View Full Version : Let's Be Honest, We Want The Cavs To Win...

06-15-2015, 08:41 AM
It's just the better story. If the Warriors win, they're just doing what they were suppose to do. Come in the Finals, after beating up the other Western teams, and crush a depleted Cavaliers's squad. That's predictable. We hate predictable movies. We always want something to amaze and wow us. We want to be surprised.

Even if the Warriors win, which they should, the main story will be not them but how the Cavaliers lost and how LeBron couldn't get it done with scrubs.

The Warriors will just be another blip on LeBron's legacy radar. A team forever in the shadows of greatness.

After the trophies are given and the generic celebratory speeches said, the Warriors will go back to being just another team in a league filled with teams. However, LeBron's legacy will continue and his star will shine even through defeat. While the Warriors are forgotten champions, the story for the next NBA season will be can LeBron rise from the ashes like a Phoenix and reclaim the ultimate glory in sports.

06-15-2015, 09:10 AM
It doesn't have to be a happy ending. The Cavs and Bron will get their props for trying hard and making the Warriors earn their trophy. Most people thought it was gonna be a sweep and here we are 3-2 and going to Cleveland for the possibility of a game 7.

06-15-2015, 09:14 AM
I don't want to hear some shitty storyline about how someone did it single handedly, as if his 'scrubs' had no hand in locking down the offensive juggernaut of a team they were playing against. We need order in the universe. His legacy will not take a hit as very few really gave the Cavs a chance after the final injury.