View Full Version : Better handles: Kyrie or Steph??

06-23-2015, 11:26 PM
I have Kyrie slightly ahead

Also, cant really think of anyone with clearly better handles than these two...

Jason williams??
Jamal crawford?? Lol
Lebron?? Jk

06-23-2015, 11:33 PM
Isiah, CP, shamgod, delly, all very great too.

06-23-2015, 11:36 PM
Delly definitely.

06-23-2015, 11:38 PM
Between the two you mention, Kyrie. He attacks the bucket with his moves. All Curry does, no matter how nice or fancy, is pull back or used to step back to create space for his push shot. It's why a bum like Mathew Delladova was able to stay in front of him and give him fits for large chunks of the Finals series. Just sit on his jumper and make him beat you to the rim where his pedestrian athleticism allows him to be susceptible to getting stuffed.

06-23-2015, 11:44 PM
Between the two you mention, Kyrie. He attacks the bucket with his moves. All Curry does, no matter how nice or fancy, is pull back or used to step back to create space for his push shot. It's why a bum like Mathew Delladova was able to stay in front of him and give him fits for large chunks of the Finals series. Just sit on his jumper and make him beat you to the rim where his pedestrian athleticism allows him to be susceptible to getting stuffed.
I hope you're only talking about the Finals though. In the RS he did actually have some moves getting to the basket :oldlol:

06-23-2015, 11:46 PM
Big Baby Davis has better love handles than both of them.

06-23-2015, 11:46 PM
I hope you're only talking about the Finals though. In the RS he did actually have some moves getting to the basket :oldlol:
I didn't say he can't get to the basket ... it's just not his MO

Young X
06-23-2015, 11:52 PM
Definitely Kyrie.

Curry is way too loose with the ball, Kyrie's control of the ball is much better while still being flashier.

06-23-2015, 11:53 PM




06-23-2015, 11:54 PM
I didn't say he can't get to the basket ... it's just not his MO

He gets to the basket quite often and his finishing at the rim is superb. He was having a tough time getting to the rim because of Tristan Thompson and Tim Mozgov. That CLE Finals line up was a very good defensive squad all around.

Nuff Said
06-23-2015, 11:58 PM
Kyrie is the best in the game by far imo. He dribbles through traffic like its nothing.

06-24-2015, 12:13 AM
Kyrie is the best ball handler in the world. That plus his shooting is what makes him one of the best players in the league.

Steph has great control and decision-making, though. He splits defenders incredibly which allows him to make plays and finish at the rim.

06-24-2015, 12:13 AM
Kyrie is the best in the game by far imo. He dribbles through traffic like its nothing.
Then Paul ...

06-24-2015, 12:17 AM
Kyrie definitely. Kyrie might be the GOAT ballhandler

06-24-2015, 12:34 AM
Kyrie is a beast if you take away the carries

06-24-2015, 12:35 AM
Kyrie definitely. Kyrie might be the GOAT ballhandler
No way. Delly is.

06-24-2015, 12:37 AM
Kyrie definitely. Kyrie might be the GOAT ballhandler
He's up there. Isiah too.

Nuff Said
06-24-2015, 12:52 AM
Then Paul ...
Kyrie does it better than Paul but cp3 is up there as well. Better than steph imo.

06-24-2015, 01:08 AM
Definitely Kyrie.

Curry is way too loose with the ball, Kyrie's control of the ball is much better while still being flashier.

This. Kyrie has serious game. He was just born with a gift.

06-24-2015, 01:10 AM
CP3 has to be mentioned also. He's obviously not as flashy as the two but he has complete control of the ball and tops the league in assist/TO ratio by a wide margin every year.

06-24-2015, 01:17 AM
These guys aren't really doing anything that Tim Hardaway didn't do back in the day. Not to mention Hardaway to this day has the quickest double crossover ever.

06-24-2015, 01:22 AM
I think Kyrie has the better handles, as others mentioned, in how he uses his handle to get into the paint and create just enough room to finish at a ridiculous level.

Also, regarding CP3, his handle might not be as flashy as Kyrie or Curry (even pre-injury CP3), but it's gotta be one of the tightest we've seen. I think Paul's a historically great dribbler for his control.

Timmy D for MVP
06-24-2015, 01:23 AM
Kyrie by a mile. I think Steph has moves, and his handles are tight but Kyrie is on another level moves wise, AND uses his more efficiently.

I don't even think Curry is ahead of CP3.

Handles is like shooting as one of the things in the NBA that gets misconstrued. When people talk about handles they usually mean nice looking moves (like when they talk about "shooters: they usually mean 3 pt shooters). In actuality though, guys like CP3 might not have a highlight a night, but they control the ball so damn well.

J Shuttlesworth
06-24-2015, 01:25 AM
Handles is like shooting as one of the things in the NBA that gets misconstrued. When people talk about handles they usually mean nice looking moves (like when they talk about "shooters: they usually mean 3 pt shooters). In actuality though, guys like CP3 might not have a highlight a night, but they control the ball so damn well.
Agreed 100% with this. The best handle in the league is CP3 because he so damn efficient with it.

The best flashy handle is Kyrie, easily. Curry 2nd

Spurs m8
06-24-2015, 01:56 AM
lol da fuq is Crawford in the OG post for hahahah
Blokes a ****in idiot

06-24-2015, 02:29 AM
Kyrie over Curry for sure, I'd have CP3 over him too honestly. He's got amazing handles but he has a tendency to lose control of it a little more than those two. Seems like he's scrambling to recover the ball (which he then picks up and knocks down a shot mind you, so he makes it work).

06-24-2015, 02:40 AM

Between the two you mention, Kyrie. He attacks the bucket with his moves. All Curry does, no matter how nice or fancy, is pull back or used to step back to create space for his push shot. It's why a bum like Mathew Delladova was able to stay in front of him and give him fits for large chunks of the Finals series. Just sit on his jumper and make him beat you to the rim where his pedestrian athleticism allows him to be susceptible to getting stuffed.

Yeah, Delly gave him fits to the tune of, what, 25/5/6?

Game 2 and some of Game 3 were the only games Steph really struggled in

06-24-2015, 10:23 AM
Nobody has a better handle than Kyrie. Steph Curry has very good handles as well, but his isn't as relentless and attack-heavy as Kyrie's.

Honorable mention goes to Chris Paul. His handle is still nasty too.