View Full Version : who else thinks that the cavs still have a chance to win?

06-06-2015, 01:03 AM
besides me. TT and Mozgov killed the Warriors on the boards. Shumpert is a lockdown perimeter defender. JR can get hot at any seconds. Delly can injury some of the Warriors' key players. And Lebron is still the best player in the league today. I am not a Lebron's fans nor a Cavs' fans but i think at this point, it is still a 50/50 shot.

J Shuttlesworth
06-06-2015, 01:07 AM
I would say you're a bit delusional.

The Cavs don't have a legit 2nd option with Irving and Love out. You can't beat a 67 win team without a deep roster. TT/Mozgov are great rebounders, but they can't be relied on to score 15 ppg. Maybe i'm pessimistic, but the odds were already in GSW's favor 2 to 1 before the Kyrie injury. Now, the odds are through the roof.

06-06-2015, 01:08 AM
besides me. TT and Mozgov killed the Warriors on the boards. Shumpert is a lockdown perimeter defender. JR can get hot at any seconds. Delly can injury some of the Warriors' key players. And Lebron is still the best player in the league today. I am not a Lebron's fans nor a Cavs' fans but i think at this point, it is still a 50/50 shot.

This really didn't happen. GSW outrebounded the Cavs...

I think they can still win. They will have to play out of their minds, and play the way that got them there in the fist place. Let JR Smith take the ball and isolate when the clock is running down. Spread the floor and find the shooters.
They actually do a really good job of shutting down the outside shooting of the Warriors.

06-06-2015, 01:09 AM
In LeGod i believe he will take us to the land:bowdown: :bowdown:

06-06-2015, 01:09 AM
If Cavs win Bran is Top 5 all-time, lose and he's forever barred from the top 10.

06-06-2015, 01:10 AM
No chance in hell... 2 players down... with a sub-par teamates... NO CHANCE... the CHAMPIONSHIP stay in WEST... :rockon: :rockon: :rockon:

06-06-2015, 01:20 AM
i doubt NBA will let lebron goes down like that, lebron still has alot of market value to the NBA.
Adam Silver will rig the final.

06-06-2015, 02:31 AM
they have a 33.3% chance of winning this series

06-06-2015, 02:34 AM
LeTards everywhere praying on an altar - hoping Curry gets injured.

El Gato Negro
06-06-2015, 03:01 AM
They play the games for a reason, it's not like gs looked good. If they play that way in game 2 the cavs will win.

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
06-06-2015, 03:03 AM
shhh no tears, only 2/6 now

06-06-2015, 03:05 AM
Lebron playing godly is not enough if his teammates always come up short. They're not up against some bitch ass made Warriors. JR, shumpert, everyone needs to step up bigtime, consistently and more so than usual. Lebron has nothing left to prove, his team though :mad:

El Gato Negro
06-06-2015, 03:07 AM
shhh no tears, only 2/6 now
Cute but not relevant to cavs fans 0/2

06-06-2015, 03:26 AM
besides me. TT and Mozgov killed the Warriors on the boards. Shumpert is a lockdown perimeter defender. JR can get hot at any seconds. Delly can injury some of the Warriors' key players. And Lebron is still the best player in the league today. I am not a Lebron's fans nor a Cavs' fans but i think at this point, it is still a 50/50 shot.

Since when?

Huge Knick fan here.

I followed Shumpert since he came into the league as a rookie. His defensive prowess is overrated, he gets blown by smaller/quicker guards.

06-06-2015, 03:28 AM
If Cavs win Bran is Top 5 all-time, lose and he's forever barred from the top 10.

Don't think any all-time greats if replaced with LeBron in this situation would win, so not sure what you mean.

06-06-2015, 03:38 AM
Well, someone is gonna have to replace Kyrie's scoring, and that's gonna have to be a combination of Shumpert/JR. Shumpert already has his hands full on defense, so its gonna come down to JR being the x-factor.They have a 5% chance.

06-06-2015, 11:00 AM
Jr is capable of winning games with his scoring
He has done it during his Knicks day

Remember guys all it takes is one injury for the Warriors then the cavs will be back in the series

Dellanova will do something that dirty sob

06-06-2015, 11:46 AM
They still have a great chance....Lebron is surrounded by shooters and good defensive players.

reminds me a lot of the 07' Cavs...except Lebron is much much better now....especially his post game/ perimeter scoring

06-06-2015, 11:47 AM
you don't believe it either otherwise you'd have posted it on your main.

06-06-2015, 11:54 AM
I actually believe any team in the league can beat another team.

But a significant injury to the war's would improve the Cav's winning 1-2 games.

Cav's coach would need to change the game plan quite dramatically , and quite frankly the War's would have it covered.

I've seldom have said this in all the years I have watch the NBA , but the War's have a 90+ % chance of a sweep.

06-06-2015, 11:57 AM
They still have a great chance....Lebron is surrounded by shooters and good defensive players.

reminds me a lot of the 07' Cavs...except Lebron is much much better now....especially his post game/ perimeter scoring

Great chance?

This Cavs supporting cast without Love and Kyrie is at best the 3rd worst supporting cast in the finals of the last 30 years.

You are right that they are similar to the 07 Cavs...the same 07 Cavs that were rated as the 2nd worst supporting cast in the finals in the last 30 years.

This Warriors team is all time great. They are elite on both ends, very deep, have the star power, and have a great and innovative coaching staff.

Down 0-1...with no homecourt...no Love/Kyrie...this would be the biggest upset in NBA finals history at this point. Probably would be the biggest upset in NBA history.

Great chance? Just no...just absolutely not.

06-06-2015, 12:02 PM
Theres always a chance...if things stand as is, I dont think they have a chance. If Klay or Steph reinjure themselves during some play and are out, that'll even it up.

plus the series doesnt start until a home team loses a game.

06-06-2015, 12:05 PM
shhh no tears, only 2/6 now

:roll: :roll: :roll:

06-06-2015, 12:15 PM
I wouldn't say Cavs have a great chance, but they have a fighting chance. Whether that's a 20, 25, 30% chance of winning is anyone's guess. They are already down 0-1, in a game where they had every opportunity to win. Everyone's lauding GS's strategy against Lebron, but let's be honest GS played very poorly and were within a hairbreadth of losing. GS was playing pretty rough for most of the game and quite a few of them had that "deer in the headlights"/"first Finals game ever" look. If there was ever a game for Cleveland to steal, that was it.

I would have given them a 40% chance of winning before losing Game 1 and losing Kyrie. Now it's less than that. But it's not impossible at all. If GS relaxes and takes its foot off the gas just a little, they could easily go back to Cleveland tied 1-1. It's up to Kerr and Curry not to let that happen.

06-06-2015, 12:21 PM
I wouldn't say Cavs have a great chance, but they have a fighting chance. Whether that's a 20, 25, 30% chance of winning is anyone's guess. They are already down 0-1, in a game where they had every opportunity to win. Everyone's lauding GS's strategy against Lebron, but let's be honest GS played very poorly and were within a hairbreadth of losing. GS was playing pretty rough for most of the game and quite a few of them had that "deer in the headlights"/"first Finals game ever" look. If there was ever a game for Cleveland to steal, that was it.

I would have given them a 40% chance of winning before losing Game 1 and losing Kyrie. Now it's less than that. But it's not impossible at all. If GS relaxes and takes its foot off the gas just a little, they could easily go back to Cleveland tied 1-1. It's up to Kerr and Curry not to let that happen.

Think about what you are saying though.

The Warriors played poorly (you are right), Lebron and Kyrie played great...and they still lost.

They now have to win 4 out of 6 against the clear best team in the league without their 2nd and 3rd best players.

The Warriors are now -650 to -700 in the betting world.

I know everyone has to pretend otherwise so they can hate on Lebron and all, but this would be as big of an upset as we've seen at this point.

A chance? Sure...not going to ever say there is no chance of something happening in sports

06-06-2015, 12:33 PM
Not good but I never count out a Finalist.

Its funny that there were threads that GSW potential world champions comes with an asterisk. Cleveland kind of lucked out letting Boston win and knocking out the heat which would of given them a tougher round 1. Love may not of gotten injured and TT wouldn't of had the run he did. Then ATL starting line up was completely destroyed with injuries and Horford got the boot in the final game.

If Cleveland had Irving and Love and won...Would we consider their championship run with an asterisk because Warriors had no NBA Finals Experience?

06-06-2015, 12:34 PM
Shumpert is a good defender. Not a lockdown defender.

06-06-2015, 01:07 PM
LeBron would literally have to go into God Mode for the Cavs to even have a chance.

That or the Nerdlucks absorb the talent of GS stars ...

06-06-2015, 01:09 PM
LeBron would literally have to go into God Mode for the Cavs to even have a chance.

That or the Nerdlucks absorb the talent of GS stars ...

that's what his stans were trying to say when they faced the bulls...

39% shooting and 5 turnovers per game later they won the series easily..

J Shuttlesworth
06-06-2015, 01:11 PM
that's what his stans were trying to say when they faced the bulls...

39% shooting and 5 turnovers per game later they won the series easily..
You are really comparing the Bulls to the Warriors? :biggums:

06-06-2015, 02:16 PM
If Cavs win Bran is Top 5 all-time, lose and he's forever barred from the top 10.


06-06-2015, 02:19 PM
If LeBron wins this series, he's the greatest of all-time. There I said it and I hate him.

No #2 guy, no #3 guy. Just a bunch of Knicks outcasts. The hot garbage New York Knicks.
JR, Shum and Mozgov. Remember they traded away Mozgov and half of the Knicks roster for Melo?

06-06-2015, 02:21 PM
You are really comparing the Bulls to the Warriors? :biggums:

just showing that this whole "lebron has to do x" to win is nonsense, he played like trash for majority of the Bulls series and they still won, the team is better than given credit for

06-06-2015, 02:25 PM
It's a snowball's chance in hell, honestly.

06-06-2015, 03:30 PM
they have zero depth and are going up against a great offensive and defensive team and are already stuck one game in the series. it's over.

J Shuttlesworth
06-06-2015, 03:33 PM
just showing that this whole "lebron has to do x" to win is nonsense, he played like trash for majority of the Bulls series and they still won, the team is better than given credit for
He led the series in points, rebounds, assists, steals, and blocks. He just didn't shoot great.

06-06-2015, 04:55 PM
i do.