View Full Version : Why did it take so many years for Switzerland to give women right to vote?

06-16-2015, 07:21 PM
And why do we call it one of the most democratic and best countries in the world considering that fact? :confusedshrug:

06-16-2015, 07:21 PM
Women shouldn't be allowed to vote.

06-16-2015, 07:37 PM
women had no need to vote until then, because they weren't really being discriminated against in the workforce and other areas

06-16-2015, 07:53 PM
Who cares?

06-16-2015, 08:35 PM
I'm not going to say anything about this. I'll just make my presence in this thread known.

06-17-2015, 01:33 AM
Why did it take so many years for Switzerland to give women right to vote?

the people didn't felt like it. I've heard speeches of women speaking up against their right to vote. Funny listen from today's perspective :oldlol:

while it does look very backwards today, a democracy doesn't have to follow every trend as soon as possible

And why do we call it one of the most democratic

because of the direct democracy and the high involvement of the people

and best countries in the world

that's subjective, but probably because Switzerland does great economically, has pretty much no unemployment, not much violence and so on

06-17-2015, 05:40 AM
I would guess that voting was tied in to mandatory membership of the nations militia. Woman probably were ok with not voting if it comes with mandatory military service.

06-17-2015, 10:01 AM
Why do you care? They clearly were better off for it...

As soon as Woman entered politics, she over-sentimentalised and ruined it, almost instantaneously; ushering in the cult of prohibition, which was the first great female political achievement (because the abolitionist movement was driven by women), and has a lasting legacy in our rather wonderful (and, yet again, this utopian need to protect people from harming themselves) drug wars, which spread untold misery around the globe. These laws are largely kept in place by mothers afraid of the danger to their children (i.e. unrealistic people). Not to mention the gradual crackdown on all forms of liberty, that always finds a groundswell of support among women (a litany of now compulsory health and safety shit, the covering of the entirety of London with CCTV cameras, shock reaction handgun ban after the killing of some kids, stop and search, online government snooping, the bogeyman of 'terrorism,' the desire to ban 'lads mags' from shops, demands for equality - all these restrictions would undeniably be of a far lesser extent without the political input of women.

Even fewer women than men are capable of observing and analysing truly dispassionately, and so it's no surprise to often see these campaigns for absurdly utopian governmental solutions to unfixable problems being led by women, demanding 'social justice' or whatever. Women see their value too much in how badly they are 'needed' by others to provide sensible political leadership. So no, better off with women not in politics, in fact, better off before politics started providing all kinds of remunerations, and back to the time where political service was considered a duty conducted by seasoned citizens, already successful in life, who had wisdom, life-experience and understanding to bring to the table (i.e. when almost no woman would care to enter politics anyway, as it was seen as a kind of honorable sacrifice of one's leisure); not career politicians who have only ever cared about themselves and have taken a few courses at a University with standards so low they'd be laughed out of early 20th century Britain.

06-17-2015, 10:24 AM
They make pretty good sex partners, just sayin.

06-17-2015, 10:45 AM
Stop womens suffrage!

06-17-2015, 11:15 AM
Bitches ain't shit.

06-17-2015, 11:24 AM
Women have ruined politics. Look how pc and lame everything is now. Hell, I could lose my job for saying something like this. That's how it is now. Men can take a joke and criticism, whereas women get butthurt about everything.

06-17-2015, 11:37 AM
Stop womens suffrage!
It would be impossible to argue for such a thing, and the past isn't something that can be returned to anyway. All that is required is the simple admittance that the people who argued against extending suffrage to women at the time, may have had a point - making this rather simple historical observation could well lose someone his job in this day & age.

Women have ruined politics. Look how pc and lame everything is now. Hell, I could lose my job for saying something like this. That's how it is now. Men can take a joke and criticism, whereas women get butthurt about everything.
Yeah, all this "hate" legislation, and other European anti free speech laws based around the idea everyone should be protected by the government from having their precious feelings hurt; this is most definitely a female sentiment. We know how gentlemen dealt with the taking of extreme offense: it was either worth duelling over or not. None of this 'waahh, someone on twitter threatened to rape me, or said something rude about black people or women, wahhh, come government, trace these people back to their computers and arrest them for me, i'll be too hurt on the inside otherwise - activate, police, twitter unit, protectors of feelings and justice!'

Woman :rolleyes:

06-17-2015, 11:38 AM
And why do we call it one of the most democratic and best countries in the world considering that fact? :confusedshrug:
umm, because its not like that anymore? for one