View Full Version : Most heroic place to win a champioinship?

06-16-2015, 08:46 PM
If you win in NY, you are GOLDEN. Can anyone think of a place more enticing to win a 'chip than NY? Sure its harder, but we expect more out of our athletes. Look at the superstars who win championship(s) in NY, they are SET for life. All you need to do is one ONE.

Look at how fans of other teams treat their champions, NOT EVEN CLOSE to how NY treats their heroes.

If Lebron REALLY wants to set himself apart from the other champions, come to NY, win a ring or a couple and you will be put on even a higher plateau than you're on now.

I dont think people realize how nuts MSG can get if you give them a winner. Just watch those 1990's NY Knick playoff games. Its an insane asylum and deafening.