View Full Version : How good would a player have to be to force a team to change their name?

07-16-2015, 09:55 AM
Say there was a point guard who averaged 50/18/12 who just came off his rookie contract and was a free agent. He's a great locker room guy and would sign for the minimum but, his only demand was that he could change the team name to something ridiculously stupid like, "The Milwaukee Turd Burglars" or "Cleveland Steamers". Would you sign him and change the name or let him pass? If not, how good would he have to be?

LeBron could make it happen. The LeBron James Show vs The Los Angeles Lakers

07-16-2015, 09:56 AM
LeBron could make it happen. The LeBron James Show vs The Los Angeles Lakers

I am 100% in support of this. In fact, if we garner enough interest ill make a change.org petition :roll:

The Cleveland Lebrons

07-16-2015, 10:18 AM
Why would you want to change the name of a team? Look at the Redskins - the fans don't want the name changed, the owner doesn't want it changed but the courts are getting involved and ruling against the trademark. People are just too politically correct these days. Think we really have liberty and freedom - we don't - can't say what you want, can't donate to who you please or people track it down and crucify you for it.

07-16-2015, 10:21 AM
I'm willing to bet LeBron could've done that to Gilbert in 2010. Maybe Kevin Durant in 2016?

07-16-2015, 10:27 AM
Why would you want to change the name of a team? Look at the Redskins - the fans don't want the name changed, the owner doesn't want it changed but the courts are getting involved and ruling against the trademark. People are just too politically correct these days. Think we really have liberty and freedom - we don't - can't say what you want, can't donate to who you please or people track it down and crucify you for it.

My ***** its an off season thread, don't take it to heart.

K Xerxes
07-16-2015, 10:33 AM
50/18/12 sounds like Wilt type numbers, and he ended up with 2 rings. Maybe if the rookie led a shit team to the chip. You need success to match the numbers.

Cleveland steamers doesn't seem all too bad actually...

07-16-2015, 11:08 AM
Cleveland Naps. No really, look it up. Team named after a player.