View Full Version : if lebron didnt quit on wades fmvp run. who would rank higher all time.

06-23-2015, 11:03 AM

4 championships (in reality 3.5 cause of lockout)
2 finals mvps
4 for 5 finals record

3 championships (in reality 2.5 cause of lockout)
1 finals mvp (ray owns 2013)
3 for 6 finals record

06-23-2015, 11:04 AM
Still Wade.

06-23-2015, 11:05 AM
LeBron because he is the better player. 30 out of 30 GM's take LeBron over Wade since 2003-present.

06-23-2015, 11:05 AM
"I dont deal with hypotheticals, only factual events" -kennethgriffin

06-23-2015, 11:08 AM
LeBron because he is the better player. 30 out of 30 GM's take LeBron over Wade since 2003-present.

If wade won fmvp in year 1 we would remember wade as the better player since both guys were in their primes

06-23-2015, 11:10 AM
And if wades way won the title in 2011. Whos to say the heat dont stick with the game plan in the 2012 regular season. Costing lebron mvp votes and stats

06-23-2015, 11:14 AM
Wade would be considered better than Kobe.

4 rings, 2 FMVP's, consistent playoff play, better stats.

Hell, in the summer of 2010, even Lakers fans were saying he was at least as good as Kobe, and even outright better.

Hey Yo
06-23-2015, 11:14 AM
If LeBron didn't agree to let Wade be first option in that Finals, Heat win 3 in a row with James getting 3 straight FMVP

06-23-2015, 11:15 AM
It's amazing how much 2011 hurts Wade. He had an amazing year...but it's all overshadowed by the Lebron choke.

If Wade had 4 titles and 2 finals MVP's....his career ranking would be much higher the way people rank here.

In reality though...still the same player. He's a top 20 or so player of all time....

06-23-2015, 11:17 AM
both better than Kobe.

06-23-2015, 11:18 AM
It's amazing how much 2011 hurts Wade. He had an amazing year...but it's all overshadowed by the Lebron choke.

If Wade had 4 titles and 2 finals MVP's....his career ranking would be much higher the way people rank here.

In reality though...still the same player. He's a top 20 or so player of all time....

then again, previous to the finals Bron was widely considered as best player in the world, you can even hear the commentators say that during game 2, so people wan't LeBron to play better, just not as good as he could at his max so its still Wade winning FMVP :lol

06-23-2015, 11:18 AM
If wade won fmvp in year 1 we would remember wade as the better player since both guys were in their primes

And if wades way won the title in 2011. Whos to say the heat dont stick with the game plan in the 2012 regular season. Costing lebron mvp votes and stats

Wait a minute. You're saying you think a 2011 finals MVP would make us all remember Wade as a better player than LeBron? Wade's peak was 2008-2009.

Also you think winning a finals MVP would make the Heat change their coaching scheme and #1 option for next season? When in NBA history has that happened?

Finals MVP won't fix Wade's glass knee.


K Xerxes
06-23-2015, 11:18 AM
Rings don't come in halfs despite your best efforts to discredit LeBron and Duncan.

And Ray Allen does not 'own' 2013 finals when he had a 0 point game 7 and averaged 10ppg for the series.

LeBron is a better player than Wade. End of that.

06-23-2015, 11:18 AM
both better than Kobe

06-23-2015, 11:22 AM
Rings don't come in halfs despite your best efforts to discredit LeBron and Duncan.

And Ray Allen does not 'own' 2013 finals when he had a 0 point game 7 and averaged 10ppg for the series.

LeBron is a better player than Wade. End of that.

Ok fine... 0.0 credit

Compared to real seasons theyre either half or nothing... if they were full and the same then might aswell flip a coin to see whos champion

You win.. lebron = 1 title. (Lockout =void... rings dont come in halfs)

K Xerxes
06-23-2015, 11:45 AM
Ok fine... 0.0 credit

Compared to real seasons theyre either half or nothing... if they were full and the same then might aswell flip a coin to see whos champion

You win.. lebron = 1 title. (Lockout =void... rings dont come in halfs)

And yet LeBron officially has been given 2 rings, which I'd hazard a guess holds more weight than your fantasy world.

Young X
06-23-2015, 12:31 PM
It's amazing how much 2011 hurts Wade. He had an amazing year...but it's all overshadowed by the Lebron choke.

If Wade had 4 titles and 2 finals MVP's....his career ranking would be much higher the way people rank here.

In reality though...still the same player. He's a top 20 or so player of all time....Yeah that was pretty much the last time he was the spectacular player we all knew and loved...and Lebron ruined it.

What hurts him just as bad are his injuries in '07 and '08. Just came off a phenomenal season leading a team to a title and was playing maybe the best basketball of his career...then gets injured right after AS break. He then comes back hobbled later in the season and gets eliminated in the 1st round. Next year misses 30 games and Miami ends up with the worst record in the league.

That cost him 2 possible All NBA 1st teams, maybe a possible MVP and made him severely underrated/overlooked by the media.

He now only has about 5 full seasons playing at an elite level and 2 All NBA 1st teams. A player of Wade's caliber should have way more than that.

06-23-2015, 12:48 PM
If Kobe didn't quit on Shaq's FMVP in '04, how much higher would Shaq rank all time?

06-23-2015, 12:49 PM
Also, I find it ****ing hilarious Duncan and LeBron's first rings get asterisks, but Kobe getting outscored 38-16 in the Finals for his first ring doesn't

Mass Debator
06-23-2015, 12:56 PM
Lebron shoots 57% in the 2014 Finals but only takes 18 shots/game? :facepalm

06-23-2015, 01:01 PM
Lebron shoots 57% in the 2014 Finals but only takes 18 shots/game? :facepalm

LeBron only took 18 shots but scored 28 ppg? :eek:

Wade's Rings
06-23-2015, 01:05 PM
Wade probably wouldn't be ranked higher than Bron but he would be a Consensus Top 15 Player All-Time.

06-23-2015, 02:09 PM
Lebron shoots 57% in the 2014 Finals but only takes 18 shots/game? :facepalm
And scored 28ppg. It's called efficiency dumbass.

06-23-2015, 02:16 PM
Both would be higher than Kobe tho. Bron is already equal so another ring puts him on top.
Wade: 2 FMVP, 4/5 >>> Kobe: 2 FMVP, 5/7 because losing in more Finals is bad right?

Mass Debator
06-23-2015, 02:40 PM
And scored 28ppg. It's called efficiency dumbass.
It's called cherry picking your shots to a big fat L lol. Not dominant

06-23-2015, 02:42 PM
It's called cherry picking your shots to a big fat L lol. Not dominant

Oh he was cherry picking his stats in the finals now? :lol

Okay... like when he scored 35 pts on 64%? 25 on 17 shots? 20 pt 3rd quarter? 17 point first quarter? Sir, you must not understand what this word means. Best believe LeBron was dominant, now Wade's shittyness obviously led to the team not looking very dominant.

06-23-2015, 02:48 PM
It's called cherry picking your shots to a big fat L lol. Not dominant
You should actually watch the games. It makes you look a lot less dumb when try to argue.

06-23-2015, 02:51 PM
why the **** do people forget about lebron being an absolute MONSTER before the finals?

he carried wade throughout the playoffs as he took a shit on the bulls and celtics in the clutch

they wouldnt have made the finals without lebron, REMEMBER THAT YOU BITCH.

Mass Debator
06-23-2015, 03:17 PM
Oh he was cherry picking his stats in the finals now? :lol

Okay... like when he scored 35 pts on 64%? 25 on 17 shots? 20 pt 3rd quarter? 17 point first quarter? Sir, you must not understand what this word means. Best believe LeBron was dominant, now Wade's shittyness obviously led to the team not looking very dominant.
For a guy who averaged 35 shots per game (excluding the blowout game) this past finals, he sure didn't pick his shots in 2014? If you're shooting 57% for the series, impose your will...Don't start scoring only when you're down big or up big. But I guess Lebron fans are all about "efficiency". You're impressed with a guy who scores 25 on 17 shots when he has the ball like 20 seconds of every shot clock? Talk about stagnant and predictable offense. Blaming his teammates because they didn't help when they don't even get a chance to get in rhythm besides chucking threes. Talk about 0-2 without Wade lol. For a guy who's the most physically gifted in all of history (and maybe sports), you guys cut him a lot of slack. Phil Jackson has a point. Undisciplined and full of himself.

06-23-2015, 03:24 PM
For a guy who averaged 35 shots per game (excluding the blowout game) this past finals, he sure didn't pick his shots in 2014? If you're shooting 57% for the series, impose your will...Don't start scoring only when you're down big or up big. But I guess Lebron fans are all about "efficiency". You're impressed with a guy who scores 25 on 17 shots when he has the ball like 20 seconds of every shot clock? Talk about stagnant and predictable offense. Blaming his teammates because they didn't help when they don't even get a chance to get in rhythm besides chucking threes. Talk about 0-2 without Wade lol. For a guy who's the most physically gifted in all of history (and maybe sports), you guys cut him a lot of slack. Phil Jackson has a point. Undisciplined and full of himself.

oh so you're one of those guys :lol

"impose your will doe" Spurs were up 10+ after the first quarter in both Miami games, one of which LeBron scored FOURTEEN points in.. and up TWENTY 20+ in BOTH Miami games at HALFTIME... god damn thats not alot of room to be imposing your will in, too much 'imposing will' and people will scream "stat padding!" (they already do, mate)

06-23-2015, 04:10 PM
Ok fine... 0.0 credit

Compared to real seasons theyre either half or nothing... if they were full and the same then might aswell flip a coin to see whos champion

You win.. lebron = 1 title. (Lockout =void... rings dont come in halfs)
Reality. Live in it.

Wade's Rings
06-23-2015, 04:56 PM
why the **** do people forget about lebron being an absolute MONSTER before the finals?

he carried wade throughout the playoffs as he took a shit on the bulls and celtics in the clutch

they wouldnt have made the finals without lebron, REMEMBER THAT YOU BITCH.

:roll: :roll: Wade outplayed Lebron in the 2011 Playoffs.

Papaya Petee
06-23-2015, 04:56 PM
why the **** do people forget about lebron being an absolute MONSTER before the finals?

he carried wade throughout the playoffs as he took a shit on the bulls and celtics in the clutch

they wouldnt have made the finals without lebron, REMEMBER THAT YOU BITCH.
Carried Wade in 2011???:roll:

Wade was the best player vs Boston and vs Dallas

LeBron was the best player vs the Bulls

76ers series was a wash. Maybe Lebron slightly better.

06-23-2015, 04:59 PM
Carried Wade in 2011???:roll:

Wade was the best player vs Boston and vs Dallas

LeBron was the best player vs the Bulls

76ers series was a wash. Maybe Lebron slightly better.

How does the 76ers series look like a wash to you? :lol

06-23-2015, 05:02 PM
Reality. Live in it.

To a lebron fan

Everythings real except the lockout shortened season part of it

Everythings real except for all the injuries to stars that happened because of it

Everythings real except for the lack of a training camp and practices that would have been necessary for a new team and without them ultimately favored a returning core that made the finals a year ago (miami)

And finally. Everythings real except for the 3 games in a rows, 4 games in 5 nights that killed older stars.

The title IS real. But its not the same or as good. Its either a little less. Half or nothing.

If its exactly the same then like i said. Might aswell flip a coin to see whos champion and skip the process entirely

Papaya Petee
06-23-2015, 05:17 PM
How does the 76ers series look like a wash to you? :lol
24/11/6 for LeBron
22/9/5 for Wade

Like I said Lebron was slightly better, but Wade also played less.
Especially in the game 2 blowout where Wade had migranes and wasn't supposed to play at all. Aside from that 1 game, they were identical.

06-23-2015, 05:34 PM
We all know LeBron under performed big time during the 2011 Finals. I want to say he put up 18-8-7 on decent efficiency (maybe 48%)? Does this mean Wade didn't do "enough" as the #1 option in 2011? We've already established that LBJ underperformed big time, but should Wade get criticized some too? After all, if we remember correctly...

I remember LBJ winning in 2012 and 2013 LBJ carried Wade and I am sure that Wade didn't perform much better in 2012 and 2013 Finals than LBJ did in 2011 Finals. I'm sure if we pulled the numbers they would be close. So in summary, can we say that LBJ could carry an underperforming Wade, but Wade couldn't carry an underperforming LeBron?

Food for thought...

K Xerxes
06-23-2015, 05:36 PM
To a lebron fan

Everythings real except the lockout shortened season part of it

Everythings real except for all the injuries to stars that happened because of it

Everythings real except for the lack of a training camp and practices that would have been necessary for a new team and without them ultimately favored a returning core that made the finals a year ago (miami)

And finally. Everythings real except for the 3 games in a rows, 4 games in 5 nights that killed older stars.

The title IS real. But its not the same or as good. Its either a little less. Half or nothing.

If its exactly the same then like i said. Might aswell flip a coin to see whos champion and skip the process entirely

Which older stars did it kill?

06-23-2015, 05:37 PM
We all know LeBron under performed big time during the 2011 Finals. I want to say he put up 18-8-7 on decent efficiency (maybe 48%)? Does this mean Wade didn't do "enough" as the #1 option in 2011? We've already established that LBJ underperformed big time, but should Wade get criticized some too? After all, if we remember correctly...

I remember LBJ winning in 2012 and 2013 LBJ carried Wade and I am sure that Wade didn't perform much better in 2012 and 2013 Finals than LBJ did in 2011 Finals. I'm sure if we pulled the numbers they would be close. So in summary, can we say that LBJ could carry an underperforming Wade, but Wade couldn't carry an underperforming LeBron?

Food for thought...
lol no it ain't. bran choked harder than anyone in history and was shook by a 5'11'' Barea and was outscored by career-role player Terry.

06-23-2015, 05:39 PM
24/11/6 for LeBron
22/9/5 for Wade

Like I said Lebron was slightly better, but Wade also played less.
Especially in the game 2 blowout where Wade had migranes and wasn't supposed to play at all. Aside from that 1 game, they were identical.


24/11/6 on 47% is noticeable better than 22/8/5 on 44%

if this was 'slightly better' than so was the Celtics one
30/7/5 on 53% vs 28/8/4 on 47%

But LeBron did close this one out, all series' really...

It's awfully close though. I mean, they both had 2 series' in which they were the man in, one rather slightly the other very obviously.

As for the regular season, Wade got like 6 MVP points? LeBron was in triple digits... still, they were close no doubt. I miss this Wade.

06-23-2015, 05:55 PM
lol no it ain't. bran choked harder than anyone in history and was shook by a 5'11'' Barea and was outscored by career-role player Terry.

How does it not though? I've already conceded that LeBron severly underperformed in the 2011 Finals. We've established that. What I'm saying is Wade couldn't carry an underperforming #2 option in LBJ, yet LBJ was able to carry his #2 option in 2012 and 2013 in Wade.

And...Mind you, this was done against much better teams.

2011 Mavs obviously was a great team, but they were a band of misfits (Dirk, Chandler, Marion, Kidd, Barea, Terry)

2012 Thunder included Scoring Champ Durant, Goatbrook, Harden, Ibabaka, Sefalosha

and I don't need to type out the 2013 Spurs roster.

So, in summary can we say LBJ was able to carry his underperforming #2 vs better teams while Wade was not able to carry his underperforming #2 option vs a lesser opponent? It certainly deserves some attention, at the least.

06-23-2015, 05:57 PM
Plot twist:

If Wade doesn't disappear in the 2014 Finals, how does LBJ's 3-peat help his all-time ranking?

06-23-2015, 06:06 PM
Plot twist:

If Wade doesn't disappear in the 2014 Finals, how does LBJ's 3-peat help his all-time ranking?

Plot retwist: what if neither superstar disappears and they 4peat with wade winning the '11 fmvp?

And bosh wins the other 3

06-23-2015, 06:16 PM
Both would still rank below Duncan. How great is our god?

Optimus Prime
06-23-2015, 06:17 PM
lol no it ain't. bran choked harder than anyone in history and was shook by a 5'11'' Barea and was outscored by career-role player Terry.



Wade's Rings
06-23-2015, 06:45 PM

24/11/6 on 47% is noticeable better than 22/8/5 on 44%

if this was 'slightly better' than so was the Celtics one
30/7/5 on 53% vs 28/8/4 on 47%

But LeBron did close this one out, all series' really...

It's awfully close though. I mean, they both had 2 series' in which they were the man in, one rather slightly the other very obviously.

As for the regular season, Wade got like 6 MVP points? LeBron was in triple digits... still, they were close no doubt. I miss this Wade.

Iggy spent this series guarding Wade.

Wade was super Clutch in the Bulls Series even with his poor Offense.

Wade's Rings
06-23-2015, 06:57 PM
We all know LeBron under performed big time during the 2011 Finals. I want to say he put up 18-8-7 on decent efficiency (maybe 48%)? Does this mean Wade didn't do "enough" as the #1 option in 2011? We've already established that LBJ underperformed big time, but should Wade get criticized some too? After all, if we remember correctly...

Lebron put up 18/7/7 on 48% in the 2011 yet he had no impact on the series whatsoever. Wade did all he could and through the 1st 4 Games he was having a Historic Finals and still dropped 27/7/5 on 55% while averaging 7/8 pts on 55% shooting in the 4th Quarter. In Game 5 Wade missed a half and still outproduced Lebron :roll: and then was hurt in Game 6. Stop looking at the stats.

I remember LBJ winning in 2012 and 2013 LBJ carried Wade and I am sure that Wade didn't perform much better in 2012 and 2013 Finals than LBJ did in 2011 Finals. I'm sure if we pulled the numbers they would be close. So in summary, can we say that LBJ could carry an underperforming Wade, but Wade couldn't carry an underperforming LeBron?

Food for thought...

:roll: :roll: Wade's 2012 Finals was Leagues better than Bron's 2011 Finals and his 2013 Finals Performance was better as well. Stop looking at stats strictly, 5'9 Barrea had Lebron shook and Bron averaged 2pts shooting 25% and with 2-3 turnovers in the 4th Quarter of the 2011 Finals :roll: :roll:

06-23-2015, 07:17 PM
:roll: :roll: Wade's 2012 Finals was Leagues better than Bron's 2011 Finals and his 2013 Finals Performance was better as well. Stop looking at stats strictly, 5'9 Barrea had Lebron shook and Bron averaged 2pts shooting 25% and with 2-3 turnovers in the 4th Quarter of the 2011 Finals :roll: :roll:



First off, why are you saying stop looking at stats strictly? You don't think I watched EVERY single game of the Finals lol

If LeBron in 2011 was shook @ 18/7/7 on 48% then please tell me, what was Wade in 2014 NBA Finals:

15.2 ppg, 2,6 apg, 3.8 rpg, 1.6 spg, 0.0 bpg (Wade in 2014 when Heat lost)
17.8 ppg, 6.8 apg, 7.1. rpg, 1.6 spg, 0.5 bpg (LBJ in 2011 when Heat lost)

So how are they the same?

LBJ 2011: 18, 7, 7, 1.6, 0.5 on 48%
Wade 2014: 15, 3, 4, 1.6, 0.0 on 44%

So you see, pretty different.

06-23-2015, 07:20 PM
It goes to show how much we expect from LeBron. In 2011 Finals he underperformed no doubt, but to go 18-7-7 on48% and people say it was his worst playoff series ever, well damn, that's not so bad after all. Most NBA players would kill to go 18-7-7 on 48% in the NBA Finals.

Wade's Rings
06-23-2015, 07:29 PM


First off, why are you saying stop looking at stats strictly? You don't think I watched EVERY single game of the Finals lol

If you watched every single game you wouldn't have even made that post. :oldlol:

If LeBron in 2011 was shook @ 18/7/7 on 48% then please tell me, what was Wade in 2014 NBA Finals:

15.2 ppg, 2,6 apg, 3.8 rpg, 1.6 spg, 0.0 bpg (Wade in 2014 when Heat lost)
17.8 ppg, 6.8 apg, 7.1. rpg, 1.6 spg, 0.5 bpg (LBJ in 2011 when Heat lost)

So how are they the same?

LBJ 2011: 18, 7, 7, 1.6, 0.5 on 48%
Wade 2014: 15, 3, 4, 1.6, 0.0 on 44%

So you see, pretty different.

Wade was older, out of his Prime and injured while Bron was Healthy and in his Prime. Either way Wade played like shit, Bron was shook. :confusedshrug:

It goes to show how much we expect from LeBron. In 2011 Finals he underperformed no doubt, but to go 18-7-7 on48% and people say it was his worst playoff series ever, well damn, that's not so bad after all. Most NBA players would kill to go 18-7-7 on 48% in the NBA Finals.

Dude sucked entirely in the 4th Quarters :roll: Why don't you bring up those numbers? :confusedshrug:

06-23-2015, 07:34 PM
oh so you're one of those guys :lol

"impose your will doe" Spurs were up 10+ after the first quarter in both Miami games, one of which LeBron scored FOURTEEN points in.. and up TWENTY 20+ in BOTH Miami games at HALFTIME... god damn thats not alot of room to be imposing your will in, too much 'imposing will' and people will scream "stat padding!" (they already do, mate)

06-23-2015, 07:34 PM
If you watched every single game you wouldn't have even made that post. :oldlol:

Wade was older, out of his Prime and injured while Bron was Healthy and in his Prime. Either way Wade played like shit, Bron was shook. :confusedshrug:

Dude sucked entirely in the 4th Quarters :roll: Why don't you bring up those numbers? :confusedshrug:

We can talk about who did a worse job underperforming all day, but my statement still stands:

LBJ was able to carry an underperforming Wade in 2012 and 2013 vs a stronger team (Thunder, Spurs)

Wade was NOT able to carry an underperforming LBJ in 2011 vs a lesser team than OKC/SAS.

06-23-2015, 07:38 PM
Plot twist:

If Wade doesn't disappear in the 2014 Finals, how does LBJ's 3-peat help his all-time ranking?


Wade's Rings
06-23-2015, 07:43 PM
LBJ was able to carry an underperforming Wade in 2012 and 2013 vs a stronger team (Thunder, Spurs)

Wade was NOT able to carry an underperforming LBJ in 2011 vs a lesser team than OKC/SAS.

Wade dropped 23/6/5 shooting 44% with Excellent Defense and Clutch Play but LBJ carried him? :roll: :roll:

In 2013 if Wade doesn't Win Game 4 the series is over in 5 :roll: :roll: and Wade still was solid with excellent Defense.

06-23-2015, 08:17 PM
Ok fine... 0.0 credit

Compared to real seasons theyre either half or nothing... if they were full and the same then might aswell flip a coin to see whos champion

You win.. lebron = 1 title. (Lockout =void... rings dont come in halfs)
If Kobe had won a ring in 1999 and/or 2012 you know good and well you would count it as a full ring. The only reason you count 1999 and 2012 rings as half or no credit is because it's a half-assed, junior high way to discredit Duncan and LeBron.

Hey Yo
06-23-2015, 08:17 PM
Wade dropped 23/6/5 shooting 44% with Excellent Defense and Clutch Play but LBJ carried him? :roll: :roll:

In 2013 if Wade doesn't Win Game 4 the series is over in 5 :roll: :roll: and Wade still was solid with excellent Defense.

James put up 33 and 11
Wade 32 and 6

06-23-2015, 08:21 PM
This thread shows how you guys ranking lists are flawed. According to most of you, Wade would be ranked higher if Lebron played better and if Wade played the same way. :oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol: So Lebron's play affected Wade's ranking? :lol

Hey Yo
06-23-2015, 08:33 PM
This thread also shows that Kobe kids continue to talk about LeBron's Finals performances but always refer to what Kobe did BEFORE the Finals because he's a career 40%/7 against the alleged "weak East"

06-23-2015, 08:35 PM
This thread also shows that Kobe kids continue to talk about LeBron's Finals performances but always refer to what Kobe did BEFORE the Finals because he's a career 40%/7 against the alleged "weak East"

:lol LOL so true, especially when they talk about the 3 championships Shaq got him.

06-23-2015, 08:37 PM


Do people forget how shitty bran really played?
He was just stat padding against the Spurs bench:lol

Luckily his 2/6 record is a good indicator

06-23-2015, 08:41 PM
If LeBron did not play like an ass, he would've won the FMVP:confusedshrug:

06-23-2015, 08:42 PM
If wade won fmvp in year 1 we would remember wade as the better player since both guys were in their primes

Is 2015 Iggy > 2015 Steph?

06-23-2015, 08:46 PM
It goes to show how much we expect from LeBron. In 2011 Finals he underperformed no doubt, but to go 18-7-7 on48% and people say it was his worst playoff series ever, well damn, that's not so bad after all. Most NBA players would kill to go 18-7-7 on 48% in the NBA Finals.
And anyone that watched that series, and LeBron's disappearing act every 4th quarter, and complete and total bitchmade passiveness would tell you he was nowhere near as good as his modest 18-7-7 statline suggests.

06-23-2015, 09:00 PM
And anyone that watched that series, and LeBron's disappearing act every 4th quarter, and complete and total bitchmade passiveness would tell you he was nowhere near as good as his modest 18-7-7 statline suggests.

06-23-2015, 09:06 PM

James put up 33 and 11
Wade 32 and 6
The game Wade put it away in the 4th with Lebron on the bench, and then he came in and scored 9 points in the last 4 minutes with a 15 point lead :roll:

Wade's Rings
06-23-2015, 09:12 PM
The game Wade put it away in the 4th with Lebron on the bench, and then he came in and scored 9 points in the last 4 minutes with a 15 point lead :roll:

Bron had 8 pts in the Finals 1:22 against the Spurs' 3rd String :roll:

06-23-2015, 09:19 PM
both better than Kobe.

The correct answer.

06-23-2015, 09:42 PM
Ahead of Kobrick for sure

06-23-2015, 09:46 PM
The game Wade put it away in the 4th with Lebron on the bench, and then he came in and scored 9 points in the last 4 minutes with a 15 point lead :roll:
True ...

Wade with 4x Rings, 2x Finals MVPs is even greater than he already is resume wise. I think he's massively underrated on ISH and overall. Top 5 SG all time.

LMAO @ LeBron stans like Hey Yo insinuating LeBron "letting" Wade be the better player in 2011 is why they lost.

Heat lost because LeBron went BETA mode passive and basically quit. Became nonexistent in important stretches of the games. And got locked up by old Marion, Kidd, and little JJ Barea.

06-23-2015, 09:48 PM
If LeBron did not play like an ass, he would've won the FMVP:confusedshrug:

06-23-2015, 09:58 PM

James put up 33 and 11
Wade 32 and 6

Total proof this guy doesn't watch the games and simply looks at boxscores

Papaya Petee
06-23-2015, 10:10 PM

24/11/6 on 47% is noticeable better than 22/8/5 on 44%

if this was 'slightly better' than so was the Celtics one
30/7/5 on 53% vs 28/8/4 on 47%

But LeBron did close this one out, all series' really...

It's awfully close though. I mean, they both had 2 series' in which they were the man in, one rather slightly the other very obviously.

As for the regular season, Wade got like 6 MVP points? LeBron was in triple digits... still, they were close no doubt. I miss this Wade.
Doug Collins put their best perimeter defender in Iggy on Wade and throughout the series he said multiple times his main goal was to focus on Wade defensively. But I already said LeBron was still slightly better. Point to Lebron.

Come Boston series, LeBron did close the game out in game 5 and played phenomenal down the stretch in game 4, and Wade was phenomenal in first halfs, but he still had a stronger, more consistent series. LeBron was poor in game 3, where as Wade had no bad games that series.

Chicago series LeBron was a lot better, and in the finals Wade was a lot better, those are pretty common sense.

Regular season- Lebron 27/7/7/1/1 51% FG
Wade 26/6/5/2/1 50% FG

Lebron I believe took 1 more FGA a game and played 1-2 more MPG. Pretty much neck in neck. Some nights Wade dominated some nights LeBron did. The fact Wade barely placed in the top 8 in MVP voting and LeBron finished 2nd (or 3rd don't remember) was strictly popularity IMO.

06-23-2015, 10:33 PM
Doug Collins put their best perimeter defender in Iggy on Wade and throughout the series he said multiple times his main goal was to focus on Wade defensively. But I already said LeBron was still slightly better. Point to Lebron.

Come Boston series, LeBron did close the game out in game 5 and played phenomenal down the stretch in game 4, and Wade was phenomenal in first halfs, but he still had a stronger, more consistent series. LeBron was poor in game 3, where as Wade had no bad games that series.

Chicago series LeBron was a lot better, and in the finals Wade was a lot better, those are pretty common sense.

Regular season- Lebron 27/7/7/1/1 51% FG
Wade 26/6/5/2/1 50% FG

Lebron I believe took 1 more FGA a game and played 1-2 more MPG. Pretty much neck in neck. Some nights Wade dominated some nights LeBron did. The fact Wade barely placed in the top 8 in MVP voting and LeBron finished 2nd (or 3rd don't remember) was strictly popularity IMO.:applause:

06-23-2015, 10:36 PM
Anyway if Lebron didn't crap the bed then, Wade wouldn't have won FMVP anyway. It was destiny for Dirk to destroy the Cheatles, Pat Riley and David Stern. Without the Mavs winning then, we might still have David Stern running the league and that is a horrible thing for basketball and sports in general.

06-23-2015, 11:10 PM
Total proof this guy doesn't watch the games and simply looks at boxscores
Your fault for accepting bitch-ass stans into your fanbase with the decision. All Heat fans should have told them to **** off immediately.

06-23-2015, 11:24 PM
True ...

Wade with 4x Rings, 2x Finals MVPs is even greater than he already is resume wise. I think he's massively underrated on ISH and overall. Top 5 SG all time.

LMAO @ LeBron stans like Hey Yo insinuating LeBron "letting" Wade be the better player in 2011 is why they lost.

Heat lost because LeBron went BETA mode passive and basically quit. Became nonexistent in important stretches of the games. And got locked up by old Marion, Kidd, and little JJ Barea.

that series was straight sabotage

06-23-2015, 11:35 PM
LeBron was not about to let Wade win FMVP.

If that happened, Wade would have been cemented as 'the man' in Miami, and LeBron would have to answer questions about that for any titles he won with him.

LeBron knew he would be 'the man' in Miami if he won FMVP.

2/2 Championships
2/2 FMVP
All-Rookie Team
Three 2nd All-Defensive Team
One All-NBA Team
Three All-NBA 2nd Team
One All-NBA 3rd Team
1 All-Star Game MVP

1/2 Championships
0/2 FMVP
All-Rookie Team
Three 1st All-Defensive Team
Five All-NBA Team
Two All-NBA 2nd Team
Rookie of the Year
2x All-Star Game MVP
2x MVP

^At that point, LeBron would lose a lot of juice. He definitely has no 'Decision 2' like last summer. 0-2 is less embarrassing than 1-2 but being Wade's sidekick.

Hey Yo
06-24-2015, 12:31 PM
The game Wade put it away in the 4th with Lebron on the bench, and then he came in and scored 9 points in the last 4 minutes with a 15 point lead :roll:
Exaggerate much? (though not surprised coming from a Kobe kid)

LeBron went to the bench with 9:34 left in the 4th. (as did Leonard) Heat have a 7pt lead. LeBron comes back into the game with 6:04 left with the Heat up by 11.

During that time, Wade scored 6 points and Bosh had 4.

Wade leaves the game at 4:27 with a 13pt lead (he and LeBron each scored 2pts since James returned) then Wade comes back in at 3:55 with a 13pt lead. After that, with the Heat up 15, Wade goes 0-2.

1:45 left in the game and the Heat up 12. LeBorn makes it a 14pt game with 1:26 left. Then LeBron makes it 14 again with 58 seconds left.

Yep, sure looks like Wade won the game in the 4th for Miami like dude said.......:rolleyes: :facepalm

Hey Yo
06-24-2015, 12:41 PM
True ...

Wade with 4x Rings, 2x Finals MVPs is even greater than he already is resume wise. I think he's massively underrated on ISH and overall. Top 5 SG all time.

LMAO @ LeBron stans like Hey Yo insinuating LeBron "letting" Wade be the better player in 2011 is why they lost.

Heat lost because LeBron went BETA mode passive and basically quit. Became nonexistent in important stretches of the games. And got locked up by old Marion, Kidd, and little JJ Barea.
Not true, alleged coach.

So why the need for Wade to go public that summer to say it was LeBron's team now? Maybe because Wade insisted on being 1st option (one last time) in the 2011 Finals? Then saw that "Wade ball" wasn't able to get it done and needed LeBron to be 1st option?

Pretty smart by Wade as the world saw what happen the next 2yrs with Wade taking a backseat.

Hey Yo
06-24-2015, 12:48 PM
Total proof this guy doesn't watch the games and simply looks at boxscores
Off the top of your head, what happen in game 2 (3rd quarter) between the NYK and Celtics in the first round 2013

yeah, that's what I thought.

06-24-2015, 01:06 PM
Is 2015 Iggy > 2015 Steph?

Thats a tad different

Well sorta i guess... you make a hell of a point. I must say youre a genius

But maybe
.... think abiut this for a moment

Crazy idea incoming!

"Wade > iggy all time by a pretty large margin"


Nevermind i'm just kidding

Youre awesome

06-24-2015, 01:16 PM
Off the top of your head, what happen in game 2 (3rd quarter) between the NYK and Celtics in the first round 2013

yeah, that's what I thought.

That's not the same thing at all. You ignorantly posted both their stats from that Game 4 to try to prove LeBron had the better game. But if you actually watched the game, it was obvious Wade was the better player and was the biggest reason why they won. The Heat were up 15 with 4:30 to go and LeBron scored 9 points in garbage time.

I don't know why stans like you and 3ball have to pretend Jordan/LeBron didn't ever have good teammates. This was one of maybe 3-5 playoff games those last 3 years where LeBron wasn't the Heat's best player, so no need to be so insecure