View Full Version : Doc Rivers: DeAndre Jordan didn't owe Mark Cuban a call

07-10-2015, 12:22 AM
'' It's always the agent'' doc and clips stay winning

Discussing one of the NBA's wildest free-agent flip-flops, Clippers coach and president Doc Rivers said Thursday that DeAndre Jordan was under no obligation to call Mavericks owner Mark Cuban after backing out of his agreement with Dallas.

"Typically when a free agent leaves, the agent calls," Rivers said on a conference call with reporters. "DJ was with us seven years, and when he first decided to leave, his agent called me. Some people choose to make the call themselves, some people don't. That's why you hire reps to do that work for you. This summer, I've been turned down more than a college kid at a college bar, and I have yet to get a call from a player. It's always the agent. ... It's part of our league and it's fine. That's the way it's done."

Rivers said he first learned that Jordan was having second thoughts about agreeing to a free-agent deal with the Mavs "maybe Monday or Sunday." He said the meeting with Clippers players and team officials, including owner Steve Ballmer, at Jordan's house on Wednesday night was "a great team-building moment." But he said it didn't quite live up to all the reporting about it.

"Guys wanted to stay to see [Jordan sign]," Rivers said. "I heard that Blake [Griffin] put a chair against the door, which was hilarious. But DJ left the house a couple of times. This wasn't like, 'You can't leave the house.' None of that stuff happened. We all were free. J.J. [Redick] came and went, I left. It's funny how it was portrayed."

As for why Jordan decided to leave the Clippers in the first place before changing course and signing a four-year, $87.7 million deal to stay in LA, Rivers said, "When you're being recruited, sometimes you can get enchanted with it, and there's nothing wrong with that. But there's also, when that happens, you also have the right to look at it again and change your mind."

Asked whether he believed the contact that Mavs forward Chandler Parsons had with Jordan before the free-agency period began on July 1 was inappropriate or amounted to tampering, Rivers said, "If that is something that happened, I'm sure someone will figure it out. But that's not for me. Our goal was to get DJ, and we got him. So if all that other stuff did happen or didn't happen, it doesn't matter to us. We got our guy."

While Rivers didn't elaborate much on what went on in the meeting with Jordan, he did say that the complex relationship between Jordan and Chris Paul was addressed.

"The stuff that I heard about the hatred and all that was so overblown it was laughable," Rivers said. "But teams have issues; they always do. And so do families. Nobody on this call has a perfect family, and that's how I view teams. It was discussed, but all of it was just a good day as far as from a coaching standpoint that we had yesterday."

Despite the theatrics of Wednesday's turn of events, Rivers stopped short of calling for changes to the NBA's free-agent moratorium -- which, in this case, worked to his advantage.

"When people they make these decisions, they make it seem like it's so easy for anybody to make," he said. "These are career decisions that young people are making and career financial decisions. If the ebb and flow goes back and forth a guy changes his mind and goes back, that's life. It happens in business. It happens in every business. It's just that our business is the NBA and everybody reads about it."


07-10-2015, 12:32 AM
Cool Story, Glenn

07-10-2015, 01:01 AM
Glenn. Stays. Winning.


07-10-2015, 01:20 AM
Ok so DJ told his agent?

07-10-2015, 01:22 AM
Doc just trying to make DJ not feel bad for being such a puss

07-10-2015, 01:24 AM
lol, Doc sold his soul for another 2nd round exit.

07-10-2015, 01:30 AM
I agree business is business. How many times do players get a call from the GM or coach that they are being traded and have to uproot their families to a new city?

07-10-2015, 01:32 AM
Doc is the biggest **** in the NBA, bar none

07-10-2015, 01:45 AM
as long as you have not sign the dotted line, you can join any team

07-10-2015, 02:07 AM
Doc can suck one. His ass would be bitching like crazy if he was in Cuban's spot.

07-10-2015, 02:29 AM

If it happened to Doc he'd be crying like a bitch.

07-10-2015, 08:17 AM
DJ is Vermont from Ballers

07-10-2015, 09:09 AM
Glenn. Stays. Winning.


All day baby


07-10-2015, 10:02 AM
doc rivers probably just locked himself to another 10 years in the nba. if he's looking for another position somewhere else, he'll just sell this story on how he went all-out to get a player to come back.

07-10-2015, 10:41 AM
'' It's always the agent'' doc and clips stay winning
Clippers... winning? When was this? :wtf:

07-10-2015, 10:50 AM

Any businessman will tell you, you need to have the intestinal fortitude to speak your mind. Sometimes I have to tell my boss something she doesn't want to hear. Sometimes I have to tell people who work under me stuff they dont want to hear. Its business. Be a man.

DJ doesn't have it. He's mentally weak.

Smook A.
07-10-2015, 10:53 AM
He wouldn't be saying the same shit if DeAndre verbally signed with the Clips and just left for another team before July 9th :oldlol:

DeAndre should've at least called or texted Mark Cuban or Chandler Parsons to tell them how he felt. That was a huge dick move for not doing that. It's not professional at all. It's like leaving your new girlfriend for your ex-girlfriend without telling the new one what happened. That's pretty ****ing mean, lol. Of course as a Rockets fan I don't like the Mavs at all, but tbh I felt a little bad for them when DeAndre pulled that move. If he did that with the Rockets, I'd hate him with a passion and take that hatred all the way to my death bed.

07-10-2015, 10:59 AM
as long as you have not sign the dotted line, you can join any team

Legally it is fine. It just makes you look bad when you back out of agreements, even if they are just verbal.

07-10-2015, 11:00 AM
So...according to Doc, DJ DID indeed agree to the Mavs' pitch before reconsidering.

Everything Doc is saying is right...but DJ's still a bitch, I think. :confusedshrug:

Edit: I think if the shoe was on the other foot, Doc Rivers would be singing an entirely different tune.

07-10-2015, 11:43 AM

If it happened to Doc he'd be crying like a bitch.

Lol. So true.

07-10-2015, 11:48 AM
Clippers... winning? When was this? :wtf:

Seriously. And I thought Laker fans were cocky. Clipper fans are cocky as shit and they've never even made the conference finals, for fvck's sake. You have to actually win something before you can "stay winning."

07-10-2015, 11:53 AM
Seriously. And I thought Laker fans were cocky. Clipper fans are cocky as shit and they've never even made the conference finals, for fvck's sake. You have to actually win something before you can "stay winning."

To be fair, they are probably ex-Laker fans.

07-10-2015, 12:08 PM
To be fair, they are probably ex-Laker fans.
If they're cheering for the Clippers they were never real Laker fans anyways

07-10-2015, 12:11 PM
If they're cheering for the Clippers they were never real Laker fans anyways

Not saying they were. That is just the nature of bandwagon fans. They pretend to be true fans, until the tides change.

07-10-2015, 12:12 PM
If they're cheering for the Clippers they were never real Laker fans anyways

Absolutely bullsh*t. I am a die hard Laker fan and I bleed purple and gold and I still root for the Clippers. It's about rooting for the home team. Just like I am a Dodger fan but I want the Angels to do well. Same with hockey, I don't like it but want both LA teams to do well.

I mean I can understand some Laker fans who have a disdain for the Clippers. But for me, having living in LA since 1982, I naturally want all LA teams to do well.

07-10-2015, 12:27 PM
Absolutely bullsh*t. I am a die hard Laker fan and I bleed purple and gold and I still root for the Clippers. It's about rooting for the home team. Just like I am a Dodger fan but I want the Angels to do well. Same with hockey, I don't like it but want both LA teams to do well.

I mean I can understand some Laker fans who have a disdain for the Clippers. But for me, having living in LA since 1982, I naturally want all LA teams to do well.

That's just gross go wash you mouth out.

Screen name ClipperRevival. says he's a die hard Laker fan, looks more like a Clipper fan who jumped on the Lakers band wagon during their glory years

07-10-2015, 01:48 PM
Yes if the positions were reversed Doc would be whining like Lebron getting called for... well... anything, but then Cuban would also be hustling the same line as Doc is now. He'd be protecting his player. Cuban knows well how ruthless the FA/trading part of the game is. He's had an unapologetic hand in sticking it to other teams in the past. Complaining about not getting a phone call directly from DeAndre is him playing the only card he has left, how it's perceived in the media.

It sucks for the Mavs and their fans, period. No doubt. But a phone call wouldn't change that reality one bit.

07-10-2015, 01:50 PM
Of course he didn't owe him a call. It would be a nice gesture but it's all just business. Cuban is a big boy and I'm sure he has gone back on his word to procure a better deal at some point in his business/basketball career. Only difference here is that it was public.

07-10-2015, 01:56 PM
That's just gross go wash you mouth out.

Screen name ClipperRevival. says he's a die hard Laker fan, looks more like a Clipper fan who jumped on the Lakers band wagon during their glory years

Yeah ok, like I need to prove anything to you. I know where I loyalties lie.

07-10-2015, 02:10 PM
If they're cheering for the Clippers they were never real Laker fans anyways

Yeah. Same with those Dubs fans. I've never seen a team become so popular so fast like the Warriors. I wonder where the fans all came from?

07-10-2015, 02:12 PM
Doc can suck one. His ass would be bitching like crazy if he was in Cuban's spot.
yep. biggest whiner in the league. disgusting

07-10-2015, 02:15 PM
Of course he didn't owe him a call. It would be a nice gesture but it's all just business. Cuban is a big boy and I'm sure he has gone back on his word to procure a better deal at some point in his business/basketball career. Only difference here is that it was public.

I've been saying this all a long. This has definitely been done before, just not reported. Thanks to the media, this whole thing has became a circus. And another thing, I'm sure if the tables were turned and DJ did this to the Clippers, I bet there would be no issue. But because it's the Clippers and that they are easy to hate, it's a big deal.

07-10-2015, 02:24 PM
Of course he didn't owe him a call. It would be a nice gesture but it's all just business. Cuban is a big boy and I'm sure he has gone back on his word to procure a better deal at some point in his business/basketball career. Only difference here is that it was public.

It's not a great business practice to agree to something with someone and then back out on it.

07-10-2015, 03:08 PM
I've been saying this all a long. This has definitely been done before, just not reported. Thanks to the media, this whole thing has became a circus. And another thing, I'm sure if the tables were turned and DJ did this to the Clippers, I bet there would be no issue. But because it's the Clippers and that they are easy to hate, it's a big deal.

Of course. There are deals done all the time that one party backs out on.

I think it's the drama behind this one that makes it stand out. DJ calling Blake in tears, Doc making Chris Paul come back from vacation, staying with DJ until he signs the contract makes this the media circus that it is.

But I can remember the Warriors backing out of a deal with Suns in 2009 that really changed the course of our franchise. I bet a lot of people don't even know it happened. But I bet Suns fans do. I saw a tweet about it when DJ's mess was hot on Twitter.

Timmy D for MVP
07-10-2015, 03:11 PM
He didn't OWE him anything but good practice, and just being a man would dictate making the call. Especially once it's known that that person is looking for you.