View Full Version : So tired of the Bron doesn't have help narrative

06-15-2015, 03:13 AM
Lebron does not have amazing players around him but people out here are throwing these other players under the bus like they are not NBA players that can dribble, pass, shoot, drive, etc.

It is 100% Lebron's fault that his teammates do not do better. Anyone that knows basketball knows the "ball has energy" and when multiple people get to touch it and be involved in an offense there is a certain flow to it that allows everyone, from star to role players, making more of their shots.

Lebron's problem is that he is not predictable like a Kobe, or Barbosa. As a teammates of his you are left guessing what he is going to do on any given play. He tries to game manage out there instead of being a straight wrecking ball.

If the Cavs started: Delly, Shump, Jones, Bron and TT they should be able to play offense pretty damn well. Bring JR, Moz and Miller off the bench for spurts. This would be contingent on Bron being coachable and acting like his size and playing a true pf role. He needs to stop bringing the ball up etc and just be like Malone. Take off full speed, position himself in the key and demand post ups. Let Delly and Iman bring the ball up (aka Derek Fisher).

From a deeper post position he could either abuse players, get offensive rebounds, or be the best passing pf the game has ever seen. If he played a true post and their offense had some flash cuts, off the ball screens, etc it would be so much more fluid. Right now it is so easy to goad Bron into taking low percentage shots. Him driving from the top of the key all the way to the rim is such a terrible idea in general. It stops any flow of offense.

It really is Bron stubborness to let a coach use him the way that would benefit him/the team best against good teams is his biggest flaw. His stats would go wayyyyyy down but his team would play so much better. He has always had coaches that let him do his ball dominant, game dominant style because he has played in the East and honestly he is good enough (top 10 ever) to win using that awful style against any non great team.

As someone that understands basketball it is both so awesome (since I'm a Dubs fans) and frustrating (as a basketball fan) to watch. He is one of the players I've never seen actually coached into playing outside of his comfort zone. No matter what a coach starts the season with, it always always always ends in this. It is the "regular season" curse. In the reg season this method gets W after W cuz of Bron's greatness.

To act like Shump, TT, Moz and James Jones couldn't do more is an insult to them as basketball players. If you (the team) doesn't get the opportunity to do it consistently all year it won't show up when the struggle is real.

The "Bron" effect on non-ball dominant players:

Chris Bosh
(Tor): 24 ppg, 11 rpg and 2.5 apg, 52%
(Mia): 19 ppg, 8 rpg and 2 apg, 50%

Kevin Love
(Min): 26 ppg, 12.5 rpg, 4.5 apg, 46%
(Cle): 16.4 ppg, 10 rpg, 2 apg, 40%

The stylistic way he plays the game reduces any non ball dominant player into significantly worse versions of themselves. That is why only Kyrie and Wade are able to handle playing with him. Most other NBA players depend on movement and a multiple pass offense to get points within a system. In the Bron system is literally becomes stand around and swing it. It is never predicated on complex stuff like cuts, off the ball screens, flashes to the middle, etc.

There is a reason Curry looks so good on offense. He is able to be an offensive juggernaut without needing the ball in his hand a lot. All other players, Barnes, Green, Iggy etc benefit a lot from this because they are allowed/demanded to do more offensively. Their natural ability is allowed to shine through. Kerr does not an excellent job of letting them play as well. Most coaches have way too short of a leash and don't let good players find their groove. As we've seen with TT, all he needed was time.


06-15-2015, 03:14 AM
Agreed, well said.

06-15-2015, 03:15 AM
The funny thing to me is that when they play well, it's ALL LeBron's doing but they are bums when they don't :roll:

06-15-2015, 03:17 AM
The funny thing to me is that when they play well, it's ALL LeBron's doing but they are bums when they don't :roll:

:lol :lol

06-15-2015, 03:18 AM
You aren't wrong, but it has a proven history of success so coaches are going to let him do what he wants. He's been to 5 straight Finals. This type of play has dominated the East. However, it gets exposed in the Finals.

06-15-2015, 03:18 AM
Contrarians are just the worst.

J Shuttlesworth
06-15-2015, 03:19 AM

06-15-2015, 03:21 AM
He basically shot the cavs into a loss and exposed himself in not being conditioned enough to play the type of ball that he's trying to play. This guy isn't AI so he needs to stop thinking that he has unlimited energy.

06-15-2015, 03:22 AM

Such a cringe worthy way to rebut this :wtf: You are going to blame his teammates for having Stockholm Syndrome? They have been conditioned all year to play a certain way and in the few moments they are without him they are of course going to be awful.

In the game of pimpin this is called keeping her in check. It's not that she loves you - she needs you.

06-15-2015, 03:23 AM
Why would you post someone's first option stats and then their third option stats as if they are the same situation? That makes no sense.

When Wade sat, Bosh returned right back into a 20 point scorer.

That's just basketball.

06-15-2015, 03:25 AM
Such a cringe worthy way to rebut this :wtf: You are going to blame his teammates for having Stockholm Syndrome? They have been conditioned all year to play a certain way and in the few moments they are without him they are of course going to be awful.

In the game of pimpin this is called keeping her in check. It's not that she loves you - she needs you.
Actually, they did well without Lebron in the last two series they played.

Also, it's crazy to think this Cavs team would be anywhere without Lebron. Delly is the starting point guard and he is incapable of bringing the ball up under pressure. Shumpert doesnt have a good enough handle. And that leaves Jr Smith.

The Cav are two games from winning the nba finals after losing 3 starters. (1 game from losing) They are fine.

06-15-2015, 03:26 AM
Why would you post someone's first option stats and then their third option stats as if they are the same situation? That makes no sense.

When Wade sat, Bosh returned right back into a 20 point scorer.

That's just basketball.

Exact same stat all you Bron stans bring up to make the player in question look bad.

Hypocrite much?

6 for 24
06-15-2015, 03:30 AM
The fact is that LeBron has simply been blessed "superteams" his entire career. A good way to judge a player's worth is how the team does before and after the trades. For example, we know that the great Michael Jordan was worth "+2" to the Bulls since they won 2 fewer games when he sat out due to his gambling/murder issues. So what about LeBron? Well, I can say with great confidence that the Cavs won 66 games just a few short years ago. Then LeBron greedily jumped onto this same team and they only won 53 games this year! From this, we can conclude that the so-called "King" is actually a "-13".

People may lie, but the math never does.

Warmest regards,

Ayotunde Ndiaye

06-15-2015, 03:30 AM
This forum has so many ****ing stupid people.

06-15-2015, 03:31 AM
I'm just tired of Bran period.

06-15-2015, 03:33 AM
Exact same stat all you Bron stans bring up to make the player in question look bad.

Hypocrite much?
False. If I wanted to make Bosh look bad, I would post his playoff stats or his rebounding numbers. Love, his defensive stats. Has anyone ever complained about 19/8 from Bosh?

06-15-2015, 03:39 AM
The point is not that Bran's system doesn't work. It has gotten him a few championships and a ton of finals appearances and a lot of jewelry.

My only beef with it is that it severely diminishes non ball dominant players. In most situations this doesn't matter - since Bron dominating the ball is going to end up in winning basketball.

However, when he plays against "great" teams he always struggles because those teams/coaches/players innately understand this. They know that he struggles to adapt and become a lower usage player. He doesn't know how to be a cog in an offense. He only knows how to be the entire offense.

Has Bron ever played off ball/post - nope. If he did that against a great team like the Spurs or Dubs it'd make it much harder for them to gameplan against him and it would open the offense up a lot more for his teammates.

When he stands around the perimeter and dribbles, or tries to drive from 25 feet to 2 feet, or take a 10-15 foot turnaround it is absolutely terrible offense. He really doesn't adapt well. It is almost embarrassing how poorly he adapts.

I get it though. His whole life he has been able to win just by doing more himself - be it scoring more, being a point guard more, etc. However, unlike some other greats he has not really learned how to win by doing less. It is a unique skill that maybe he'll learn someday but definitely doesn't seem to be doing it this series.

The only time I've really seen it happen was in the Olympics since he beta'd a little to Kobe and gave up his usual style of play.

06-15-2015, 07:45 AM
Such a cringe worthy way to rebut this :wtf: You are going to blame his teammates for having Stockholm Syndrome? They have been conditioned all year to play a certain way and in the few moments they are without him they are of course going to be awful.

In the game of pimpin this is called keeping her in check. It's not that she loves you - she needs you.

Great point.

06-15-2015, 07:53 AM
It's not that his team mates are bad. They're not. I fully believe that if Cleveland and Golden State were equally healthy, Cleveland would sweep them.

Just imagine if Klay and Iggy were out for this series. Both teams are missing their #2 and #3 guys. Is there any doubt that Cleveland would have already won this series? It's hard to imagine a team winning with their 2nd and 3rd best players not playing.

06-15-2015, 07:58 AM
Well last game some guy went 28\10 on >50%, but dude stole the show from Lebron so he was benched.

Coach knows his place and that is all about Lebronball

06-15-2015, 08:06 AM
Well last game some guy went 28\10 on >50%, but dude stole the show from Lebron so he was benched.

Coach knows his place and that is all about Lebronball

While playing terrible defense. Let's ignore that part. Moz cannot defend smalls, he just can't. Go back and watch when the lineups were small vs big. Moz was bad.

That was also Moz's BEST GAME EVER, not just playoffs, ever. lol

Spurs m8
06-15-2015, 08:10 AM
Best thread of the finals, give OP an award :cheers:

06-15-2015, 08:19 AM
The notion that Cleveland played like this with healthy Kryie and Love is asinine. Cavs had to completely retool due to those injuries, and the ground and pound style helps reduce fast break opportunities against a team that eviscerates people in transition.

06-15-2015, 08:19 AM
No team in the history of the NBA has had a similar level of talent behind its star and been considered good help. Every team the least bit similar to this to accomplish anything of note will always come up in lists of the worst teams to do so.

Hall of Famers have taken considerably more talent than this and not even made the playoffs. LeBron beat 1 60 win team and is being competitive against a 67 win team.

Every single person in the history of the sport to do anything like this has received unanimous praise for it.

No reason for LeBron to be an exception.

No one in the sports history has done more with less than he has right now.

Really... show me the less talented lineups to ever start an NBA Finals game.

We could talk about the 2003 Spurs. Or the 94 rockets. I'd say both have more players I'd be comfortable in a position of prominence.

Iverson probably had even less offensive help than LeBron does now but I wouldn't trade Mutombo for any two players LeBron has.

Walton had Maurice Lucas. Rick Barry at least had young Jamaal Wilkes and a couple others.

There are a couple of teams worth discussing. But fact is some of the greatest players of all time have taken a hell of a lot more help than this and got nothing similar to this much out of it.

There is one player on their entire active roster better than Taj Gibson.

And they are in the finals going to war with a 67 win team.

No fair observer of the sport should be anything less than impressed with what he's gotten out if this team. The minute he sits down they are playing some of the most brutal basketball ever exposed to the American public.

Anyone else doing what he's doing would get nothing but love for it.

06-15-2015, 08:20 AM
While playing terrible defense. Let's ignore that part. Moz cannot defend smalls, he just can't. Go back and watch when the lineups were small vs big. Moz was bad.

That was also Moz's BEST GAME EVER, not just playoffs, ever. lol
Yo damage control retard.


Opponents are shooting just 37.2% at the rim against Mozgov, (best FG% defense in the playoffs; min.10 GP & 20 MPG)

While playing terrible defense, these retards and unbelievable.

06-15-2015, 08:23 AM
Actually, they did well without Lebron in the last two series they played.

Also, it's crazy to think this Cavs team would be anywhere without Lebron. Delly is the starting point guard and he is incapable of bringing the ball up under pressure. Shumpert doesnt have a good enough handle. And that leaves Jr Smith.

The Cav are two games from winning the nba finals after losing 3 starters. (1 game from losing) They are fine.
Lebron doesn't play for the team, it's the team that plays for Lebron.


Lebronball, Blatt already submitted, Mozgov stole the show, got benched. Lebrontards whine about lack of help, hilarious.

06-15-2015, 08:27 AM
Lebron doesn't play for the team, it's the team that plays for Lebron.


Lebronball, Blatt already submitted, Mozgov stole the show, got benched. Lebrontards whine about lack of help, hilarious.

And every time JR hits a few 3's...he doesn't get the ball back for days :oldlol:

06-15-2015, 08:29 AM
It's not that his team mates are bad. They're not. I fully believe that if Cleveland and Golden State were equally healthy, Cleveland would sweep them.

Just imagine if Klay and Iggy were out for this series. Both teams are missing their #2 and #3 guys. Is there any doubt that Cleveland would have already won this series? It's hard to imagine a team winning with their 2nd and 3rd best players not playing.

Really GSW is choking this series. They should be blowing out the Cavs, yet the latter has kept this competive which nobody thought was gonna happen.

06-15-2015, 08:40 AM
Have people actually convinced themselves LeBron doesn't want his teammates to do well? Did you somehow miss that LeBron was the one calling for and giving the ball to Mozgov for a lot of those mismatch post ups? And he doesnt want JR Smith to shine? Did you miss that he assisted JR on I believe the first six shots he made last night?

There is hating to be funny and there is just being irrational.

06-15-2015, 09:05 AM
didnt the cavs blast the hawks with p*ss even with kyrie and love both out

didnt every single player on cleveland go off... jr swish, dennis thompson etc...

06-15-2015, 09:20 AM
Yo damage control retard.


While playing terrible defense, these retards and unbelievable.

It's called context. Look the word up, before calling someone a retard. I guarantee those numbers are different when he's guarding a small.

I specifically said when guarding a SMALL. Like the entire 4th game, you know, the game that the Cavs got destroyed in?

06-15-2015, 09:43 AM
No team in the history of the NBA has had a similar level of talent behind its star and been considered good help. Every team the least bit similar to this to accomplish anything of note will always come up in lists of the worst teams to do so.

Hall of Famers have taken considerably more talent than this and not even made the playoffs. LeBron beat 1 60 win team and is being competitive against a 67 win team.

Every single person in the history of the sport to do anything like this has received unanimous praise for it.

No reason for LeBron to be an exception.

No one in the sports history has done more with less than he has right now.

Really... show me the less talented lineups to ever start an NBA Finals game.

We could talk about the 2003 Spurs. Or the 94 rockets. I'd say both have more players I'd be comfortable in a position of prominence.

Iverson probably had even less offensive help than LeBron does now but I wouldn't trade Mutombo for any two players LeBron has.

Walton had Maurice Lucas. Rick Barry at least had young Jamaal Wilkes and a couple others.

There are a couple of teams worth discussing. But fact is some of the greatest players of all time have taken a hell of a lot more help than this and got nothing similar to this much out of it.

There is one player on their entire active roster better than Taj Gibson.

And they are in the finals going to war with a 67 win team.

No fair observer of the sport should be anything less than impressed with what he's gotten out if this team. The minute he sits down they are playing some of the most brutal basketball ever exposed to the American public.

Anyone else doing what he's doing would get nothing but love for it.Truth.

I think LeBron James is doing what he's supposed to do at this point, and I am doubtful anyone on Cleveland's side is getting it twisted. If James were looking off teammates who were in great positions to score, that'd be one thing. But he's not exactly stumbling into 9-12 assists a night. He gets them by making the right play and delivering the ball to his teammates in their best positions to score.

Unfortunately, many of his teammates do not have consistent and varied ways with which to score on a regular basis. In this very specific set of circumstances, I feel if James were to regularly defer to his teammates, in an "Alright, I'm going to let Delly run this play for Iman Shumpert over here" type of way, the Cavs would likely have been swept.

This is a crisis situation for the Cavaliers. They happened to lose three of their best players as the season progressed. Losing Varejao was manageable. Losing Love was tough but doable. But now, having lost Irving as well on top of facing a 67-win Warriors team has relegated James to holding up an entire house upon his back.

I think even James would admit he'd rather not be on pace to shatter the NBA Finals Usage record. But when your other offensive options are Matthew Dellavedova, Iman Shumpert, J.R. Smith, Tristan Thompson, and Timofey Mozgov, I think James is doing the right thing, which is being very offensively aggressive, taking control of the ship, and trying to make the right play - whether that means shooting or delivering the ball in a position where his teammates can make a play (perhaps best exemplified when Mozgov was able to establish low position and receive the ball from James in Game 4 in exchange for Golden State exposing Mozgov's size mismatch on the defensive end).

06-15-2015, 09:58 AM
Have people actually convinced themselves LeBron doesn't want his teammates to do well? Did you somehow miss that LeBron was the one calling for and giving the ball to Mozgov for a lot of those mismatch post ups? And he doesnt want JR Smith to shine? Did you miss that he assisted JR on I believe the first six shots he made last night?

There is hating to be funny and there is just being irrational.

They cant actually believe this?

06-15-2015, 10:07 AM
Tiny sample size, and what do you expect when the man has played nearly every minute, and controlled the ball almost every single possession on offense? It is hard to suddenly create your own offense when you've been getting no touches, or only kick-outs, catch and shoot opportunities, etc. No one else has handled the ball all series. Bron needs his teammates dependent, because he wants all the glory, and has all the signs of being a megalomaniac (passive aggressive jabs at the Heat, clear bitterness towards Riley for not letting him and his pals run the whole organisation like he gets to do in Cleveland).

06-15-2015, 10:08 AM
The "Bron" effect on non-ball dominant players:

Chris Bosh
(Tor): 24 ppg, 11 rpg and 2.5 apg, 52%
(Mia): 19 ppg, 8 rpg and 2 apg, 50%

Kevin Love
(Min): 26 ppg, 12.5 rpg, 4.5 apg, 46%
(Cle): 16.4 ppg, 10 rpg, 2 apg, 40%

Non-Ball dominant players? Are you kidding me? Chris Bosh and Kevin Love were non-ball dominant players in Toronto and Minnesota before they got to Miami/Cleveland? Not the focal points of offense on the teams they were on? Did you even watch basketball pre-Lebron decision? :facepalm

Both of them joined a situation where they knew they were going to be option 2b/3 on offense, how the f*ck are they supposed to average 20+ ppg surrounded by Wade/Kyrie alongside Lebron?

And somehow, you equate this to losing basketball. Losing basketball when Chris Bosh has two rings thanks to the "Bron effect", and Kevin Love finally made the playoffs and would be playing in the finals if not for a freak injury.

"Non-ball dominant" http://www.thecoli.com/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/camby.png

06-15-2015, 10:14 AM
While playing terrible defense. Let's ignore that part. Moz cannot defend smalls, he just can't. Go back and watch when the lineups were small vs big. Moz was bad.

That was also Moz's BEST GAME EVER, not just playoffs, ever. lol
So the guy who more than anyone else turned the Cavs' defense from a piece of shit into really good was playing 'terrible defense' - you Bron stans won't back away from any kind of imbecility to knock the guys Lebron plays with.


06-15-2015, 10:24 AM
Same story every year. All season long, we are force-fed with "he makes his teammates better" as a way to prop up LeBron and diminish other stars.

But as soon as they run into some adversity, it becomes "LeBron has no help". This happened with Wade and Bosh on his team too!


06-15-2015, 10:24 AM
It's not that his team mates are bad. They're not. I fully believe that if Cleveland and Golden State were equally healthy, Cleveland would sweep them.

Just imagine if Klay and Iggy were out for this series. Both teams are missing their #2 and #3 guys. Is there any doubt that Cleveland would have already won this series? It's hard to imagine a team winning with their 2nd and 3rd best players not playing.

THANK YOU! One decent post in this idiotic thread....

The JKidd Kid
06-15-2015, 10:25 AM


The lengths people go to hate on Lebron is ridiculous.

Awards for Currys Supporting Cast playing major minutes:
4 all-star appearances
3 All-NBA teams
2 All Defense 1st team
2 All Defense 2nd team
1 6th Man of the year

1 6th man of the year (JR Smith).

The supporting casts in this series are ridculously lopsided. Half of the guys in Clevelands starting 5 wouldnt even get minutes on Golden State. Not to mention the fact that lebron is the only ****ing ball handler on the team other than JR and his choking, shitty decision making ass. None of the guys on Cleveland not named Lebron or Thompson have any business playing in the finals. This is the all time worst supporting cast for an NBA Finals team by far. Worse than Lebrons supporting Cast in 2007, AI's team in 2001, the Knicks in 1999 and Jason Kidds team in 2002 those are the one man teams I can remember off the top of my head, yet none of them have had to deal with the kind of hot garbage Lebron is taking the floor with every night. I would love to see someone try to argue against that fact. Lebrons dragging this roster of spare parts and castaways to at least 6 games against a 67 win team that also happens to feature the greatest ****ing shooter of all time. That in and of itself is a testament to his greatness.

06-15-2015, 10:27 AM
LeBron could play with 4 ISH'ers and people would be like 'no wonder they're losing, he's diminishing their play!! sundizz needs the ball in his hands!'

06-15-2015, 10:34 AM
Such a cringe worthy way to rebut this :wtf: You are going to blame his teammates for having Stockholm Syndrome? They have been conditioned all year to play a certain way and in the few moments they are without him they are of course going to be awful.

In the game of pimpin this is called keeping her in check. It's not that she loves you - she needs you.

It is a cringe way to rebut it considering you called them NBA players and a good enough cast.

If they were good enough, they'd still be able to do better than 18% without him.

Saying that though, they are elite defensively, but they need someone else who can create. There is no one else on the court who can be counted on to dribble the thing without getting stripped. It really is a limited offensive team.

06-15-2015, 10:37 AM
He has very little help right now. There is no denying it.
He's doing the right thing in this situation. The consequences are that the team falls apart when he's out. So he has to play 45+ next game(s)...

06-15-2015, 10:58 AM
didnt the cavs blast the hawks with p*ss even with kyrie and love both out

didnt every single player on cleveland go off... jr swish, dennis thompson etc...

Thompson has dominated his matchups ever since love went down.. there was an info graphic showing hes had some of the best rebounding of all time besides shaq and Dennis rodman


06-15-2015, 11:04 AM
I thought LeBron makes his teammates better. The guy who turns chicken shit into salad?

Nice individual numbers, but what about his teammates? :confusedshrug:

06-15-2015, 11:15 AM
He has very little help right now. There is no denying it.
He's doing the right thing in this situation. The consequences are that the team falls apart when he's out. So he has to play 45+ next game(s)...

Magic 32
06-15-2015, 11:15 AM
Warriors have depth unlike Lebron. :roll:

06-15-2015, 11:19 AM
I thought LeBron makes his teammates better. The guy who turns chicken shit into salad?

Nice individual numbers, but what about his teammates? :confusedshrug:

Leading this team to the finals is making them better.

06-15-2015, 11:32 AM
I thought LeBron makes his teammates better. The guy who turns chicken shit into salad?

Nice individual numbers, but what about his teammates? :confusedshrug:

He scored and assisted on almost all of the Cavaliers field goals last game. What do you want him to do, fix Imam Shumpert's jumper?

06-15-2015, 12:43 PM
He scored and assisted on almost all of the Cavaliers field goals last game. What do you want him to do, fix Imam Shumpert's jumper?

i know right. scored or assisted on 26/32 shots or somthing?

if you watch basketball and are a lebon hater than its pretty obvious that he has almost no help. thompson is the only player that would start on golden state and that almost is't a given.

take away klay thompson and iguadala (even bogut if you wanna compare him to bogut) and this series would have ended last thursday even if we didn't have love and irving. give us love and irving and the series would have ended last thursday as well.

you just can't lose you 2nd and third best players and expect to win. it's to hard to adjust back to playing championship ball against a team that is healthy and been playing all season together. you could argue that cleveland is missing it's 2nd, 3rd and 4th option (varajoe is a better rebounder and scorer than thompson. and is more mobile on defense than mozgov.

06-15-2015, 12:48 PM

mike miller
james jones
jr smith

without lebron playing that is the worst team in the nba and people actually want to argue that he has the help needed to win the finals? those 8 are just the players that are in the rotation...

he also has

joe harris
shawn marion
kendrick perkin
brendana haywood

come on... it cannot and should not be argued that this roster is providing help for lebron.

golden state has


all of those players would be a 2nd or third option on the current cavs roster.

06-15-2015, 01:09 PM
Clearly people didn't take the time to properly read.

No one (or at least not me) is arguing that he has great players next to him. I'm saying that Bron only knows how to play bball one way. It is not in a free flowing offense that features many cuts, off ball screens, him using movement etc . It usually ends up being a lot of iso or p and r. Against great team defenses like Spurs and Dubs that strategy breaks down. This is irregardless of the players around him (bosh, tristan, etc). Against the weak East it works because of his overall greatness and the lack of a true contender in the East.

I am saying you could put Livingston on the Cavs and he would be much worse than what he is with the Dubs, because of Bron. Only three players (all great ball handlers) have ever successfully played with Bron without sacrificing their stats (Mo, Wade, Kyrie) .

On the other hand, you take someone like Kobe and he always gets the most out of other suoerstars because he knows how to play within the offense. He may chuck a lot (his role) but it is predictable. That helps role players because then there role is clearly defined. With Bron role players aren't sure because he does everything so it makes them unclear how to play within the offense. At the Nba level, that built in over a year hesitation makes the player much worse.

You put Shump on the Dubs and he would be great. As good as Barnes if not better. It is because they run an offense where people touch the ball and are given multiple opportunities to show their full range of skills.

06-15-2015, 01:22 PM
Shump cannot make fastbreak layups, barnes is much better dude.

06-15-2015, 01:23 PM
Shumpert is much worse than barnes no matter the team.

06-15-2015, 01:26 PM
This forum has lost its mind.

06-15-2015, 01:27 PM
Clearly people didn't take the time to properly read.

No one (or at least not me) is arguing that he has great players next to him. I'm saying that Bron only knows how to play bball one way. It is not in a free flowing offense that features many cuts, off ball screens, him using movement etc . It usually ends up being a lot of iso or p and r. Against great team defenses like Spurs and Dubs that strategy breaks down. This is irregardless of the players around him (bosh, tristan, etc). Against the weak East it works because of his overall greatness and the lack of a true contender in the East.

I am saying you could put Livingston on the Cavs and he would be much worse than what he is with the Dubs, because of Bron. Only three players (all great ball handlers) have ever successfully played with Bron without sacrificing their stats (Mo, Wade, Kyrie) .

On the other hand, you take someone like Kobe and he always gets the most out of other suoerstars because he knows how to play within the offense. He may chuck a lot (his role) but it is predictable. That helps role players because then there role is clearly defined. With Bron role players aren't sure because he does everything so it makes them unclear how to play within the offense. At the Nba level, that built in over a year hesitation makes the player much worse.

You put Shump on the Dubs and he would be great. As good as Barnes if not better. It is because they run an offense where people touch the ball and are given multiple opportunities to show their full range of skills.


06-15-2015, 01:32 PM
Clearly people didn't take the time to properly read.

No one (or at least not me) is arguing that he has great players next to him. I'm saying that Bron only knows how to play bball one way. It is not in a free flowing offense that features many cuts, off ball screens, him using movement etc . It usually ends up being a lot of iso or p and r. Against great team defenses like Spurs and Dubs that strategy breaks down. This is irregardless of the players around him (bosh, tristan, etc). Against the weak East it works because of his overall greatness and the lack of a true contender in the East.

I am saying you could put Livingston on the Cavs and he would be much worse than what he is with the Dubs, because of Bron. Only three players (all great ball handlers) have ever successfully played with Bron without sacrificing their stats (Mo, Wade, Kyrie) .

On the other hand, you take someone like Kobe and he always gets the most out of other suoerstars because he knows how to play within the offense. He may chuck a lot (his role) but it is predictable. That helps role players because then there role is clearly defined. With Bron role players aren't sure because he does everything so it makes them unclear how to play within the offense. At the Nba level, that built in over a year hesitation makes the player much worse.

You put Shump on the Dubs and he would be great. As good as Barnes if not better. It is because they run an offense where people touch the ball and are given multiple opportunities to show their full range of skills.

Lord....why even bring Kobe into this? Your point about him is wrong anyway. Kobe is one of the biggest gunners in history. not a high efficiency play. Just a high volume shooter ans scorer, especially in these later years. I am not a LBJ stan. Dude is doing amazing things with literally NO help....this forum has really lost its mind.

06-15-2015, 01:35 PM
Lord....why even bring Kobe into this? Your point about him is wrong anyway. Kobe is one of the biggest gunners in history. not a high efficiency play. Just a high volume shooter ans scorer, especially in these later years. I am not a LBJ stan. Dude is doing amazing things with literally NO help....this forum has really lost its mind.

Only player in history with 30,000 pts and 6000 asts.

Such a Gunner. :facepalm

oh the horror
06-15-2015, 01:43 PM
First Cleveland teams = not enough help

Miami teams = not enough help

Current Cleveland teams = not enough help

We were beginning to hear the damn rumblings even when Love and Kryrie were out there playing along side the dude

06-15-2015, 01:53 PM
First Cleveland teams = not enough help

Miami teams = not enough help

Current Cleveland teams = not enough help

We were beginning to hear the damn rumblings even when Love and Kryrie were out there playing along side the dude

Exactly. Now when they've been out, all of a sudden Love and Kyrie were everything to this Team. :oldlol:

Yao Ming's Foot
06-15-2015, 02:39 PM
Lord....why even bring Kobe into this? Your point about him is wrong anyway. Kobe is one of the biggest gunners in history. not a high efficiency play. Just a high volume shooter ans scorer, especially in these later years. I am not a LBJ stan. Dude is doing amazing things with literally NO help....this forum has really lost its mind.

Kobe career low postseason TS% is higher than LeBron's current run this year.

LeBron doesnt have a lot of offensive help around him. He is also not leading the Cavs to great offense. He has been a high usage inefficient player for weak offensive team this series. And we are supposed to bow down to this?

The Cavs two wins this series? They held the Warriors to a 96 offensive rating. Is LeBron the only guy playing defense? Then he has help. :confusedshrug:

06-15-2015, 02:52 PM
Exactly. Now when they've been out, all of a sudden Love and Kyrie were everything to this Team. :oldlol:
Are all stans this dumb or just Kobetards? You're telling me taking away the 2nd and 3rd best players of a team isn't a huge deal. What would Kobe have done with Gasol and Artest? Oh wait, we saw in 2005-07 where he either missed the playoffs or got bounced in the 1st round. This forum is ridiculous.

Yao Ming's Foot
06-15-2015, 02:53 PM
Are all stans this dumb or just Kobetards? You're telling me taking away the 2nd and 3rd best players of a team isn't a huge deal. What would Kobe have done with Gasol and Artest? Oh wait, we saw in 2005-07 where he either missed the playoffs or got bounced in the 1st round. This forum is ridiculous.

Didn't Kobe win multiple titles with an injured Bynum? :confusedshrug:

06-15-2015, 02:55 PM
Are all stans this dumb or just Kobetards? You're telling me taking away the 2nd and 3rd best players of a team isn't a huge deal. What would Kobe have done with Gasol and Artest? Oh wait, we saw in 2005-07 where he either missed the playoffs or got bounced in the 1st round. This forum is ridiculous.

No , just the Lebron stans.

Where in my post did I say taking away the third best player wouldn't have consequences , you insecure fucc? I said Lebron's stans spent half the year talking shit about how The Cavs are actually better without Love or Kyrie at different points of The Cavs season, now they're everything to the Team that was. Especially Love. Where was all this Love pining when some of you were breaking out stats that said Cavs with Thompson > Cavs with Love.

The flip flop is real.

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 02:59 PM
Didn't Kobe win multiple titles with an injured Bynum? :confusedshrug:

You haven't answered his question. And Bynum was certainly healthy enough to anchor the Lakers defense during that run, something most other players don't have the luxury of. But you'd do well to address his point. Had Kobe won a ring without Bynum or Gasol playing, you'd have a case. As it is, not so much.

06-15-2015, 03:00 PM
No , just the Lebron stans.

Where in my post did I say taking away the third best player wouldn't have consequences , you insecure fucc? I said Lebron's stans spent half the year talking shit about how The Cavs are actually better without Love or Kyrie at different points of The Cavs season, now they're everything to the Team that was. Especially Love. Where was all this Love pining when some of you were breaking out stats that said Cavs with Thompson > Cavs with Love.

The flip flop is real.

You always adress these 'others', you just say retarded shit in retrospect to make some kind of point that wasn't even there in the first place.. a team is significantly weakened when losing their 2nd and 3rd best player, is this a surprise? No, so shut it.

06-15-2015, 03:01 PM
Didn't Kobe win multiple titles with an injured Bynum? :confusedshrug:

...no? He lost in 2008 with an injured Bynum and won in 2009 and 2010 with a healthy Bynum playing in those playoff runs.

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:02 PM
No , just the Lebron stans.

Where in my post did I say taking away the third best player wouldn't have consequences , you insecure fucc? I said Lebron's stans spent half the year talking shit about how The Cavs are actually better without Love or Kyrie at different points of The Cavs season, now they're everything to the Team that was. Especially Love. Where was all this Love pining when some of you were breaking out stats that said Cavs with Thompson > Cavs with Love.

The flip flop is real.

Tbf I don't remember a single Cavs or lebron fan claim that the team would be better without two 15 million USD a year players. If someone did, then he's an idiot. And yes, this team is abysmal and what lebron is doing with it is being rightfully lauded by everybody in the basketball world as historical. Analysts, pundits, ex players. The lot can see what anyone not suffering from myopia can.

06-15-2015, 03:03 PM
You always adress these 'others', you just say retarded shit in retrospect to make some kind of point that wasn't even there in the first place.. a team is significantly weakened when losing their 2nd and 3rd best player, is this a surprise? No, so shut it.

Isn't your throat still sore from the fuccing of the mouth you took yesterday?

06-15-2015, 03:03 PM
Didn't Kobe win multiple titles with an injured Bynum? :confusedshrug:
Either answer the question or don't respond. Cause you're evading the hell out of it right now.

06-15-2015, 03:03 PM
Isn't your throat still sore from the fuccing of the mouth you took yesterday?


Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:04 PM
You always adress these 'others', you just say retarded shit in retrospect to make some kind of point that wasn't even there in the first place.. a team is significantly weakened when losing their 2nd and 3rd best player, is this a surprise? No, so shut it.

I made the same point but you beat me to it. This poster has a habit of making up nonexisting conversations in order to make an argument. It's strange.

06-15-2015, 03:04 PM
Isn't your throat still sore from the fuccing of the mouth you took yesterday?



link me to this thread, I bagged y'all.. now try for once to keep up in a thread, soon you will be left spamming gifs.

Yao Ming's Foot
06-15-2015, 03:05 PM
...no? He lost in 2008 with an injured Bynum and won in 2009 and 2010 with a healthy Bynum playing in those playoff runs.

Bynum was healthy when he put up around 7 points and 5 rebounds a game those playoffs? :roll:

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:05 PM
Either answer the question or don't respond. Cause you're evading the hell out of it right now.

Yup. Another poster and I also said as much. He's stuck and for some reason answered with a vague, untrue, iirrelevant reposte.

06-15-2015, 03:05 PM
Tbf I don't remember a single Cavs or lebron fan claim that the team would be better without two 15 million USD a year players. If someone did, then he's an idiot. And yes, this team is abysmal and what lebron is doing with it is being rightfully lauded by everybody in the basketball world as historical. Analysts, pundits, ex players. The lot can see what anyone not suffering from myopia can.

That's your problem, you guys spend so much time co signing each others pro Lebron agenda that you don't see the outlandish shit that's being said half the time. Like for instance , LBJ will move up all time even if he loses this series. You don't see me co signing like Kenneth's spils unless it's a good laugh.

06-15-2015, 03:06 PM
I made the same point but you beat me to it. This poster has a habit of making up nonexisting conversations in order to make an argument. It's strange.

when he's called out on his bitchness, its deflecting time :dancin :basketball :djparty

06-15-2015, 03:06 PM
No , just the Lebron stans.

Where in my post did I say taking away the third best player wouldn't have consequences , you insecure fucc? I said Lebron's stans spent half the year talking shit about how The Cavs are actually better without Love or Kyrie at different points of The Cavs season, now they're everything to the Team that was. Especially Love. Where was all this Love pining when some of you were breaking out stats that said Cavs with Thompson > Cavs with Love.

The flip flop is real.
Why would I be insecure? I don't predicate my life to another man that doesn't know I exist like you. No serious poster on this forum said the team would be better without Kyrie. And even though Love wasn't fitting in and Thompson knew his role and played it, no one serious would rather have Thompson over Love. If you're strictly having a dumb Stan war with Letards then go on my bad. But if you're being serious then you're retarded.

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:07 PM
Bynum was healthy when he put up around 7 points and 5 rebounds a game those playoffs? :roll:

Yup. And anchoring the defense.
Sidenote: It's a wonder why an individual laughs hysterically, wwhimsically and randomly by himself. A sign of mental issues if you ask me. Or a sign of a poster woefully out of his depth as usual.

06-15-2015, 03:08 PM
Bynum was healthy when he put up around 7 points and 5 rebounds a game those playoffs? :roll:
What did Kobe do without Gasol and Artest? Bynum wasn't his 2nd or 3rd option. Or 4th and debatably not 5th lol.

06-15-2015, 03:09 PM


link me to this thread, I bagged y'all.. now try for once to keep up in a thread, soon you will be left spamming gifs.


And Stop trying to act like your pasty white ass uses "bruh" irl.

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:09 PM
Why would I be insecure? I don't predicate my life to another man that doesn't know I exist like you. No serious poster on this forum said the team would be better without Kyrie. And even though Love wasn't fitting in and Thompson knew his role and played it, no one serious would rather have Thompson over Love. If you're strictly having a dumb Stan war with Letards then go on my bad. But if you're being serious then you're retarded.I don't think he's retarded. He's just a liar. For some reason, he has a habit of making up things. He's been called out on is several times before.

06-15-2015, 03:09 PM

And Stop trying to act like your pasty white ass uses "bruh" irl.

breh, topic calling.

06-15-2015, 03:10 PM
...no? He lost in 2008 with an injured Bynum and won in 2009 and 2010 with a healthy Bynum playing in those playoff runs.
wait what?

To the topic:

Cavs are better suited against this GSW team with Kyrie and Love out, because they have good defenders instead of them, good hustle players, playing winning basketball.
Look, they're all-stars, they're very good and against pretty much every other team they're a huge plus, but if you add two blackholes on defense along with LeBron who's been terrible on D this POs, you get 3 out of 5 startes being way below average defenders. And that means lunchtime for GSW, they're not outgunning GSW at their game, those guys are just too good shooters.
Curry would be averaging 30+ on 65-70 percent TS% every game, Delly couldn't be more valuable in any series than he is now.

06-15-2015, 03:10 PM
What did Kobe do without Gasol and Artest? Bynum wasn't his 2nd or 3rd option.

Neither was Artest, idiot. Odom was the third option.

You guys try to argue from a vantage point of not knowing what the fucc you're talking about. :oldlol:

Yao Ming's Foot
06-15-2015, 03:11 PM
Either answer the question or don't respond. Cause you're evading the hell out of it right now.

It's an irrelevant question. Bynum was a top three player at the time and was injured. If we lose Artest then we'd need another defensive player to replace him. Artest was nothing special.

I'd take my chances with prime Kobe alongside any teammates if they were capable of holding down the Warriors offense. Prime Kobe is capable of leading elite offenses even without good offensive teammates. :confusedshrug:

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:12 PM
wait what?

To the topic:

Cavs are better suited against this GSW team with Kyrie and Love out, because they have good defenders instead of them, good hustle players, playing winning basketball.
Look, they're all-stars, they're very good and against pretty much every other team they're a huge plus, but if you add two blackholes on defense along with LeBron who's been terrible on D this POs, you get 3 out of 5 startes being way below average defenders. And that means lunchtime for GSW, they're not outgunning GSW at their game, those guys are just too good shooters.
Curry would be averaging 30+ on 65-70 percent TS% every game, Delly couldn't be more valuable in any series than he is now.

Err..ok.This thread keeps getting dumber and dumber.

Yao Ming's Foot
06-15-2015, 03:12 PM
Yup. And anchoring the defense.
Sidenote: It's a wonder why an individual laughs hysterically, wwhimsically and randomly by himself. A sign of mental issues if you ask me. Or a sign of a poster woefully out of his depth as usual.

Who anchors a defense playing 20 mins a game? The delusion runs deep.

06-15-2015, 03:12 PM
when he's called out on his bitchness, its deflecting time :dancin :basketball :djparty

When have you ever contributed to a discussion apart from hopping on someone's bandwagon of debate? You're like that kid that just comes up and starts laughing uncomfortable during a roast session. Knowing damn well he doesn't know what the fucc is going on nor the references being made.

06-15-2015, 03:13 PM
Err..ok.This thread keeps getting dumber and dumber.


ISH, where losing 2 of your 3 best players makes your team stronger

When have you ever contributed to a discussion apart from hopping on someone's bandwagon of debate? You're like that kid that just comes up and starts laughing uncomfortable during a roast session. Knowing damn well he doesn't know what the fucc is going on nor the references being made.

link me to an informative post of yours, now breh

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:13 PM
It's an irrelevant question. Bynum was a top three player at the time and was injured. If we lose Artest then we'd need another defensive player to replace him. Artest was nothing special.

I'd take my chances with prime Kobe alongside any teammates if they were capable of holding down the Warriors offense. Prime Kobe is capable of leading elite offenses even without good offensive teammates. :confusedshrug:

Prime Kobe was leading his team to 34 wins and the lottery while shooting 43%fg from the field tbf. But let's stick to the topic on hand. Stop digressing.

Yao Ming's Foot
06-15-2015, 03:14 PM
What did Kobe do without Gasol and Artest? Bynum wasn't his 2nd or 3rd option. Or 4th and debatably not 5th lol.

He put up monster numbers on offense and led a bunch of scrubs to a top 10 offense. That's what he did. :confusedshrug:

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:15 PM
Who anchors a defense playing 20 mins a game? The delusion runs deep.

Sure. Duncan doesn't exactly play 40 minutes a game and he's the most important player on the defensive end for the Spurs. When Bynum was out in 2008, the Lakers got demolished by 39 points as they got brushed aside in 6 games. Kobe couldn't rise to the occasion unfortunately.

06-15-2015, 03:16 PM
Neither was Artest, idiot. Odom was the third option.

You guys try to argue from a vantage point of not knowing what the fucc you're talking about. :oldlol:
Artest scored more points with more FGA and a higher usage rate. He was the 3rd option in 2010. I know you're a Kobetard but you don't even know the Lakers roster?:roll:

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:16 PM
He put up monster numbers on offense and led a bunch of scrubs to a top 10 offense. That's what he did. :confusedshrug:

Interesting how he was at 34 wins and the lottery with Odom before Jackson came. Of course even after Phil came, he still couldn't get out of the first round til Gasol came to rebound his bricks.

06-15-2015, 03:16 PM
Prime Kobe was leading his team to 34 wins and the lottery while shooting 43%fg from the field tbf. But let's stick to the topic on hand. Stop digressing.

Prime Kobe was leading the worse rosters of all time to Playoff birthes. Lebron ain't winning with any of those squads, especially out West where people actually work for a living.

06-15-2015, 03:17 PM
Bynum was healthy when he put up around 7 points and 5 rebounds a game those playoffs? :roll:

...yes and its really not even debatable? Bynum never really lit the world on fire numbers-wise anyway, healthy or not. He was a major cog in their defense those two championship years and they wouldn't have won without him.

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:17 PM
Prime Kobe was leading the worse rosters of all time to Playoff birthes. Lebron ain't winning with any of those squads, especially out West where people actually work for a living.um no. He wasn't. He was leading them to 34 wins and the lottery. Then Phil came:(

06-15-2015, 03:18 PM
It's an irrelevant question. Bynum was a top three player at the time and was injured. If we lose Artest then we'd need another defensive player to replace him. Artest was nothing special.

I'd take my chances with prime Kobe alongside any teammates if they were capable of holding down the Warriors offense. Prime Kobe is capable of leading elite offenses even without good offensive teammates. :confusedshrug:
So when you can't answer a question it's irrelevant?:roll:
And since you're still avoiding the question, Kobe's playoff success was ZERO. Didn't even get to the 2nd round. Everyone needs a team.

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:18 PM
...yes and its really not even debatable? Bynum never really lit the world on fire numbers-wise anyway, healthy or not. He was a major cog in their defense those two championship years and they wouldn't have won without him.

He doesn't quite understand basketball tbf. Go easy on the poor tot.

06-15-2015, 03:19 PM
Artest scored more points with more FGA and a higher usage rate. He was the 3rd option in 2010. I know you're a Kobetard but you don't even know the Lakers roster?:roll:

Odom came off the bench idiot. :facepalm

Anyone with half a brain knows Odom and not Ron ****ing Artest (lol) was the third option on those Teams. It's like saying Harden or Manu weren't the third options for their respective Teams because Thabo or Danny Green was starting.

I know you're a Lebron stan who only looks at paper work to make arguments, but actually watch some games for once sweetie, I swear Basketball is entertaining. :oldlol:

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:19 PM
So when you can't answer a question it's irrelevant?:roll:
And you STILL have not told me what he did without Gasol and Artest. Just stop.

Like I told the poster above. You're being too harsh on someone who doesn't understand basketball.

Yao Ming's Foot
06-15-2015, 03:20 PM
Sure. Duncan doesn't exactly play 40 minutes a game and he's the most important player on the defensive end for the Spurs. When Bynum was out in 2008, the Lakers got demolished by 39 points as they got brushed aside in 6 games. Kobe couldn't rise to the occasion unfortunately.

But the Cavaliers have no problem with defense after losing Kyrie and Love. If anything their defense has improved. You have no point.

Give Kobe a bunch of offensive scrubs who are capable of playing 2015 Cavs level defense in his prime and he's not the inefficient mess that LeBron has been this year. I mean he is literately the biggest man on the court most of the game and is still struggling.

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:21 PM
Odom came off the bench idiot. :facepalm

Anyone with half a brain knows Odom and not Ron ****ing Artest (lol) was the third option on those Teams. It's like saying Harden or Manu weren't the third options for their respective Teams because Thabo or Danny Green was starting.

I know you're a Lebron stan who only looks at paper work to make arguments, but actually watch some games for once sweetie, I swear Basketball is entertaining. :oldlol:

He's right though. And you're embarrassing yourself here.

06-15-2015, 03:21 PM
um no. He wasn't. He was leading them to 34 wins and the lottery. Then Phil came:(

Better than leading them to 60 win's in a weak ass East coupled with a choke every year til he Teammed up with a Stacked ass rosters.

Kobe could do what Lebron does in his sleep.

Yao Ming's Foot
06-15-2015, 03:21 PM
Interesting how he was at 34 wins and the lottery with Odom before Jackson came. Of course even after Phil came, he still couldn't get out of the first round til Gasol came to rebound his bricks.

Yeah weird how once Kobe was surrounded by a competent defense he started stacking rings again.

Lebron has a competent defense around him and the only thing getting stacked are his excuse list.

06-15-2015, 03:22 PM
He's right though. And you're embarrassing yourself here.

Go make a thread and ask the forum who was the third option on the 08-10 Laker squads, i'll wait.

06-15-2015, 03:22 PM
It's funny how when bron had wade and bosh it was always "he's got no rebounding or size! Soft ass frontcourt help!" Now that he's got some of the most elite defense and rebounding out his frontcourt it's basically ignored and all that matters is how many offensive stars he has on his team lol

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:22 PM
But the Cavaliers have no problem with defense after losing Kyrie and Love. If anything their defense has improved. You have no point.


Ah! Beautiful! So you know see that Lebron is an infinitely better defensive player than Kobe Bryant and can cover his team's holes when major players are out while Kobe - obviously - can't. Great stuff here

06-15-2015, 03:23 PM
It's funny how when bron had wade and bosh it was always "he's got no rebounding or size! Soft ass frontcourt help!" Now that he's got some of the most elite defense and rebounding out his frontcourt it's basically ignored and all that matters is how many offensive stars he has on his team lol

No one was ever saying this. You're just hating.

Bron stan logic.

06-15-2015, 03:24 PM
It's funny how when bron had wade and bosh it was always "he's got no rebounding or size! Soft ass frontcourt help!" Now that he's got some of the most elite defense and rebounding out his frontcourt it's basically ignored and all that matters is how many offensive stars he has on his team lol
What the hell are you talking about? Is a team not allowed to have both?

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:24 PM
Go make a thread and ask the forum who was the third option on the 08-10 Laker squads, i'll wait.

Go ahead and make it yourself. The heck do I care? We're all disagreeing with you here. That gives you an indication what quite a few people here think. For a larger sample, go create your own thread (and please don't bother counting Kobe fanboys' responses)

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:24 PM
What the hell are you talking about? Is a team not allowed to have both?

Logic and Kobe stans don't mix.

Yao Ming's Foot
06-15-2015, 03:25 PM
So when you can't answer a question it's irrelevant?:roll:
And since you're still avoiding the question, Kobe's playoff success was ZERO. Didn't even get to the 2nd round. Everyone needs a team.

The Lakers didnt beat the Suns because their defense was terrible.

Kobe's TS% post Shaq and pre Gasol in the playoffs was around 57%.
LeBron's right now is 49%.

Once again Kobe doesn't need great offense teammates to be a great offensive player. :confusedshrug:

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:26 PM
The Lakers didnt beat the Suns because their defense was terrible.

Kobe's TS% post Shaq and pre Gasol in the playoffs was around 57%.
LeBron's right now is 49%.

Once again Kobe doesn't need great offense teammates to be a great offensive player. :confusedshrug:

Are you really comparing the 2006 and 2007 Sun's to the best defensive team on the planet right now?:oldlol:

06-15-2015, 03:27 PM
What the hell are you talking about? Is a team not allowed to have both?

How about the entire League? Then it'll become the NBA is weak.

you guys have an excuse for anything and everything. Nothing is just a loss.

Even with Lebron shooting historically bad numbers than even Kobe, you all wanna delude yourselves into believing he's a Team first guy, who's only shooting as much because he has no help. Then what the fucc was Kobe playing with from 05-07? the 86 Celtics?

You guys aren't consistent and i'm calling every bron stan and fan out on this shit.

Yao Ming's Foot
06-15-2015, 03:27 PM
Ah! Beautiful! So you know see that Lebron is an infinitely better defensive player than Kobe Bryant and can cover his team's holes when major players are out while Kobe - obviously - can't. Great stuff here

What does Lebron have to with Thompson and Dellavedova being more effective defenders than Love and Irving? :facepalm

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:29 PM
What does Lebron have to with Thompson and Dellavedova being more effective defenders than Love and Irving? :facepalm

What kind of logical gap are we dealing with here?:biggums:
Make a coherent argument for once. How many times have we told you?

Yao Ming's Foot
06-15-2015, 03:29 PM
Are you really comparing the 2006 and 2007 Sun's to the best defensive team on the planet right now?:oldlol:

Lebron didn't play the Warriors every round of the playoffs and the Warriors are even sitting their best defensive player (Bogut) and Lebron still can't get anything going. Its embarrassing.

06-15-2015, 03:30 PM
How about the entire League? Then it'll become the NBA is weak.

you guys have an excuse for anything and everything. Nothing is just a loss.

Even with Lebron shooting historically bad numbers than even Kobe, you all wanna delude yourselves into believing he's a Team first guy, who's only shooting as much because he has no help. Then what the fucc was Kobe playing with from 05-07? the 86 Celtics?

You guys aren't consistent and i'm calling every bron stan and fan out on this shit.

Why do you constantly make shit up and then assume everyone said it? Quit being delusional and self gratifying. It's hilarious really. And then you just post shit like:

"I win."
"Im just calling yall out."
"Do you want to get destroyed again? "

The fvck is wrong with you?

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:30 PM
Lebron didn't play the Warriors every round of the playoffs and the Warriors are even sitting their best defensive player (Bogut) and Lebron still can't get anything going. Its embarrassing.

Except that Lebron is averaging 37, 12.5 , 9. Other than that, yup..he's had nothing going.

Good stuff here.

Yao Ming's Foot
06-15-2015, 03:31 PM
What kind of logical gap are we dealing with here?:biggums:
Make a coherent argument for once. How many times have we told you?

I can't break it down any more simple than before. The Cavs replaced inferior defensive players with superior defensive players. Lebron didn't close a defensive gap because it never existed in the first place.

He has tried and failed to close an offensive gap however.

06-15-2015, 03:31 PM
Why do you constantly make shit up and then assume everyone said it? Quit being delusional and self gratifying. It's hilarious really. And then you just post shit like:

"I win."
"Im just calling yall out."
"Do you want to get destroyed again? "

The fvck is wrong with you?

:roll: :roll: so true yet sad :(

06-15-2015, 03:31 PM
Go ahead and make it yourself. The heck do I care? We're all disagreeing with you here. That gives you an indication what quite a few people here think. For a larger sample, go create your own thread (and please don't bother counting Kobe fanboys' responses)

Who the **** is "We're all"?

It's you and one other idiot trying to argue Artest was the third option on those Laker squads. Ariza wasn't even the third option when he was here, how the fucc could Artest be one? No, the reason you wont make that thread asking that question is because you know you're full of shit. I don't need to make it because I know the truth, I actually watched those series. You shook son

I love the smell of fresh pu$$y in the afternoon.

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:32 PM
Why do you constantly make shit up and then assume everyone said it? Quit being delusional and self gratifying. It's hilarious really. And then you just post shit like:

"I win."
"Im just calling yall out."
"Do you want to get destroyed again? "

The fvck is wrong with you?
If you read a few pages back, several posters addressed this. He has a habit of making up stuff. Don't take him too seriously. Whenever he's stuck, he makes up something.

06-15-2015, 03:33 PM
"I love the smell of fresh pu$$y in the afternoon."

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:34 PM
I can't break it down any more simple than before. The Cavs replaced inferior defensive players with superior defensive players. Lebron didn't close a defensive gap because it never existed in the first place.

He has tried and failed to close an offensive gap however.

Oh.boy. ok real here.

Lebron steps up to take more of the defensive work (something Kobe wouldn't be able to do)
On the offensive end, he's averaging 37 ppg, 12.5 rpg and 9 apg which is a better offensive series than Kobe's ever had.

Is this simple enough for you to comprehend?

06-15-2015, 03:34 PM
Why do you constantly make shit up and then assume everyone said it? Quit being delusional and self gratifying. It's hilarious really. And then you just post shit like:

"I win."
"Im just calling yall out."
"Do you want to get destroyed again? "

The fvck is wrong with you?

Constantly make shit up my ass, i'm on this forum every other day , sometimes just lurking and I always see the Lebald faithful pushing some shit agenda.

Lebron needs more help

Lebron doesn't even need Love or Kyrie

Lebron makes his Teammates better

When it suits your narrative , you all let it fly with the overbearing remarks , but when shit hits the fan the back peddling begins. :lol

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:34 PM
"I love the smell of fresh pu$$y in the afternoon."

This is a just pathetic now.

06-15-2015, 03:36 PM
If you read a few pages back, several posters addressed this. He has a habit of making up stuff. Don't take him too seriously. Whenever he's stuck, he makes up something.

You and your alt addressed this. :oldlol:

AW is a fuccing parraot.

He'd follow Peter Piper off a cliff if he told him a Lebron **** sucking convention was taking place down at the bottom. :applause:

Magic 32
06-15-2015, 03:36 PM
Is this simple enough for you to comprehend?

Can you comprehend 2/6?

06-15-2015, 03:37 PM
Constantly make shit up my ass, i'm on this forum every other day , sometimes just lurking and I always see the Lebald faithful pushing some shit agenda.

Lebron needs more help

Lebron doesn't even need Love or Kyrie

Lebron makes his Teammates better

When it suits your narrative , you all let it fly with the overbearing remarks , but when shit hits the fan the back peddling begins. :lol

If that was true you would know that different people post different shit and constantly spamming I win is the most asininie argument ever made. Everyone creates narratives and agendas. Look at the Kobe stans in this thread.

Damn, you sure destroyed me. My bad.

Ne 1
06-15-2015, 03:38 PM
It's funny how when bron had wade and bosh it was always "he's got no rebounding or size! Soft ass frontcourt help!" Now that he's got some of the most elite defense and rebounding out his frontcourt it's basically ignored and all that matters is how many offensive stars he has on his team lol

LeBron needs TONS of help. I mean, TONS!

06-15-2015, 03:38 PM
This is a just pathetic now.

Go make the thread tough guy.

I thought Artest was the third option? :roll:

Like I said you more pu$$y than fresh pu$$y. :lol

Yao Ming's Foot
06-15-2015, 03:38 PM
Oh.boy. ok real here.

Lebron steps up to take more of the defensive work (something Kobe wouldn't be able to do)
On the offensive end, he's averaging 37 ppg, 12.5 rpg and 9 apg which is a better offensive series than Kobe's ever had.

Is this simple enough for you to comprehend?

Being a high volume inefficient shooter has never been praiseworthy. I'm real proud that he's getting rebounds while being the biggest man on the court but that has little to do with how terrible the offense of the Cavs has been as a whole the entire series.

As I alluded to before if it wasn't for the play of Lebron's teammates in limiting the Warriors offense far below their typical offensive numbers this series would be over already.

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:39 PM
You and your alt addressed this. :oldlol:

AW is a fuccing parraot.

He'd follow Peter Piper off a cliff if he told him a Lebron **** sucking convention was taking place down at the bottom. :applause:

Meltdown here

06-15-2015, 03:39 PM
"I love the smell of fresh pu$$y in the afternoon."

"He'd follow Peter Piper off a cliff if he told him a Lebron **** sucking convention was taking place down at the bottom."

"you more pu$$y than fresh pu$$y."


06-15-2015, 03:39 PM
If that was true you would know that different people post different shit and constantly spamming I win is the most asininie argument ever made. Everyone creates narratives and agendas. Look at the Kobe stans in this thread.

Damn, you sure destroyed me. My bad.

If it doesn't apply to you don't reply. But since it seems to be getting you heated , I bet you've made one of the claims about Lebron mentioned above. :confusedshrug:

06-15-2015, 03:40 PM
feeling some type of way

06-15-2015, 03:41 PM
Meltdown here

Are you gonna make the thread?

06-15-2015, 03:41 PM
Being a high volume inefficient shooter has never been praiseworthy. I'm real proud that he's getting rebounds while being the biggest man on the court but that has little to do with how terrible the offense of the Cavs has been as a whole the entire series.

As I alluded to before if it wasn't for the play of Lebron's teammates in limiting the Warriors offense far below their typical offensive numbers this series would be over already.
Your delusional. The Cavs couldnt crack the 70 point mark vs this team if Lebron wasnt doing what he's doing. And that's an inefficient thing as it is.

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:41 PM
Being a high volume inefficient shooter has never been praiseworthy. I'm real proud that he's getting rebounds while being the biggest man on the court but that has little to do with how terrible the offense of the Cavs has been as a whole the entire series.

As I alluded to before if it wasn't for the play of Lebron's teammates in limiting the Warriors offense far below their typical offensive numbers this series would be over already.

Au contraire! It's been Lebron's leadership on the defensive end which has elevated the Cleveland defense!

And I'm glad you're not a fan of inefficient chucker. A certain Kobe Bryant must not be ranked anywhere near the top.10 players of all time when he retires for the reason you jus mentioned!

Great stuff.

06-15-2015, 03:42 PM
What the hell are you talking about? Is a team not allowed to have both?

Both ? :lol

Yea why don't we just give him prime nash for offense, sprinkle in a little dwight for defense and fk it just throw in pau for some extra rebounding.. this dude basically admitting bran needs the most stacked team of all time to win a finals LOL

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:42 PM
Are you gonna make the thread?

It's on you to prove your minority view.why the HECK would I care to make a thread:oldlol:
What drug are you on?:oldlol:

06-15-2015, 03:42 PM
Au contraire! It's been Lebron's leadership on the defensive end which has elevated the Cleveland defense!

And I'm glad you're not a fan of inefficient chucker. A certain Kobe Bryant must not be ranked anywhere near the top.10 players of all time when he retires for the reason you jus mentioned!

Great stuff.

Was Ron Artest The Lakers third option in 2010?

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:43 PM
If it doesn't apply to you don't reply. But since it seems to be getting you heated , I bet you've made one of the claims about Lebron mentioned above. :confusedshrug:

Tbf the ones "mentioned above" include non existing ones which you made up.

06-15-2015, 03:44 PM
Both ? :lol

Yea why don't we just give him prime nash for offense, sprinkle in a little dwight for defense and fk it just throw in pau for some extra rebounding.. this dude basically admitting bran needs the most stacked team of all time to win a finals LOL
I never made that argument.

How many teams have won without defense and rebounding and offensive talent?

That's a fvcking standard contending team.

How is that stacked?

06-15-2015, 03:44 PM
It's on you to prove your minority view.why the HECK would I care to make a thread:oldlol:
What drug are you on?:oldlol:

How is it a minority view when you are afraid to present it to the majority of the forum? You're the one making a claim Artest was the third scoring option after Kobe and Gasol, I know what the fucc I'm talking about by saying you're an idiot.

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:45 PM
Was Ron Artest The Lakers third option in 2010?

Your mind is really something. Errr..how did u come up with that question from that paragraph I've written?:roll:

Yao Ming's Foot
06-15-2015, 03:46 PM
Au contraire! It's been Lebron's leadership on the defensive end which has elevated the Cleveland defense!

And I'm glad you're not a fan of inefficient chucker. A certain Kobe Bryant must not be ranked anywhere near the top.10 players of all time when he retires for the reason you jus mentioned!

Great stuff.


Why doesn't he use some of that leadership to magically make his teammates better on offense too?

Kobe was 19 years old when he posted his career low in postseason TS% .501.

Prime LeBron during this amazing unbelievable run.... .490


06-15-2015, 03:47 PM
I never made that argument.

How many teams have won without defense and rebounding and offensive talent?

That's a fvcking standard contending team.

How is that stacked?

I was just messing with you mang

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:47 PM
How is it a minority view when you are afraid to present it to the majority of the forum? You're the one making a claim Artest was the third scoring option after Kobe and Gasol, I know what the fucc I'm talking about by saying you're an idiot.

Yawn. Logical gaps galore tonight. Make your thread mate. Feks sake.

06-15-2015, 03:47 PM
Tbf the ones "mentioned above" include non existing ones which you made up.

"Lebron makes his Teammates better"

"Lebron needs more help"

"The Cavs are better without Irving and Love"

If you say no Lebron stan has ever said this, anyone can see that you're blatantly lying.

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:48 PM

Why doesn't he use some of that leadership to magically make his teammates better on offense too?

Kobe was 19 years old when he posted his career low in postseason TS% .501.

Prime LeBron during this amazing unbelievable run.... .490


Ah! 37 ppg , 12.5 rpg and 9 apg is beautiful isn't it! Shame he doesn't have Shaq commanding the opposition defense's attention :(
Great stuff! You're too easy!:bowdown:

06-15-2015, 03:49 PM
Yawn. Logical gaps galore tonight. Make your thread mate. Feks sake.

If it's such a widely accepted thing, why don't you just make the thread? It'd be so easy to make me out as the liar that I am right? Everyone knows according to you so just make the thread asking a simple question.

Leave it to the Lebald stan to come up short in the clutch. :lol

06-15-2015, 03:49 PM
The one constant that we've learned this decade is that no matter what lineup he has on his squad, Bron will always be in need of even more help.

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:49 PM
"Lebron makes his Teammates better"

"Lebron needs more help"

"The Cavs are better without Irving and Love"

If you say no Lebron stan has ever said this, anyone can see that you're blatantly lying.

Au contraire! We're all in agreement that it's you has a habit of randomly making up stuff here

06-15-2015, 03:50 PM
Odom came off the bench idiot. :facepalm

Anyone with half a brain knows Odom and not Ron ****ing Artest (lol) was the third option on those Teams. It's like saying Harden or Manu weren't the third options for their respective Teams because Thabo or Danny Green was starting.

I know you're a Lebron stan who only looks at paper work to make arguments, but actually watch some games for once sweetie, I swear Basketball is entertaining. :oldlol:
Lol so anyone who calls you out on your blatant crap=Bron Stan? You're such a freaking idiot. Did anyone on those team have more FGA than Harden or Manu? NO. Artest took 25 MORE shots than Odom. What third option takes less shots you idiot? Again, a Kobetard that knows nothing about the Lakers.

And I fluently watch ball and play. I'd scrape the hell out of you if you ever left the house.

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:51 PM
If it's such a widely accepted thing, why don't you just make the thread? It'd be so easy to make me out as the liar that I am right? Everyone knows according to you so just make the thread asking a simple question.

Leave it to the Lebald stan to come up short in the clutch. :lol


1- I don't care to?
2- Yup. Four different posters have called you a liar. That's the general consensus here. Nobody takes you seriously.
3- Who's Lebald?
4- The irony of a Kobe (7/29 gm in playoffs ) talking about clutch:lol

06-15-2015, 03:52 PM
Au contraire! We're all in agreement that it's you has a habit of randomly making up stuff here

Let's make a thread on that too.

Ask the forum if Lebron stans such as yourself don't say things like this.

This one is easier than Artest is the third option. Come on , have some fuccing heart for once unlike your idol. :applause:

I'm rooting for you here.

06-15-2015, 03:52 PM
Lol so anyone who calls you out on your blatant crap=Bron Stan? You're such a freaking idiot. Did anyone on those team have more FGA than Harden or Manu? NO. Artest took 25 MORE shots than Odom. What third option takes less shots you idiot? Again, a Kobetard that knows nothing about the Lakers.

And I fluently watch ball and play. I'd scrape the hell out of you if you ever left the house.
Dont argue with Hoops. He always wins. Anyone who disagrees or calls him out has already had his shit pushed in.

06-15-2015, 03:52 PM
The Lakers didnt beat the Suns because their defense was terrible.

Kobe's TS% post Shaq and pre Gasol in the playoffs was around 57%.
LeBron's right now is 49%.

Once again Kobe doesn't need great offense teammates to be a great offensive player. :confusedshrug:
You are STILL avoiding the question. I never asked about Kobe's capability as an offensive player, he's one of the GOAT scorers of course he doesn't need teammates to score.
I asked what his success was without Gasol and Artest, and you still haven't given the clear answer that we both know.

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:53 PM
Lol so anyone who calls you out on your blatant crap=Bron Stan? You're such a freaking idiot. Did anyone on those team have more FGA than Harden or Manu? NO. Artest took 25 MORE shots than Odom. What third option takes less shots you idiot? Again, a Kobetard that knows nothing about the Lakers.

And I fluently watch ball and play. I'd scrape the hell out of you if you ever left the house.

He's just a liar as you, me, AW, and navy have all pointed out in the last 20 minutes. Don't take him seriously. He has literally NO credibility:rockon:

06-15-2015, 03:53 PM
If it's such a widely accepted thing, why don't you just make the thread? It'd be so easy to make me out as the liar that I am right? Everyone knows according to you so just make the thread asking a simple question.

Leave it to the Lebald stan to come up short in the clutch. :lol


This what you're looking or? LeBron fans talking about K-Love, claiming that dude should demand to trade him. :oldlol:

06-15-2015, 03:54 PM

1- I don't care to?
2- Yup. Four different posters have called you a liar. That's the general consensus here. Nobody takes you seriously.
3- Who's Lebald?
4- The irony of a Kobe (7/29 gm in playoffs ) talking about clutch:lol

1. Because you're a pu$$y who doesn't back up his statements
2. two of them are your alts
3. Your Mother's baby Daddy
4. the irony of 2/5

:lol Ron Artest was the third option though.

06-15-2015, 03:54 PM

This what you're looking or? LeBron fans talking about K-Love, claiming that dude should demand to trade him. :oldlol:

Ether. :roll:

I'm a liar tho, right?

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:54 PM

This what you're looking or? LeBron fans talking about K-Love, claiming that dude should demand to trade him. :oldlol:

Too bad that that's not really his claim and doesn't help him:D

Yao Ming's Foot
06-15-2015, 03:55 PM
You are STILL avoiding the question. I never asked about Kobe's capability as an offensive player, he's one of the GOAT scorers of course he doesn't need teammates to score.
I asked what his success was without Gasol and Artest, and you still haven't given the clear answer that we both know.

He's been a multiple time champion and legendary player with and without Gasol and Artest. Hope this helps.

06-15-2015, 03:55 PM
Let's make a thread on that too.

Ask the forum if Lebron stans such as yourself don't say things like this.

This one is easier than Artest is the third option. Come on , have some fuccing heart for once unlike your idol. :applause:

I'm rooting for you here.
Go ahead and make the thread. Artest was clearly on Odoms plane in terms of a scoring option.

06-15-2015, 03:56 PM
He's just a liar as you, me, AW, and navy have all pointed out in the last 20 minutes. Don't take him seriously. He has literally NO credibility:rockon:

Dont argue with Hoops. He always wins. Anyone who disagrees or calls him out has already had his shit pushed in.
Yea I see that now. He started the debate I just wanted to see him try to defend the crap he was spewing out.

06-15-2015, 03:56 PM
Dont argue with Hoops. He always wins. Anyone who disagrees or calls him out has already had his shit pushed in.

I'll ask you navy since you seem to be in the co signing mood.

Ron Artest was the third option on the 2010 Lakers? Simple question, i just wanna get an idea of the consensus.

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:56 PM
1. Because you're a pu$$y who doesn't back up his statements
2. two of them are your alts
3. Your Mother's baby Daddy
4. the irony of 2/5

:lol Ron Artest was the third option though.

Oh boy. All of them we're right :roll:
Anyone who disagrees with you is an alt or said "insert made up sentence here":oldlol: just sad.

06-15-2015, 03:56 PM
Go ahead and make the thread. Artest was clearly on Odoms plane in terms of a scoring option.

Beat me to it. :roll:

06-15-2015, 03:57 PM
Players need touches. They don't even nencessarily have to be the player the play is drawn up for ,However they have to be a part of the offense. That's why running sets, moving the ball is so important. It gets the player into a rythm. It keeps their head in the game and allows them to contribute to the offense with their complete skillset. Players can go countless possessions without ever touching the ball playing with lebron. They get cold out on the floor , never get a rythm going but are expected to make shots when they get to touch the ball some odd plays later. You can't reduce everyone to a catch and shoot player and expect to get the best out of them. People like to rag on Kobe's chucking, but his game does not cut out the skillsets of his supporting cast. The only sacrifice that has to be made to play with Kobe is shot attempts but he doesn't reduce anyone to spot up duty. Pau got to post, Odom got to be a point forward. Kobe didnt have to touch the ball on every play. He didn't have to "be the offense" on every possession to be effective. You can get assists off of Kobe coming off of curls, posting up on the strong side, or spotting up. There are'nt very many assisted baskets for lebron out side of fastbreaks. LeBron James stifles, and suffocates players around him that can't thrive just spotting up.

There is way too much standing around waiting for a last second pass playing with LeBron. Teammates are frozen out and it's difficult for them to get into a flow because they aren't playing as cogs in a well oiled machine.

06-15-2015, 03:57 PM
Ether. :roll:

I'm a liar tho, right?

HoopCityJones' "ghosts" have come to life.

Take the L, Bron bois :oldlol:

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 03:57 PM
Yea I see that now. He started the debate I just wanted to see him try to defend the crap he was spewing out.

Err...apparently I'm you. Or you're me. Or we're alts. I forgot what he was saying. Anyone who points out his lies are all "alts".

06-15-2015, 03:59 PM
Someone please make that thread. I wanna see if navy, Feeny and AW will even bother posting there. Oh my god.

06-15-2015, 04:00 PM
kobes chucking fully utilizes his teammates rebounding skillsets

06-15-2015, 04:02 PM
Err...apparently I'm you. Or you're me. Or we're alts. I forgot what he was saying. Anyone who points out his lies are all "alts".
I've been called like 5 people's alts now. Even tho I'm from Alabama and youre apparently in Wyoming lol. It must be a last resort when he's lost the argument. Even tho I've already proven this is my only account.

06-15-2015, 04:04 PM
I've been called like 5 people's alts now. It must be a last resort when he's lost the argument. Even tho I've already proven this is my only account.

You really must be an alt then because I don't remember debating anyone named "Bankaii" before today , and trust me i'd remember because Bleach is donkey shit. :confusedshrug:

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 04:04 PM
I've been called like 5 people's alts now. It must be a last resort when he's lost the argument. Even tho I've already proven this is my only account.

Yup. Same here. And it's always him and the other Kobe stan who accuse me. I've invited them to run an ip check and they both promptly shut up when I do that:oldlol:
It's getting to him. He's considered a joke on here and pretty much everyone on this board has called him out on his consistent lying. It's just sad.

06-15-2015, 04:05 PM
Yup. Same here. And it's always him and the other Kobe stan who accuse me. I've invited them to run an ip check and they both promptly shut up when I do that:oldlol:
It's getting to him. He's considered a joke on here and pretty much everyone on this board has called him out on his consistent lying. It's just sad.

You can change your IP by resetting the modem. You never shut anyone up in your life AW. 17,000 posts to go along with your 2000 posts on this account.

You da real MVP....Of not having a life.

06-15-2015, 04:06 PM
You really must be an alt then because I don't remember debating anyone named "Bankaii" before today , and trust me i'd remember because Bleach is donkey shit. :confusedshrug:
Bleach is amazing, shut your whore mouth. And I only have like 90 posts, most in game threads. I don't have time to post consistently enough to be a "known" poster.

06-15-2015, 04:07 PM
Bleach is amazing, shut your whore mouth. And I only have like 90 posts, most in game threads. I don't have time to post consistently enough to be a "known" poster.

You just lost all credibility. holy shit. :roll:

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 04:09 PM
You can change your IP by resetting the modem. You never shut anyone up in your life AW. 17,000 posts to go along with your 2000 posts on this account.

You da real MVP....Of not having a life.

Right on cue! Boy, get a life. Not all of us are like you and need alts. The reality is that 4 different posters in the past 25 minutes alone have called you a liar:lebronamazed:

Live with it. Keep telling yourself everyone's an alt:lol

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 04:09 PM
You just lost all credibility. holy shit. :roll:

You're having another meltdown here. Let's stick to the topic on hand. This time try not to make up crap :lebronamazed:

06-15-2015, 04:13 PM
Right on cue! Boy, get a life. Not all of us are like you and need alts. The reality is that 4 different posters in the past 25 minutes alone have called you a liar:lebronamazed:

Live with it. Keep telling yourself everyone's an alt:lol

I have no reason to lie anyone can see the outlandish shit you LBJ stans say all the time. nothing Ive said was fabrication. You guys on the other hand...."Ron Artest was Kobe's third option on offense" :lol

Make the thread, let's debate.

06-15-2015, 04:13 PM
You just lost all credibility. holy shit. :roll:
This isn't the right place but beginning=dope, middle=meh, and the ending sucked. But overall I like it.

06-15-2015, 04:15 PM
You're having another meltdown here. Let's stick to the topic on hand. This time try not to make up crap :lebronamazed:

This is all you can say to refute my claims "You're melting down". :roll:

06-15-2015, 04:16 PM
This is all you can say to refute my claims "You're melting down". :roll:
But you do this almost exclusively.

06-15-2015, 04:16 PM
This isn't the right place but beginning=dope, middle=meh, and the ending sucked. But overall I like it.

It's still ongoing , which means it's just one giant turd.:lol

Brb niglets.

06-15-2015, 04:17 PM
But you do this almost exclusively.

"Ron Artest was the third option"

Hold this L while I go fucc your sister

06-15-2015, 04:18 PM
"Hold this L while I go fucc your sister."

I don't have a sister. :lol

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 04:20 PM
"Hold this L while I go fucc your sister."

I don't have a sister. :lolI actually laughed out loud:oldlol: I can imagine the poor kid sitting at his computer fuming:oldlol:

06-15-2015, 04:28 PM
wait what?

To the topic:

Cavs are better suited against this GSW team with Kyrie and Love out, because they have good defenders instead of them, good hustle players, playing winning basketball.
Look, they're all-stars, they're very good and against pretty much every other team they're a huge plus, but if you add two blackholes on defense along with LeBron who's been terrible on D this POs, you get 3 out of 5 startes being way below average defenders. And that means lunchtime for GSW, they're not outgunning GSW at their game, those guys are just too good shooters.
Curry would be averaging 30+ on 65-70 percent TS% every game, Delly couldn't be more valuable in any series than he is now.
Yah, a team is better suites without one of the best scoring point guards in the nba who outplayed curry game one and was the fiba mvp and all star this season. How can someone argue that they are better off without Irving and another playing who can put up 20 and ten any given not.

Mr Feeny
06-15-2015, 04:30 PM
Yah, a team is better suites without one of the best scoring point guards in the nba who outplayed curry game one and was the fiba mvp and all star this season. How can someone argue that they are better off without Irving and another playing who can put up 20 and ten any given not.

You're giving him way too much credit by assuming that he understands basketball.

06-15-2015, 06:32 PM
Mr Feeny getting shit on so badly in this thread.
You mentioned prime kobe only leading Lakers to 34 wins.
I remember 07-08 Lakers being atop the western conference even before the pau gasol trade, how did that happen??

06-15-2015, 06:34 PM
Yah, a team is better suites without one of the best scoring point guards in the nba who outplayed curry game one and was the fiba mvp and all star this season. How can someone argue that they are better off without Irving and another playing who can put up 20 and ten any given not.
They lost game 1 and GSW were having some major first game of the finals jitters.
Because Curry can counter everything Kyrie can do and then some. Meanwhile Delly has been able to shut down Curry for periods of time, and without Curry, GSW's offense gets stagnant as fock.
It's not hard to understand, if you know anything about basketball and you're not a retarded stan, you see that Delly's defense is way more valuable in this series than Kyrie's offense..

06-15-2015, 06:35 PM
Mr Feeny getting shit on so badly in this thread.
You mentioned prime kobe only leading Lakers to 34 wins.
I remember 07-08 Lakers being atop the western conference even before the pau gasol trade, how did that happen??
Did they win?

06-15-2015, 06:44 PM
Did they win?
Yeah, quite a lot, they were atop the conference at the time.

06-15-2015, 06:44 PM
Yeah, quite a lot, they were atop the conference at the time.
At the time? We give out first quarter awards now?

So they won the chip? I mean best team in the west without gasol. Add Gasol then damn.

06-15-2015, 07:03 PM
At the time? We give out first quarter awards now?

So they won the chip? I mean best team in the west without gasol. Add Gasol then damn.
I still don't get what you're trying to say.
He dragged them to like 33-17 record without Pau. If that's not impressive, I don't know what is.
You guys go ridiculous lengths to hate on the guy. He averages 35 ppg on good efficiency with worst teammates you can think of and takes suns to G7, yet you try to discredit him, he has 10 50 point games in 07, discredited, he drags a shit squad to no.1 seed in the west, still not impressive.
Kobe is a born winner, he played winning basketball his whole life. I know it's maddening that Kobe is a much better player, leader and winner than Bron, but accept the truth and move the fock on

06-15-2015, 07:04 PM
I still don't get what you're trying to say.
He dragged them to like 33-17 record without Pau. If that's not impressive, I don't know what is.
You guys go ridiculous lengths to hate on the guy. He averages 35 ppg on good efficiency with worst teammates you can think of and takes suns to G7, yet you try to discredit him, he has 10 50 point games in 07, discredited, he drags a shit squad to no.1 seed in the west, still not impressive.
Kobe is a born winner, he played winning basketball his whole life. I know it's maddening that Kobe is a much better player, leader and winner than Bron, but accept the truth and move the fock on
33-17? Man that's the greatest shit ive ever seen. MVP as well.

Did they win?

06-15-2015, 07:11 PM
33-17? Man that's the greatest shit ive ever seen. MVP as well.

Did they win?
No, they didn't, they faced an amazing Celtics team in the finals that was too much for a two man team that was the Lakers, especially with Pau playing sub-par whole series, and Kobe getting double triple teamed all the time.
You know every answer to every question of yours, you're just trying to look like a smartass, who doesn't really have a definite end to your argument, so you're trying to look cool. In other words, you're embarassing yourself.

06-15-2015, 07:15 PM
No, they didn't, they faced an amazing Celtics team in the finals that was too much for a two man team that was the Lakers, especially with Pau playing sub-par whole series, and Kobe getting double triple teamed all the time.
You know every answer to every question of yours, you're just trying to look like a smartass, who doesn't really have a definite end to your argument, so you're trying to look cool. In other words, you're embarassing yourself.
Two man Lakers? That's more than enough to be honest. I mean Kobe was dominating as a 1 man team leading his team to the top of the conference.

Didnt the Lakers choke away the greatest home lead of all time?

That same Celtics team that got taken 7 by the Hawks and Cavs?

Subpar Gasol is more than enough? I mean they dominated without him. No?

06-15-2015, 07:21 PM
Two man Lakers? That's more than enough to be honest. I mean Kobe was dominating as a 1 man team leading his team to the top of the conference.

Didnt the Lakers choke away the greatest home lead of all time?

That same Celtics team that got taken 7 by the Hawks and Cavs?

Subpar Gasol is more than enough? I mean they dominated without him. No?
You're trying to be a smartass again, think of a definitive end to your argument, you're just grasping for straws now.
Yup, the same Celtics that got taken to 7 by cavs and hawks. Those teams weren't shit, give them some credit. But one of those teams is lebron's so you're obviously not going to give them credit.
Subpar gasol is a minus on the floor. Especially against a prime KG
Yea, Lakers lost badly and underperformed after having the lead. Think of your end argument, you're not getting anywhere, just spitting random shit hoping something sticks or a dubeta level retard quotes you while saying "this".

06-15-2015, 07:25 PM
You're trying to be a smartass again, think of a definitive end to your argument, you're just grasping for straws now.
Yup, the same Celtics that got taken to 7 by cavs and hawks. Those teams weren't shit, give them some credit. But one of those teams is lebron's so you're obviously not going to give them credit.
Subpar gasol is a minus on the floor. Especially against a prime KG
Yea, Lakers lost badly and underperformed after having the lead. Think of your end argument, you're not getting anywhere, just spitting random shit hoping something sticks or a dubeta level retard quotes you while saying "this".
Straws? Nah man. No need for them. It's not hard to be a smartass talking to you lol.

Those Cavs and Hawks teams were pretty mediocre I would say. They certainly didnt have a 33-17 MVP Kobe and a "subpar" Gasol. I mean who was KG even facing in the previous rounds?

06-15-2015, 07:32 PM
Straws? Nah man. No need for them. It's not hard to be a smartass talking to you lol.

Those Cavs and Hawks teams were pretty mediocre I would say. They certainly didnt have a 33-17 MVP Kobe and a "subpar" Gasol. I mean who was KG even facing in the previous rounds?
KG against DET and Rasheed and Antonio McDyess, two great post defenders - 23-10
KG against CLE - Ilgauskas, Big Ben, Varejao, only Ilgauskas wasn't a great defender, but he was still a 7-2 guy - 20-11
KG against ATL - Josh Smith and Al Horford, great defensive tandem - 21-9-4
KG probably faced best 1x1 defense in 08 playoffs.
You fail again.

06-15-2015, 07:37 PM
KG against DET and Rasheed and Antonio McDyess, two great post defenders - 23-10
KG against CLE - Ilgauskas, Big Ben, Varejao, only Ilgauskas wasn't a great defender, but he was still a 7-2 guy - 20-11
KG against ATL - Josh Smith and Al Horford, great defensive tandem - 21-9-4
KG probably faced best 1x1 defense in 08 playoffs.
You fail again.
You literally listed non noteworthy players or washed up guys :lol

Im not sure you know how this works

06-15-2015, 07:40 PM
You literally listed non noteworthy players or washed up guys :lol

Im not sure you know how this works
I listed pretty much great defenders in every series.
Yeah, KG didn't have much going against him offensively, but he was defended well and performed great.

06-15-2015, 07:54 PM
Why would you post someone's first option stats and then their third option stats as if they are the same situation? That makes no sense.

When Wade sat, Bosh returned right back into a 20 point scorer.

That's just basketball.

Yeah, kind of dumb to compare stats when a guy was taking 24 shots and then 15. Common sense tells you his PPG will go down. But I can bet Bosh's efficiency went up when he played in Miami. We all know he developed a pretty decent 3-ball.

Mr Feeny
06-16-2015, 12:45 AM
33-17? Man that's the greatest shit ive ever seen. MVP as well.

Did they win?

:oldlol: :oldlol: go easy on him.

06-16-2015, 01:41 AM
Bran would rather have the stats than win. Thats why he gives his all during 1st-3rd so he would excused by casual fans when they lose. This guy would refuse to play off-ball to preserve his stamina coz he knows that its harder to produce stats in the clutch. Compare that to curry who involves his teammates first then takes over in crunch time. The mentality of bran(beta mentality) is its better to settle for less(stats) than have nothing at all. If he loses and doesnt produce stats. Nobody would be talking about him to be potential GOAT anymore.

06-16-2015, 03:04 AM

06-16-2015, 03:22 AM
Bran would rather have the stats than win. Thats why he gives his all during 1st-3rd so he would excused by casual fans when they lose. This guy would refuse to play off-ball to preserve his stamina coz he knows that its harder to produce stats in the clutch. Compare that to curry who involves his teammates first then takes over in crunch time. The mentality of bran(beta mentality) is its better to settle for less(stats) than have nothing at all. If he loses and doesnt produce stats. Nobody would be talking about him to be potential GOAT anymore.


06-16-2015, 03:26 AM
Bran would rather have the stats than win. Thats why he gives his all during 1st-3rd so he would excused by casual fans when they lose. This guy would refuse to play off-ball to preserve his stamina coz he knows that its harder to produce stats in the clutch. Compare that to curry who involves his teammates first then takes over in crunch time. The mentality of bran(beta mentality) is its better to settle for less(stats) than have nothing at all. If he loses and doesnt produce stats. Nobody would be talking about him to be potential GOAT anymore.


06-16-2015, 04:10 AM