View Full Version : Bron shooting 30% in 4th and OT vs single covg and they are letting him off the hook

06-15-2015, 11:03 PM
Not even letting him off the hook, they are actually proclaiming this a GOAT finals performance, saying Bron deserves FMVP even if CLE loses.

Damn, just realized I've seen it all with this guy. From the most passive finals chokejob ever which had everyone screaming "SHOOT THE BALL NIGHA!!!" at their TV sets to now where he is chucking away on 30% shooting in crunchtime :lol

Mr. Jabbar
06-15-2015, 11:05 PM
the most spoiled nba player to ever lace em up

06-15-2015, 11:05 PM
Been calling him, the sports media, his fans, and society in general a bunch of f@gg0ts for years now.

06-15-2015, 11:08 PM
I've always believed that Jordan had like 3 true peaks in his career.

There was first the young, hyper athletic Jordan who you saw for his first 2 chips. Then he became the dominant all around player who had zero weaknesses for the next 2. Then he finished it off as a dominant post and mid range player, not as athletic as before but as skilled as ever.

Bron's 3 peaks thus far =

1. Massive underperformer in years 2007 and 2011
2. Stern's golden boy in 2012 and 2013
3. Stern retires and now we get a weird Bran who puts up gaudy numbers in the Finals but can't translate them to W's for his team, regularly underperforming when it counts and overperforming when it's garbage time

Truly the most polarizing choker in sports history

06-15-2015, 11:14 PM
the most spoiled nba player to ever lace em up

Yao Ming's Foot
06-15-2015, 11:28 PM
Searched espn.com for Lebron and "clutch time". Couldn't find anything from this year.

Did find some hater piece on Kobe Bryant though. :roll:

"Who will save the Lakers from Kobe?"

And in those moments, according to ESPN Stats & Information, Bryant is shooting 36.4 percent (12-of-33) from the field, which is below the league's crunch-time average (39.7 percent entering Monday) and far below his last full season (2012-13), when he shot 42.6 percent in crunch time.

That Bryant's crunch-time shooting is slightly below league average doesn't seem to be that big of an issue, but it's exacerbated by the large volume of the Lakers' late possessions Bryant uses.


06-15-2015, 11:29 PM
Searched espn.com for Lebron and "clutch time". Couldn't find anything from this year.

Did find some hater piece on Kobe Bryant though. :roll:

"Who will save the Lakers from Kobe?"


:roll: :roll: :roll: @ ESPN

god damn hypocrites, calling out old ass Kobe on a rehab year for his poor clutch play, and then proclaiming prime LeBron as GOAT when he plays like shit in crunchtime of the Finals

06-15-2015, 11:31 PM
if you like to read raw box scores and watch ESPN instead of watching games then LBJ is your boy

Yao Ming's Foot
06-15-2015, 11:31 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll: @ ESPN

god damn hypocrites, calling out old ass Kobe on a rehab year for his poor clutch play, and then proclaiming prime LeBron as GOAT when he plays like shit in crunchtime of the Finals

But don't you realize the Lakers have Nick Young, Jeremey Lin and Boozer on the squad. He should pass to them. No, LeBron you are cool keep chucking. :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

06-15-2015, 11:34 PM
How many of these games did Cleveland go into the 4th quarter trailing? Like one? Bron just couldn't seal the deal.

When going against prime Jordan or Kobe in the playoffs, you go into the 4th quarter with anything less than a double digit lead and you are shitting your pants wondering how many guys you are gonna throw at them on defense.

With Bron it's relax time. Just leave him in ISO's and watch him **** up the game. Simple.

06-15-2015, 11:37 PM
it's my belief that lebron will go down as the most overrated great in nba history for hundreds of years to come.

06-15-2015, 11:38 PM
it's my belief that lebron will go down as the most overrated great in nba history for hundreds of years to come.

no doubt about it. it already feels like he towers over the rest, can't imagine how much more overrated he can get with like 8-10 years of play from him left.

06-15-2015, 11:55 PM
They are "letting him off the hook" because:

1. There is nobody else who could provide, not just by way of scoring but by way of playmaking aswell, seen how Cavs play the moment Lebron goes to the bench? GSW takes often an immediate 7-15 point lead if the game was tied/close, in just those 2 minutes he rests....

2. Lebron is agressive and is going out guns blazing playing 1 on 5.... very literally speaking... because he has to, even if that means not cherry picking FG%, he cant afford to do that....

3. Lebron is not just a scorer, this is not Durant or Carmelo or something whos main/only impact/game comes by way of scoring/shooting... he is putting up insane allround numbers, which more than compensates for anything, he does everything, on both ends, so much of "everything" nobody in NBA history could provide.. unless you were Oscar Robertson offensively and Scottie Pippen defensively..... at once...

4. GSW is a much better unit, on both ends, Cavs is missing Kyrie/Love... GSW is at full strength... has HC advantage...

5. Nobody in NBA history could have done any better with this unit really....

That you need to be explained about this (which you already know, but refuse to accept) shows just how much you know or more likely, simply, how much you are butthurt about Lebron/his basketball ability because you are a hardcore stan of somebody who may be a lesser player/who is not capable of such impact etc. (I guess Kobe? Durant maybe?)....

06-16-2015, 12:00 AM
They are "letting him off the hook" because:

1. There is nobody else who could provide, not just by way of scoring but by way of playmaking aswell, seen how Cavs play the moment Lebron goes to the bench? GSW takes often an immediate 7-15 point lead if the game was tied/close, in just those 2 minutes he rests....

2. Lebron is agressive and is going out guns blazing playing 1 on 5.... very literally speaking... because he has to, even if that means not cherry picking FG%, he cant afford to do that....

3. Lebron is not just a scorer, this is not Kobe or Durant... he is putting up insane allround numbers, which more than compensates for anything, he does everything, on both ends, so much of "everything" nobody in NBA history could provide.. unless you were Oscar Robertson offensively and Scottie Pippen defensively..... at once...

4. GSW is a much better unit, on both ends, Cavs is missing Kyrie/Love... GSW is at full strength... has HC advantage...

5. Nobody in NBA history could have done any better with this unit really....

That you need to be explained about this (which you already know, but refuse to accept) shows just how much you know or more likely, simply, how much you are butthurt about Lebron/his basketball ability because you are a hardcore stan of somebody who may be a lesser player/who is not capable of such impact etc. (I guess Kobe? Durant maybe?)....

Holy ****ing shit, who is this retard?

Just when you think the LeStans can't get any worse... :roll:

06-16-2015, 12:03 AM
Holy ****ing shit, who is this retard?

Just when you think the LeStans can't get any worse... :roll:

Why am i not surprised you couldnt make a valid basketball retaliation to support your assessment and debunk the basketball ether i just threw at you?

Im here, ill expose you each time.... its very easy and amusing... go ahead and throw insults and such, just remember who really looks like a retard & stan here...

You trolls never learn...

06-16-2015, 12:05 AM
Why am i not surprised you couldnt make a valid basketball retaliation to support your assessment and debunk the basketball ether i just threw at you?

Im here, ill expose you each time.... its very easy and amusing... go ahead and throw insults and such, just remember who really looks like a retard & stan here...

you want to throw out a bunch of entirely horseshit subjective statements and then expect someone to counter it with actual effort and facts?

no point homie, your post speaks for itself in regards to the discussion on how overrated lebron has become, so I figured I'd just let it do that.

Yao Ming's Foot
06-16-2015, 12:09 AM
Why am i not surprised you couldnt make a valid basketball retaliation to support your assessment and debunk the basketball ether i just threw at you?

Im here, ill expose you each time.... its very easy and amusing... go ahead and throw insults and such, just remember who really looks like a retard & stan here...

You trolls never learn...

How does any of the above differ from Kobe's situation during the year?

Ne 1
06-16-2015, 12:13 AM
Holy ****ing shit, who is this retard?

Just when you think the LeStans can't get any worse... :roll:

The same guy who actually blamed Wade for Miami's melt down against Dallas in '11, not even joking. He seriously blamed Wade being too ball dominate and not taking a backseat for LeBron's performance.

06-16-2015, 12:18 AM
Bron shooting 30% in 4th and OT vs single covg and they are letting him off the hook


Ne 1
06-16-2015, 12:25 AM

Because of Dwyane Wade.

Lebron these past 3 games has been deferring to an extremly balldominant and an extra score first-scoring minded Dwyane Wade, who is not looking for Lebron at all or at least looking for him less than he ever did the entire year and is not looking to be a playmaker either (as evident of his career low assist averages). There was at least 2-3 times where Lebron was entirely open under the rim and Wade didnt want to pass, instead he drived in right infront of Lebron and got fouled and missed the freethrows.

When the time came for Lebron to score, he was out of rhythm as a result of Wade's showing. He is averaging much less FG Attempts than both Bosh & Wade this series.

Meanwhile Lebron, plays only the right way, a point-forward, very unselfish, doesnt complain, plays defense, offensively has actually helped being accountable for over 50% of Wades points with his passing and scoring wise takes what the defense gives him (or excuse me what Wade is willing to give him).

2011 happened because Wade didnt want or couldnt fully perish to the 2nd fiddle role, especially not in the Finals when he all of the sudden went in the post conference (while Lebron sat right next to him) and i quote: "This is my team, i am the leader, i have to lead by example"... it caused Lebron to be more passive than he was the entire season (including playoffs) where Wade was actually more of a 2nd fiddle, took only 13-14 FGA in that Finals... it turned Lebron to a 2nd fiddle in the Finals all of the sudden, Lebron didnt mind it at all as Wade had it going, but then came the clutch time where neither could close out........

2012 happened because Wade approved (and verbally welcomed) the 2nd fiddle role completely and i quote: "Lebron is our best player, for us to be better Lebron has to lead the way, i dont mind taking the backseat", Wade was very comfortable playing that 2nd fiddle role and gave Lebron the full greenlight......... Lebron did the rest.....

What happened in 2012 should have happened in 2011.... They co-exist today very nicely as long as Wade keeps his end of that bargain Miami Heat will continue to be this successful... because what he said and everybody said is very true... that Miami Heat can go as far as only Lebron James can take them....

That being wrong is only a desperate wish... especially if you are a Lebron hater (or a butthurt Cavs fan) where only one thing is not wrong "Lebron choked"..... when Lebron actually didnt play bad, he shot 48% FG, led both teams in assists and rebounds basically aswell (with Chandler)... he was only passive like HELL, like ive never seen before, he took like what 14 FGA in that Finals? He was facilitating like a hot potato... and why is that? Read my post again above, especially that quote from Wade in 2011 Finals... Lebron didnt mind, Wade had it going and they were actually doing fine, but then came the 4th quarter... which was the ultimate reason to them losing the Finals... neither of them could close out games enough...

...and oh Lebron robbed Wade of FMVP? No... considering my assessment its actually Wade who robbed Lebron/Miami of a Championship because he didnt want to give Lebron the greenlight he openly gave to him in 2012.... he turned Lebron into a sidekick in the Finals, into a true 2nd fiddle, because thats how Lebron was playing... he didnt play bad, he didnt shoot bad, he only facilitated and took few shots... like a true Scottie Pippen would do.... and thats NOT LEBRON.... Wade knew he made a mistake in that Finals and changed his mindset in 2012, you dont see him go around and say anymore "I have to take charge, I am the leader of this team, this team goes as far as only I CAN TAKE THEM"..... thats basically exactly what he said/meant after the 2011 Finals Game 2 loss in the press conference while Lebron sat right next to him.... Lebron was basically "OK... lets see how that goes"..

Lebron played bad, you can say whatever you want, BUT THERE WAS A BIG REASON FOR IT........... the "He couldnt handle the pressure he had that year" i dont buy, thats absolutely hilarious pure bullshit...

2011 was simply a huge chemistry / co-exist problems between Lebron & Wade, anything from trying to figure out how to complement eachothers games... to self-centered decisions.... and it showed up at its fullest effect at the worst time...


06-16-2015, 12:28 AM

Black and White
06-16-2015, 12:39 AM
They are "letting him off the hook" because:

1. There is nobody else who could provide, not just by way of scoring but by way of playmaking aswell, seen how Cavs play the moment Lebron goes to the bench? GSW takes often an immediate 7-15 point lead if the game was tied/close, in just those 2 minutes he rests....

2. Lebron is agressive and is going out guns blazing playing 1 on 5.... very literally speaking... because he has to, even if that means not cherry picking FG%, he cant afford to do that....

3. Lebron is not just a scorer, this is not Durant or Carmelo or something whos main/only impact/game comes by way of scoring/shooting... he is putting up insane allround numbers, which more than compensates for anything, he does everything, on both ends, so much of "everything" nobody in NBA history could provide.. unless you were Oscar Robertson offensively and Scottie Pippen defensively..... at once...

4. GSW is a much better unit, on both ends, Cavs is missing Kyrie/Love... GSW is at full strength... has HC advantage...

5. Nobody in NBA history could have done any better with this unit really....

That you need to be explained about this (which you already know, but refuse to accept) shows just how much you know or more likely, simply, how much you are butthurt about Lebron/his basketball ability because you are a hardcore stan of somebody who may be a lesser player/who is not capable of such impact etc. (I guess Kobe? Durant maybe?)....

LeBron has been amazing this series, but I disagree with the bolded. Hes playing right into Golden States defensive scheme, Blatt and LeBron need to come up with a way to counter it.

06-16-2015, 12:46 AM
30% in the 4th quarter and OT