View Full Version : Wilt Chamberlain almost rips Shaq's arm out of it's socket

07-05-2015, 09:49 PM
Viewer discretion is advised

07-05-2015, 09:53 PM
shaq wasnt expecting that and wilt tried his hardest for the firmest man grip ever.

07-05-2015, 10:04 PM
old man tries to punk a kid

07-05-2015, 10:19 PM
i remember when i was a teenager every single old f*ggot would try and crush my hand in every handshake...

like what the hell kind of deficiency must a person have to measure testosterone levels with a child

07-05-2015, 10:28 PM
Wilt was a dick. Him and his tall tales. :lol

And Shaq wasn't expecting him to bust out the GI Joe Kung Fu grip. You can tell by his expression he wasn't pleased.

07-05-2015, 10:30 PM
Wilt grabbed and shook it like it was a c0ck he wanted to eat:oldlol:

07-05-2015, 10:31 PM
The fact that CuckFTW actually uses this for arguments is all you need to know :oldlol:

07-05-2015, 10:32 PM
The fact that CuckFTW actually uses this for arguments is all you need to know :oldlol:

:lol :lol

07-05-2015, 10:33 PM
Wilt is Alpha

07-05-2015, 10:33 PM
i remember when i was a teenager every single old f*ggot would try and crush my hand in every handshake...

like what the hell kind of deficiency must a person have to measure testosterone levels with a child

Seriously I had to put out my firmest grip on at all times.

07-05-2015, 10:43 PM
Wilt was a dick. Him and his tall tales. :lol

And Shaq wasn't expecting him to bust out the GI Joe Kung Fu grip. You can tell by his expression he wasn't pleased.

Not even close...

it was more like... "DAMN! That man is STRONG I sure as Hell hope that HE isn't playing tonight!."

07-05-2015, 10:49 PM
Not even close...

it was more like... "DAMN! That man is STRONG I sure as Hell hope that HE isn't playing tonight!."

Right, that's what SHAQ of all people was thinking when he goes to cordially shake someone's hand and they tried to rip it out of its socket.


That dude^... but someone else's "strength" impresses him. Story checks out. :applause:

07-05-2015, 10:56 PM
Right, that's what SHAQ of all people was thinking when he goes to cordially shake someone's hand and they tried to rip it out of its socket.


That dude^... but someone else's "strength" impresses him. Story checks out. :applause:

The 6-6 235 lb. Gus Johnson accomplished that same feat...THREE times.

And when it comes to STRENGTH...I can post link-after-link with Wilt's staggering feats of strength. And you KNOW it, too.

Shaq? Not really. We do KNOW that he couldn't budge 405 in the bench.

Wilt >>>> stronger than Shaq ever was.

Not even close.

07-05-2015, 11:00 PM
And when it comes to STRENGTH...I can post link-after-link with Wilt's staggering feats of strength. And you KNOW it, too.

Shaq? Not really. We do KNOW that he couldn't budge 405 in the bench.

Wilt >>>> stronger than Shaq ever was.

Not even close.

Yes we have all heard the tall tales before. He wrassled bears for fun at half time during games while being blown by 50 women at once. :rolleyes:

07-05-2015, 11:01 PM

All-star power forward Gus Johnson of the Baltimore Bullets became famous as a backboard breaker in the NBA, shattering three during his career in the 1960s and early 1970s.

07-05-2015, 11:04 PM


AKA this:


Shaq ripped down everything.


07-05-2015, 11:05 PM
Yes we have all heard the tall tales before. He wrassled bears for fun at half time during games while being blown by 50 women at once. :rolleyes:

How about from Arnold, then?


BTW, legendary Wilt-hater Bill Simmons in that same interview...

"He was BY FAR the strongest person who has ever played in the NBA."

07-05-2015, 11:06 PM

AKA this:


Shaq ripped down everything.



07-05-2015, 11:09 PM
If Wilt was so strong how come he wasn't pulling down rims and shattering backboards regularly like Shaq, Gus and Dawkins?

Weak punk soft dunkin lack of explosion stilt walking around cuckftw looserus

07-05-2015, 11:11 PM
If Wilt was so strong how come he wasn't pulling down rims and shattering backboards regularly like Shaq, Gus and Dawkins?

Weak punk soft dunkin lack of explosion stilt walking around cuckftw looserus

He wasn't STUPID like those guys.

BUT, how about this...


"The greatest play I've ever seen was one of the last games of the 1966-67 season and were playing Baltimore. We [Philadelphia] were going for the best record in NBA history. There was a play earlier in the game where Gus Johnson had dunked one over Wilt. Gus was a very strong player. I weighed 220 pounds, and with one hand Gus could push me out of the lane. The man was a physical specimen [6-foot-6, 230 pounds], all muscle. He loved to dunk and was a very colorful player. When he slammed it on Wilt, he really threw it down, and you could tell that Wilt didn't like it one bit.
Later in the game, Gus was out on the fast break, and the only man between him and the basket was Wilt. He was goin to dunk on Wilt--again. Gus cupped the ball and took off--he had a perfect angle for a slam. Wilt went up and with one hand he grabbed the ball--cleanly! Then he took the ball and shoved it right back into Gus, drilling Gus into the floor with the basketball.
Gus was flattened and they carried him out. It turned out that Gus Johnson was the only player in NBA history to suffer a dislocated shoulder from a blocked shot."

07-05-2015, 11:12 PM
Heres Wilt and Shaq at their peak strength level



IDK about you guys but Shaq looks massively stronger

07-05-2015, 11:13 PM

Now you're getting it. Breaking the glass is a whole different story than bringing down EVERYTHING. 6'6" 215 lb Jordan shattered a backboard before.

But find me evidence of any NBA player besides Shaq destroying the entire basket infrastructure... not just the glass. I'll wait.

How about from Arnold, then?


BTW, legendary Wilt-hater Bill Simmons in that same interview...

"He was BY FAR the strongest person who has ever played in the NBA."

1) Arnold never was a power lifter, he was a bodybuilder- his muscles were literally just for show... so he's not exactly the authority on strength.

2) Bill Simmons :lol

07-05-2015, 11:13 PM
Heres Wilt and Shaq at their peak strength level



IDK about you guys but Shaq looks massively stronger

You meaner FATTER. And yes...massively.

07-05-2015, 11:14 PM
Now you're getting it. Breaking the glass is a whole different story than bringing down EVERYTHING. 6'6" 215 lb Jordan shattered a backboard before.

But find me evidence of any NBA player besides Shaq destroying the entire basket infrastructure... not just the glass. I'll wait.

1) Arnold never was a power lifter, he was a bodybuilder- his muscles were literally just for show... so he's not exactly the authority on strength.

2) Bill Simmons :lol

:roll: :roll: :roll:

And what is on your resume?

07-05-2015, 11:16 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll:

And what is on your resume?

I once killed a mountain lion with my bare hands when I stopped by a road to take a piss. :confusedshrug:

Wasn't one of those slow, unathletic mountain lions from the 60s either.

07-05-2015, 11:19 PM
I once killed a mountain lion with my bare hands when I stopped by a road to take a piss. :confusedshrug:

Wasn't one of those slow, unathletic mountain lions from the 60s either.

But, I have the actual photo, how about your proof?


07-05-2015, 11:22 PM
But, I have the actual photo, how about your proof?



Look at the size of that f*cker compared to Wilt's. Bigger, stronger, faster. Evolution. :applause:

07-05-2015, 11:25 PM

Look at the size of that f*cker compared to Wilt's. Bigger, stronger, faster. Evolution. :applause:

I think your photo is shopped. Mine was real. And that was Wilt standing over the crumpled cat.

07-05-2015, 11:33 PM

AKA this:


Shaq ripped down everything.



as backboards have broken, they have changed up the backboard design to prevent it from occurring. The backboards Gus Johnson broke were not the same ones Shaq broke. Shaq broke the post-Johnson designed backboards.

The way the post-Shaq (NBA Regulation) backboard is designed, the metal pins anchoring the rim do not transfer force to the glass; a human can no longer shatter the backboard via a dunk. The NBA put a lot of time and effort into the redesign for player safety, as you see in that dunk mix you can land harshly after breaking the backboard.

Shaq literally destroyed everything, the backboard, the rim, the entire support structure. Quite simply a strength and pure force Wilt never came close to encountering. There's no point in arguing with someone who claims that 6'6" 235 Gus Johnson was as strong as 7'1" 300+lb Shaq, they have their head stuck firmly in the sand.

07-05-2015, 11:39 PM
Shaq is aint strong, peep him getting soned by an older and out of shape barkley


Shaq aint strong, he is just puffy & fat. He does have good footwork and is nimble on his feet and good at throwing his massive dead weight around but SHAQ IS NOT STRONG.

07-05-2015, 11:41 PM
Shaq looked confused and pissed tbh. Like is this dude serious trying to show me up? :oldlol:

I like Wilt (rip)...but that handshake wasn't even necessary.

07-06-2015, 08:25 AM
A Chamberlain in the mid-60's, and at nowhere near his peak strength...


The St. Louis Hawks' 6-foot-9, 240-pound Zelmo Beaty, for example, found out recently that he can no longer take Chamberlain's great strength for granted. Unable to slow Wilt down with conventional maltreatment, Beaty tried to yank his shorts off. Chamberlain, who can press 400 pounds without breathing hard, makes it a point to control his temper, primarily because he is genuinely afraid he might kill somebody. Beaty's unethical yank, however, was too much. Wilt flicked an arm, and Beaty flew across the floor like a man shot out of a cannon. Referee Mendy Rudolph rushed over to him and said: "For God's sake, stay down, man. Don't even twitch a muscle." Beaty didn't twitch, and he is still active in the NBA.

A 370+ lb Shaq...


The man couldn't BUDGE 405.

Hell, he BARELY got 315 up.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

07-06-2015, 08:36 AM
[QUOTE=Blue&Orange]Viewer discretion is advised

07-06-2015, 08:36 AM
A Chamberlain in the mid-60's, and at nowhere near his peak strength...


A 370+ lb Shaq...


The man couldn't BUDGE 405.

Hell, he BARELY got 315 up.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

That video is from 3 years after he retired and was basically fat AF. :facepalm

Shaq would break Wilt in half if they went up against each other.

07-06-2015, 08:40 AM
That video is from 3 years after he retired and was basically fat AF. :facepalm

Shaq would break Wilt in half if they went up against each other.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

So he could barely get 315 up only three years after retiring?

NO WAY in Hell the man EVER did 400.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

When Shaq would turn into Wilt, it would be like running into a brick wall. He wouldn't have budged Chamberlain.

And without being able to move his man to get to within 3ft of the rim...well, Shaq wouldn't have scored.

But thanks for playing.

07-06-2015, 08:43 AM
:roll: :roll: :roll:

So he could barely get 315 up only three years after retiring?

NO WAY in Hell the man EVER did 400.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

When Shaq would turn into Wilt, it would be like running into a brick wall. He wouldn't have budged Chamberlain.

And without being able to move his man to get to within 3ft of the rim...well, Shaq wouldn't have scored.

But thanks for playing.
Are you honestly melting down this hard about a guy, who 3 years after retiring, was not able to bench 405?

BTW, Shaq was lazy WHEN he was playing. Imagine him after retirement.... :facepalm :facepalm

07-06-2015, 08:46 AM
Are you honestly melting down this hard about a guy, who 3 years after retiring, was not able to bench 405?

BTW, Shaq was lazy WHEN he was playing. Imagine him after retirement.... :facepalm :facepalm

I'm not "melting down" at all.

The FACTS are...and this is not disputed...Chamberlain was/is considered the strongest man to have ever played in the NBA. I can post live interviews, links, you name it, until the cows come home.

Shaq? Not so much. He was basically a bulk, but was nowhere near as strong as Chamberlain (hell, I can post a live interview in which Wilt was seen benching 465...in his 50's.)

07-06-2015, 08:52 AM
I'm not "melting down" at all.

The FACTS are...and this is not disputed...Chamberlain was/is considered the strongest man to have ever played in the NBA. I can post live interviews, links, you name it, until the cows come home.

Shaq? Not so much. He was basically a bulk, but was nowhere near as strong as Chamberlain (hell, I can post a live interview in which Wilt was seen benching 465...in his 50's.)
Who gives a shit about how much he was lifting in his 50's? Dude was a well known steroid junkie. Whatever post are OPINIONS of people. Not FACTS.

Shaq >>>>>>>>> Wilt "Choker" Chamberlame, BTW.

07-06-2015, 08:55 AM

Look at the size of that f*cker compared to Wilt's. Bigger, stronger, faster. Evolution. :applause:

Mountain Lion was being owned by a 6 foot white dude. That's not evolution.

07-06-2015, 08:58 AM
Who gives a shit about how much he was lifting in his 50's? Dude was a well known steroid junkie.

Then why are you posting on this topic?

Look, there is no way in Hell that Shaq was even close to Chamberlain in overall strength.

It would be one thing if we only had a single eye-witness account. But, the internet is PLASTERED with eye-witness accounts (including Arnold, himself.) Did Wilt pay hundreds, if not thousands of people to lie for him?

My god, you have a 235 lb fright train running into Chamberlain, and going straight up, and with one hand, he not only cleanly blocked the shot, he knocked the man backwards and to the floor, and dislocated his shoulder. The same guy who shattered three backboards. That was witnessed by thousands.

Again...just google Wilt's strength. Page-after-page.

07-06-2015, 09:03 AM
Then why are you posting on this topic?

Look, there is no way in Hell that Shaq was even close to Chamberlain in overall strength.

It would be one thing if we only had a single eye-witness account. But, the internet is PLASTERED with eye-witness accounts (including Arnold, himself.) Did Wilt pay hundreds, if not thousands of people to lie for him?

My god, you have a 235 lb fright train running into Chamberlain, and going straight up, and with one hand, he not only cleanly blocked the shot, he knocked the man backwards and to the floor, and dislocated his shoulder. The same guy who shattered three backboards. That was witnessed by thousands.

Again...just google Wilt's strength. Page-after-page.
Aren't we talking about them during their careers? Or do you just want to keep talking about how strong Wilt was in his '50's, when he was constantly juicing.

Again, Shaq is just on another planet compared to Mr. Chokerlain.

07-06-2015, 09:09 AM
Aren't we talking about them during their careers? Or do you just want to keep talking about how strong Wilt was in his '50's, when he was constantly juicing.

Again, Shaq is just on another planet compared to Mr. Chokerlain.

Chamberlain was KNOWN to have been benching 400 lbs in his 20's.


The St. Louis Hawks' 6-foot-9, 240-pound Zelmo Beaty, for example, found out recently that he can no longer take Chamberlain's great strength for granted. Unable to slow Wilt down with conventional maltreatment, Beaty tried to yank his shorts off. Chamberlain, who can press 400 pounds without breathing hard, makes it a point to control his temper, primarily because he is genuinely afraid he might kill somebody. Beaty's unethical yank, however, was too much. Wilt flicked an arm, and Beaty flew across the floor like a man shot out of a cannon. Referee Mendy Rudolph rushed over to him and said: "For God's sake, stay down, man. Don't even twitch a muscle." Beaty didn't twitch, and he is still active in the NBA.

By the 70's, a 310+ lb Chamberlain was doing much more.

07-06-2015, 09:11 AM
Chamberlain was KNOWN to have been benching 400 lbs in his 20's.


By the 70's, a 310+ lb Chamberlain was doing much more.
And? Shaq, during his playing days, was much much stronger than Wilt.

07-06-2015, 09:14 AM
And? Shaq, during his playing days, was much much stronger than Wilt.


07-06-2015, 09:22 AM
old ass man melting down :roll: Wilt was a notorious choker that was secretly gay :roll:

07-06-2015, 09:32 AM
Chamberlain was KNOWN to have been benching 400 lbs in his 20's.


By the 70's, a 310+ lb Chamberlain was doing much more.

whats your opinion about this story:


07-06-2015, 09:35 AM
Are people actually trying to use a broken backboard argument?

Wilt dunked hard, but he wasn't an asshole. Guys like Dawkins, Shaq etc did it on purpose....Do you think that shit would fly in that era?


07-06-2015, 09:36 AM
Are people actually trying to use a broken backboard argument?

Wilt dunked hard, but he wasn't an asshole. Guys like Dawkins, Shaq etc did it on purpose....Do you think that shit would fly in that era?


Well, Gus Johnson was routinely doing it.

Of course, when he tried it against Wilt, he wound up with a dislocated shoulder.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

07-06-2015, 09:38 AM
whats your opinion about this story:


I could not care less. It had nothing to do with Chamberlain the basketball player.

But even IF it were true...no worse than this guy...


07-06-2015, 09:39 AM
That video is from 3 years after he retired and was basically fat AF. :facepalm

Shaq would break Wilt in half if they went up against each other.


no excuses

4 Inches
07-06-2015, 09:40 AM
Wilt was strong enough to bench 400 pounds but he was not strong enough to carry his regular season performances into the playoffs :applause: .

07-06-2015, 09:41 AM
Wilt was strong enough to bench 400 pounds but he was strong enough to carry his regular season performances into the playoffs :applause: .

MANY times. And he was HUGE in his BIGGEST playoff games, as well.

4 Inches
07-06-2015, 09:43 AM
MANY times. And he was HUGE in his BIGGEST playoff games, as well.
How many inches was he ?

07-06-2015, 09:43 AM
Wilt was strong enough to bench 400 pounds but he was strong enough to carry his regular season performances into the playoffs :applause: .
2-6... :oldlol:

LeBron of the '60's. Only difference being LeBron upped nearly all his averages in the PO's, while Wilt wilted.

07-06-2015, 09:44 AM
Wilt is the biggest choker in sports history. No one respects this man but Loozerus because Loozerus is a beta cuck himself

07-06-2015, 10:03 AM
Not going to enter some arbitrary Wilt-Shaq debate, but people don't realize that Wilt was probably stronger than he looked, including when he buffed up. Some humans are simply stronger than their muscles show (http://jap.physiology.org/content/89/3/1061 - go to "Body-size-dependent limits of strength"). When you look at stories of Wilt's strength, they start with him barely being an adult (maybe even earlier), when he was wiry thin and when nobody would expect him to be that strong. So, if you put a 280-300 Wilt against a 280-300 player, even a player with the same built, it doesn't mean there would be a strength draw. Wilt would still probably relatively easily overpower him.

07-06-2015, 10:07 AM
Not going to enter some arbitrary Wilt-Shaq debate, but people don't realize that Wilt was probably stronger than he looked, including when he buffed up. Some humans are simply stronger than their muscles show (http://jap.physiology.org/content/89/3/1061 - go to "Body-size-dependent limits of strength"). When you look at stories of Wilt's strength, they start with him barely being an adult (maybe even earlier), when he was wiry thin and when nobody would expect him to be that strong. So, if you put a 280-300 Wilt against a 280-300 player, even a player with the same built, it doesn't mean there would be a strength draw. Wilt would still probably relatively easily overpower him.

I believe CavsFTW posted links where a 258 lb Wilt (either college or rookie season) was benching 365 lbs, and where a Wali Jones went to his house in the early 60's (and presumably no more than 270) and witnessed him benching 375.

And, of course, SI had an article in which a 1964 Wilt was "easily" benching 400. Clearly, a 300+ Wilt was FAR stronger.

Mr Feeny
07-06-2015, 10:16 AM
Wilt is the biggest choker in sports history. No one respects this man but Loozerus because Loozerus is a beta cuck himself

True story.

Mr Feeny
07-06-2015, 10:17 AM
2-6... :oldlol:

LeBron of the '60's. Only difference being LeBron upped nearly all his averages in the PO's, while Wilt wilted.

Somebody please give him aloe vera for that burn:lol

07-06-2015, 12:47 PM
i remember when i was a teenager every single old f*ggot would try and crush my hand in every handshake...

like what the hell kind of deficiency must a person have to measure testosterone levels with a child

They probably just hated you.

07-06-2015, 01:02 PM
Wilt is the biggest choker in sports history. No one respects this man but Loozerus because Loozerus is a beta cuck himself

How's Dwight these days? Any rings?

07-06-2015, 01:08 PM

as backboards have broken, they have changed up the backboard design to prevent it from occurring. The backboards Gus Johnson broke were not the same ones Shaq broke. Shaq broke the post-Johnson designed backboards.

The way the post-Shaq (NBA Regulation) backboard is designed, the metal pins anchoring the rim do not transfer force to the glass; a human can no longer shatter the backboard via a dunk. The NBA put a lot of time and effort into the redesign for player safety, as you see in that dunk mix you can land harshly after breaking the backboard.

Shaq literally destroyed everything, the backboard, the rim, the entire support structure. Quite simply a strength and pure force Wilt never came close to encountering. There's no point in arguing with someone who claims that 6'6" 235 Gus Johnson was as strong as 7'1" 300+lb Shaq, they have their head stuck firmly in the sand.

Rat poison.

07-06-2015, 01:19 PM
How's Dwight these days? Any rings?
>trying to bait me with dwight howard of all people
how bad are you at trolling?

07-06-2015, 01:21 PM
Are people actually trying to use a broken backboard argument?

Wilt dunked hard, but he wasn't an asshole. Guys like Dawkins, Shaq etc did it on purpose....Do you think that shit would fly in that era?

:roll:right? It's almost on the level of using bench press to determine strength on a basketball court :hammerhead: prime Shaq would never budge a Kevin Willis in the post. He benched 400!

And no people didn't use a "broken backboard" as an argument. Shattering glass from early/ pre- Dawkins era isn't a feat of strength really worth mentioning. They're talking about Shaq tearing down the entire structure that was the hoop.

07-06-2015, 01:31 PM



Shaq would toy with him. Would probably drop 50 PPG in the Finals against the mental midget.

07-06-2015, 09:02 PM
How's Dwight these days? Any rings?

No. But he is still a champion. :oldlol:

07-06-2015, 09:16 PM
Man Wilt was tall, he probably had a couple of inches on Shaq. And the fact that he weighed close to 300 lbs at his peak? I would've loved to see this matchup. People disrespecting Wilt a bit too hard though.

07-06-2015, 09:17 PM
Man Wilt was tall, he probably had a couple of inches on Shaq. And the fact that he weighed close to 300 lbs at his peak? I would've loved to see this matchup. People disrespecting Wilt a bit too hard though.

You can thank loseruss for that. How can you like Wilt when grandpa spew bs after bs after bs.... :confusedshrug:

07-06-2015, 10:31 PM
Wilt wouldn't move Shaq around at will, and the same goes the other way around. They were both huge, and arhletic. Physically, the both of them would give the other the biggest challenge for the other. Shaq has an advantage pushing wise, as he has gigantic feet, a thicker lower body, and was heavier...But Wilt was faster, and longer. He'd tire Shaq out if he used the Russell strategy of constantly sprinting down court.

I'm skeptical of Wilt's strength, though I do think he was as strong, or stronger than Shaq. His legs are surprisingly undefined for someone who lifted, especially the weights he supposedly deadlifted. I've seen cavs show pictures of his legs next to unseld, so they're definitely a bit deceiving. But, if what he was able to lift is true, even with the leverage advantage he should of been able to move Reed around easier(Not that Reed didn't get moved around, but he's been reported as giving wilt some good battles for position)

Neither of these two would toy with the other. They're all time greats. Shaq would have some devastating posters on Wilt. And vice versa considering how pissed he'd probably be....

*Incomplete post, have to start work. Will complete thought on break

07-06-2015, 10:35 PM
Wilt wouldn't move Shaq around at will, and the same goes the other way around. They were both huge, and arhletic. Physically, the both of them would give the other the biggest challenge for the other. Shaq has an advantage pushing wise, as he has gigantic feet, a thicker lower body, and was heavier...But Wilt was faster, and longer. He'd tire Shaq out if he used the Russell strategy of constantly sprinting down court.

I'm skeptical of Wilt's strength, though I do think he was as strong, or stronger than Shaq. His legs are surprisingly undefined for someone who lifted, especially the weights he supposedly deadlifted. I've seen cavs show pictures of his legs next to unseld, so they're definitely a bit deceiving. But, if what he was able to lift is true, even with the leverage advantage he should of been able to move Reed around easier(Not that Reed didn't get moved around, but he's been reported as giving wilt some good battles for position)

Neither of these two would toy with the other. They're all time greats. Shaq would have some devastating posters on Wilt. And vice versa considering how pissed he'd probably be....

*Incomplete post, have to start work. Will complete thought on break
He did move Reed around with ease. Reed himself says there's nothing he could do when Wilt wanted to go to the basket.


If you don't see Wilt going to the hole hard against Reed, there's other reasons he's not doing it. It isn't because he lacked the strength. He picked up 290lb Lanier like a "coffee cup".

There's too many stories from the mouths of too many strong players for me to be skeptical of his strength. And he's huge, his legs are long, not thin. Take a leg as big around as Wes Unseld's, and add another foot of length to it and you don't just have equal leg strength to a guy like Unseld, you've got even more, because all that extra length is extra muscle mass.

07-06-2015, 10:39 PM
This is what Shaq would do to him:


Young Kareem used to hold his own against the 300lb Wilt physically:


and no way was kareem in Shaq's league as far as strength goes.

07-06-2015, 10:41 PM
This is what Shaq would do to him:

David Robinson was about 260, to Wilt's 290-310

Also, which era?

In Wilt's era that would be called Wilt drawing a foul. Only due to Wilt's size, he wouldn't have fallen back like that.

07-06-2015, 10:43 PM
This is what Shaq would do to him:


Young Kareem used to hold his own against the 300lb Wilt physically:


and no way was kareem in Shaq's league as far as strength goes.
He also didn't attempt a strength game against Wilt. He's one of the GOAT centers, but he's another finesse center.

Hakeem "held his own physically" against Shaq as well, so what's your point.

07-06-2015, 10:49 PM
He also didn't attempt a strength game against Wilt. He's one of the GOAT centers, but he's another finesse center.

Hakeem "held his own physically" against Shaq as well, so what's your point.


How about the legendary EDDIE CURRY?


07-06-2015, 10:53 PM
laz always bringing up eddie curry. why must you always go there? :(

07-06-2015, 10:55 PM
Wilt wouldn't move Shaq around at will, and the same goes the other way around. They were both huge, and arhletic. Physically, the both of them would give the other the biggest challenge for the other. Shaq has an advantage pushing wise, as he has gigantic feet, a thicker lower body, and was heavier...But Wilt was faster, and longer. He'd tire Shaq out if he used the Russell strategy of constantly sprinting down court.

I'm skeptical of Wilt's strength, though I do think he was as strong, or stronger than Shaq. His legs are surprisingly undefined for someone who lifted, especially the weights he supposedly deadlifted. I've seen cavs show pictures of his legs next to unseld, so they're definitely a bit deceiving. But, if what he was able to lift is true, even with the leverage advantage he should of been able to move Reed around easier(Not that Reed didn't get moved around, but he's been reported as giving wilt some good battles for position)

Neither of these two would toy with the other. They're all time greats. Shaq would have some devastating posters on Wilt. And vice versa considering how pissed he'd probably be....

*Incomplete post, have to start work. Will complete thought on break

Yeah, i would give the strength advantage to Shaq because the league has never seen a guy quite like him but I don't think he would've pushed Wilt around and just manhandle him. Wilt was close to 300lbs at his peak, which is about 50lbs more than most C. So he would've had those extra 50 lbs or so to rely on down low. Wilt was taller and longer and was more fluid as an athlete. Shaq might've gotten his on offense but he would've had a handful against Wilt on the D end.

Definitely one of the best fantasy matchups ever.

07-06-2015, 10:56 PM
>trying to bait me with dwight howard of all people
how bad are you at trolling?

:lol :roll: :roll:

07-06-2015, 11:09 PM
laz always bringing up eddie curry. why must you always go there? :(

Curry had his number. Hell, out of all 13 of their career H2H's, Curry had the highest scoring game.

07-06-2015, 11:18 PM
Now you're getting it. Breaking the glass is a whole different story than bringing down EVERYTHING. 6'6" 215 lb Jordan shattered a backboard before.

But find me evidence of any NBA player besides Shaq destroying the entire basket infrastructure... not just the glass. I'll wait.

1) Arnold never was a power lifter, he was a bodybuilder- his muscles were literally just for show... so he's not exactly the authority on strength.

2) Bill Simmons :lol
All that needs to be said. Shaq strongest ever. Brought down the whole damn thing more than once :eek:

Iirc had to reinforce the rims after that. The "Shaq effect"

07-06-2015, 11:20 PM
It's funny how whenever Wilt is on film his mythical strength and athleticism vanishes :lol

Chuck Norris can swim through land, bench press the Earth, and win a game of connect four in 3 moves

07-06-2015, 11:33 PM

To those that said Arnold wasn't a power lifter. Even larer, he maintained his strength whileworking on hypertrophy.

*will reply to cavs later

07-06-2015, 11:34 PM
It's funny how whenever Wilt is on film his mythical strength and athleticism vanishes :lol

Chuck Norris can swim through land, bench press the Earth, and win a game of connect four in 3 moves
The only thing that vanishes is the relevance of this post in light of this link


07-06-2015, 11:46 PM
The 6-6 235 lb. Gus Johnson accomplished that same feat...THREE times.

And when it comes to STRENGTH...I can post link-after-link with Wilt's staggering feats of strength. And you KNOW it, too.

Shaq? Not really. We do KNOW that he couldn't budge 405 in the bench.

Wilt >>>> stronger than Shaq ever was.

Not even close.

I don't know much about "feats of strength", but Shaq used his body to bully opponents on court in ways that Wilt never did. I do think Wilt was the better athlete, but Shaq was a ****ing Tiger tank.

07-06-2015, 11:55 PM
The only thing that vanishes is the relevance of this post in light of this link


watched a minute or two, saw a slow chicken legged dude with no vert playing against chumps who wouldnt even make the CBA in today's game


07-06-2015, 11:56 PM
watched a minute or two, saw a slow dude with no vert playing against chumps who wouldnt even make the CBA in today's game

In that hypothetical "minute" you watched there were nothing but clips of him against Kareem...

Kareem wouldn't make the CBA in today's game?

07-07-2015, 12:00 AM
In that hypothetical "minute" you watched there were nothing but clips of him against Kareem...

Kareem wouldn't make the CBA in today's game?

must have missed that part :lol

07-07-2015, 12:11 AM
must have missed that part :lol
So it doesn't even matter what someone posts your responses are generic :banana:

07-07-2015, 12:28 AM
I don't know much about "feats of strength", but Shaq used his body to bully opponents on court in ways that Wilt never did. I do think Wilt was the better athlete, but Shaq was a ****ing Tiger tank.

Not that Wilt COULDN'T. BUT, the league would never have allowed it. Hell, they were constantly coming up with RULES aimed strictly at curtailing Wilt's dominance.

07-07-2015, 12:34 AM
Not that Wilt COULDN'T. BUT, the league would never have allowed it. Hell, they were constantly coming up with RULES aimed strictly at curtailing Wilt's dominance.

I doubt he could've won more than 2 if those rules didn't exist. :rolleyes:

07-07-2015, 12:35 AM
I doubt he could've won more than 2 if those rules didn't exist. :rolleyes:

Well, had he swapped rosters with Russell, he would have 11 rings.

07-07-2015, 12:37 AM
Well, had he swapped rosters with Russell, he would have 11 rings.

Nah, Wilt is a role player, he is not the unselfish leader Russell was. :pimp:

07-07-2015, 12:40 AM
Nah, Wilt is a role player, he is not the unselfish leader Russell was. :pimp:

And yet he slaughtered him almost every time the two stepped on the court, and nearly upset his heavily-favored Celtics on numerous occasions, and, when he finally had an equal supporting cast...he buried the eight-time defending champions...all while murdering Russell in EVERY facet of the game.

07-07-2015, 12:49 AM
And yet he slaughtered him almost every time the two stepped on the court, and nearly upset his heavily-favored Celtics on numerous occasions, and, when he finally had an equal supporting cast...he buried the eight-time defending champions...all while murdering Russell in EVERY facet of the game.

Because you are only looking at the raw stats. It's been mentioned before by other posters, Russell would completely put Wilt out of his game and by crunch time the game would be far out of reach and all Wilt was doing was padding his stats. To be outplayed by a guy 4 inches shorter, man that's embarrassing.... :facepalm

07-07-2015, 01:26 AM
Because you are only looking at the raw stats. It's been mentioned before by other posters, Russell would completely put Wilt out of his game and by crunch time the game would be far out of reach and all Wilt was doing was padding his stats. To be outplayed by a guy 4 inches shorter, man that's embarrassing.... :facepalm

Of course I trashed those "opinions."

Here was just ONE example...


Chamberlain with 48 points, and engineering a 4th quarter comeback from a 20 point deficit against a helpless Russell.

07-07-2015, 01:29 AM
Of course I trashed those "opinions."

Here was just ONE example...


Chamberlain with 48 points, and engineering a 4th quarter comeback from a 20 point deficit against a helpless Russell.

What actually happened = FACT. Your hypothetical situations = opinion. :whatever:

07-07-2015, 01:33 AM
What actually happened = FACT. Your hypothetical situations = opinion. :whatever:

No YOUR OPINION...pure garbage, and blown to bits with FACTS.

Find me a quote from Russell, himself, in which he claims to have "let" Chamberlain do ANYTHING. And not some biased teammate that was trying to make excuses for what was actually happening...Chamberlain just repeatedly crushing Russell, night-after-night.

07-07-2015, 01:34 AM
I could not care less. It had nothing to do with Chamberlain the basketball player.

But even IF it were true...no worse than this guy...


LOL at this bitch dragging MJ into this. Pathetic.

Don't be mad that Shaq was stronger than Wilt.

07-07-2015, 01:40 AM
No YOUR OPINION...pure garbage, and blown to bits with FACTS.

Find me a quote from Russell, himself, in which he claims to have "let" Chamberlain do ANYTHING. And not some biased teammate that was trying to make excuses for what was actually happening...Chamberlain just repeatedly crushing Russell, night-after-night.

Here is a fact for you: Russell has 11 rings, Wilt has 2. So who crushed who again? :oldlol: :roll:

Your "facts" are proven to be cherrypicked, flat out lies, or just plain nonsense. :whatever:

07-07-2015, 01:59 AM
And yet he slaughtered him almost every time the two stepped on the court, and nearly upset his heavily-favored Celtics on numerous occasions, and, when he finally had an equal supporting cast...he buried the eight-time defending champions...all while murdering Russell in EVERY facet of the game.




07-07-2015, 03:25 AM
He also questioned sport’s competitive code. “In a way, I like
it better when we lose,” he said in 1964. “It’s over, and I can look forward to the next
game. If we win, it builds up the tension, and I start worrying about the next game.”



07-07-2015, 03:31 AM

[QUOTE]Chamberlain thus owned an outrageous, disturbing capacity for self-sabotage. In
1965, for example, after a mid-season trade from the San Francisco Warriors to the Phila-
delphia 76ers, he transformed his new team into a legitimate title contender. During the
Eastern Conference finals against the Celtics, Chamberlain penned a two-part series in
Sports Illustrated

07-07-2015, 03:34 AM
Can anyone imagine MJ saying this? :lol

[QUOTE]Even more damning, Chamberlain

07-07-2015, 03:37 AM
He`s a winner.

In 1968-1969, the Lakers powered to a division-best record despite fragile egos and
internal rivalries, including Chamberlain’s feud with coach Butch Van Breda Kolff who
bemoaned his center’s stubborn adherence to his old offensive patterns. In the NBA finals
they played the Celtics, a collection of resilient veterans who had finished in fourth place
in the Eastern Division. They pushed the Lakers to a seventh game at the Forum, where
Cooke had arranged a victory celebration including the University of Southern California
marching band and balloons released from the rafters. But the Celtics won 108-106, and
the balloons stayed on the ceiling. One final time, Chamberlain’s stature shriveled in
Russell’s shadow: Chamberlain had spent the last five minutes on the bench after banging
his knee, and his coach had refused to re-insert him. Van Breda Kolff soon resigned.
Russell retired with eleven championship rings, delivering a parting shot at his old friend
and nemesis by claiming Chamberlain “copped out” of their final duel. “Once again the
great center couldn’t get along with his coach,” wrote Leonard Lewin. “Once again the
coach is gone. Once again the great center lost his duel with the other great center. Once
again the great center is branded a loser. What went wrong this time?”

That final clash provides the thrilling climax for Taylor’s
The Rivalry
, but Chamberlain’s
frustrations continued after Russell retired. The next season, the Lakers again reached the
NBA finals, this time against the New York Knicks. New York center Willis Reed suffered
a serious leg injury in the fifth game, and Chamberlain registered forty-five points and
twenty-seven rebounds in game six to even the series. But after the game he launched into
a bizarre polemic that American culture emphasizes winning too much, and that simply
reaching the NBA finals deserved respect—an apparent psychological preparation for yet
another failure. In the seventh game, Reed hobbled onto the court to the roars of the
Madison Square Garden crowd. The moment energized the Knicks and psyched out the
Lakers, especially Chamberlain. New York ran away with the game, and Los Angeles
squandered another title opportunity. Substitute Reed for Russell, and same old story.

07-07-2015, 03:45 AM
The conclusion- ouch!!

[QUOTE]That fierce, stubborn individuality also speaks to Chamberlain

Mr Feeny
07-07-2015, 04:05 AM

Well that's just pathetic.

07-07-2015, 05:15 AM
if you never show your hand after a win
perhaps you can be highly successful at a particular style
whether that be the cash game or tournament

you learn how to show your hand after a win
perhaps you get a chance to win at both.

thats disturbance

and if you were a champion at the cash and tournament
you ought to be the man that digs the dirt of the game you love so much

07-07-2015, 08:15 AM
AirFederer, thanks for those posts. Wilt truly was a mental midget of the highest order. Dude only cared about himself and his stats. Didn't give a shit about his team or winning.

BTW, Wilt scored 21 points in that Game 7 of the 1970 Finals. Including 1-11 from the FT line. Don't know what his FG% was though.

07-07-2015, 12:34 PM
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-bavvtU3Cyrg/VUAYiuFMHBI/AAAAAAAAGKE/7aAeQnUiijw/s0/Wilt%252520Chamberlain%252520blocked%25252020%2525 20shots%2525201962%252520vs%252520packers%252520do uble-triple-double.jpg


"Wilt did not like to lose he always wanted to win" - former NBA player Jim Barnett

"(Wilt) Wanted to win at everything he did... Every-thing. he. did." - Kansas Journalist Bill Mayer, friend of Wilts

"There's only one other athlete that I would compare to Wilt from a standpoint of being competitive and wanting to win at everything they did and that would be Michael Jordan. If you beat him, you had to keep playing cause he was determined to be a winner." - Maurice King former teammate at KU

Described by everyone who knew him as one of the most competitive people that they had ever known let alone played the game. Compared with people like Michael Jordan in that respect.

You don't go out and shatter records no one had ever thought was possible nor anyone could ever touch unless you are a psycho competitor.

You guys who are using quotes out of context are being trolled, by Wilt, years after he's dead it's crazy :lol

07-07-2015, 01:25 PM
No surprise the two biggest wilt fans on here probably have never played a competitive sports game in their life.

I know for sure CavtsFTW hasn't, we've all seen his footage.

They're both obsessed with his athletic traits. How tall he was, how much he weighed, his wingspan, his vertical, his 40 time, all that stuff. They're fascinated with him as an athlete. (Pretty sure CavsFTW is a track guy, so no shock he's fascinated with Wilt, who was also a track athlete)

They also love the numbers. They look at all his numbers and they get all giddy.

Those two are the closest thing to "box score watching stat geeks" you can find.

They don't understand the psychology of winning, they only care about the tangible stuff because they themselves lack the winning intangibles that their favorite player lacked.

07-07-2015, 01:29 PM
No surprise the two biggest wilt fans on here probably have never played a competitive sports game in their life.

I know for sure CavtsFTW hasn't, we've all seen his footage.

They're both obsessed with his athletic traits. How tall he was, how much he weighed, his wingspan, his vertical, his 40 time, all that stuff. They're fascinated with him as an athlete. (Pretty sure CavsFTW is a track guy, so no shock he's fascinated with Wilt, who was also a track athlete)

They also love the numbers. They look at all his numbers and they get all giddy.

Those two are the closest thing to "box score watching stat geeks" you can find.

They don't understand the psychology of winning, they only care about the tangible stuff because they themselves lack the winning intangibles that their favorite player lacked.
*Fails to address my post above him. *Resorts to personal attacks.

That's the best example of losing I've seen in this entire thread.

07-07-2015, 01:36 PM
*Fails to address my post above him. *Resorts to personal attacks.

That's the best example of losing I've seen in this entire thread.
Where are the personal attacks?

You haven't competed at a high level in basketball. You don't even know what a winning personality is like.

I'm not attacking you, but just stating the obvious.

You're fascinated with Wilts size, strength, speed, height, and the numbers. Wilt as a person was an insecure joke of a person. And a loser.

But you type paragraphs about him daily because he could run fast and jump HIGH. :oldlol:

And I don't give a shit about those biased quotes. Nobody does. Wilt was a loser, and its well documented.

07-07-2015, 01:45 PM
Come on. Would anyone seriously take prime-strength Shaq over prime-strength Wilt in a fight?

Shaq would get pummeled.


07-07-2015, 01:53 PM
Where are the personal attacks?

You haven't competed at a high level in basketball. You don't even know what a winning personality is like.

I'm not attacking you, but just stating the obvious.
Still compete in sports as adult = non competitor, k

You're fascinated with Wilts size, strength, speed, height, and the numbers.Who wouldn't be, GOAT tier athlete

Wilt as a person was an insecure joke of a person. And a loser. Exposing your own insecurities here

But you type paragraphs about him daily because he could run fast and jump HIGH. :oldlol:Confusing me with laz

And I don't give a shit about those biased quotes. Nobody does. Wilt was a loser, and its well documented.
In other words:


07-07-2015, 01:57 PM
You keep proving my point buddy.

His loser attitude is invisible to you. You're fascinated with him as an athlete so you defend him like you would a relative.

GOAT tier athlete? If he had a better personality. But he didn't. So he's no GOAT.

That's what you keep missing. Because you don't understand. And never will.

07-07-2015, 02:02 PM

[QUOTE]Chafing at Hannum

07-07-2015, 02:19 PM
Straight from your idol's mouth. Disregard those statements though. Keep posting quotes from irrelevant reporters and bodybuilders. :oldlol:

Imagine LeBron or Kobe saying that shit. They'd get CRUCIFIED for it.
Out of context. Wilt was challenging the philosophy of coach Hannum - shaking hands with players who had lousy nights on games that they won, and not shaking hands with players who had great nights in losing efforts. The fact that he challenges these opinions, and also does not like when his hand gets shook if he's had a lousy night, actually is a reflection of his competitive side:

https://books.google.com/books?id=iwuPvt3P5IYC&pg=PA302&lpg=PA302&dq=I+think+there+are+more+important+things+than+wi nning.+I+think+you+have+to+learn+how+to+lose,+too% E2%80%9D&source=bl&ots=dfnj5O5YLy&sig=YnVMnSC_WPrJVGNbUP8kKyZrRDk&hl=en&sa=X&ei=HhacVemIN8SrgwTkhb-4CQ&ved=0CB4Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=I%20think%20there%20are%20more%20important%20thi ngs%20than%20winning.%20I%20think%20you%20have%20t o%20learn%20how%20to%20lose%2C%20too%E2%80%9D&f=false

https://books.google.com/books?id=iwuPvt3P5IYC&pg=PA302&lpg=PA302&dq=I+think+there+are+more+important+things+than+wi nning.+I+think+you+have+to+learn+how+to+lose,+too% E2%80%9D&source=bl&ots=dfnj5O5YLy&sig=YnVMnSC_WPrJVGNbUP8kKyZrRDk&hl=en&sa=X&ei=HhacVemIN8SrgwTkhb-4CQ&ved=0CB4Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=I%20think%20there%20are%20more%20important%20thi ngs%20than%20winning.%20I%20think%20you%20have%20t o%20learn%20how%20to%20lose%2C%20too%E2%80%9D&f=false

Context behind the "losing" quote:

I suppose MJ "quitting" basketball twice makes him more competitive tho right?

How about Kobe running his teams best players out of town?

Lebron colluding to team up with superstars?

I feel like you guys lean in hard on Chamberlain because you need a punching bag to vent your frustrations. Aj, you are a heat fan. I feel your pain. You had a rough off season and an even rougher season last year. Perkins, I see that asterisked Warriors badge, I take it you did not want to see the Warriors win. That's gotta be rough. So I understand why you guys are looking for a target.

07-07-2015, 02:30 PM
Out of context. Wilt was challenging the philosophy of coach Hannum - shaking hands with players who had lousy nights on games that they won, and not shaking hands with players who had great nights in losing efforts. The fact that he challenges these opinions, and also does not like when his hand gets shook if he's had a lousy night, actually is a reflection of his competitive side:

https://books.google.com/books?id=iwuPvt3P5IYC&pg=PA302&lpg=PA302&dq=I+think+there+are+more+important+things+than+wi nning.+I+think+you+have+to+learn+how+to+lose,+too% E2%80%9D&source=bl&ots=dfnj5O5YLy&sig=YnVMnSC_WPrJVGNbUP8kKyZrRDk&hl=en&sa=X&ei=HhacVemIN8SrgwTkhb-4CQ&ved=0CB4Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=I%20think%20there%20are%20more%20important%20thi ngs%20than%20winning.%20I%20think%20you%20have%20t o%20learn%20how%20to%20lose%2C%20too%E2%80%9D&f=false

https://books.google.com/books?id=iwuPvt3P5IYC&pg=PA302&lpg=PA302&dq=I+think+there+are+more+important+things+than+wi nning.+I+think+you+have+to+learn+how+to+lose,+too% E2%80%9D&source=bl&ots=dfnj5O5YLy&sig=YnVMnSC_WPrJVGNbUP8kKyZrRDk&hl=en&sa=X&ei=HhacVemIN8SrgwTkhb-4CQ&ved=0CB4Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=I%20think%20there%20are%20more%20important%20thi ngs%20than%20winning.%20I%20think%20you%20have%20t o%20learn%20how%20to%20lose%2C%20too%E2%80%9D&f=false

Context behind the "losing" quote:

I suppose MJ "quitting" basketball twice makes him more competitive tho right?

How about Kobe running his teams best players out of town?

Lebron colluding to team up with superstars?

I feel like you guys lean in hard on Chamberlain because you need a punching bag to vent your frustrations. Aj, you are a heat fan. I feel your pain. You had a rough off season and an even rougher season last year. Perkins, I see that asterisked Warriors badge, I take it you did not want to see the Warriors win. That's gotta be rough. So I understand why you guys are looking for a target.
I'm not reading a book about a career loser.

1. Dude played for his stats.
2. He didn't care about winning.
3. GOAT statpadder.
4. Quit playing defense when he was in foul trouble.
etc. etc..

It does suck that the Heat had a shitty season, but I'm not gonna lose sleep over it. I vented a bit when we sucked and that was that. That's what ISH is for basically.

Chafing at Hannum’s lecture after a loss,
Chamberlain interrupted the coach: “I think there are more important things than win-
ning. I think you have to learn how to lose, too”

He also questioned sport’s competitive code. “In a way, I like
it better when we lose,” he said in 1964. “It’s over, and I can look forward to the next
game. If we win, it builds up the tension, and I start worrying about the next game.”

^^^ That right there, is loser mentality.

07-07-2015, 02:36 PM
Out of context. Wilt was challenging the philosophy of coach Hannum - shaking hands with players who had lousy nights on games that they won, and not shaking hands with players who had great nights in losing efforts. The fact that he challenges these opinions, and also does not like when his hand gets shook if he's had a lousy night, actually is a reflection of his competitive side:

https://books.google.com/books?id=iwuPvt3P5IYC&pg=PA302&lpg=PA302&dq=I+think+there+are+more+important+things+than+wi nning.+I+think+you+have+to+learn+how+to+lose,+too% E2%80%9D&source=bl&ots=dfnj5O5YLy&sig=YnVMnSC_WPrJVGNbUP8kKyZrRDk&hl=en&sa=X&ei=HhacVemIN8SrgwTkhb-4CQ&ved=0CB4Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=I%20think%20there%20are%20more%20important%20thi ngs%20than%20winning.%20I%20think%20you%20have%20t o%20learn%20how%20to%20lose%2C%20too%E2%80%9D&f=false

https://books.google.com/books?id=iwuPvt3P5IYC&pg=PA302&lpg=PA302&dq=I+think+there+are+more+important+things+than+wi nning.+I+think+you+have+to+learn+how+to+lose,+too% E2%80%9D&source=bl&ots=dfnj5O5YLy&sig=YnVMnSC_WPrJVGNbUP8kKyZrRDk&hl=en&sa=X&ei=HhacVemIN8SrgwTkhb-4CQ&ved=0CB4Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=I%20think%20there%20are%20more%20important%20thi ngs%20than%20winning.%20I%20think%20you%20have%20t o%20learn%20how%20to%20lose%2C%20too%E2%80%9D&f=false

Context behind the "losing" quote:

I suppose MJ "quitting" basketball twice makes him more competitive tho right?

How about Kobe running his teams best players out of town?

Lebron colluding to team up with superstars?

I feel like you guys lean in hard on Chamberlain because you need a punching bag to vent your frustrations. Aj, you are a heat fan. I feel your pain. You had a rough off season and an even rougher season last year. Perkins, I see that asterisked Warriors badge, I take it you did not want to see the Warriors win. That's gotta be rough. So I understand why you guys are looking for a target.
Your team hasn't won a title in its entire history... you're really one to talk about venting frustrations.

Nobody hates on Wilt for his athleticism. We hate on his loser personality.

And the two clowns who incessantly talk about him and hype him up to be something he isn't. You're 99% of the reason Wilt gets hate on here but you're too stupid/autistic to know that.

07-07-2015, 02:47 PM
news flash, people who make great lovers might not make great parents.

And if I went further and said people who make great parents, might not make great lovers. Then I am classified as sick in the head.

to elaborate on the first part, it probably has something to do with how they themselves were raised and feel the unexplained pressure(social or not, since it may even just be close family circles) to carry forward onto the next generation.

So now if I say be unbiased about, and when it comes to love. Do you see how those scenarios may be possible?

07-07-2015, 02:50 PM
news flash, people who make great lovers might not make great parents.

And if I went further and said people who make great parents, might not make great lovers. Then I am classified as sick in the head.

to elaborate on the first part, it probably has something to do with how they themselves were raised and feel the unexplained pressure(social or not, since it may even just be close family circles) to carry forward onto the next generation.

So now if I say be unbiased about, and when it comes to love. Do you see how those scenarios may be possible?
I love how you follow me around to post these purposely confusing, random jumbles of mess.

You know wherever I am at the viewers are at, so the more attention your purposely retarded posts get.

GimmeThat? I'll give you this L, bitch boi.

07-07-2015, 02:58 PM
I love how you follow me around to post these purposely confusing, random jumbles of mess.

You know wherever I am at the viewers are at, so the more attention your purposely retarded posts get.

GimmeThat? I'll give you this L, bitch boi.

Did I quote you or something.?

07-07-2015, 06:40 PM
Sorry but Wilt's own words ripped your arguments out if their sockets :cheers:

Out of context. Wilt was challenging the philosophy of coach Hannum - shaking hands with players who had lousy nights on games that they won, and not shaking hands with players who had great nights in losing efforts. The fact that he challenges these opinions, and also does not like when his hand gets shook if he's had a lousy night, actually is a reflection of his competitive side:

https://books.google.com/books?id=iwuPvt3P5IYC&pg=PA302&lpg=PA302&dq=I+think+there+are+more+important+things+than+wi nning.+I+think+you+have+to+learn+how+to+lose,+too% E2%80%9D&source=bl&ots=dfnj5O5YLy&sig=YnVMnSC_WPrJVGNbUP8kKyZrRDk&hl=en&sa=X&ei=HhacVemIN8SrgwTkhb-4CQ&ved=0CB4Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=I%20think%20there%20are%20more%20important%20thi ngs%20than%20winning.%20I%20think%20you%20have%20t o%20learn%20how%20to%20lose%2C%20too%E2%80%9D&f=false

https://books.google.com/books?id=iwuPvt3P5IYC&pg=PA302&lpg=PA302&dq=I+think+there+are+more+important+things+than+wi nning.+I+think+you+have+to+learn+how+to+lose,+too% E2%80%9D&source=bl&ots=dfnj5O5YLy&sig=YnVMnSC_WPrJVGNbUP8kKyZrRDk&hl=en&sa=X&ei=HhacVemIN8SrgwTkhb-4CQ&ved=0CB4Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=I%20think%20there%20are%20more%20important%20thi ngs%20than%20winning.%20I%20think%20you%20have%20t o%20learn%20how%20to%20lose%2C%20too%E2%80%9D&f=false

Context behind the "losing" quote:

I suppose MJ "quitting" basketball twice makes him more competitive tho right?

How about Kobe running his teams best players out of town?

Lebron colluding to team up with superstars?

I feel like you guys lean in hard on Chamberlain because you need a punching bag to vent your frustrations. Aj, you are a heat fan. I feel your pain. You had a rough off season and an even rougher season last year. Perkins, I see that asterisked Warriors badge, I take it you did not want to see the Warriors win. That's gotta be rough. So I understand why you guys are looking for a target.

07-07-2015, 06:42 PM
Sorry but Wilt's own words ripped your arguments out if their sockets :cheers:

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-bavvtU3Cyrg/VUAYiuFMHBI/AAAAAAAAGKE/7aAeQnUiijw/s0/Wilt%252520Chamberlain%252520blocked%25252020%2525 20shots%2525201962%252520vs%252520packers%252520do uble-triple-double.jpg


"Wilt did not like to lose he always wanted to win" - former NBA player Jim Barnett

"(Wilt) Wanted to win at everything he did... Every-thing. he. did." - Kansas Journalist Bill Mayer, friend of Wilts

"There's only one other athlete that I would compare to Wilt from a standpoint of being competitive and wanting to win at everything they did and that would be Michael Jordan. If you beat him, you had to keep playing cause he was determined to be a winner." - Maurice King former teammate at KU

I look at the whole picture. You zero in on negatives and sidestep the complete picture. People who only look at negativity are cynics, cynics are miserable people. Am I right?

07-07-2015, 07:00 PM
Just let me be clear here about the methods used to evaluate Wilt Chamberlain by AirFederer, Perkins, and aj. The formula is zero in on things that sound bad minus context, and omit all praise, right? That's the recipe for evaluation? So like, if I applied to Kobe/MJ (Disclaimer: not my personal opinions, just using the Federer/Perkins/aj formula):


Drives best players off his team
Doesn't trust teammates
Can't win without Phil
Shot chucker
Asshole who verbally fought with teammates


Gambling addict
Got his dad killed
Quit basketball twice
Doesn't trust teammates
Couldn't win without Pippen
57 win team down to 55 without him after he quit
Can't win without Phil
Asshole who physically and verbally fought with teammates
Terrible GM
Terrible at talent evaluation

Did I use the formula correctly? It applies to any player right?

07-07-2015, 07:06 PM
news flash, people who make great lovers might not make great parents.

And if I went further and said people who make great parents, might not make great lovers. Then I am classified as sick in the head.

to elaborate on the first part, it probably has something to do with how they themselves were raised and feel the unexplained pressure(social or not, since it may even just be close family circles) to carry forward onto the next generation.

So now if I say be unbiased about, and when it comes to love. Do you see how those scenarios may be possible?
What in the actual **** are you ever talking about? :oldlol:

I'd rep this if I could.

07-07-2015, 07:19 PM
Did I use the formula correctly? It applies to any player right?
Nope the correct formula is:

Default NBA choking rating

Advanced Formula: Losses with HCA + playoff ppg drop + finals ppg drop + playoff rpg drop + finals rpg drop + playoff apg drop + finals apg drop + playoff fg% drop + finals fg% drop + playoff ft% drop + finals ft% drop - rings

Wilt Chamberlain: 5 + (30.1-22.5) + (30.1-18.6) + (22.9-24.9) + (22.9-24.6) + (4.4-4.2) + (4.4-3.8) + (54.0-52.2) + (54.0-55.9) + (51.1-46.5) + (51.1-37.5) - 2 = 37.3

Credit: Deuce Bigalow

Nobody give a shit about rapes or gambling debts while evaluating player. Stop bringing up straw man arguments.

BTW, the quote that AirFed posted was AFTER the 1962 quote from the newspaper you posted.

07-08-2015, 10:50 AM
Nope the correct formula is:

Default NBA choking rating

Advanced Formula: Losses with HCA + playoff ppg drop + finals ppg drop + playoff rpg drop + finals rpg drop + playoff apg drop + finals apg drop + playoff fg% drop + finals fg% drop + playoff ft% drop + finals ft% drop - rings

Wilt Chamberlain: 5 + (30.1-22.5) + (30.1-18.6) + (22.9-24.9) + (22.9-24.6) + (4.4-4.2) + (4.4-3.8) + (54.0-52.2) + (54.0-55.9) + (51.1-46.5) + (51.1-37.5) - 2 = 37.3

Credit: Deuce Bigalow

Nobody give a shit about rapes or gambling debts while evaluating player. Stop bringing up straw man arguments.

BTW, the quote that AirFed posted was AFTER the 1962 quote from the newspaper you posted.

And ALL of it out of CONTEXT (as CavsFTW already CLEARLY illustrated.)

BUT, all of that NONSENSE flies completely in the face of what ACTUALLY happened.

In '60, Chamberlain took a LAST PLACE ROSTER from just the year before, to a then team record, 49-26. THEN, after single-handedly crushing the Nats in the first round, he took that same roster, to a game six, two point loss against Russell's HOF-laden 59-16 Celtics...in a series in which he ANNIHLATED Russell (31-27- .500.) And, had he not badly injured his hand in a melee at the end of game two, and was basically worthless in game three (and yes, without a dominating Wilt... a 120-90 LOSS.) BTW, in a must-win game five, Chamberlain PLASTERED Russell with a 50-35 game.

Then two years later, and with essentially the same roster that he had inherited in his rookie season, only now, older and worse, he single-handed carried them past the Nats, with a series clinching 56-35 game, and then to a game seven, two point loss, against Russell's HOF-laden, and 60-20 Celtics...in a series in which he DESTROYED Russell. And before some idiot claims that Wilt "only" had 22 points in game seven...the game recap (BTW, Wilt-bashers only bring up "recaps" when they claim that Wilt was outplayed by Russell for a half or a quarter)...CLEARLY stated that Wilt's DEFENSE dominated that game. Oh, and Chamberlain scored Philly's last five points, incluing a three point play (yes a made FT), and the tying basket. He was also called for a controversial goal-tend with a minute left. As always, SOMEONE else had to save Russell, and as was most often the case...it was Sam Jones, who hit the winning shot...over, you get it... the outstretched fingertips of WILT (who seemingly had to defend in the entire team.) BTW, Boston had been favored in EVERY game of that SEVEN game series.

In '64, Chamberlain took essentially the same roster he had from the previous season, which had gone 31-49 (despite Wilt's brilliance), to a 48-32 record, and in the WCF's, and in a seven game series against the much deeper Hawks, he hung a 39-23 .559 series, including a series clinching, 39-26-10 performance. Then, he castrated Russell in the Finals, in every facet of the game (as he almost always did), but outgunned 8-3 in HOFers (and one of Wilt's "HOFers" was rookie Nate Thurmond, who played part-time, and out of position...and the other was the worst shooter of his era, Guy Rodgers), they lost to Boston, 4-1. Still, Wilt pummelled Russell in the last two games, both of which were decided in the waning seconds. BTW, Chamberlain shot .517 from the field (in a post-season that shot .420 oversall) Russell shot .386, and Wilt's two "HOF" teammates Thurmond and Rodgers, shot .326 and .258! THAT was the kind of "help" that Wilt ROUTINELY had his post-season career.

In '65...Wilt was traded at mid-season, to a Sixers team (for THREE players BTW)...that had gone 34-46 the year before, and missed the playoffs. In the first round of the playoffs, he single-handedly took his 40-40 team past Oscar's stacked 48-32 Royals in a 3-1 series romp (and with a 38-27 clinching game.) Then, he again single-handedly carried that team to a game seven, one point loss, against Russell's HOF-stacked and 62-18 Celtics, at the peak of their dynasty. In a series in which he CARPET-BOMBED Russell in every conceivable fashion...putting up a staggering 30-31 .555 series. BTW, AirFeder mentioned Wilt not wanting the ball for the last play in the game (fearing that he might be fouled)...let's go back a couple of minutes, shall we? Boston led 110-101 with a couple of minutes left. Chamberlain reeled off eight straight points, including 2-2 from the line with 36 secs left, and then a thunderous dunk over Russell with 5 secs left, which pulled Philly to within one point. Then, the "clutch" Russell hit a guidewire with his inbounds pass, and that gave Philly the ball under their basket, and a chance to win the game. Of course, it was yet another player who saved Russell's choking ass in that game...as "Havlicek stole the ball!"
In that game seven, Chamberlain outscored Russell, 30-15, outrebounded Russell, 32-29, and outshot him from the field, 12-15 to 7-16. And again, he POUNDED a HELPLESS Russell down the stretch.


07-08-2015, 10:51 AM

The '65-66 ECF's were interesting for two reasons. One, Chamberlain played EXACTLY the SAME way against Boston as he had during the regular season, when they went 6-3 against the Celtics. In the regular season he averaged 28.3 ppg, 30.7 rpg, and shot .473 from the field. In the ECF's, he averaged 28.0 ppg, 30.2 rpg, and shot .509 from the floor. Yet, his team lost, 4-1. What happened? His TEAMMATES collectively shot .352 (yes, .352) from the field.

The second interesting point came in the clinching game five loss. Wilt, after watching his teammates puke all over the floor in the first four games, took control, and poured in 46 points and grabbed 34 rebounds, and basically just slaughtered a helpless Russell....in a close loss.

Now, here what was interesting about that. In a "must win" game, Chamberlain exploded for 46 points.

Ok, move on to the very next season. Chamberlain finally had a roster that was the equal of Russell's, and guess what, they stormed to a 3-0 series lead, and were four points away from a sweep in Boston. Now, it was Russell who was down 3-1, and facing elimination. The Russell-supporters have long claimed that he could turn it on against Wilt anytime he needed to.

So, did Russell rise up with a 46 point game against Wilt in that must-win game five, like Chamberlain had against him just the year before? Hell NO. He quietly led his team, like a lamb being led to slaughter...with a meager FOUR point game, in a blowout loss. Meanwhile, Wilt hung 29 points, 22 of which came in the first half, and when the game was still close, on 10-16 shooting, with 36 rebounds, 13 assists, and seven blocks. What happened? Where was this "clutch" Russell who "owned" Wilt?

We witnessed REALITY. Give Wilt a roster the equal of Russell's, and healthy...and BOOM, a series ROUT. REALITY.

I notice that the author rips Wilt for "selfishly" coming out before the '68 season, and wanting to lead the league in assists. Yep, I bet that sure angered his teammates. Why would they want a teammate PASS more? Well, that "selfish" intent led to....a RUNAWAY BEST RECORD IN THE LEAGUE, at 62-20. Sure hurt the team didn't it?

And who would have thought that that "selfish" act would have led to a TON of injuries in the post-season. Even Wilt, himself, was nursing assorted injuries, including one that rendered Willis Reed into a statue in the last three games of the '70 Finals.

Even so, Chamberlain DOMINATED the HOF-laden Knicks (Reed, Bellamy, Frazier, and Bradley) in the first round, leading both teams in scoring, rebounding, assists, and FG%. But, in game three of that series, Philly lost Billy Cunningham to a broken wrist, and he would miss the rest of the playoffs.

Still, even without Cunningham, and Chamberlain NOTICEABLY LIMPING, the Sixers took a 3-1 series lead. And in what could have been the clinching game, Chamberlain just WAXED Russell. He outscored him, 28-8, outrebounded him, 30-24, and outshot him, 11-21 to 4-10. BUT, his Sixers lost TWO MORE starters in that game (Luke Jackson, and Wali Jones), and were now down to a skeleton crew.

Wilt played poorly in game six,..albeit, he did score 20 points and grab 27 rebounds.

In game seven, and with his teammates collectively shooting 34% from the field, and NOT passing him the ball (he only touched the ball NINE times on the offensive end the entire second half), Wilt's Sixers lost, 100-96.

Of course, had he and his teammates been HEALTHY, and it would have been a repeat of their blowout win against Boston in the previous year's EDF's. In any case, a Wilt with a "Reed-type" injury...played 48 mpg in a seven game series, and still easily outplayed Russell, and overall, hung a 22-25-7 series.

The '69 Finals was Chamberlain's worst series of his career. Incidently, the Lakers were favored on PAPER. LA went 55-27 during the season, while Boston went 48-34. Boston's record, though, was deceptive. This was a veteran team, and they were clearly coasting during the regular season. When the playoffs arrived, they were refreshed and healthy. They wiped out the 55-27 Sixers, 4-1, and then they easily beat the 54-28 Knicks in the EDF', 4-2.

The Lakers did have an edge in players 1-2...albeit close (West over Havlicek, and Wilt over Russell.) They SHOULD have had an edge at #3, as well...BUT, Elgin Baylor was just AWFUL in that entire post-season (he was LA's WORST shooter in the entire post-season at .385), and even WORSE in the Finals. Baylor, along with the incompetent coach, Butch "the Butcher" Van Breda Kollf, CLEARLY cost the Lakers that series.

VBK constantly made errors, but none bigger than these two. In game four, in a series in which LA led, 2-1, and in a game in which the Lakers were leading 88-87, and with only 15 seconds left...VBK had JOHNNY EGAN handling the ball (where was WEST?) And, as expected, he was stripped, and Sam Jones, while falling down, hit the game winning shot. Given the Lakers game five romp, that ONE PLAY cost LA a 4-1 series win.

And in game seven, and with West and Chamberlain engineering a huge fourth quarter comeback, ...from 17 points down to 7...all within a four minute period...it was obvious that the Celtics were on fumes. However, Wilt pulled up lame, and asked to come out for a couple of minutes. But, when he asked to go back in, VBK refused, and the rest is history. The Lakers lost by two points, and VBK was essentially was immediately fired.

In any case, while Wilt only played seven minutes in that game seven, 4th quarter, Russell played all 12, and was nowhere to be found. Once he picked up his 5th PF, he hid. As it was, Chamberlain outrebounded him in that quarter, 7-2...and playing five minutes less. For the game, Wilt outscored Russell, 18-6, outshot Russell, 7-8 to 2-7, and outrebounded Russell, 27-21.

Wilt BEAT Russell's Celtics, which is more than the prime West-Baylor duo could accomplish. And Oscar and Lucas never came close. Nor did Bellamy-Reed. Nor did Bellamy-Reed. Nor did Thurmond-Barry.

Overall, Russell had a HUGE edge in rosters from '60 thru '65, and a solid edge in '66. Wilt had an equal edge in '67 and '68, and easily won in one, and had he and his team not been decimated by injuries, they would easily have won the other. And in '69, with an incompetent coach, they lost a game seven by two points.

As the great John Wooden said...Had Wilt and Russell swapped rosters, and coaches, and it would have been Wilt holding all those rings.

If Wilt were a LOSER, he was sure bad at it.

He had 12 winning seasons in his 13 full years with the same team, and in the one in which he was traded to in '65, he took to a game seven one point loss against a heavily favored 62-18 team.

He went to TEN Conference Finals, and SIX Finals, winning TWO. He had FOUR teams win 60+ games, including two that went 68-13 and 69-13. And he consistently dragged pathetic rosters to within an eyelash of beating the greatest dynasty in NBA history, on several occasions. And in fact, he not only DID beat them...he SLAUGHTERED them.

He also took a 48-34 team from '71, to a 69-13 record in '72, and in the process, knocked off a 63-19 Bucks team that was perceived to be the NEXT great dynasty...en route to wiping out the HOF-laden Knicks in five games, and winning the FMVP in the process.

Yep...Wilt "the LOSER."

07-08-2015, 12:27 PM
Did MJ and Kobe say those things about themselves, like Wilt did?
Didn't think so :rolleyes:

Just let me be clear here about the methods used to evaluate Wilt Chamberlain by AirFederer, Perkins, and aj. The formula is zero in on things that sound bad minus context, and omit all praise, right? That's the recipe for evaluation? So like, if I applied to Kobe/MJ (Disclaimer: not my personal opinions, just using the Federer/Perkins/aj formula):


Drives best players off his team
Doesn't trust teammates
Can't win without Phil
Shot chucker
Asshole who verbally fought with teammates


Gambling addict
Got his dad killed
Quit basketball twice
Doesn't trust teammates
Couldn't win without Pippen
57 win team down to 55 without him after he quit
Can't win without Phil
Asshole who physically and verbally fought with teammates
Terrible GM
Terrible at talent evaluation

Did I use the formula correctly? It applies to any player right?

07-08-2015, 03:55 PM
Irrelevant garbage and image saving bullshit.
Post something worthwhile, you retarded POS. Nothing but cherry picked arguments and irrelevant stats.

Get over it. Your idol was a choker and a horrible basketball player. A good athlete, but when it comes to basketball, he was shit. Today's DeAndre, TBH.

07-08-2015, 04:15 PM
Post something worthwhile, you retarded POS. Nothing but cherry picked arguments and irrelevant stats.

Get over it. Your idol was a choker and a horrible basketball player. A good athlete, but when it comes to basketball, he was shit. Today's DeAndre, TBH.

You want a good read.


BTW, Chamberlain actually holds a TON of Post-Season Records as well.

And the RECORD BOOK doesn't even list anywhere near his ACTUAL records, which are certainly in the HUNDREDS and potentially...the THOUSANDS.

But please, go ahead and list Wade's NBA Records here for all of us to read about...

07-08-2015, 04:20 PM
I watched Wilt live, Shaq was much better.

07-08-2015, 04:20 PM
You want a good read.


BTW, Chamberlain actually holds a TON of Post-Season Records as well.

And the RECORD BOOK doesn't even list anywhere near his ACTUAL records, which are certainly in the HUNDREDS and potentially...the THOUSANDS.

But please, go ahead and list Wade's NBA Records here for all of us to read about...
[QUOTE]Even more damning, Chamberlain

07-08-2015, 04:30 PM
1. Dude played for his stats.
2. He didn't care about winning.
3. GOAT statpadder.
4. Quit playing defense when he was in foul trouble.
etc. etc..

A loser by any measure.

No doubt he was proud of his stats. Of course, MJ quickly retired in his stint in the 00's, when he realized that he was about to drop below Wilt in career PPG. Oh, and had Wilt been concerned about career PPG, he would have scored FAR more in his career.

The rest of your post is nothing but pure shit.

Oh, and please post the games in which Wilt quit playing defense when he was in foul trouble.

07-08-2015, 04:38 PM
4. Quit playing defense when he was in foul trouble.



[QUOTE][/In the post-season, the Lakers swept the Chicago Bulls,[88] then went on to face the Milwaukee Bucks of young superstar center and regular-season MVP Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (formerly Lew Alcindor). The matchup between Chamberlain and Abdul-Jabbar was hailed by LIFE magazine as the greatest matchup in all of sports. Chamberlain would help lead the Lakers past Jabbar and the Bucks in six games.[88] Particularly, Chamberlain was lauded for his performance in Game 6, which the Lakers won 104

07-08-2015, 06:31 PM
Chamberlain "the choker"...

Wilt actually played in 37 "elimination games",...games where either his team faced elimination, or could have clinched the series:

1. W: 53-22-2, 24-42 FG/FGA

2. W: 50-35-2, 22-42

3. L: 26-24-0, 8-18

4. L: 33-23-1, 13-29

5. W: 56-35-1, 22-48

6. W: 32-21-1, 12-29

7. L: 22-22-3, 7-15

8. W: 39-30-?, 19-29

9. L: 30-27-2, 12-28

10. W: 38-26-5, 14-22, 10 blks (Triple-Double)

11. W: 30-26-4, 13-22, 13 blks (Triple-Double)

12. L: 30-32-2, 12-15

13. L: 46-34-?, 19-34

14. W: 18-27-9, 7-14

15. W: 29-36-13, 10-16, 7 blks (Triple-Double)

16. W: 24-23-4, 8-13

17. W: 25-27-3, 10-19

18. L: 28-30-7, 11-21

19. L: 20-27-8, 6-21

20. L: 14-34-5, 4-9

21. W: 11-25-1, 5-9

22. W: 16-29-3, 5-11, 16 blks (Triple-Double)

23. L: 8-18-4, 1-5

24. L: 18-27-3, 7-8

25. W: 36-14-3, 12-20

26. W: 12-26-11, 4-11, 11 blks (Quad-Double)

27. W: 30-27-6, 11-18, 11 blks (Triple-Double)

28. W: 45-27-3, 20-27

29. L: 21-24-4, 10-16

30. W: 25-19-9, 7-12

31. L: 23-12-4, 10-21

32. W: 8-31-8, 4-6

33. W: 20-24-2, 8-12, 10 blks (Triple-Double)

34. W: 24-29-4, 10-14, 8 blks

35. W: 21-28-4, 10-17, 8 blks

36. W: 5-22-7, 2-2

37. L: 23-21-3, 9-16

W-L : 24-13

Here were Wilt's averages in those 37 games:

29.5 ppg

26.1 rpg

4.2 apg (missing one game)

.546 FG% (in post-seasons that shot about .440 on average in that span.)

Keep in mind that 24 of those 37 games came after his "scoring seasons" (59-60 thru 65-66)


Wilt's numbers in his 23 games MUST-WIN games...13 of which came against HOF starting centers.

12-11 W-L record

31.1 ppg (Regular season career average was 30.1 ppg)
26.1 rpg (Regular season career average was 22.9 rpg)
3.4 apg (Regular season career average was 4.4 apg)
.540 FG% (Regular season career average was .540 FG%)

3 games of 50+ points

5 games of 40+ points (including a Finals 40+ elimination game)

13 games of 30+ points

6 games of 30+ rebounds

20 games of 20+ rebounds

BTW, Wilt's 31.1 ppg in MUST WIN playoff game ranks THIRD all-time, and behind Lebron's 31.9 and MJ's 31.3.

07-08-2015, 06:39 PM
How about Wilt's post-season DEFENSE...

Wilt's post-season FG% allowed:


Kerr regular season FG% against the league: .392
Kerr against Wilt in the playoffs: .294

Dierking regular season FG%: .365
Dierking vs Wilt in the post-season: .333

Russell regular season: .467
Russell vs. Wilt in the post-season: .446


Kerr regular season: .397
Kerr vs Wilt: .321

Halbrook regular season: .335
Halbrook vs Wilt: .387


Kerr regular season: .443
Kerr vs. Wilt: .376

Russell regular season: .457
Russell vs Wilt: .399


Beaty regular season: .444
Beaty vs. Wilt: .520

Russell regular season: .433
Russell vs. Wilt: .386


Embry regular season: .456
Embry vs Wilt: .438

Russell regular season: .438
Russell vs. Wilt: .446


Russell regular season: .415
Russell vs. Wilt: .424


Dierking regular season: .399
Dierking vs Wilt: .427

Russell regular season: .454
Russell vs. Wilt: .358

Thurmond regular season: .437
Thurmond vs. Wilt: .343


Bellamy regular season: .541
Bellamy vs. Wilt: .421

Russell regular season: .425
Russell vs. Wilt: .440


Thurmond regular season: .410
Thurmond vs Wilt: .392

Beaty regular season: .470
Beaty vs. Wilt: .383

Russell regular season: .433
Russell vs. Wilt: .397


Walk regular season: .470
Walk vs Wilt: .395

Fox regular season: .524
Fox vs Wilt: .362

Bellamy regular season: .523
Bellamy vs Wilt: .456

Reed regular season: .507
Reed vs Wilt: .483


Boerwinkle regular season: .485
Boerwinkle vs Wilt: .463

Fox regular season: .458
Fox vs Wilt: .434

Kareem regular season: .577
Kareem vs Wilt: .481


Ray regular season: .499
Ray vs Wilt: .529

Kareem regular season: .574
Kareem vs Wilt: .457

Lucas regular season: .512
Lucas vs Wilt: .500


Awtry regular season: .480
Awtry vs Wilt: .542

Thurmond regular season: .446
Thurmond vs Wilt: .373

Reed regular season: .474
Reed vs Wilt: .493

07-08-2015, 06:46 PM
LAZERUSS, I've been watching the NBA since 1949: Trust me when i say that Shaq is significantly better than Wilt. Shaq is like MJ, Wilt is like Kobe.

07-08-2015, 07:15 PM
Laz, it would be easier for all of us if you did as you idol. Accept the L. :cheers:

Wilt's post season record: 2/6 (2 vs 11 :eek: )

07-08-2015, 07:35 PM
Laz, it would be easier for all of us if you did as you idol. Accept the L. :cheers:

Wilt's post season record: 2/6 (2 vs 11 :eek: )

Wilt vs Russell with equal rosters:

4-1 series blowout, and near sweep in a series in which Chamberlain outscored Russell, per game, 22-10; outrebounded Russell, per game, 32-23; outassisted Russell, per game, 10-6; outshot Russell from the field, .560 to .360; and held a 29-8 total block margin.

So, with equal rosters: Wilt 1-0 (and a convincing 1-0 at that.)

Again...swap rosters, and coaches, and Chamberlain likely would have won 11 rings (and Russell, nine less.)


07-08-2015, 07:47 PM
Laz, it would be easier for all of us if you did as you idol. Accept the L. :cheers:

Wilt's post season record: 2/6 (2 vs 11 :eek: )

Please explain these scenarios to me...

The '65-66 ECF's were interesting for two reasons. One, Chamberlain played EXACTLY the SAME way against Boston as he had during the regular season, when they went 6-3 against the Celtics. In the regular season he averaged 28.3 ppg, 30.7 rpg, and shot .473 from the field. In the ECF's, he averaged 28.0 ppg, 30.2 rpg, and shot .509 from the floor. Yet, his team lost, 4-1. What happened? His TEAMMATES collectively shot .352 (yes, .352) from the field.

The second interesting point came in the clinching game five loss. Wilt, after watching his teammates puke all over the floor in the first four games, took control, and poured in 46 points and grabbed 34 rebounds, and basically just slaughtered a helpless Russell....in a close loss.

Now, here what was interesting about that. In a "must win" game, Chamberlain exploded for 46 points.

Ok, move on to the very next season. Chamberlain finally had a roster that was the equal of Russell's, and guess what, they stormed to a 3-0 series lead, and were four points away from a sweep in Boston. Now, it was Russell who was down 3-1, and facing elimination. The Russell-supporters have long claimed that he could turn it on against Wilt anytime he needed to.

So, did Russell rise up with a 46 point game against Wilt in that must-win game five, like Chamberlain had against him just the year before? Hell NO. He quietly led his team, like a lamb being led to slaughter...with a meager FOUR point game, in a blowout loss. Meanwhile, Wilt hung 29 points, 22 of which came in the first half, and when the game was still close, on 10-16 shooting, with 36 rebounds, 13 assists, and seven blocks. What happened? Where was this "clutch" Russell who "owned" Wilt?

We witnessed REALITY. Give Wilt a roster the equal of Russell's, and healthy...and BOOM, a series ROUT. REALITY.

07-08-2015, 08:24 PM
Laz, it would be easier for all of us if you did as you idol. Accept the L. :cheers:

Wilt's post season record: 2/6 (2 vs 11 :eek: )

So many L's... :eek:

My gawd Wilt holds the all time record for losing. Bran is going to break it tho. :oldlol:

07-08-2015, 08:28 PM
Please explain these scenarios to me...

You can stop posting those copy pasted stats now grandpa. :rolleyes:

First, no one reads them.
Second, It's been proven already that you cherry pick stats and flat out lie to make an argument.

Who knows if those stats are even accurate or if the matchup happened. You might just be lying again. :oldlol:

07-08-2015, 08:32 PM
The funny thing about the whole Russell vs Wilt is,

Laz likes to say that Wilt only had the better team in 67, when really had the better team in 66, 67, 68, and 69. Then he had better teams around him from 70-73 than Russell and basically any other all time great(save Magic, Bird and Kareem) ever did. All that and he still only managed to win once as the man and once as a role player. And his stats always dipped in the playoffs and then dipped even further in the finals.

Imagine how bad Wilt would have been torched if it had been Shaq in Russell's place?

07-08-2015, 08:33 PM
You can stop posting those copy pasted stats now grandpa. :rolleyes:

First, no one reads them.
Second, It's been proven already that you cherry pick stats and flat out lie to make an argument.

Who knows if those stats are even accurate or if the matchup happened. You might just be lying again. :oldlol:

I like how thinks he is winning arguments by repeatedly spamming stuff that nobody reads because he's lost all credibility as an objective poster.

07-08-2015, 09:28 PM
The funny thing about the whole Russell vs Wilt is,

Laz likes to say that Wilt only had the better team in 67, when really had the better team in 66, 67, 68, and 69. Then he had better teams around him from 70-73 than Russell and basically any other all time great(save Magic, Bird and Kareem) ever did. All that and he still only managed to win once as the man and once as a role player. And his stats always dipped in the playoffs and then dipped even further in the finals.

Imagine how bad Wilt would have been torched if it had been Shaq in Russell's place?

:roll: :roll: :roll:


Wilt carried that Sixer team to a 55-25 record, with a staggering season. But only a complete idiot would claim he had a better team that Russell's 54-26 Celtics.

Wilt and Luke Jackson missed one game each (and Wilt's Sixers were wiped out by the Celtics in that game that Chamberlain missed.) That was it for the Philly starters. How about those seven-time defending Celtics? Russell missed two games, Sanders missed eight, Havlicek missed nine, and Sam Jones missed 13.

And, of course, in the '66 EDF's, while Chamberlain slaughtered Russell with a 28 ppg, 30 rpg, .509 FG% series...Wilt's teammates collectively shot .352 from the field in a 4-1 series loss.

1968-69? This would be close. On paper the Lakers looked stronger. Thy definitely had an advantage at the 1-2 positions (West over Havlicek, and Wilt over Russell), and those two won their match-ups, although both were close (Havlicek had a HUGE series.) And, they SHOULD have had an edge at #3, with Baylor. BUT, Baylor blew chunks in four games (three of them losses), and shot .397. Sam Jones easily outplayed him. After that, it was all Boston. Player-for-player...solid margin, right thru the top eight slots. How deep was Boston in that series? In game seven, Em Bryant scored 20 points! And when you factor in that VBK was completely incompetent...well, a game seven, two point loss, in a game in which Chamberlain badly outplayed Russell Oh, and Wilt was left on the bench in the last five minutes,too.

1967-68. I would agree that the Sixers had an equal roster, and of course, with Chamberlain's huge advantage over Russell, they would have been solid favorites to repeat their '67 title.

BUT, I will let PHILA help us out with this one...



With all of that, Boston eked out a game seven, four point win...in yet another series in which Chamberlain easily outplayed Russell (despite an assortment of injuries.)

1966-67. Chamberlain finally had a roster that was the equal of Russell's 60-21 supporting cast. Guess what... it was WILT who was THE difference. The Sixers crushed Boston, 4-1...but what was interesting was that, they outscored Boston, per game, in that series, by a 121.2 ppg to 111.2 ppg. Chamberlain outscored Russell, per game, 21.6 ppg to 10.2 ppg. And, of course, he just murdered Russell in every facet of the game, as well.

There you have it. In their ten years in the league, Wilt had two teams that were equal to Russell's, with another one that should have been, but as now know...Baylor choked his team down the toilet. And, in one of the other two...Wilt, and his teammates were just DECIMATED by injuries, and it was a miracle that they only lost a game seven, by four points. Healthy, and it would have been another repeat of the blowout they gave Boston the year before.

In the other seven, Russell had a slight edge in '66, and a HUG edge in all the rest.

Now, after Russell.

1969-70? :roll: :roll: :roll:

A one-legged Wilt somehow got his 46-36 Lakers to a game seven against the HOF-laden 60-22 Knicks. And, he was the ONLY Laker to play well in their last three games. CLEARLY a HUGE margin for NY.

1970-71? :roll: :roll: :roll:

Wilt lost Baylor for the season, just after their second regular season game. Then, later in the season, they lost West, as well. With neither of them, they had no chance against Kareem's (Alcindor's) 66-16 Bucks. BUT, Chamberlain did outplay Kareem in that series. A 34 year old Wilt, on a surgically repaired knee, statistically and otherwise, outplayed a PEAK Kareem. Unfortunately, with ZERO help...a 4-1 series loss. BTW, in the last game of that series, when Wilt left the court with a minute to play, he received a standing ovation.....and the game was played in Milwaukee!

1971-72. Wilt led this Laker team to a 69-13 record, and then they romped past the 57-25 Bulls in the first round; knocked off the defending champion, and 63-19 Bucks in the WCF's, in a series that, while Kareem heavily outscored Wilt, by virtually ALL accounts, Chamberlain outplayed Kareem. Time Magazine even went so far as to claim that he DECISIVELY outplayed Kareem. And in the Finals, and with a worthless West (he shot .325 in that Finals), Wilt dominated the Knicks, in leading LA to a one-sided series win, n route to Wilt winning a FMVP.

1972-73. Wilt's Lakers were injured going into the Finals. West was once again a shell, and as Frazier had done to him so often, he just torched West. Wilt did his best, but the Knicks, with their SIX HOFers, were too much. BTW, in Wilt's final game of his career...23 points, on 9-16 shooting, with 21 rebounds.

Overall, Wilt's teams won when they should have, and came within an eyelash of winning FIVE more times.

Again, swap rosters and coaches with Russell, and it would have been Wilt holding all those rings.

07-08-2015, 09:32 PM
I like how thinks he is winning arguments by repeatedly spamming stuff that nobody reads because he's lost all credibility as an objective poster.

Go ahead, challenge any of posts here.

You have access to the same info I do.

07-08-2015, 09:38 PM
Go ahead, challenge any of posts here.

You have access to the same info I do.

I haven't read beyond the first half sentence of anything you've posted.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

07-08-2015, 09:39 PM
I haven't read beyond the first half sentence of anything you've posted.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Probably because you are incapable of doing so.

I didn't think you would challenge any of it anyway.

07-08-2015, 09:40 PM
I haven't read beyond the first half sentence of anything you've posted.

:roll: :roll: :roll:
There's no need. No one's reading all that bullshit he posts.

07-08-2015, 09:42 PM
There's no need. No one's reading all that bullshit he posts.

Hmmm...have the anime porn sites been shut down? Otherwise you wouldn't be here.

07-08-2015, 09:49 PM
Probably because you are incapable of doing so.

I didn't think you would challenge any of it anyway.

If you were an objective and rational poster who was posting fair and honest comparisons, then I'd read what you were writing, but you're not, you're a raving lunatic, so I wont.

I gave you the benefit of the doubt and read your essays for about a year, but that was all I could handle. Eventually the constant spam, double standards, lack of context, lies, exaggerations, and cherry picking forced me to stop reading your stuff all together. The only people who still read your stuff are other Wilt stans, and part of me even doubts that, as Wilt used to be my favorite player after Jordan, and now he's one of my least favorites, because of you.

Basically all I read now are your one-liners.

07-08-2015, 09:57 PM
Why is this thread still alive?

When Wilt joined the NBA, he was the tallest player ever at that point and the league had only 6 players 6'11" or taller in its History.

07-08-2015, 10:12 PM
Hmmm...have the anime porn sites been shut down? Otherwise you wouldn't be here.
You should be working on your retirement plan old man. Not arguing with people over the web.

07-08-2015, 10:14 PM
Why is this thread still alive?

When Wilt joined the NBA, he was the tallest player ever at that point and the league had only 6 players 6'11" or taller in its History.
RIP DonDadda59. Burried under your 3 pillars of failure:

1* He wasn't the tallest basketball player of his era. Before, or during his career.

2* The tallest players in the league are not the automatic best, in fact it almost never happens that way.

3* At 7' 1 and 1/16th of an inch tall in his bare feet Wilt would be the tallest player in the NBA today.

You ****in body bagged yourself dude. :facepalm :oldlol:

07-08-2015, 10:19 PM
RIP DonDadda59. Burried under your 3 pillars of failure:

1* He wasn't the tallest basketball player of his era. Before, or during his career.

2* The tallest players in the league are not the automatic best, in fact it almost never happens that way.

3* At 7' 1 and 1/16th of an inch tall in his bare feet Wilt would be the tallest player in the NBA today.

You ****in body bagged yourself dude. :facepalm :oldlol:
this isnt true

07-08-2015, 10:23 PM
this isnt true
Last season he would have been taller than every player on every roster.

07-08-2015, 10:24 PM
Last season he would have been taller than every player on every roster.

It doesn't make any difference. We know that a 7-1+ Chamberlain was FAR greater than any 7-1+ player playing today.

07-08-2015, 10:28 PM
RIP DonDadda59. Burried under your 3 pillars of failure:

1* He wasn't the tallest basketball player of his era. Before, or during his career.

"By the time Wilt came into the league, he was the tallest player ever, but he was only the sixth player to reach 6'11" or taller."


What pre-Wilt player was taller than him? :confusedshrug:

2* The tallest players in the league are not the automatic best, in fact it almost never happens that way.

No one said tallest = best. But when your competition consists of 6'8" part time car salesmen, not too hard to figure out why Wilt had such an easy time (in the regular season).

3* At 7' 1 and 1/16th of an inch tall in his bare feet Wilt would be the tallest player in the NBA today.

But there's more than a handful of players taller than 6'8" :yaohappy:

07-08-2015, 10:29 PM
It doesn't make any difference. We know that a 7-1+ Chamberlain was FAR greater than any 7-1+ player playing today.
A player that shoots the Dirk fadeaway only he's bigger faster and stronger...
and unlike Dirk he has the option to bully his way inside and dunk, or outsprint guards on the break, and terrorize the league defensively with an upper backboard stretching reach.

We're to believe this is a recipe for failure in today's game somehow :lol

07-08-2015, 10:36 PM
"By the time Wilt came into the league, he was the tallest player ever, but he was only the sixth player to reach 6'11" or taller."


What pre-Wilt player was taller than him? :confusedshrug:

No one said tallest = best. But when your competition consists of 6'8" part time car salesmen, not too hard to figure out why Wilt had such an easy time (in the regular season).

But there's more than a handful of players taller than 6'8" :yaohappy:



Players during and before his era were taller than he was. They weren't always making it into the NBA because the "short" (Let's be real, modern height) 6-9 to 7-0 guys in the NBA were better than they were. That's what happens when the league is only 8 or 9 teams. It expanded, and the big stiff a-la the Lopez twin type of players were eventually allowed to play, plus some exceptionally great players like Kareem who himself is not only taller than every player in the league today (like Wilt) but also vastly superior and more athletic, just like Wilt.

Pro tip, Bleacher report is not a valid source for basketball history.

07-08-2015, 10:43 PM



Players during and before his era were taller than he was. They weren't always making it into the NBA because the "short" (Let's be real, modern height) 6-9 to 7-0 guys in the NBA were better than they were. That's what happens when the league is only 8 or 9 teams. It expanded, and the big stiff a-la the Lopez twin type of players were eventually allowed to play, plus some exceptionally great players like Kareem who himself is not only taller than every player in the league today (like Wilt) but also vastly superior and more athletic, just like Wilt.

Pro tip, Bleacher report is not a valid source for basketball history.

Wilt didn't see comparable sized competition until the middle-end of his career. His rival before that was a guy who had Kevin Durant's build (and had an 11-2 edge in rings).

And thank you for that second vid. Kareem>Wilt. Tape don't lie. Look at that skill.

07-08-2015, 10:52 PM
Wilt didn't see comparable sized competition until the middle-end of his career. His rival before that was a guy who had Kevin Durant's build (and had an 11-2 edge in rings).

And thank you for that second vid. Kareem>Wilt. Tape don't lie. Look at that skill.
Ray Felix and Walter Dukes were in the league when he entered it. They were 7 footers. And Dukes was also an accomplished Track and Field athlete just like Wilt. In pics standing next to Wilt they look virtually the same height.

Wilt was facing 7 footers since he was a teenager.


The best players in the country gravitated to playing and developing at Kutshers. That guy is even built bigger than the teenage Wilt. Wilt still prob dropped 40+ points on that guy on those Kutschers courts, he did that anybody, even the pro's.

Stop pretending to not be impressed by Wilt.

07-08-2015, 10:59 PM
Wilt didn't see comparable sized competition until the middle-end of his career. His rival before that was a guy who had Kevin Durant's build (and had an 11-2 edge in rings).

And thank you for that second vid. Kareem>Wilt. Tape don't lie. Look at that skill.
Kareem played against the guy Wilt scored 100 points on.

Had no where near 100 point game despite being the Bucks gunner a-la the same role Wilt had with the Warriors when Wilt was dropping 50 a night.. Why with all of Kareem's skill could he not get his own 100 point night on that same exact opponent?

07-08-2015, 11:14 PM
Kareem played against the guy Wilt scored 100 points on.

Had no where near 100 point game despite being the Bucks gunner a-la the same role Wilt had with the Warriors when Wilt was dropping 50 a night.. Why with all of Kareem's skill could he not get his own 100 point night on that same exact opponent?

You ever find it weird that when Wilt was dropping 50 a night, Russell was getting all the accolades? I mean, I'm not one to throw the 'empty stats' tag around willy nilly but how does a guy average 50/26 but lose MVP to eventual champion Bill Russell that season? :confusedshrug:

And this is back when players voted on the award. Doesn't seem like they were all that impressed by Wilt during that season.

07-08-2015, 11:15 PM
I remember when LAZ posted an article saying Wilt could clean and jerk a certain amount, and then someone found the world record at the time. Apparently Wilt was only like 3lbs off it. :oldlol:

This dude is like a broken record. Just because something is written about someone, doesn't make it true. Just like everything back in Wilt's time. There was little exposure, little connectivity, and thus little understanding. People were idolised much more back then, than they are now. And for good reason. People are more connected, and understand how stupid it is to believe certain things could be true.

Can you bench 500lbs? Show us. Youtube is right there. Wasn't the case in Wilt's time. Although you'd think they'd video the guy who held the clean and jerk record like you suggest at least once while they were in the gym. Guess Wilt didn't want them to.

07-08-2015, 11:27 PM
You ever find it weird that when Wilt was dropping 50 a night, Russell was getting all the accolades? I mean, I'm not one to throw the 'empty stats' tag around willy nilly but how does a guy average 50/26 but lose MVP to eventual champion Bill Russell that season? :confusedshrug:

And this is back when players voted on the award. Doesn't seem like they were all that impressed by Wilt during that season.
So? Kobe didn't get an MVP the season he scored 81 points does that make his season any less spectacular?

Also FWIW I believe there used to be several MVP trophies given out. Technically Wilt did get an MVP trophy that season. I'm not sure exactly how it all worked but the MVP that Russell got is of course the surviving lineage of MVP's handed out today. But Wilt did get some form of MVP award in 1962 his performances did not go unrecognized:

Here you can read Russell actually received 2 MVP's, specified from the players, another from United Press:
https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-KsvT9VBineQ/VR4iK_ZbYWI/AAAAAAAAF8o/1yfOBpysNUY/s0/NBA%2520EDF%2520Warrios%2520vs%2520Boston%2520G1%2 5201962.jpg

Yet here you see 3 games later into the playoffs series Chamberlain had also been given a 1962 season MVP award:
https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-mG221KdCrGs/VR4HlfCab2I/AAAAAAAAF6k/V_S_Pu2gX4k/s728/NBA%2520EDF%2520Warrios%2520vs%2520Boston%2520G4%2 5201962.jpg

07-08-2015, 11:40 PM
Last season he would have been taller than every player on every roster.
no he wouldn't. just off the top of my head sim bhullar is taller

07-08-2015, 11:40 PM
So? Kobe didn't get an MVP the season he scored 81 points does that make his season any less spectacular?

No one came close to putting up the numbers Wilt was. On the other hand, lil ole Iverson was right there with Bean that season.

Bean- 35/5/5 (45% FG)
AI- 33/3/7 (45% FG)

The rule changes inflated every perimeter player's stats that season, so yeah far less spectacular in regards to competition when compared to Wilt.

07-08-2015, 11:44 PM
no he wouldn't. just off the top of my head sim bhullar is taller
Your example ...is a guy who played 1 minute last season?


Who else you got jam :lol

07-08-2015, 11:44 PM
mozgov is just as tall. maybe taller
gasol is listed 7'1
hibbert 7'2

07-08-2015, 11:50 PM
No one came close to putting up the numbers Wilt was. On the other hand, lil ole Iverson was right there with Bean that season.

Bean- 35/5/5 (45% FG)
AI- 33/3/7 (45% FG)

The rule changes inflated every perimeter player's stats that season, so yeah far less spectacular in regards to competition when compared to Wilt.
I don't know what your point is. You were talking about Kareem, who I said didn't (even come close) to duplicating what Wilt did against the same opponent despite having the same role, then you brought up that Wilt's lack of "all" the accolades in 1962 was bad, then I said well technically he did win 1 of the 3 MVP awards given out that season (the other 2 going to Russell). I mean, he had a great season, are you saying he didn't have a great season or what?

07-08-2015, 11:56 PM
I don't know what your point is. You were talking about Kareem, who I said didn't (even come close) to duplicating what Wilt did against the same opponent despite having the same role, then you brought up that Wilt's lack of "all" the accolades in 1962 was bad, then I said well technically he did win 1 of the 3 MVP awards given out that season (the other 2 going to Russell). I mean, he had a great season, are you saying he didn't have a great season or what?

Just pointing out that NBA players didn't seem all that impressed by Wilt's production that season. Just going by the raw stats, you'd think he would've been the runaway, landslide winner... yet Buffalo Bill won the MVP and took home yet another championship (eliminating Wilt again in the playoffs).

You don't find it strange that the players who faced him that year went with another guy for the award? I mean did they personally dislike Wilt or did they just genuinely think his impact was not near Russell's despite the massive discrepancy in personal production?

07-08-2015, 11:56 PM
mozgov is just as tall. maybe taller
gasol is listed 7'1
hibbert 7'2
And they're all likely listed taller than their actual heights. Only Hibbert *might* be as tall.

07-08-2015, 11:57 PM
Wilt didn't see comparable sized competition until the middle-end of his career. His rival before that was a guy who had Kevin Durant's build (and had an 11-2 edge in rings).

And thank you for that second vid. Kareem>Wilt. Tape don't lie. Look at that skill.

In Wilt's 69-70 season, there were 14 teams in the NBA. And there were 11 players that were 6-11+, including seven 7-0+ players. And, as CavsFTW noted, most of the heights were true, unlike today's NBA in which players are measured with shoes on. Also, on those 14 rosters, were another 6 6-10+ players. Think about that. On 14 team, and using today's inflated heights...and there were probably 11 7-0+ players, with Kareem and Wilt being listed around 7-3, and another 6 at 6-11.

Not only that, but there were other centers in the league like the 6-6 Wes Unseld who was similar to Ben Wallace in both height and bulk. Also 6-9 Elvin Hayes, and the 6-9 Bob Rule (a stud who averaged 24.0 ppg that season.)

Then, think about this...

Wilt was asked by his new head coach, to be the focal point of the Laker offense (following the blundering hatchet job done by Van Breda Kolff the previous season.)

And, as always, Chamberlain complied. In his first nine games, he was leading the league in scoring, at 32.2 ppg, and on a .579 FG%. In fact, his average likely would have been a little higher, had he not shredded his knee in that ninth game. In that game, and in 28 minutes, he scored 33 points, on 13-14 shooting, and surely was on pace for 40+ (in fact, probably 50.) Oh, and he was doing it against the 6-10 Jim Fox. Why is that important? Just the year before Fox was the starter in a game in which Chamberlain hung 66 points, on 29-35 shooting. More on that in a second.

Ok, before someone challenges Wilt's scoring as a small sample...he didn't have one or two huge games...he had six games, out of his nine, in which he scored 33+. He had that 33 point game (and in only 28 minutes) against Fox; a 35 point game against Darrell Imhoff (you remember him, right?); a 37 point game against the 7-0 Tom Boerwinkle (just ask Kareem how good that guy was...he had a game against KAJ of 20 points and 39 rebounds); 38 points against the reigning MVP, Wes Unseld; 42 points against Rule (go ahead and look him up); and 43 points against Connie Dierking. Oh, and he also had a 25-23-5 9-14 FG/FGA game against Alcindor (Kareem), and easily outplayed Kareem in every facet of the game (including blocking two of his skyhooks.) So, he was DOMINANT in SEVEN of those NINE games.

Now, Fox and Dierking were particularly interesting. Just the season before, Chamberlain dumped 66 on Fox, and 60 on Dierking (BTW, that was not Wilt's career high against Dierking.) And in this season, he scored 33 in 28 minutes against Fox, or on pace for 53 points in 45 minutes. And he had that 43 point game against Dierking.

What was so interesting about those games against Fox and Dierking, you ask? Kareem faced Dierking ten times from '69 thru '71, and his high game was 41 points (and his next high game against him was 35.) So, Wilt, in that 69-70 season, alone, hung a higher game on Dierking, than Kareem would in his entire career against him.

How about Fox? Again, Wilt was on pace in his 33 point game, for 53 points. And again, just the season before, he plastered Fox with a 66 point game. Now, Kareem would face Fox 37 times in his career, and his high game against him was 40 (twice.)

BTW, Kareem would go on to average 28.8 ppg, 14.5 rpg, and shoot .518 that rookie season. Again, before Chamberlain shredded his knee, he was at 32.2 ppg, 20.6 rpg, and on a .579 FG%. Furthermore, a PEAK Kareem would put up a season of 34.8 ppg, 16.6 rpg, and on a .574 FG%. Here was a 33 year old Chamberlain, and certainly not at his peak, on pace for a season that would essentially match Kareem's BEST season.

07-09-2015, 12:00 AM
And they're all likely listed taller than their actual heights. Only Hibbert *might* be as tall.
gasol was listed as 7'1 in europe and they usually measure barefoot
hibbert is 7'2
mozgov is huge. wouldn't be surprised if he's 7'2
this is some backpeddling shit by you as usual

07-09-2015, 12:00 AM
Just pointing out that NBA players didn't seem all that impressed by Wilt's production that season. Just going by the raw stats, you'd think he would've been the runaway, landslide winner... yet Buffalo Bill won the MVP and took home yet another championship (eliminating Wilt again in the playoffs).

You don't find it strange that the players who faced him that year went with another guy for the award? I mean did they personally dislike Wilt or did they just genuinely think his impact was not near Russell's despite the massive discrepancy in personal production?
Are you kidding? Every player who talks about his '62 season has been quite clear that they were pretty much in awe of his production. It's the record. And like you said, by wide margin.

I think that Russell won the MVP (or rather, 2 of at least 3 MVP's) speaks volumes of Russell's impact on the game. I don't think it means what you think it means (that players would some how be not impressed by what Wilt did that season).

07-09-2015, 12:06 AM
Just pointing out that NBA players didn't seem all that impressed by Wilt's production that season. Just going by the raw stats, you'd think he would've been the runaway, landslide winner... yet Buffalo Bill won the MVP and took home yet another championship (eliminating Wilt again in the playoffs).

You don't find it strange that the players who faced him that year went with another guy for the award? I mean did they personally dislike Wilt or did they just genuinely think his impact was not near Russell's despite the massive discrepancy in personal production?

That '62 "player" vote was VERY suspicious (as was the '64 and '69 voting.) How do you explain this...

In Wilt's rookie season, he carried what had been a last place roster, to a 49-26 record. In the process, he just obliterated many records. He averaged 37.6 ppg, 27.0 rpg, and shot .461 from the field (which would be the only time in his career in which he would fail to shoot at least .506 from the floor.) Meanwhile Russell led his Celtics to a 59-16 record, which was solid improvement over their '59 record of 52-20. And in that '60 season, Russell averaged 18.0 ppg, 24.0 rpg, and shot a career high .467 from the floor. In the MVP voting, Chamberlain won by a huge margin.

Two years later, in 61-62, Wilt had a historic season. He took that same basic roster, but which was now older and worse, to a 49-31 record, or a similar record as to what they had had in his rookie season. He averaged a staggering 50.4 ppg, 25.7 rpg, and shot .506 from the floor. Russell's Celtics went 60-20, which was actually a slight decrease from their 59-60 record, and in the process, he put up nearly identical numbers as he did in '60, averaging 18.9 ppg, 23.6 rpg, and shooting .457 from the field. How did the MVP voting go? Now it was Russell winning by a huge margin, and Wilt coming in a distant second (in fact, Oscar had more first place votes than Wilt did.) Again, though, take a close look at both seasons ('60 and '62.) Russell's Celtics put up almost identical records, and his stats in both were nearly the same. Wilt's Warriors had almost identical records, BUT, Wilt had a far more dominating season. Just what changed in the voting, then? And, as I alluded to earlier, Wilt was voted first-team All-NBA over Russell by the writers.

And if you want to see more examples of "suspicious voting"...

Wilt's Warriors really struggled in 62-63. Even with Wilt being a one-man wrecking crew (and that literally was the case, as his cast of clowns teammates contributed absolutely nothing), his Warriors fell to 31-49. Still, the record was deceptive, as they lost 35 games by single digits, and had a ppg differential of -2.1 ppg. And in the process, Chamberlain led the NBA in 15 of their 22 statistical categories, including Win Shares, and with a PER of 31.8, which is still the all-time record.

Ok, so how did Wilt do in the MVP balloting? Russell easily won the award in that '63 voting, and even I would not have argued against it. However, Wilt came in SEVENTH, which was completely absurd. How bad was it? Red Kerr, who averaged 16 ppg and 13 rpg, finished ahead of Wilt. Which was a complete joke, since, in their seasonal H2H's, Chamberlain outscored Kerr by a 43 ppg to 19 ppg margin, which included beatdowns of 60-21 and even 70-14. Oh, and rookie Terry Dischinger, playing on a 25-55 team, had more first place votes than Wilt.

That brings us to 63-64. Chamberlain would finish second behind Oscar (with Russell coming in third.) Now, if Wilt was punished in '63, because his team had fallen to 31-49, and Oscar came in well ahead of him with a 42-38 team that had far better surrounding personnel...how come Oscar beat out Wilt in '64, when his Royals improved by 13 games, while Chamberlain single-handedly carried his putrid roster to a 48-32 record, and with an overall improvement of 17 games? In a season in which Wilt was considerably more statistically dominant?

Chamberlain did go on to win three straight MVP from 65-66 thru 67-68. Clearly, there was just no way to NOT vote for him, since he was not only statistically crushing the league, but also carrying his rosters to the best record in the league each season. The only question would have been, why wasn't he winning them all in a unanimous fashion? (BTW, and to be honest, and I am not sure if the player voting at the time, precluded players from voting for their own teammates, which might have explained why no one was winning unanimous MVP's.)

The 68-69 voting was again, "interesting." For the first time in four years, and only the second time in their last six seasons in the league together, Russell finished ahead of Wilt in the voting. Again, Wilt was nowhere to be found. Russell finished 4th, and behind Wes Unseld (who also won ROY), Willis Reed, and Billy Cunningham. BTW, Baylor finished 5th behind Russell.

Taking a closer look at that voting, and it was a complete sham. First of all, Baylor beating Wilt out was a joke. He did average more ppg, at 24.8 to Wilt's 20.5 ppg, but Chamberlain was a much better rebounder, far more efficient, was a near equal passer, and was a far better defender. Furthermore, Baylor missed six games, and LA went 5-1 in the games he missed.

I don't have a problem with Cunningham coming in third, since he had a remarkable season, and his play enabled his Sixers to at least come reasonably close to the team that Wilt had left. But the rest of the voting was somewhat eye-raising.

BUT, in any case, in their ten years in the league together, Chamberlain held a 7-2 margin over Russell in First Team All-NBA selections (and again, '68-69 was a complete farce.)


07-09-2015, 12:08 AM
In Wilt's 69-70 season

Wilt didn't see comparable sized competition until the middle-end of his career.

Could've saved yourself a lot of typing by just reading what you quoted.

Notice that when the size and skill level of centers improved vastly from the 50s-early/mid 60s, gone were the days of 40-50 PPG seasons for Wilt.

07-09-2015, 12:10 AM
Continuing on the blatantly obvious "anti-Wilt" campaign in the '68-69 MVP voting...


Wes Unseld won the '69 MVP award, along with winning the ROY(he and Wilt are the only two players in NBA history to accomplish that feat BTW.)

Unseld's play went beyond his statistics, of course, which were very good. He averaged 13.8 ppg, 18.2 rpg, 2.6 apg, and shot .476 from the field. But his biggest strength in the MVP voting came because his Bullets went from a last place 36-46, to a best record in the league, 57-25.

Still, as I mentioned earlier, those Bullet teams before he arrived were actually quit good in terms of talent, but they were always under-achieving. In the 68-69 season, Earl Monroe averaged 26 ppg, Kevin Loughery averaged 23 ppg, and Gus Johnson averaged 18 ppg and 12 rpg. Those were three excellent players, as was Jack Marin, who averaged 16.

BTW, Unseld would get to four finals in his NBA career, and went 1-3 in them, winning the FMVP in '78. Generally he played on successful teams, albeit "only" one that won 60 games (and that team was swept by the 48-34 Warriors in the Finals.)

In any case, the only real criteria in which Unseld had over Wilt in '69, was the fact that his team finished with a slightly better record (57-25 to 55-27.) In their six H2H games, the two teams split the season series, 3-3. In those six contests, and to Unseld's credit, he outrebounded Wilt in four of them. However, Chamberlain wiped the floor with him in one game, outscoring him, 25-4, and outrebounding him by a staggering 38-9 margin. Overall, in those six H2H's, Unseld averaged 11.0 ppg and 20.7 rpg, while Chamberlain averaged 21.5 ppg, 22.2 rpg, and shot a spectacular .626 from the field against him. And, of course, Wilt held a solid edge in their overall seasonal numbers, (20.5 ppg to 13.8 ppg; 21.1 rpg to 18.2 rpg; 4.5 apg to 2.6 apg; and a .583 FG% to Unseld's .476 mark.)

Reed came in second in the MVP voting in '69. His Knicks went 54-28 (just behind Wilt's Lakers, who went 55-27.) However, the Knicks conducted a mid-season trade in which they shipped out Bellamy in return for DeBusschere, and the results were a 36-11 record after the deal.

Reed's numbers were excellent all season (21.1 ppg, 14.5 rpg, 2.3 apg, and on a .521 FG%.) He was also second team all-defense. But after the trade, Reed averaged 24.3 ppg and 15.6 rpg.

However, Wilt's Lakers enjoyed a 5-1 W-L record against those Knicks, including a 2-0 mark when Reed was their center. In their entire seasonal H2H's, covering all six games (again, with Bellamy at center in four of them), Reed averaged 15.0 ppg and 12 rpg, while Wilt averaged 23.7 ppg, 22.3 rpg, and shot an amazing .712 from the field. In their two H2H's when it was Reed vs. Wilt, Reed averaged 20.0 ppg and 9.5 rpg, while Wilt averaged 28.0 ppg, 22.0 rpg, and shot an eye-popping .688 from the floor. Clearly, Wilt dominated Reed in their career H2H's before his knee surgery, and this was yet another example.

And that brings us to Russell. Just how Russell finished ahead of Wilt in the MVP voting that year was a complete mystery. There was virtually no criteria in which he had any edge over Wilt. Russell's Celtics went 48-34 (and 2-3 without him) to Wilt's Lakers' 55-27. In their six regular season H2H's, Wilt's Lakers enjoyed a 4-2 edge, which included that nationally televised beatdown in Boston late in the season by a 108-73 margin. In their six H2H's, Chamberlain easily outplayed Russell. He outscored Russell, 6-0, which included one game by a 35-5 margin. And he outrebounded Russell, 5-0-1, which included staggering margins of 21-8 and 42-18. Overall, in those six H2H's, Chamberlain outscored Russell by a 16.0 ppg to 6.7 ppg; outrebounded Russell by a 24.0 rpg to 17.0 rpg margin; and Wilt outshot Russell from the field by a .493 to .340 margin. Russell did hold a slim 35-29 assist edge, though.

There you have it. His teams went 3-3, 5-1 (2-0), and 4-2 Unseld's, Reed's, and Russell's. Only Unseld enjoyed an overall better team record (57-25 to Wilt's 55-27,...while Wilt held a 55-27 to 54-28 edge over Reed's, and a 55-27 to 48-34 margin over Russell's.) And Wilt basically clobbered Unseld, Reed, and Russell in their H2H's.

BTW, and again, West missed 21 games for LA, and the Lakers went 12-9 without him. And also again, Baylor missed six games for the Lakers, and they went 5-1 without him.

And yet... Unseld finished first, Reed finished 2nd, Russell finished 4th...and Wilt? Nowhere to be found in the MVP voting.

07-09-2015, 12:17 AM
Could've saved yourself a lot of typing by just reading what you quoted.

Notice that when the size and skill level of centers improved vastly from the 50s-early/mid 60s, gone were the days of 40-50 PPG seasons for Wilt.

In his 61-62 season, Chamberlain averaged 39.7 ppg against Russell in their ten regular season H2H's, which included games of 41, 41, 48, 52, and 62 points. And in the post-season against Russell, he hung games of 41, 41, and 42 points. Overall, in his career H2H's with Russell, Chamberlain had 24 games of 40+, including five of 50+ (and a playoff game of 50), with a high game of 62.

In that same season, he faced the 6-11 Bellamy ten times, and averaged...get this... 52.7 ppg against him. Included were three games of 60+, and a high of... 73 points (to go along with 36 rebounds.)

BTW, in the very next season, 62-63, Chamberlain averaged 43.7 ppg against Bellamy in their 10 H2H's (and 38.1 ppg in his nine H2H's with Russell.)

Think about that...in 20 straight games against a 6-11 HOFer (who would be listed at 7-0 in today's NBA), Chamberlain averaged...get this... 48.2 ppg. AVERAGED.

BTW, Kareem faced an aging Bellamy in 24 career H2H's, and his high game against him was 40 points (and his two next high's were 39 and 35 points.)

07-09-2015, 12:22 AM
BTW, here was Chamberlain's H2H's with the best centers in the league in his LAST season...

Chamberlain, at age 36, and in his LAST season vs the best centers in the league:

Vs. Cowens in 4 H2H's:

Cowens: 31.3 ppg, 19.8 rpg, .454 FG%

Wilt: 14.3 ppg, 14.5 rpg, .588 FG%

vs. Reed in 3 regular season H2H's:

Reed: 12.0 ppg, 10.0 rpg, .471 FG%

Wilt: 6.3 ppg, 23.3 rpg, .529 FG%

vs. Reed in 5 Finals' H2H's:

Reed: 16.4 ppg, 9.2 rpg, .493 FG%

Wilt: 11.6 ppg, 18.6 rpg, .525 FG%

vs. Bellamy in 4 H2H's:

Bellamy: 17.0 ppg, 18.0 rpg ( 2 known games), .400 FG% (2 known game)

Wilt: 9.8 ppg, 20.5 rpg, .593 FG%

vs. Unseld in 4 H2H's:

Unseld: 12.8 ppg, 15.3 rpg, .481 FG%

Wilt: 12.8 ppg, 20.8 rpg, .769 FG%

vs. McAdoo in 4 H2H's:

McAdoo: 16.8 ppg, 8.8 rpg, .450 FG% (3 known games)

Wilt: 20.5 ppg, 21.3 rpg, .850 FG%

vs. Thurmond in 7 regular season H2H's:

Thurmond: 12.3 ppg, 21.6 rpg, .315 FG%

Wilt: 5.1 ppg, 16.6 rpg, .684 FG%

vs. Thurmond in 5 playoff H2H's:

Thurmond: 15.8 ppg, 17.2 rpg, .373 FG%

Wilt: 7.0 ppg, 23.6 rpg, .611 FG%

vs. Lanier in 6 H2H's:

Lanier: 21.2 ppg, 13.4 rpg (5 known games), .374 FG% (5 known games)

Wilt: 19.8 ppg, 16.3 rpg, .764 FG%

vs. Kareem in 6 H2H's:

Kareem: 29.5 ppg, 17.8 rpg, .450 FG%

Wilt: 11.0 ppg, 16.0 rpg, .737 FG%

Some interesting numbers. Cowens certainly outplayed Wilt, albeit, in his one known game, he still only shot .429 from the field.

As ALWAYS, Chamberlain reduced Thurmond to just an AWFUL FG%'s, and then in their five playoff H2H's, he held Thurmond to a .373 overall.) And while Nate outrebounded Wilt in their regular season H2H's, as ALWAYS, Chamberlain just cleaned his clock on the glass in their playoff H2H's.

Willis Reed didn't do much of anything against Wilt in their regular season H2H's, and while he won the FMVP, SOMEBODY had to win it. If anything, Chamberlain outplayed him (again) in their Finals matchup (and in the clinching game, he badly outplayed him.)

Bellamy? I doubt that there has ever been one HOFer who so thoroughly dominated another over the course of so many seasons. Even into his LAST season, Chamberlain continued to own Bellamy. And this likely was one of Bellamy's closest seasons against Wilt.

How about rookie Bob McAdoo? Talk about pure domination...Wilt SLAUGHTERED McAdoo in every conceivable facet of the game. He easily outscored him, badly outrebounded him, and shot an unfathomable .850 from the field (again, all while averaging 20.5 ppg against him.)

Bob Lanier? Wilt more than held his own a PRIME Lanier. In fact, he easily outplayed him overall. And look at their FG%'s. In his five known games, Lanier shot a paltry .374 from the field, while Wilt not only averaged 20 ppg against him, he also shot a staggering .764 from the floor. And BTW, in Lanier's highest scoring game against Wilt, he only shot 13-30 from the field (.433), so his actual total FG% likely was very close to the known .400 mark.

Kareem outscored and outrebounded Wilt in their six regular season H2H's, but as almost always, Chamberlain reduced KAJ's FG% by more than 10%. Kareem only shot over 50% twice in their six H2H's, and had games of 12-31, 10-27, and 11-30 from the field against Wilt. In fact, Chamberlain even outscored Kareem in one H2H, by a 24-21 margin, while outshooting him from the field by a 10-14 to 10-27 margin.

I didn't include Elvin Hayes, because he was now a PF alongside Unseld.

In any case, Chamberlain was not only blocking a KNOWN 5.4 bpg in his LAST season, he was DRAMATICALLY lowering the efficiency of the top centers in the league. All at age 36.

Credit Cowens, who was a relentless 6-9 center with exceptional speed, and a good outside shot, for outplaying Wilt, but Chamberlain pretty much outplayed everyone else, except Kareem, whom he held to a .450 FG%, in a season in which he shot .554 against the entire league.

07-09-2015, 02:30 AM

What hotel did they work for? Bell hop looking fools. :oldlol:

07-09-2015, 03:10 AM
Nothing but praise from his teammates :rolleyes:

http://i1382.photobucket.com/albums/ah267/espelid/5ED78B6E-5914-4D27-94A2-7D792D2DEBE8_zpsxraqlkgw.png (http://s1382.photobucket.com/user/espelid/media/5ED78B6E-5914-4D27-94A2-7D792D2DEBE8_zpsxraqlkgw.png.html)
http://i1382.photobucket.com/albums/ah267/espelid/B60A0784-F831-4524-83A9-01EAD10C9B63_zpsehp5w8tc.png (http://s1382.photobucket.com/user/espelid/media/B60A0784-F831-4524-83A9-01EAD10C9B63_zpsehp5w8tc.png.html)

Jerry West:

http://i1382.photobucket.com/albums/ah267/espelid/E8663806-7B00-43FC-8B04-7B337EABEC1B_zpswcpy4t5k.png (http://s1382.photobucket.com/user/espelid/media/E8663806-7B00-43FC-8B04-7B337EABEC1B_zpswcpy4t5k.png.html)
http://i1382.photobucket.com/albums/ah267/espelid/E43BC299-72AE-4CB0-86B9-7C22399D17A6_zpssir1ioog.png (http://s1382.photobucket.com/user/espelid/media/E43BC299-72AE-4CB0-86B9-7C22399D17A6_zpssir1ioog.png.html)

07-10-2015, 04:14 PM
Never got a response, LOLZERUSS :lol

Out of context this too, I suppose?
Chet & Logo.

(Inb4 wall of stats and later quotes)

Nothing but praise from his teammates :rolleyes:

http://i1382.photobucket.com/albums/ah267/espelid/5ED78B6E-5914-4D27-94A2-7D792D2DEBE8_zpsxraqlkgw.png (http://s1382.photobucket.com/user/espelid/media/5ED78B6E-5914-4D27-94A2-7D792D2DEBE8_zpsxraqlkgw.png.html)
http://i1382.photobucket.com/albums/ah267/espelid/B60A0784-F831-4524-83A9-01EAD10C9B63_zpsehp5w8tc.png (http://s1382.photobucket.com/user/espelid/media/B60A0784-F831-4524-83A9-01EAD10C9B63_zpsehp5w8tc.png.html)

Jerry West:

http://i1382.photobucket.com/albums/ah267/espelid/E8663806-7B00-43FC-8B04-7B337EABEC1B_zpswcpy4t5k.png (http://s1382.photobucket.com/user/espelid/media/E8663806-7B00-43FC-8B04-7B337EABEC1B_zpswcpy4t5k.png.html)
http://i1382.photobucket.com/albums/ah267/espelid/E43BC299-72AE-4CB0-86B9-7C22399D17A6_zpssir1ioog.png (http://s1382.photobucket.com/user/espelid/media/E43BC299-72AE-4CB0-86B9-7C22399D17A6_zpssir1ioog.png.html)

07-10-2015, 04:35 PM
Never got a response, LOLZERUSS :lol

Out of context this too, I suppose?
Chet & Logo.

(Inb4 wall of stats and later quotes)

Rick Barry just a couple of years ago.

4 minute video in which Barry basically claims what we ALL know...Wilt was the GOAT.


More quotes from Wilt's peers...


Jerry West in 1999:


"He was the most unbelievable center to ever play the game in terms of domination and intimidation. There's no one that's ever played the game better than Wilt Chamberlain. This was a man for all ages."

or this ...from Bill Russell


"Nobody seems to appreciate what an incredible player Wilt was," Russell said at 1997 All-Star Game when the league named and honored its 50 greatest players. "He was the best player of all time because he dominated the floor like nobody else ever could. To be that big and that athletic was special."

or this from Kareem...


"Chamberlain played the game the same way Russell did, except he scored so much more. But his teams had to get more points from him. He'd score 45 points and his teams would still lose."

and also from Kareem...


"Wilt had to fight people's dissatisfaction that his teams didn't win. There he was, this great dominating player, and his teams didn't win championships. Well, Wilt wasn't playing for the right team. As an individual, he was in a class by himself, but his teammates--they were OK, but not the supporting cast Russell had."

and still more from Kareem...


"You obviously never saw Wilt Chamberlain play who undoubtedly was the greatest scorer this game has ever known. When did MJ ever average 50.4 points per game plus 25.7 rebounds? (Wilt in the 1962 season when blocked shot statistics were not kept). We will never accurately know how many shots Wilt blocked. Oh, by the way in 1967 and 68, Wilt was a league leader in assists. Did MJ ever score 100 points in a game? How many times did MJ score more than 60 points in a game? MJ led the league in scoring in consecutive seasons for 10 years but he did this in an NBA that eventually expanded into 30 teams vs. when Wilt played and there were only 8 teams.

Every team had the opportunity to amass a solid nucleus. Only the cream of the basketball world got to play then. So MJ has to be appraised in perspective. His incredible athletic ability, charisma and leadership on the court helped to make basketball popular around the world -- no question about that. But in terms of greatness, MJ has to take a backseat to The Stilt.


And how about Larry Bird...


When the topic of all-time greatest player was once raised, none other than the legendary Larry Bird didn't hesitate.

"Open up the record book and it will be obvious who the greatest is," he said.

Watch this video with teammate Al Attles...


I could list more, but why bother.

Wilt = GOAT

:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

07-10-2015, 04:45 PM
What about the things they said in their books as quoted, dude?

07-10-2015, 06:11 PM
What about the things they said in their books as quoted, dude?

What about the quotes I gave you...

West, Russell, Barry, Kareem, and Bird, among others?

You post nonsense completely out of context, ...Wilt liked to lose, he choked in his biggest moments stats-padder (yep...even in the year in which he led the league in assists...and BTW, also the best record in the league)... etc, and I have shelled every one.

Move on to something else that you actually know about.

07-12-2015, 09:27 AM
He did move Reed around with ease. Reed himself says there's nothing he could do when Wilt wanted to go to the basket.


If you don't see Wilt going to the hole hard against Reed, there's other reasons he's not doing it. It isn't because he lacked the strength. He picked up 290lb Lanier like a "coffee cup".

There's too many stories from the mouths of too many strong players for me to be skeptical of his strength. And he's huge, his legs are long, not thin. Take a leg as big around as Wes Unseld's, and add another foot of length to it and you don't just have equal leg strength to a guy like Unseld, you've got even more, because all that extra length is extra muscle mass.
You're right about Reed. I just noticed that Reed put up a bigger fight than you would imagine for someone his size

In regards to Wilts legs just for the sake of saying, obviously there's no agenda here you know I think Wilt is GOAT....If his legs don't look as big because of how long he is, why do the legs of Artis Gilmore show so much more muscle development, similar to what you'd see on a smaller mans legs? While Wilt weighed more, those muscles should still be a lot more visable than they are you'd think

07-12-2015, 01:25 PM
You're right about Reed. I just noticed that Reed put up a bigger fight than you would imagine for someone his size

In regards to Wilts legs just for the sake of saying, obviously there's no agenda here you know I think Wilt is GOAT....If his legs don't look as big because of how long he is, why do the legs of Artis Gilmore show so much more muscle development, similar to what you'd see on a smaller mans legs? While Wilt weighed more, those muscles should still be a lot more visable than they are you'd think
Gilmore does have solid base as does Jabbar and Shaq. But I think it's at least in part more of that Unseld effect as I don't think any of them has the leg length of Wilt. Wilt's got the shortest torso and longest limbs out of all those guys. Jerry West describes him as looking like a person who's "all leg"

07-12-2015, 02:10 PM
An old Wilt, who had lost nearly an inch when this photo was taken...


And a prime Shaq, standing next to an old Kareem, who like Wilt, probably had lost an inch in height...

http://l.yimg.com/a/p/sp/editorial_image/43/43a1729087b9de529d6bfca386e45be8/kareem_abduljabbar_assumed_shaq_didnt_need_or_want _my_help.jpg

It looks like CavsFTW was right...

Shaq was probably "only" 6-11 1/2.

07-12-2015, 03:01 PM
Wilt grabbed and shook it like it was a c0ck he wanted to eat:oldlol:


10-25-2016, 04:15 AM
Greatest handshake since God introduced himself to Moses.