View Full Version : Narcissism

07-12-2015, 10:38 PM
How many know what it means, how many think they have it, how many recognize it when they see it in other people.

07-12-2015, 10:44 PM
wilt was

07-12-2015, 11:03 PM
wilt was
Much of the time of course, as is most every top tier professional athlete I think that's almost got to be part of the psychology of the best athletes. You have to believe your the best to go out there and compete at a high level against the other best players in the world.

07-12-2015, 11:51 PM
Can't define it, but symptoms are easy to pick

Excessive self-love and a flavor of egocentricism.
Often associated with an only child.
Conversations will be extremely focused around them AKA not mutual.
Often have a skewed worldview of things that's disproportionately based upon that person's ego i.e. "not in my case >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> statistics or general observations and scientific truths"
Usually very very forward with their opinions
Often energy vampires
Often have relationships with more passive wandering souls who kinda egg the narcissist on.

07-13-2015, 12:13 AM
Can't define it, but symptoms are easy to pick

Excessive self-love and a flavor of egocentricism.
Often associated with an only child.
Conversations will be extremely focused around them AKA not mutual.
Often have a skewed worldview of things that's disproportionately based upon that person's ego i.e. "not in my case >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> statistics or general observations and scientific truths"
Usually very very forward with their opinions
Often energy vampires
Often have relationships with more passive wandering souls who kinda egg the narcissist on.
I think it is more common in younger folks too. Like I notice people, myself included, tend/ed to display more self-centered behaviors as kids or young adults and either grow out of it or possibly (or hopefully) goes away through being humbled through life experiences.

Also aren't a lot of world leaders, at least of the dictator/totalitarian regime mold, very self centered by nature?

07-13-2015, 12:16 AM
I think it is more common in younger folks too. Like I notice people, myself included, tend to display narcissistic behaviors such as you mentioned and either grow out of it or possibly it goes away through being humbled by life experiences.
In your case not being the most coordinated athlete probably humbled you.

07-13-2015, 12:20 AM
I think it is more common in younger folks too. Like I notice people, myself included, tend to display more self-centered behaviors as kids or young adults and either grow out of it or possibly (or hopefully) goes away through being humbled through life experiences.

Also aren't a lot of world leaders, at least of the dictator/totalitarian regime mold, very self centered by nature?

Nice resource


07-13-2015, 12:21 AM
How many know what it means, how many think they have it, how many recognize it when they see it in other people.
I've spoken about it here several times; serial killers often have "malignant narcissism." That LA cop who went on a kill spree and was eventually killed up at that cabin was a malignant narcissist according to a profiler who read his manifesto.

07-13-2015, 12:25 AM
In your case not being the most coordinated athlete probably humbled you.

Four sports did humble me, Track (I showed potential in middle school, then didn't do sports for a few years and was terrible the first year when I jumped in at Varsity level to the point I injured myself) Volleyball, Soccer and Basketball. Basketball I still play and still enjoy no matter how bad I look.

07-13-2015, 12:36 AM
How many know what it means

how many think they have it

how many recognize it when they see it in other people

07-13-2015, 12:39 AM

Four sports did humble me, Track (I showed potential in middle school, then didn't do sports for a few years and was terrible the first year when I jumped in at Varsity level to the point I injured myself) Volleyball, Soccer and Basketball. Basketball I still play and still enjoy no matter how bad I look.
i watched your clips and i play with a guy in a similar boat. you're clearly 3x the player he is, in terms of hustle and positioning and understanding. people don't seem to grasp that 5v5 pick up does not require a great deal of skill. invariably somebody on your squad will be able to score. by understanding their spots and putting the ball in their hands with precision, you're helping your team just as much.

but no, as soon as some spoiled jackass sees a handle, he says "this guy doesnt know what hes doing"

07-14-2015, 01:06 AM
You should be fearful of the ones that hide behind masks and facades. Not the ones that show themselves to everyone and are obvious.


07-14-2015, 01:13 AM
Apparently, this generation is the most narcissistic in human history(or something along those lines) as parents are over nurturing their kids and brainwashing their kids to believe they are the greatest thing ever. And of course every parent thinks their kid is destined to be great or the next star. Maybe the newer generations are being robbed of "grit" because they have everything handed to them?

07-14-2015, 01:23 AM

Take the test. I scored a 10.

07-14-2015, 01:40 AM
Apparently, this generation is the most narcissistic in human history(or something along those lines) as parents are over nurturing their kids and brainwashing their kids to believe they are the greatest thing ever. And of course every parent thinks their kid is destined to be great or the next star. Maybe the newer generations are being robbed of "grit" because they have everything handed to them?


07-14-2015, 01:46 AM
I got a 29.

Your Total: 29

Between 12 and 15 is average.
Celebrities often score closer to 18.
Narcissists score over 20.
Because you scored 18 or higher, you may want to check out the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder.

Here is what I think about this test..........



07-14-2015, 02:28 AM
Self centeredness and loving oneself is natural. Narcissism is just an excessive form of it.


Not able to sleep at times is normal, but if you can't sleep all the time then you have insomnia.

07-14-2015, 02:32 AM
Self centeredness and loving oneself is natural. Narcissism is just an excessive form of it.


Not able to sleep at times is normal, but if you can't sleep all the time then you have insomnia.
this is a fantastic point and, imo, a segue into why the disorder kevin posted above -- malignant narcissism -- could be an overstep of boundaries by the medical community. they are classifying a variety of complicated systems under the rubric of a word everybody uses instinctively to imply a universal trait. which is self-centeredness, as you said. you have anti-social behaviour continuing to psychopathy. medical classification is interesting in this regard.

but narcissism itself has a lot of facets. i bet if j$ entered this thread under the right prompt, he could rattle off a half dozen ancient fables about the perils of narcissism.

07-14-2015, 03:05 AM
I scored a 17.

I will be the first to admit I can be narcissistic at times. We all can be. But on the scale from 1-Kanye I'm about a 4 narcissist, not bad.

Side note: Euroleague- I genuinely enjoy your posts when they aren't euroleague related(the basketball league, not you, ya narcissistic euro)

07-14-2015, 08:23 AM
Yeah, a profiler... That's probably unbiased.

His goal definitely wasn't to make the LAPD and other organizations look better by comparison.

Better than the guy who chose his own lawyer's daughter as his first victim? Better than the guy whose own family wanted nothing to do with him? Better than the malignant narcissist who alerted cable news before his kill spree and who felt that celebrities would want to know his opinion of the show biz careers?

07-14-2015, 08:37 AM
I scored a 14. Anyone else surprised that euroleague claims he scored a 29? i bet if we got Kennethgriff and other clowns like 3ball and Real they'd all score very high. It's been said for so long, ISH is basically an online mental asylum waiting to be the next psychological case study