View Full Version : Would you sign LeBron to a 40 Million Dollar contract IF...

06-30-2015, 12:48 PM
LeBron obviously knows what he is doing signing these smaller length contract but it may haunt the guy for doing so as well. Assuming he is planning on staying with Cleveland for his remaining years in the league, what would he and Cleveland organization do if he completely blow out his knee at some point next year? New TV deal kicks in and he is inline to get a 40 million a year + contract but he is fresh off a major knee surgery.

By the end of next season he will be 31 and probably has another good 2 to 3 years left of his prime. A major knee injury can set you back 1 year plus slowly getting back in to prime basketball shape. Would you still give him the 200+ million 5 year contract? If you are Cleveland and you want him to stay you are going need to pony up but at what cost if he is injured.

Again...this is hypothetical...

06-30-2015, 12:54 PM
I wouldn't, all but 2 NBA championships have been won without LeBron James on the roster.

He aint that special.

06-30-2015, 12:54 PM
I'd give him 40 million even if he blew out both his knees

No homo

Lebron is a coach and GM too

06-30-2015, 01:56 PM
I'd give him 40 million even if he blew out both his knees

No homo

Lebron is a coach and GM too

He didn't come back to Cleveland just to play basketball. I have a feeling he has a pact similar to KG and Minny. He put cleveland on the map and is largely responsible for their revenue. He is what Peyton Manning was to Indy before Luck.

Cleveland will pay him that 200 plus million dollar contract. He's always taken slight pay cuts by his standards.