View Full Version : Steph got robbed

06-17-2015, 12:26 AM
How can the Finals MVP be a guy you have to take out of the game in crunch time? Steph is the reason Iggy got wide open shots and he sealed the last 2 games and should have go the MVP. Salty LeBron lovers just wouldn't give it to him

Per NBA PR, the Finals MVP vote was Andre Iguodala (7) against LeBron James (4). Stephen Curry got no votes.

06-17-2015, 12:27 AM
Steph said he already has an MVP, he just wants the ring.

06-17-2015, 12:28 AM
It's good he didn't win it. We don't want curry stans popping out of nowhere. :whatever:

He deserves it as much as iggy tho. :bowdown:

06-17-2015, 12:28 AM
Curry got hosed to be honest

he is the entire reason Iggy was so wide open then entire time

so is Iggy getting FMVP for the 15 ppg or shutting Lebron down the last two games and holding him to sub 40% shooting for the entire series?

06-17-2015, 12:29 AM
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

dude didnt get 1 single VOTE LMAO!

weakest MVP EVER!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

TOLD YALL! :dancin

06-17-2015, 12:29 AM
He did.

Iggy was left open all series and was given MVP for hitting open shots.

Waiting next year for Korver to win FMVP by just spot up shooting.

06-17-2015, 12:29 AM
LeBron should've got it.

06-17-2015, 12:29 AM
I think Curry should have won it.

But Warriorsfan is a bitch so this works as well.

06-17-2015, 12:30 AM
As bad as Klay was this series, it was even more pressure on him. Who are these voters who know shit about basketball? Curry is THE reason GS won the last 2 games

06-17-2015, 12:31 AM
It's just a consolation prize for capitalizing off the team's best player (Curry). Parker won it in 07 when Duncan had the most impact.

06-17-2015, 12:32 AM
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

dude didnt get 1 single VOTE LMAO!

weakest MVP EVER!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

TOLD YALL! :dancin


06-17-2015, 12:33 AM
Curry robbed LeBeta of an MVP; AMFIggy robbing BMC seems fair enough.

06-17-2015, 12:34 AM
the silver lining is that curry will stay hungry and still has a chip on his shoulder going into next year.

06-17-2015, 12:34 AM
It's just a consolation prize for capitalizing off the team's best player (Curry). Parker won it in 07 when Duncan had the most impact.

But Parker actually had better stats. This is idiotic

06-17-2015, 12:34 AM
nope, he didnt

06-17-2015, 12:34 AM
Yeah he did. He should've won it.

06-17-2015, 12:35 AM
Eh. It could go both ways. I personally think Curry should've got FMVP but me and a lot of my friends are torn on it.

06-17-2015, 12:36 AM
The entire complexion of the series changed because of Iggy. Curry was laying epic eggs until game 4, and honestly didn't play really well until game 5. Sorry, just not FMVP material.

Just go back to whacking off to Lebron losing.

06-17-2015, 12:37 AM
Thing is Iggy kinda saved them when everyone else was choking early on, including steph.. so he kinda gets some past consideration

06-17-2015, 12:38 AM
Lebron got robbed, he was by far the most valuable player to his team.

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
06-17-2015, 12:39 AM
He did.

Iggy was left open all series and was given MVP for hitting open shots.

Waiting next year for Korver to win FMVP by just spot up shooting.
There's this thing called defense and Iggy was by far the DPOF on either team. Steph was better on O but the worst non Lee defender. Iggy was 2nd best offensive player

06-17-2015, 12:40 AM
It's just a consolation prize for capitalizing off the team's best player (Curry). Parker won it in 07 when Duncan had the most impact.

You make a good point about Duncan being "The Man" in '07 and Parker being given the award. FMVP's really shouldn't be weighed so heavily considering how often they get them wrong.

06-17-2015, 12:41 AM
I dont think he would care. Championship over everything.

06-17-2015, 12:42 AM
Robbed? More like handed a title. Gsw stacked as fck and all other top teams injured.

06-17-2015, 12:43 AM
I dont think he would care. Championship over everything.
Well in the interview it looked like he cared for sure :D

Angel Face
06-17-2015, 12:44 AM
Iggy deserved it.

06-17-2015, 12:44 AM
I dont think he would care. Championship over everything.
he cares a little bit. everyone has an ego man, but im pretty sure the chip > everything. It'll just be another square on his checkbox next season

06-17-2015, 12:46 AM
Robbed? More like handed a title. Gsw stacked as fck and all other top teams injured.
You do realize that Cleveland made it to the finals beating teams that would have either missed the playoffs or lost in the first round in the West.

06-17-2015, 12:50 AM
Iggy deserved the MVP without question. Curry didn't get a single vote, btw.

The offense was the cherry on top for Iggy. The defense he played on LeBron was probably the biggest individual performance of the series, because neither Green nor Barnes could handle that job. Meanwhile, Steph spent these games "defending" Delly, which amounts to taking half the game off.

Much deserved, Iggy.


06-17-2015, 12:54 AM
iggy deserved it because that horrific game two curry had. he scored 3 points in an entire half and like i said people questioned his value afterwards especially since iggy was the one who kept the game somewhat close and stayed consistent throughout.

06-17-2015, 12:54 AM
I'm still shocked he didn't get 1 vote. These voters have no shame man lol

06-17-2015, 12:55 AM
Curry should have easily been MVP. Messed up his perfect season.

Top record in league, All-NBA 1st, MVP, NBA Champ and 2nd runner up in Finals MVP voting.

06-17-2015, 12:57 AM
Curry should have easily been MVP. Messed up his perfect season.

Top record in league, All-NBA 1st, MVP, NBA Champ and 2nd runner up in Finals MVP voting.

:oldlol: :rolleyes:

Mr. Jabbar
06-17-2015, 12:57 AM
its worse for lebron fans that iggy won it, it will be remembered that he pushed his shit in just like barea/terry/kwahi :oldlol:

06-17-2015, 12:57 AM
Curry should have easily been MVP. Messed up his perfect season.

Top record in league, All-NBA 1st, MVP, NBA Champ and 2nd runner up in Finals MVP voting.

cant be 2nd runner up if you didnt get any votes :oldlol:

but anyway steph did look dissapointed when igoudala gave his speech on the stage

06-17-2015, 12:58 AM
curry got robbed in my opinion...

all of iggys threes came from curry getting doubled which left him open.
also... people acting like iggy guarded lebron all series by himself.

nah... green, and barnes help and doubles were also used.

can't believe curry didnt even get a vote.

curry should have won... but you gotta respect lebron getting those four votes

06-17-2015, 12:59 AM
Iggy winning the award was the right choice. Iggy was the Warriors most impactful player for the first three games of this series. Curry warmed up as the series wore on and they don't win this title without him but Iggy still brought the energy throughout the whole series. Slipped right into the starting role without a hiccup midway through the series and excelled while drawing the toughest defensive assignment possible

06-17-2015, 12:59 AM
Shawn Marion was also 2nd runner-up, btw. J/S

06-17-2015, 12:59 AM
Iggy elevating his game is why we won this series.

06-17-2015, 01:00 AM
He did not get robbed.

Lebron was a better player in this finals for sure and we knew he'd got some votes...and Iggy was at least as good as Curry was in this series.

I'm surprised nobody voted for Curry, but he did not get robbed. I'd have probably voted him 3rd if I had a vote to be honest.

His game 2 and most of game 3 were terrible....everyone seems to forget this.

Still overall had a really good series though...just thought Lebron and Iggy were the two most impactful players.

06-17-2015, 01:02 AM
curry got robbed in my opinion...

all of iggys threes came from curry getting doubled which left him open.
also... people acting like iggy guarded lebron all series by himself.

nah... green, and barnes help and doubles were also used.

can't believe curry didnt even get a vote.

curry should have won... but you gotta respect lebron getting those four votes
Iggy was consistent offensively all the way through and had really the only difficult defensive matchup on that side of the ball for the Warriors, and it happened to be the toughest assignment in the whole league.

Yeah, it is always a team effort when you're going against LeBron, but James dominated Barnes and Green any time they were the primary defender or isolated against him. Iggy held his own throughout and even got the better of LeBron oftentimes.

Meanwhile, Curry's offensive game was up-and-down... had a couple nice games and some nice moments, but he had a really rough start to the series. Then consider he was matched against Dellavedova on the other end, which is essentially like taking half the game off.

Iggy had to play every minute he was on the floor at 100%. Considering Curry's defensive assignment, he should have been more consistent offensively.

06-17-2015, 01:03 AM
After thinking it over, I don't think Steph got robbed. Iggy was the most consistent the entire series and when he started in game 4, the series completely changed. And then there is his D on Bron to go along with his high offensive production.

CJ Mustard
06-17-2015, 01:03 AM
He did not get robbed.

Lebron was a better player in this finals for sure and we knew he'd got some votes...and Iggy was at least as good as Curry was in this series.

I'm surprised nobody voted for Curry, but he did not get robbed. I'd have probably voted him 3rd if I had a vote to be honest.

His game 2 and most of game 3 were terrible....everyone seems to forget this.

Still overall had a really good series though...just thought Lebron and Iggy were the two most impactful players.
Curry had a better Finals than Dirk in 2011 though.

06-17-2015, 01:04 AM
Iggy deserved it. As hard as Bron was working on offense, Iggy had to work even harder on D, giving up size and strength. He did as good a job as you can against him.

Then coming up big on offense? Doubling his scoring averages? Highest scoring game of the year in the close out game? Big three after big three?

Dude ****ing earned it!

06-17-2015, 01:04 AM

06-17-2015, 01:04 AM
Iggy was a defensive monster and certainly had a strong case for the award but he benefited a LOT from how he was played. Steph's presence alone completely distorts Cleveland's defense, it opens up the game so much for everyone around him. The difference between the way Cleveland guards him and how they guard Iggy is ridiculous. Night and day. At times they didn't even guard the guy...Iggy just made the shots. If they put 80% of the defensive pressure they put on Steph, on Iggy...he doesn't crack double digit scoring a single game. Not to mention hack-an-Iggy...

06-17-2015, 01:05 AM
Curry had a better Finals than Dirk in 2011 though.

In a vacuum? Sure.

Factoring in the circumstances of such a huge difference in competition level and individual match ups and close games? Nah...don't think so.

06-17-2015, 01:08 AM
Iggy was consistent offensively all the way through and had really the only difficult defensive matchup on that side of the ball for the Warriors, and it happened to be the toughest assignment in the whole league.

Yeah, it is always a team effort when you're going against LeBron, but James dominated Barnes and Green any time they were the primary defender or isolated against him. Iggy held his own throughout and even got the better of LeBron oftentimes.

Meanwhile, Curry's offensive game was up-and-down... had a couple nice games and some nice moments, but he had a really rough start to the series. Meanwhile, he was matched against Dellavedova on the other end, which is essentially like taking half the game off.

Iggy had to play every minute he was on the floor at 100%. Considering Curry's defensive assignment, he should have been more consistent offensively.

and don't forget curry let delly drop 20 points on him through 3 quarters, in fact delly had outscored curry on better efficiency in game 2 iirc. curry was just completely outplayed at one point.

06-17-2015, 01:08 AM
He did.

Iggy was left open all series and was given MVP for hitting open shots.

Waiting next year for Korver to win FMVP by just spot up shooting.

If Korver becomes an all time great perimeter defender? Sure, why not.

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
06-17-2015, 01:23 AM
In a vacuum? Sure.

Factoring in the circumstances of such a huge difference in competition level and individual match ups and close games? Nah...don't think so.
Dirk had a way better finals is this serious. Dirk was the best rebounder in the series y do nikkas keep ignoring this. Plus Dirk drew far more defensive attention he was getting triple and even quadrupled a few times. I havent seen a player defended like that since peak Shaq and 08 finals Kobe

And Dirk played really good defense in the finals, transition D since he was the first man out was crucial and killed Heats transition game. Defensive rebounding, his post defending, the help he provided. Steph was the worst non David Lee defender on GS

Dirk was much more impactful its not close

Dirk had a +/- of 41, Mavs collapsed when he was off the court only time they played better without him was 1st half of game 6. Warriors had numerous halves they played better without Steph and Iggy on the court. Steph after tonights game had a +/- of 19 (Iggy and Lee had better tho Lee didnt play much)

06-17-2015, 01:28 AM
Dirk had a way better finals is this serious. Dirk was the best rebounder in the series y do nikkas keep ignoring this. Plus Dirk drew far more defensive attention he was getting triple and even quadrupled a few times. I havent seen a player defended like that since peak Shaq and 08 finals Kobe

And Dirk played really good defense in the finals, transition D since he was the first man out was crucial and killed Heats transition game. Defensive rebounding, his post defending, the help he provided. Steph was the worst non David Lee defender on GS

Dirk was much more impactful its not close

Dirk had a +/- of 41, Mavs collapsed when he was off the court only time they played better without him was 1st half of game 6. Warriors had numerous halves they played better without Steph and Iggy on the court. Steph after tonights game had a +/- of 19 (Iggy and Lee had better tho Lee didnt play much)

I think you are going too hard on Steph and propping Dirk a bit much, but I agree Dirk was better given everything...which is exactly what I already said.

06-17-2015, 01:38 AM
Lebron James should have been FMVP, it requires no explanation and if you disagree I wouldn't know what to say, except 'you didn't watch'.

Young X
06-17-2015, 01:39 AM
Curry only had 1 great game (game 5). His game 1 was solid, his game 2 was horrible and the rest of his games were average.

Iggy was consistent for the entire series on both ends and the series completely changed when he got inserted into the starting lineup.

I understand the attention that Curry draws but you have to factor in performance at some point. He didn't get robbed.

06-17-2015, 01:44 AM
People have short memories and Iggy played quite well the last couple of games.
He was granted the FMVP on the basis that he held Lebron to 35.8ppg, 13.4rpg and 8.8apg. Nothing to boaster about really.
Both Steph and Lebron are more deserving candidates obvously. Just goes to show how worthless the award is.

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
06-17-2015, 01:49 AM
People have short memories and Iggy played quite well the last couple of games.
He was granted the FMVP on the basis that he held Lebron to 35.8ppg, 13.4rpg and 8.8apg. Nothing to boaster about really.
Both Steph and Lebron are more deserving candidates obvously. Just goes to show how worthless the award is.
Youre an idiot. Lebron didnt average those numbers against Iggy. Those are his numbers against Iggy AND the other Warriors. Iggy heavily shut him down compared to the others

06-17-2015, 01:52 AM
Youre an idiot. Lebron didnt average those numbers against Iggy. Those are his numbers against Iggy AND the other Warriors. Iggy heavily shut him down compared to the others

Iggy is his primary defender most of the series.
Lebron shot 38% against Iggy, so much worse than his 40% series average:rolleyes:

06-17-2015, 01:52 AM
Youre an idiot. Lebron didnt average those numbers against Iggy. Those are his numbers against Iggy AND the other Warriors. Iggy heavily shut him down compared to the others

and what does rebounds and assists have to do with anything? is iggy supposed to stop bran from grabbing defensive boards too then not only guard bran but whomever he passes it too? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

iggy was the primary reason bran was held to 38% shooting.

06-17-2015, 01:57 AM
and what does rebounds and assists have to do with anything? is iggy supposed to stop bran from grabbing defensive boards too then not only guard bran but whomever he passes it too? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

iggy was the primary reason bran was held to 38% shooting.

Lebron was never a volume scorer, he still got his though:confusedshrug:

06-17-2015, 04:13 AM
yeah.. it really depends what you value more: stars being great or role players stepping up in a big way

steph 26/5/6/2 & commanded double team on offense to set up open shots for teammates
iggy 16/6/4/1 & good defense on LeBron

Iguodala won because he had the spotlight later in the series.. media is all about what have you done lately, so that's a huge reason why Iguodala got the fmvp

Thought Legler was spot on though about Steph should have been fmvp

the italics are greatly overlooked

06-17-2015, 04:43 AM
Curry gets doubled all series and still puts up 26/5/6 on solid percentages

and Iggy gets the award because LeBron played like shit.

06-17-2015, 05:11 AM
For half of the series, the storyline was Curry getting embarrassed by an undrafted Australian bench player. It's actually not shocking he wouldn't get votes after that.

06-17-2015, 05:35 AM
For half of the series, the storyline was Curry getting embarrassed by an undrafted Australian bench player. It's actually not shocking he wouldn't get votes after that.

I know you're a LeBron fan so this must be hard to accept, but 2/6 is not half.

06-17-2015, 05:37 AM
I know you're a LeBron fan so this must be hard to accept, but 2/6 is not half.

It has to make sense to be a burn.

06-17-2015, 05:40 AM
It has to make sense to be a burn.

He said half the series was Steph getting embarrassed... Steph only played bad for 2 out of the 6 games. LeBron, as we all know, is 2 for 6. How is this hard to understand?

06-17-2015, 05:44 AM
He said half the series was Steph getting embarrassed... Steph only played bad for 2 out of the 6 games. LeBron, as we all know, is 2 for 6. How is this hard to understand?
Oh I understand now. You're being dishonest about steph's level of play.

I honestly don't feel like he played great in more than 2 games, but I'll go with half...

06-17-2015, 06:08 AM
did Steph play good defence this series?....I honestly can't remember him doing so.

Irving ripped him apart in gm 1....Delly isn't much of a scorer..and yet burned him up in gm 3

06-17-2015, 06:13 AM
If the MVPs of 2007 and 2010 Final get to vote again for this year's standard,
Duncan and Gasol would won it.

Impact > Stats

Kobe stan like Konex can cry more!

06-17-2015, 06:36 AM
Iggy deserves it. he changed the series when he finally started.

at one point, it looked like the Cavs were going to take it even though they were short-handed. Curry was looking shook and hanging his head down, Klay was playing poorly, only Iggy stayed consistent (and more importantly) upped his game. Game 4 was the turning point. and in Game 5, Curry got his swag back (he's a front-running bitch) and series was over at that point.

without Iggy, i can honestly say GSW loses this series. it was Iggy who kept them in it, and then, gave them their confidence back. from Game 1 to Game 3, everyone was shook. couldn't handle the pressure. Iggy gave them that veteran calming presence. he deserves the FMVP.

06-17-2015, 06:46 AM
its worse for lebron fans that iggy won it, it will be remembered that he pushed his shit in just like barea/terry/kwahi :oldlol:

Damn. :oldlol:

06-17-2015, 06:50 AM
There are two ends of the court. Guarding Lebron without help is what got Iggy the award.

The fact that Steph already had the regular season MVP surely came into play also.

06-17-2015, 06:58 AM
To be honest Curry played like a MVP through constant double teams. The reason the Warriors didn

06-17-2015, 07:00 AM
Who the hell are these people who vote for FMVP? Awful choice, most robbed FMVP in NBA history.

06-17-2015, 07:05 AM
Although I think its hilarious that Steph didn't win the MVP, in all honesty, it's kinda silly that Iguodala did. If we're being honest, LeBron and Curry were easily the most valuable players in this series.

06-17-2015, 07:05 AM
Iggy deserves it. he changed the series when he finally started.

at one point, it looked like the Cavs were going to take it even though they were short-handed. Curry was looking shook and hanging his head down, Klay was playing poorly, only Iggy stayed consistent (and more importantly) upped his game. Game 4 was the turning point. and in Game 5, Curry got his swag back (he's a front-running bitch) and series was over at that point.

without Iggy, i can honestly say GSW loses this series. it was Iggy who kept them in it, and then, gave them their confidence back. from Game 1 to Game 3, everyone was shook. couldn't handle the pressure. Iggy gave them that veteran calming presence. he deserves the FMVP.

How can you say that?

Do they lose without Iggy? Possibly, but lets not pretend that they didn't win one game while he came off the bench and lose a close one (both in OT).

Without Curry they get swept/dont make it to the Finals. Watching the game it's not even questionable who is the best player on GSW, or most impact. Iggy played great defense and deserves recognition for it but the Cavs could care less if he had open jumpers or lanes to the basket if it meant guarding Curry better. I don't think I've seen a defense hone in on one player at half court as the ENTIRE Cavs team did against Curry.

Curry should have won it easily. It doesn't matter right now, but 10 years from now arguing over his place all time some moron will bring up that he didn't win FMVP when he should have.

06-17-2015, 07:15 AM
[QUOTE=R.I.P.]To be honest Curry played like a MVP through constant double teams. The reason the Warriors didn

06-17-2015, 07:20 AM
LBJ was the most deserving of it, until Iggy went off and determined the series. Steph by no means got robbed.

06-17-2015, 07:24 AM
No iggy: gsw might lose the series
No curry: gsw is very likely to lose the series
No lebron: clean sweep 4-0. But with lebron, cle lost anyway

Verdict: curry is most valuable

06-17-2015, 07:53 AM
I have no problem with Iggy winning it. Everyone watching could see how important he was and it's not only about stats but if Curry wins it I'd have no problem too since people usually value offense better.

What bugs me is people voting for Lebron while Curry didn't have a single vote. Are you kidding me? Losers don't get FMVPs, this is a unwritten rule that should be respected.

I think the press just turned on Curry after he struggled against Delly and everything he made after that (great game 5, good game 6) were left aside. I think people will remember Curry in this finals being locked down by Delly when this only happened for 2 games.

06-17-2015, 08:06 AM
Whoever voted for bran should be banned from voting in the future. Fu*king morons seriously..
These are the types of tards (similar to LeBald stans on here) that give no credit to any other cav just purely talk all about bran..
JVG included.

The media hyping of delly was also pathetic.

I thought by the end of game 6 Steph had done enough to earn the finals MVP, his play especially being doubled was great. Iggy doesn't get any looks without him. But Iggy did a hell of a job on the other end, and knocked down some big shots so can't argue as he definitely deserved it..

But not a single vote for curry? Should have only been between him and Iggy :facepalm

06-17-2015, 08:10 AM
Curry getting no votes is what's wrong with the current NBA. I hope they choke on le2/6's d!ck. :oldlol: :lol :roll:

06-17-2015, 08:12 AM
the silver lining is that curry will stay hungry and still has a chip on his shoulder going into next year.

Exactly. More wood on the fire for Steph.

06-17-2015, 08:16 AM
Media awards :facepalm

06-17-2015, 08:28 AM
Curry getting no votes is what's wrong with the current NBA. I hope they choke on le2/6's d!ck. :oldlol: :lol :roll:

Given what we saw, its unlikely they choke on it...

06-17-2015, 08:29 AM
Media awards :facepalm
So why did you make a thread gloating about his MVP and the FMVP you thought he was going to get?

06-17-2015, 08:30 AM
Given what we saw, its unlikely they choke on it...

:lebronamazed: :lebronamazed: :lebronamazed: :lebronamazed: :lebronamazed:

06-17-2015, 08:39 AM
not a single vote for curry? :biggums:

he was arguably the difference in GM 1,4,5...and he played decent in game 3 and 6.

06-17-2015, 10:13 AM
Curry got robbed he was the man hitting those dagger threes in the fourth quarter that would push Cleveland out of the game, he was the offensive focus of the team, notice that GSW lost the two games in which he shot the most poorly? I don't think that's a coincidence

06-17-2015, 10:37 AM
I have a big problem with Stephen Curry getting no FMVP votes and Lebron getting 4 votes when Stephen Curry getting zero. :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

06-17-2015, 10:49 AM
This. SOOooo this.

The defense Cle played on Curry was to double him 35 and 40 feet from the basket with their PG and C (also leaving the lane wide open). Golden State was playing 4 on 3 any time they wanted. When Cle started making the run in the 4th GS just went to this and as soon as he got doubled he would just back up and pick them apart. Dray had a great game because he was getting the ball at the top of the key on a 4 on 3. I really think he should give Curry a cut of his next contract because he wouldn't get that space anywhere else in the league.

Meanwhile, the Cle plan was to leave GS's weakest link wide open and force him to beat them. I mean if you watched a clip of all his points there wouldn't be a primary defender contesting more than a few baskets all series. They went to a hack-a dude defense at one point in the series. He "held" his guy to 36/13/9 for the series. This man is Andre Iguodala and he just won the Finals MVP.

If you won't give it to LeBron, you simply HAVE to give it to Curry.

White Mamba
06-17-2015, 11:59 AM
As bad as Klay was this series, it was even more pressure on him. Who are these voters who know shit about basketball? Curry is THE reason GS won the last 2 games
JVG voted, for LBJ.

06-17-2015, 12:03 PM
the nba really needs to take the mvp and fmvp voting away from the media. it's disgusting what they are willing to do just to get some offseason storylines for their talk shows. It should be a 4 way voting process from players(mix of rolle and stars), Coaches, GMs, and maybe some media people that have shown neutrality (if that's even possible for media)