vengeance.

Retaliation by murder and killing over some stupid silly cartoons? I can't get with that. Sorry, Muslims.

I wasn't directing my post at Muslims who retaliate with violence, they're just braindead idiots. I was directing my post at non Muslims who find fault with the artists.

06-04-2015, 12:19 PM
I'm not a Muslim nor do I condone terrorism. But is it not stupid to intentionally piss off someone you know is crazy solely for the sake of pissing them off? I don't like, for example, the way so many places in the south post the Confederate flag. But I understand that for a lot of them it's about their heritage. They aren't waving it to celebrate slavery and just offend black people. This Geller woman is doing this only to be offensive. And that's why I don't support her actions at all. I don't want to see her shot but if/when it happens it's basically what she's been asking for.

If you see some guy in the street with tears tattooed on his face a gun sticking out of his waistband clothed in all red do you walk up to him and say, "hey ****** **** you" just to see how he'll react?
And the fools will say, Muslims are a threat to freedom of speech :lol

Why stick your head out at a zoo to mock a lion when you know the lion is uncontrollable? I guess lions are a threat to humans breathing in air. This is the mentality of the people brainwashed by someone like Pam Gellar.

Real Men Wear Green
06-04-2015, 12:19 PM
I have decided that anyone that says
she's doing u a favor by weeding out the extremistsIs an idiot not deserving a serious reply. No, she is not doing me a favor. The friend that picks me up from the airport at 12 am did me a favor. Not some right wing nut that gets her kicks from pissing off crazy muslims that kill people. No thank you.

Patrick Chewing
06-04-2015, 12:21 PM
I'm not a Muslim nor do I condone terrorism. But is it not stupid to intentionally piss off someone you know is crazy solely for the sake of pissing them off? I don't like, for example, the way so many places in the south post the Confederate flag. But I understand that for a lot of them it's about their heritage. They aren't waving it to celebrate slavery and just offend black people. This Geller woman is doing this only to be offensive. And that's why I don't support her actions at all. I don't want to see her shot but if/when it happens it's basically what she's been asking for.

If you see some guy in the street with tears tattooed on his face a gun sticking out of his waistband clothed in all red do you walk up to him and say, "hey ****** **** you" just to see how he'll react?

Shouldn't the real issue be why some faiths (in particular Islam) generate this type of response in the first place?

I mean really, who cares what people draw or say? There's 7 billion people in the world today and there's been billions if not trillions of people before us. Each one of us unique in our own special way and each one of us with our own unique opinions on a number of issues.

But with Islam, you can clearly see that certain attitudes and behaviors stem from indoctrination and a belief system that reaches back for a thousand years. Islam is a very submissive religion and there is no denying that. That's why women cover their entire bodies from head to toe. To me, that type of attitude does not belong in today's modern society where problems and differences can be solved by discussion and compromises. Therefore, I think pointing the finger at a person like Gellar is a cop-out for what the real issue is. That there is a vastly bigger problem of backwards indoctrination that chokes the very idea of Progressivism and removes any hope of building a better life and society for those in that region.

Real Men Wear Green
06-04-2015, 12:22 PM
Are these anti-Islam artists' events actually being held at an Islamic establishments? In front of Muslims? Is it illegal for them to hold these events?

I don't condone racist and bigoted messages/agendas either but I don't think you shoot them to death because of it.

I don't think a person deserves to die if they're being offensive, if they're mocking me, my beliefs...I'll find other ways to combat it.

I don;t know...I'm just having a real hard time being on the extremists/terrorists side no matter the situation is.
I am absolutely not on their side, I am just pointing out how dumb it is to piss them off for no reason. I don't like skin heads and neo-Nazis but I'm not going to start a fight with one just because I don't like their beliefs.

06-04-2015, 12:25 PM
Muhammad also married a 6 year old girl and had sex with her when she turned 9. Sick, pedophile motherf-cker

Also, when his son died, he came up with some BS revelation that gave him the right to marry his son's wife. How do people take this dude seriously? :lol

A muslim takes only God seriously.... they follow, listen, bow down only to God & Koran.... unlike Christianity (with Jesus, who actually even believe in him as a God).... everybody else is just prophets...

Even Mohammed himself said:

لاَ تُخَيِّرُونِي مِنْ بَيْنِ الأَنْبِيَاءِ

"Do not give me preference to other prophets..."


"Only God and Koran is the preference..."

The last part is extremly important and something many Muslims need to know and many i think dont follow strictly... since there are Hadiths (not Koran), separate books, which are not obligatory to follow, its in the Hadiths for example it says that depictions are not allowed and it says in more details why/how, there are also some other stuff i dont like there, like that music is not recommended (stupidness).... why so many muslims read Hadiths etc. is because its stacked with reports of the personal deeds and sayings of prophet Muhammad... its just interesting, but almost nothing which has to do with God / Koran / Gods words (which is the only thing a Muslim is obligatory to follow) and then hence inadvertently acquire stuff that has nothing to do with actual Islam... but Muhammads personal life... and that is against Islam, even by Mohameds words himself...

PS: As far those other things you said about Muhammad, not entirely true, i suggest you read upon Mohamed & that era... you will understand everything...

06-04-2015, 12:25 PM
I have decided that anyone that saysIs an idiot not deserving a serious reply. No, she is not doing me a favor. The friend that picks me up from the airport at 12 am did me a favor. Not some right wing nut that gets her kicks from pissing off crazy muslims that kill people. No thank you.

thats because u define left wing politically correct poohsee

you'd rather just live in fear of offending them while their extremists are plotting.

meanwhile this lady puts herself out as bait doing something extremists have a very hard time staying away from.

booohooo innocents muslims get offended by sketches of draw mohammed. its unbelievable how PC mainstream America are over practical reality/solutions to issues :facepalm

to put it simply bait killing violent muslims in a rampantly muslim terrorist world > hurting innocent muslim feelings

Real Men Wear Green
06-04-2015, 12:26 PM
Shouldn't the real issue be why some faiths (in particular Islam) generate this type of response in the first place?

I mean really, who cares what people draw or say? There's 7 billion people in the world today and there's been billions if not trillions of people before us. Each one of us unique in our own special way and each one of us with our own unique opinions on a number of issues.

But with Islam, you can clearly see that certain attitudes and behaviors stem from indoctrination and a belief system that reaches back for a thousand years. Islam is a very submissive religion and there is no denying that. That's why women cover their entire bodies from head to toe. To me, that type of attitude does not belong in today's modern society. Therefore, I think pointing the finger at a person like Gellar is a cop-out for what the real issue is. That there is a vastly bigger problem of backwards indoctrination that chokes the very idea of Progressivism and removes any hope of building a better life and society for those in that region.
We have no hope of changing Muslim culture by drawing insulting pictures of Mohammed. Whatever will calm down the extremists, that certainly isn't it. All she is doing is stirring shit up and nothing good is going to come of it. I have never seen anything that we've done be effective really but I know getting them mad will never help. The only effect she can possibly have is getting some crazies shot or getting some crazies to shoot. She is of no value whatsoever.

06-04-2015, 12:26 PM
Whether it was done for freedom of expression or not - freedom to do so it is totally allowed in this country and should not be met with people trying to shoot the convention organizers/artists, etc. Our societies fundamental laws absolutely 100% positively trump religious texts and everyone needs to understand this. If a religion (any religion, I'm not trying to suggest Islam has this in it or w/e) for example suggests slavery is okay, it still isn't okay in the U.S. you don't get a free pass cause religion. You can practice any religion you want here... within the laws of the U.S. So Islam forbidding the depiction of Muhammad, well, that just doesn't hold up in the U.S. and it never will people are going to have to get used to it it's honestly not going to change nor should it.

Everyone has got to see this. I know if you practice Islam you'll probably take offense to the depictions of Muhammad yourself, as you should, but you know what? Christians in the U.S. are offended if an atheist draws some goofy pictures or says some slurs in jest about Jesus or God or the Bible... to an atheist it is funny because those things mean nothing to them and it's nothing but a deliberate attempt to rile up a Christian for a laugh. Learning how to deal with being offended by other peoples religious faiths, or lack of religious faiths or lack of respect for other religious faiths for that matter is part of the cost of living in a Nation where people have freedom to practice any religion. Usually a group that takes offense to something doesn't try to hunt the offender down and shoot them, and if they do they're the criminals/enemies of the state that we don't want around by U.S. law not the ones who did the offending. Anyone is free to insult any religion in the U.S. and the answer is never "KILL THEM!" or "well they instigated it so what do you expect?". Everyone in the U.S. of any religion needs to learn how to adapt to feeling freely criticized and mocked and have your religious rules broken by others because that's exactly what happens when you have a totally free-to-practice (or not practice) melting pot of religions and cultures as one of your countries fundamental freedoms.

We don't have laws against offending people. We do have laws against censorship and murder.

Real Men Wear Green
06-04-2015, 12:33 PM
Whether it was done for freedom of expression or not - freedom to do so it is totally allowed in this country and should not be met with people trying to shoot the convention organizers/artists, etc. Our societies fundamental laws absolutely 100% positively trump religious texts and everyone needs to understand this. If a religion (any religion, I'm not trying to suggest Islam has this in it or w/e) for example suggests slavery is okay, it still isn't okay in the U.S. you don't get a free pass cause religion. You can practice any religion you want here... within the laws of the U.S. So Islam forbidding the depiction of Muhammad, well, that just doesn't hold up in the U.S. and it never will people are going to have to get used to it it's honestly not going to change nor should it.

Everyone has got to see this. I know if you practice Islam you'll probably take offense to the depictions of Muhammad yourself, as you should, but you know what? Christians in the U.S. are offended if an atheist draws some goofy pictures or says some slurs in jest about Jesus or God or the Bible... to an atheist it is funny because those things mean nothing to them and it's nothing but a deliberate attempt to rile up a Christian for a laugh. Learning how to deal with being offended by other peoples religious faiths, or lack of religious faiths or lack of respect for other religious faiths for that matter is part of the cost of freedom of religion in American. Usually a group that takes offense to something doesn't try to hunt the offender down and shoot them, and if they do they're the criminals/enemies of the state that we don't want around by U.S. law not the ones who did the offending. Anyone is free to insult any religion in the U.S. and the answer is never "KILL THEM!" or "well they instigated it so what do you expect?". Everyone in the U.S. of any religion needs to learn how to adapt to feeling freely criticized and mocked and have your religious rules broken by others because that's exactly what happens when you have a totally free-to-practice (or not practice) melting pot of religions and cultures as one of your countries fundamental freedoms.

We don't have laws against offending people. We do have laws against censorship and murder.
Ok. But seeing as we know that this is the kind of thing that inspires the Charlie Hebdo shooting do you think what Geller is doing is a good idea? Is this helpful? Let's say you run a subway system. Geller offers you some money to post her Mohammad pictures on your train. You know that this could make your train system and passengers a target. Are you taking her money? I know I wouldn't.

Yes, they have the right to do this. That does not make it the right thing to do.

06-04-2015, 12:33 PM
We have no hope of changing Muslim culture by drawing insulting pictures of Mohammed. Whatever will calm down the extremists, that certainly isn't it. All she is doing is stirring shit up and nothing good is going to come of it. I have never seen anything that we've done be effective really but I know getting them mad will never help. The only effect she can possibly have is getting some crazies shot or getting some crazies to shoot. She is of no value whatsoever.

whats your solution to ending muslim extremism then lol? suck up to them? do whatever they want?

how many lives did the last event in Texas save, IF those 2 terrorists were still alive and were able to plot? how about this guy that got shot, how many people might he have killed?

don't spout that dumbass politically correct BS like entrapping extremist muslims didn't do anything, it obviously got 2 terrorists who could've killed God knows how many, dead. stop being fake as fukk with this rehashed politically correct sympathizing bullshit where you can't even keep shit real.

06-04-2015, 12:35 PM
Why stick your head out at a zoo to mock a lion when you know the lion is uncontrollable?

So the lion is Islam? You are saying we should never mock Islam because it is a raging beast that will devour us if we do. Nice.

I say if we live in fear of retaliation then the terrorists have won.

Real Men Wear Green
06-04-2015, 12:35 PM
whats your solution to ending muslim extremism then lol?

how many lives did the last event in Texas save, IF those 2 terrorists were still alive and were able to plot? how about this guy that got shot, how many people might he have killed?

don't spout that dumbass politically correct BS like entrapping extremist muslims didn't do anything, it obviously got 2 terrorists who could've killed God knows how many, dead. stop being fake as fukk with this rehashed politically correct bullshit that isn't even real...
I thought I clearly stated that you are a moron. I clearly don't respect your opinions on anything. No, she is not doing me a favor. That statement made no sense, just like everything else you post.

06-04-2015, 12:40 PM
I thought I clearly stated that you are a moron. I clearly don't respect your opinions on anything. No, she is not doing me a favor. That statement made no sense, just like everything else you post.

you're soft as fukk. such a far left poohsee its pitiful. i mean i consider myself left but people like you are everything i hate about Dem's with no sense of reality.

you won't even admit that it killed 2 extremists who would've plotted to kill many innocent Americans at some point. its funny how you refuse to acknowledge that FACT and keep pretending hurting muslim feelings is so awful.

goddamn mainstream politically correct sheep of America are dumb as fukk :facepalm

Patrick Chewing
06-04-2015, 12:40 PM
We have no hope of changing Muslim culture by drawing insulting pictures of Mohammed. Whatever will calm down the extremists, that certainly isn't it. All she is doing is stirring shit up and nothing good is going to come of it. I have never seen anything that we've done be effective really but I know getting them mad will never help. The only effect she can possibly have is getting some crazies shot or getting some crazies to shoot. She is of no value whatsoever.

My point is though, as the years keep going by, when is the world finally going to say enough is enough with radical Islam? It's easy to say that we shouldn't draw these cartoons, but it's a lot harder to actually combat the problem at hand, and nothing in this life is easy. I refuse to believe that the only other recourse is to be "afraid" of expressing our freedom of speech/expression for fear that radical Islam will get offended and seek to kill somebody as a result. That backwards way of thinking does not belong on this Earth. Certainly not today.

Again, the bigger issue here is not Gellar drawing a picture of Mohammed. The bigger issue is that radical Islam is on the rise and cannot seem to be defeated once and for all.

I mean why aren't Jesus freaks trying to kill cartoonists and artists out there? Why is it that the savagery only applies to Islam in this instance? Something has to be done, and not drawing a cartoon is not the solution.

06-04-2015, 12:40 PM
Gellar and her types alike are anti-Islam bigots. That's why they do that. They're 100% assholes. Their job is to destroy your religion.

Unfortunately, the extremists/terrorists who take offense to it are also helping these bigots by being the bigger assholes in this situation.

This is an example of how both of these groups are destroying your religion. I'm neutral in this situation. Racism, bigotry...I hate like it as much as any other minority and have dealt with it in my life too. What can I do? I just have to deal with it. Bigotry- I'm familiar with it. I don't like the message but it's not shocking to me, it's not foreign to me. Beheading people, shooting up people because you're offended by their messages, drawings...this shit is foreign to me. Something new and out of the ordinary. And it looks twice worse than racism and bigotry. It kinda makes me wanna slide onto the anti-Islamic bigot side because I find extremist/terrorist acts a whole lot more dangerous and fcked up than racism/bigotry.

Well said.

Nick Young
06-04-2015, 12:41 PM
Ok. But seeing as we know that this is the kind of thing that inspires the Charlie Hebdo shooting do you think what Geller is doing is a good idea? Is this helpful? Let's say you run a subway system. Geller offers you some money to post her Mohammad pictures on your train. You know that this could make your train system and passengers a target. Are you taking her money? I know I wouldn't.

Yes, they have the right to do this. That does not make it the right thing to do.
Christ, what don't you understand.

In America, freedom of speech and artistic expression and freedom to criticize religions are fundamental rights.

People should not feel safe criticizing one religion, and live in fear criticizing another. There are no heresy laws in America. No one should ever be at risk to be assassinated, or have their embassy burned down, for drawing a cartoon. If the artist is killed, he is not at fault for drawing the cartoon.

Grow some balls.

Real Men Wear Green
06-04-2015, 12:46 PM
My point is though, as the years keep going by, when is the world finally going to say enough is enough with radical Islam? It's easy to say that we shouldn't draw these cartoons, but it's a lot harder to actually combat the problem at hand, and nothing in this life is easy. I refuse to believe that the only other recourse is to be "afraid" of expressing our freedom of speech/expression for fear that radical Islam will get offended and seek to kill somebody as a result. That backwards way of thinking does not belong on this Earth. Certainly not today.

Again, the bigger issue here is not Gellar drawing a picture of Mohammed. The bigger issue is that radical Islam is on the rise and cannot seem to be defeated once and for all.

I mean why aren't Jesus freaks trying to kill cartoonists and artists out there? Why is it that the savagery only applies to Islam in this instance? Something has to be done, and not drawing a cartoon is not the solution.The problem is that this fight isn't worth having. If a Muslim or any other state attacks us then we should absolutely defend ourselves. But this isn't that. This is a troll intentionally pissing off crazy people to stir shit up. If you see a lunatic on the train do you avoid them or do you walk up to them and start talking shit to their face? She is creating confrontations that we don't have to have. It's just stupid.

06-04-2015, 12:50 PM
The problem is that this fight isn't worth having. If a Muslim or any other state attacks us then we should absolutely defend ourselves. But this isn't that. This is a troll intentionally pissing off crazy people to stir shit up. If you see a lunatic on the train do you avoid them or do you walk up to them and start talking shit to their face? She is creating confrontations that we don't have to have. It's just stupid.

all i keep smelling from u is poohsee

your whole mentality reeks poohsee

oh no, better not offend the crazy guy. i'll just sit in a corner until he goes crazy because i'm scared of confrontation.


HitandRun Reggie
06-04-2015, 12:51 PM
How amazing is it that people think Islam, with it's 1% population in this country, deserves a special status in a Christian majority nation? People provoke and mock Christianity and Judaism in the USA on a daily basis. Would anyone but the insane say these people are provoking their own death? :rolleyes:

Nick Young
06-04-2015, 12:53 PM
The problem is that this fight isn't worth having. If a Muslim or any other state attacks us then we should absolutely defend ourselves. But this isn't that. This is a troll intentionally pissing off crazy people to stir shit up. If you see a lunatic on the train do you avoid them or do you walk up to them and start talking shit to their face? She is creating confrontations that we don't have to have. It's just stupid.
You are a coward. With your attitude you are giving in to terrorists, and happily giving up your freedom of expression, with zero protest.


There are no blasphemy laws in the United States.

Get used to it.

Real Men Wear Green
06-04-2015, 12:56 PM
How amazing is it that people think Islam, with it's 1% population in this country, deserves a special status in a Christian majority nation? People provoke and mock Christianity and Judaism in the USA on a daily basis. Would anyone but the insane say these people are provoking their own death? :rolleyes:
"Newsflash": There is a larger segment of the Muslim population that will react violently than Jews, Christians, etc.. That's just a fact. Is it right, justified, etc.? No, of course not. But it's a reality. I don't see how intentionally provoking extremists just for the sake of provoking them and no other reason is a good idea.

Real Men Wear Green
06-04-2015, 12:58 PM
You are a coward.
No, you are an idiot that thinks talking shit on the internet requires some kind of bravery. It does not. What I am is someone that doesn't want to see some crazy terrorist attack for such an incredibly dumb reason. But you, as an internet troll, see value in the stupid. Naturally.

06-04-2015, 12:59 PM
Ok. But seeing as we know that this is the kind of thing that inspires the Charlie Hebdo shooting do you think what Geller is doing is a good idea? Is this helpful? Let's say you run a subway system. Geller offers you some money to post her Mohammad pictures on your train. You know that this could make your train system and passengers a target. Are you taking her money? I know I wouldn't.

Yes, they have the right to do this. That does not make it the right thing to do.
What you are saying is, let the radicals have their power that they desire. They want the world to be afraid of teasing them. They want their religious orders followed by everyone on earth with them on a pedestal free of criticism and jest. Hell, most extremists in question would like nothing more than to conquer and punish the western world.

I don't think anyone in America teasing a religion should be afraid to do so because people within a certain religion come off as extreme and violent in response. We allow freedom of religion in the U.S. as long as it's practices abide by the law. The U.S. does not support the practices of violent religious groups and radicals.

"Don't piss off the KKK! They'll attack you!"

"Don't piss off Islamic extremists, they'll attack you!"

Giving into fear and letting extreme groups such as these historically, or presently have their cake and eat it is the bigger problem in my eyes.

Real Men Wear Green
06-04-2015, 01:02 PM
What you are saying is, let the radicals have their power that they desire. They want the world to be afraid of teasing them. They want their righteous religion on a pedestal free of criticism and jest. Hell, most extremists in question would like nothing more than to conquer and punish the western world.

I don't think anyone in America teasing a religion should be afraid to do so because people within a certain religion come off as extreme and violent in response.

"Don't piss off the KKK! They'll attack you!"

"Don't piss off Islamic extremists, they'll attack you!"

Giving into the fear and letting these groups have their cake and eat it is the bigger problem in my eyes.So you are ok with the random terrorist attacks we will all have to deal with in response to her idiocy? Ok then.

Nick Young
06-04-2015, 01:03 PM
So you are ok with the random terrorist attacks we will all have to deal with in response to her idiocy? Ok then.
You have no spine. Worst mod in ISH history.

HitandRun Reggie
06-04-2015, 01:03 PM
"Newsflash": There is a larger segment of the Muslim population that will react violently than Jews, Christians, etc.. That's just a fact. Is it right, justified, etc.? No, of course not. But it's a reality. I don't see how intentionally provoking extremists just for the sake of provoking them and no other reason is a good idea.

Well that's about the most honest post I've seen from you in this thread, even if it is common sense.

Americans don't like to be bullied, especially by bad guys, into keeping their mouths shut even if it's to their own detriment. It's always been like that, probably always will.

06-04-2015, 01:10 PM
So you are ok with the random terrorist attacks we will all have to deal with in response to her idiocy? Ok then.
In a terrorist attack, it's only the terrorists who are accountable.

We don't live in a country of you disrespected me/my religion so here's a lot of death and destruction in return and this is just how we are so don't ever piss us off again.

That's not okay. That's NOT the fault of anyone who dishes out perceived disrespect especially if it's just words or pictures. That isn't even just a U.S. law that's pretty much the way any country in the civilized world I can think of would view this.

Any would-be attackers are 100% responsible for their actions. Not the instigators.

06-04-2015, 01:10 PM
No, you are an idiot that thinks talking shit on the internet requires some kind of bravery. It does not. What I am is someone that doesn't want to see some crazy terrorist attack for such an incredibly dumb reason. But you, as an internet troll, see value in the stupid. Naturally.

its funny how u keep avoiding the actual points made. obviously bravery and you being a poohsee is in respect to standing up to threats of terrorism, but you somehow twist it to talking shit on the internet. u keep ducking and avoiding the points that put u in a corner.

i swear you must've given up a ton of lunch money to bullies in fear of getting hit with that soft ass mentality. its unbelievable how you refuse to acknowledge the logical points made and just constantly wanting to take shit up the ass.

Real Men Wear Green
06-04-2015, 01:11 PM
You have no spine. Worst mod in ISH history.
I'm sorry, did you go to the Iraq war? Were you part of Seal Team 6? Or are you just some dumbshit talking tough on the internet to a bunch of people you will never see face to face?

06-04-2015, 01:12 PM
So the lion is Islam? You are saying we should never mock Islam because it is a raging beast that will devour us if we do. Nice.

I say if we live in fear of retaliation then the terrorists have won.

That's why they call it terrorism. The whole purpose of the very act is to disrupt their enemies daily lives and have them live in fear.

Judging from some posts in this thread looks like they're winning :lol

Real Men Wear Green
06-04-2015, 01:14 PM
In a terrorist attack, it's only the terrorists who are accountable.

We don't live in a country of you disrespected me/my religion so here's a lot of death and destruction in return and this is just how we are so don't ever piss us off again.

That's not okay. That's NOT the fault of anyone who dishes out perceived disrespect especially if it's just words or pictures. That isn't even just a U.S. law that's pretty much the way any country in the civilized world I can think of would view this.

The attackers are 100% responsible. Not the instigators.
Well, no matter what country you live in you should deal with reality. And the reality is in this case we could see some tragic terrorist attack that was incited for the dumbest of reasons. Sometimes fights can't be avoided and have to happen. But to me there is no value in inciting violence simply for the sake of being offensive. You and others can feel Geller has no responsibility and even I wouldn't put her on trial for anything but if people die as a result of this to me that's too high of a price being paid.

06-04-2015, 01:20 PM
Well, no matter what country you live in you should deal with reality. And the reality is in this case we could see some tragic terrorist attack that was incited for the dumbest of reasons. Sometimes fights can't be avoided and have to happen. But to me there is no value in inciting violence simply for the sake of being offensive. You and others can feel Geller has no responsibility and even I wouldn't put her on trial for anything but if people die as a result of this to me that's too high of a price being paid.
In my humble opinion, freedom is not the dumbest of reasons. These provocations aren't being done simply for the sake of being offensive. I can almost guarantee the ulterior motivation behind it is a means to demonstrate we're free to do this and that fear and intimidation (IE terror) isn't going to stop us.

06-04-2015, 01:22 PM
"Freedom of speech is not a license to be stupid"

“Everyone is in favor of free speech. Hardly a day passes without its being extolled, but some people's idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage.”
― Winston S. Churchill

Real Men Wear Green
06-04-2015, 01:26 PM
There was an arrest here, so that idiot Gellar did a good thing.How is it that people can say she has no responsibility for an attack but somehow deserves credit for this guy getting shot? Is she a cop? First and foremost, it certainly can't work both ways. She either has or does not have indirect responsibility. So if you want to give her credit (what a total joke) when a terrorist gets busted then you have to fault her when a terrorist succeeds. In reality this guy getting caught was the work of the FBI and other organizations tracking a suspect.

I'd say Islam extremists should be intentionally provoked. That's the only way we can separate Islam extremists from Muslims. Like during Imperial Japan, Japanese-Americas had to suffer a bit too. It's unfortunate but that's the situation Islam is in right now.Well that's just a great idea. And what is the acceptable casualty number during this provoking? I'd like to know. And by the way, the internment of Japanese-Americans uis one of the more embarassing acts of our government of the last hundred years. One thing I wonder, by the way: How come we never hear about any German Americans that got locked up for being German in WW2? I'm not even sure it never happened, I'm just curious.

06-04-2015, 01:29 PM
"Freedom of speech is not a license to be stupid"

“Everyone is in favor of free speech. Hardly a day passes without its being extolled, but some people's idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage.”
― Winston S. Churchill
Churchill is not saying don't voice your opinion against people if you don't want to be murdered he's saying don't voice your opinion against people if you don't want to hear their opinion back.

You can criticize and be criticized, tease and be teased. You can't murder people in retaliation. Note the difference?

Real Men Wear Green
06-04-2015, 01:30 PM
In my humble opinion, freedom is not the dumbest of reasons. These provocations aren't being done simply for the sake of being offensive. I can almost guarantee the ulterior motivation behind it is a means to demonstrate we're free to do this and that fear and intimidation (IE terror) isn't going to stop us.
I'm just never going to sympathize with this. See, Geller isn't doing something that she's always done, or would normally do, and getting attacked for it. She is going out of her way to do something that she knows will offend. Thus that's what it's really about: Being an offensive bigot. I will not say we need to remove her freedom of speech, pass some law, etc. I'm just pointing out that she's being dumb, and people could get hurt for a completely idiotic reason.

Patrick Chewing
06-04-2015, 01:36 PM
Blaming Gellar just brushes radical Islam under the rug.

RMWG is from Mass and while not knowing him personally, Mass is a Liberal hotbed and from my experience, Liberals are just very aloof when it comes to matters that are not important to them. I think they see radical Islam as something that does not affect them now, so why should they put time and effort into trying to combat it? These are the same Liberals that will scream on radio and television about equal pay rights, but stay mum on the subject of violence towards women in the Islamic world. How is that possible? How can you chew someone like Gellar out, or blame Charlie Hebdo for their "supposed" incitement, yet stay mum when Islam stones a woman to death in Saudi Arabia??

Liberals live in a box or a bubble or whatever you want to call it, and it's quite fascinating how outside of their bubble/box, they haven't the slightest clue of how to react or think.

I think Gellar was trying to prove a point, that what happened with Charlie Hebdo can happen here. Radical Islam isn't something that's just happening "over there", it's happening here, happening now. Liberals and this administration again failed at the opportunity to realize how big of an issue this is. What more proof do we need than the reaction to the Benghazi attack in 2012. The first person arrested for that attack? The guy who made the video mocking Islam!

06-04-2015, 01:37 PM
“Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets..”
― Napol

06-04-2015, 01:38 PM
How is it that people can say she has no responsibility for an attack but somehow deserves credit for this guy getting shot? Is she a cop? First and foremost, it certainly can't work both ways. She either has or does not have indirect responsibility. So if you want to give her credit (what a total joke) when a terrorist gets busted then you have to fault her when a terrorist succeeds. In reality this guy getting caught was the work of the FBI and other organizations tracking a suspect.

Well that's just a great idea. And what is the acceptable casualty number during this provoking? I'd like to know. And by the way, the internment of Japanese-Americans uis one of the more embarassing acts of our government of the last hundred years. One thing I wonder, by the way: How come we never hear about any German Americans that got locked up for being German in WW2? I'm not even sure it never happened, I'm just curious.
Best not to address corruption/piracy/slavery/terrorism/violent extremists/etc/etc/etc in the world because people might die if we start stirring up the pot.


...if you never stand up for what you feel is right, you will definitely risk losing it. Our society has a set of ideals/freedoms that is currently clashing strongly with a small group of extremists struggling to gain power within what otherwise could be peaceful religion that live on the other side of the world right now. You think the issue is just going to go away if we simply keep quiet? You don't see that this could only turn into a bigger issue later, and should probably be sorted out sooner than later?

06-04-2015, 01:48 PM
This woman is definitely anti-Muslim and a bit of a loon, but crazy Muslims who want to kill her are just giving her more credibility and exposure. I mean what's the point? Even if they do kill her, it will just make Islam look worse and her cause almost validated.
The "point" is that his religion, by his interpretation, encourages his actions. Rationality isn't really relevant -- in his eyes, he's done good.

Real Men Wear Green
06-04-2015, 01:53 PM
Blaming Gellar just brushes radical Islam under the rug.

RMWG is from Mass and while not knowing him personally, Mass is a Liberal hotbed and from my experience, Liberals are just very aloof when it comes to matters that are not important to them. I think they see radical Islam as something that does not affect them now, so why should they put time and effort into trying to combat it? These are the same Liberals that will scream on radio and television about equal pay rights, but stay mum on the subject of violence towards women in the Islamic world. How is that possible? How can you chew someone like Gellar out, or blame Charlie Hebdo for their "supposed" incitement, yet stay mum when Islam stones a woman to death in Saudi Arabia??

Liberals live in a box or a bubble or whatever you want to call it, and it's quite fascinating how outside of their bubble/box, they haven't the slightest clue of how to react or think.

I think Gellar was trying to prove a point, that what happened with Charlie Hebdo can happen here. Radical Islam isn't something that's just happening "over there", it's happening here, happening now. Liberals and this administration again failed at the opportunity to realize how big of an issue this is. What more proof do we need than the reaction to the Benghazi attack in 2012. The first person arrested for that attack? The guy who made the video mocking Islam!
Starface your cousin or something?

Moving on...
Best not to address corruption/piracy/slavery/terrorism/violent extremists/etc/etc/etc in the world because people might die if we start stirring up the pot. These things happen in plenty of places where we're doing nothing. Regardless I don't see how Geller's actions are improving anything. Do you? Correct me if I'm wrong but from what I've read of your posts you're just defending her actions for the sake of freedom of speech. An understandable perspective. I am close enough to it that I am not advocating any kind of government act to censor her. But I again see nothing positive coming out of this with a high potential for something negative.

...if you never stand up for what you feel is right, you will definitely risk losing it. Our society has a set of ideals/freedoms that is currently clashing strongly with a small group of extremists struggling to gain power within what otherwise could be peaceful religion that live on the other side of the world right now. You think the issue is just going to go away if we simply keep quiet? You don't see that this could only turn into a bigger issue later, and should probably be sorted out sooner than later?
The problem with this view is that this isn't going to accomplish anything positive in the Middle East. Please explain how some bigot drawing pictures of Mohammad makes Iraq or Pakistan or wherever a more tolerant culture. It does not. It just fires up the hatred of a few crazies. I am all for effective action. This is not that.
I didn't say she wasn't responsible. That's her job, her agenda is to destroy Islam. I don't agree with her bigotry at all. But what it did was, it brought out an extremist and he was shot dead, which is a good thing because there wasn't a terrorist act out of it. And what happens when that extremist isn't caught in time? Our defenses are not perfect. If you wanted to shoot up the local mall you could do it, guns are easy to get and no one is going to stop you from getting at least a few shots off. The reality is that killing people really isn't that hard. So I don't want to incite the murderously insane when it's so completely unnecessary.

I was just comparing how like how during Imperial Japan, innocent people may suffer too. When Imperial Japan came into its demise, Japanese-Americans didn't have to suffer anymore. Normal everyday Muslims are getting screwed in this situation. No doubt. Once the war on extremists/terrorism is over, Islam won't have to be a target in our country anymore. The bottom line is, extremists and terrorism needs to end just like Imperial Japan.
OK. This isn't the way to accomplish that.

06-04-2015, 01:57 PM


06-04-2015, 02:04 PM
Moving on...These things happen in plenty of places where we're doing nothing. Regardless I don't see how Geller's actions are improving anything. Do you? Correct me if I'm wrong but from what I've read of your posts you're just defending her actions for the sake of freedom of speech. An understandable perspective. I am close enough to it that I am not advocating any kind of government act to censor her. But I again see nothing positive coming out of this with a high potential for something negative.

The problem with this view is that this isn't going to accomplish anything positive in the Middle East. Please explain how some bigot drawing pictures of Mohammad makes Iraq or Pakistan or wherever a more tolerant culture. It does not. It just fires up the hatred of a few crazies. I am all for effective action. This is not that.And what happens when that extremist isn't caught in time? Our defenses are not perfect. If you wanted to shoot up the local mall you could do it, guns are easy to get and no one is going to stop you from getting at least a few shots off. The reality is that killing people really isn't that hard. So I don't want to incite the murderously insane when it's so completely unnecessary.
I am coming from the angle of protecting our freedom of speech yes. It's what our society values perhaps above all else.

I'm not concerned with making Iraq or Pakistan or wherever a more tolerant culture. They don't have to be tolerant that's on them as long as it's all within the confines of their own borders. I'm concerned with our country, preserving its freedom. People here, should be allowed to do what this lady is doing whether you think she's right or wrong. And NO ONE here should be afraid of a terror attack because of it. If they are, that in my opinion only means we need to bolster our defenses. Not button up our freedom. Our freedom should not be the thing that gives first.

Get where I'm coming from? I don't care if someone takes offense on the other side of the globe, if they choose to come to our country to retaliate, that is entirely 100% their own choice and they will pay accordingly and whomever was simply exercising their freedom within our borders should not be held accountable.

That's my view on this. We have a set of laws and freedoms in this country. Whether what we do within our freedom is offensive or not no terrorist or religious extremist group from some other place (or within our borders) should scare that away from us. They're the problem in our society, not the ones exercising freedom.

Real Men Wear Green
06-04-2015, 02:12 PM
I am coming from the angle of protecting our freedom of speech yes. It's what our society values perhaps above all else.

I'm not concerned with making Iraq or Pakistan or wherever a more tolerant culture. They don't have to be tolerant that's on them as long as it's all within the confines of their own borders. I'm concerned with our country, preserving its freedom. People here, should be allowed to do what this lady is doing whether you think she's right or wrong. And NO ONE here should be afraid of a terror attack because of it. If they are, that in my opinion only means we need to bolster our defenses. Not button up our freedom. Our freedom should not be the thing that gives first.

Get where I'm coming from? I don't care if someone takes offense on the other side of the globe, if they choose to come to our country to retaliate, that is entirely 100% their own choice and they will pay accordingly and whomever was simply exercising their freedom within our borders should not be held accountable.

That's my view on this. We have a set of laws and freedoms in this country. Whether what we do within our freedom is offensive or not no terrorist or religious extremist group from some other place (or within our borders) should scare that away from us. They're the problem in our society, not the ones exercising freedom.
I get that you are for her because of freedom of speech. I just see how something could happen that is not at all worth spreading her worthless message.

06-04-2015, 02:25 PM
I get that you are for her because of freedom of speech. I just see how something could happen that is not at all worth spreading her worthless message.
And I think I understand that you don't want things to escalate. But if things do I sincerely don't see it as her fault. Any would-be attackers are not justified for heinous crimes when the only thing an instigator is guilty of is being rude.

Instigating is rude. That's all it is, she's being rude.

Attempted assassination, terrorism or mass murder as a response? That's a heinous crime of the 1st degree against humanity and a deliberate attack on her/our entire Nations freedom. No one who lives in the U.S. should ever be afraid to be rude due to murder and terrorism as a retaliation.

06-04-2015, 02:30 PM
1 down......9000000000 to go

Nick Young
06-04-2015, 02:55 PM
The fact this woman basically challenging terrorists after an assassination was attempted on her is not smart on her part.

There's a difference in believing in your rights and having a death wish
She is willing to die for what she believes in-her fundamental rights as an American.

06-04-2015, 02:55 PM
The fact this woman basically challenging terrorists after an assassination was attempted on her is not smart on her part.

There's a difference in believing in your rights and having a death wish
Sometimes there isn't

06-04-2015, 03:32 PM
I get that you are for her because of freedom of speech. I just see how something could happen that is not at all worth spreading her worthless message.

It's a worthless message to you. Not her, to here it's a message worth getting out and that's the principle of freedom of speech. We don't get to decide what is a worthless message and if it should be heard you only decide if you want to listen to it

HitandRun Reggie
06-04-2015, 04:11 PM
Pamela Geller live on CNN right now.

Jake Tapper: Is this cause worth dying for?

Pamela Geller: Give me liberty or give me death.


06-04-2015, 04:13 PM
Gellar and her types alike are anti-Islam bigots. That's why they do that. They're 100% assholes. Their job is to destroy your religion.

Unfortunately, the extremists/terrorists who take offense to it are also helping these bigots by being the bigger assholes in this situation.

This is an example of how both of these groups are destroying your religion. I'm neutral in this situation. Racism, bigotry...I hate like it as much as any other minority and have dealt with it in my life too. What can I do? I just have to deal with it. Bigotry- I'm familiar with it. I don't like the message but it's not shocking to me, it's not foreign to me. Beheading people, shooting up people because you're offended by their messages, drawings...this shit is foreign to me. Something new and out of the ordinary. And it looks twice worse than racism and bigotry. It kinda makes me wanna slide onto the anti-Islamic bigot side because I find extremist/terrorist acts a whole lot more dangerous and fcked up than racism/bigotry.
I would never defend extremists or terrorists. They use passages out of context to justify killing or causing hysteria. Gellar does the same, although she is not directly killing people.

That being said, I can see why people do not like Islam. It is not properly represented. And any positive PR as someone less educated on Islam put it in a previous thread, does not exist. If a Muslim does something great, it is swept under the rug and never acknowledged. If a Muslim does anything negative, it is blown up and everyone assumes every Muslim is like that.

It is wrong for everyone to assume that we are supposed to police our own, when there is no reasoning with the extremists/terrorists. Some idiot that is capable of putting a bomb on his chest is not to be reasoned with. Reminds me of how happy I was at the ending in the Don Cheadle movie, Traitor.

Nick Young
06-04-2015, 04:23 PM
Pamela Geller live on CNN right now.

Jake Tapper: Is this cause worth dying for?

Pamela Geller: Give me liberty or give me death.


06-04-2015, 04:28 PM
thank you america, keep gunning islam, worthless subhumans.

06-04-2015, 04:29 PM
I would never defend extremists or terrorists. They use passages out of context to justify killing or causing hysteria. Gellar does the same, although she is not directly killing people.

That being said, I can see why people do not like Islam. It is not properly represented. And any positive PR as someone less educated on Islam put it in a previous thread, does not exist. If a Muslim does something great, it is swept under the rug and never acknowledged. If a Muslim does anything negative, it is blown up and everyone assumes every Muslim is like that.

It is wrong for everyone to assume that we are supposed to police our own, when there is no reasoning with the extremists/terrorists. Some idiot that is capable of putting a bomb on his chest is not to be reasoned with. Reminds me of how happy I was at the ending in the Don Cheadle movie, Traitor.
When I think of Islam I think of people like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

And you're right, you or any other Islamic person is not accountable for the actions of other Islamic individuals. Individuals are held accountable for themselves, period.

06-04-2015, 06:30 PM
Pamela Geller live on CNN right now.

Jake Tapper: Is this cause worth dying for?

Pamela Geller: Give me liberty or give me death.


Then that's a yes. :lol

06-04-2015, 07:19 PM
Muhammad also married a 6 year old girl and had sex with her when she turned 9. Sick, pedophile motherf-cker

Also, when his son died, he came up with some BS revelation that gave him the right to marry his son's wife. How do people take this dude seriously? :lol

You can ask that about any and every religious snake oil salesman.

06-04-2015, 07:30 PM
Oh man... screw this of to the NBA forum.


06-04-2015, 07:42 PM
Pamela Geller live on CNN right now.

Jake Tapper: Is this cause worth dying for?

Pamela Geller: Give me liberty or give me death.


no wonder they want to kill - a woman with honor and spine

06-04-2015, 08:52 PM
Some great posts in this thread... Some also not-so-great posts, reeking of submission... it's amazing how much some of you are ultimately dictated by, pressured, or scared of violent terroristic reactions to making fun of [insert certain religion]... Some of you uber-politically correct folks, the "I wouldn't dare offend anybody that's not white" people, would probably hand your killer a coca cola and pat him on the back while they're trying to kill you. Under the guise of "being the nice guy"... Look, I'm Jewish and for the sake of freedom of expression I'll readily say **** Moses and **** Abraham! and whoever else within Judaism. Criticizing religion and ancient religious figures is not the end of the world or punishable by death in a free society

06-04-2015, 08:54 PM
I'm sorry, did you go to the Iraq war? Were you part of Seal Team 6? Or are you just some dumbshit talking tough on the internet to a bunch of people you will never see face to face?

it makes me laugh how u pretend everyone has to serve to be courageous, or not a coward. how about not being scared of them? is that not bravery? you all keep pretending this woman is crazy risking her life to be a target for freedom of speech, and she never served in the military. does that mean she must be a coward? when people vote/support women like her willing to stand up to terrorists while people like you vote/support being afraid of them, who is the coward?

cowards are the ones scared like we can't offend the crazy muslims or they're going to attack us. cowards are the ones pretending like we can't draw or mock the prophet mohammed in fear of retaliation. cowards are the ones afraid of the threats and doing whatever they say. its the most cowardly of cowards to be bullied in your own country and giving into their threats in fear.

06-04-2015, 09:20 PM
She is willing to die for what she believes in-her fundamental rights as an American.

Then she should host these things at her home where she can take on all comers. She should make sure her four children are there with her, too. If she's willing to put the people of Boston at risk, I see no reason she shouldn't be willing to put her kids at risk right along with them.

All this to move a bunch of books and get paid, no less.

06-04-2015, 09:57 PM
did this Key and Peele skit offend any of you?


Poking fun at the misogyny within Islam ... not making a direct comparison to these drawing contests, but come on... religion and it's effects on culture shouldn't be above criticism

thankfully, in the comments, many Muslims (self-identified) seem to be able to take a joke... which is good... Satire and freedom of expression is essential

"And to all muslim that feel pissed because of please learn to laugh of ourselves, if we can't criticize ourselves we can't even talk about others"

"I'm a Muslim I laughed so hard���� people need to understand this is only comedy"

"am also is a muslim.. & I ain't no conservative one, nor ma country.. but I must say you guys must be crazy if you says the first girl ain't no beautiful (if u kno what am talkin bout)"

"I live in muslim country and women cover up just like in the video and they still get harassed and I don't feel key and peele exaggerate that much, I dont feel strange to the way they talk about women cuz men here still talk about women like property they like to own. Its disgusting."

Patrick Chewing
06-04-2015, 10:29 PM
Some great posts in this thread... Some also not-so-great posts, reeking of submission... it's amazing how much some of you are ultimately dictated by, pressured, or scared of violent terroristic reactions to making fun of [insert certain religion]... Some of you uber-politically correct folks, the "I wouldn't dare offend anybody that's not white" people, would probably hand your killer a coca cola and pat him on the back while they're trying to kill you. Under the guise of "being the nice guy"... Look, I'm Jewish and for the sake of freedom of expression I'll readily say **** Moses and **** Abraham! and whoever else within Judaism. Criticizing religion and ancient religious figures is not the end of the world or punishable by death in a free society


06-05-2015, 01:54 AM
Stop wasting your time and read something worthwhile. Actually learn something.
Click the link below.


Nick Young
06-05-2015, 05:38 AM
Stop wasting your time and read something worthwhile. Actually learn something.
Click the link below.

Dude, I'm asking you a legit question in order to expand my knowledge, and not to try to trap you.

How do Imams and other Muslims glorify the military conquests of Mohammad, and then at the same time say that Islam is a religion of peace?

If it is a religion of peace, it is one founded and spread on conflict and bloodshed (in my opinion) and it's creator and prophet, Mohammad, was the one who encouraged that conquest in his followers during his lifetime.

After the battles ended, did Mohammad say something like he never wanted another drop of blood spilled in the name of Islam?

I'm just wondering because I want to know other perspectives.:confusedshrug:

06-05-2015, 07:48 AM
Some great posts in this thread... Some also not-so-great posts, reeking of submission... it's amazing how much some of you are ultimately dictated by, pressured, or scared of violent terroristic reactions to making fun of [insert certain religion]... Some of you uber-politically correct folks, the "I wouldn't dare offend anybody that's not white" people, would probably hand your killer a coca cola and pat him on the back while they're trying to kill you. Under the guise of "being the nice guy"... Look, I'm Jewish and for the sake of freedom of expression I'll readily say **** Moses and **** Abraham! and whoever else within Judaism. Criticizing religion and ancient religious figures is not the end of the world or punishable by death in a free society

"in a free society" shows how much you know. in a truly free society, there is no freedom of speech law to protect you against someone smacking you up for talking reckless. try again.

06-05-2015, 07:52 AM
did this Key and Peele skit offend any of you?


Poking fun at the misogyny within Islam ... not making a direct comparison to these drawing contests, but come on... religion and it's effects on culture shouldn't be above criticism

thankfully, in the comments, many Muslims (self-identified) seem to be able to take a joke... which is good... Satire and freedom of expression is essential

bro are you dumb? you are comparing different intentions. 1 is to make people laugh, comedy. the other is to antagonize.:facepalm try harder texas.

Nick Young
06-05-2015, 07:54 AM
"in a free society" shows how much you know. in a truly free society, there is no freedom of speech law to protect you against someone smacking you up for talking reckless. try again.
That's what assault laws are for, dumbass. Why are you so against freedom?:confusedshrug:

06-05-2015, 08:12 AM
That's what assault laws are for, dumbass. Why are you so against freedom?:confusedshrug:

are you dumb? im referring to a "truly free" society. ohyea, you cant comprehend past what the american government dictates for you. :roll:

freedom to hate and antagonize people? some of you idiots believe that just because someone has freedom of speech it means what they say shouldnt be judged from a moral and ethical standpoint. and if it is, then youre "against freedom". rediculous. HAHAH.

Nick Young
06-05-2015, 08:19 AM
are you dumb? im referring to a "truly free" society. ohyea, you cant comprehend past what the american government dictates for you. :roll:

freedom to hate and antagonize people? some of you idiots believe that just because someone has freedom of speech that theyre actions shouldnt be judged. HAHAH.
Nice use of theyre, sheep man.

You're talking about anarchy, retard.

Yes, Americans have the freedom to hate and antagonize people. There are no thought police laws in America like there are in Canada and the UK.

06-05-2015, 08:26 AM
[QUOTE=pauk]“Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets..”
― Napol

06-05-2015, 08:40 AM
Nice use of theyre, sheep man.

You're talking about anarchy, retard.

Yes, Americans have the freedom to hate and antagonize people. There are no thought police laws in America like there are in Canada and the UK.

no sheep, im talking about worldly laws, the one where if someone talks shit to you, you smack them and they never talk shit again. keep letting the government dictate your thoughts, because they have freedom of speech means you dont have freedom to judge them morally? haha idiot.

Nick Young
06-05-2015, 09:09 AM
no sheep, im talking about worldly laws, the one where if someone talks shit to you, you smack them and they never talk shit again. keep letting the government dictate your thoughts, because they have freedom of speech means you dont have freedom to judge them morally? haha idiot.
You are basically saying that the terrorists have the right to kill people or "smack back" because people drew cartoons that offend them.

You are trying to justify terrorism and blasphemy laws.

You are advocating for artistic censorship.

F*ck off.

Patrick Chewing
06-05-2015, 10:14 AM
Scary that there are that many people out there scared of drawing cartoons for fear of repercussion.

Real Men Wear Green
06-05-2015, 11:25 AM
it makes me laugh how u pretend everyone has to serve to be courageous, or not a coward. how about not being scared of them? is that not bravery? you all keep pretending this woman is crazy risking her life to be a target for freedom of speech, and she never served in the military. does that mean she must be a coward? when people vote/support women like her willing to stand up to terrorists while people like you vote/support being afraid of them, who is the coward?I don't think I called you a coward...but it wouldn't shock me if you were. If you want to sit there and talk about courage as if your stand somehow makes you braver I am going to point out that you have proven no bravery. You are some clown typing bs anonymously on the internet. You can write whatever you want and face no repercussion. That isn't courage.
Ah, i get it: so freedom of speech is only worth defending when the speech in question is useful? Well, if you'd think a little, you might realise that different people have different ideas of what is useful, and that as soon as you limit speech according to its usefulness, you invite infinite relativity and the consequent suppression of truth, always.Your first mistake is saying I am somehow against freedom of speech. I have not called for her to be censored in any way. What I did say is that she has made herself a target and that it would/will be a shame if innocent people get hurt for the sake of her campaign of bigotry.

Nor do you seem to have noticed my previous post, which outlines quite clearly, why people like Geller reduce the threat to the general public rather than increasing it. Thus your wishy-washy 'what about the people who die or are injured unfairly' is shown to be complete rubbish:I believe that I have repeatedly pointed out how ridiculous it is to say she is doing the general public any kind of service. Why does your post deserve further attention? You can read one of my rebuttals to other people that tried to make that insane "point" seeing as we're supposed to be reading everything each other posts.

06-05-2015, 02:23 PM
Another thread for bored Nick Young who has nothing better to do, to write paragraphs and paragraphs of brainwashed bullshit that no one will read. Re-evaluate your life bro :lol

We gonna act like the Draw Muhammad organizer was doing this for freedom of expression? :oldlol: Hope no one believes that :hammerhead: OP acknowledges he knows the intentions though :cheers:

For the record, no I don't want anyone harming her. It's obviously bait and done for reaction.
Freedom of speech includes the right to be a bigot.

06-05-2015, 02:25 PM
I don't think I called you a coward...but it wouldn't shock me if you were. If you want to sit there and talk about courage as if your stand somehow makes you braver I am going to point out that you have proven no bravery. You are some clown typing bs anonymously on the internet. You can write whatever you want and face no repercussion. That isn't courage. Your first mistake is saying I am somehow against freedom of speech. I have not called for her to be censored in any way. What I did say is that she has made herself a target and that it would/will be a shame if innocent people get hurt for the sake of her campaign of bigotry.
I believe that I have repeatedly pointed out how ridiculous it is to say she is doing the general public any kind of service. Why does your post deserve further attention? You can read one of my rebuttals to other people that tried to make that insane "point" seeing as we're supposed to be reading everything each other posts.

If the provocation for violence was insulting speech, in any decent society, the person who initiated the violence should be held responsible and them alone.

06-05-2015, 02:28 PM
Well, no matter what country you live in you should deal with reality. And the reality is in this case we could see some tragic terrorist attack that was incited for the dumbest of reasons. Sometimes fights can't be avoided and have to happen. But to me there is no value in inciting violence simply for the sake of being offensive. You and others can feel Geller has no responsibility and even I wouldn't put her on trial for anything but if people die as a result of this to me that's too high of a price being paid.
There were people that lynched people who wanted to help black people register to vote.

Famously 3 northern activists were viciously murdered because they took actions others deemed as offensive. (registering black people to vote)

Who has the right to say what is offensive and what isnt?

06-05-2015, 04:57 PM
If the provocation for violence was insulting speech, in any decent society, the person who initiated the violence should be held responsible and them alone.

Simply being rude verbally or behaviorally or w/e doesn't warrant death and terror. Anyone who wishes to react to mere rudeness with death and terror is solely responsible for their own actions.

Real Men Wear Green
06-05-2015, 07:37 PM
If the provocation for violence was insulting speech, in any decent society, the person who initiated the violence should be held responsible and them alone.
That doesn't have anything to do with what I'm saying. Do you see me calling for Geller to be locked up or fined? I just said, repeatedly, that she is making herself a target and if/when she gets hurt I'm not going to be as sympathetic as I normally would be.
There were people that lynched people who wanted to help black people register to vote.

Famously 3 northern activists were viciously murdered because they took actions others deemed as offensive. (registering black people to vote)

Who has the right to say what is offensive and what isnt?
If you have the ability to think you can analyze a situation. Everyone involved knows that Muslims find drawings of Mohammad to be offensive. We all know, in fact, that she is hosting these events because she knows it's going to offend. She's doing this on purpose. The fact that she is being offensive really isn't much of a debate.

06-05-2015, 07:47 PM
That doesn't have anything to do with what I'm saying. Do you see me calling for Geller to be locked up or fined? I just said, repeatedly, that she is making herself a target and if/when she gets hurt I'm not going to be as sympathetic as I normally would be.
If you have the ability to think you can analyze a situation. Everyone involved knows that Muslims find drawings of Mohammad to be offensive. We all know, in fact, that she is hosting these events because she knows it's going to offend. She's doing this on purpose. The fact that she is being offensive really isn't much of a debate.
Is that kinda like how MLK made himself a target for KKK terrorism? I mean, he knew the things he was saying offended them and could potentially "provoke" a violent reaction.

Real Men Wear Green
06-05-2015, 07:58 PM
Is that kinda like how MLK made himself a target for KKK terrorism? I mean, he knew the things he was saying offended them and could potentially "provoke" a violent reaction.
Why do you want me to tell you that comparing a bigot's desire to offend muslims to black people struggling for equal rights is stupid? It should be obvious that I view one cause as worth fighting for and the other as Geller's private stupidity.

06-05-2015, 08:16 PM
Why do you want me to tell you that comparing a bigot's desire to offend muslims to black people struggling for equal rights is stupid? It should be obvious that I view one cause as worth fighting for and the other as Geller's private stupidity.
Well, then you simply don't value free speech. You don't.

Drawing cartoons might seem silly and unimportant to you, but it actually is the single most important free speech battle of our times.

Why is it THE most important? Because it is the specific speech issue that is being met with acts of murder, violence and threats.

I can't imagine you would have the same nonchalant opinion if scientologists were murdering people for insulting L. Ron Hubbard or if Mormons were murdering people who drawing pictures of Joseph Smith. Like seriously, just sit back and analyze the ridiculousness of your attitiude.

I know you'll probably just brush this all off, but just imagine this. If some insane right wingers started shooting up people who burn American flags, what would your opinion of flag burning be?

06-05-2015, 11:18 PM
Like seriously, just sit back and analyze the ridiculousness of your attitiude.
That's not going to happen.

Real Men Wear Green
06-06-2015, 05:14 AM
Well, then you simply don't value free speech. You don't. I freely admit that I don't care for what some people have to say. There are fights that I don't think are worth dying for. Hers is one of them.

I can't imagine you would have the same nonchalant opinion if scientologists were murdering people for insulting L. Ron Hubbard or if Mormons were murdering people who drawing pictures of Joseph Smith. Like seriously, just sit back and analyze the ridiculousness of your attitiude. There is nothing ridiculous about valuing human life over bigotry. We don't really have extremist Mormons (Scientologists however will go after somebody albeit not violently). But if there were Mormons killing people over these kinds of things my attitude would be the same, which is that provoking them for no reason beyond the sake of bigotry is a stupid thing to do.

I know you'll probably just brush this all off, but just imagine this. If some insane right wingers started shooting up people who burn American flags, what would your opinion of flag burning be?That it's a dumb idea and if you choose to do it you're putting yourself at risk unnecessarily. I don't value flag-burning either. And?

06-06-2015, 05:47 AM
I freely admit that I don't care for what some people have to say. There are fights that I don't think are worth dying for. Hers is one of them.

There is nothing ridiculous about valuing human life over bigotry. We don't really have extremist Mormons (Scientologists however will go after somebody albeit not violently). But if there were Mormons killing people over these kinds of things my attitude would be the same, which is that provoking them for no reason beyond the sake of bigotry is a stupid thing to do.

That it's a dumb idea and if you choose to do it you're putting yourself at risk unnecessarily. I don't value flag-burning either. And?
And I honestly don't care about this "bigotry" buzzword.

We have certain principles and we have them for a reason. We didn't just come by this "freedom of speech" principle randomly. It's there for very good reason.

Say Christian terrorists like the KKK decided, they're not gonna stand for Muslims preaching that Jesus is not the son of god. I understand that it's probably very "offensive" to them, but you can't tell me that you would take a "well, they should stop provoking the KKK" approach.

No, then you would start using the magic "bigotry" buzzword for why it's absolutely unacceptable to expect that Muslims should have to relinquish their rights for fear of violent attacks. And you would be right, but for the wrong reason. You would not tell them "well, if you don't want to be attacked, you should stop saying things that the KKK doesn't like".

06-06-2015, 05:49 AM
Your first mistake is saying I am somehow against freedom of speech. I have not called for her to be censored in any way. What I did say is that she has made herself a target and that it would/will be a shame if innocent people get hurt for the sake of her campaign of bigotry.
I believe that I have repeatedly pointed out how ridiculous it is to say she is doing the general public any kind of service. Why does your post deserve further attention? You can read one of my rebuttals to other people that tried to make that insane "point" seeing as we're supposed to be reading everything each other posts.
1. I didn't say you were against freedom of speech, simply that you don't even understand what freedom of speech as outlined by the 1st amendment IS.

2. My post deserves further attention because it completely refutes all the idiotic 'what about other people' arguments you are parading around here. You're just proving its irrefutability by not even attempting to come up with an actual response, and instead just reiterating your completely illogical opinion (that i had already refuted, twice).

3. The bolded shows that you've either completely misunderstood or ignored my point, or that your reading comprehension is like that of a 5 year old. 'Innocent people' are always going to be murdered if people want to kill them so much that they're willing to die for that cause; these people despise America, and want to kill Americans. Now, understand this at least before your general dimwittedness become completely incurable: people who undertake attacks like this are not motivated by Pamela Geller, and if Pamela Geller provides a target for them, then so be it (her record so far in terms of fanatics killed and 'innocents' hurt is very good, and is proof she's done something useful), but she's certainly not the only target, and if she weren't around, then these people would probably find softer targets, where the casualties would be much higher.

Annnd, i don't care if this bitch is doing these things for self-interested reasons (who doesn't), but at least she's got some balls (and is standing up for an important issue, to the risk of her life), which is something people like you, and an ever-increasing proportion of American men have completely lost. That is something more noble and brave and important than a pathetic and intellectually damaged moderator on an internet forum, could ever be.

edit: just read some of your other posts in this thread, and gee, you really are incredibly ignorant and self-assured at the same time. LEARN SOMETHING BEFORE RUNNING YOUR MOUTH WITH SUCH IDIOTIC AND CONTRADICTORY OPINIONS. You're making yourself look genuinely retarded.

Real Men Wear Green
06-06-2015, 06:10 AM
And I honestly don't care about this "bigotry" buzzword. I wouldn't think you did. Makes it easier to defend this woman.

Say Christian terrorists like the KKK decided, they're not gonna stand for Muslims preaching that Jesus is not the son of god. I understand that it's probably very "offensive" to them, but you can't tell me that you would take a "well, they should stop provoking the KKK" approach. This would be different. I don't care for Geller because she's only doing what she does to be offensive. Your hypothetical has to do with something Muslims have preached and believed for hundreds of years. A major reaqson I don't support Geller is that she is doing what she does just to piss Muslims off. She is intentionally making herself a target. If some Muslim group was going out of their way to incite KK to attack them I'd call that dumb behavior as well.
1. I didn't say you were against freedom of speech, simply that you don't even understand what freedom of speech as outlined by the 1st amendment IS.And you would be wrong. Par for the course.

2. My post deserves further attention because it completely refutes all the idiotic 'what about other people' arguments you are parading around here. You're just proving its irrefutability by not even attempting to come up with an actual response, and instead just reiterating your completely illogical opinion (that i had already refuted, twice).If I give your argument the 15 seconds it doesn't deserve will you stop talking to me?

3. The bolded shows that you've either completely misunderstood or ignored my point, or that your reading comprehension is like that of a 5 year old. 'Innocent people' are always going to be murdered if people want to kill them so much that they're willing to die for that cause; these people despise America, and want to kill Americans. Now, understand this at least before your general dimwittedness become completely incurable: people who undertake attacks like this are not motivated by Pamela Geller, and if Pamela Geller provides a target for them, then so be it (her record so far in terms of fanatics killed and 'innocents' hurt is very good, and is proof she's done something useful), but she's certainly not the only target, and if she weren't around, then these people would probably find softer targets, where the casualties would be much higher. What are you saying that Godzuki or DMV didn't? You deserve to be ignored.

Annnd, i don't care if this bitch is doing these things for self-interested reasons (who doesn't), but at least she's got some balls (and is standing up for an important issue, to the risk of her life), which is something people like you, and an ever-increasing proportion of American men have completely lost. That is something more noble and brave and important than a pathetic and intellectually damaged moderator on an internet forum, could ever be.
**** you too.

06-06-2015, 06:23 AM
Again, you've not bothered to address any of the points I made, and keep pretending you've already 'dealt with them' when you haven't (please show me), and then just insulting me instead because that's what stupid people do when they can't justify their position, but are too doltish to admit that they're wrong, as you clearly have shown yourself to be in this thread, repeatedly, over and over, and you still won't shut the **** up (you're obviously a part of that brand of infuriating ignoramuses who can never admit they're wrong, because they're literally too stupid to understand the argument at hand).

Real Men Wear Green
06-06-2015, 06:25 AM
Again, you've not bothered to address any of the points I made, and keep pretending you've already 'dealt with them' when you haven't (please show me), and then just insulting me instead because that's what stupid people do when they can't justify their position, but are too doltish to admit that they're wrong, as you clearly have shown yourself to be in this thread, repeatedly, over and over, and you still won't shut the **** up (you're obviously a part of that brand of infuriating ignoramuses who can never admit they're wrong, because they're literally too stupid to understand the argument at hand).
Well then you'll just have to continue to hate me. Not a big deal.

06-06-2015, 06:39 AM
I was adding this to an edit but you'd already replied, so i'll put it here:

Oh, and you say what did i say that other people didn't? Well, i think if you look back to the beginning of this thread, you will see I made that particularly point well before anyone else did, and your reply was so stupid that i really couldn't even understand it. I wrote this on the first page:

Well then you should be grateful for her for her willingness to make herself a target, which saves someone else from being this guy's target in the future (fanatics willing to kill and die over prophet drawing, won't stop being a threat if people stop drawing pictures of the prophet; if this woman didn't exist, then that would just mean someone else would be the target, perhaps someone you would 'feel bad' for, like the boy blown to pieces at the Boston Marathon).

And you replied with this:

Completely wrong. In fact, if some lunatic goes at one of her events with a machine gun or an IED (like at the Boston Marathon) there is a high likelihood that innocent people that I would feel fully sorry for get hurt. She's an idiot and what's she's doing is of no value whatsoever with a solid chance of inspiring something tragic.

I don't know how someone gets from one to the other, but somehow your rather limit mind managed it. It doesn't address the point i made at all. I've already explained why what she's doind has value, in that it encourages these people to attack events that will have sufficient security to deal with them, rather than a subway, or school, even. A murderous fanatic will find another target if Pamela Geller is not there to make herself one - and so far, what, 3 of these guys have been taken out with no 'tragedy?' How many people would they have killed if they hadn't gone after this woman? My bet would be more than the big fat zero they managed; yet this still manages to get your panties all in a bunch.

Real Men Wear Green
06-06-2015, 06:43 AM
Well then you'll just have to continue to hate me. Not a big deal.

06-06-2015, 06:49 AM
I don't hate you: i'd just rather you kept your ignorant and uninformed opinion to yourself for a change. It's tiresome trying to argue over a point with someone who knows nothing about it, and yet is terribly conceited in his moral condemnations of a person far more courageous than himself (is that what gets to you really? That a chick has bigger balls than you - does this make you feel emasculated or something?).

Real Men Wear Green
06-06-2015, 06:49 AM
Well then you'll just have to continue to hate me. Not a big deal.

06-06-2015, 06:54 AM
She's poking the bear. The "kill them" response is insane but if/when she or someone like her gets hurt I'm not going to feel as bad for them as I normally would because they're doing these things to provoke that very reaction. It's like waving the red cape in front of the crazed bull. Do you deserve to be gored? No...but you know damn well how that bull is going to react.
Yes, perfect analogy RMWG - :applause:

Being allowed to speak one's mind is just the same as trying to get yourself gored by a bull. What an apt comparison.


06-06-2015, 07:14 AM
We have no hope of changing Muslim culture by drawing insulting pictures of Mohammed. Whatever will calm down the extremists, that certainly isn't it. All she is doing is stirring shit up and nothing good is going to come of it. I have never seen anything that we've done be effective really but I know getting them mad will never help. The only effect she can possibly have is getting some crazies shot or getting some crazies to shoot. She is of no value whatsoever.
Another fallacy from this genius: one of the key weapons in breaking down blind religious belief was mockery and ridicule. If you can mock and ridicule a religion with no consequences then that takes away a good bit of its mystique (power over individuals), which is part of what makes it so powerful. Mockery & ridicule of religion have gone hand-in-hand with the receding of religion and the power of the church. The religious know this and that's why they're so desperate not to be mocked, and so hide under these idiotic Western inventions like 'the protection from offense' and other nonsense. Note that when the Iranian Ayatollah issued his fatwa against Rushdie, religious leaders from various denominations all chimed in to say it wasn't the suborning of murder for the crime a writing a work of fiction that was the problem here, but the work of fiction itself, and the blasphemy contained within (even though they didn't/couldn't read the book, they jumped at the opportunity to expand religious power). They all know this about religion, and it's why they all fight to bring back blasphemy laws under the moniker of 'offense,' and are all in agreement on that point (doesn't that tell you something?).

And with Islam, they have done very well to restore the mystique, with news-outlets too afraid to cover news stories, Borders withdrawing the only magazine that did publish the Danish cartoons from all its stores. Unsurprisingly, the rates the Muslim conversion are drastically rising, and you're seeing many traditionally British, and formerly Christian people, converting to Islam (because they live in a country that incessantly mocks the Christian faith and yet looks to Islam with a kind of craven deference, likely because they are mostly non-white).

Nick Young
06-06-2015, 08:04 AM
Real Men Wear Green supports blasphemy laws in the United States-but only for Islam.

06-06-2015, 07:58 PM
better safe than sorry I guess