View Full Version : If Derrick Fisher doesn't hit the buzzer beater against the Spurs in 04 do they have

06-12-2015, 11:56 PM
6 rings instead of 5?

They would have played that same Pistons team who beat the Lakers in the Finals. Or do you think the Pistons was not going to lose to any team in the West that year due to their defensive dominance?

BTW: That buzzer beater has to be the worst playoff loss for any franchise in NBA History

06-12-2015, 11:58 PM
6 rings instead of 5?

They would have played that same Pistons team who beat the Lakers in the Finals. Or do you think the Pistons was not going to lose to any team in the West that year due to their defensive dominance?

BTW: That buzzer beater has to be the worst playoff loss for any franchise in NBA History

Nope, not even the worst loss the Duncan/Pop Spurs experienced


I honestly think that's the worst loss in NBA history

06-13-2015, 12:02 AM
no.. spurs don't know how to repeat as champs

06-13-2015, 12:05 AM
Nope, not even the worst loss the Duncan/Pop Spurs experienced


I honestly think that's the worst loss in NBA history

That's probably the worst collapse in NBA Playoff history but I still choose the 2004 game as the worst loss because it was only 4 tenths of a second left in the game.

06-13-2015, 12:05 AM
6 rings instead of 5?

They would have played that same Pistons team who beat the Lakers in the Finals. Or do you think the Pistons was not going to lose to any team in the West that year due to their defensive dominance?

BTW: That buzzer beater has to be the worst playoff loss for any franchise in NBA History

Would of 3peated as well. Shit, you can even look at the '06 and '13 series' like that one, too. Those also came down to one final play. We could potentially be looking at a 5peat and a repeat for 8 rings total. :eek: Toss in '12 where the refs took over for OKC or '15 with CP3's fluke shot at the end and potentially another 3peat or 4peat on top of it for 9-10 rings. :cry:

06-13-2015, 10:27 AM

Fisher's shot, which came after Duncan hit a miracle shot that he had no business making, only gave the Lakers a 3-2 series lead.

What's more, LA easily won game six, in yet another Duncan 4th quarter meltdown, in which he shot 2-6 from the field, and 2-4 from the line. Overall, he went 7-18 from the field. BTW, the Lakers won the last four straight games of that series (and it was also only the WCSF's.)

If fans are going to argue that if SA had won that game five, that they would have beaten the Pistons in the Finals, I could make the same case for LA in the previous season ('02-03.)

The Spurs and Lakers met in the WCSF's, and SA won that series, 4-2. However, in game five, and with a visibly shaken Duncan once again blowing chunks all over the floor in the 4th quarter, the Lakers stormed back from a 25 point deficit late in the 3rd quarter...all the way back to a Robert Horry trey that somehow rimmed out at the end of the game that would have won it for the Lakers. The Spurs routed LA in game six (luckily for Duncan, he didn't have to do much in that 4th quarter), and the Spurs went on to easily beat Dallas in the WCF's, and the wiped out a panzie Nets team in the Finals, 4-2 (the same Nets team that the Lakers swept in the '02 Finals.)

06-13-2015, 10:31 AM
That following years, the Spurs should have lost the Finals if not for old man Horry coming out of nowhere to lead a comeback.

The Spurs were worse than the Pistons both years. Duncan should have 4 rings. Horrible OP.

06-13-2015, 10:32 AM
Lazeruss....why you hate on Duncan?

Wilt choked regularly playing in the league against...5'11 part-timers......Duncan played in some of the toughest western conferences off all time and won 5 rings.

He's better and greater than Wilt....get over it...

06-13-2015, 10:34 AM
Would of 3peated as well. Shit, you can even look at the '06 and '13 series' like that one, too. Those also came down to one final play. We could potentially be looking at a 5peat and a repeat for 8 rings total. :eek: Toss in '12 where the refs took over for OKC or '15 with CP3's fluke shot at the end and potentially another 3peat or 4peat on top of it for 9-10 rings. :cry:

Refs took over for OKC? :roll:

There was a difference of 11 FTA and 6 fouls for the entire series

06-13-2015, 10:36 AM
I still think it would have been five rings.

The 04 Pistons were slightly better than the 05 Pistons, and the 04 Spurs were worse than the 05 Spurs (particularly because Manu hadn't developed into the player he'd become the next season yet).

Also, @Laz, I made a post responding to this stuff in the other thread. Perhaps you missed it:



06-13-2015, 10:38 AM
Lazeruss....why you hate on Duncan?

Wilt choked regularly playing in the league against...5'11 part-timers......Duncan played in some of the toughest western conferences off all time and won 5 rings.

He's better and greater than Wilt....get over it...

It's funny, Duncan's shot 40% in these 4th Quarter meltdowns against Shaq, which is still better than Wilt's FT% in the Finals (37%). :oldlol:

06-13-2015, 10:43 AM
Lazeruss....why you hate on Duncan?

Wilt choked regularly playing in the league against...5'11 part-timers......Duncan played in some of the toughest western conferences off all time and won 5 rings.

He's better and greater than Wilt....get over it...

Chamberlain was FAR more dominant in his post-seasons than Duncan ever was. And, Wilt's inferior rosters, that almost always under-performed in the post-season, faced GREAT teams in 12 of his 13 post-seasons. His teams were losing to the greatest Dynasty in NBA history in seven of eight H2H's (and when Wilt had an equal supporting cast to Russell's, that was healthy, they annihilated a 60-21 HOF-laden Celtic team, 4-1, in a series in which they were four points away from a sweep in game four.) Furthermore, Wilt either outplayed, or downright slaughtered Russell ALL eight of those H2H's.

His 46-36 Laker team also lost to an all-time great 60-22 Knicks team in the '70 Finals, and with Wilt playing at nowhere near 100%...and still the best player in that series. Then, without his two best teammates in the '71 post-season, his 48-34 Lakers lost to a Top-5 all-time 66-16 Bucks team, 4-1, in a series in which a way-past-his-prime Chamberlain outplayed a PEAK Alcindor (Kareem.) His '72 team crushed a HOF-laden Knicks team in the '72 Finals, in a series in which Wilt easily won the FMVP (and with his second best teammate, West, shooting .325 from the field.) And then he took his injury-riddled Lakers into the '73 Finals, where they lost 4-1 to a Knicks team that had SIX HOFers...and all four losses were decided in the last minute.

None other than John Wooden said it best...had Wilt and Russell swapped roster, and coaches, in their 10 years in the league together, and it would have been Wilt holding all those rings.

06-13-2015, 10:45 AM
It's funny, Duncan's shot 40% in these 4th Quarter meltdowns against Shaq, which is still better than Wilt's FT% in the Finals (37%). :oldlol:

Of course, Wilt also shot .560 from the field in his six Finals, in post-seasons that shot about .435 on average...all while holding those opposing HOF centers to a .439 FG%.

Oh, and he just murdered all of them on the glass, as well.

BTW, take away Duncan's 4th quarter FG%s in his '04 series against LA, and in which almost all of his made shots were pure luck...and in the other three series 4th quarters... a .348 FG%!

Magic 32
06-13-2015, 10:57 AM
And if Big/Cheap-Shot-Bob didn't miss his gamewinning shot in game 5 of the 2003 WCSF, not to mention slamming into Nash in 2007, the Spurs would be stuck at 3.

06-13-2015, 11:07 AM
Chamberlain was FAR more dominant in his post-seasons than Duncan ever was. And, Wilt's inferior rosters, that almost always under-performed in the post-season, faced GREAT teams in 12 of his 13 post-seasons. His teams were losing to the greatest Dynasty in NBA history in seven of eight H2H's (and when Wilt had an equal supporting cast to Russell's, that was healthy, they annihilated a 60-21 HOF-laden Celtic team, 4-1, in a series in which they were four points away from a sweep in game four.) Furthermore, Wilt either outplayed, or downright slaughtered Russell ALL eight of those H2H's.

His 46-36 Laker team also lost to an all-time great 60-22 Knicks team in the '70 Finals, and with Wilt playing at nowhere near 100%...and still the best player in that series. Then, without his two best teammates in the '71 post-season, his 48-34 Lakers lost to a Top-5 all-time 66-16 Bucks team, 4-1, in a series in which a way-past-his-prime Chamberlain outplayed a PEAK Alcindor (Kareem.) His '72 team crushed a HOF-laden Knicks team in the '72 Finals, in a series in which Wilt easily won the FMVP (and with his second best teammate, West, shooting .325 from the field.) And then he took his injury-riddled Lakers into the '73 Finals, where they lost 4-1 to a Knicks team that had SIX HOFers...and all four losses were decided in the last minute.

None other than John Wooden said it best...had Wilt and Russell swapped roster, and coaches, in their 10 years in the league together, and it would have been Wilt holding all those rings.

Stopped reading there. Wilt's teams were so stacked, he choked away a title where his own teammate won Finals MVP in a losing effort :lol

06-13-2015, 11:13 AM
Stopped reading there. Wilt's teams were so stacked, he choked away a title where his own teammate won Finals MVP in a losing effort :lol

:roll: :roll:

Damn,that was a dagger to the heart

06-13-2015, 11:20 AM
Stopped reading there. Wilt's teams were so stacked, he choked away a title where his own teammate won Finals MVP in a losing effort :lol

At least when Chamberlain had a teammate win a FMVP, it was Jerry West, and not a role player like Kahwi Leonard.

BTW, please do some actual research, and compare Wilt's "stacked" teams with his oppositions. Oh, and I also not only want "HOF" teammates, I want to know their post-season numbers (and overall resume...such as "HOFer" Tom Gola's), AND, how long Wilt played with them, and at what stage of their careers (such as Nate Thurmond being listed as a HOF teammate, when the two played exactly one full season together, and Thurmond was a rookie, playing part-time, and shooting horrifically.)

Please compare those rosters with Russell's, including their post-season numbers (Sam Jones and John Havlicek had some HUGE post-season runs.)

Find me a season in which Duncan essentially took a last place roster, that traded three players away to get Wilt, and that would go 40-40 with Chamberlain...and that then stomped a stacked 48-32 Royals team in the first round, and then lost a game seven, by one point, to a 62-18 Celtics team...in a series in which Wilt averaged 30.1 ppg, 31.4 rpg, and shot .555 from the field (in a post-season NBA that shot .429 overall.)

Of course, when Wilt actually had an equal supporting cast as to what Russell always had, Chamberlain led them to a 4-1 series blowout win, against a 60-21 HOF-laden team, in a series in which they were four points away from sweeping the eight-time defending champs.

Go ahead...let's see your research.

06-13-2015, 12:51 PM
The worst loss was Finals 2013. Then Manu's foul. Spurs matched up well vs phx and Mia. I'm pretty sure they beat both. Next was .4. Not sure 04 Spurs beat 04 pistons. Manu not mature enough. Only second year player no Olympic gold yet

06-13-2015, 01:02 PM
Don't know why posters feel the need to put down some to build up others. Especially one such as Duncan - easy to build around, great team mate, plays both ends, consistent excellence and no issues. What more could one want from a franchise player?

06-13-2015, 01:05 PM
Don't know why posters feel the need to put down some to build up others. Especially one such as Duncan - easy to build around, great team mate, plays both ends, consistent excellence and no issues. What more could one want from a franchise player?

No doubt.

But there are those that try to make him into something he was not...which was a prime Shaq, Kareem, or Wilt.

06-13-2015, 01:08 PM
No doubt.

But there are those that try to make him into something he was not...which was a prime Shaq, Kareem, or Wilt.


06-13-2015, 01:14 PM

Chamberlain was light years better in BOTH the regular season, AND post-season. Duncan never faced the greatest dynasty in NBA history eight times, nor a team as powerful as the '70 Knicks, '71 Bucks, or '73 Knicks...much less beat a great team like the 60-21 '67 Celtics, and the '72 Bucks.

When Duncan faced a great Laker team in the '01 post-season... SWEPT, and blowout losses in nearly every game.

Hell, he was outplayed by Goobersol in an embarrassing series loss in the '11 playoff first round, in which he single-handedly led his heavily-favored Spurs down in flames.