View Full Version : Myth: LeBron is a pass first player.

06-16-2015, 10:33 PM
I've read this so many times its not even funny. LeBron's greatest skill is his scoring(touch around the hoop, driving, post game).

LeBron is not looking to pass it first everytime down the court. He looks to score unless the play is designed like that or he finds himself in a tough position. Sometimes he gets in the mood of showing off his passing, but let's not get confused.

LeBron is one of the greatest scorers in NBA history (27 ppg, 3rd in history/ 28 ppg in playoffs, 4th if I recall correctly.)

That is his biggest strength.

Stop this non thought out non-sense.

Nuff Said
06-16-2015, 10:45 PM
He will not finish as 3rd in history so why bring it up?